Record 1 of 244

Title: Frequency non-degenerate phase-sensitive optical parametric amplification based on fourwave-mixing in width-modulated silicon waveguides

Author(s): Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Li, XF (Li, Xuefeng)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 25  Pages: 31486-31495  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.031486  Published: DEC 15 2014  

Abstract: A width-modulated silicon waveguide is proposed to realize nondegenerate phase sensitive optical parametric amplification. It is found that the relative phase at the input of the phase sensitive amplifier (PSA) theta(In-PSA) can be tuned by tailoring the width and length of the second segment of the width-modulated silicon waveguide, which will influence the gain in the parametric amplification process. The maximum gain of PSA is larger by 9 dB compared with the phase insensitive amplifier (PIA) gain, and the gain bandwidth of PSA is larger by 35 nm compared with the gain bandwidth of PIA. Our on-chip PSA can find important potential applications in highly integrated optical circuits for optical chip-to-chip communication and computers. (C)2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000346368800143

PubMed ID: 25607099

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 



lin, yuan 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 2 of 244

Title: Sub-100 ns passively Q-switched Nd:LuAG laser with multi-walled carbon nanotube

Author(s): Chen, XT (Chen, X. T.); Zhao, SZ (Zhao, S. Z.); Zhao, J (Zhao, J.); Yang, KJ (Yang, K. J.); Li, GQ (Li, G. Q.); Li, DC (Li, D. C.); Qiao, WC (Qiao, W. C.); Li, T (Li, T.); Zhang, HJ (Zhang, H. J.); Feng, TL (Feng, T. L.); Xu, XD (Xu, X. D.); Zheng, LH (Zheng, L. H.); Xu, J (Xu, J.); Wang, YG (Wang, Y. G.); Wang, YS (Wang, Y. S.)

Source: OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 64  Pages: 7-10  DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2014.04.019  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: We report the first demonstration of a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:LuAG laser with a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) as saturable absorber. A maximum average output power of 844 mW and pulses as short as 78 ns under a repetition rate of about 100 kHz were generated. A MWCNT Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was comparatively investigated, in comparison with which the Nd:LuAG laser showed lower threshold absorbed pump power and higher pulse energy, indicating a better energy storage ability of Nd:LuAG crystal than Nd:YAG. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340336100002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yijun 



li, xinke 






Yang, Kejian 



Han, Yang 



Wang, yanru 



zhang, hao 



Liu, Ying 



zhao, jia 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yixuan 



wang, yi 



wang, jing 




ISSN: 0030-3992

eISSN: 1879-2545



Record 3 of 244

Title: Flowing on Riemannian Manifold: Domain Adaptation by Shifting Covariance

Author(s): Cui, Z (Cui, Zhen); Li, W (Li, Wen); Xu, D (Xu, Dong); Shan, SG (Shan, Shiguang); Chen, XL (Chen, Xilin); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 12  Pages: 2264-2273  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2305701  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Domain adaptation has shown promising results in computer vision applications. In this paper, we propose a new unsupervised domain adaptation method called domain adaptation by shifting covariance (DASC) for object recognition without requiring any labeled samples from the target domain. By characterizing samples from each domain as one covariance matrix, the source and target domain are represented into two distinct points residing on a Riemannian manifold. Along the geodesic constructed from the two points, we then interpolate some intermediate points (i.e., covariance matrices), which are used to bridge the two domains. By utilizing the principal components of each covariance matrix, samples from each domain are further projected into intermediate feature spaces, which finally leads to domain-invariant features after the concatenation of these features from intermediate points. In the multiple source domain adaptation task, we also need to effectively integrate different types of features between each pair of source and target domains. We additionally propose an SVM based method to simultaneously learn the optimal target classifier as well as the optimal weights for different source domains. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for both single source and multiple source domain adaptation tasks.

Accession Number: WOS:000345629000003

PubMed ID: 25415937

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Xu, Dong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shan, Shiguang 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 4 of 244

Title: LED-based digital holographic microscopy with slightly off-axis interferometry

Author(s): Guo, RL (Guo, Rongli); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Min, JW (Min, Junwei); Zhou, ML (Zhou, Meiling); Yu, XH (Yu, Xianghua); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Dan, D (Dan, Dan)

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 16  Issue: 12  Article Number: 125408  DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/12/125408  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: An LED illuminated Linnik-type digital holographic microscope (DHM) for high-quality phase imaging is presented by the adoption of slightly off-axis two-step blind-phase-shifting interferometry (TB-PSI). Slightly off-axis interferometry lowers the requirement on the angle between the object and the reference waves as well as the requirement on the resolving power of the charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. In addition, the apparatus is cost-effective and offers ease of alignment. The phase-shifting DHM is simply implemented by mechanically moving the reference mirror while disposing of a precise phase modulator such as a piezoelectric transducer (PZT). The phase shift between the two interferograms is extracted by Fourier transformation analysis, and then the phase image is reconstructed. The performance of the TB-PSI used in the scheme is analyzed. The phase imaging for nanostructured specimens is conducted, and the results demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme. The phase noise is reduced by 73% when compared to the result obtained with coherent illumination.

Accession Number: WOS:000344915000028

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yao, Baoli 



min, junwei 



Lei, Ming 



Yu, Xianghua 



dan, dan 




ISSN: 2040-8978

eISSN: 2040-8986



Record 5 of 244

Title: Optical properties of SrAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>: Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> phosphor in glass

Author(s): He, QL (He, Quanlong); Hu, CC (Hu, Changchuan)

Source: OPTICAL MATERIALS  Volume: 38  Pages: 286-289  DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2014.10.055  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Phosphor-in-glass (PiG) typed robust color converters were fabricated using pb-free silicate glasses for luminescence materials applications. The PiG based on a SiO2-B2O3-BaCO3 ternary system and SrAl2O4: Eu2+ phosphor showed good transparency reached 99.50%, even if the GTP ratio is 25:1. By simply changing the mixing ratio of glass to SrAl2O4: Eu2+ phosphor, the emission color of PiG can be controlled from blue to bluish green. The results reveal that the luminescence properties of SrAl2O4: Eu2+ distinct from the phosphor in glass significantly. These suggest that PIG could provide potential application in a variety of luminescence materials. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000346228800050

ISSN: 0925-3467

eISSN: 1873-1252



Record 6 of 244

Title: Facial Skin Beautification Using Adaptive Region-Aware Masks

Author(s): Liang, LY (Liang, Lingyu); Jin, LW (Jin, Lianwen); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 12  Pages: 2600-2612  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2311033  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a unified facial beautification framework with respect to skin homogeneity, lighting, and color. A novel region-aware mask is constructed for skin manipulation, which can automatically select the edited regions with great precision. Inspired by the state-of-the-art edit propagation techniques, we present an adaptive edge-preserving energy minimization model with a spatially variant parameter and a high-dimensional guided feature space for mask generation. Using region-aware masks, our method facilitates more flexible and accurate facial skin enhancement while the complex manipulations are simplified considerably. In our beautification framework, a portrait is decomposed into smoothness, lighting, and color layers by an edge-preserving operator. Next, facial landmarks and significant features are extracted as input constraints for mask generation. After three region-aware masks have been obtained, a user can perform facial beautification simply by adjusting the skin parameters. Furthermore, the combinations of parameters can be optimized automatically, depending on the data priors and psychological knowledge. We performed both qualitative and quantitative evaluation for our method using faces with different genders, races, ages, poses, and backgrounds from various databases. The experimental results demonstrate that our technique is superior to previous methods and comparable to commercial systems, for example, PicTreat, Portrait+, and Portraiture.

Accession Number: WOS:000345629000029

PubMed ID: 24710839

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 7 of 244

Title: Realistic action recognition via sparsely-constructed Gaussian processes

Author(s): Liu, L (Liu, Li); Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Zheng, F (Zheng, Feng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: PATTERN RECOGNITION  Volume: 47  Issue: 12  Pages: 3819-3827  DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2014.07.006  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Realistic action recognition has been one of the most challenging research topics in computer vision. The existing methods are commonly based on non-probabilistic classification, predicting category labels but not providing an estimation of uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework using Gaussian processes (GPs), which can tackle regression problems with explicit uncertain models, for action recognition. A major challenge for GPs when applied to large-scale realistic data is that a large covariance matrix needs to be inverted during inference. Additionally, from the manifold perspective, the intrinsic structure of the data space is only constrained by a local neighborhood and data relationships with far-distance usually can be ignored. Thus, we design our GPs covariance matrix via the proposed l(1) construction and a local approximation (LA) covariance weight updating method, which are demonstrated to be robust to data noise, automatically sparse and adaptive to the neighborhood. Extensive experiments on four realistic datasets, i.e., UCF YouTube, UCF Sports, Hollywood2 and HMDB51, show the competitive results of l(1)-GPs compared with state-of-the-art methods on action recognition tasks. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000342870900007

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



liu, li 



li, xiang 



Zheng, Feng 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0031-3203

eISSN: 1873-5142



Record 8 of 244

Title: Effect of energy density and feeding speed on micro-hole drilling in C/SiC composites by picosecond laser

Author(s): Liu, YS (Liu, Yongsheng); Wang, CH (Wang, Chunhui); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Zhang, LT (Zhang, Litong); Yang, XJ (Yang, Xiaojun); Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qing)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 214  Issue: 12  Pages: 3131-3140  DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.07.016  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: The effect of energy density and feeding speed on micro-holes was investigated, which were machined in C/SiC composites by picosecond laser. Morphologies and elemental compositions of the machined holes in 2 mm and 3 mm thickness specimens were analyzed. The results indicated that both energy density and feeding speed had remarkable effect on the quality of micro-holes, especially on the exit side and cross-section of micro-holes. While the circularity of drilling holes on the entry side was affected by the energy density and feeding speed slightly. Additionally, the machining debris also played an important role in the quality of micro-holes. The micro-holes were consisted with three elements C, Si, and O, and those predominantly attributed to C-C (sp(2)), C-C (sp(3)) and Si-O bonds. Moreover, the laser machining process was discussed, which was responsible for the formation of the debris. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000342245500032

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Kai 



Wang, Chunhui 



Litong, Zhang 



, 林杰 



Cheng, Laifei 




ISSN: 0924-0136



Record 9 of 244

Title: Mid-infrared emissions of Pr<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped GeS<sub>2</sub>-Ga<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>-CdI<sub>2</sub> chalcohalide glasses

Author(s): Lu, CF (Lu, Chunfeng); Guo, HT (Guo, Haitao); Xu, YT (Xu, Yantao); Hou, CQ (Hou, Chaoqi); Lu, M (Lu, Min); He, X (He, Xin); Wang, PF (Wang, Pengfei); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN  Volume: 60  Pages: 391-396  DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2014.09.003  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: For elucidation of the glass composition's influence on the spectroscopic properties in the chalcohalide system and the discovery of a new material for applications in mid-infrared fiber-lasers, a serial Pr3+-doped (100-x)(0.8GeS(2).0.2Ga(2)S(3))xCdI(2) (x = 5, 10, 15 and 20) chalcohalide glasses were prepared. similar to 4.6 mu m mid-infrared fluorescence emission from Pr3+ in the sulfide glass is successfully observed at room temperature excited by a 2.01 mu m Tm3+:YAG ceramic laser system, and the effective line-width of fluorescence band is 106-227 nm. Intense compositional dependence of mid-infrared emissions is found. The radiative rates of Pr3+ ions in these glasses were calculated by using the Judd-Ofelt theory. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000347583100056

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

He, Xin 



Lu, min 



Wang, Pengfei 




ISSN: 0025-5408

eISSN: 1873-4227



Record 10 of 244

Title: Phase retrieval without unwrapping by single-shot dual-wavelength digital holography

Author(s): Min, JW (Min, Junwei); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Zhou, ML (Zhou, Meiling); Guo, RL (Guo, Rongli); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Peng, T (Peng, Tong)

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 16  Issue: 12  Article Number: 125409  DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/12/125409  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: A phase retrieval method by using single-shot dual-wavelength digital holography is proposed. Each single wavelength hologram is extracted from the color CCD recorded hologram at one exposure, and the unwrapped phase image of object can be reconstructed directly. Different from the traditional multiple wavelength phase unwrapping techniques, any single complex wave-fronts at different wavelengths have no need to be calculated any more. Thus, the phase retrieval is computationally fast and straightforward, and the limitations on the total optical path difference are significantly relaxed. The practicability of the proposed method is demonstrated by both simulated and experimental results.

Accession Number: WOS:000344915000029

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



dan, dan 



min, junwei 



Yao, Baoli 




ISSN: 2040-8978

eISSN: 2040-8986



Record 11 of 244

Title: Learning Regularized LDA by Clustering

Author(s): Pang, YW (Pang, Yanwei); Wang, S (Wang, Shuang); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS  Volume: 25  Issue: 12  Pages: 2191-2201  DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2014.2306844  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: As a supervised dimensionality reduction technique, linear discriminant analysis has a serious overfitting problem when the number of training samples per class is small. The main reason is that the between-and within-class scatter matrices computed from the limited number of training samples deviate greatly from the underlying ones. To overcome the problem without increasing the number of training samples, we propose making use of the structure of the given training data to regularize the between- and within-class scatter matrices by between-and within-cluster scatter matrices, respectively, and simultaneously. The within-and between-cluster matrices are computed from unsupervised clustered data. The within-cluster scatter matrix contributes to encoding the possible variations in intraclasses and the between-cluster scatter matrix is useful for separating extra classes. The contributions are inversely proportional to the number of training samples per class. The advantages of the proposed method become more remarkable as the number of training samples per class decreases. Experimental results on the AR and Feret face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000345518900006

PubMed ID: 25420242

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 2162-237X

eISSN: 2162-2388



Record 12 of 244

Title: A method and results of color calibration for the Chang'e-3 terrain camera and panoramic camera

Author(s): Ren, X (Ren, Xin); Li, CL (Li, Chun-Lai); Liu, JJ (Liu, Jian-Jun); Wang, FF (Wang, Fen-Fei); Yang, JF (Yang, Jian-Feng); Liu, EH (Liu, En-Hai); Xue, B (Xue, Bin); Zhao, RJ (Zhao, Ru-Jin)

Source: RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS  Volume: 14  Issue: 12  Pages: 1557-1566  DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/14/12/005  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: The terrain camera (TCAM) and panoramic camera (PCAM) are two of the major scientific payloads installed on the lander and rover of the Chang'e 3 mission respectively. They both use a Bayer color filter array covering CMOS sensor to capture color images of the Moon's surface. RGB values of the original images are related to these two kinds of cameras. There is an obvious color difference compared with human visual perception. This paper follows standards published by the International Commission on Illumination to establish a color correction model, designs the ground calibration experiment and obtains the color correction coefficient. The image quality has been significantly improved and there is no obvious color difference in the corrected images. Ground experimental results show that: (1) Compared with uncorrected images, the average color difference of TCAM is 4.30, which has been reduced by 62.1%. (2) The average color differences of the left and right cameras in PCAM are 4.14 and 4.16, which have been reduced by 68.3% and 67.6% respectively.

Accession Number: WOS:000346124700005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Guang 



Yang, Jianfeng 



Xue, Bin 



LI, Chunlai 




ISSN: 1674-4527

eISSN: 2397-6209



Record 13 of 244

Title: Improved adaptive control for wing rock via fuzzy neural network with randomly assigned fuzzy membership function parameters

Author(s): Rong, HJ (Rong, Hai-Jun); Han, S (Han, Sai); Bai, JM (Bai, Jian-Ming); Liang, YQ (Liang, Yong-Qi)

Source: AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 39  Pages: 614-627  DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2014.06.009  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Two stable adaptive fuzzy-neural control schemes within the indirect and direct frameworks are proposed to suppress the wing rock occurring at high angles of attack. In the two control strategies, a fuzzy neural network (FNN) with any bounded nonconstant piecewise continuous membership function is used to approximate the system nonlinear dynamics and external disturbances. Differently from the existing techniques, the parameters of the fuzzy membership functions are determined based on the recently developed fuzzy-neural algorithm named online sequential fuzzy extreme learning machine (OS-Fuzzy-ELM) where the fuzzy membership function parameters need not be adjusted and could randomly be generated according to any given continuous probability distribution without any prior knowledge. This simplifies the design of the controllers. Furthermore to ensure stable control performance, the tuning laws of the consequent parameters are derived using the projection algorithm and Lyapunov stability theorem. The merits of the proposed control schemes lie in the simplicity, robustness and stability, which manifests they can be applied for online learning and real-time control. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed two control schemes, a comparison between a neural control, a fuzzy control and a fuzzy-neural control is carried out on various initial conditions. Results indicate the performance of the proposed controllers is superior using the randomly assigned fuzzy membership function parameters. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000347743100063

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liang, yongqi 




ISSN: 1270-9638

eISSN: 1626-3219



Record 14 of 244

Title: Learning Deep and Wide: A Spectral Method for Learning Deep Networks

Author(s): Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS  Volume: 25  Issue: 12  Pages: 2303-2308  DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2014.2308519  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Building intelligent systems that are capable of extracting high-level representations from high-dimensional sensory data lies at the core of solving many computer vision-related tasks. We propose the multispectral neural networks (MSNN) to learn features from multicolumn deep neural networks and embed the penultimate hierarchical discriminative manifolds into a compact representation. The low-dimensional embedding explores the complementary property of different views wherein the distribution of each view is sufficiently smooth and hence achieves robustness, given few labeled training data. Our experiments show that spectrally embedding several deep neural networks can explore the optimum output from the multicolumn networks and consistently decrease the error rate compared with a single deep network.

Accession Number: WOS:000345518900016

PubMed ID: 25420251

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

WU, Di 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 




ISSN: 2162-237X

eISSN: 2162-2388



Record 15 of 244

Title: Efficient Closed-Loop Multiple-View Registration

Author(s): Shao, XW (Shao, Xiaowei); Shi, Y (Shi, Yun); Zhao, HJ (Zhao, Huijing); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Shibasaki, R (Shibasaki, Ryosuke)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS  Volume: 15  Issue: 6  Pages: 2524-2538  DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2014.2319352  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: Registering multiple views is an essential and challenging problem for many intelligent transportation applications that employ a mobile sensing platform or consist of multiple stationary sensors. In this paper a novel algorithm is presented for multiple-view registration under a loop closure constraint. Different from most existing methods, which use general optimization techniques, our method studies the mechanism of adjusting the poses of views in a loop and provides a highly efficient and accurate solution. We prove that translation vectors can be decoupled if the same point set is used in each view to associate the previous and subsequent views, leading to our solution for such decouplable cases. If this condition does not hold, an exact solution of translation vectors is provided when rotation parameters are given, which results in our iterative solution for general cases by updating rotation and translation alternately. In our method, the effect of the accumulated pose error in a loop can be distributed to all views efficiently through loop factors, and only a few iterations are needed. Most important of all, in each iteration our method has linear computational complexity with respect to the number of views, which is much superior to that of state-of-the-art methods. A series of experiments was conducted, involving simulation of thousands of views and real vehicle-borne sensing data that include 65 371 point pairs in 352 views. Experimental results show that our proposed method is not only stable and highly efficient but also provides competitive accuracy relative to existing methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000345572900015

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1524-9050

eISSN: 1558-0016



Record 16 of 244

Title: Exact Analytical Solution for the Mutual Compensation of Astigmatism Using Curved Mirrors in a Folded Resonator Laser

Author(s): Wen, Q (Wen Qiao); Liang, GW (Liang Guowen); Zhang, XJ (Zhang Xiaojun); Liang, ZS (Liang Zongsen); Wang, YG (Wang Yonggang); Li, J (Li Ji); Niu, HB (Niu Hanben)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 6  Article Number: 1502213  DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2366160  Published: DEC 2014  

Abstract: For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, analytical expressions for mutually compensating the curved mirror astigmatism in the two terminal arms of a folded resonator are deduced and experimentally verified. The analytical expressions are derived using the theory of the propagation and transformation of Gaussian beams under few assumptions. Our exact analytical expressions describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for simultaneously compensating astigmatism in two arms of a sequence of two off-axis curved mirrors. The theoretical results indicate that, when the astigmatism compensation expressions are satisfied, the astigmatism introduced by a folded curved mirror can be mutually compensated by another folded curved mirror, even if there is no additional Brewster element inside the cavity. The astigmatism can only be successfully eliminated by using a pair of concave mirrors or convex mirrors. Our analytical expressions can be used to design astigmatically compensated folded resonators without a Brewster element. A typical side-pumped z-shaped cavity Nd:YAG laser is employed to demonstrate the astigmatic compensation. Experimental measurements of the pattern of the laser output beam show that not only the spot intensity profile deformation but, in addition, the phase distortion in the two terminal arms can be simultaneously compensated completely in the cavity, which is in good agreement with the analytical predictions.

Accession Number: WOS:000345576700020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, jin 



zhang, jin 




ISSN: 1943-0655

eISSN: 1943-0647



Record 17 of 244

Title: Laser pulse propagation and enhanced energy coupling to fast electrons in dense plasma gradients

Author(s): Gray, RJ (Gray, R. J.); Carroll, DC (Carroll, D. C.); Yuan, XH (Yuan, X. H.); Brenner, CM (Brenner, C. M.); Burza, M (Burza, M.); Coury, M (Coury, M.); Lancaster, KL (Lancaster, K. L.); Lin, XX (Lin, X. X.); Li, YT (Li, Y. T.); Neely, D (Neely, D.); Quinn, MN (Quinn, M. N.); Tresca, O (Tresca, O.); Wahlström, CG (Wahlstrom, C-G); McKenna, P (McKenna, P.)

Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  Volume: 16  Article Number: 113075  DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/11/113075  Published: NOV 28 2014  

Abstract: Laser energy absorption to fast electrons during the interaction of an ultra-intense (10(20) Wcm(-2)), picosecond laser pulse with a solid is investigated, experimentally and numerically, as a function of the plasma density scale length at the irradiated surface. It is shown that there is an optimum density gradient for efficient energy coupling to electrons and that this arises due to strong self-focusing and channeling driving energy absorption over an extended length in the preformed plasma. At longer density gradients the laser filaments, resulting in significantly lower overall energy coupling. As the scale length is further increased, a transition to a second laser energy absorption process is observed experimentally via multiple diagnostics. The results demonstrate that it is possible to significantly enhance laser energy absorption and coupling to fast electrons by dynamically controlling the plasma density gradient.

Accession Number: WOS:000346764200001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Neely, David 



yuan, xiaohui 



gray, robert 



McKenna, Paul 



Gray, Ross 



Brenner, Ceri 




ISSN: 1367-2630



Record 18 of 244

Title: High-resolution reconstruction for terahertz imaging

Author(s): Xu, LM (Xu, Li-Min); Fan, WH (Fan, Wen-Hui); Liu, J (Liu, Jia)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 33  Pages: 7891-7897  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.007891  Published: NOV 20 2014  

Abstract: We present a high-resolution (HR) reconstruction model and algorithms for terahertz imaging, taking advantage of super-resolution methodology and algorithms. The algorithms used include projection onto a convex sets approach, iterative backprojection approach, Lucy-Richardson iteration, and 2D wavelet decomposition reconstruction. Using the first two HR reconstruction methods, we successfully obtain HR terahertz images with improved definition and lower noise from four low-resolution (LR) 22 x 24 terahertz images taken from our homemade THz-TDS system at the same experimental conditions with 1.0 mm pixel. Using the last two HR reconstruction methods, we transform one relatively LR terahertz image to a HR terahertz image with decreased noise. This indicates potential application of HR reconstruction methods in terahertz imaging with pulsed and continuous wave terahertz sources. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000345104200012

PubMed ID: 25607865

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Fan, Wen-Hui 



Xu, Limin 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 19 of 244

Title: Expanded-core waveguides written by femtosecond laser irradiation in bulk optical glasses

Author(s): Liu, X (Liu, Xin); Zhang, WF (Zhang, Wenfu); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Stoian, R (Stoian, Razvan); Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 23  Pages: 28771-28782  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.028771  Published: NOV 17 2014  

Abstract: Expanded-core structures based on layered increased index (type I) waveguiding traces are fabricated by ultrafast laser photoinscription in bulk optical glasses, with examples for fused silica and chalcogenide glasses. The expanded-core waveguides can serve for large-mode-area guiding concepts and their feasibility is experimentally investigated. A parametric study of the geometry, number of traces and index contrast indicates the possibility to design guided modes characteristics as exemplified in fused silica. A specific arrangement consisting of 8 traces of guiding layers with 6 mu m separation exhibit single-mode transport properties with mode field area of similar to 805 mu m(2). The condition of single mode operation is also discussed in the frame of the dispersion relation of light guiding in periodical dielectric structures. The supported supermode of expanded-core structures can be controlled by careful design of the refractive index change, the number of guiding layers and the thickness of the interlayers. Inspection of the propagation characteristics shows equally low loss features. A Y-branching splitter based on expanded-core concept conserving single mode characteristics is fabricated. The optical design is equally successfully tested in chalcogenide Gallium Lanthanum Sulfide glass. Ultrafast laser inscribed expanded-core waveguiding provides therefore an interesting path of fabricating large mode area waveguides usable in near infrared and mid-infrared region beneficial for applications requiring high power or large mode dimensions. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000345268500097

PubMed ID: 25402116

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Kai 



Li, Jin 



zhao, wei 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 20 of 244

Title: Experimental and theoretical investigations of a tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser

Author(s): Han, DD (Han, D. D.)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 32  Pages: 7629-7633  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.007629  Published: NOV 10 2014  

Abstract: Atunable dissipative soliton fiber laser based on carbon nanotubes and the nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) technique has been investigated experimentally and numerically for the first time to the author's best knowledge. The laser proposed delivers strongly chirped solitons with pulse duration of similar to 220 ps and a spectral width of similar to 5.6 nm. With the NPR-related filtering effect, the output pulses are wavelength tunable over the range from 1566 to 1593 nm by adjusting the polarization controller (PC). Numerical results are in good agreement with experimental observations and clearly reveal that the tunable mode-locking operation is attributed to the variation of phase delay caused by the PCs. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000345104100003

PubMed ID: 25402982

ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 21 of 244

Title: Large femtosecond third-order optical nonlinearity of Bi<sub>3.15</sub>Nd<sub>0.85</sub>Ti<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> ferroelectric thin films

Author(s): Li, S (Li, S.); Zhong, XL (Zhong, X. L.); Cheng, GH (Cheng, G. H.); Liu, X (Liu, X.); Wang, JB (Wang, J. B.); Huang, J (Huang, J.); Song, HJ (Song, H. J.); Tan, CB (Tan, C. B.); Li, B (Li, B.); Zhou, YC (Zhou, Y. C.)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 105  Issue: 19  Article Number: 192901  DOI: 10.1063/1.4900758  Published: NOV 10 2014  

Abstract: Both the linear and nonlinear optical properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 (BNT0.85) ferroelectric thin films deposited on quartz substrates were investigated. The fundamental optical constants were determined as a function of light wavelength by optical transmittance measurements. By performing single-beam Z-scan experiments with femtosecond laser pulses at a wavelength of 800 nm, the two-photon absorption (TPA) coefficient beta and third-order nonlinear refraction index gamma were measured to be 1.15 x 10(2) cm/GW and -8.15 x 10(-3) cm(2)/GW, respectively. The large TPA is attributed to an indirect transition process via the intermediate energy levels and the large refractive nonlinearity is the result of the electronic polarization and ferroelectric polarization arisen from the femtosecond midinfrared radiation. The results indicate that the BNT0.85 thin film is a promising candidate for applications in nonlinear photonic devices. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000345216100057

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

, jbwangxtu 



Li, Shan 



tan, congbing 



Tan, Congbing 




ISSN: 0003-6951

eISSN: 1077-3118



Record 22 of 244

Title: Visibility enhancement of hazy images based on a universal polarimetric imaging method

Author(s): Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Ren, LY (Ren, Li-Yong); Ju, HJ (Ju, Hai-Juan); Qu, ES (Qu, En-Shi); Wang, YL (Wang, Ying-Li)

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS  Volume: 116  Issue: 17  Article Number: 173107  DOI: 10.1063/1.4901244  Published: NOV 7 2014  

Abstract: Enhancing the visibility of images taken in the hazy weather is important in many applications. Among many dehazing methods, those based on polarimetric imaging techniques have several advantages, such as ease of keeping detailed information, low cost, and high efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel and robust dehazing algorithm based on polarimetric imaging. By introducing the orientation-angle information from the Stokes matrix, all the parameters used in dehazing performance can be effectively, precisely and automatically estimated, and no additional human-computer interaction is needed. Besides, this method can also be used in handling hazy images without sky region. Experimental results show that such a method can greatly enhance the visibility of hazy images. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000345152900007

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0021-8979

eISSN: 1089-7550



Record 23 of 244

Title: High efficient CEP-stabilized infrared optical parametric amplifier made from a BBO single crystal

Author(s): You, LF (You Lang-Fang); Ling, WJ (Ling Wei-Jun); Li, K (Li Ke); Zhang, MX (Zhang Ming-Xia); Zuo, YY (Zuo Yin-Yan); Wang, YS (Wang Yi-Shan)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 21  Article Number: 214203  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.214203  Published: NOV 5 2014  

Abstract: We demonstrate an efficient tunable phase-stabilized near-infrared optical parametric amplifier (OPA) made from a BBO (beta-BaB2O4) single crystal in this paper. By using the seeded white-light continuum produced by CEP(carrier envelop phase)-stabilized femtosecond laser amplifier system which is seeded into the two stages of a type II OPA system, the pump-to-signal conversion efficiency of 34% can be achieved at 1350 nm. The CEP jitter of amplified pulses measured by an f-2f interferometer is 137 mrad in 30 minutes. This paper demonstrates a simple, feasible and efficient way to produce tunable femtosecond pulses with CEP control.

Accession Number: WOS:000344616700017

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yi 



Wang, Yijun 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yixuan 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, yanru 




ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 24 of 244

Title: Giant and tunable electric field enhancement in the terahertz regime

Author(s): Lu, XY (Lu, Xiaoyuan); Wan, RG (Wan, Rengang); Wang, GX (Wang, Guoxi); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tongyi); Zhang, WF (Zhang, Wenfu)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 22  Pages: 27001-27006  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.027001  Published: NOV 3 2014  

Abstract: A novel array of slits design combining the nano-slit grating and dielectric-metal is proposed to obtain giant and tunable electric field enhancement in the terahertz regime. The maximum amplitude of electric field is more than 6000 times larger than that of the incident electric field. It is found that the enhancement depends primarily on the stripe and nano-slits width of grating, as well as the thickness of spacer layer. This property is particularly beneficial for the realization of ultra-sensitive nanoparticles detection and nonlinear optics in the terahertz range, such as the second harmonic generation (SHG). (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000344004900054

PubMed ID: 25401850

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chen, Feng 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 25 of 244

Title: Image esthetic assessment using both hand-crafting and semantic features

Author(s): Guo, LH (Guo, Lihua); Xiong, YC (Xiong, Yangchao); Huang, QH (Huang, Qinghua); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 143  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 14-26  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.06.029  Published: NOV 2 2014  

Abstract: Automatically assessing the visual esthetics of images is of great interest in high-level vision research and has drawn much attention in recent years. Traditional methods heavily depend on the performance of subject region extraction. This paper proposes to use semantic features in the esthetic assessment system because they can implicitly represent the image topic and be helpful if the subject region extraction fails. Accordingly, a framework combining the hand-crafting features with semantic features is proposed to evaluate image esthetic quality. The experimental results show that the semantic features can improve the performance of image esthetic assessment. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340982800003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, Qinghua 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 26 of 244

Title: Dayside aurora classification via BIFs-based sparse representation using manifold learning

Author(s): Han, B (Han, Bing); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xiaojing); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Hu, ZJ (Hu, Zejun); Hu, HQ (Hu, Hongqiao)

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS  Volume: 91  Issue: 11  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2415-2426  DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2013.831084  Published: NOV 2 2014  

Abstract: Aurora is the typical ionosphere track generated by the interaction of solar wind and magnetosphere, whose modality and variation are significant to the study of space weather activity. A new aurora classification algorithm based on biologically inspired features (BIFs) and discriminative locality alignment (DLA) is proposed in this paper. First, an aurora image is represented by the BIFs, which combines the C1 units from the hierarchical model of object recognition in cortex and the gist features from the saliency map; then, the manifold learning method called DLA is used to obtain the effective sparse representation for auroras based on BIFs; finally, classification results using support vector machine and nearest neighbour with three sets of features: the C1 unit features, the gist features and the BIFs illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method on the real aurora image database from Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station.

