Record 1 of
Title:Dark gap soliton families in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with linear lattices
Author Full Names:Chen, Junbo; Mihalache, Dumitru; Belic, Milivoj R.; Qin, Wenqiang; Zhu, Danfeng; Zhu, Xing; Zeng, LiangweiSource Title:NONLINEAR DYNAMICSLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:Article; Early AccessKeywords Plus:STABILITYAbstract:We demonstrate that two types of dark gap soliton families, the fundamental dark solitons and the dark soliton clusters, can be stabilized in coupled nonlinear Schr & ouml;dinger equations (NLSEs) with linear lattices. Two types of coupled NLSEs are investigated, those with identical lattices and those with different lattices. In the latter case, one component features a monochromatic linear lattice, while the other features a bichromatic linear lattice. For coupled NLSEs with the same lattices, the soliton profiles are nearly identical, with both components exhibiting monochromatic backgrounds. In contrast, for coupled NLSEs with different lattices, the profiles differ significantly: one component has a monochromatic background, while the other has a bichromatic background. The stability domains of these dark soliton families are determined by the method of linear stability analysis, and also confirmed by direct numerical simulations.Addresses:[Chen, Junbo; Zhu, Danfeng] Jiaying Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Engn, Meizhou 514015, Peoples R China; [Mihalache, Dumitru] Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys & Nucl Engn, Bucharest 077125, Romania; [Belic, Milivoj R.] Hamad Bin Khalifa Univ, Coll Sci & Engn, Doha 23874, Qatar; [Qin, Wenqiang] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Elect Sci & Engn, Shaanxi Key Lab Informat Photon Tech, Key Lab Phys Elect & Devices,Minist Educ, Xian 710049, Peoples R China; [Qin, Wenqiang] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Key Lab Ultrafast Photoelect Diagnost Technol CAS, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Qin, Wenqiang] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China; [Zhu, Xing; Zeng, Liangwei] Guangzhou Maritime Univ, Sch Arts & Sci, Guangzhou 510725, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Jiaying University; Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering; Qatar Foundation (QF); Hamad Bin Khalifa University-Qatar; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Guangzhou Maritime UniversityPublication Year:2024DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11071-024-10788-4数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001380914100001 -
Record 2 of
Title:Neural-network enabled octave-spanning coherent diffraction imaging
Author Full Names:Li, Boyang; Xiao, Zehua; Yuan, Hao; Xue, Bing; Cao, Huabao; Wang, Hushan; Zhao, Wei; Fu, YuxiSource Title:APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERSLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleKeywords Plus:RAY; MICROSCOPY; DYNAMICSAbstract:Ultrafast lasers, providing the shortest pulses worldwide, have been playing a vital role in the ultrafast imaging technology. The temporal resolution has been increasing rapidly in recent years but finally reaches its limit-the pulse width approaches photoperiods, causing significant broadening of spectral bandwidth. The state-of-the-art high harmonics generation based attosecond lasers, with pulse widths reaching similar to 50 attoseconds, present octave-spanning spectra. This brings a major challenge to traditional imaging methods, as they result in unbearable chromatic aberrations. To address this challenge, we propose the neural-network approach for broadband imaging and demonstrate its effectiveness empirically by facilitating rapid coherent diffractive imaging under octave-spanning supercontinuum illumination. The proposed method remains effective when deployed with three-octave-spanning spectra, supporting both continuous and comb-like profiles as indicated by simulations. Such lensless imaging method, applicable to both extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray sources, potentially provides an approach to attosecond imaging.Addresses:[Li, Boyang; Xiao, Zehua; Yuan, Hao; Xue, Bing; Cao, Huabao; Wang, Hushan; Zhao, Wei; Fu, Yuxi] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Ctr Attosecond Sci & Technol CAST, Xian 710119, Shaanxi, Peoples R China; [Yuan, Hao; Cao, Huabao; Wang, Hushan; Zhao, Wei; Fu, Yuxi] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:125Issue:25Article Number:251104DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0231298数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001381032600016 -
Record 3 of
Title:Full-gray optical trapping by high-order multipole-resonant gradient forces in structured light
