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Signals and Systems
作者: 来源 : 时间:2014-12-10 字体<    >

出版社 Wiley

出版时间 2001/06/26

ISBN 9780471988007

字数 42万字

页数 592页


    This book provides a comprehensive, modern approach to signals and systems, concentrating on those aspects that are most relevant for applications such as communication systems and signal processing. Emphasis is placed on building the reader's intuition and problem-solving ability, rather than formal theorems and proofs. "The coverage of the book is comprehensive, providing a broad overview, using a whole host of exercises. The wealth of the worked examples and problems complemented by solutions is particularly attractive. The level of mathematics is not too daunting for the good average student and the authors do their utmost to mitigate the difficulties, skilfully using worked examples." Prof. Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton author of Mobile Radio Communications and Single-and Multi-carrier QAM Check out the companion Website for 'Systool' simulation software using Java applets to animate many of the key examples and exercises from the book.





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