Accession Number: WOS:000345272500008

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hu, Ze-Jun 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Han, Bing 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0020-7160

eISSN: 1029-0265



Record 27 of 244

Title: Upgrading optical information of rotating mirror cameras

Author(s): Li, JZ (Li, Jingzhen); Sun, FS (Sun, Fengshan); Huang, HB (Huang, Hongbin); Gong, XD (Gong, Xiangdong); Chen, HY (Chen, Hongyi); Lu, XW (Lu, Xiaowei); Cai, Y (Cai, Yi)

Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Volume: 85  Issue: 11  Article Number: 113701  DOI: 10.1063/1.4900404  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: To date, rotating mirror (RM) cameras still serve as indispensable imaging equipment for the diagnosis of microsecond transient processes due to their excellent characteristics. This paper, for upgrading the optical information capacity of the cameras, presents the new optical acceleration principle to increase the framing frequency or scanning velocity, the new design theory without principle errors instead of the classical theories with some flaws in principle to have applied to design our simultaneous streak and framing rotating mirror camera with continuous access, and the new rotating mirror with novel structure, made of an aluminum alloy, to have considerably reduced lateral deformation of the RM and improved the performance of the camera. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000345646000263

PubMed ID: 25430114

Conference Title: 20th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics

Conference Date: JUN 01-05, 2014

Conference Location: Atlanta, GA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

chen, hongyi 



Li, Jingzhen 




ISSN: 0034-6748

eISSN: 1089-7623



Record 28 of 244

Title: Performance of diode-pumped Tm<SUP>3+</SUP> :Sc<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>5</sub> crystal passively Q-switched 2 μm laser

Author(s): Li, YQ (Li, Yaqi); Liu, J (Liu, Jie); Zhu, HT (Zhu, Hongtong); Zheng, LH (Zheng, Lihe); Su, LB (Su, Liangbi); Xu, J (Xu, Jun); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 330  Pages: 151-154  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.05.049  Published: NOV 1 2014  

Abstract: A diode-pumped passively Q-switched Tm3+:Sc2SiO5 laser with a single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber is demonstrated for the first time. The maximum average output power of 189 mW has been achieved at 1970 nm under an absorbed pump power of 4 W. The minimum pulse width of 442 ns was obtained at a repetition rate of 55.6 kHz, corresponding to the highest peak power of 7.7 W and single pulse energy of 3.4 mu J, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000343333100027

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number





ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 29 of 244

Title: Fabrication and annealing optimization of oxygen-implanted Yb<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped phosphate glass planar waveguides

Author(s): Liu, CX (Liu, Chun-Xiao); Xu, J (Xu, Jun); Li, WN (Li, Wei-Nan); Xu, XL (Xu, Xiao-Li); Guo, HT (Guo, Hai-Tao); Wei, W (Wei, Wei); Wu, GG (Wu, Gen-Gen); Hu, Y (Hu, Yue); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 63  Pages: 45-49  DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2014.03.014  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: Optical planar waveguides in Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses are fabricated by (5.0+6.0) MeV O3+ ion implantation at fluences of (4.0+8.0) x 10(14) ions/cm(2). The annealing treatment is carried out to optimize waveguide performances. The prism-coupling and end-face coupling methods are used to measure the dark-mode spectra and near-field intensity distributions before and after annealing at 350 degrees C for 60 min, respectively. The refractive index profile of the planar waveguide is obtained based on the reflectivity calculation method. The micro-Raman spectrum of the waveguide is in agreement with that of the bulk, exhibiting possible applications for integrated active photonic devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337876500009

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shi, Z 




ISSN: 0030-3992

eISSN: 1879-2545



Record 30 of 244

Title: Fully immersed liquid cooling thin-disk oscillator

Author(s): Nie, RZ (Nie, R. Z.); She, JB (She, J. B.); Zhao, PF (Zhao, P. F.); Li, FL (Li, F. L.); Peng, B (Peng, B.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 11  Issue: 11  Article Number: 115808  DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/11/11/115808  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: A novel Nd:YAG thin-disk laser with excellent cooling configuration is demonstrated. A maximum output energy of 653 mJ is realized, corresponding to the optical-optical efficiency of 30% and the slope efficiency of 35%. The coefficient of output instability is as low as 1.1% at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. Beam propagation analysis reveals that beam distortion caused by temperature gradient will decrease effectively with this laser configuration.

Accession Number: WOS:000345221100026

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Peng 




ISSN: 1612-2011

eISSN: 1612-202X



Record 31 of 244

Title: Distributed Object Detection With Linear SVMs

Author(s): Pang, YW (Pang, Yanwei); Zhang, K (Zhang, Kun); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Wang, KQ (Wang, Kongqiao)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 11  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2122-2133  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2301453  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: In vision and learning, low computational complexity and high generalization are two important goals for video object detection. Low computational complexity here means not only fast speed but also less energy consumption. The sliding window object detection method with linear support vector machines (SVMs) is a general object detection framework. The computational cost is herein mainly paid in complex feature extraction and innerproduct-based classification. This paper first develops a distributed object detection framework (DOD) by making the best use of spatial-temporal correlation, where the process of feature extraction and classification is distributed in the current frame and several previous frames. In each framework, only subfeature vectors are extracted and the response of partial linear classifier (i.e., subdecision value) is computed. To reduce the dimension of traditional block-based histograms of oriented gradients (BHOG) feature vector, this paper proposes a cell-based HOG (CHOG) algorithm, where the features in one cell are not shared with overlapping blocks. Using CHOG as feature descriptor, we develop CHOG-DOD as an instance of DOD framework. Experimental results on detection of hand, face, and pedestrian in video show the superiority of the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000343319700012

PubMed ID: 25330474

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 32 of 244

Title: Learning From Errors in Super-Resolution

Author(s): Tang, Y (Tang, Yi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 11  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2143-2154  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2301732  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: A novel framework of learning-based super-resolution is proposed by employing the process of learning from the estimation errors. The estimation errors generated by different learning-based super-resolution algorithms are statistically shown to be sparse and uncertain. The sparsity of the estimation errors means most of estimation errors are small enough. The uncertainty of the estimation errors means the location of the pixel with larger estimation error is random. Noticing the prior information about the estimation errors, a nonlinear boosting process of learning from these estimation errors is introduced into the general framework of the learning-based super-resolution. Within the novel framework of super-resolution, a low-rank decomposition technique is used to share the information of different super-resolution estimations and to remove the sparse estimation errors from different learning algorithms or training samples. The experimental results show the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed framework in enhancing the performance of different learning-based algorithms.

Accession Number: WOS:000343319700014

PubMed ID: 25099964

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 33 of 244

Title: Controlling optical bistability via interacting double dark resonances in linear quantum dot molecules

Author(s): Tian, SC (Tian, Si-Cong); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Tong, CZ (Tong, Cun-Zhu); Ning, YQ (Ning, Yong-Qiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 31  Issue: 11  Pages: 2681-2688  DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.31.002681  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: The behavior of optical bistability (OB) in linear triple quantum dot molecules (QDMs) using double tunneling coupling by means of a unidirectional ring cavity is investigated. The linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of the system are also investigated. The double tunneling between the quantum dots can induce the interaction of double dark resonances, which can enhance the nonlinear response of the system. The type, the hysteresis loop, and the threshold of OB can be controlled by the intensity of the double tunneling and the detuning of the probe field. Our results give insights for future experiments and applications in optics using QDMs. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000344760800029

ISSN: 0740-3224

eISSN: 1520-8540



Record 34 of 244

Title: Imaging of large-area microchannel plates using phosphor screens

Author(s): Wang, X (Wang, X.); Setru, SU (Setru, S. U.); Xie, J (Xie, J.); Mane, A (Mane, A.); Demarteau, M (Demarteau, M.); Wagner, R (Wagner, R.)

Source: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION  Volume: 9  Article Number: P11011  DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/P11011  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: A testing system was built, using UV illumination at 254 nm and a cathodoluminescent phosphor screen, to measure the gain uniformity of large area (20 x 20 cm(2)) microchannel plates. The phosphor screen image is captured with a wide-angle CMOS digital camera (4032 x 3024 pixels) and analyzed. First a reference MCP is illuminated and the generated phosphor screen image is captured with a CCD camera. In a second step, another image is captured with the MCP under test inserted between the reference MCP and the phosphor screen. The ratio of the two images is analyzed and provides a quantitative measure of the relative gain uniformity of the MCP under test.

Accession Number: WOS:000345026000025

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

mane, anil 



Wagner, Robert 



Setru, Sagar 



Demarteau, Marcel 




ISSN: 1748-0221



Record 35 of 244

Title: Measurements of the Concentration of Atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> Based on OP/FTIR Method and Infrared Reflecting Scanning Fourier Transform Spectrometry

Author(s): Wei, RY (Wei Ru-yi); Zhou, JS (Zhou Jin-song); Zhang, XM (Zhang Xue-min); Yu, T (Yu Tao); Gao, XH (Gao Xiao-hui); Ren, XQ (Ren Xiao-qiang)

Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  Volume: 34  Issue: 11  Pages: 2978-2983  DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)11-2978-06  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: The present paper describes the observations and measurements of the infrared absorption spectra of CO2 on the Earth's surface with OP/FTIR method by employing a mid-infrared reflecting scanning Fourier transform spectrometry, which are the first results produced by the first prototype in China developed by the team of authors. This reflecting scanning Fourier transform spectrometry works in the spectral range 2 100 similar to 3 150 cm(-1) with a spectral resolution of 2 cm(-1). Method to measure the atmospheric molecules was described and mathematical proof and quantitative algorithms to retrieve molecular concentration were established. The related models were performed both by a direct method based on the Beer-Lambert Law and by a simulating-fitting method based on HITRAN database and the instrument functions. Concentrations of CO2 were retrieved by the two models. The results of observation and modeling analyses indicate that the concentrations have a distribution of 300 similar to 370 ppm, and show tendency that going with the variation of the environment they first decrease slowly and then increase rapidly during the observation period, and reached low points in the afternoon and during the sunset. The concentrations with measuring times retrieved by the direct method and by the simulating-fitting method agree with each other very well, with the correlation of all the data is up to 99. 79%, and the relative error is no more than 2. 00%. The precision for retrieving is relatively high. The results of this paper demonstrate that, in the field of detecting atmospheric compositions, OP/FTIR method performed by the Infrared reflecting scanning Fourier transform spectrometry is a feasible and effective technical approach, and either the direct method or the simulating-fitting method is capable of retrieving concentrations with high precision.

Accession Number: WOS:000344447700019

PubMed ID: 25752042

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number




Zhang, Can 




ISSN: 1000-0593



Record 36 of 244

Title: Corner detection using Gabor filters

Author(s): Zhang, WC (Zhang, Wei-Chuan); Wang, FP (Wang, Fu-Ping); Zhu, L (Zhu, Lei); Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuo-Feng)

Source: IET IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Pages: 639-646  DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2013.0641  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: This study proposes a contour-based corner detector using the magnitude responses of the imaginary part of the Gabor filters on contours. Unlike the traditional contour-based methods that detect corners by analysing the shape of the edge contours and searching for local curvature maxima points on planar curves, the proposed corner detector combines the pixels of the edge contours and their corresponding grey-variation information. Firstly, edge contours are extracted from the original image using Canny edge detector. Secondly, the imaginary parts of the Gabor filters are used to smooth the pixels on the edge contours. At each edge pixel, the magnitude responses at each direction are normalised by their values and the sum of the normalised magnitude response at each direction is used to extract corners from edge contours. Thirdly, both the magnitude response threshold and the angle threshold are used to remove the weak or false corners. Finally, the proposed detector is compared with five state-of-the-art detectors on some grey-level images. The results from the experiment reveal that the proposed detector is more competitive with respect to detection accuracy, localisation accuracy, affine transforms and noise-robustness.

Accession Number: WOS:000344933900003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhu, Lei 



Zhang, Weichuan 




ISSN: 1751-9659

eISSN: 1751-9667



Record 37 of 244

Title: Adaptive fusion of particle filtering and spatio-temporal motion energy for human tracking

Author(s): Zhou, HY (Zhou, Huiyu); Fei, MR (Fei, Minrui); Sadka, A (Sadka, Abdul); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yi); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: PATTERN RECOGNITION  Volume: 47  Issue: 11  Pages: 3552-3567  DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2014.05.006  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: Object tracking is an active research area nowadays due to its importance in human computer interface, teleconferencing and video surveillance. However, reliable tracking of objects in the presence of occlusions, pose and illumination changes is still a challenging topic. In this paper, we introduce a novel tracking approach that fuses two cues namely colour and spatio-temporal motion energy within a particle filter based framework. We conduct a measure of coherent motion over two image frames, which reveals the spatio-temporal dynamics of the target. At the same time, the importance of both colour and motion energy cues is determined in the stage of reliability evaluation. This determination helps maintain the performance of the tracking system against abrupt appearance changes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the other state of the art techniques in the used test datasets. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340335600006

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhou, Huiyu 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0031-3203

eISSN: 1873-5142



Record 38 of 244

Title: Secrecy Outage and Diversity Analysis of Cognitive Radio Systems

Author(s): Zou, YL (Zou, Yulong); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Liang, YC (Liang, Ying-Chang)

Source: IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 32  Issue: 11  Pages: 2222-2236  DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2014.141121  Published: NOV 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the physical-layer security of a multi-user multi-eavesdropper cognitive radio system, which is composed of multiple cognitive users (CUs) transmitting to a common cognitive base station (CBS), while multiple eavesdroppers may collaborate with each other or perform independently in intercepting the CUs-CBS transmissions, which are called the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers, respectively. Considering multiple CUs available, we propose the round-robin scheduling as well as the optimal and suboptimal user scheduling schemes for improving the security of CUs-CBS transmissions against eavesdropping attacks. Specifically, the optimal user scheduling is designed by assuming that the channel state information (CSI) of all links from CUs to CBS, to primary user (PU) and to eavesdroppers are available. By contrast, the suboptimal user scheduling only requires the CSI of CUs-CBS links without the PU's and eavesdroppers' CSI. We derive closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage probability of these three scheduling schemes in the presence of the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers. We also carry out the secrecy diversity analysis and show that the round-robin scheduling achieves the diversity order of only one, whereas the optimal and suboptimal scheduling schemes obtain the full secrecy diversity, no matter whether the eavesdroppers collaborate or not. In addition, numerical secrecy outage results demonstrate that for both the coordinated and uncoordinated eavesdroppers, the optimal user scheduling achieves the best security performance and the round-robin scheduling performs the worst. Finally, upon increasing the number of CUs, the secrecy outage probabilities of the optimal and suboptimal user scheduling schemes both improve significantly.

Accession Number: WOS:000348856700020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Liang, Ying-Chang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0733-8716

eISSN: 1558-0008



Record 39 of 244

Title: GA-SIFT: A new scale invariant feature transform for multispectral image using geometric algebra

Author(s): Li, YS (Li, Yanshan); Liu, WM (Liu, Weiming); Li, XT (Li, Xiaotang); Huang, QH (Huang, Qinghua); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES  Volume: 281  Pages: 559-572  DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.12.022  Published: OCT 10 2014  

Abstract: Feature analysis plays an important role in many multispectral image applications and scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) has been successfully applied for extraction of image features. However, the existing SIFT algorithms cannot extract features from multispectral images directly. This paper puts forward a novel algorithmic framework based on the SIFT for multispectral images. Firstly, with the theory of the geometric algebra (GA), a new representation of multispectral image including spatial and spectral information is put forward and discussed. Secondly, a new method for obtaining the scale space of the multispectral image is proposed. Thirdly, following the procedures of the SIFT, the GA based difference of Gaussian images are computed and the keypoints can be detected in the GA space. Fourthly, the feature points are finally detected and described in the mathematical framework of the GA. Finally, the comparison results show that the GA-SIFT outperforms some previously reported SIFT algorithms in the feature extraction from a multispectral image, and it is comparable with its counterparts in the feature extraction of color images, indicating good performance in various applications of image analysis. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340315600038

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, Qinghua 



liu, huan 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



liu, Weiming 




ISSN: 0020-0255

eISSN: 1872-6291



Record 40 of 244

Title: Re-texturing by intrinsic video

Author(s): Shen, JB (Shen, Jianbing); Yan, X (Yan, Xing); Chen, L (Chen, Lin); Sun, HQ (Sun, Hanqiu); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES  Volume: 281  Pages: 726-735  DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2014.02.134  Published: OCT 10 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel re-texturing approach using intrinsic video. Our approach first indicates the regions of interest by contour-aware layer segmentation. The intrinsic video including reflectance and illumination components within the segmented region is recovered by our weighted energy optimization. We then compute the texture coordinates in key frames and the normals for the re-textured region using the optimization approach we develop. Meanwhile, the texture coordinates in non-key frames are optimized by our energy function. When the target sample texture is specified, the re-textured video is finally created by multiplying the re-textured reflectance component with the original illumination component within the replaced region. As shown in our experimental results, our method can produce high quality video re-texturing results with a variety of sample textures, and also the lighting and shading effects of the original videos are well preserved after re-texturing. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340315600051

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jianbing 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jianbing 




ISSN: 0020-0255

eISSN: 1872-6291



Record 41 of 244

Title: Action recognition by spatio-temporal oriented energies

Author(s): Zhen, XT (Zhen, Xiantong); Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES  Volume: 281  Pages: 295-309  DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2014.05.021  Published: OCT 10 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we present a unified representation based on the spatio-temporal steerable pyramid (STSP) for the holistic representation of human actions. A video sequence is viewed as a spatio-temporal volume preserving all the appearance and motion information of an action in it. By decomposing the spatio-temporal volumes into band-passed sub-volumes, the spatio-temporal Laplacian pyramid provides an effective technique for multi-scale analysis of video sequences, and spatio-temporal patterns with different scales could be well localized and captured. To efficiently explore the underlying local spatio-temporal orientation structures at multiple scales, a bank of three-dimensional separable steerable filters are conducted on each of the sub-volume from the Laplacian pyramid. The outputs of the quad-rature pair of steerable filters are squared and summed to yield a more robust oriented energy representation. To be further invariant and compact, a spatio-temporal max pooling operation is performed between responses of the filtering at adjacent scales and over spatio-temporal neighbourhoods. In order to capture the appearance, local geometric structure and motion of an action, we apply the STSP on the intensity, 3D gradients and optical flow of video sequences, yielding a unified holistic representation of human actions.
Taking advantage of multi-scale, multi-orientation analysis and feature pooling, STSP produces a compact but informative and invariant representation of human actions. We conduct extensive experiments on the KTH, UCF Sports and HMDB51 datasets, which shows the unified STSP achieves comparable results with the state-of-the-art methods. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340315600019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shao, Ling 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0020-0255

eISSN: 1872-6291



Record 42 of 244

Title: Refraction angle extracting strategy for fan-beam differential phase contrast CT

Author(s): Ye, RZ (Ye, Renzhen); Tang, Y (Tang, Yi); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 141  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 160-169  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.03.040  Published: OCT 2 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, the fan-beam differential phase contrast computed tomography (DPC-CT) reconstruction method is studied. We first present a new vision of how to implement the Reverse-Projection (RP) method to extract the refraction-angle data efficiently in fan-beam geometry, and then provide a Katsevich-type formula for fan-beam DPC-CT reconstruction. The proposed method has two key properties. First, it is essentially a filtered back projection (FBP) reconstruction formula. Second, it can deal with incomplete data sets. The main contributions of this paper lie in the following three aspects: First, the physical principle of the bent-grating based fan-beam DPC imaging is discussed and the RP-method is extended to the fan-beam case. Second, an implementation strategy of Katsevich algorithm for fan-beam DPC-CT is proposed. Third, a semi-quantitative research on the influence of the approximation errors introduced by the RP-method is carried out by using several numerical simulations. It should be pointed out that the RP-method will certainly introduce some errors. The effect of these errors on our reconstruction algorithm is discussed by several numerical simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000338403800018

ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 43 of 244

Title: Enhanced near infrared luminescence efficiency of ligand-free LaF<sub>3</sub>:Nd/LaF<sub>3</sub> core/shell nanocrystals in solvent dispersion

Author(s): Cui, XX (Cui, Xiaoxia); Guo, HT (Guo, Haitao); Hou, CQ (Hou, Chaoqi); Gao, F (Gao, Fei); Wei, W (Wei, Wei); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE  Volume: 154  Pages: 155-159  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.04.019  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: A variety of ligand-free LaF3:Nd/LaF3 core/shell nanocrystals with high quantum efficiency, great dispersibility and low quench ratio was prepared by a simple solvothermal method. Their phase and morphologies were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The optical properties of the samples prepared under different times were investigated. The core/shell nanocrystals have great dispersibility concentration (312 mg/mL) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)/tetrabromoethane solvents. These transparent colloidal solution exhibits enhanced high quantum efficiency (61.2%) at 1057 um. Therefore, the LaF3:Nd/LaF3 core/shell nanocrystals with excellent near infrared to near infrared (NIR-to-NIR) fluorescence are a promising candidate for luminescence material in liquid media. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340687600026

ISSN: 0022-2313

eISSN: 1872-7883



Record 44 of 244

Title: Recombinant proteins expressed in lettuce

Author(s): Dong, H (Dong, Hao); Zhao, YJ (Zhao, Yijun); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli); Li, HM (Li, Hongmin)

Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 13  Issue: 4  Pages: 427-436  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: Plant expression system has been firmly attracting researcher's attention in the past two decades and many kinds of plants were employed to express various recombinant proteins. Among those plants, lettuce has been used as a promising expression host for heterologous recombinant proteins due to its advantage of oral delivery without heating process, besides other general superiorities of plant-based expression system. Many transgenic researches on lettuce have been reported and various products have been expressed successfully in lettuce, including vaccine antigens, antibodies, bioactive peptides, therapeutic proteins, industrial products and other interesting proteins. This paper reviews the current literatures on lettuce as expression platform for heterologous proteins, as well as underlying challenges in the future application.

Accession Number: WOS:000349813000001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yang, yun 



Dong, Hao 




ISSN: 0972-5849

eISSN: 0975-0967



Record 45 of 244

Title: Broadband high birefringence and low dispersion terahertz photonic crystal fiber

Author(s): Li, SP (Li, Shaopeng); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing)

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 16  Issue: 10  Article Number: 105102  DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/10/105102  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: We propose a novel type of triangular lattice terahertz photonic crystal fiber with high birefringence and low dispersion in a wide spectrum range. The proposed structures have circular and elliptical air holes in the cladding. Properties of birefringence, confinement loss, and group velocity dispersion have been studied by using full-vector finite-element methods. Through adjusting the structural parameters of the photonic crystal fiber, birefringence up to 10(-3) could be achieved in the frequency range of 0.1-5 THz. Moreover, group velocity dispersion curve in this frequency range is flat and the values are nearly zero. Therefore, it can be used to transmit broadband THz pulses with the polarization maintained.

Accession Number: WOS:000343665200019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Shaopeng 



Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 2040-8978

eISSN: 2040-8986



Record 46 of 244

Title: Topographic NMF for Data Representation

Author(s): Xiao, YH (Xiao, Yanhui); Zhu, ZF (Zhu, Zhenfeng); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yao); Wei, YC (Wei, Yunchao); Wei, SK (Wei, Shikui); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 10  Pages: 1762-1771  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2294215  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a useful technique to explore a parts-based representation by decomposing the original data matrix into a few parts-based basis vectors and encodings with nonnegative constraints. It has been widely used in image processing and pattern recognition tasks due to its psychological and physiological interpretation of natural data whose representation may be parts-based in human brain. However, the nonnegative constraint for matrix factorization is generally not sufficient to produce representations that are robust to local transformations. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we proposed a topographic NMF (TNMF), which imposes a topographic constraint on the encoding factor as a regularizer during matrix factorization. In essence, the topographic constraint is a two-layered network, which contains the square nonlinearity in the first layer and the square-root nonlinearity in the second layer. By pooling together the structure-correlated features belonging to the same hidden topic, the TNMF will force the encodings to be organized in a topographical map. Thus, the feature invariance can be promoted. Some experiments carried out on three standard datasets validate the effectiveness of our method in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches. Index Terms-Data clustering, dimension reduction,

Accession Number: WOS:000342228100005

PubMed ID: 25222720

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 47 of 244

Title: Integrating Conventional and Inverse Representation for Face Recognition

Author(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Yong); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yang, J (Yang, Jian); Lai, ZH (Lai, Zhihui); Zhang, D (Zhang, David)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 10  Pages: 1738-1746  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2293391  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: Representation-based classification methods are all constructed on the basis of the conventional representation, which first expresses the test sample as a linear combination of the training samples and then exploits the deviation between the test sample and the expression result of every class to perform classification. However, this deviation does not always well reflect the difference between the test sample and each class. With this paper, we propose a novel representation-based classification method for face recognition. This method integrates conventional and the inverse representation-based classification for better recognizing the face. It first produces conventional representation of the test sample, i.e., uses a linear combination of the training samples to represent the test sample. Then it obtains the inverse representation, i.e., provides an approximation representation of each training sample of a subject by exploiting the test sample and training samples of the other subjects. Finally, the proposed method exploits the conventional and inverse representation to generate two kinds of scores of the test sample with respect to each class and combines them to recognize the face. The paper shows the theoretical foundation and rationale of the proposed method. Moreover, this paper for the first time shows that a basic nature of the human face, i.e., the symmetry of the face can be exploited to generate new training and test samples. As these new samples really reflect some possible appearance of the face, the use of them will enable us to obtain higher accuracy. The experiments show that the proposed conventional and inverse representation-based linear regression classification (CIRLRC), an improvement to linear regression classification (LRC), can obtain very high accuracy and greatly outperforms the naive LRC and other state-of-the-art conventional representation based face recognition methods. The accuracy of CIRLRC can be 10% greater than that of LRC.

Accession Number: WOS:000342228100003

PubMed ID: 25222718

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Lai, Zhihui 



Zhang, Hao 



Zhang, David D 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 48 of 244

Title: Data Uncertainty in Face Recognition

Author(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Yong); Fang, XZ (Fang, Xiaozhao); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yang, J (Yang, Jiang); You, J (You, Jane); Liu, H (Liu, Hong); Teng, SH (Teng, Shaohua)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 10  Pages: 1950-1961  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2014.2300175  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: The image of a face varies with the illumination, pose, and facial expression, thus we say that a single face image is of high uncertainty for representing the face. In this sense, a face image is just an observation and it should not be considered as the absolutely accurate representation of the face. As more face images from the same person provide more observations of the face, more face images may be useful for reducing the uncertainty of the representation of the face and improving the accuracy of face recognition. However, in a real world face recognition system, a subject usually has only a limited number of available face images and thus there is high uncertainty. In this paper, we attempt to improve the face recognition accuracy by reducing the uncertainty. First, we reduce the uncertainty of the face representation by synthesizing the virtual training samples. Then, we select useful training samples that are similar to the test sample from the set of all the original and synthesized virtual training samples. Moreover, we state a theorem that determines the upper bound of the number of useful training samples. Finally, we devise a representation approach based on the selected useful training samples to perform face recognition. Experimental results on five widely used face databases demonstrate that our proposed approach can not only obtain a high face recognition accuracy, but also has a lower computational complexity than the other state-of-the-art approaches.

Accession Number: WOS:000342228100020

PubMed ID: 25222733

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



You, Jane 



TENG, Shaohua 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 49 of 244

Title: Multi-bit quantum random number generation by measuring positions of arrival photons

Author(s): Yan, QR (Yan, Qiurong); Zhao, BS (Zhao, Baosheng); Liao, QH (Liao, Qinghong); Zhou, NR (Zhou, Nanrun)

Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS  Volume: 85  Issue: 10  Article Number: 103116  DOI: 10.1063/1.4897485  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: We report upon the realization of a novel multi-bit optical quantum random number generator by continuously measuring the arrival positions of photon emitted from a LED using MCP-based WSA photon counting imaging detector. A spatial encoding method is proposed to extract multi-bits random number from the position coordinates of each detected photon. The randomness of bits sequence relies on the intrinsic randomness of the quantum physical processes of photonic emission and subsequent photoelectric conversion. A prototype has been built and the random bit generation rate could reach 8 Mbit/s, with random bit generation efficiency of 16 bits per detected photon. FPGA implementation of Huffman coding is proposed to reduce the bias of raw extracted random bits. The random numbers passed all tests for physical random number generator. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000344594200016

PubMed ID: 25362380

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

huang, shan 



feng, chen 



zhang, shijie 



Zhou, Nanrun 




ISSN: 0034-6748

eISSN: 1089-7623



Record 50 of 244

Title: Pylon Line Spatial Correlation Assisted Transmission Line Detection

Author(s): Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun); Shan, HT (Shan, Haotian); Cao, XB (Cao, Xianbin); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS  Volume: 50  Issue: 4  Pages: 2890-2905  DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2014.120732  Published: OCT 2014  

Abstract: A transmission line is one of the most hazardous objects to low altitude flying aircraft. Due to its extremely tiny size and unsalient visual features, transmission line detection (TLD) is a well-recognized problem. In this paper, a novel TLD method is proposed with the assistance of the spatial correlation between pylon and line for TLD. First, a unidirectional spatial mapping is built up to describe the pylon line spatial correlation. Then, the proposed pylon line spatial correlation and other line features are integrated into a Bayesian framework, which is trained in advance and used to estimate the probability of one line segment belonging to a transmission line. Compared with three other line-based TLD methods, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain better detection performance with higher detection rates and much lower false alarm rates.

Accession Number: WOS:000346792500036

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Pingkun 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0018-9251

eISSN: 1557-9603



Record 51 of 244

Title: Spectroscopic and thermal properties of novel Yb<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped TeO<sub>2</sub>-PbO-NbO<sub>2.5</sub> based tellurite glasses with high emission cross-section

Author(s): Lin, SB (Lin, She-Bao); Wang, PF (Wang, Peng-Fei); She, JB (She, Jiang-Bo); Xu, SN (Xu, Shen-Nuo); Zhao, PF (Zhao, Peng-Fei); Yu, CL (Yu, Cheng-Long); Liu, CX (Liu, Chun-Xiao); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B  Volume: 28  Issue: 25  Article Number: 1450198  DOI: 10.1142/S021798491450198X  Published: SEP 30 2014  

Abstract: Series of 70% TeO2 - x% PbO - (30 - x%) NbO2.5 (x = 0, 5, and 10 mol.%) glasses doped with Yb2O3 were prepared by the melt-quenching method. Their emission cross-sections, fluorescence lifetimes and gain coefficient were investigated by the absorption spectra and the fluorescence decay curves, respectively. The results show that the glass with 10% PbO possesses the largest emission cross-section of 1.51 pm(2), the fluorescence lifetime of 0.68 ms and the gain coefficient of 1.03 ms.pm(2). These indicate that this tellurite glass may have potential application as Yb2O3 doped gain medium for solid laser.