Author Full Names:Zhang, Yanan; Li, Manman; Zhou, Yuan; Gao, Wenyu; Xu, Xiaohao; Yan, Shaohui; Yao, BaoliSource Title:PHYSICAL REVIEW ALanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleKeywords Plus:SILICON NANOPARTICLES; MANIPULATION; SCATTERING; PARTICLES; DYNAMICSAbstract:The optical gradient force trap lies at the heart of optical tweezers, with applications in a wide spectrum of sciences. It is conventionally perceived that the trap is either bright or dark, capturing small particles towards the intensity maxima or minima. Here, we demonstrate that there may exist an intermediate trapping state, which we refer to as the full-gray optical trapping, to permit distinct equilibrium positions where the light intensity incident on each part of the particle is neither maximized nor minimized. The appearance of this third-type trap is attributed to the excitation of high-order multipole resonances, which strongly couples nonlocal intensity inhomogeneity to the gradient force, yielding a unique force-vector field that converges on the gray region. By expanding the classification of optical traps and generalizing the gradient force theory to arbitrary-order multipoles, our findings underscore the impact of Mie responses on optomechanics and will facilitate the development of nanoparticle cooling, patterning, and ultrasensitive sorting.Addresses:[Zhang, Yanan; Li, Manman; Zhou, Yuan; Gao, Wenyu; Xu, Xiaohao; Yan, Shaohui; Yao, Baoli] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Yanan; Zhou, Yuan; Gao, Wenyu; Yao, Baoli] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:110Issue:6Article Number:63517DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.063517数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001389455900003 -
Record 4 of
Title:Triplet Network for One-Shot Raman Spectrum Recognition
Author Full Names:Wang, Bo; Zhang, Pu; Zhao, Wei; Ren, Wenzhen; Zhu, Xiangping; Jiao, Ying; Liao, Qi; Yao, ZhenSource Title:APPLIED SPECTROSCOPYLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:Article; Early AccessKeywords Plus:SPECTROSCOPYAbstract:Raman spectroscopy is widely used for material detection due to its specificity, but its application to spectral recognition often faces limitations due to insufficient training data, unlike fields such as image recognition. Traditional machine learning or basic neural networks are commonly used, but they have limited ability to achieve high precision. We have proposed a novel approach that combines the Triplet network (TN) and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) techniques to address this issue. TN maps the Raman spectral sequences to a 128-dimensional Euclidean space to extract features, enabling the features in the new space to more accurately represent the similarities or differences between spectra, and then utilizes the KNN algorithm to perform classification tasks in this feature space. Our method exhibits superior performance in recognizing unknown Raman spectra with minimal training samples per class. We employed a handheld Raman spectrometer with an excitation wavelength of 785 nm to collect the Raman spectra of 36 samples, including 28 safe materials and eight hazardous materials. Using only one spectrum as a support set for each category, the hazardous samples were successfully distinguished from the safe samples with an accuracy of 99.6%. Additionally, our model offers adaptability without requiring exhaustive retraining when adding new prediction classes. In situations with high background fluorescence, the TN performs better in measuring the distance between spectra of the same class than traditional distance measurement methods.Addresses:[Wang, Bo; Zhang, Pu; Zhao, Wei; Ren, Wenzhen; Zhu, Xiangping] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, 17 Xinxi Rd,New Ind Pk, Beijing, Shaanxi, Peoples R China; [Wang, Bo] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China; [Jiao, Ying; Liao, Qi; Yao, Zhen] Shaanxi Reg Ctr, Natl Narcot Lab, Narcot Tech Ctr Shaanxi Prov Publ Secur Dept, Key Lab Drugs Anal & Intelligent Monitoring, Xian, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00037028241297180数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001373672300001 -
Record 5 of
Title:Reconstruction of NICER-observed crab pulsar profiles during earth orbit using a semi-physical experimental system
Author Full Names:Yun, Li; Tong, Su; Sheng, Lizhi; Wei, Zheng; Ruili, Zhang; Qiang, Pengfei; Wang, Bo; Liu, YonganSource Title:MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS BLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:Article; Early AccessKeywords Plus:NAVIGATION; ALGORITHMAbstract:X-ray pulsar navigation (XNAV) is a critical technique for spacecraft navigation in deep space, capitalizing on the precise timing properties of X-ray pulsars. Despite extensive research in pulsar observations, signal processing algorithms, and data fusion algorithms, existing technology suffers from immature algorithms, leading to positioning errors and inaccurate accuracy, which significantly hampers navigation effectiveness. In order to facilitate more refined research into navigation algorithms, this paper proposes a method that utilizes a semi-physical experimental system for