Accession Number: WOS:000342987100004

ISSN: 0217-9849

eISSN: 1793-6640



Record 52 of 244

Title: Shrink image by feature matrix decomposition

Author(s): Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 140  Pages: 162-171  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.03.025  Published: SEP 22 2014  

Abstract: With the development of multimedia technology, image resizing has been raised as a question when the aspect ratio of an examined image should be displayed on a device with a different aspect ratio. Traditional nonuniform scaling for tackling this problem will lead to distortion. Therefore, content-aware consideration is mostly incorporated in the designing procedure. Such methods generally defines an energy function indicating the importance level of image content. The more important regions would be retained in the resizing procedure and distortion could be avoided consequently. The definition of the related energy function is thus the critical factor that directly influences the resizing results. In this work, we explore the definition of energy function from another aspect, matrix decomposition of Low-rank Representation. In our processing, a feature matrix that reflects the texture prior of object contour is firstly constructed. Then the matrix is decomposed into a low-rank one and sparse one. The energy function for resizing is then inferred from the sparse one. We illustrate the proposed method through seam carving framework and image shrinkage operation. Experiments on a dataset containing 1000 images demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337775400017

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Wang, He 



Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Jing 



Li, Xuelong 



lin, qing 



Wang, Qi 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 53 of 244

Title: Optical Bloch oscillations of an Airy beam in a photonic lattice with a linear transverse index gradient

Author(s): Xiao, FJ (Xiao, Fajun); Li, BR (Li, Baoran); Wang, MR (Wang, Meirong); Zhu, WR (Zhu, Weiren); Zhang, P (Zhang, Peng); Liu, S (Liu, Sheng); Premaratne, M (Premaratne, Malin); Zhao, JL (Zhao, Jianlin)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 19  Pages: 22763-22770  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.022763  Published: SEP 22 2014  

Abstract: We theoretically report the existence of optical Bloch oscillations (BO) of an Airy beam in a one-dimensional optically induced photonic lattice with a linear transverse index gradient. The Airy beam experiencing optical BO shows a more robust non-diffracting feature than its counterparts in free space or in a uniform photonic lattice. Interestingly, a periodical recurrence of Airy shape accompanied with constant alternation of its acceleration direction is also found during the BO. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the period and amplitude of BO of an Airy beam can be readily controlled over a wide range by varying the index gradient and/or the lattice period. Exploiting these features, we propose a scheme to rout an Airy beam to a predefined output channel without losing its characteristics by longitudinally modulating the transverse index gradient. (C)2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000342756500049

PubMed ID: 25321745

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhu, Weiren 



Liu, Sheng 



Zhang, Peng 



Premaratne, Malin 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 54 of 244

Title: High-contrast electro-optic modulation of spatial light induced by graphene-integrated Fabry-Perot microcavity

Author(s): Zeng, C (Zeng, Chao); Guo, J (Guo, Jing); Liu, XM (Liu, Xueming)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 105  Issue: 12  Article Number: 121103  DOI: 10.1063/1.4895633  Published: SEP 22 2014  

Abstract: We have proposed a graphene-integrated Fabry-Perot microcavity for efficient modulation of spatial light. A simplified theoretical model is established to analyze the performance of our system, and the calculated results agree well with the simulation results. It is shown that the plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) effect is achieved in the proposed microcavity and the central frequency of PIT window can be dynamically tuned by gate voltages. In particular, the PIT spectra exhibit extremely large modulation depths (similar to 90%) across a broad range of frequencies. The proposed ultracompact configuration demonstrates a type of cavity-induced high-contrast and frequency-selective electrooptic modulators, offering opportunities in exploiting active chip-integrated high-performance devices operating at frequencies from terahertz to mid-infrared. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000343004400003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zeng, Chao 



Wu, Jiale 




ISSN: 0003-6951

eISSN: 1077-3118



Record 55 of 244

Title: Laser induced self-propagating reduction and exfoliation of graphite oxide as an electrode material for supercapacitors

Author(s): Wang, DW (Wang, Dewei); Min, YG (Min, Yonggang); Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA  Volume: 141  Pages: 271-278  DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2014.07.036  Published: SEP 20 2014  

Abstract: Focused laser beam induced self-propagating reaction has been developed for fabrication of graphene rapidly and efficiently through simultaneous reduction and exfoliation of graphite oxide (GO) process. This chemical-free approach can realize the reduction and exfoliation at room temperature without assistance of any high temperature/vacuum environment We found that the small sized spot can trigger an ultrafast and highly thermal transferred process by self-propagating reaction at ambient conditions. Benefiting from its high surface area and unique structure, the laser induced self-propagating reaction reduced graphene (LIG) shows excellent capacitive performance. Considering that the cost-effective and feasible process, this facile technique presented here will not only provide a promising method for production of graphene on an industrial scale, but also put forward the application graphene materials in energy storage and conversion. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000343022900036

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Dewei 



Yu, Youhai 




ISSN: 0013-4686

eISSN: 1873-3859



Record 56 of 244

Title: Mode Locked Fiber Laser Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube in Heavy Water

Author(s): Yu, ZH (Yu, Zhenhua); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Tian, JR (Tian, Jinrong); Dou, ZY (Dou, Zhiyuan); Li, KX (Li, Kexuan); Song, YR (Song, Yanrong)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS  Volume: 26  Issue: 18  Pages: 1829-1831  DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2014.2336873  Published: SEP 15 2014  

Abstract: Carbon nanotubes in heavy water (deuteroxide, D2O) dispersion was fabricated and used as a saturable absorber for mode locking in a fiber laser. Such liquid absorber has the virtues of good optical transparency, high heat dissipation, and high damage threshold. A passively mode locked fiber laser with it was demonstrated. The pulsewidth is 306 fs with the maximum average output power of 20 mW. The center of the wavelength is 1560 nm with 15.2-nm spectral width.

Accession Number: WOS:000340792100010

ISSN: 1041-1135

eISSN: 1941-0174



Record 57 of 244

Title: Characterization of argon direct-current glow discharge with a longitudinal electric field applied at ambient air

Author(s): Jiang, WM (Jiang, Weiman); Tang, J (Tang, Jie); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Duan, YX (Duan, Yixiang)

Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 4  Article Number: 6323  DOI: 10.1038/srep06323  Published: SEP 10 2014  

Abstract: A direct-current-driven plasma jet is developed by applying a longitudinal electric field on the flowing argon at ambient air. This plasma shows a torch shape with its cross-section increased from the anode to the cathode. Comparison with its counterparts indicates that the gas flow plays a key role in variation of the plasma structure and contributes much to enlarging the plasma volume. It is also found that the circular hollow metal base promotes generation of plasma with a high-power volume density in a limited space. The optical emission spectroscopy (OES) diagnosis indicates that the plasma comprises many reactive species, such as OH, O, excited N-2, and Ar metastables. Examination of the rotational and vibrational temperature indicates that the plasma is under nonequilibrium condition and the excited species OH(A (2)Sigma(+)), O(P-5), and N-2(C (3)Pi(u)) are partly generated by energy transfer from argon metastables. The spatially resolved OES of plasma reveals that the negative glow, Faraday dark space, and positive column are distributed across the gas gap. The absence of the anode glow is attributed to the fact that many electrons in the vicinity of the anode follow ions into the positive column due to the ambipolar diffusion in the flowing gas.

Accession Number: WOS:000341933700005

PubMed ID: 25205176

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yixuan 



wang, yi 



Wang, Yijun 



Wang, yanru 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yixuan 




ISSN: 2045-2322



Record 58 of 244

Title: CMOS compatible integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer

Author(s): Ferrera, M (Ferrera, Marcello); Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Pasquazi, A (Pasquazi, Alessia); Peccianti, M (Peccianti, Marco); Clerici, M (Clerici, Matteo); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 18  Pages: 21488-21498  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.021488  Published: SEP 8 2014  

Abstract: We report an integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer based on a similar to 4cm long doped silica glass waveguide, with a bandwidth greater than 2.5 THz. We use this device to characterize the intensity power spectrum of ultrahigh repetition rate mode-locked lasers at repetition rates up to 400 GHz, and observe dynamic noise related behavior not observable with other techniques. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000341428000034

PubMed ID: 25321527

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chu, Sai T 



moss, david J 



Clerici, Matteo 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Peccianti, Marco 



Ferrera, Marcello 



Pasquazi, Alessia 



Caspani, Lucia 



moss, david 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 59 of 244

Title: Observation of multipulse bunches in a graphene oxide passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser with all-normal dispersion

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang, Shisheng); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Yan, PG (Yan Peiguang); Zhang, GL (Zhang, Gelin); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Junqing); Li, HQ (Li, Huiquan); Lin, RY (Lin, Rongyong); Cao, GZ (Cao, Guangzhong); Duan, JA (Duan, Ji'an)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS  Volume: 116  Issue: 4  Pages: 939-946  DOI: 10.1007/s00340-014-5780-7  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: We give a systematic experimental study of multipulse bunches in a graphene oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) passively mode-locked all-normal dispersion ytterbium-doped fiber laser (YDFL). Some special phenomena such as harmonic multipulse bunches, harmonic mode-locking, and chaotic multipulse states are also obtained. Our experiment reveals that the inserted 2.5-nm narrow bandwidth filter plays an important role in the formation of multipulse in all-normal dispersion fiber lasers. Because of the effective gain bandwidth depends on both the 2.5-nm narrow bandwidth filter and the artificial fiber birefringence filter, the multipulse operation states are sensitive to the polarization. It is the first demonstration of multipulse evolution in a GOSA passively mode-locked all-normal dispersion YDFL.

Accession Number: WOS:000341369600019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 



Cao, Guang-Zhong 




ISSN: 0946-2171

eISSN: 1432-0649



Record 60 of 244

Title: Spectroscopic properties of Yb<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped TeO<sub>2</sub>-BaO-BaF<sub>2</sub>-Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>-based oxyfluoride tellurite glasses

Author(s): Lin, SB (Lin She-Bao); Wang, PF (Wang Peng-Fei); She, JB (She Jiang-Bo); Guo, HT (Guo Hai-Tao); Xu, SN (Xu Shen-Nuo); Yu, CL (Yu Cheng-Long); Liu, CX (Liu Chun-Xiao); Peng, B (Peng Bo)

Source: CHINESE PHYSICS B  Volume: 23  Issue: 9  Article Number: 097801  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/9/097801  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: A series of oxyfluoride glasses with the compositions of 75 mol% TeO2, 10 mol% Nb2O5, (15 mol%-x) BaO, x BaF2 (x = 0 mol%, 5 mol%, 10 mol%, 15 mol%) doped with Yb2O3 were prepared by the melt-quenching method. Their emission cross-sections, fluorescence lifetimes, and gain properties were investigated by using the absorption spectra and the fluorescence decay curves. The results show that by substituting BaF2 for BaO, the emission cross-section decreases from 1.37 pm(2) to 1.21 pm(2), and the fluorescence lifetime increases from 0.71 ms to 0.96 ms. These properties indicate that this oxyfluoride tellurite glass may have potential uses as the Yb2O3-doped gain medium in a solid laser.

Accession Number: WOS:000344057200084

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Pengfei 




ISSN: 1674-1056

eISSN: 1741-4199



Record 61 of 244

Title: Spectroscopic and thermal properties of Yb<SUP>3+</SUP> doped TeO<sub>2</sub>-Bi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> based tellurite glasses

Author(s): Lin, SB (Lin, She-Bao); Wang, PF (Wang, Peng-Fei); She, JB (She, Jiang-Bo); Guo, HT (Guo, Hai-Tao); Xu, SN (Xu, Shen-Nuo); Zhao, PF (Zhao, Peng-Fei); Yu, CL (Yu, Cheng-Long); Liu, CX (Liu, Chun-Xiao); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE  Volume: 153  Pages: 29-33  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.02.031  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: Series of (94%-x) TeO2-6% Bi2O3-x Nb2O5 (x=10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20 mol%) glasses doped with Yb2O3 were prepared by the melt-quenching method. Their emission cross-sections, fluorescence lifetimes, gain and thermal properties were investigated by the absorption spectra, the fluorescence decay curves and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. The results show that the glass with 15 mol% Nb2O5 possesses the largest emission cross-section of 1.36 pm(2), the longest fluorescence lifetime of 0.96 ms and the highest gain coefficient of 1.31 ms pm(2); also the glass has excellent thermal properties, for which the value of Delta T(=T-x-T-g) reaches up to 144 degrees C. These indicate that this tellurite glass may have potential application as Yb2O3 doped gain medium for solid lasers. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000338392600005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Pengfei 




ISSN: 0022-2313

eISSN: 1872-7883



Record 62 of 244

Title: Effect of energy density on the machining character of C/SiC composites by picosecond laser

Author(s): Liu, YS (Liu, Yongsheng); Wang, CH (Wang, Chunhui); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Yang, XJ (Yang, Xiaojun); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qing); Cheng, LF (Cheng, Laifei); Zhang, LT (Zhang, Litong)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING  Volume: 116  Issue: 3  Pages: 1221-1228  DOI: 10.1007/s00339-013-8213-2  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: The effect of laser energy density on the machining character of C/SiC composites by picosecond laser was investigated using two machining modes: single ring line and helical lines scanning. For single ring line scanning mode, the width and depth of machining grooves increased nonlinearly with the increase of laser energy density. Moreover, periodic surface structures ( ripples) were generated at relative low laser energy density and disappeared at high energy density. With the increasing energy density, the oxygen content of machining debris increased dramatically. For helical lines scanning mode, the depth of machining grooves increased nonlinearly with the increasing laser energy density. With the increasing energy density, the oxygen content of machining debris also increased dramatically. The machining character showed as nano-scale laser-induced ripples, pores, strip structures and bubble pits. Finally, micro-holes of high aspect ratio were obtained in the mode of helical lines scanning by removing multiple layers.

Accession Number: WOS:000340583500044

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Chunhui 



Liu, Yongsheng 



Zhao, Kai 



Litong, Zhang 



Cheng, Laifei 




ISSN: 0947-8396

eISSN: 1432-0630



Record 63 of 244

Title: Adaptive Shape Prior Constrained Level Sets for Bladder MR Image Segmentation

Author(s): Qin, XJ (Qin, Xianjing); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Liu, Y (Liu, Yang); Lu, HB (Lu, Hongbing); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun)

Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS  Volume: 18  Issue: 5  Pages: 1707-1716  DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2013.2288935  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: Three-dimensional bladder wall segmentation for thickness measuring can be very useful for bladder magnetic resonance (MR) image analysis, since thickening of the bladder wall can indicate abnormality. However, it is a challenging task due to the artifacts inside bladder lumen, weak boundaries in the apex and base areas, and complicated outside intensity distributions. To deal with these difficulties, in this paper, an adaptive shape prior constrained directional level set model is proposed to segment the inner and outer boundaries of the bladder wall. In addition, a coupled directional level set model is presented to refine the segmentation by exploiting the prior knowledge of region information and minimum thickness. With our proposed method, the influence of the artifacts in the bladder lumen and the complicated outside tissues surrounding the bladder can be appreciably reduced. Furthermore, the leakage on the weak boundaries can be avoided. Compared with other related methods, better results were obtained on 11 patients' 3-D bladder MR images by using the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000341986600021

PubMed ID: 24235318

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yan, Pingkun 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2194



Record 64 of 244

Title: Exposure Fusion Using Boosting Laplacian Pyramid

Author(s): Shen, JB (Shen, Jianbing); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Ying); Yan, SC (Yan, Shuicheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 9  Pages: 1579-1590  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2290435  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: This paper proposes a new exposure fusion approach for producing a high quality image result from multiple exposure images. Based on the local weight and global weight by considering the exposure quality measurement between different exposure images, and the just noticeable distortion-based saliency weight, a novel hybrid exposure weight measurement is developed. This new hybrid weight is guided not only by a single image's exposure level but also by the relative exposure level between different exposure images. The core of the approach is our novel boosting Laplacian pyramid, which is based on the structure of boosting the detail and base signal, respectively, and the boosting process is guided by the proposed exposure weight. Our approach can effectively blend the multiple exposure images for static scenes while preserving both color appearance and texture structure. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully produces visually pleasing exposure fusion images with better color appearance and more texture details than the existing exposure fusion techniques and tone mapping operators.

Accession Number: WOS:000342227500009

PubMed ID: 25137687

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Shuicheng 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Shen, Jianbing 



Shen, Jianbing 



Zhao, Ying 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 65 of 244

Title: GaAs film for photon-enhanced thermionic emission solar harvesters

Author(s): Tang, WD (Tang, Weidong); Yang, WZ (Yang, Wenzheng); Yang, Y (Yang, Yang); Sun, CD (Sun, Chuandong); Cai, ZP (Cai, Zhipeng)

Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING  Volume: 25  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 143-147  DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2013.10.009  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: A novel concept for solar electricity generation named photon-enhanced thermionic emission (PETE) was recently proposed for harvesting solar photonic and thermionic energies simultaneously. Comparative investigations showed that the conversion efficiency of PETE can theoretically exceed 40%. In this paper, an electric field-assisted PETE experiment was carried out to demonstrate the possibility of using GaAs epitaxial films in PETE solar devices. The solar photonic and thermionic effects were simulated by a red light-emitting diode array and a heat resistor, respectively. Surface electron affinity was decreased by an electric field instead of Cs/Cs-O coating. The experimental results agreed with calculated values, and a distinct enhancement was observed in the thermionic emission produced by photoexcitation compared with thermionic field emission produced by an illuminated sample and the sample emission obtained in the dark. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000338820500019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Cai, Zhipeng 



Yang, Wenzheng 



Yang, Yang 




ISSN: 1369-8001

eISSN: 1873-4081



Record 66 of 244

Title: Measurement of femtosecond pulse contrast of low-repetition-rate lasers by optical Kerr effect

Author(s): Wu, DK (Wu, Dengke); He, JF (He, Junfang); Zhu, CJ (Zhu, Changjun); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)

Source: JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS  Volume: 23  Issue: 3  Article Number: 1450031  DOI: 10.1142/S0218863514500313  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, pulse contrast was measured for femtosecond lasers with low-repetition-rate (40Hz) using optical Kerr gate as a sampler. The results show that, without attenuator, dynamic range as high as 10(4) was achieved, with a scanning range of 126 ps and a temporal sampling interval of 6.3 fs. Moreover, the method suits for measuring laser pulse contrast in wide spectrum range.

Accession Number: WOS:000344252000005

ISSN: 0218-8635

eISSN: 1793-6624



Record 67 of 244

Title: A Probabilistic Associative Model for Segmenting Weakly Supervised Images

Author(s): Zhang, LM (Zhang, Luming); Yang, Y (Yang, Yi); Gao, Y (Gao, Yue); Yu, Y (Yu, Yi); Wang, CB (Wang, Changbo); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 23  Issue: 9  Pages: 4150-4159  DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2344433  Published: SEP 2014  

Abstract: Weakly supervised image segmentation is an important yet challenging task in image processing and pattern recognition fields. It is defined as: in the training stage, semantic labels are only at the image-level, without regard to their specific object/scene location within the image. Given a test image, the goal is to predict the semantics of every pixel/superpixel. In this paper, we propose a new weakly supervised image segmentation model, focusing on learning the semantic associations between superpixel sets (graphlets in this paper). In particular, we first extract graphlets from each image, where a graphlet is a small-sized graph measures the potential of multiple spatially neighboring superpixels (i.e., the probability of these superpixels sharing a common semantic label, such as the sky or the sea). To compare different-sized graphlets and to incorporate image-level labels, a manifold embedding algorithm is designed to transform all graphlets into equal-length feature vectors. Finally, we present a hierarchical Bayesian network to capture the semantic associations between postembedding graphlets, based on which the semantics of each superpixel is inferred accordingly. Experimental results demonstrate that: 1) our approach performs competitively compared with the state-of-the-art approaches on three public data sets and 2) considerable performance enhancement is achieved when using our approach on segmentation-based photo cropping and image categorization.

Accession Number: WOS:000348366200012

PubMed ID: 25095256

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



Li, Xuelong 



yang, yang 



Lang, Ming 



li, xiang 



Yang, Yi 



yang, yang 



Li, Xuelong 



zhang, lu 



yang, yang 



Gao, Yue 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1057-7149

eISSN: 1941-0042



Record 68 of 244

Title: Tunable wavefront coded imaging system based on detachable phase mask: Mathematical analysis, optimization and underlying applications

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Wei, JX (Wei, Jingxuan)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 326  Pages: 35-42  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.04.023  Published: SEP 1 2014  

Abstract: The key to the concept of tunable wavefront coding lies in detachable phase masks. Ojeda-Castaneda et al. (Progress in Electronics Research Symposium Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 5-8, 2010) described a typical design in which two components with cosinusoidal phase variation operate together to make defocus sensitivity tunable. The present study proposes an improved design and makes three contributions: (1) A mathematical derivation based on the stationary phase method explains why the detachable phase mask of Ojeda-Castaneda et al tunes the defocus sensitivity. (2) The mathematical derivations show that the effective bandwidth wavefront coded imaging system is also tunable by making each component of the detachable phase mask move asymmetrically. An improved Fisher information-based optimization procedure was also designed to ascertain the optimal mask parameters corresponding to specific bandwidth. (3) Possible applications of the tunable bandwidth are demonstrated by simulated imaging. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000336969600007

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wei, jing 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 69 of 244

Title: Femtosecond-Pulse Fiber Based Amplification Techniques and Their Applications

Author(s): Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Hu, XH (Hu, Xiaohong); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan)

Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS  Volume: 20  Issue: 5  Article Number: 3100513  DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2308396  Published: SEP-OCT 2014  

Abstract: Three kinds of pulse amplification techniques including chirped-pulse amplification (CPA), parabolic pulse amplification, and divided-pulse amplification (DPA) based on rare-earth doped fiber gain medium are reviewed. Large core area fiber and cladding-pumping technique compose the foundation of high average power, high pulse energy fiber CPA technology. Femtosecond pulses have been demonstrated at average powers of up to 830 W, pulse energies of up to 2.2 mJ and compressed pulse duration of 23 fs from different fiber CPA systems. The state-of-the-art performance of fiber CPA system to date is the simultaneous generation of 530 W, 1.3 mJ compressed femtosecond pulses at 400 kHz repetition rate. The balance between fiber gain, dispersion and nonlinearity is required for the self-similar propagation and thus the formation of pulses with parabolic intensity profile. Sub-33 fs pulses were demonstrated from a gain-cascaded parabolic amplification system. A newly emerging DPA technique is also reviewed. In addition, the applications of pulsed fiber amplifiers in the areas of supercontinuum generation and material micromachining system are also introduced.

Accession Number: WOS:000336789800001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhao, wei 



Wang, Yixuan 



Zhang, wen 



Wang, yanru 



wang, yi 



Wang, Yijun 



Wang, Yiru 



wang, yixuan 




ISSN: 1077-260X

eISSN: 1558-4542



Record 70 of 244

Title: Performance of diode-pumped continuous wave tunable and passively Q-switched Nd,Mg:LiTaO<sub>3</sub> laser

Author(s): Feng, T (Feng, T.); Li, T (Li, T.); Zhao, S (Zhao, S.); Li, Q (Li, Q.); Yang, K (Yang, K.); Zhao, J (Zhao, J.); Qiao, W (Qiao, W.); Hang, Y (Hang, Y.); Zhang, P (Zhang, P.); Wang, Y (Wang, Y.); Xu, J (Xu, J.)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 325  Pages: 92-94  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.03.088  Published: AUG 30 2014  

Abstract: The lasing characteristics of Nd,Mg:LiTaO3 crystal is demonstrated in this paper. The continuous wave laser spectra can be tuned from 1079.8 nm to 1083.1 nm and 1089.6 nm to 1093.2 nm. By employing a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) as saturable absorber (SA), the shortest pulse duration of 380 ns under repetition rate of 103 kHz is obtained, corresponding to a single pulse energy of 3.2 mu J (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Accession Number: WOS:000336969400016

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Xu, Jianqiu 



zhao, shuangling 



Hang, Yin 



zhao, jia 



Liu, Zhen 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 71 of 244

Title: Grid-controlled emission source for space X-ray communication

Author(s): Ma, XF (Ma Xiao-Fei); Zhao, BS (Zhao Bao-Sheng); Sheng, LZ (Sheng Li-Zhi); Liu, YA (Liu Yong-An); Liu, D (Liu Duo); Deng, NQ (Deng Ning-Qin)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 16  Article Number: 160701  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.160701  Published: AUG 20 2014  

Abstract: Using X-ray as carrier signal to realize the high rate information transmission in a distant space is attracting the attention of researchers. The development of this technology has a positive significance for broadening the scope of use of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this paper, the novel grid control X-ray source, which consists of a traditional X-ray tube and a signal control grid, is designed to meet the requirements of X-ray communication in the simulation vacuum experimental system by means of three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software CST particle studio. The tube potential distribution, electron trajectory, actual focal spot and the number of electrons at the anode are simulated by the computer simulation software. It works by changing the grid voltage to control the X-ray pulse emission. The data of the simulation are as follows. The actual focal spot size is 0.4 mm x 4 mm, the effective gate-on voltage is 0 V, and the gate-off voltage is -10 V. X-ray tube grid-controlled characteristics are tested in experiment. The test results are well consistent with the simulation results. Finally, the digital signal transmission is successfully implemented in the X-ray vacuum experiment system.

Accession Number: WOS:000341427000010

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

huang, shan 



zhang, shijie 



Sheng, Lizhi 



feng, chen 




ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 72 of 244

Title: The performance of new polymer solar cells based on thiophene and thienyl-quinoxaline with the post treatments (vol 122, pg 74, 2014)

Author(s): Gao, BW (Gao, Bowen); Gao, C (Gao, Chao); Wu, HM (Wu, Haimei); Que, WX (Que, Wenxin); Wei, W (Wei, Wei)

Source: MATERIALS LETTERS  Volume: 129  Pages: 213-213  DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.05.053  Published: AUG 15 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000338818800058

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Que, Wenxiu Prof. 



Que, Wenxiu 




ISSN: 0167-577X

eISSN: 1873-4979



Record 73 of 244

Title: Low-Cost Multipoint Liquid-Level Sensor With Plastic Optical Fiber

Author(s): Lin, X (Lin, Xiao); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Xu, YP (Xu, Yiping); Chen, NN (Chen, Nana); Ju, HJ (Ju, Haijuan); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); He, ZQ (He, Zhengquan); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi); Hu, BW (Hu, Baowen); Li, YL (Li, Yulin)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS  Volume: 26  Issue: 16  Pages: 1613-1616  DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2014.2329037  Published: AUG 15 2014  

Abstract: A simple and low-cost discrete liquid-level measurement system is present in this letter. It consists of a group of plastic optical fiber segments, which are aligned coaxially and spaced equally. When the spacing between every two adjacent fiber segments is filled with liquid, the light power will be easier to couple from one segment to the next as compared with the situation that the fibers are exposed in air. Based on this point, we design this intensity-based sensor and investigate its working properties theoretically by using the ray-tracing method. The performance of this sensor is demonstrated in detail where different liquids are utilized as specimens.

Accession Number: WOS:000340787400007

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ren, li yong 




ISSN: 1041-1135

eISSN: 1941-0174



Record 74 of 244

Title: Simulation study on slant-to-vertical deviation in two dimensional TEC mapping over the ionosphere equatorial anomaly

Author(s): Yu, T (Yu, Tao); Ma, T (Ma, Tian); Wang, YG (Wang, Yungang); Zeng, ZC (Zeng, Zhongcao); Xia, CL (Xia, Chunliang); Wu, FL (Wu, Fenglei); Weng, L (Weng, La)

Source: ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH  Volume: 54  Issue: 4  Pages: 595-603  DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.04.015  Published: AUG 15 2014  

Abstract: With the rapid increase of GPS/GNSS receivers being deployed and operated in China, real-time GPS data from nearly a thousand sites are available at the National Center for Space Weather, China Meteorology Administration. However, it is challenging to generate a high-quality regional total electron content (TEC) map with the traditional two-dimensional (2-D) retrieval scheme because a large horizontal gradient has been reported over east south Asia due to the northern equatorial ionization anomaly. We developed an Ionosphere Data Assimilation Analysis System (IDAAS), which is described in this study, using an International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model as the background and applying a Kalman filter for updated observations. The IDAAS can reconstruct a three-dimensional ionosphere with the GPS slant TEC. The inverse slant TEC correlates well with observations both for GPS sites involved in the reconstruction and sites that are not involved. Based on the IDAAS, simulations were performed to investigate the deviation relative to the slant-to-vertical conversion (STY). The results indicate that the relative deviation induced by slant-to-vertical conversion may be significant in certain instances, and the deviation varies from 0% to 40% when the elevation decreases from 90 to 150, while the relative IDAAS deviation is much smaller and varies from -5% to 15% without an elevation dependence. Compared with 'true TEC' map derived from the model, there is large difference in STV TEC map but no obvious discrepancy in IDAAS map. Generally, the IDAAS TEC map is much closer to the "true TEC" than is STY TEC map is.
It is suggested that three-dimensional inversion technique is necessary for GPS observations of low elevation at an equatorial anomaly region, wherein the high horizontal electron density gradient may produce significant slant-to-vertical deviations using the two-dimensional STY inversion method. (C) 2014 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000339692800004

ISSN: 0273-1177

eISSN: 1879-1948



Record 75 of 244

Title: Tunneling induced dark states and the controllable resonance fluorescence spectrum in quantum dot molecules

Author(s): Tian, SC (Tian, Si-Cong); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Tong, CZ (Tong, Cun-Zhu); Ning, YQ (Ning, Yong-Qiang); Qin, L (Qin, Li); Liu, Y (Liu, Yun)

Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 47  Issue: 15  Article Number: 155503  DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/15/155503  Published: AUG 14 2014  

Abstract: Optical spectroscopy, a powerful tool for probing and manipulating quantum dots (QDs), has been used to investigate the resonance fluorescence spectrum from linear triple quantum dot molecules controlled by tunneling, using atomic physics methods. Interesting features such as quenching and narrowing of the fluorescence are observed. In such molecules the tunneling between the quantum dots can also induce a dark state. The results are explained by the transition properties of the dressed states generated by the coupling of the laser and the tunneling. Unlike the atomic system, in such quantum dot molecules quantum coherence can be induced using tunneling, requiring no coupling lasers, which will allow tunneling controllable quantum dot molecules to be applied to quantum optics and photonics.

Accession Number: WOS:000341975200014

ISSN: 0953-4075

eISSN: 1361-6455



Record 76 of 244

Title: Wavelength conversion in highly nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguides

Author(s): An, LL (An, Linliang); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 22  Pages: 4886-4893  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.004886  Published: AUG 1 2014  

Abstract: Wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguide is theoretically investigated in the telecommunication bands. Compared with vertical slot waveguides, the horizontal slot waveguide structure exhibits much flatter dispersion. The maximum nonlinearity coefficient gamma of 1.5 x 10(7) W-1 km(-1) and the minimum effective mode area A(eff) of 0.065 mu m(2) are obtained in a horizontal slot waveguide with a 20-nm-thick optically nonlinear layer by controlling the geometric parameters. The wavelength conversion efficiency of 7.45 dB with a pump power of 100 mW in a 4-mm-long horizontal slot waveguide is obtained. This low power on-chip wavelength convertor will have potential applications in highly integrated optical circuits. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000340824800023

PubMed ID: 25090318

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

lin, yuan 



Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 77 of 244

Title: Effects of cavity detuning on squeezing in the generation of squeezed light at 1064 nm

Author(s): Feng, F (Feng, Fei); Song, JZ (Song, Jiazheng); Qu, WY (Qu, Wenyan); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tongyi)

Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 53  Issue: 8  Article Number: 086106  DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.8.086106  Published: AUG 2014  

Abstract: We investigate the effects of cavity detuning on squeezing in the generation of the squeezed light at 1064 nm with a degenerate optical parametric amplifier (OPA) based on a periodically poled KTiOPO4 crystal. We theoretically analyze several effects that lead to cavity detuning, including the displacement and tilt of the incident laser light and the cavity length fluctuations of the OPA. To reduce the influence of the cavity detuning and increase the degree of generated quantum noise reduction, a side-of-fringe locking technique is applied to achieve the resonance between the OPA cavity and the injected laser beam. The experimental results show that the transmitted power through the locked cavity is increased and the cavity detuning is greatly suppressed. After locking of the cavity, we could expect to get a value for the control loop with an accuracy of 10(-9) and the locking time is not less than 2 h, which paves the way for the preparation of the squeezed light. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Accession Number: WOS:000341195300041

ISSN: 0091-3286

eISSN: 1560-2303



Record 78 of 244

Title: Intrinsic optical torque of cylindrical vector beams on Rayleigh absorptive spherical particles

Author(s): Li, MM (Li, Manman); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Min, JW (Min, Junwei); Dan, D (Dan, Dan)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION  Volume: 31  Issue: 8  Pages: 1710-1715  DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.31.001710  Published: AUG 2014  

Abstract: The intrinsic optical torque of a focused cylindrical vector beam on a Rayleigh absorptive spherical particle is calculated via the corrected dipole approximation. Numerical results show that, for the radially polarized input field, the torque is distributed in the focal plane strictly along the azimuthal direction anywhere except at the focus. This shows a completely different property from what is observed in the focusing of a circularly polarized beam, where a strong axial torque component arises. For other cylindrically polarized input fields, the torque tends to align itself along the radial direction, as the polarization angle (the angle between the electric vector and the radial direction) changes from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. When limited to considering the torque at the equilibrium position, we find that only for those input fields with polarization angles larger than 50 degrees, the particle experiences a nonzero torque at its equilibrium position. This is verified by showing quantitatively the effects of the polarization angle on the magnitude and orientation of the torque at the equilibrium position. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000341591600003

PubMed ID: 25121525

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

min, junwei 



dan, dan 



Yao, Baoli 



Lei, Ming 




ISSN: 1084-7529

eISSN: 1520-8532



Record 79 of 244

Title: The Recent Development of Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensor

Author(s): Wang, J (Wang Jian); Wei, JP (Wei Jian-ping); Yang, B (Yang Bo); Gao, ZY (Gao Zhi-yang); Zhang, LW (Zhang Li-wei); Yang, XF (Yang Xue-feng)

Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  Volume: 34  Issue: 8  Pages: 2035-2039  Published: AUG 2014  

Abstract: The present article provides a brief review of recent research on fiber-optic chemical sensor technology and the future development trends. Especially, fiber-optic pH chemicl sensor, fiber-optic ion chemicl sensor, and fiber-optic gas chemical sensor are introducded respectively. Sensing film preparation methods such as chemical bonding method and sol-gel method were briefly reviewed. The emergence of new type fiber-microstructured optical fiber opened up a new development direction for fiber-optic chemical sensor. Because of its large inner surface area, flexible design of structure, having internal sensing places in fibers, it has rapidly become an important development direction and research focus of the fiber-optic chemical sensors. The fiber-optic chemical sensor derived from microstructured optical fiber is also discussed in detail. Finally, we look to the future of the fiber-optic chemical sensor.

Accession Number: WOS:000339930600005

PubMed ID: 25474930

ISSN: 1000-0593



Record 80 of 244

Title: Electrically tunable graphene plasmonic quasicrystal metasurfaces for transformation optics

Author(s): Zeng, C (Zeng, Chao); Liu, XM (Liu, Xueming); Wang, GX (Wang, Guoxi)

Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 4  Article Number: 5763  DOI: 10.1038/srep05763  Published: JUL 21 2014  

Abstract: The past few years have witnessed tremendous achievements of transformation optics applied to metallic plasmonic systems. Due to the poor tunability of metals, however, the ultimate control over surface plasmons remains a challenge. Here we propose a new type of graphene plasmonic (GP) metasurfaces by shaping the dielectrics underneath monolayer graphene into specific photonic crystals. The radial and axial gradient-index (GRIN) lenses are implemented to demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of the proposal. It is found that the designed GP-GRIN lenses work perfectly well for focusing, collimating, and guiding the GP waves. Especially, they exhibit excellent performances in the THz regime as diverse as ultra-small focusing spot (lambda(0)/60) and broadband electrical tunability. The proposed method offers potential opportunities in exploiting active transformational plasmonic elements operating at THz frequencies.

Accession Number: WOS:000339157000006

PubMed ID: 25042132

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Jiale 



Chen, Feng 




ISSN: 2045-2322



Record 81 of 244

Title: Group sparse reconstruction for image segmentation

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 136  Pages: 41-48  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.01.034  Published: JUL 20 2014  

Abstract: Image segmentation is a fundamental problem in computer vision and image analysis. Specially, the segmentation of medical images can assist doctors in making decisions. Due to the lack of distinctive features to describe the boundary of an organ and match function with high performance for features, medical image segmentation is difficult to be achieved with high accuracy. In this paper, an one-class classifier is proposed as the match function to decide whether the pixel belongs to the boundary or not. The proposed method is comprised of two steps. At first, a feature vector space is built with the gradient feature and its statistical information in the training stage. In the test image, a feature vector of one candidate probably being located on the boundary is reconstructed by sparse coding with the feature vector space. After reconstruction, the candidate is classified belonging to boundary or non-boundary via the reconstruction based one-class classifier. Then, in order to maintain the consistency between the candidates which are neighbors to each other, the neighboring candidates are coded using group lasso with the same dictionary. Compared to the traditional methods, the proposed one has three advantages. Firstly, it solves the non-Gaussian distribution problem of the positive samples. Secondly, it avoids large variation among the negative samples. Thirdly, the relationship of the neighboring candidates is considered and used in classification, which is ignored in other methods. The proposed method is validated on 52 MR images of prostate and outperforms Mahalanobis distance, which is considered as one of the state-of-the-art match functions. The experimental results show that the segmentation accuracy can be significantly improved by the proposed method with one-class classification. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000335708800005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 82 of 244

Title: Nonlinear absorption of SWNT film and its effects to the operation state of pulsed fiber laser

Author(s): Li, XH (Li, Xiaohui); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Yu, XC (Yu, Xuechao); Sun, ZP (Sun, Zhipei); Cheng, XP (Cheng, Xueping); Yu, X (Yu, Xia); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Ying); Wang, QJ (Wang, Qi Jie)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 14  Pages: 17227-17235  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.017227  Published: JUL 14 2014  

Abstract: We study a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite as a saturable absorber (SA) for pulse generation in Yb-doped fiber lasers. The saturable absorption and optical limiting (OL) characteristics of the SWNT device are investigated. By combing these two nonlinear effects, we find out for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that mode-locking can be obtained in the dissipative soliton regime at low pumping followed by Q-switching at high pumping, which is quite different from conventional pulse dynamic evolutions. The Q-switched state operating at higher pump powers is due to the OL effect. The inverted operating fiber laser can be applied in various potential applications such as versatile material processing, optical communication and radar system etc. (C)2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000340674700053

PubMed ID: 25090536

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yu, Xuechao 



Wang, Yixuan 



Zhang, Cheng 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yijun 



wang, yi 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, yanru 



Wang, Qijie 



Sun, Zhipei 



wang, qi 



wang, qi 



Li, Xiaohui 



sun, zhipei 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 83 of 244

Title: Spectral Embedded Hashing for Scalable Image Retrieval

Author(s): Chen, L (Chen, Lin); Xu, D (Xu, Dong); Tsang, IWH (Tsang, Ivor Wai-Hung); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 7  Pages: 1180-1190  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2281366  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: We propose a new graph based hashing method called spectral embedded hashing (SEH) for large-scale image retrieval. We first introduce a new regularizer into the objective function of the recent work spectral hashing to control the mismatch between the resultant hamming embedding and the low-dimensional data representation, which is obtained by using a linear regression function. This linear regression function can be employed to effectively handle the out-of-sample data, and the introduction of the new regularizer makes SEH better cope with the data sampled from a nonlinear manifold. Considering that SEH cannot efficiently cope with the high dimensional data, we further extend SEH to kernel SEH (KSEH) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness, in which a nonlinear regression function can also be employed to obtain the low dimensional data representation. We also develop a new method to efficiently solve the approximate solution for the eigenvalue decomposition problem in SEH and KSEH. Moreover, we show that some existing hashing methods are special cases of our KSEH. Our comprehensive experiments on CIFAR, Tiny-580K, NUS-WIDE, and Caltech-256 datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000342225800015

PubMed ID: 24951546

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Tsang, Ivor W 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Xu, Dong 



Tsang, Ivor 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 84 of 244

Title: Toward Multiscreen Social TV with Geolocation-Aware Social Sense

Author(s): Hu, H (Hu, Han); Wen, YG (Wen, Yonggang); Luan, HB (Luan, Huanbo); Chua, TS (Chua, Tat-Seng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE MULTIMEDIA  Volume: 21  Issue: 3  Pages: 10-19  DOI: 10.1109/MMUL.2014.2  Published: JUL-SEP 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000344994800003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wen, Yonggang 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Wen, Yonggang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1070-986X

eISSN: 1941-0166



Record 85 of 244

Title: Experimental observation of soliton molecule evolution in Yb-doped passively mode-locked fiber lasers

Author(s): Li, XH (Li, Xiaohui); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)

Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 11  Issue: 7  Article Number: 075103  DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/11/7/075103  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Abstract: We have observed soliton molecules with variable modulation depth of spectra in a passively mode-locked dispersion-managed Yb-doped fiber laser. The soliton molecule we experimentally investigated presents diatomic and tetratomic types. With the enhancement of pump power, the laser alternately operates at solitons molecule, temporal-separation-oscillation solitons, and harmonic mode-locked states. Moreover, the phase of solitons molecule is only locked at low pump, and excess pump would cause phase vibration.

Accession Number: WOS:000338939400004

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Yixuan 



wang, yi 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yijun 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, yanru 



Li, Xiaohui 




ISSN: 1612-2011

eISSN: 1612-202X



Record 86 of 244

Title: From Heuristic Optimization to Dictionary Learning: A Review and Comprehensive Comparison of Image Denoising Algorithms

Author(s): Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Yan, RM (Yan, Ruomei); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Liu, Y (Liu, Yan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 7  Pages: 1001-1013  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2278548  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Image denoising is a well explored topic in the field of image processing. In the past several decades, the progress made in image denoising has benefited from the improved modeling of natural images. In this paper, we introduce a new taxonomy based on image representations for a better understanding of state-of-the-art image denoising techniques. Within each category, several representative algorithms are selected for evaluation and comparison. The experimental results are discussed and analyzed to determine the overall advantages and disadvantages of each category. In general, the nonlocal methods within each category produce better denoising results than local ones. In addition, methods based on overcomplete representations using learned dictionaries perform better than others. The comprehensive study in this paper would serve as a good reference and stimulate new research ideas in image denoising.

Accession Number: WOS:000342225800002

PubMed ID: 24002014

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



liu, yan 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Shao, Ling 



LIU, Yan 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 87 of 244

Title: Feature Learning for Image Classification via Multiobjective Genetic Programming

Author(s): Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Liu, L (Liu, Li); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS  Volume: 25  Issue: 7  Pages: 1359-1371  DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2293418  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Feature extraction is the first and most critical step in image classification. Most existing image classification methods use hand-crafted features, which are not adaptive for different image domains. In this paper, we develop an evolutionary learning methodology to automatically generate domain-adaptive global feature descriptors for image classification using multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP). In our architecture, a set of primitive 2-D operators are randomly combined to construct feature descriptors through the MOGP evolving and then evaluated by two objective fitness criteria, i.e., the classification error and the tree complexity. After the entire evolution procedure finishes, the best-so-far solution selected by the MOGP is regarded as the (near-)optimal feature descriptor obtained. To evaluate its performance, the proposed approach is systematically tested on the Caltech-101, the MIT urban and nature scene, the CMU PIE, and Jochen Triesch Static Hand Posture II data sets, respectively. Experimental results verify that our method significantly outperforms many state-of-the-art hand-designed features and two feature learning techniques in terms of classification accuracy.

Accession Number: WOS:000337906300010

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 



liu, li 



li, xiang 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2162-237X

eISSN: 2162-2388



Record 88 of 244

Title: Interactive Segmentation Using Constrained Laplacian Optimization

Author(s): Shen, JB (Shen, Jianbing); Du, YF (Du, Yunfan); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 24  Issue: 7  Pages: 1088-1100  DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2302545  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: We present a novel interactive image segmentation approach with user scribbles using constrained Laplacian graph optimization. A novel energy framework is developed by adding the smoothing item in the cost function of Laplacian graph energy. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first to incorporate the normalized cuts and graph cuts algorithms into a unified energy optimization framework. The proposed approach is further accelerated by running the proposed optimization method on a band region when we segment the large images. Our acceleration strategy enables our approach to efficiently segment the large images, which yields about a 20-80 times speedup. The proposed approach is evaluated on both the publicly available data sets and our own data set with large images. The benefits of the proposed unified framework are also demonstrated both qualitatively and quantitatively. The experimental results show that our segmentation method achieves better performance of both boundary recall and error rate than the existing state-of-the-art approaches.

Accession Number: WOS:000340102500002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jianbing 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jianbing 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1051-8215

eISSN: 1558-2205



Record 89 of 244

Title: Robust Hashing with Local Models for Approximate Similarity Search

Author(s): Song, JK (Song, Jingkuan); Yang, Y (Yang, Yi); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Huang, Z (Huang, Zi); Yang, Y (Yang, Yang)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 7  Pages: 1225-1236  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2289351  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Similarity search plays an important role in many applications involving high-dimensional data. Due to the known dimensionality curse, the performance of most existing indexing structures degrades quickly as the feature dimensionality increases. Hashing methods, such as locality sensitive hashing (LSH) and its variants, have been widely used to achieve fast approximate similarity search by trading search quality for efficiency. However, most existing hashing methods make use of randomized algorithms to generate hash codes without considering the specific structural information in the data. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing method, namely, robust hashing with local models (RHLM), which learns a set of robust hash functions to map the high-dimensional data points into binary hash codes by effectively utilizing local structural information. In RHLM, for each individual data point in the training dataset, a local hashing model is learned and used to predict the hash codes of its neighboring data points. The local models from all the data points are globally aligned so that an optimal hash code can be assigned to each data point. After obtaining the hash codes of all the training data points, we design a robust method by employing l(2),(1)-norm minimization on the loss function to learn effective hash functions, which are then used to map each database point into its hash code. Given a query data point, the search process first maps it into the query hash code by the hash functions and then explores the buckets, which have similar hash codes to the query hash code. Extensive experimental results conducted on real-life datasets show that the proposed RHLM outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of search quality and efficiency.

Accession Number: WOS:000342225800019

PubMed ID: 24951547

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yang, yang 



yang, yang 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Lang, Ming 



Yang, Yi 



Li, Xuelong 



yang, yang 



Li, Xuelong 



Yang, Shuangming 







ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 90 of 244

Title: Efficient dictionary learning for visual categorization

Author(s): Tang, J (Tang, Jun); Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING  Volume: 124  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 91-98  DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.02.007  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: We propose an efficient method to learn a compact and discriminative dictionary for visual categorization, in which the dictionary learning is formulated as a problem of graph partition. Firstly, an approximate kNN graph is efficiently computed on the data set using a divide-and-conquer strategy. And then the dictionary learning is achieved by seeking a graph topology on the resulting KNN graph that maximizes a submodular objective function. Due to the property of diminishing return and monotonicity of the defined objective function, it can be solved by means of a fast greedy-based optimization. By combing these two efficient ingredients, we finally obtain a genuinely fast algorithm for dictionary learning, which is promising for large-scale datasets. Experimental results demonstrate its encouraging performance over several recently proposed dictionary learning methods. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337663600010

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1077-3142

eISSN: 1090-235X



Record 91 of 244

Title: Giant Kerr nonlinearity induced by tunneling in triple quantum dot molecules

Author(s): Tian, SC (Tian, Si-Cong); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Tong, CZ (Tong, Cun-Zhu); Ning, YQ (Ning, Yong-Qiang); Qin, L (Qin, Li); Liu, Y (Liu, Yun)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 31  Issue: 7  Pages: 1436-1442  DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.31.001436  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: A scheme for giant enhancement of the Kerr nonlinearity in linear triple quantum dot molecules is proposed. In such a system, the tunneling-induced transparency window obtained in double quantum dot molecules splits into two windows, due to the coupling with the third quantum dot. And most important, the Kerr nonlinearity can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude, compared with that generated in double quantum dot molecules. With proper detuning of the tunneling, giant Kerr nonlinearity accompanied by vanishing absorption can be realized, which opens the possibility to enhance self-phase modulation in tunneling controllable semiconductor nanostructures under conditions of low light levels. Quantitative analysis shows that the giant Kerr nonlinearity is attributed to the interacting double dark resonances induced by the tunneling between the triple quantum dots, therefore no extra laser fields are required. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000338931700005

ISSN: 0740-3224

eISSN: 1520-8540



Record 92 of 244

Title: Statistical quantization for similarity search

Author(s): Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Zhu, GK (Zhu, Guokang); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING  Volume: 124  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 22-30  DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.03.002  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Approximate nearest neighbor search has attracted much attention recently, which allows for fast query with a predictable sacrifice in search quality. Among the related works, k-means quantizers are possibly the most adaptive methods, and have shown the superiority on search accuracy than the others. However, a common problem shared by the traditional quantizers is that during the out-of-sample extension process, the naive strategy considers only the similarities in Euclidean space without taking into account the statistical and geometrical properties of the data. To cope with this problem, in this paper a novel approach is proposed by formulating a generalized likelihood ratio analysis. In particular, the proposed method takes a physically meaningful discrimination on the affiliations of the new samples with respect to the obtained Voronoi cells. This discrimination essentially imposes the measure of statistical consistency on out-of-sample extension. The experimental studies on two large data sets show that the proposed method is more effective than the benchmark algorithms. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337663600004

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



luo, yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 1077-3142

eISSN: 1090-235X



Record 93 of 244

Title: FIVQ algorithm for interference hyper-spectral image compression

Author(s): Wen, J (Wen, Jia); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen); Zhao, JS (Zhao, Junsuo)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 322  Pages: 97-104  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.02.016  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Abstract: Based on the improved vector quantization (IVQ) algorithm [1] which was proposed in 2012, this paper proposes a further improved vector quantization (FIVQ) algorithm for LASIS (Large Aperture Static Imaging Spectrometer) interference hyper-spectral image compression. To get better image quality, IVQ algorithm takes both the mean values and the VQ indices as the encoding rules. Although IVQ algorithm can improve both the bit rate and the image quality, it still can be further improved in order to get much lower bit rate for the LASlS interference pattern with the special optical characteristics based on the pushing and sweeping in LASIS imaging principle. In the proposed algorithm FIVQ, the neighborhood of the encoding blocks of the interference pattern image, which are using the mean value rules, will be checked whether they have the same mean value as the current processing block. Experiments show the proposed algorithm FIVQ can get lower bit rate compared to that of the IVQ algorithm for the LASIS interference hyper-spectral sequences. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Accession Number: WOS:000335886700017

ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 94 of 244

Title: Improving Level Set Method for Fast Auroral Oval Segmentation

Author(s): Yang, X (Yang, Xi); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 23  Issue: 7  Pages: 2854-2865  DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2321506  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Auroral oval segmentation from ultraviolet imager images is of significance in the field of spatial physics. Compared with various existing image segmentation methods, level set is a promising auroral oval segmentation method with satisfactory precision. However, the traditional level set methods are time consuming, which is not suitable for the processing of large aurora image database. For this purpose, an improving level set method is proposed for fast auroral oval segmentation. The proposed algorithm combines four strategies to solve the four problems leading to the high-time complexity. The first two strategies, including our shape knowledge-based initial evolving curve and neighbor embedded level set formulation, can not only accelerate the segmentation process but also improve the segmentation accuracy. And then, the latter two strategies, including the universal lattice Boltzmann method and sparse field method, can further reduce the time cost with an unlimited time step and narrow band computation. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed algorithm achieves satisfactory performance for auroral oval segmentation within a very short processing time.

Accession Number: WOS:000337141400008

PubMed ID: 24808412

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Han, Bing 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1057-7149

eISSN: 1941-0042



Record 95 of 244

Title: All-fiber laser simultaneously delivering multi-wavelength solitons

Author(s): Yun, L (Yun, L.)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 322  Pages: 61-65  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.02.007  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Abstract: All-fiber triple-wavelength laser mode-locked by a nonlinear amplifier loop mirror is proposed and demonstrated experimentally for the first time to author's best knowledge. By means of chirped fiber Bragg gratings in the intra-cavity and extra-cavity, three kinds of solitons with different wavelengths are simultaneously delivered from the proposed laser. The central wavelengths of solitons are 1539.5, 1549.5, and 1559.5 nm with the pulse durations of 6.2, 4.2, and 5 ps and the spectral bandwidths of 0.4, 0.7, and 0.5 nm, respectively. The experimental observations show that the all-fiber triple-wavelength laser is very stable in the long-term operation and is convenient for practical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000335886700011

ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 96 of 244

Title: NATAS: Neural Activity Trace Aware Saliency

Author(s): Zhu, GK (Zhu, Guokang); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 7  Pages: 1014-1024  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2279002  Published: JUL 2014  

Abstract: Saliency detection has raised much interest in computer vision recently. Many visual saliency models have been developed for individual images, video clips, and image pairs. However, image sequence, one most general occasion in the real world, is not explored yet. A general image sequence is different from video clips whose temporal continuity is maintained and image pairs where common objects exist. It might contain some similar low-level properties while completely distinct contents. Traditional saliency detection methods will fail on these general sequences. Based on this consideration, this paper investigates the shortcomings of the classical saliency detection methods, which significantly limit their advantages: 1) inability to capture the natural connections among sequential images, 2) over-reliance on motion cues, and 3) restriction to image pairs/videos with common objects. In order to address these problems, we propose a framework that performs the following contributions: 1) construct an image data set as benchmark through a rigorously designed behavioral experiment, 2) propose a neural activity trace aware saliency model to capture the general connections among images, and 3) design a novel measure to handle the low-level clues contained among sequential images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed saliency model is associated with a tremendous advancement compared with traditional methods when dealing with the general image sequence.

Accession Number: WOS:000342225800003

PubMed ID: 24951545

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 97 of 244

Title: Simple method of optical ring cavity design and its applications

Author(s): Wen, Q (Wen Qiao); Zhang, XJ (Zhang Xiaojun); Liang, ZS (Liang Zongsen); Wang, YG (Wang Yonggang); Sun, LQ (Sun Liqun); Niu, HB (Niu Hanben)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 12  Pages: 14782-14791  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.014782  Published: JUN 16 2014  

Abstract: When an optical ring cavity is designed, the beam radii at some special positions, especially at the beam waists are very interested in, since the gain mediums, nonlinear crystals and others important optical elements are generally located at the beam waist. In this paper, we firstly presented a simple method for designing optical ring cavities based on the self-consistency theory and the fact that q parameter is uniquely determined by the waist beam radius and its position. This approach is different from ABCD method and it no longer requires cumbersome calculation. The calculations of designing optical ring cavities are simplified because q parameter only has imaginary part at beam waist plane. Moreover, designing the resonant cavity through the calculation of beam waist radii and their position has great practical significance, because it is very easy to adjust the waist radii and the positions at the important optical elements. We employed this method to design an end-pumped six-mirror ring cavity continuous-wave passively mode locked laser. The experiment of a highly stabilized continuous-wave mode locked (CWML) laser was investigated and the results coincided with the theoretical studies very well. The investigation results show that the simple method can be used to design optical ring cavities conveniently, intuitively and efficiently. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000338044300071

PubMed ID: 24977573

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, jin 



zhang, jin 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 98 of 244

Title: Phase retrieval using spatially modulated illumination

Author(s): Gao, P (Gao, Peng); Pedrini, G (Pedrini, Giancarlo); Zuo, C (Zuo, Chao); Osten, W (Osten, Wolfgang)

Source: OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 39  Issue: 12  Pages: 3615-3618  DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.003615  Published: JUN 15 2014  

Abstract: In this Letter, we propose a method for retrieving the phase of a wavefront from the diffraction patterns recorded when the object is sequentially illuminated by spatially modulated light. For wavefronts having a smooth phase, the retrieval is achieved by using a deterministic method. When the phase has discontinuities, an iterative process is used for the retrieval and enhancement of the spatial resolution. Both the deterministic and iterative phase reconstructions are demonstrated by experiments. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000338870500065

PubMed ID: 24978550

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zuo, Chao 



Pedrini, Giancarlo 



Gao, Peng 




ISSN: 0146-9592

eISSN: 1539-4794



Record 99 of 244

Title: Transmission-Type Plano-Concave Lens Using in the Range of Extreme Ultraviolet Wavelength

Author(s): Li, Y (Li, Yan); Xu, XY (Xu, Xiangyan); Li, XL (Li, Xiao-Li)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS  Volume: 26  Issue: 12  Pages: 1239-1242  DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2014.2320551  Published: JUN 15 2014  

Abstract: A one-dimensional photonic crystal consisting of the fourth-order Fibonacci multilayer films has been studied by the finite-difference time-domain method and transfer matrix method. The refractive indices for two layers of the Fibonacci multilayer films are similar with that of manganese and silicon in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) band. The simulation result shows that there is an isotropic negative refractive index for the one-dimensional photonic crystal. Based on the character above, a kind of transmission-type plano-concave lens, which can be used in the EUV band (or soft X-ray), is designed. The distributions of the electromagnetic field for the lens and transimissivity of the Fibonacci multilayers films have also been calculated. The result demonstrates that the lens can focus the incoming EUV radiation, and its transmissivity is bigger than 5%-9% compared with that of the Fibonacci multilayers films, having the same structure with the lens. This letter has potential applications in the tansmission-type lens for EUV lithography.

Accession Number: WOS:000337149300005

ISSN: 1041-1135

eISSN: 1941-0174



Record 100 of 244

Title: Passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with single-walled carbon nanotube in heavy water

Author(s): Wang, YG (Wang, YongGang); Wang, YS (Wang, YiShan); Zhang, XJ (Zhang, XiaoJun); Wen, Q (Wen, Qiao)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 321  Pages: 172-175  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.01.067  Published: JUN 15 2014  

Abstract: Carbon nanotubes in heavy water (deuteroxide, D2O) dispersion was fabricated and used as absorber in (2-switched Nd:YVO4 laser for the first time to the best of our knowledge. Such liquid absorber has the virtues of good optical transparency, high heat dissipation and non contact damage. The shortest pulse width of the (2-switched laser is 709 ns, corresponding to 80 kHz repetition rate. The maximum output power of passively (2-switched laser is 214 mW. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000334820500030

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, jin 



zhang, jin 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 101 of 244

Title: Improvement of image deblurring for opto-electronic joint transform correlator under projective motion vector estimation

Author(s): Xiao, X (Xiao, Xiao); Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yang)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 321  Pages: 189-194  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.02.006  Published: JUN 15 2014  

Abstract: In this paper we propose an efficient algorithm to improve the performance of image deblurring based on opto-electronic joint transform correlator (JTC) that is capable of detecting the motion vector of a space camera. Firstly, the motion vector obtained from JTC is divided into many sub-motion vectors according to the projective motion path, which represents the degraded image as an integration of the clear scene under a sequence of planar projective transforms. Secondly, these sub-motion vectors are incorporated into the projective motion Richardson-Lucy (RL) algorithm to improve deblurred results. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm and the influence of noise on the algorithm performance is also statically analyzed. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000334820500033

ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 102 of 244

Title: A simple, polymer-microfiber-assisted approach to fabricating the silica microfiber knot resonator

Author(s): Xu, YP (Xu, Yiping); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Ma, CJ (Ma, Chengju); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli); Chen, NN (Chen, Nana); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 321  Pages: 157-161  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.01.077  Published: JUN 15 2014  

Abstract: With the assistance of the polymer microfiber, we propose a simple approach to fabricating silica-based optical microfiber knot resonators (MICRs) in this paper. A pre-fabricated knot ring made of the polymer microfiber can be readily driven to the silica microfiber owing to the intensive van der Waals and the electrostatic forces between the polymer and the silica microfibers. The fabrication process is introduced in detail. Several kinds of MICRs are fabricated and their optical performances are demonstrated accordingly. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000334820500027

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



ma, cheng ju 



ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 103 of 244

Title: Large-mode-area infrared guiding in ultrafast laser written waveguides in Sulfur-based chalcogenide glasses

Author(s): D'Amico, C (D'Amico, C.); Cheng, G (Cheng, G.); Mauclair, C (Mauclair, C.); Troles, J (Troles, J.); Calvez, L (Calvez, L.); Nazabal, V (Nazabal, V.); Caillaud, C (Caillaud, C.); Martin, G (Martin, G.); Arezki, B (Arezki, B.); LeCoarer, E (LeCoarer, E.); Kern, P (Kern, P.); Stoian, R (Stoian, R.)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 11  Pages: 13091-13101  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.013091  Published: JUN 2 2014  

Abstract: Current demands in astrophotonics impose advancing optical functions in infrared domains within embedded refractive index designs. We demonstrate concepts for large-mode-area guiding in ultrafast laser photowritten waveguides in bulk Sulfur-based chalcogenide glasses. If positive index contrasts are weak in As2S3, Ge doping increases the matrix rigidity and allows for high contrast (10(-3)) positive refractive index changes. Guiding with variable mode diameter and large-mode-area light transport is demonstrated up to 10 mu m spectral domain using transverse slit-shaped and evanescently-coupled multicore traces. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000337501600038

PubMed ID: 24921505

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Caillaud, Celine 



mauclair, cyril 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 104 of 244

Title: Picosecond passively mode-locked laser of 532 nm by reflective carbon nanotube

Author(s): Cai, W (Cai, Wei); Peng, QQ (Peng, Qianqian); Hou, W (Hou, Wei); Liu, J (Liu, Jie); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang)

Source: OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 58  Pages: 194-196  DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2013.12.003  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: By using reflective single-walled carbon nanotube as the saturable absorber, passively continuous-wave mode-locked of Nd:YVO4/KTP green laser was realized for the first time. The 532 nm mode-locked pulse width was estimated to be approximately 7.1 ps. The maximum average output power of 456 mW at 532 nm was obtained at a pump power of 7.35 W, corresponding to the repetition rate of 87.14 MHz. The single pulse energy and peak power were 5.23 nJ and 0.74 kW, respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000331686800031

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

cai, wei 




ISSN: 0030-3992

eISSN: 1879-2545



Record 105 of 244

Title: Theoretical and experimental investigations of a nanotube-mode-locked stretched-pulse fiber laser

Author(s): Guo, J (Guo, J.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS  Volume: 24  Issue: 6  Article Number: 065104  DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/24/6/065104  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: We report the generation of stretched pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on a single-wall carbon nanotube saturable absorber. The spectral bandwidth and pulse duration of the single stretched pulse are similar to 25 nm and similar to 1.43 ps, respectively. By increasing the pump power and adjusting the polarization state, bound-state stretched pulses are delivered from the fiber laser. The pulse-pulse separation and wavelength spacing of the bound-state pulses are similar to 7.8 ps and similar to 1 nm, respectively. Numerical simulations reproduce the experimental results and agree well with the experimental observations.

Accession Number: WOS:000338337500004

ISSN: 1054-660X

eISSN: 1555-6611



Record 106 of 244

Title: Study on 1.19 and 1.36 μm fluorescence for Ho-doped water-free fluorotellurite glasses

Author(s): He, JL (He, Jianli); Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Zhang, AD (Zhang, Aidong); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 320  Pages: 68-72  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.01.040  Published: JUN 1 2014  

Abstract: To find more efficient materials for optical amplifiers, near-infrared spectroscopic properties of Ho3+-doped water-free fluorotellurite glasses 60TeO(2)-30ZnF(2)-10NaF (mol%, TZNF60) were investigated. Excited by an OPO laser system at 534 nm, intense 1.19 (Ho3+: I-5(6)-> I-5(g)) and 1.36 mu m (Ho3+: (S-5(2),F-5(4))-> I-5(5)) emissions in Ho3+ doped TZNF60 glasses were observed, and long directly measured lifetime at 1.19 mu m is of 750-950 mu s and of 32-44 mu s for 1.36 mu m, respectively, resulting from the absence of OH groups and the low phonon energy with the addition fluorides into tellurite oxide glasses. Among all the made Ho-TZNF60 samples, 1.00Ho(2)O(3)-TZNF60 glass presents the strongest fluorescence with larger emission cross-sections of (0.63, 0.22) x 10(-20) cm(2) at 1.2 and 1.36 mu m, respectively. Therefore, it is regarded as a promising material for the development of optical amplification and laser operation at the relatively unexplored 1.2 and 1.36 mu m regions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000333791300012

ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 107 of 244

Title: Joint Embedding Learning and Sparse Regression: A Framework for Unsupervised Feature Selection

Author(s): Hou, CP (Hou, Chenping); Nie, FP (Nie, Feiping); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yi, DY (Yi, Dongyun); Wu, Y (Wu, Yi)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 6  Pages: 793-804  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2272642  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: Feature selection has aroused considerable research interests during the last few decades. Traditional learning-based feature selection methods separate embedding learning and feature ranking. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised feature selection framework, termed as the joint embedding learning and sparse regression (JELSR), in which the embedding learning and sparse regression are jointly performed. Specifically, the proposed JELSR joins embedding learning with sparse regression to perform feature selection. To show the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we also provide a method using the weight via local linear approximation and adding the l(2,1)-norm regularization, and design an effective algorithm to solve the corresponding optimization problem. Furthermore, we also conduct some insightful discussion on the proposed feature selection approach, including the convergence analysis, computational complexity, and parameter determination. In all, the proposed framework not only provides a new perspective to view traditional methods but also evokes some other deep researches for feature selection. Compared with traditional unsupervised feature selection methods, our approach could integrate the merits of embedding learning and sparse regression. Promising experimental results on different kinds of data sets, including image, voice data and biological data, have validated the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000337960000006

PubMed ID: 23893760

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Kong, Xiangzhen 



Li, Xuelong 



Nie, Feiping 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 108 of 244

Title: Effects of various room temperatures on terahertz radiation via optical parametric oscillator

Author(s): Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing)

Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 53  Issue: 6  Article Number: 066112  DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.6.066112  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: A terahertz (THz)-wave parametric oscillator (TPO) pumped by a stable and single-longitudinal mode Q-switched Nd:YAG laser under various room temperatures is demonstrated. It is based on a cavity TPO architecture allowing stable single-resonance operation and low oscillation threshold. The output results, including the effects of the room temperature on this wavelength-agile TPO with a MgO:LiNbO3 crystal, indicate that the performance of TPO under the lower temperature is better. We obtain a widely tunable THz-wave source in the range 104 to 226 mu m via tuning the cavity flexibly under different room temperatures. The peak power of the THz wave reaches 220 mW at the wavelength of 146.2 mu m when the room temperature is 20 degrees C. The peak power of the THz wave decreases to 48 mW when the room temperature rises from 20 degrees C to 25 degrees C. (c) 2014 Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Accession Number: WOS:000340672800047

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 



Huang, Nan 




ISSN: 0091-3286

eISSN: 1560-2303



Record 109 of 244

Title: Two different output states from an all-normal dispersion yetterbium-doped fiber laser using graphene-oxide as a saturable absorber

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang, S. S.); Wang, YG (Wang, Y. G.); Yan, PG (Yan, P. G.); Zhang, GL (Zhang, G. L.); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, J. Q.); Li, HQ (Li, H. Q.); Lin, RY (Lin, R. Y.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS  Volume: 24  Issue: 6  Article Number: 065108  DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/24/6/065108  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: We have experimentally obtained two different applied output states from an all-normal dispersion yetterbium-doped fiber laser using graphene-oxide as a saturable absorber without additional components (like tunable filter, dispersion compensation), including the wavelength-switched mode-locking operation, and the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) operation with high energy square pulses. These two experimental phenomena indicate that the graphene-oxide saturable absorber can be successfully used to realize different mode-locking states in a fiber laser by system-parameter management. The yetterbium-doped fiber laser in all-normal dispersion with flexible outputs can meet different application needs.