profile reconstruction, with the goal of simulating pulsar behavior on Earth. By integrating precise X-ray pulse generation, detection systems and signal processing, the reconstruction of Crab pulsar profiles has been successfully achieved. These reconstructed profiles exhibit remarkably high fidelity with parameters disclosed by NASA, boasting a profile reconstruction coefficient of 0.99849. The mean error between parameters provided by NASA and those derived from semi-physical experimentation is 17.11ns, with a standard deviation of 254.59ns. This validation confirms the feasibility and reliability of conducting experiments using the semi-physical simulation system. Such a system lays the groundwork for advancing pulsar navigation technology, facilitating improved spacecraft positioning and trajectory determination in deep space exploration endeavors.Addresses:[Yun, Li] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Dept Optoelect, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Tong, Su; Sheng, Lizhi; Ruili, Zhang; Qiang, Pengfei; Wang, Bo; Liu, Yongan] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transients Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Wei, Zheng] Natl Univ Def Technol, Coll Def Sci & Technol, Changsha, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; National University of Defense Technology - ChinaPublication Year:2024DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S021798492550068X数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001370043700001 -
Record 6 of
Title:Optimization Design of Pt/C Multilayer Supermirrorsfor Hard X-rays
Author Full Names:Zheng, Renzhou; Qiang, Pengfei; Yan, Yongqing; Li, Yue; Zhou, Qingyong; Sheng, LizhiSource Title:NANOLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:Article; Early AccessKeywords Plus:MIRRORS; FABRICATIONAbstract:Aperiodic multilayers have important applications in hard X-rays astronomical observations due to their broadband responses. This paper presents an optimization model of Pt/C power-law graded stack multilayers using the IMD software. The reflectivity expression of multilayers was derived from the reflection theory of X-ray multilayers and Fresnel recursion formulas. Then, the effects of maximum bi-layer thickness (d(max)), ratio of high-density material thickness to bi-layer thickness (Gamma), power-law index (c), number of bi-layers (N), grazing incidence angle (phi), interfacial roughness (sigma), and photon energy (E) on the reflectivity were analyzed. The calculation results showed that the d(max), Gamma and c control the shift of response range, absorption peak and Bragg peaks, respectively. And the decrease of N and increase of phi and sigma can result in the reduction of reflectivity at different energies. Additionally, an optimized multilayer structure was proposed according to the extremum of merit function, which can achieve a broadband reflectivity of no less than 0.6 from 1keV up to 80keV. These results can provide important references for the response characteristic analysis and optimization design of multilayers.Addresses:[Zheng, Renzhou; Qiang, Pengfei; Yan, Yongqing; Li, Yue; Sheng, Lizhi] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Zhou, Qingyong] State Key Lab Geoinformat Engn, Xian 710000, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & PhotonicsPublication Year:2024DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1793292024501790数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001371162400001 -
Record 7 of
Title:200 mm optical synthetic aperture imaging over 120 meters distance via macroscopic Fourier ptychography
Author Full Names:Zhang, Qi; Lu, Yuran; Guo, Yinghui; Shang, Yingjie; Pu, Mingbo; Fan, Yulong; Zhou, Rui; Li, Xiaoyin; Pan, An; Zhang, Fei; Xu, Mingfeng; Luo, XiangangSource Title:OPTICS EXPRESSLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleKeywords Plus:FIELDAbstract:Fourier ptychography (FP) imaging, drawing on the idea of synthetic aperture, has been demonstrated as a potential approach for remote sub-diffraction-limited imaging. Nevertheless, the farthest imaging distance is still limited to around 10 m, even though there has been a significant improvement in macroscopic FP. The most severe issue in increasing the imaging distance is the field of view (FoV) limitation caused by far-field conditions for diffraction. Here, we propose to modify the Fourier far-field condition for rough reflective objects, aiming to overcome the small FoV limitation by using a divergent beam to illuminate objects. A joint optimization of pupil function and target image is utilized to attain the aberration-free image while estimating the pupil function simultaneously. Benefiting from the optimized reconstruction algorithm, which effectively expands the camera's effective aperture, we experimentally implement several FP systems suited for imaging distances of 12 m, 65 m, and 120 m with the maximum synthetic aperture of 200 mm. The maximum synthetic aperture is thus improved by more than one order of magnitude of the state-of-the-art works from the furthest distance, with an over fourfold improvement in the resolution compared to a single aperture. Our findings demonstrate significant potential for advancing the field of macroscopic FP, propelling it into a new stage of development. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing AgreementAddresses:[Zhang, Qi; Guo, Yinghui; Shang, Yingjie; Pu, Mingbo; Fan, Yulong; Li, Xiaoyin; Zhang, Fei; Xu, Mingfeng; Luo, Xiangang] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, Natl Key Lab Opt Field Manipulat Sci & Technol, Chengdu 610209, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Qi; Guo, Yinghui; Shang, Yingjie; Pu, Mingbo; Fan, Yulong; Li, Xiaoyin; Zhang, Fei; Xu, Mingfeng; Luo, Xiangang] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, State Key Lab Opt Technol Nanofabricat & Microengn, Chengdu 610209, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Qi; Guo, Yinghui; Shang, Yingjie; Pu, Mingbo; Fan, Yulong; Li, Xiaoyin; Zhang, Fei; Xu, Mingfeng; Luo, Xiangang] Chinese Acad Sci, Res Ctr Vector Opt Fields, Inst Opt & Elect, Chengdu 610209, Peoples R China; [Lu, Yuran; Zhou, Rui] Tianfu Xinglong Lake Lab, Chengdu 610299, Peoples R China; [Guo, Yinghui; Shang, Yingjie; Pu, Mingbo; Luo, Xiangang] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Mat Sci & Optoelect Technol, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China; [Guo, Yinghui] Sichuan Prov Engn Res Ctr Digital Mat, Chengdu 610299, Peoples R China; [Pan, An] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Optics & Electronics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Optics & Electronics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Optics & Electronics, CAS; Tianfu Xinglong Lake Laboratory; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & PhotonicsPublication Year:2024Volume:32Issue:25Start Page:44252End Page:44264DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.533063数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001380209700002 -
Record 8 of
Title:Backlight Imaging Based on Laser-Gated Technology
Author Full Names:Bai, Jinzhou; Zhang, Hengkang; Gao, Huiqin; Guo, Shaogang; Wang, Siyuan; Pan, AnSource Title:PHOTONICSLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleAbstract:Backlight imaging refers to the process of capturing images when the light source directly enters the lens of imaging devices or against a high-brightness background, which usually suffers from degraded imaging quality caused by direct or reflected strong light. Traditional backlight imaging methods involve reducing light flux, expanding dynamic range, and utilizing avoidance angles. However, these methods only partially address the issue of backlighting, and are unable to effectively extract information from the areas overwhelmed by the backlight. To overcome these limitations, this paper reported a backlight imaging technique based on active illumination laser gated imaging technology (AILGIT), originally applied in underwater scattering imaging. Given that backlight imaging is essentially a form of scattering imaging, this technique is likely applicable to backlight scenarios. The AILGIT employs nanosecond-gated imaging components synchronized with nanosecond pulse laser illumination to spatially slice the target. This method allows the camera to capture target signals within specific slices only, which effectively suppresses ambient light and scattering interference from the medium and achieves high-contrast imaging with strong backlight suppression. Experiments obtained dynamic backlight imaging results for a vehicle with headlight on at night from a distance of 500 m, with 60 frames per second and a 4.2 by 2.8 meters' field of view, where wheel contours and the license plate can be clearly distinguished. The result not only demonstrates the potential of AILGIT in suppressing strong backlight, but also lays the foundation for further research on laser 3D imaging and subsequent processing techniques for backlight targets.Addresses:[Bai, Jinzhou; Gao, Huiqin; Wang, Siyuan; Pan, An] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Hengkang; Guo, Shaogang] Beijing Inst Control Engn, Space Optoelect Measurement & Sensing Lab, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China; [Pan, An] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100094, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics & Photonics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:11Issue:12Article Number:1141DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/photonics11121141数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001383954100001 -
Record 9 of
Title:Hyperspectral Reconstruction Method Based on Global Gradient Information and Local Low-Rank Priors