Accession Number: WOS:000338337500008

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 



li, xinke 



wang, jing 



Wang, Han 




ISSN: 1054-660X

eISSN: 1555-6611



Record 110 of 244

Title: Bright and Dark Square Pulses Generated From a Graphene-Oxide Mode-Locked Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser

Author(s): Lin, RY (Lin, Rong-yong); Wang, YG (Wang, Yong-gang); Yan, PG (Yan, Pei-guang); Zhang, GL (Zhang, Ge-lin); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jun-qing); Li, HQ (Li, Hui-quan); Huang, SS (Huang, Shi-sheng); Cao, GZ (Cao, Guang-zhong); Duan, JA (Duan, Ji-an)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 3  Article Number: 1500908  DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2319099  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: The observation of the bright pulses and dark square pulses in a graphene-oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser has been investigated experimentally. Bright pulses are achieved at a pump power of similar to 200 mW. However, the dark-square-pulse generation starts at a much higher pump power of similar to 450 mW. At the maximum pump power of 600 mW, the dark-square-pulse bunches and harmonic mode locking (HML) can be also obtained by tuning the polarization controller (PC) to different orientations. It is the first demonstration of the bunches and HML of dark square pulses in a GOSA passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser with large normal dispersion cavity.

Accession Number: WOS:000340830400002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 



Cao, Guang-Zhong 




ISSN: 1943-0655

eISSN: 1943-0647



Record 111 of 244

Title: Local Coordinate Concept Factorization for Image Representation

Author(s): Liu, HF (Liu, Haifeng); Yang, Z (Yang, Zheng); Yang, J (Yang, Ji); Wu, ZH (Wu, Zhaohui); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS  Volume: 25  Issue: 6  Pages: 1071-1082  DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2286093  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: Learning sparse representation of high-dimensional data is a state-of-the-art method for modeling data. Matrix factorization-based techniques, such as nonnegative matrix factorization and concept factorization (CF), have shown great advantages in this area, especially useful for image representation. Both of them are linear learning problems and lead to a sparse representation of the images. However, the sparsity obtained by these methods does not always satisfy locality conditions. For example, the learned new basis vectors may be relatively far away from the original data. Thus, we may not be able to achieve the optimal performance when using the new representation for other learning tasks, such as classification and clustering. In this paper, we introduce a locality constraint into the traditional CF. By requiring the concepts (basis vectors) to be as close to the original data points as possible, each datum can be represented by a linear combination of only a few basis concepts. Thus, our method is able to achieve sparsity and locality simultaneously. We analyze the complexity of our novel algorithm and demonstrate the effectiveness in comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches through a set of evaluations based on real-world applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000336917000005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2162-237X

eISSN: 2162-2388



Record 112 of 244

Title: Remote-focusing microscopy with long working distance objective lenses

Author(s): Qi, YJ (Qi, Yujiao); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Yu, XH (Yu, Xianghua); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 16  Pages: 3473-3478  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.003473  Published: JUN 1 2014  

Abstract: Remote-focusing microscopy has recently attracted a lot of interest due to its high-speed axial scanning capabilities. In this paper, we modeled remote-focusing microscopy, based on a pair of long working distance objective lenses. Three-dimensional intensity distributions of the point spread functions (PSFs) are calculated, and no significant spherical aberrations are introduced over a large volume of 100 mu m x 100 mu m x 150 mu m. The validity of the scheme is verified by imaging biological samples and microelectronic chips at the imaging depth of 150 mu m without introducing aberrations in the experiment. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000337502100019

PubMed ID: 24922423

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Ye, Tong 



Yao, Baoli 



Yu, Xianghua 



dan, dan 



Ye, Tong 



Lei, Ming 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 113 of 244

Title: Spatio-Temporal Laplacian Pyramid Coding for Action Recognition

Author(s): Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Zhen, XT (Zhen, Xiantong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 6  Pages: 817-827  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2273174  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: We present a novel descriptor, called spatio-temporal Laplacian pyramid coding (STLPC), for holistic representation of human actions. In contrast to sparse representations based on detected local interest points, STLPC regards a video sequence as a whole with spatio-temporal features directly extracted from it, which prevents the loss of information in sparse representations. Through decomposing each sequence into a set of band-pass-filtered components, the proposed pyramid model localizes features residing at different scales, and therefore is able to effectively encode the motion information of actions. To make features further invariant and resistant to distortions as well as noise, a bank of 3-D Gabor filters is applied to each level of the Laplacian pyramid, followed by max pooling within filter bands and over spatio-temporal neighborhoods. Since the convolving and pooling are performed spatio-temporally, the coding model can capture structural and motion information simultaneously and provide an informative representation of actions. The proposed method achieves superb recognition rates on the KTH, the multiview IXMAS, the challenging UCF Sports, and the newly released HMDB51 datasets. It outperforms state of the art methods showing its great potential on action recognition.

Accession Number: WOS:000337960000008

PubMed ID: 23912503

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 114 of 244

Title: A Full Aperture Backscattering Light Diagnostic System Installed on the Shenguang-III Prototype Laser Facility

Author(s): Xu, T (Xu Tao); Mei, Y (Mei Yu); Wei, HY (Wei Huiyue); Peng, XS (Peng Xiaoshi); Wang, F (Wang Feng); Yang, D (Yang Dong); Liu, SY (Liu Shenye); Yan, YD (Yan Yadong)

Source: PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 16  Issue: 6  Pages: 567-570  DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/6/05  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: A full aperture backscattering light diagnostic system (FABLDS) implemented on the Shen Guang-III Prototype Laser Facility is described in the paper. FABLDS measures both stimulated brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) with a series of optical detectors. Energy sensors record the integrated energy, and streak cameras coupled with spectrometers measure the temporal spectrum of the backscattering light. This paper provides an overview of the FABLDS and detailed descriptions of the optical path. Special components, including off-axis parabolic mirror, spatial filter and optical light filters, are incorporated along the beam path for purifying the scattering light. Several hohlraum targets were employed, including C5II12 gas-filled targets and empty targets in the experiments. Results presented in the paper indicate that the fraction of backscatter light has been obviously shrinked when the laser is smoothed by continuous phase plates (CPP).

Accession Number: WOS:000337678400005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number





ISSN: 1009-0630



Record 115 of 244

Title: Polarization-sensitive diffractive optical elements fabricated in BR films with femtosecond laser

Author(s): Yu, XH (Yu, Xianghua); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Hampp, N (Hampp, Norbert); Liang, YS (Liang, Yansheng); Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Gao, P (Gao, Peng); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS  Volume: 115  Issue: 3  Pages: 365-369  DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5611-2  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: Multi-photon product (F-540-state) of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) polymeric films excited by femtosecond laser shows permanently photoinduced birefringence and dichroism. Based on this property, polarization-sensitive diffractive optical elements (PDOEs), e.g., gratings, two-dimensional optical lattice, Bessel zone plate, were firstly fabricated and investigated in BR films by femtosecond laser multi-beam interference with rotationally symmetric pyramid lenses. These fabricated PDOEs are completely stable at room temperature. The dependence of diffraction efficiency on the incident polarization state was measured. The micro-structures of PDOEs were observed under polarization microscope, and the selective readout diffraction patterns from the polarization-multiplexed PDOEs were demonstrated.

Accession Number: WOS:000336047800008

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

dan, dan 



gao, peng 



Ye, Tong 



Hampp, Norbert 



Ye, Tong 



Liang, Yansheng 



Yao, Baoli 



Yu, Xianghua 



Lei, Ming 




ISSN: 0946-2171

eISSN: 1432-0649



Record 116 of 244

Title: Abnormal ripple patterns with enhanced regularity and continuity in a bulk metallic glass induced by femtosecond laser irradiation

Author(s): Zhang, W (Zhang, W.); Cheng, G (Cheng, G.); Hui, XD (Hui, X. D.); Feng, Q (Feng, Q.)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING  Volume: 115  Issue: 4  Pages: 1451-1455  DOI: 10.1007/s00339-013-8062-z  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: Two types of abnormal ripple patterns: classical ripples (C-ripples) with continuous ridges and unclassical ripples (U-ripples) with regular micropores were investigated in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (Zr-BMG) after femtosecond laser beam irradiation. U-ripples with a period of 1,600 nm and the orientation nearly parallel to the polarization of laser beam were observed to form gradually on the top of C-ripples with the effective pulse number. Micropores created by the superposition of C-ripples and U-ripples had an average diameter of 750 nm nearly equal to the period of C-ripples (720 nm) and ran along parallel lines in the grooves of U-ripples. Both U-ripples and C-ripples in Zr-BMG showed significant microstructural differences comparing with those in a conventional Zr-based alloy with the same composition and processing conditions, including much more regular and continuous ridges. The results indicate that the amorphous structure in Zr-BMG plays a key role in the uniform morphology of laser-induced structures.

Accession Number: WOS:000336362900048

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hui, Xidong 



Zhang, Can 




ISSN: 0947-8396

eISSN: 1432-0630



Record 117 of 244

Title: Digital holographic microscopy with phase-shift-free structured illumination

Author(s): Zheng, JJ (Zheng, Juanjuan); Gao, P (Gao, Peng); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Ye, T (Ye, Tong); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Min, JW (Min, Junwei); Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui)

Source: PHOTONICS RESEARCH  Volume: 2  Issue: 3  Pages: 87-91  DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.2.000087  Published: JUN 2014  

Abstract: When structured illumination is used in digital holographic microscopy (DHM), each direction of the illumination fringe is required to be shifted at least three times to perform the phase-shifting reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a scheme for spatial resolution enhancement of DHM by using the structured illumination but without phase shifting. The structured illuminations of different directions, which are generated by a spatial light modulator, illuminate the sample sequentially in the object plane. The formed object waves interfere with a reference wave in an off-axis configuration, and a CCD camera records the generated hologram. After the object waves are reconstructed numerically, a synthetic aperture is performed by an iterative algorithm to enhance the spatial resolution. The resolution improvement of the proposed method is proved and demonstrated by both simulation and experiment. (C) 2014 Chinese Laser Press

Accession Number: WOS:000353881100011

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Ye, Tong 



Yao, Baoli 



Ye, Tong 



Lei, Ming 



dan, dan 



min, junwei 



Gao, Peng 




ISSN: 2327-9125



Record 118 of 244

Title: Contrast transfer function in grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging

Author(s): Huang, JH (Huang, Jianheng); Du, Y (Du, Yang); Lin, DY (Lin, Danying); Liu, X (Liu, Xin); Niu, HB (Niu, Hanben)


Abstract: x-Ray grating interferometry is a method fur x-ray wave front sensing and phase contrast imaging that has been developed over past few years. Contrast and resolution are the criteria used to specify the quality of an image. In characterizing the performance of this interferometer, the contrast transfer Function is considered in this paper. The oscillatory nature of the contrast transfer function (CTF) is derived and quantified for this interferometer. The illumination source and digital detector are both considered as significant factors controlling image quality, and it can be noted that contrast and resolution in turn depends primarily on the projected intensity profile of the array source and the pixel size of the detector. Furthermore, a test pattern phantom with a well-controlled range of spatial frequencies was designed and imaging of this phantom was simulated by a computer. Contrast transfer function behavior observed in the simulated image is consistent with our theoretical of. This might be beneficial for the evaluation and optimization of a grating-based x-ray phase contrast imaging system. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Accession Number: WOS:000334074100003

ISSN: 0168-9002

eISSN: 1872-9576



Record 119 of 244

Title: Ytterbium-doped large-mode-area silica fiber fabricated by using chelate precursor doping technique

Author(s): Shi, TF (Shi, Tengfei); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Ni, L (Ni, Li); Xiao, XS (Xiao, Xusheng); Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Zhang, AD (Zhang, Aidong); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 15  Pages: 3191-3195  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.003191  Published: MAY 20 2014  

Abstract: We reported on a highly effective chelate precursor doping technique for Yb-doped large-mode-area (LMA) fiber manufacture. By accurately controlling the evaporation temperature and flow rate of carrier gas, the chelate precursor doping technique is capable of making Yb-doped LMA silica fiber with good uniformity free of center dip, low numerical aperture of similar to 0.056, large preform core size of 4.46 mm, and appropriate cladding absorption of 1.17 dB/m at 976.4 nm. Based on a single-end-pump all-fiber oscillator laser setup, the laser output at 1080 nm reached 700 W with slope efficiency of 54.2%. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000336806400004

PubMed ID: 24922203

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

shi, teng 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 120 of 244

Title: Tunable and switchable multi-wavelength dissipative soliton generation in a graphene oxide mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang, Shisheng); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Yan, PG (Yan, Peiguang); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Junqing); Li, HQ (Li, Huiquan); Lin, RY (Lin, Rongyong)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 10  Pages: 11417-11426  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.011417  Published: MAY 19 2014  

Abstract: We report the generation of tunable single-, switchable and tunable dual-, and stable triple-wavelength dissipative solitons (DSs) in an all-normal-dispersion mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a graphene-oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) without additional components (such as optical filter, or fiber grating). The tunable single-wavelength DS have a wide wavelength-tunable range of 16.4 nm. The dual-wavelength DSs not only have a wavelength-tunable range (about 10 nm) but also have variable wavelength spacing (3.8-13.8 nm). The formation dynamics of the triple-wavelength DSs was also investigated experimentally. The different operations of tunable single-, switchable and tunable dual-, and stable triple-wavelength DSs depend on the strength of the cavity birefringence. The simple, compact all-fiber DS laser with lasing wavelength tunability and flexibility can meet great potential for applications. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000336957700004

PubMed ID: 24921263

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 121 of 244

Title: Investigations of switchable fiber soliton laser mode-locked by carbon nanotubes

Author(s): Han, DD (Han, Dongdong); Zeng, C (Zeng, Chao)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 319  Pages: 25-30  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.01.002  Published: MAY 15 2014  

Abstract: We have numerically and experimentally investigated a switchable erbium-doped fiber (EDF) laser mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes for the first time to our best knowledge. Depending on the pump power, the central wavelength of the mode-locked pulse can be switched from about 1531 to 1557 nm. The formation and evolution of the switchable soliton operation are investigated numerically by solving the extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation with the appropriate gain profile. Numerical results demonstrate that the switchable mode-locking operation is attributed to the variation of the gain spectrum of EDF, agreeing well with the experimental observations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000333504800005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zeng, Chao 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 122 of 244

Title: Standoff two-color quantum ghost imaging through turbulence

Author(s): Xue, YL (Xue, Yu-Lang); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Feng, F (Feng, Fei); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 14  Pages: 3035-3042  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.003035  Published: MAY 10 2014  

Abstract: Recently, a two-color quantum ghost imaging configuration was proposed by Karmakar et al. [Phys. Rev. A 81, 033845 (2010)]. By illuminating an object located far away from the source and detector, with a signal beam of long wavelength to avoid absorption of short wavelengths in the atmosphere while a reference beam of short wavelength is detected locally, this imaging configuration can be appropriate for standoff sensing. In practice, the signal beam must propagate through atmosphere in the presence of serious turbulence. We analyzed theoretically the performance of this ghost imaging configuration through turbulence. Based on the Gaussian state source model and extended Huygens-Fresnel integral, a formula is derived to depict the ghost image formed through turbulence of a standoff reflective object. Numerical calculations are also given according to the formula. The results show that the image quality will be degraded by the turbulence, but the resolution can be improved by means of optimizing the wavelengths of the reference and signal beams even when the turbulence is very serious. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000336806200012

PubMed ID: 24922023

ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 123 of 244

Title: Visual measurement of the pulse laser ablation process on liquid surface by using digital holography

Author(s): Wang, J (Wang, J.); Zhao, JL (Zhao, J. L.); Di, JL (Di, J. L.); Rauf, A (Rauf, A.); Yang, WZ (Yang, W. Z.); Wang, XL (Wang, X. L.)

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS  Volume: 115  Issue: 17  Article Number: 173106  DOI: 10.1063/1.4874742  Published: MAY 7 2014  

Abstract: We present a visual method to dynamically and quantitatively measure the ablation process on liquid surface induced by pulse laser based on digital holography. Taking deionized water as a liquid example, the quantitative data of the evolution of cavity, jet, and pressure in ablation process are experimentally obtained. According to Abel inversion, the refractive index and the thickness contained in the phase information of the axisymmetric jet are decoupled. The temporal resolution, temporal stability, and measurement accuracy of this method are analyzed based on digital holographic theory. In addition, a numerical simulation is performed to calculate the maximum cavity depth, and the results are in good agreement with the experimental data. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000335643700592

Conference Title: 58th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Conference Date: NOV 04-08, 2013

Conference Location: Denver, CO

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, lin 



Rauf, Abdul 



Yang, Wenzheng 



Di, Jianglei 




ISSN: 0021-8979

eISSN: 1089-7550



Record 124 of 244

Title: Multi-cue based tracking

Author(s): Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Fang, JW (Fang, Jianwu); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 131  Pages: 227-236  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.10.021  Published: MAY 5 2014  

Abstract: Visual tracking is a central topic in computer vision. However, the accurate localization of target object in extreme conditions (such as occlusion, scaling, illumination change, and shape transformation) still remains a challenge. In this paper, we explore utilizing multi-cue information to ensure a robust tracking. Optical flow, color and depth clues are simultaneously incorporated in our framework. The optical flow can get a rough estimation of the target location. Then the part-based structure is adopted to establish the precise position, combining both color and depth statistics. In order to validate the robustness of the proposed method, we take four video sequences of different demanding situations and compare our method with five competitive ones representing state of the arts. Experiments prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000332805700025

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Fang, Jianwu 



yuan, Yuan 



Yan, Jing 



Yuan, Yuan 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 125 of 244

Title: High quality image resizing

Author(s): Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 131  Pages: 348-356  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.09.032  Published: MAY 5 2014  

Abstract: An increasing amount of display devices with fixed sizes call for an adaptive strategy for optimal display. For this purpose, content aware image resizing techniques are developed. Previous works mainly lay their attention on the shrinkage operation of the examined image. Less efforts are paid on the expansion manipulation. Though some literatures claim an extension of their shrinkage operation to expanding the image in a similar way, the obtained results are not satisfying. In this paper, a high quality image resizing method is proposed to retain the details when stretching an image. Instead of using interpolation based techniques which are taken for granted by existing methods, an expansion model is first learned from a set of training images. Then the future enlargement is based on this principle. Experiments on two publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented method. A further extension on video enlargement is also presented as an example. Though the proposed method is formulated in the context of seam carving, it can be readily extended to other techniques such as cropping, segmentation and warping based resizing methods. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Accession Number: WOS:000332805700036

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yan, Jing 



Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 126 of 244

Title: Learning to resize image

Author(s): Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 131  Pages: 357-367  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.10.007  Published: MAY 5 2014  

Abstract: Content-aware image resizing has been a promising theme in the communities of image processing and computer vision. To the best of our knowledge, most existing methods for image resizing are unsupervised. These unsupervised methods may either fail to protect the interesting regions or cause distortion of the image structure. This paper presents a novel learning based method for seam carving by incorporating the learned boundary of the important content. Specifically, a novel boundary model of the region of interest (ROI) is learned on a set of training images at first. Then the boundary of an input image is utilized as a key prior in performing seam carving to obtain the target image. The proposed method for image resizing can generate much less seams cutting through the ROI compared with previous efforts toward the same goal. Thus, the desirable regions can be preserved in the target image and the structural consistency of the input image is naturally maintained. Experiments on two publicly available data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Accession Number: WOS:000332805700037

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yan, Jing 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



yuan, Yuan 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 127 of 244

Title: Integrate the original face image and its mirror image for face recognition

Author(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Yong); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yang, J (Yang, Jian); Zhang, D (Zhang, David)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 131  Pages: 191-199  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.10.025  Published: MAY 5 2014  

Abstract: The face almost always has an axis-symmetrical structure. However, as the face usually does not have an absolutely frontal pose when it is imaged, the majority of face images are not symmetrical images. These facts inspire us that the mirror image of the face image might be viewed as a representation of the face with a possible pose opposite to that of the original face image. In this paper we propose a scheme to produce the mirror image of the face and integrate the original face image and its mirror image for representation-based face recognition. This scheme is simple and computationally efficient. Almost all the representation-based classification methods can be improved by this scheme. The underlying rationales of the scheme are as follows: first, the use of the mirror image can somewhat overcome the misalignment problem of the face image in face recognition. Second, it is able to somewhat eliminate the side-effect of the variation of the pose and illumination of the original face image. The experiments show that the proposed scheme can greatly improve the accuracy of the representation-based classification methods. The proposed scheme might be also helpful for improving other face recognition methods. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000332805700021

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Zhang, David D 



Zhang, Hao 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 128 of 244

Title: Hierarchical incorporation of shape and shape dynamics for flying bird detection

Author(s): Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun); Xu, QY (Xu, Qunyu); Cao, XB (Cao, Xianbin); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 131  Pages: 179-190  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.10.026  Published: MAY 5 2014  

Abstract: Flying bird detection (FBD) is critical in avoiding bird-aircraft collisions. Most existing approaches rely on motion detection to identify the flying bird, since it is a typical moving object. However, when there exist other moving objects, those methods often fail to distinguish flying birds from those objects due to the insufficiency of feature description. In this paper, we introduce a novel hierarchical feature model exploiting shape and shape dynamics to improve the ability of representing a flying bird, and then apply it to the FBD problem. As the shape of a flying bird is very distinctive in geometric structures and could provide discriminating spatial information, an improved shape context feature descriptor is proposed at the lower level to capture the spatial relations in bird shape. Then the shape descriptor is extended into the spatio-temporal domain and a shape dynamics description is built at the higher level, in which a 4-state Markovian model is adopted and is learned from training sequences. Moreover, to build a mapping from the lower level to the higher level of the hierarchy, a shape similarity index (SSI) based matching mechanism is designed. We apply these two-level features for detecting flying bird for improved safety of aircrafts flying at low-altitude. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective and outperforms three other existing vision-based FBD approaches. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000332805700020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Pingkun 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 129 of 244

Title: Design and fabrication of tapered microfiber waveguide with good optical and mechanical performance

Author(s): Ma, CJ (Ma, Cheng-Ju); Ren, LY (Ren, Li-Yong); Xu, YP (Xu, Yi-Ping); Wang, YL (Wang, Ying-Li); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Qu, ES (Qu, En-Shi)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 8  Pages: 683-687  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.909541  Published: MAY 4 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, the inherent dependence of optical and mechanical characteristics of tapered microfiber waveguide on its contour profile is studied. Both theoretical analysis and experimental investigation are given. In theory, the optimal profile parameters of the tapered microfiber are proposed to improve the microfiber performance, where it is better to make the tapered microfiber keep two longer than 5-mm-long transition regions which have a decaying exponential profile. And the uniform waist diameter of the tapered microfiber should be more than 600 nm and less than 1 mu m. In this case, the microfiber indicates several favorable advantages, such as low loss, strong evanescent field and relatively shorter transition region. In experiment, according to the profile parameters we proposed, we successfully fabricated a tapered microfiber with a low loss of 0.05 dB in air and 0.8 dB on a MgF2 substrate at the wavelength of 1550 nm, and it has low surface roughness.

Accession Number: WOS:000335884100009

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



ren, li yong 



ma, cheng ju 




ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 130 of 244

Title: Conventional and dissipative solitons in a CFBG-based fiber laser mode-locked with a graphene-nanotube mixture

Author(s): Cui, YD (Cui, Y. D.); Liu, XM (Liu, X. M.); Zeng, C (Zeng, C.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Article Number: 055106  DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/11/5/055106  Published: MAY 1 2014  

Abstract: A graphene-nanotube mode-locked tandem fiber laser with a chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) is proposed, for the first time to our best knowledge. This laser is composed of two resonators with opposite net dispersions, and it delivers a conventional soliton (CS) and a dissipative soliton (DS) simultaneously. The CS operated in a net-anomalous-dispersion cavity has a spectral width of similar to 0.59 nm and a pulse duration of similar to 5 ps, and the DS is operated in another cavity with a pulse duration of similar to 15.3 ps. By using a piece of single-mode fiber, the DS can be compressed to similar to 6.5 ps, while the CS is gradually broadened up to similar to 9 ps.

Accession Number: WOS:000334355600009

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Jiale 




ISSN: 1612-2011

eISSN: 1612-202X



Record 131 of 244

Title: Part-based Online Tracking with Geometry Constraint and Attention Selection

Author(s): Fang, JW (Fang, Jianwu); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 24  Issue: 5  Pages: 854-864  DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2013.2283646  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: Visual tracking in condition of occlusion, appearance or illumination change has been a challenging task over decades. Recently, some online trackers, based on the detection by classification framework, have achieved good performance. However, problems are still embodied in at least one of the three aspects: 1) tracking the target with a single region has poor adaptability for occlusion, appearance or illumination change; 2) lack of sample weight estimation, which may cause overfitting issue; and 3) inadequate motion model to prevent target from drifting. For tackling the above problems, this paper presents the contributions as follows: 1) a novel part-based structure is utilized in the online AdaBoost tracking; 2) attentional sample weighting and selection is tackled by introducing a weight relaxation factor, instead of treating the samples equally as traditional trackers do; and 3) a two-stage motion model, multiple parts constraint, is proposed and incorporated into the part-based structure to ensure a stable tracking. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed tracker is validated upon several complex video sequences, compared with seven popular online trackers. The experimental results show that the proposed tracker can achieve increased accuracy with comparable computational cost.

Accession Number: WOS:000336057400012

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Fang, Jianwu 



Yan, Jing 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



wang, qi 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 1051-8215

eISSN: 1558-2205



Record 132 of 244

Title: Passively Q-switched lasers at 1.06 μm with graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes D<sub>2</sub>O dispersion

Author(s): Feng, TL (Feng, Tianli); Zhao, SZ (Zhao, Shengzhi); Kejian, YJ (Yang, Kejian); Zhao, J (Zhao, Jia); Li, GQ (Li, Guiqiu); Li, DC (Li, Dechun); Qiao, WC (Qiao, Wenchao); Li, T (Li, Tao); Chen, XT (Chen, Xintian); Liu, C (Liu, Cheng); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang)

Source: OPTICAL MATERIALS  Volume: 36  Issue: 7  Pages: 1270-1273  DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2014.03.014  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: We have investigated the passive Q-switching characteristics of graphene oxide (GO) and single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) D2O (heavy water, deuteroxide) based on a diode-pumped YVO4/Nd:YVO4 laser for the first time as far as we know. By using 20 mg/10 ml GO D2O dispersion, pulses with minimum duration of 344 ns under a repetition rate of 550 kHz were obtained. With 0.3 mg/10 ml SWCNTs D2O dispersion, a maximum pulse energy of 1.2 mu J with duration of 530 ns was achieved at a repetition rate of 178 kHz. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000336010800030

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhao, jia 




ISSN: 0925-3467

eISSN: 1873-1252



Record 133 of 244

Title: The performance of new polymer solar cells based on thiophene and thienyl-quinoxaline with the post treatments

Author(s): Gao, BW (Gao, Bowen); Gao, C (Gao, Chao); Wu, HM (Wu, Haimei); Que, WX (Que, Wenxiu); Wei, W (Wei, Wei)

Source: MATERIALS LETTERS  Volume: 122  Pages: 74-77  DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.01.140  Published: MAY 1 2014  

Abstract: A new low band gap (optical band gap= 1.62 eV) polymer (TTQ) based on thiophene and thienyl-quinoxaline by substituting phenyl in quinoxaline unit for thiophene rings was synthesized and characterized for application in polymer solar cells (PSCs). The optical band gap (Er) deduced from the onset (765 nm) of the polymer absorption spectrum in the films was 1.62 eV, which was less than those of the polymers TQ and FTQ and was closer to the ideal band gap of a donor for BHJ polymer solar cell applications. For the, optimized polymer solar cell of TTQ:PC71BM, 1:1 w/w, in DCB solution, a PCE over 1.41% with V-oc of 0.70 V, J(sc) of 3.89 mA/cm(2), and fill factor (FF) of 55% under AM1.5 conditions was achieved by solvent annealing in comparing with those of solvent surface treatment devices (PCE of 1.34%) and thermal annealing devices (PCE of 1.10%). (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000335109500020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Que, Wenxiu Prof. 



Que, Wenxiu 




ISSN: 0167-577X

eISSN: 1873-4979



Record 134 of 244

Title: Image Annotation By Multiple-Instance Learning With Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection

Author(s): Hong, RC (Hong, Richang); Wang, M (Wang, Meng); Gao, Y (Gao, Yue); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Wu, XD (Wu, Xindong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 5  Pages: 669-680  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2265601  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: Multiple-instance learning (MIL) has been widely investigated in image annotation for its capability of exploring region-level visual information of images. Recent studies show that, by performing feature mapping, MIL can be cast to a single-instance learning problem and, thus, can be solved by traditional supervised learning methods. However, the approaches for feature mapping usually overlook the discriminative ability and the noises of the generated features. In this paper, we propose an MIL method with discriminative feature mapping and feature selection, aiming at solving this problem. Our method is able to explore both the positive and negative concept correlations. It can also select the effective features from a large and diverse set of low-level features for each concept under MIL settings. Experimental results and comparison with other methods demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Accession Number: WOS:000334739900009

PubMed ID: 23797314

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Wang, Meng 



Wu, Xindong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 135 of 244

Title: Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Reactor Based on Micro-structured Polymer Optical Fiber Preform

Author(s): Li, DD (Li Dong-Dong); She, JB (She Jiang-Bo); Wang, CS (Wang Chang-Shun); Peng, B (Peng Bo)

Source: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 31  Issue: 5  Article Number: 054206  DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/31/5/054206  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: A novel visible light driven photocatalytic reactor with 547 pieces of Ag/AgBr-film-modified capillaries is reported and it is derived from a microstructured polymer optical fiber (MPOF) preform. The MPOF preform not only plays the role of a light-transmitting media, but it is also a Ag/AgBr supporting and waste-water pipe to supply the photocatalytic degradation of dyes solute. The photocatalytic reactor has such a large surface area for Ag/AgBr loading, which is a visible light driven photocatalyst that photodegradation efficiency is enhanced.

Accession Number: WOS:000337500400019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Dong 




ISSN: 0256-307X

eISSN: 1741-3540



Record 136 of 244

Title: Double Constrained NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Wu, H (Wu, Hao); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING  Volume: 52  Issue: 5  Pages: 2746-2758  DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2265322  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: Given only the collected hyperspectral data, unmixing aims at obtaining the latent constituent materials and their corresponding fractional abundances. Recently, many nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)-based algorithms have been developed to deal with this issue. Considering that the abundances of most materials may be sparse, the sparseness constraint is intuitively introduced into NMF. Although sparse NMF algorithms have achieved advanced performance in unmixing, the result is still susceptible to unstable decomposition and noise corruption. To reduce the aforementioned drawbacks, the structural information of the data is exploited to guide the unmixing. Since similar pixel spectra often imply similar substance constructions, clustering can explicitly characterize this similarity. Through maintaining the structural information during the unmixing, the resulting fractional abundances by the proposed algorithm can well coincide with the real distributions of constituent materials. Moreover, the additional clustering-based regularization term also lessens the interference of noise to some extent. The experimental results on synthetic and real hyperspectral data both illustrate the superiority of the proposed method compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

Accession Number: WOS:000332484700038

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 0196-2892

eISSN: 1558-0644



Record 137 of 244

Title: Analyses on limitations of coherent field imaging principle

Author(s): Si, QD (Si Qing-Dan); Luo, XJ (Luo Xiu-Juan); Zeng, ZH (Zeng Zhi-Hong)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 10  Article Number: 104203  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.104203  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: The theoretical basis of coherent field imaging technique (also called the Fourier telescopy) is reconsidered. The limitations of the technique principle are analyzed by defining the measured object and deriving rigorously mathematical expressions. The reconstructed image of the technique ineluctably contains the gradient information about the object; as a result the technique cannot acquire the reflectivity of the object exactly. The computer simulation verifies the conclusion. Based on the conclusion, the reconstructed image of the technique can be evaluated and three-dimensional coherent field imaging technique may be developed.

Accession Number: WOS:000338741800017

ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 138 of 244

Title: Road surface condition sensor based on scanning detection of backward power

Author(s): Xu, SS (Xu, Songsong); Ruan, C (Ruan, Chi); Feng, LL (Feng, Lili)

Source: CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 12  Issue: 5  Article Number: 050801  DOI: 10.3788/COL201412.050801  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: A method of detecting dry, icy and wet road surface conditions based on scanning detection of single wavelength backward power is proposed in this letter. The detector is used to receive the backward scattered power which changes with the incidence angle. The relationship between backward power and incidence angle is Used to find out the effective angle range and distinguish method. Experiment and simulation show that it is feasible to classify these three conditions within incidence angle of 5.3 degree.

Accession Number: WOS:000336004800005

ISSN: 1671-7694



Record 139 of 244

Title: Transition from Eu<SUP>3+</SUP> to Eu<SUP>2+</SUP> in SiO<sub>2</sub> Matrix Prepared by Sol-Gel

Author(s): Zhang, DK (Zhang, Dekai); Hu, XY (Hu, Xiaoyun); Jing, GY (Jing, Guangyin); Liu, EZ (Liu, Enzhou); Fan, J (Fan, Jun); Zhang, GD (Zhang, Guodong); Hou, X (Hou, Xun)

Source: JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 14  Issue: 5  Pages: 3642-3647  DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2014.8023  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: Activated silica matrix fluorescent materials doped with Al3+ and Eu2+ are prepared by sol-gel method. The effects of different atmospheres and annealing temperatures on luminescent properties are characterized by analysis techniques including X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence spectra. When being excited at 281 nm wavelength, the fluorescent materials show a strong broad blue emission band, with the emission center at 430 nm and the FWHM of 56 nm. The results indicate that the blue emission is derived from 4r(6) 5d to 4f(7) transition of the Eu2+ ions. Al3+ ion plays a key role in the process of deoxidization from Eu3+ to Eu2+. Al3+ and B3+ can enhance the blue-emission intensity. Also it is found that the highest luminescent intensity of the samples occurs in the sample Eu-03 annealed at 1150 degrees C in N-2 atmosphere.

Accession Number: WOS:000332294800064

PubMed ID: 24734605

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hu, Xiao 



Fan, Jun 



Hu, Xiaoyu 



JING, Guangyin 



Liu, Enzhou 







ISSN: 1533-4880

eISSN: 1533-4899



Record 140 of 244

Title: Actively Learning Human Gaze Shifting Paths for Semantics-Aware Photo Cropping

Author(s): Zhang, LM (Zhang, Luming); Gao, Y (Gao, Yue); Ji, RR (Ji, Rongrong); Xia, YJ (Xia, Yingjie); Dai, QH (Dai, Qionghai); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 23  Issue: 5  Pages: 2235-2245  DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2311658  Published: MAY 2014  

Abstract: Photo cropping is a widely used tool in printing industry, photography, and cinematography. Conventional cropping models suffer from the following three challenges. First, the deemphasized role of semantic contents that are many times more important than low-level features in photo aesthetics. Second, the absence of a sequential ordering in the existing models. In contrast, humans look at semantically important regions sequentially when viewing a photo. Third, the difficulty of leveraging inputs from multiple users. Experience from multiple users is particularly critical in cropping as photo assessment is quite a subjective task. To address these challenges, this paper proposes semantics-aware photo cropping, which crops a photo by simulating the process of humans sequentially perceiving semantically important regions of a photo. We first project the local features (graphlets in this paper) onto the semantic space, which is constructed based on the category information of the training photos. An efficient learning algorithm is then derived to sequentially select semantically representative graphlets of a photo, and the selecting process can be interpreted by a path, which simulates humans actively perceiving semantics in a photo. Furthermore, we learn a prior distribution of such active graphlet paths from training photos that are marked as aesthetically pleasing by multiple users. The learned priors enforce the corresponding active graphlet path of a test photo to be maximally similar to those from the training photos. Experimental results show that: 1) the active graphlet path accurately predicts human gaze shifting, and thus is more indicative for photo aesthetics than conventional saliency maps and 2) the cropped photos produced by our approach outperform its competitors in both qualitative and quantitative comparisons.

Accession Number: WOS:000334677900003

PubMed ID: 24723578

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, lu 



li, xiang 



Lei, Ming 



Li, Xuelong 



Dai, Qionghai 



Li, Xuelong 



Gao, Yue 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1057-7149

eISSN: 1941-0042



Record 141 of 244

Title: Tunable terahertz Kerr switching based on nonlinear polarization rotation in silicon waveguide

Author(s): Mou, ML (Mou, Miaoli); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing); Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 12  Pages: 2741-2747  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.002741  Published: APR 20 2014  

Abstract: A compact and widely tunable terahertz (THz) all-optical Kerr switching using nonlinear polarization rotation generated by cross-phase modulation in a silicon waveguide is theoretically proposed. A switching efficiency of 83% is obtained when a p-phase shift difference between the TE and TM polarization components of the continuous-wave THz signal is achieved. Moreover, the tuning range of the THz switching is from 7.69 to 10 THz through changing the pump power. This THz all-optical switching has potential applications in THz communications and other THz switchable devices. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000334582400025

PubMed ID: 24787603

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

lin, yuan 



Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 142 of 244

Title: Nanotube-Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Delivering Dispersion-Managed or Dissipative Solitons

Author(s): Han, XX (Han, Xiaoxiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 32  Issue: 8  Pages: 1472-1476  DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2014.2306961  Published: APR 15 2014  

Abstract: We have proposed a bidirectional erbium-doped fiber laser delivering dispersion-managed soliton (DMS) or dissipative soliton (DS) based on a single-wall carbon nanotube mode-locker. In the proposed scheme, the net cavity dispersion approaches to zero in the counter-clockwise (CCW) direction while is normal in the clockwise (CW) direction. By properly adjusting the intracavity attenuators, DMS in the CCW direction and DS in the CW direction can be obtained, respectively. However, attributing to the cavity asymmetry between CCW and CW directions, simultaneous generation of DMS and DS is not achieved. Although the output DMS and DS almost have the same central wavelength, they exhibit distinct optical spectra, pulse durations, and repetition rates. The switchable all-fiber laser delivers two different types of ultra-short pulses, which significantly facilitates the practical applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000333280000002

ISSN: 0733-8724

eISSN: 1558-2213



Record 143 of 244

Title: Optimized graph-based segmentation for ultrasound images

Author(s): Huang, QH (Huang, Qinghua); Bai, X (Bai, Xiao); Li, YG (Li, Yingguang); Jin, LW (Jin, Lianwen); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 129  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 216-224  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.09.038  Published: APR 10 2014  

Abstract: Segmentation of medical images is an inevitable image processing step for computer-aided diagnosis. Due to complex acoustic inferences and artifacts, accurate extraction of breast lesions in ultrasound images remains a challenge. Although there have been many segmentation techniques proposed, the performance often varies with different image data, leading to poor adaptability in real applications. Intelligent computing techniques for adaptively learning the boundaries of image objects are preferred. This paper focuses on optimization of a previously documented method called robust graph-based (RGB) segmentation algorithm to extract breast tumors in ultrasound images more adaptively and accurately. A novel technique named as parameter-automatically optimized robust graph-based (PAORGB) image segmentation method is accordingly proposed and performed on breast ultrasound images. A particle swarm optimization algorithm is incorporated with the RGB method to achieve optimal or approximately optimal parameters. Experimental results have shown that the proposed technique can more accurately segment lesions from ultrasound images compared to the RGB and two conventional region-based methods. (C) 2013 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000332132400026

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, Qinghua 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Yingguang 



Li, Yingguang 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 144 of 244

Title: Power line detection from optical images

Author(s): Song, BQ (Song, Biqin); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 129  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 350-361  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.09.023  Published: APR 10 2014  

Abstract: Image-based power line detection is highly important for threat avoidance when the aerial vehicles fly in low altitude. However, it is very challenging for the requirements of high detection rates, low false alarms and real-time application. In this paper, a sequential local-to-global power line detection algorithm is proposed. In the local criterion, a line segment pool is detected by morphological filtering an edge map image, which is computed based on matched filter (MF) and first-order derivative of Gaussian (FDOG). It results in over detection to guarantee high detection rates. In the next global criterion, grouping the line segments into whole power lines is formulated as a graph-cut model based on graph theory. The principal advantage of the proposed algorithm is that it can detect not only the straight power lines but also the curve ones. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm has good performances both in detection accuracy and in processing time. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000332132400040

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 145 of 244

Title: Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning

Author(s): Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Lei, M (Lei, Ming)

Source: CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN  Volume: 59  Issue: 12  Pages: 1291-1307  DOI: 10.1007/s11434-014-0181-1  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: Optical microscopy plays an essential role in biological studies due to its capability and compatibility of non-contact, minimally invasive observation and measurement of live specimens. However, the conventional optical microscopy only has a spatial resolution about 200 nm due to the Abbe diffraction limit, and also lacks the ability of three-dimensional imaging. Super-resolution far-field optical microscopy based on special illumination schemes has been dramatically developed over the last decade. Among them, only the structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is of wide-field geometry that enables it easily compatible with the conventional optical microscope. In this article, the principle of SIM was introduced in terms of point spread function (PSF) and optical transform function (OTF) of the optical system. The SIM for super-resolution (SIM-SR) proposed by Gustafsson et al. and the SIM for optical sectioning (SIM-OS) proposed by Neil et al. are the most popular ones in the research community of microscopy. They have the same optical configuration, but with different data post-processing algorithms. We mathematically described the basic theories for both of the SIMs, respectively, and presented some numerical simulations to show the effects of super-resolution and optical sectioning. Various approaches to generation of structured illumination patterns were reviewed. As an example, a SIM system based on DMD-modulation and LED-illumination was demonstrated. A lateral resolution of 90 nm was achieved with gold nano-particles. The optical sectioning capability of the microscope was demonstrated with Golgi-stained mouse brain neurons, and the sectioning strength of 930 nm was obtained.

Accession Number: WOS:000333126800010

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



Yao, Baoli 



dan, dan 




ISSN: 1001-6538

eISSN: 1861-9541



Record 146 of 244

Title: Weakly Supervised Multi-Graph Learning for Robust Image Reranking

Author(s): Deng, C (Deng, Cheng); Ji, RR (Ji, Rongrong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA  Volume: 16  Issue: 3  Pages: 785-795  DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2014.2298841  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: Visual reranking has been widely deployed to refine the traditional text-based image retrieval. Its current trend is to combine the retrieval results from various visual features to boost reranking precision and scalability. And its prominent challenge is how to effectively exploit the complementary property of different features. Another significant issue raises from the noisy instances, from manual or automatic labels, which makes the exploration of such complementary property difficult. This paper proposes a novel image reranking by introducing a new Co-Regularized MultiGraph Learning (Co-RMGL) framework, in which intra-graph and inter-graph constraints are integrated to simultaneously encode the similarity in a single graph and the consistency across multiple graphs. To deal with the noisy instances, weakly supervised learning via co-occurred visual attribute is utilized to select a set of graph anchors to guide multiple graphs alignment and fusion, and to filter out those pseudo labeling instances to highlight the strength of individual features. After that, a learned edge weighting matrix from a fused graph is used to reorder the retrieval results. We evaluate our approach on four popular image retrieval data sets and demonstrate a significant improvement over state-of-the-art methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000333111500018

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1520-9210

eISSN: 1941-0077



Record 147 of 244

Title: Near- and mid-infrared emissions of Dy<SUP>3+</SUP> doped and Dy<SUP>3+</SUP>/Tm<SUP>3+</SUP> co-doped lead cesium iodide modified chalcohalide glasses

Author(s): Guo, HT (Guo, Haitao); Xu, YT (Xu, Yantao); Chen, HY (Chen, Hongyan); He, X (He, Xin); Cui, XX (Cui, Xiaoxia); Wang, PF (Wang, Pengfei); Lu, M (Lu, Min); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Hou, CQ (Hou, Chaoqi); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE  Volume: 148  Pages: 10-17  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2013.11.011  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: 0.2 wt% Dy3+ doped and 0.2 wt% Dy3+/0.5 wt% Tm3+ co-doped novel GeS2-Ga2S3-PbS-Csl chalcohalide glasses were prepared and their spectroscopic properties were analyzed based on absorption (ranges from 300 to 3000 nm) and emission (ranges from 1000 to 4700 nm) measurements, judd-Ofelt analyses were performed to estimate radiative transition parameters for the excited levels. Compositional dependences of near- and mid-infrared luminescence, (especially the 1330, 2930 and 4320 nm) excited at 808 nm were investigated and discussed. These novel chalcohalide glasses may have potential uses in 1.3 mu m fiber-amplifiers and 2.9 or 4.3 mu m mid-infrared laser devices. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337516000003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wu, yi 



, 娅冰 



Lu, min 



Wang, Pengfei 



He, Xin 




ISSN: 0022-2313

eISSN: 1872-7883



Record 148 of 244

Title: Experimental studies of multiple pulses in a passively ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on graphene-oxide saturable absorber

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang Shi-Sheng); Wang, YG (Wang Yong-Gang); Li, HQ (Li Hui-Quan); Lin, RY (Lin Rong-Yong); Yan, PG (Yan Pei-Guang)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 8  Article Number: 084202  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.084202  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: The different multiple pulse phenomena are experimentally studied in a passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on graphene-oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) with net normal dispersion cavity. At the same pump power with different polarization orientations, we observe the multiple pulse phenomena, including harmonic mode-locking of rectangular pulses, dissipative solitons, quasi-harmonic mode-locking, periodical peak modulation, multipulse bunches, multipulse cluster, and chaotic multipulse. The inserted 2 nm narrow bandwidth filter is important for limiting the gain bandwidth and shaping pulses. Adjusting the polarization controller is equivalent to changing the gain in the laser cavity, which is the main reason for the formation of different multiple pulses states. This is the first time that different multiple pulses states have been observed in an-normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with graphene-oxide saturable absorber. These results could extend the understanding of multiple pulse dynamics in GOSA mode-locked fiber lasers.

Accession Number: WOS:000336090200023

ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 149 of 244

Title: Aperiodic signals processing via parameter-tuning stochastic resonance in a photorefractive ring cavity

Author(s): Li, XF (Li, Xuefeng); Cao, GZ (Cao, Guangzhan); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun)

Source: AIP ADVANCES  Volume: 4  Issue: 4  Article Number: 047111  DOI: 10.1063/1.4871406  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: Based on solving numerically the generalized nonlinear Langevin equation describing the nonlinear dynamics of stochastic resonance by Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, an aperiodic stochastic resonance based on an optical bistable system is numerically investigated. The numerical results show that a parameter-tuning stochastic resonance system can be realized by choosing the appropriate optical bistable parameters, which performs well in reconstructing aperiodic signals from a very high level of noise background. The influences of optical bistable parameters on the stochastic resonance effect are numerically analyzed via cross-correlation, and a maximum cross-correlation gain of 8 is obtained by optimizing optical bistable parameters. This provides a prospective method for reconstructing noise-hidden weak signals in all-optical signal processing systems. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Accession Number: WOS:000336082000028

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 2158-3226



Record 150 of 244

Title: Object-Aware Power Line Detection Using Color and Near-Infrared Images

Author(s): Luo, XY (Luo, Xiaoyan); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun); Cao, XB (Cao, Xianbin); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS  Volume: 50  Issue: 2  Pages: 1374-1389  DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2013.120444  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: Vision-based power line detection (PLD) is an important yet challenging problem in low-altitude flight. Different from the traditional PLD methods, which only aim at line information, we propose a novel object-aware PLD method to obtain better detection performance. A new definition of power line is first proposed to present its object-aware properties; and then a cascaded PLD scheme is devised with line detection, region filtration, and object validation based on corresponding image cues in joint color (RGB) and near-infrared (NIR) images. Considering that the primary goal of PLD is to capture all potential information and decrease the false negatives, we first treat the universal line shape in pixel from joint RGB-NIR images as a basic feature to explore general line candidates. To further pick out the accurate regions occupied by power lines, on the one hand we filter the false candidates based on the region-based intensity of special material characteristics in NIR, and on the other hand we validate the power lines according to the color features in RGB. The experiments demonstrate the advantages

Accession Number: WOS:000344364500042

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Yan, Pingkun 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0018-9251

eISSN: 1557-9603



Record 151 of 244

Title: Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation

Author(s): Shen, JB (Shen, Jianbing); Du, YF (Du, Yunfan); Wang, WG (Wang, Wenguan); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 23  Issue: 4  Pages: 1451-1462  DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2302892  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: We present a novel image superpixel segmentation approach using the proposed lazy random walk (LRW) algorithm in this paper. Our method begins with initializing the seed positions and runs the LRW algorithm on the input image to obtain the probabilities of each pixel. Then, the boundaries of initial superpixels are obtained according to the probabilities and the commute time. The initial superpixels are iteratively optimized by the new energy function, which is defined on the commute time and the texture measurement. Our LRW algorithm with self-loops has the merits of segmenting the weak boundaries and complicated texture regions very well by the new global probability maps and the commute time strategy. The performance of superpixel is improved by relocating the center positions of superpixels and dividing the large superpixels into small ones with the proposed optimization algorithm. The experimental results have demonstrated that our method achieves better performance than previous superpixel approaches.

Accession Number: WOS:000416910700001

PubMed ID: 24565788

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Wang, Wenguan 



Shen, Jianbing 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Shen, Jianbing 




ISSN: 1057-7149

eISSN: 1941-0042



Record 152 of 244

Title: Instantaneous three-dimensional imaging using supercontinuum and ultrafast optical Kerr gate of tellurite glass

Author(s): Tan, WJ (Tan, Wenjiang); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang); Tong, JY (Tong, Junyi); Si, JH (Si, Jinhai); Hou, X (Hou, Xun)

Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 53  Issue: 4  Article Number: 043108  DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.4.043108  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: An instantaneous three-dimensional imaging technique using a chirped supercontinuum and an ultrafast optical Kerr gate, in which a sapphire plate and a TeO2-ZnO-Na2O oxide glass were used to generate the chirped supercontinuum and the ultrafast optical Kerr gate, respectively, is demonstrated. This technique is applicable to ultrafast shape measurement, such as shape imaging of moving objects, or imaging of laser-induced refractive index changes in transparent media. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Accession Number: WOS:000336659700010

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Si, Jinhai 




ISSN: 0091-3286

eISSN: 1560-2303



Record 153 of 244

Title: Phase control of light amplification in steady and transient processes in an inverted-Y atomic system with spontaneously generated coherence

Author(s): Tian, SC (Tian Si-Cong); Tong, CZ (Tong Cun-Zhu); Wan, RG (Wan Ren-Gang); Ning, YQ (Ning Yong-Qiang); Qin, L (Qin Li); Liu, Y (Liu Yun); Wang, LJ (Wang Li-Jun); Zhang, H (Zhang Hang); Wang, ZB (Wang Zeng-Bin); Gao, JY (Gao Jin-Yue)

Source: CHINESE PHYSICS B  Volume: 23  Issue: 4  Article Number: 044205  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/4/044205  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: We investigate the effects of spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) on both the steady and transient gain properties in a four-level inverted-Y-type atomic system in the presence of a weak probe, two strong coherent fields, and an incoherent pump. For the steady process, we find that the inversionless gain mainly origins from SGC. In particular, we can modulate the inversionless gain by changing the relative phase between the two fields. Moreover, the amplitude of the gain peak can be enhanced and the additional gain peak can appear by changing the detuning of the coupling field. As for the transient process, the transient gain properties can also be dramatically affected by the SGC. Compared to the case without SGC, the transient gain can be greatly enhanced with completely eliminated transient absorption by choosing the proper relative phase between the two fields. And the inverted-Y-type system with SGC can be simulated in both atomic and semiconductor quantum well systems avoiding the conditions of SGC.

Accession Number: WOS:000335646200031

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Bin Wang, Zeng 



liu, feng 




ISSN: 1674-1056

eISSN: 1741-4199



Record 154 of 244

Title: Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser With Graphene Oxide in Heavy Water

Author(s): Wen, Q (Wen, Qiao); Zhang, XJ (Zhang, XiaoJun); Wang, YG (Wang, YongGang); Wang, YS (Wang, YiShan); Niu, HB (Niu, HanBen)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 2  Article Number: 1500706  DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2309631  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: Liquid saturable absorbers have some advantages in some aspects over solid saturable absorbers. In this paper, graphene oxide in heavy water (deuteroxide, D2O) dispersion was fabricated and used as absorber in Q-switched Nd:YAG laser for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The shortest pulse width of the Q-switched laser is 523 ns, corresponding to a repetition rate of 92.9 kHz. The maximum peak power of Q-switched pulse is 6.6 W. Such a liquid absorber has the virtues of good optical transparency, high heat dissipation, and no contact damage.

Accession Number: WOS:000336206100017

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Yixuan 



zhang, jin 



wang, yi 



zhang, jin 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yijun 



Wang, yanru 




ISSN: 1943-0655

eISSN: 1943-0647



Record 155 of 244

Title: A Unified Learning Framework for Single Image Super-Resolution

Author(s): Yu, JF (Yu, Jifei); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Zhang, KB (Zhang, Kaibing)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS  Volume: 25  Issue: 4  Pages: 780-792  DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2281313  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: It has been widely acknowledged that learning- and reconstruction-based super-resolution (SR) methods are effective to generate a high-resolution (HR) image from a single low-resolution (LR) input. However, learning-based methods are prone to introduce unexpected details into resultant HR images. Although reconstruction-based methods do not generate obvious artifacts, they tend to blur fine details and end up with unnatural results. In this paper, we propose a new SR framework that seamlessly integrates learning-and reconstruction-based methods for single image SR to: 1) avoid unexpected artifacts introduced by learning-based SR and 2) restore the missing high-frequency details smoothed by reconstruction-based SR. This integrated framework learns a single dictionary from the LR input instead of from external images to hallucinate details, embeds nonlocal means filter in the reconstruction-based SR to enhance edges and suppress artifacts, and gradually magnifies the LR input to the desired high-quality SR result. We demonstrate both visually and quantitatively that the proposed framework produces better results than previous methods from the literature.

Accession Number: WOS:000333098700011

PubMed ID: 24807954

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Zhang, Kaibing 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2162-237X

eISSN: 2162-2388



Record 156 of 244

Title: Nonlinear characterization on mid-infrared fluorotellurite glass fiber

Author(s): Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Shi, TF (Shi, Tengfei); Zhang, AD (Zhang, Aidong); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Si, JH (Si, Jinhai); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: MATERIALS LETTERS  Volume: 120  Pages: 174-176  DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.01.071  Published: APR 1 2014  

Abstract: By physical and chemical dehydration technique to remove OH group from raw materials and via built-in casting method to make glass fiber preform, mid-infrared fluorotellurite glass fibers with low loss of 3.61 dB/m at 1550 nm were fabricated recently. With the addition of fluoride components, fluorotellurite glass fiber cane presents a 'water-free' state with a broadband transparency in the range of 038-4.2 mu m. By the continuous-wave self-phase modulation method, the nonlinear refractive index n(2) and the effective nonlinear parameter gamma of the made fluorotellurite glass fiber were estimated to be 1.4 x 10(-18) m(2)/W and 20.9/W/km at 1550 nm, respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000333779300048

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

shi, teng 




ISSN: 0167-577X

eISSN: 1873-4979



Record 157 of 244

Title: Three operation regimes with an L-band ultrafast fiber laser passively mode-locked by graphene oxide saturable absorber

Author(s): Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Junqing); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Ruan, SC (Ruan, Shuangchen); Yan, PG (Yan, Peiguang); Zhang, H (Zhang, Han); Tsang, YH (Tsang, Yuen H.); Yang, JH (Yang, Jinhui); Huang, GX (Huang, Guoxi)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 31  Issue: 4  Pages: 716-722  DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.31.000716  Published: APR 2014  

Abstract: We present three operation regimes with an L-band erbium-doped fiber laser passively mode-locked by a graphene oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) that is fabricated by using a wet chemical method. One is a stable state of single soliton emission with pulse duration of 426 fs, which is the shortest pulse duration ever achieved with an L-band design by employing GOSA as the mode-locker. The other two operation regimes include bound-state soliton and dual-wavelength nanosecond pulse generation, which are demonstrated for the first time by using the GOSA mode-locker. Our results further indicate the practical potential of GOSA in ultrafast fiber lasers for achieving various mode-locking regimes. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000334116400009

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, han 



Zhao, Junqing 



Zhang, Han 



Tsang, Yuen Hong 




ISSN: 0740-3224

eISSN: 1520-8540



Record 158 of 244

Title: Locality and similarity preserving embedding for feature selection

Author(s): Fang, XZ (Fang, Xiaozhao); Xu, Y (Xu, Yong); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Fan, ZZ (Fan, Zizhu); Liu, H (Liu, Hong); Chen, Y (Chen, Yan)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 128  Pages: 304-315  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.08.040  Published: MAR 27 2014  

Abstract: Feature selection (FS) methods have commonly been used as a main way to select the relevant features. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised FS method, i.e., locality and similarity preserving embedding (LSPE) for feature selection. Specifically, the nearest neighbor graph is firstly constructed to preserve the locality structure of data points, and then this locality structure is mapped to the reconstruction coefficients such that the similarity among these data points is preserved. Moreover, the sparsity derived by the locality is also preserved. Finally, the low dimensional embedding of the sparse reconstruction is evaluated to best preserve the locality and similarity. We impose l(2.1)-norm on the transformation matrix to achieve row-sparsity, which allows us to select relevant features and learn the embedding simultaneously. The selected features have good stability due to the locality and similarity preserving, and more importantly, they contain natural discriminating information even if no class labels are provided. We present the optimization algorithm and analysis of convergence of the proposed method. The extensive experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000331851700037

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 159 of 244

Title: Sparse frontal face image synthesis from an arbitrary profile image

Author(s): Zhao, L (Zhao, Lin); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Tao, DP (Tao, Dapeng)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 128  Pages: 466-475  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.08.018  Published: MAR 27 2014  

Abstract: Frontal face image synthesis from an arbitrary profile image plays an important role in automatic video surveillance systems, and remains a challenge in computer vision. The strategies of partition are popular and promising for synthesizing frontal face images. However, conventional rectangular partition criterions fail to align corresponding patches in profile images and frontal face images. Given an arbitrary profile image, to synthesize a corresponding frontal face image which is smooth in texture and similar in appearance, we introduce a triangulation-based partition criterion and do synthesis based on sparse representation. The triangulation-based partition ensures the corresponding triangular patches are strictly aligned. And sparse representation adaptively finds the most similar patches for synthesis while abandons unlike patches. Furthermore, a confederate learning strategy is proposed to reduce the blocking artifacts caused by triangulation-based partition. Experimental results conducted on the Oriental Face database demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed frontal face image synthesis method and advantages over previous works. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000331851700050

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Tao, Dapeng 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 160 of 244

Title: Integrated frequency comb source of heralded single photons

Author(s): Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Clerici, M (Clerici, Matteo); Ferrera, M (Ferrera, Marcello); Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Peccianti, M (Peccianti, Marco); Pasquazi, A (Pasquazi, Alessia); Razzari, L (Razzari, Luca); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 6  Pages: 6535-6546  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.006535  Published: MAR 24 2014  

Abstract: We report an integrated photon pair source based on a CMOS-compatible microring resonator that generates multiple, simultaneous, and independent photon pairs at different wavelengths in a frequency comb compatible with fiber communication wavelength division multiplexing channels (200 GHz channel separation) and with a linewidth that is compatible with quantum memories (110 MHz). It operates in a self-locked pump configuration, avoiding the need for active stabilization, making it extremely robust even at very low power levels. (c) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000333579300035

PubMed ID: 24664002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Morandotti, Roberto 



Kues, Michael 



Chu, Sai T 



moss, david J 



Clerici, Matteo 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Caspani, Lucia 



moss, david 



Ferrera, Marcello 



Razzari, Luca 



Peccianti, Marco 



Pasquazi, Alessia 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 161 of 244

Title: Research of using the modified calcium complements CO<sub>2</sub> in cement industry flue gas

Author(s): Li, JF (Li, Jiangfeng); Meng, BL (Meng, Binglu); Liu, YD (Liu, Yidong); Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Min, Y (Min, Yong)

Source: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Meeting Abstract: 88-IEC  Volume: 247  Published: MAR 16 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000348457601057

Conference Title: 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS)

Conference Date: MAR 16-20, 2014

Conference Location: Dallas, TX

Conference Sponsors: Amer Chem Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Yidong 




ISSN: 0065-7727



Record 162 of 244

Title: Functionalized polyaniline based membranes for water purification

Author(s): Min, Y (Min, Yong); Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Wang, DW (Wang, Dewei); Fan, TJ (Fan, Tianju); Kinstedt, K (Kinstedt, Katie); Walker, HW (Walker, Harold W.); Liu, YD (Liu, Yidong)

Source: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Meeting Abstract: 256-PMSE  Volume: 247  Published: MAR 16 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000348457604235

Conference Title: 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS)

Conference Date: MAR 16-20, 2014

Conference Location: Dallas, TX

Conference Sponsors: Amer Chem Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Yidong 



Walker, Harold 




ISSN: 0065-7727



Record 163 of 244

Title: Novel ordered mesostructured silica - carbon nanocomposites: Facial synthesis and catalytical application

Author(s): Peng, L (Peng, Li); Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Min, YG (Min, Yonggang)

Source: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Meeting Abstract: 152-CATL  Volume: 247  Published: MAR 16 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000348455201357

Conference Title: 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS)

Conference Date: MAR 16-20, 2014

Conference Location: Dallas, TX

Conference Sponsors: Amer Chem Soc

ISSN: 0065-7727



Record 164 of 244

Title: Low-cost flexible carbon counter electrode for monolithic dye sensitized solar cell

Author(s): Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Peng, L (Peng, Li); Wang, DW (Wang, Dewei); Min, YG (Min, Yonggang)

Source: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Meeting Abstract: 447-ENFL  Volume: 247  Published: MAR 16 2014  

Accession Number: WOS:000348457600180

Conference Title: 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS)

Conference Date: MAR 16-20, 2014

Conference Location: Dallas, TX

Conference Sponsors: Amer Chem Soc

ISSN: 0065-7727



Record 165 of 244

Title: Simultaneous picosecond and femtosecond solitons delivered from a nanotube-mode-locked all-fiber laser

Author(s): Han, DD (Han, D. D.); Liu, XM (Liu, X. M.); Cui, YD (Cui, Y. D.); Wang, GX (Wang, G. X.); Zeng, C (Zeng, C.); Yun, L (Yun, L.)

Source: OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 39  Issue: 6  Pages: 1565-1568  DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.001565  Published: MAR 15 2014  

Abstract: We propose a compact nanotube-mode-locked all-fiber laser that can simultaneously generate picosecond and femtosecond solitons at different wavelengths. The pulse durations of picosecond and femtosecond solitons are measured to be similar to 10.6 ps and similar to 466 fs, respectively. Numerical results agree well with the experimental observations and clearly reveal that the dynamic evolutions of the picosecond and femtosecond solitons are qualitatively distinct in the intracavity. Our study presents a simple, stable, low-cost, and dual-scale ultrafast-pulsed laser source suitable for practical applications in optical communications. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332943800059

PubMed ID: 24690839

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Antipov, Oleg 



Wu, Jiale 



Antipov, Oleg L. 