Author Full Names:Cao, Chipeng; Li, Jie; Wang, Pan; Jin, Weiqiang; Zou, Runrun; Qi, ChunSource Title:REMOTE SENSINGLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleAbstract:Hyperspectral compressed imaging is a novel imaging detection technology based on compressed sensing theory that can quickly acquire spectral information of terrestrial objects in a single exposure. It combines reconstruction algorithms to recover hyperspectral data from low-dimensional measurement images. However, hyperspectral images from different scenes often exhibit high-frequency data sparsity and existing deep reconstruction algorithms struggle to establish accurate mapping models, leading to issues with detail loss in the reconstruction results. To address this issue, we propose a hyperspectral reconstruction method based on global gradient information and local low-rank priors. First, to improve the prior model's efficiency in utilizing information of different frequencies, we design a gradient sampling strategy and training framework based on decision trees, leveraging changes in the loss function gradient information to enhance the model's predictive capability for data of varying frequencies. Second, utilizing the local low-rank prior characteristics of the representative coefficient matrix, we develop a sparse sensing denoising module to effectively improve the local smoothness of point predictions. Finally, by establishing a regularization term for the reconstruction process based on the semantic similarity between the denoised results and prior spectral data, we ensure spatial consistency and spectral fidelity in the reconstruction results. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method achieves better detail recovery across different scenes, demonstrates improved generalization performance for reconstructing information of various frequencies, and yields higher reconstruction quality.Addresses:[Cao, Chipeng; Li, Jie; Wang, Pan; Jin, Weiqiang; Zou, Runrun; Qi, Chun] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Informat & Commun Engn, Xian 710049, Peoples R China; [Cao, Chipeng] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710049, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Xi'an Jiaotong University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:16Issue:24Article Number:4759DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs16244759数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001384548300001 -
Record 10 of
Title:An Extend Sliding Mode Disturbance Observer for Optical Inertial Platform Line-of-Sight Stabilized Control
Author Full Names:Chang, Sansan; Yang, Di; Cao, Jianzhong; Li, XiangSource Title:MACHINESLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleKeywords Plus:SYSTEMSAbstract:As the imaging distance and focal length of photoelectric systems increase, the requirements for line-of-sight stabilization of optical inertial stabilized platforms (ISPs) become higher. Disturbance rejection directly determines the stability accuracy of optical inertial stabilized platforms. However, the accurate observation and suppression of wide-band and rapidly changing disturbances remains a challenge in current engineering applications. This paper proposes a robust extended sliding mode observer (ESMO) method to improve disturbance estimation performance. First, the linear extended state observer (LESO) is designed by taking the total disturbances as extended states. Then, a sliding mode observer (SMO) is incorporated in the extended states of the extended observer, forming a robust ESMO. Subsequently, the robustness and convergence characteristics of the proposed method are mathematically proved, revealing that it operates robustly without knowing the disturbance's upper bound and offers faster dynamics and higher accuracy than the LESO. Finally, a series of simulation experimental tests are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method observes wide-band and rapidly changing disturbances utilizing the rapidly switching characteristic of the SMO and smooths the jitter of the SMO by cascading sliding mode estimation to the differentiation term of extended observation, achieving the integral effect of the reaching law. Meanwhile, this method only requires adjusting two parameters, making it suitable for engineering applications. It can be effectively used in optical inertial stabilized platform control systems for disturbance estimation and compensation.Addresses:[Chang, Sansan; Yang, Di; Cao, Jianzhong; Li, Xiang] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Chang, Sansan] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:12Issue:12Article Number:849DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/machines12120849数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001384610600001 -
Record 11 of
Title:Three-channel-switchable coded aperture snapshot multispectral polarization imaging