Antipov, Oleg 



Chen, Feng 




ISSN: 0146-9592

eISSN: 1539-4794



Record 166 of 244

Title: Plasmon-induced transparency in metal-insulator-metal waveguide side-coupled with multiple cavities

Author(s): Guo, J (Guo, Jing)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 8  Pages: 1604-1609  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.001604  Published: MAR 10 2014  

Abstract: We have demonstrated the analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in the metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide, which consists of a bus waveguide side-coupled with a series of slot cavities. By finite-difference time-domain simulations, it is found that the resonance wavelength of the slot cavity can be controlled by adjusting the length of the cavity. Moreover, the EIT-like response is strongly dependent on the coupling separation between the corresponding adjacent cavities. Multiple-peak plasmon-induced transparency can be realized by cascading multiple cavities with different lengths and suitable cavity-cavity separations. This ultracompact plasmonic waveguide system may find important applications for multichannel plasmonic filter, nanoscale optical switching, and slow-light devices in highly integrated optical circuits and networks. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332837900014

PubMed ID: 24663417

ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 167 of 244

Title: Development of a chip-based ingroove microplasma source: Design, characterization, and diagnostics

Author(s): Li, XM (Li, Xuemei); Tang, J (Tang, Jie); Meng, FY (Meng, Fanying); Yuan, X (Yuan, Xin); Yan, YY (Yan, Yanyue); Zhao, ZJ (Zhao, Zhongjun); Duan, YX (Duan, Yixiang)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 104  Issue: 10  Article Number: 103502  DOI: 10.1063/1.4867484  Published: MAR 10 2014  

Abstract: A chip-based ingroove microplasma source was designed for molecular emission spectrometry by using a space-confined direct current duct in air. The voltage-current characteristics of different size generators, emission spectroscopy of argon were discussed, respectively. It is found that the emission intensity of excited Ar and N-2 approaches its maximum near the cathode, while OH and O peaks most likely appear close to the anode. The electron density, electronic excitation temperature, rotational temperature, and vibrational temperature of the argon plasma were also calculated. More importantly, the chip-based ingroove microplasma shows much better stability compared with its counterparts. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000333082800076

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yang, xu 



Zhao, Zhongjun 




ISSN: 0003-6951

eISSN: 1077-3118



Record 168 of 244

Title: Observation of vector- and scalar-pulse in a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser

Author(s): Yun, L (Yun, Ling); Liu, XM (Liu, Xueming); Han, DD (Han, Dongdong)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 5  Pages: 5442-5447  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.005442  Published: MAR 10 2014  

Abstract: We report the experimental observations of vector pulse trapping and scalar dissipative soliton in a compact nanotube-mode-locked all-fiber laser for the first time to our best knowledge. The vector pulse exhibits a smooth Gaussian spectral profile without any sidebands. Although two orthogonally polarized components of the vector pulse have different central wavelengths, they copropagate as a unit in the laser cavity with the same speed. The scalar dissipative soliton shows a rectangular spectrum with pulse duration of similar to 13 ps, and can be compressed to similar to 320 fs external to the cavity. This flexible laser provides stable, ultrashort vector- and scalar-pulsed sources, which is convenient and attractive for practical applications. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000333579200100

PubMed ID: 24663884

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Jiale 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 169 of 244

Title: Contrast Enhancement-Based Forensics in Digital Images

Author(s): Cao, G (Cao, Gang); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yao); Ni, RR (Ni, Rongrong); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY  Volume: 9  Issue: 3  Pages: 515-525  DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2014.2300937  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: As a retouching manipulation, contrast enhancement is typically used to adjust the global brightness and contrast of digital images. Malicious users may also perform contrast enhancement locally for creating a realistic composite image. As such it is significant to detect contrast enhancement blindly for verifying the originality and authenticity of the digital images. In this paper, we propose two novel algorithms to detect the contrast enhancement involved manipulations in digital images. First, we focus on the detection of global contrast enhancement applied to the previously JPEG-compressed images, which are widespread in real applications. The histogram peak/gap artifacts incurred by the JPEG compression and pixel value mappings are analyzed theoretically, and distinguished by identifying the zero-height gap fingerprints. Second, we propose to identify the composite image created by enforcing contrast adjustment on either one or both source regions. The positions of detected blockwise peak/gap bins are clustered for recognizing the contrast enhancement mappings applied to different source regions. The consistency between regional artifacts is checked for discovering the image forgeries and locating the composition boundary. Extensive experiments have verified the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed techniques.

Accession Number: WOS:000332459700016

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1556-6013

eISSN: 1556-6021



Record 170 of 244

Title: Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser with a double-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber

Author(s): Chu, HW (Chu, Hongwei); Zhao, SZ (Zhao, Shengzhi); Li, YF (Li, Yufei); Yang, KJ (Yang, Kejian); Li, GQ (Li, Guiqiu); Li, DC (Li, Dechun); Zhao, J (Zhao, Jia); Qiao, WC (Qiao, Wenchao); Li, T (Li, Tao); Feng, CS (Feng, Chuansheng); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan)

Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 11  Issue: 3  Article Number: 035001  DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/11/3/035001  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: A diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser with a double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) saturable absorber is demonstrated for the first time. A maximum output power of 1.03 W and a minimum pulse duration of 24.3 ns with a highest peak power of 121 W were obtained. The pulse repetition rate varied from 122 to 350 kHz as the pump power increased. The experimental results show that DWCNT is an excellent saturable absorber for passive Q-switched lasers.

Accession Number: WOS:000331457000001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Kejian 



wang, yixuan 



wang, yi 



Wang, Yixuan 



zhao, jia 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, yanru 



Wang, Yijun 




ISSN: 1612-2011

eISSN: 1612-202X



Record 171 of 244

Title: Theoretical analysis and the morphology control of vertical phase segregation in high-efficiency polymer/fullerene solar cells

Author(s): Gao, BW (Gao, Bowen)

Source: HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS  Volume: 26  Issue: 2  Pages: 197-204  DOI: 10.1177/0954008313506725  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: The morphology control and optimization in the film-forming process and nanoscale phase separation of donor/acceptor interpenetrating networks played an important role in improving the performance of organic solar cells. Vertical phase separation was defined as an inhomogeneous distribution or concentration gradient of polymer/fullerene blends in the spin-coated film, due to the surface energy of the respective components and their interaction with the substrate or the intermediate buffer layers. In this report, we demonstrated, in detail, the theory of vertical phase separation morphology and control of conventional structure solar cells and inverted configuration solar cells, including the choice of solvents and the drying rate, the surface energy control, thermal annealing, as well as external electric field. In particular, we first proposed internal electronic field model of vertical phase separation and revealed the internal rules and organic semiconductor physics and its mechanism for improving the device efficiency and stability.

Accession Number: WOS:000331545400008

ISSN: 0954-0083

eISSN: 1361-6412



Record 172 of 244

Title: Preparation of the oxyfluoride glass with high 3ω laser induced damage threshold

Author(s): Hou, CQ (Hou, Chaoqi); Wang, PF (Wang, Pengfei); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Guo, HT (Guo, Haitao); Fu, LL (Fu, Lili); Qiao, ZB (Qiao, Zebang); Lu, M (Lu, Min); Wei, W (Wei, Wei); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 56  Pages: 88-91  DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2013.06.015  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: An oxyfluoride glass with good thermal stability (Delta T=313.72 degrees C), high transmittance and excellent 3m laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) was prepared by a high temperature melting technique. The oxyfluoride glass has an optical transmittance as high as 91.2% (without AR coatings) at 351 nm and the transmission is stable in the successive laser shots. Its 3 omega LIDT is higher than that of fused silica, and the corresponding mechanism has been discussed through SEM microstructure and damage morphology observation. This novel oxyfluoride glass makes itself a promising candidate material used in 3 omega high power laser system. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Accession Number: WOS:000328521400014

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Pengfei 



Lu, min 




ISSN: 0030-3992

eISSN: 1879-2545



Record 173 of 244

Title: Spectral-Spatial Constraint Hyperspectral Image Classification

Author(s): Ji, RR (Ji, Rongrong); Gao, Y (Gao, Yue); Hong, RC (Hong, Richang); Liu, Q (Liu, Qiong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING  Volume: 52  Issue: 3  Pages: 1811-1824  DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2255297  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Hyperspectral image classification has attracted extensive research efforts in the recent decade. The main difficulty lies in the few labeled samples versus the high dimensional features. To this end, it is a fundamental step to explore the relationship among different pixels in hyperspectral image classification, toward jointly handing both the lack of label and high dimensionality problems. In the hyperspectral images, the classification task can be benefited from the spatial layout information. In this paper, we propose a hyperspectral image classification method to address both the pixel spectral and spatial constraints, in which the relationship among pixels is formulated in a hypergraph structure. In the constructed hypergraph, each vertex denotes a pixel in the hyperspectral image. And the hyperedges are constructed from both the distance between pixels in the feature space and the spatial locations of pixels. More specifically, a feature-based hyperedge is generated by using distance among pixels, where each pixel is connected with its K nearest neighbors in the feature space. Second, a spatial-based hyperedge is generated to model the layout among pixels by linking where each pixel is linked with its spatial local neighbors. Both the learning on the combinational hypergraph is conducted by jointly investigating the image feature and the spatial layout of pixels to seek their joint optimal partitions. Experiments on four data sets are performed to evaluate the effectiveness and and efficiency of the proposed method. Comparisons to the state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in the hyperspectral image classification.

Accession Number: WOS:000329404800024

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0196-2892

eISSN: 1558-0644



Record 174 of 244

Title: Coded Aperture Spectral Data Restoration Based on Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage/Threshold

Author(s): Li, Y (Li Yun); Hu, BL (Hu Bing-liang); Wang, S (Wang Shuang); Li, R (Li Ran); Shi, DL (Shi Da-lian)

Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 847-850  DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)03-0847-04  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Coded aperture imaging spectrometer based on the concept of compressed sensing can acquire the spectral diagram of object. Coded aperture spectral data restoration reconstructs three-dimensional data cube from two-dimensional coded image. The two-step iterative shrinkage/thresholding algorithms were derived from the iterative shrinkage threshold algorithm and weighted iterative shrinkage algorithm. Recovering coded aperture spectral data using the two-step iterative shrinkage/thresholding algorithms obtained the three-dimensional spectral data cube successfully.

Accession Number: WOS:000335624300059

PubMed ID: 25208426

ISSN: 1000-0593



Record 175 of 244

Title: Theoretical and static experiment research on all optical solid state streak camera

Author(s): Liang, LL (Liang Ling-Liang); Tian, JS (Tian Jin-Shou); Wang, T (Wang Tao); Li, FL (Li Fu-Li); Gao, GL (Gao Gui-Long); Wang, JF (Wang Jun-Feng); Wang, C (Wang Chao); Lu, Y (Lu Yu); Xu, XY (Xu Xiang-Yan); Cao, XB (Cao Xi-Bin); Wen, WL (Wen Wen-Long); Xin, LW (Xin Li-Wei); Liu, HL (Liu Hu-Lin); Wang, X (Wang Xing)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 6  Article Number: 060702  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.060702  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: All optical solid state streak camera is to carry out the process of deflecting and scanning of the signal light which is coupled into the core of the waveguide, with spatially-modulated pump pulse exciting the light deflector, through precisely controlling the time delay between signal light and pump light. Not only can it solve the problems existing in the traditional photoelectron streak camera such as the decrease of the dynamic range caused by space charge effect and incapability of detecting the infrared light signal for photoelectric cathode, but also it has the advantages of simple structure, systemic stability. And the theoretical temporal resolution can reach up to picosecond scale even sub picosecond scale. For the AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs/AlxGa1-x As planar waveguide light deflector, we discuss in detail the change of the refractive index of the GaAs with time under the common influences of band filling, band gap shrinkage and free carrier absorption effect; when the change of the refractive index is on the order of 0.01 and the ratio of the signal spot size to the width of the waveguide p = 0.5, the theoretical temporal resolution can reach 2 ps; finally, the theoretical spatial resolution is calculated to be 17 lp/mm according to the condition of static experiment, while the experimental results show that spatial resolution is 9 lp/mm.

Accession Number: WOS:000335390500017

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Chao 







ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 176 of 244

Title: Oxygen-implanted optical planar waveguides in Er<SUP>3+</SUP>/Yb<SUP>3+</SUP>-codoped silicate glasses for integrated laser generation

Author(s): Liu, CX (Liu, Chun-Xiao); Xu, J (Xu, Jun); Xu, XL (Xu, Xiao-Li); Wu, S (Wu, Shu); Wei, W (Wei, Wei); Guo, HT (Guo, Hai-Tao); Li, WN (Li, Wei-Nan); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 53  Issue: 3  Article Number: 037101  DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.3.037101  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Er3+/Yb3+-codoped silicate glasses are good candidates for the application of laser actions and signal amplification. Optical planar waveguides in Er3+/Yb3+-codoped silicate glasses are fabricated by 6.0-MeV oxygen-ion implantation with a dose of 6.0 x 10(14) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. The SRIM 2010 code is carried out to simulate the energy losses during the implantation process in order to obtain a better understanding of the waveguide formation. The guiding modes and near-field intensity distributions of the waveguide are characterized by the prism-coupling and end-face coupling methods. The refractive index profile and light propagation mode of the planar waveguide are numerically calculated by the reflectivity calculation method and finite difference beam propagation method. The waveguide has a "well + barrier" refractive index distribution and its optical loss is similar to 1.02 dB/cm. The microluminescence and absorption investigation reveal that fluorescent and transmission properties in the waveguide are well preserved with respect to the bulk, suggesting promising potential for waveguide amplifiers and lasers. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Accession Number: WOS:000339623600039

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shi, Z 




ISSN: 0091-3286

eISSN: 1560-2303



Record 177 of 244

Title: Design and evaluation of a pre-traveling wave deflector magnetic solenoid lens focused streak image tube

Author(s): Liu, R (Liu Rong); Tian, JS (Tian Jin-Shou); Li, H (Li Hao); Wang, QQ (Wang Qiang-Qiang); Wang, C (Wang Chao); Wen, WL (Wen Wen-Long); Lu, Y (Lu Yu); Liu, HL (Liu Hu-Lin); Cao, XB (Cao Xi-Bin); Wang, JF (Wang Jun-Feng); Xu, XY (Xu Xiang-Yan); Wang, X (Wang Xing)

Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA  Volume: 63  Issue: 5  Article Number: 058501  DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.058501  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Owing to the excellent feature of ultrahigh temporal resolution, the streak image tube has been the indispensable scientific instrument for the application to measurement of ultrafast phenomena on subpicosecond time scale. In this paper, a new femtosecond streak image tube with both high temporal and spatial resolution is designed. To improve its integrated performance, a pair of traveling wave deflectors is located before a magnetic solenoid lens in the tube, which minimizes the electron transit time from anode to deflection plates and therefore reduces time dispersion and space charge effects. Using CST microwave studio finite element method, bandwidth and deflection sensitivity of traveling wave deflector have been studied numerically. The result shows that the wide bandwidth of the traveling wave deflectors designed is beneficial to slow down the electrical deflecting pulse to match the beam velocity in a wide frequency range, which can improve the deflection sensitivity. After tracing the trajectory of electrons and calculating the modulation transform function, we get temporal resolution of 220 fs and spatial resolution above 100 lp/mm. Based on the aberration theory, the aberration formulas of electron trajectory are deduced, which systematically evaluate the imaging quality of streak image tube with modulation transfer function. Finally, static experiment is carried out, and the result shows that the static spatial resolution is better than 35 lp/mm.

Accession Number: WOS:000335388200055

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Qiangqiang 



Wang, Chao 






Li, Hao 




ISSN: 1000-3290



Record 178 of 244

Title: Alternatively Constrained Dictionary Learning for Image Superresolution

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 3  Pages: 366-377  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2256347  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Dictionaries are crucial in sparse coding-based algorithms for image superresolution. Sparse coding is a typical unsupervised learning method to study the relationship between the patches of high-and low-resolution images. However, most of the sparse coding methods for image superresolution fail to simultaneously consider the geometrical structure of the dictionary and the corresponding coefficients, which may result in noticeable superresolution reconstruction artifacts. In other words, when a low-resolution image and its corresponding high-resolution image are represented in their feature spaces, the two sets of dictionaries and the obtained coefficients have intrinsic links, which has not yet been well studied. Motivated by the development on nonlocal self-similarity and manifold learning, a novel sparse coding method is reported to preserve the geometrical structure of the dictionary and the sparse coefficients of the data. Moreover, the proposed method can preserve the incoherence of dictionary entries and provide the sparse coefficients and learned dictionary from a new perspective, which have both reconstruction and discrimination properties to enhance the learning performance. Furthermore, to utilize the model of the proposed method more effectively for single-image superresolution, this paper also proposes a novel dictionarypair learning method, which is named as two-stage dictionary training. Extensive experiments are carried out on a large set of images comparing with other popular algorithms for the same purpose, and the results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed sparse representation model and the corresponding dictionary learning algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000331906100006

PubMed ID: 23757556

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yan, Pingkun 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 179 of 244

Title: Efficient Search and Localization of Human Actions in Video Databases

Author(s): Shao, L (Shao, Ling); Jones, S (Jones, Simon); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 24  Issue: 3  Pages: 504-512  DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2013.2276700  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: As digital video databases grow, so grows the problem of effectively navigating through them. In this paper we propose a novel content-based video retrieval approach to searching such video databases, specifically those involving human actions, incorporating spatio-temporal localization. We outline a novel, highly efficient localization model that first performs temporal localization based on histograms of evenly spaced time-slices, then spatial localization based on histograms of a 2-D spatial grid. We further argue that our retrieval model, based on the aforementioned localization, followed by relevance ranking, results in a highly discriminative system, while remaining an order of magnitude faster than the current state-of-the-art method. We also show how relevance feedback can be applied to our localization and ranking algorithms. As a result, the presented system is more directly applicable to real-world problems than any prior content-based video retrieval system.

Accession Number: WOS:000334522000013

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shao, Ling 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Shao, Ling 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1051-8215

eISSN: 1558-2205



Record 180 of 244

Title: Analysis of Lorentzian Line Shape Function Broadened by Non-Sinusoidal Wavelength Modulation

Author(s): Sun, YQ (Sun You-qun); Wang, YT (Wang Yun-tao); Ruan, C (Ruan Chi); Xu, SS (Xu Song-song)

Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 597-600  DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)03-0597-04  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: In the present work, the Fourier analysis of Lorentzian line shape broadened by non-sinusoidal wavelength modulation was investigated, in which the third order and above harmonic items were ignored. The analytical expression of n-order Fourier coefficient was brought out, where a variable K named harmonic distortion to characterize the ratio of the second harmonic to the first harmonic was introduced. Numerical simulations based on the cases of K>0. 01 and K<0. 01 were carried out, and the result shows: non-sinusoidal modulation has little effect compared with the sinusoidal modulation when K value is less than 0. 01, however, if K value is about 0. 1 or higher, the center of the Fourier amplitude curve would deviate from the origin of coordinates. With the increase in the harmonic distortion, the deviation of the curve grows, and high order harmonics are more sensitive to the non-sinusoidal modulation compared with the low order harmonics. In addition, when harmonic distortion cannot be ignored, for example K>0. 01, the effect of different depths of modulation on the odd and even order harmonic amplitude curve is significant. And the numerical simulation shows there exists an optimum value of modulation depth which could minimize the impact of the harmonic distortion, and both large K value and small K value would cause a great error. The conclusion of this work could be applied in error analysis of wavelength modulation spectroscopy system. And the results are helpful to deepening understanding of WMS and would be the important reference for some kind of frequency stabilization technology in laser instrument.

Accession Number: WOS:000335624300005

PubMed ID: 25208372

ISSN: 1000-0593



Record 181 of 244

Title: A Nonlinear Adaptive Level Set for Image Segmentation

Author(s): Wang, B (Wang, Bin); Gao, X (Gao, Xinbo); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 3  Pages: 418-428  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2256891  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel level set method (LSM) for image segmentation. By utilizing the Bayesian rule, we design a nonlinear adaptive velocity and a probability-weighted stopping force to implement a robust segmentation for objects with weak boundaries. The proposed method is featured by the following three properties: 1) it automatically determines the curve to shrink or expand by utilizing the Bayesian rule to involve the regional features of images; 2) it drives the curve evolve with an appropriate speed to avoid the leakage at weak boundaries; and 3) it reduces the influence of false boundaries, i.e., edges far away from objects of interest. We applied the proposed segmentation method to artificial images, medical images and the BSD-300 image dataset for qualitative and quantitative evaluations. The comparison results show the proposed method performs competitively, compared with the LSM and its representative variants.

Accession Number: WOS:000331906100010

PubMed ID: 23797311

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Wang, Bin 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 182 of 244

Title: A general approach for fabrication of nitrogen-doped graphene sheets and its application in supercapacitors

Author(s): Wang, DW (Wang, Dewei); Min, YG (Min, Yonggang); Yu, YH (Yu, Youhai); Peng, B (Peng, Bo)

Source: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE  Volume: 417  Pages: 270-277  DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2013.11.021  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, a general and efficient strategy has been developed to produce nitrogen-doped graphene sheets (NGs) based on hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB) theory. Under hydrothermal conditions, any salt with amphiprotic character have a strong tendency to hydrolysis, it is possible to provide reducing agent and nitrogen source simultaneously. It is worth noting that, NGs can be prepared under hydrothermal conditions by using some common ammonium salts with hard acid-soft base pairs as nitrogen-doping agents. The morphology, structure and composition of the as-prepared NGs were studied in detail. The results demonstrated that large amount of nitrogen was incorporated into the nanocarbon frameworks at the same time as the graphene oxide (GO) sheets were reduced. The electrochemical behavior of the synthesized NGs as supercapacitor electrodes was evaluated in a symmetric two-electrode cell configuration with 1 M H2SO4 as the electrolytes. It was found that the nitrogen groups making the as-prepared NGs exhibited remarkably enhanced electrochemical performance when used as electrode materials in supercapacitors. The supercapacitor based on the NGs exhibited a high specific capacitance of 242 F g(-1), at a current density of 1 A g(-1), and remains a relatively high capacitance even at a high current density. This work will put forward to understand and optimize heteroatom-doped graphene in energy storage systems. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000330090600035

PubMed ID: 24407687

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Dewei 



Yu, Youhai 




ISSN: 0021-9797

eISSN: 1095-7103



Record 183 of 244

Title: Research of Spectrum Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Large Aperture Static Imaging Spectrometer

Author(s): Wang, S (Wang Shuang); Xiangli, B (Xiangli Bin); Li, LB (Li Li-bo); Pi, HF (Pi Hai-Feng)

Source: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 851-856  DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)03-0851-06  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: The process of acquiring hyperspectral data cube of a Large Aperture Static Imaging Spectrometer (LASIS) includes several vital and essential steps, such as interferometer modulation, rectangular convolution sampling by pixels of detector and spectra retrieving. In this process, how to precisely evaluate the Signal-Noise Ratio (SNR) of spectra and how to wholly establish a related evaluation model were both generally very complicated. After a full consideration of the transmission process, utilizing the theory of rectangular convolution sampling and the spectral retrieving method regarding the computation of real part of the discrete Fourier transform of interferogram, formulas of both spectral signal and spectral noise were deduced theoretically, and then a evaluation model regarding the spectral SNR of LASIS was established. By using this model and other design factors of LASIS involving the wavenumber related optical transmittance, the interferometer beam splitter efficiency, the detector quantum efficiency and the main circuit noise, a simulation of spectral SNR was implemented. The simulation result was compared with the measurement result of the SNR of a LASIS instrument. The SNR lines and trends of the two match each other basically in single spectral band. The average deviation between them is proved to be 3. 58%. This comparison result demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation model. This SNR evaluation model consisting of the main technical aspects of typical LASTS instrument from the input spectral radiation to the output spectrum data is possible to be applied widely in practical design and implement of LASTS, as well as may provide valuable reference on SNR calculation and evaluation for other imaging spectrometers.

Accession Number: WOS:000335624300060

PubMed ID: 25208427

ISSN: 1000-0593



Record 184 of 244

Title: Schlieren confocal microscopy for phase-relief imaging

Author(s): Xie, H (Xie, Hao); Jin, DY (Jin, Dayong); Yu, JJ (Yu, Junjie); Peng, T (Peng, Tong); Ding, YC (Ding, Yichen); Zhou, CH (Zhou, Changhe); Xi, P (Xi, Peng)

Source: OPTICS LETTERS  Volume: 39  Issue: 5  Pages: 1238-1241  DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.001238  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Abstract: We demonstrate a simple phase-sensitive microscopic technique capable of imaging the phase gradient of a transparent specimen, based on the Schlieren modulation and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The incident laser is refracted by the phase gradient of the specimen and excites a fluorescence plate behind the specimen to create a secondary illumination; then the fluoresence is modulated by a partial obstructor before entering the confocal pinhole. The quantitative relationship between the image intensity and the sample phase gradient can be derived. This setup is very easy to be adapted to current confocal setups, so that multimodality fluorescence/structure images can be obtained within a single system. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332233300035

PubMed ID: 24690716

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Xi, Peng 



Jin, Dayong 



jin, dayong 



Yu, Junjie 




ISSN: 0146-9592

eISSN: 1539-4794



Record 185 of 244

Title: Transport properties of random media composed of core-shell spheres

Author(s): Xu, YC (Xu, Yuchen); Zhang, H (Zhang, Hao); Zhang, XC (Zhang, Xiangchao); Shen, YQ (Shen, Yongqiang); Zhu, HY (Zhu, Heyuan); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Xu, M (Xu, Min)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING  Volume: 114  Issue: 4  Pages: 1223-1231  DOI: 10.1007/s00339-013-7862-5  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: With the energy-density coherent potential approximation method, a series of calculations concerning the contribution from the morphology and dispersion of random media composed of core-shell spheres on the transport properties of random media are conducted in terms of the scattering-cross-section efficiency factor, mean free path, velocity of electromagnetic energy, and diffusion coefficient. It is found that the core layer introduces more complicated resonant modes which lead to diverse possibilities to sharply decrease the transport of light within random media.

Accession Number: WOS:000332421700031

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



Zhang, Xiangchao 



Shen, Yongqiang 




ISSN: 0947-8396

eISSN: 1432-0630



Record 186 of 244

Title: Accelerating beams with non-parabolic trajectories

Author(s): Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Li, MM (Li, Manman); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yu, XH (Yu, Xianghua); Qian, J (Qian, Jia); Gao, P (Gao, Peng)

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 16  Issue: 3  Article Number: 035706  DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/3/035706  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: We present a family of one-dimensional accelerating beams in the paraxial limit whose trajectory is described, in normalized coordinates (xi, s), by a non-parabolic curve xi = alpha(s) with alpha(s) denoting the transverse shift of beams. When taking different values of the parameters appearing in alpha(s), three types of accelerating beams are observed. The first type accelerates initially along X direction and almost stops accelerating after traveling a large distance. The second type is seen to travel along a straight line with an angle with respect to the Z-axis at large distance. The beam of the last type is seen to leave initially upward and cross the Z-axis downward after traveling some distance.

Accession Number: WOS:000332760600024

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yu, Xianghua 



gao, peng 



Yao, Baoli 



Lei, Ming 




ISSN: 2040-8978

eISSN: 2040-8986



Record 187 of 244

Title: Fusion of Multichannel Local and Global Structural Cues for Photo Aesthetics Evaluation

Author(s): Zhang, LM (Zhang, Luming); Gao, Y (Gao, Yue); Zimmermann, R (Zimmermann, Roger); Tian, Q (Tian, Qi); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING  Volume: 23  Issue: 3  DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2303650  Published: MAR 2014  

Abstract: Photo aesthetic quality evaluation is a fundamental yet under addressed task in computer vision and image processing fields. Conventional approaches are frustrated by the following two drawbacks. First, both the local and global spatial arrangements of image regions play an important role in photo aesthetics. However, existing rules, e. g., visual balance, heuristically define which spatial distribution among the salient regions of a photo is aesthetically pleasing. Second, it is difficult to adjust visual cues from multiple channels automatically in photo aesthetics assessment. To solve these problems, we propose a new photo aesthetics evaluation framework, focusing on learning the image descriptors that characterize local and global structural aesthetics from multiple visual channels. In particular, to describe the spatial structure of the image local regions, we construct graphlets small-sized connected graphs by connecting spatially adjacent atomic regions. Since spatially adjacent graphlets distribute closely in their feature space, we project them onto a manifold and subsequently propose an embedding algorithm. The embedding algorithm encodes the photo global spatial layout into graphlets. Simultaneously, the importance of graphlets from multiple visual channels are dynamically adjusted. Finally, these post-embedding graphlets are integrated for photo aesthetics evaluation using a probabilistic model. Experimental results show that: 1) the visualized graphlets explicitly capture the aesthetically arranged atomic regions; 2) the proposed approach generalizes and improves four prominent aesthetic rules; and 3) our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in photo aesthetics prediction.

Accession Number: WOS:000335390100005

PubMed ID: 24723537

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



Li, Xuelong 



Gao, Yue 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Zimmermann, Roger 



zhang, lu 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1057-7149

eISSN: 1941-0042



Record 188 of 244

Title: Reconstructing signals via stochastic resonance generated by photorefractive two-wave mixing bistability

Author(s): Cao, GZ (Cao, Guangzhan); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Li, XF (Li, Xuefeng); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 4  Pages: 4214-4223  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.004214  Published: FEB 24 2014  

Abstract: Stochastic resonance is theoretically investigated in an optical bistable system, which consists of a unidirectional ring cavity and a photorefractive two-wave mixer. It is found that the output properties of stochastic resonance are mainly determined by the applied noise, the crystal length and the applied electric field. The influences of these parameters on the stochastic resonance are also numerically analyzed via cross-correlation, which offers general guidelines for the optimization of recovering noise-hidden signals. A cross-correlation gain of 4 is obtained by optimizing these parameters. This provides a general method for reconstructing signals in nonlinear communications systems. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332520000055

PubMed ID: 24663745

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 189 of 244

Title: Diode-pumped continuous wave and passively Q-switched Tm, Mg: LiTaO<sub>3</sub> lasers

Author(s): Feng, T (Feng, T.); Li, T (Li, T.); Zhao, S (Zhao, S.); Li, Q (Li, Q.); Yang, K (Yang, K.); Zhao, J (Zhao, J.); Qiao, W (Qiao, W.); Hang, Y (Hang, Y.); Zhang, P (Zhang, P.); Wang, Y (Wang, Y.); Xu, J (Xu, J.)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 4  Pages: 3818-3823  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.003818  Published: FEB 24 2014  

Abstract: We have demonstrated the continuous wave and passively Q-switched Tm, Mg: LiTaO3 lasers for the first time. In continuous wave (CW) regime, a maximum CW output power of 1.03 W at 1952 nm was obtained, giving a slope efficiency of 9.5% and a beam quality M-2 = 2.2. In passive Q-switching regime, a single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) was employed as saturable absorber (SA). The Tm, Mg: LiTaO3 laser has yielded a pulse of 560 ns under repetition rate of 34.2 kHz at 1926 nm, corresponding to a single pulse energy of 10.1 mu J. The results indicate a promising potential of nonlinear crystals in the applications for laser host materials. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332520000012

PubMed ID: 24663702

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhao, shuangling 



Hang, Yin 



Liu, Zhen 



Xu, Jianqiu 



zhao, jia 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 190 of 244

Title: Bound state of dissipative solitons in a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser

Author(s): Yun, L (Yun, Ling); Han, D (Han, Dongdong)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 313  Pages: 70-73  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.10.005  Published: FEB 15 2014  

Abstract: The bound state of dissipative solitons (DSs) in a nanotube-based erbium-doped fiber laser is observed experimentally for the first time to our best knowledge. The bound-state DSs exhibit a rectangular spectrum profile accompanied by high-contrast modulated fringes on the top. The pulse duration of DSs is estimated as similar to 3.6 ps and the pulse-pulse separation is similar to 30 ps. The propagation dynamics of the bound-state DSs are further investigated by utilizing single-mode fiber with different lengths. It is found that the pulses can be compressed to similar to 208 fs and subsequently broadened linearly along the extracavity fiber, while the pu separation between the two bound-state DSs remains constant. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000331455900011

ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 191 of 244

Title: Graphene plasmonic lens for manipulating energy flow

Author(s): Wang, GX (Wang, Guoxi); Liu, XM (Liu, Xueming); Lu, H (Lu, Hua); Zeng, C (Zeng, Chao)

Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 4  Article Number: 4073  DOI: 10.1038/srep04073  Published: FEB 12 2014  

Abstract: Manipulating the energy flow of light is at the heart of modern information and communication technologies. Because photons are uncharged, it is still difficult to effectively control them by electrical means. Here, we propose a graphene plasmonic (GP) lens to efficiently manipulate energy flow by elaborately designing the thickness of the dielectric spacer beneath the graphene sheet. Different from traditional metal-based lenses, the proposed graphene plasmonic lens possesses the advantages of tunability and excellent confinement of surface plasmons. It is found that the proposed lens can be utilized to focus and collimate the GP waves propagating along the graphene sheet. Particularly, the lens is dispersionless over a wide frequency range and the performance of lens can be flexibly tuned by adjusting the bias voltage. As an application of such a lens, the image transfer of two point sources with a separation of lambda(0)/30 is demonstrated.