Author Full Names:Dong, Xue; Xiang, Meng; Lan, Yubo; Cai, Chang; Shao, Xiaopeng; Xie, Peiyue; Han, Pingli; Niu, Sibo; Liu, Yanyan; Liu, Jinpeng; Liu, FeiSource Title:OPTICS LETTERSLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleAbstract:An ingenious and compact snapshot multispectral polarization imaging method is proposed based on a new, to the best of our knowledge, three-channel-switchable spectral polarization coded aperture. We utilize the coded aperture to simultaneously select three-channel light components and encode them with specific spectrum-polarization coefficients. It enables easy retrieval of each channel's light component from the mixed information via polarization measurements and linear decoding operations. Distinct three-channel light components can be detected simultaneously, thus achieving either three spectral images or linearly polarized ones per snapshot. The number of detectable light components is unlimited and triple that of snapshot times, showing its superior capability in measuring spectral polarization properties. The resulting prototype is miniaturized, featuring compact dimensions of Phi 5.5 cm x 25 cm and a light weight of similar to 800 g. This is attributed to its simplistic structure comprising a monochrome polarization detector and an imaging lens integrated with the coded aperture, making it suitable for portable and on-board applications. Furthermore, the absence of advanced or costly production technologies for manufacturing the prototype ensures an affordable price for its acquisition, facilitating widespread adoption and application of the proposed method. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group. All rights, including for text and data mining (TDM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, and similar technologies, are reserved.Addresses:[Dong, Xue; Xiang, Meng; Lan, Yubo; Cai, Chang; Xie, Peiyue; Han, Pingli; Niu, Sibo; Liu, Jinpeng; Liu, Fei] Xidian Univ, Sch Optoelect Engn, Xian 710071, Peoples R China; [Dong, Xue; Xiang, Meng; Lan, Yubo; Cai, Chang; Xie, Peiyue; Liu, Jinpeng; Liu, Fei] Xian Key Lab Comp Imaging, Xian 710071, Peoples R China; [Dong, Xue] Natl Key Lab Infrared Detect Technol, Shanghai 200083, Peoples R China; [Xiang, Meng] Beijing Key Lab Adv Opt Remote Sensing Technol, Beijing 100094, Peoples R China; [Shao, Xiaopeng] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Liu, Yanyan] Natl Key Lab Electromagnet Space Secur, Tianjin 300308, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Xidian University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:49Issue:23Start Page:6681End Page:6684DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.540931数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001380285200004 -
Record 12 of
Title:Research on the Principle and Suppression Method of Micro-Vibration Generation in a Spatial Optoelectronic Mechanism
Author Full Names:Gao, Bo; Yang, Hongtao; Chen, Weining; Wang, Hao; Qi, Zimiao; Liu, YangSource Title:MACHINESLanguage:EnglishDocument Type:ArticleKeywords Plus:WORM; DYNAMICSAbstract:This paper designs a spatial photoelectric scanning mechanism that utilizes the large transmission ratio and reverses the self-locking performance of worm gears and gears. The institution uses a stepper motor to drive the worm gear component, thereby driving the worm gear to drive the alarm camera for spatial alarm imaging work. The stepper motor provides the driving force for motion, and, simultaneously, the alarm camera image can be compared with the star map to achieve position feedback. Therefore, this mechanism can achieve closed-loop control without angle measuring devices, achieving the lightweight design of the photoelectric scanning mechanism. Although this driving mechanism has many advantages, due to the micro-vibration formed by the gear backlash between teeth during the operation of the worm gear and worm, micro-vibrations are generated in the system, which can interfere with satellites with high precision requirements and affect their normal operation. This paper analyzes and experimentally verifies the principle of micro-vibrations in the worm gear and worm movement mechanism, and takes a certain photoelectric scanning turntable as an example to suppress micro-vibrations. The micro-vibration momentum level has been reduced from 7 N (at its peak) to 3.5 N (at its peak), with the number of targets increased by 50%, resulting in an effective suppression effect.Addresses:[Gao, Bo; Yang, Hongtao; Chen, Weining; Wang, Hao] Chinese Acad Sci, Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, 17 Xinxi Rd, New Ind Pk, Xian Hitech Ind Dev Zone, Xian 710119, Peoples R China; [Gao, Bo; Yang, Hongtao; Qi, Zimiao; Liu, Yang] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Optoelect, 1 Yanqihu East Rd, Huairou Dist, Beijing 101408, Peoples R China; [Gao, Bo; Chen, Weining] Xian Key Lab Spacecraft Opt Imaging & Measurement, 17 Xinxi Rd, New Ind Pk, Xian Hitech Ind Dev Zone, Xian 710119, Peoples R ChinaAffiliations:Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xi'an Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CASPublication Year:2024Volume:12Issue:12Article Number:857DOI Link:http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/machines12120857数据库ID(收录号):WOS:001384773800001