Accession Number: WOS:000331289800005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chen, Feng 



Zeng, Chao 



Lu, Hua 



Wu, Jiale 




ISSN: 2045-2322



Record 192 of 244

Title: A simple method for astigmatic compensation of folded resonator without Brewster window

Author(s): Wen, Q (Wen Qiao); Zhang, XJ (Zhang Xiaojun); Wang, YG (Wang Yonggang); Sun, LQ (Sun Liqun); Niu, HB (Niu Hanben)

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 22  Issue: 3  Pages: 2309-2316  DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.002309  Published: FEB 10 2014  

Abstract: A folded resonator requires an oblique angle of incidence on the folded curved mirror, which introduces astigmatic distortions that limit the performance of the lasers. We present a simple method to compensate the astigmatism of folded resonator without Brewster windows for the first time to the best of our knowledge. Based on the theory of the propagation and transformation of Gaussian beams, the method is both effective and reliable. Theoretical results show that the folded resonator can be compensated astigmatism completely when the following two conditions are fulfilled. Firstly, when the Gaussian beam with a determined size beam waist is obliquely incident on an off-axis concave mirror, two new Gaussian beam respectively in the tangential and sagittal planes are formed. Another off-axis concave mirror is located at another intersection point of the two new Gaussian beams. Secondly, adjusting the incident angle of the second concave mirror or its focal length can make the above two Gaussian beam coincide in the image plane of the second concave mirror, which compensates the astigmatic aberration completely. A side-pumped continues-wave (CW) passively mode locked Nd:YAG laser was taken as an example of the astigmatically compensated folded resonators. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical predictions. This method can be used effectively to design astigmatically compensated cavities resonator of high-performance lasers. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000332518100016

PubMed ID: 24663523

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, jin 



zhang, jin 




ISSN: 1094-4087



Record 193 of 244


Author(s): Yao, XK (Yao, Xiankun)

Source: MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B  Volume: 28  Issue: 4  Article Number: 1450025  DOI: 10.1142/S0217984914500250  Published: FEB 10 2014  

Abstract: In this paper, we have numerically investigated a novel kind of ultra-compact wavelength demultiplexing (WDM) in high-confined metal-insulator-metal (MIM) plasmonic waveguides. It is found that the drop transmission efficiency of the filtering cavity can be strongly enhanced by introducing a side-coupled cavity in the MIM waveguide. The theoretical analysis is verified by the finite-difference time-domain simulations. Through cascading the filtering units, a highly effective triple-wavelength demultiplexer is proposed by selecting the specific separation between the two coupled cavities of filtering units. Our results may find potential applications for the nanoscale WDM systems in highly integrated optical circuits and networks.

Accession Number: WOS:000331280400004

ISSN: 0217-9849

eISSN: 1793-6640



Record 194 of 244

Title: Watt-level Q-switched Nd:LuVO<sub>4</sub> laser based on a graphene oxide saturable absorber

Author(s): Yan, SL (Yan, Shilian); Zhang, L (Zhang, Ling); Yu, HJ (Yu, Haijuan); Sun, W (Sun, Wei); Li, ML (Li, Menglong); Hou, W (Hou, Wei); Lin, XC (Lin, Xuechun); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 3  Pages: 234-238  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.879935  Published: FEB 6 2014  

Abstract: The demonstration is reported of a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:LuVO4 laser at 1064 nm using a transmission-type graphene oxide as the saturable absorber. The graphene oxide saturable absorber with a modulation depth of 10% was fabricated using a vertical evaporation method. With a pump of 11.5 W, a maximum output power of 1.353 W was obtained with 186-ns pulse duration and 336.7-kHz repetition rate, corresponding to a maximum pulse energy of 4 mu J per pulse.

Accession Number: WOS:000331786200008

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yixuan 



meng, li 



wang, yixuan 



wang, yi 



Wang, yanru 



meng, li 



Wang, Yijun 




ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 195 of 244

Title: Dielectric barrier plasma dynamics for active aerodynamic flow control

Author(s): Hao, JN (Hao JiangNan); Tian, BL (Tian BaLin); Wang, YL (Wang YuLin); Song, YH (Song YaHui); Pan, SC (Pan ShuCheng); Li, WF (Li WenFeng)

Source: SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY  Volume: 57  Issue: 2  Pages: 345-353  DOI: 10.1007/s11433-013-5164-8  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: The paper investigates the dynamics of a new multiple bipolar multiple Dielectric Barrier Discharges (DBD) actuator using in large-scale flow control. Particle image velocimetry experiments are performed to characteristic the effectiveness of the multiple bipolar DBD plasma actuator. The results show that the mutual interaction between the electrodes, one major disadvantage of traditional DBD characterized by reverse discharge can be entirely avoided, and a constantly accelerating electric wind velocity can be obtained by using the new multiple bipolar DBD plasma actuator.

Accession Number: WOS:000329997700019

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Pan, Shucheng 



ZHOU, yf 



liang, liang 



Pan, Shucheng 




ISSN: 1674-7348

eISSN: 1869-1927



Record 196 of 244

Title: Soliton rains in a graphene-oxide passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser with all-normal dispersion

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang, S. S.); Wang, YG (Wang, Y. G.); Yan, PG (Yan, P. G.); Zhang, GL (Zhang, G. L.); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, J. Q.); Li, HQ (Li, H. Q.); Lin, RY (Lin, R. Y.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 11  Issue: 2  Article Number: 025102  DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/11/2/025102  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: We experimentally investigated soliton rains in an ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF) laser with a net normal dispersion cavity using a graphene-oxide (GO) saturable absorber (SA). The 195 m-long-cavity, the fiber birefringence filter and the inserted 2.5 nm narrow bandwidth filter play important roles in the formation of the soliton rains. The soliton rain states can be changed by the effective gain bandwidth of the laser. The experimental results can be conducive to an understanding of dissipative soliton features and mode-locking dynamics in all-normal dispersion fiber lasers with GOSAs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of soliton rains in a GOSA passively mode-locked YDF laser with a net normal dispersion cavity.

Accession Number: WOS:000329565400003

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 



wang, jing 



Wang, Han 




ISSN: 1612-2011

eISSN: 1612-202X



Record 197 of 244

Title: A Subwavelength Focusing Structure Composite of Nanoscale Metallic Slits Array With Patterned Dielectric Substrate

Author(s): Jia, S (Jia, Sen); Wu, YM (Wu, Yiming); Wang, XH (Wang, Xianhua); Wang, N (Wang, Ning)

Source: IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 1  Article Number: 4800108  DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2298406  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: A novel plasmonic lens consisting of metallic nanoslits with a patterned dielectric substrate is proposed. In the structure, all metallic nanoslits have the same geometrical parameters and interspacing. The phase of incident light is modulated beforehand by the substrate before they bump on the metal slits. The surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) wave excited by the modulated light will be focused after passing through the slits. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the size of the generated focal spot is very close to half wavelength. The overriding advantage of the proposed structure is that it significantly reduces the difficulty in fabrication while the focusing properties are comparable to the ones with filling materials in the slits.

Accession Number: WOS:000331456300020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wu, yiming 




ISSN: 1943-0655

eISSN: 1943-0647



Record 198 of 244

Title: Method for enhancing visibility of hazy images based on polarimetric imaging

Author(s): Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi); Hu, BL (Hu, Bingliang); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli)

Source: PHOTONICS RESEARCH  Volume: 2  Issue: 1  Pages: 38-44  DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.2.000038  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: A novel polarimetric dehazing method is proposed based on three linear polarization images (0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees). The polarization orientation angle of the light scattered by the haze particles is introduced in the algorithm. No additional image-processing algorithm is needed in the postprocessing. It is found that the dehazed image suffers from little noise and the details of the objects close to the observer can be preserved well. In addition, this algorithm is also proved to be useful for preserving image colors. Experimental results demonstrate that such an algorithm has some universality in handling all kinds of haze. We think that this robust algorithm might be very suitable for real-time dehazing. (C) 2014 Chinese Laser Press

Accession Number: WOS:000353879300006

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ren, li yong 




ISSN: 2327-9125



Record 199 of 244

Title: Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Human Behavior Recognition on Wireless Sensor Networks

Author(s): Tao, DP (Tao, Dapeng); Jin, LW (Jin, Lianwen); Wang, YF (Wang, Yongfei); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Pages: 813-823  DOI: 10.1109/TII.2013.2255061  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: With the rapid development of the intelligent sensing and the prompt growing industrial safety demands, human behavior recognition has received a great deal of attentions in industrial informatics. To deploy an utmost scalable, flexible, and robust human behavior recognition system, we need both innovative sensing electronics and suitable intelligence algorithms. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) open a novel way for human behavior recognition, because the heavy computation can be immediately transferred to a network server. In this paper, a new scheme for human behavior recognition on WSNs is proposed, which transmits activities' signals compressed by Hamming compressed sensing to the network server and conducts behavior recognition through a collaboration between a new dimension reduction algorithm termed rank preserving discriminant analysis (RPDA) and a nearest neighbor classifier. RPDA encodes local rank information of within-class samples and discriminative information of the between-class under the framework of Patch Alignment Framework. Experiments are conducted on the SCUT Naturalistic 3D Acceleration-based Activity (SCUT NAA) dataset and demonstrate the effectiveness of RPDA for human behavior recognition.

Accession Number: WOS:000336668600081

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dapeng 




ISSN: 1551-3203

eISSN: 1941-0050



Record 200 of 244

Title: An Ytterbium-doped fiber laser with dark and Q-switched pulse generation using graphene-oxide as saturable absorber

Author(s): Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Junqing); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Yan, PG (Yan, Peiguang); Ruan, SC (Ruan, Shuangchen); Tsang, YE (Tsang, Yuen); Zhang, GL (Zhang, Gelin); Li, HQ (Li, Huiquan)

Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 312  Pages: 227-232  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.09.038  Published: FEB 1 2014  

Abstract: We demonstrate an ytterbium doped fiber (YDF) laser being able to generate dark pulses and Q-switched pulses by using a graphene oxide (GO) based composite as saturable absorber (SA). These operation regimes are realized for the first time in a 1-mu m band fiber laser as far as our best knowledge. In the fabrication of GO based saturable absorber (GOSA), a vertical evaporation process is included, which results in a GO concentration and thickness variable SA. The generated dark pulse has pulse duration in ns-scale. In the Q-switched operation, pulses with durations from 5.321 mu s to 2.655 mu s and repetition rates from 28.47 kHz to 58.95 kHz can be obtained as the launched pump power is changed. The transition from the dark pulse to Q-switchecl operations can be clearly seen as the pump power is increased to a certain value. The radio frequency (RF) and optical spectrum variations with respect to the change of pump power have also been analyzed in detail. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000331455100041

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Junqing 



Tsang, Yuen Hong 




ISSN: 0030-4018

eISSN: 1873-0310



Record 201 of 244

Title: Terahertz spectral investigation of anhydrous and monohydrated glucose using terahertz spectroscopy and solid-state theory

Author(s): Zheng, ZP (Zheng, Zhuan-Ping); Fan, WH (Fan, Wen-Hui); Li, H (Li, Hui); Tang, J (Tang, Jie)

Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY  Volume: 296  Pages: 9-13  DOI: 10.1016/j.jms.2013.12.002  Published: FEB 2014  

Abstract: The terahertz absorption spectra of anhydrous and monohydrated glucose have been investigated and compared by using THz spectroscopy and solid-sate density functional theory. The unrevealed mechanism of THz spectral differences of both materials measured has been analyzed based on the crystalline structure. Solid-state calculations of the THz characteristic spectra using Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional have provided the satisfactory spectral reproduction for these two materials. It is found that the characterized features of monohydrated glucose mainly come from the intermolecular modes of water-glucose and glucose-glucose molecules, while those of anhydrous glucose origin from the interactions of glucose molecules. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000330751100002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Fan, Wen-Hui 




ISSN: 0022-2852

eISSN: 1096-083X



Record 202 of 244

Title: Ego motion guided particle filter for vehicle tracking in airborne videos

Author(s): Cao, XB (Cao, Xianbin); Gao, CC (Gao, Changcheng); Lan, JH (Lan, Jinhe); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 124  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 168-177  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.014  Published: JAN 26 2014  

Abstract: Tracking in airborne circumstances is receiving more and more attention from researchers, and it has become one of the most important components in video surveillance for its advantage of better mobility, larger surveillance scope and so on. However, airborne vehicle tracking is very challenging due to the factors such as platform motion, scene complexity, etc. In this paper, to address these problems, a new framework based on Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) features and particle filter is proposed. KLT features are tracked throughout the video sequence. At the beginning of video tracking, a strategy based on motion consistence with RANSAC is utilized to separate background KIT features. The grouping of background features helps estimate the ego motion of the platform and the estimation is then incorporated into the prediction step in particle filter. Color similarity and Hu moments are used in the measurement model to assign the weights of particles. Our experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method outperformed the other tracking methods. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000326853600020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Yan, Pingkun 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 203 of 244

Title: Hybrid structure for robust dimensionality reduction

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING  Volume: 124  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 131-138  DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.019  Published: JAN 26 2014  

Abstract: In recent years, dimensionality reduction has attracted a great deal of attention in the communities of machine learning and data mining. The basic goal of dimensionality reduction is to discover the low dimensional manifold embedded in a high dimensional space. Although some existing manifold learning algorithms (ISOMAP, LE, LLE, LTSA, etc.) can capture the local structure of data manifold, they have poor performance in some recognition tasks. This is mainly because that they cannot handle well with the "out of sample" problem. Moreover, these algorithms are sensitive to the choice of nearest neighbors, which is crucial in classification. To address these problems, this paper proposes a Robust Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm With Local and Global Structure (RLGS) based on a novel adaptive weighting mechanism. Hybrid structure of local and global structures is studied. By using the adaptive weight, RLGS has the capacity of adaptively exploiting non-linear structure of data manifold and is robust to parameters. Experiments demonstrate that RLGS performs better on public face databases compared with other reported algorithms. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000326853600016

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 0925-2312

eISSN: 1872-8286



Record 204 of 244

Title: A low-power magnetic-field-assisted plasma jet generated by dielectric-barrier discharge enhanced direct-current glow discharge at atmospheric pressure

Author(s): Jiang, WM (Jiang, Weiman); Tang, J (Tang, Jie); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Duan, YX (Duan, Yixiang)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS  Volume: 104  Issue: 1  Article Number: 013505  DOI: 10.1063/1.4861162  Published: JAN 6 2014  

Abstract: A magnetic field is introduced to the dielectric-barrier discharge enhanced direct-current glow discharge for efficient plasma generation, with the discharge power of 2.7W and total energy consumption reduced to 34% of the original. By spatially examining the emission spectra and plasma temperature, it is found that their peaks shift from edges to the center and the negative and anode glows merge into the positive column and disappear, accompanied by improvement of uniformity and chemical activity of the enlarged plasma. This lies in the enhancement of ionization in the curved and lengthened electron path and the dispersion of discharge domains. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000329838800092

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yi 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, yanru 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yixuan 



Wang, Yijun 




ISSN: 0003-6951

eISSN: 1077-3118



Record 205 of 244

Title: Enhanced 2.7 μm emission of Er/Pr-codoped water-free fluorotellurite glasses

Author(s): Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Zhang, AD (Zhang, Aidong); He, JL (He, Jianli); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Li, L (Li, Lu); Shi, TF (Shi, Tengfei); Xiao, XS (Xiao, Xusheng); Si, JH (Si, Jinhai); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS  Volume: 582  Pages: 742-746  DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.07.211  Published: JAN 5 2014  

Abstract: Using physical and chemical dehydration technique and traditional melting and quenching method, we fabricated a group of Er/Pr-codoped water-free fluorotellurite glasses with composition of 60TeO(2)-30ZnF(2)-10NaF (TZNF60, mol%). The lifetime tau(f) of I-4(11/2) -> I-4(13/2) transition, directly measured under the excitation by an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser system at 978 nm, in Er/Pr codoped fluorotellurite glasses is 1.37-1.55 ms, longer than that of Er-doped tellurite oxide (215 mu s) and Er-doped fluorotellurite glasses (1.07 ms). The introduction of Pr3+ ions into Er-doped system increases the emission intensity at 2.71 mu m (Er: I-4(11/2) -> I-4(13/2)) and emission cross section as well. These advances partially arise from the absence of OH groups and low phonon energy with the addition of large amount of fluorides into oxide-based host glasses. With the high quantum efficiency and large figure of merit, Er/Pr-TZNF60 glass can be potentially a promising material for the development of mid-infrared fiber lasers at around 2.7 mu m. (c) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Accession Number: WOS:000325468100119

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Si, Jinhai 



Li, Lu 



shi, teng 




ISSN: 0925-8388

eISSN: 1873-4669



Record 206 of 244

Title: Achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes and hybrid (refractive-diffractive) lenses

Author(s): Cao, QZ (Cao, Qizhi); Zhang, CM (Zhang, Chunmin); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Kang, YQ (Kang, Yongqiang)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 13  Pages: 3380-3383  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.12.069  Published: 2014  

Abstract: This paper presents the layout of achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter (SIP) using modified Savart plates (MSPs) and working under nature light. The hybrid (refractive diffractive) lenses are used to achieve the achromatic point-spread function (PSF), and the design probe the four Stokes vectors of the object by using polarization analyzing optics comprising two MSPs, a half wave plate, and an analyzer. In comparison with the monochromatic or quasi-monochromatic SIP using MSPs reported previously, the most remarkable property of the proposed layouts is to have the capability of directly detecting the object with natural illumination. Also, the configuration is more easily manipulated and robust than achromatic conventional Savart polariscopes reported previously in probing the object with axial movement. The feasibility is verified by numerical simulation for natural light. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337656400084

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, chunmei 



Zhang, Chun 




ISSN: 0030-4026

eISSN: 1618-1336



Record 207 of 244

Title: Reflective carbon nanotube as the saturable absorber for mode-locked 1064 nm laser

Author(s): Fan, MW (Fan, Mingwen); Ma, BM (Ma, Baomin); Liu, J (Liu, Jie); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 19  Pages: 5666-5668  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.07.051  Published: 2014  

Abstract: With a reflective single-walled carbon nanotube as the saturable absorber, a laser diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser at 1064 nm was realized for the first time. The pulse duration of 12 Ps was produced with a repetition rate of 83.7 MHz. The peak power and the single pulse energy of the mode-locking laser were 1.28 kW and 15.4 nJ, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000342876800039

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

lu, yang 




ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 208 of 244

Title: Intracavity-frequency-doubled Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:Lu<sub>0.15</sub>Y<sub>0.85</sub>VO<sub>4</sub>/KTP green laser with AO modulator and central SESAM

Author(s): Feng, TL (Feng, Tianli); Zhao, SZ (Zhao, Shengzhi); Yang, KJ (Yang, Kejian); Li, GQ (Li, Guiqiu); Li, DC (Li, Dechun); Zhao, J (Zhao, Jia); Zhao, B (Zhao, Bin); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 12  Pages: 2739-2744  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.01.009  Published: 2014  

Abstract: By using mixed crystal Nd:Lu0.15Y0.85VO4 as laser medium, KTP as frequency-doubling crystal, a diode-pumped intracavity-frequency-doubled Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) Nd:Lu0.15Y0 85VO4/KTP green laser with acousto-optic (AO) modulator and central semiconductor saturable absorption mirror (C-SESAM) is realized by using a V-type cavity. The QML laser characteristics such as the pulse width, single-pulse energy, have been measured for different modulation frequencies of the AO modulator. In comparison with the singly passively QML green laser with central SESAM, the doubly QML green laser can generate more stable and shorter pulses with higher peak power. Based on the coupled rate equations for a diode-pumped doubly QML green laser with AO and C-SESAM, in which the saturated absorption mechanism of C-SESAM is considered, the recurrence relation of the relative amplitude of the mode-locking pulses is given and the related numerical simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000336951800005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhao, jia 




ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 209 of 244

Title: Infrared emission properties of Dy<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped and Dy<SUP>3+</SUP>,Tm<SUP>3+</SUP>-codoped chalcohalide glasses

Author(s): Gu, SX (Gu Shaoxuan); Pi, DX (Pi Daoxian); Tao, HZ (Tao Haizheng); Zeng, Q (Zeng Qi); Zhao, XJ (Zhao Xiujian); Guo, HT (Guo Haitao); Chen, HY (Chen Hongyan)

Source: JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS  Volume: 383  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 205-208  DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.05.041  Published: JAN 1 2014  

Abstract: Series of 76GeS(2).19Ga(2)S(3).5AgCl (GGA) chalcohalide glasses doped with or codoped with Dy3+, Tm3+ were prepared in this work. Systematical detection of absorption and emission spectra in the near-infrared and mid-infrared region was conducted. For the Dy3+ sole-doped GGA chalcohalide glasses, mainly due to the relatively low efficiency of pumping absorption and poor radiative transition probabilities of mid-infrared emissions, the mid-infrared emissions were hardly to be detected. Through the codoping of Tm3+ with high concentration, several intrinsical processes including the enhancement of pumping absorptive efficiency at 808 nm, cross relaxation process of Tm3+: H-3(4) + E-3(6) -> F-3(4) + F-3(4) and energy transfer process of Tm3+:F-3(4) -> Dy3+:H-6(11/2) are carried out, therefore relatively strong mid-infrared emissions at about 2900 and 4300 nm have been clearly observed. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000330819000043

Conference Title: 13th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS)

Conference Date: SEP 16-20, 2012

Conference Location: Yichang, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hubei Sanxia New Bldg Mat Co Ltd, China Three Gorges Univ, Hubei Feilihua Quartz Glass Co Ltd, Jiansu Xiuqiang Glasswork Co Ltd, FiberHome Technologies Grp, Hubei New Huaguang Informat Mat Co Ltd, Yangtze Opt Fiber & Cable Co Ltd, AVIC Special Glass Mat Co Ltd, Hainan Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Tao, Haizheng 



Wang, Pengfei 



Zhao, Xiujian 




ISSN: 0022-3093

eISSN: 1873-4812



Record 210 of 244

Title: Bound-state solitons in a linear-cavity fiber laser mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes

Author(s): Guo, J (Guo, J.)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 12  Pages: 980-985  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.916361  Published: 2014  

Abstract: The bound-state solitons generated from a nanotube-mode-locked linear-cavity fiber laser are experimentally observed and numerically simulated for the first time to author's best knowledge. Two chirped fiber Bragg gratings are exploited as the mirrors for the proposed laser. The pulse duration of solitons is about 6.3 ps and the pulse-to-pulse separation is about 23 ps in the experimental observations. Numerical simulations confirm the experimental results and agree well with the experimental observations. Both experimental and numerical results show that the bound-state solitons are strongly stable.

Accession Number: WOS:000338933500003

ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 211 of 244

Title: Dual-channel dispersionless slow light based on plasmon-induced transparency

Author(s): Han, XX (Han, Xiaoxiang)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 1  Pages: 9-13  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.000009  Published: JAN 1 2014  

Abstract: I have proposed a dual-channel dispersionless slow-light waveguide system based on plasmon-induced transparency. By appropriately tuning the stub depth, two transparency windows in the transmission spectrum can be achieved due to the destructive interference between the electromagnetic fields from the three stubs. Two flat bands can be achieved in the transparency windows, which have nearly constant group indices over the bandwidth of 2 THz. The analytical results show that the group velocity dispersion parameters of the two channels equal zero, which indicates that the incident pulse can be slowed down without distortion. The proposed plasmonic waveguide system can realize slow-light effect without pulse distortion, and thus can find important applications on slow-light systems, optical buffers, and all-optical signal processors in highly integrated optical circuits. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000329034300002

PubMed ID: 24513982

ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 212 of 244

Title: 2.85 μm fluorescence of Ho-doped water-free fluorotellurite glasses

Author(s): He, JL (He, Jianli); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Zhang, AD (Zhang, Aidong); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE  Volume: 145  Pages: 507-511  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2013.08.020  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: Holmium doped fluorotellurite glasses with composition of xHo(2)O(3) (wt%)+60TeO(2)-30ZnF(2)-10NaF (mol%) (xHo-TZNF60, x=0.50-1.50) were synthesized by physical and chemical dehydration technique (PCDH) and characterized as candidates of fiber laser glasses. Intense 2.85 mu m fluorescence (Ho3+: I-5(6)-> I-5(7)) was observed experimentally when excited at 1163 nm. It is attributed to low phonon energy of fluoride component and water-free characteristic (alpha(OH)= 0.027 cm(-1)). Ho-TZNF glass possess a large simulated emission cross-section of 1.51 x 10(-20) cm(2), a long fluorescence lifetime of similar to 0.81 ms (1/e time of the initial part of non-exponential decay curve) and a broad transparent window of 2.1-4.2 mu m. Among all the compositions of glass samples, 1.00Ho-TZNF60 is the optimized one, and thus is proposed to be the most potential material for 3.0 mu m fiber laser. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000330821200082

ISSN: 0022-2313

eISSN: 1872-7883



Record 213 of 244

Title: Intense red fluorescence from Ho/Yb codoped tellurite glasses

Author(s): He, JL (He, Jianli); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS  Volume: 383  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 157-160  DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.04.051  Published: JAN 1 2014  

Abstract: By optimizing the concentration ratio of Ho/Yb and using conventional melting and quenching methods, a group of Ho/Yb co-doped tellurite glasses with host composition of 78TeO(2)-12ZnO-10Na(2)O (mol.%, TZN) were made for red fiber laser development. Excited by 976 nm laser diode, intense green and red emissions were detected easily even by naked eyes. TZN glass codoped with 0.5 wt.% Ho2O3 and 3 wt.% Yb2O3 was found to present the strongest red emission with the intensity about three times higher than that of the green one, presenting a yellowish-orange color as observed. Besides direct energy transfer process from Yb to Ho as usual, it is believed that cooperative energy transfer upconversion from a pair of Yb donor ions to one Ho acceptor ion and excited state absorptions among different levels of Ho ion are commonly responsible for the observed intense red emission. 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000330819000031

Conference Title: 13th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS)

Conference Date: SEP 16-20, 2012

Conference Location: Yichang, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hubei Sanxia New Bldg Mat Co Ltd, China Three Gorges Univ, Hubei Feilihua Quartz Glass Co Ltd, Jiansu Xiuqiang Glasswork Co Ltd, FiberHome Technologies Grp, Hubei New Huaguang Informat Mat Co Ltd, Yangtze Opt Fiber & Cable Co Ltd, AVIC Special Glass Mat Co Ltd, Hainan Univ

ISSN: 0022-3093

eISSN: 1873-4812



Record 214 of 244

Title: A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Search Space Division and Disruptive Selection Strategy

Author(s): He, ZA (He, Zhen-an); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen); Wang, XH (Wang, Xianhong); Li, L (Li, Lei); Wang, Y (Wang, Ying); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yuan); Guo, HN (Guo, Huinan)

Source: MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING  Volume: 2014  Article Number: 432654  DOI: 10.1155/2014/432654  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has attracted much attention and has been applied to many scientific and engineering applications in recent years. However, there are still some insufficiencies in ABC algorithm such as poor quality of initial solution, slow convergence, premature, and low precision, which hamper the further development and application of ABC. In order to further improve the performance of ABC, we first proposed a novel initialization method called search space division (SSD), which provided high quality of initial solutions. And then, a disruptive selection strategy was used to improve population diversity. Moreover, in order to accelerate convergence rate, we changed the definition of the scout bee phase. In addition, we designed two types of experiments to testify our proposed algorithm. On the one hand, we conducted experiments to make sure how much each modification makes contribution to improving the performance of ABC. On the other hand, comprehensive experiments were performed to prove the superiority of our proposed algorithm. The experimental results indicate that SDABC significantly outperforms other ABCs, contributing to higher solution accuracy, faster convergence speed, and stronger algorithm stability.

Accession Number: WOS:000344702900001

ISSN: 1024-123X

eISSN: 1563-5147



Record 215 of 244

Title: Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology Tutorial

Author(s): Hu, H (Hu, Han); Wen, YG (Wen, Yonggang); Chua, TS (Chua, Tat-Seng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE ACCESS  Volume: 2  Pages: 652-687  DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2014.2332453  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Recent technological advancements have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The term big data was coined to capture the meaning of this emerging trend. In addition to its sheer volume, big data also exhibits other unique characteristics as compared with traditional data. For instance, big data is commonly unstructured and require more real-time analysis. This development calls for new system architectures for data acquisition, transmission, storage, and large-scale data processing mechanisms. In this paper, we present a literature survey and system tutorial for big data analytics platforms, aiming to provide an overall picture for nonexpert readers and instill a do-it-yourself spirit for advanced audiences to customize their own big-data solutions. First, we present the definition of big data and discuss big data challenges. Next, we present a systematic framework to decompose big data systems into four sequential modules, namely data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analytics. These four modules form a big data value chain. Following that, we present a detailed survey of numerous approaches and mechanisms from research and industry communities. In addition, we present the prevalent Hadoop framework for addressing big data challenges. Finally, we outline several evaluation benchmarks and potential research directions for big data systems.

Accession Number: WOS:000209653800046

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wen, Yonggang 



li, xiang 



Napiah, Mohd Kamal Mohd 



Wen, Yonggang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2169-3536



Record 216 of 244

Title: High order harmonic mode-locking in an all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with a graphene oxide saturable absorber

Author(s): Huang, SS (Huang, S. S.); Wang, YG (Wang, Y. G.); Yan, PG (Yan, P. G.); Zhang, GL (Zhang, G. L.); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, J. Q.); Li, HQ (Li, H. Q.); Lin, RY (Lin, R. Y.)

Source: LASER PHYSICS  Volume: 24  Issue: 1  Article Number: 015001  DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/24/1/015001  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: A high order passive harmonic mode-locking (HML) Yb-doped all-normal-dispersion fiber laser based on a graphene oxide saturable absorber has been experimentally demonstrated. For two different pump powers and different polarization states of the laser cavity, lower order and higher order HML have been achieved. The highest 30th-order harmonic (31.86 MHz) was achieved with subnanosecond pulse duration; this is transitional from a bunched multipulse state.

Accession Number: WOS:000328681000001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Han 



li, xinke 



wang, jing 



Zhao, Junqing 




ISSN: 1054-660X

eISSN: 1555-6611



Record 217 of 244

Title: Design of vibration-insensitive Sagnac fiber-optic current sensors using spun high-birefringence fibers

Author(s): Kang, MH (Kang, Meng-Hua); Wang, YL (Wang, Ying-Li); Ren, LY (Ren, Li-Yong); Xu, JT (Xu, Jin-Tao); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Qu, ES (Qu, En-Shi)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 14  Pages: 1120-1126  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.922630  Published: 2014  

Abstract: A novel fiber-optic current sensing element is proposed to enhance sensor performance using spun high-birefringence fibers. Such element includes three fiber sections. Two terminal sections with a varying spin rate along the fiber are utilized to replace the fiber quarter-wave plates, each converting the light polarization state from linear to circular and vice versa. The middle section with a uniform spin rate is utilized as the current sensing fiber that maintains the circular polarization state during the light propagation. The fiber is also wound into a special geometric structure so that the Sagnac phase shift can be inherently eliminated, and the sensing result does not depend on the position of the current conductor. The evolution of the light polarization state was analyzed using coupled-mode theory with different polarization state incidents in the sensing fiber. A sensor scheme based on this type of spun fiber is also proposed.

Accession Number: WOS:000338934500001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yang, yun 




ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 218 of 244

Title: Surface waves at the interface between a metal and a photovoltaic-photorefractive crystal

Author(s): Li, KH (Li, Kehao); Lu, KQ (Lu, Keqing); Zhang, YQ (Zhang, Yiqi); Hui, JL (Hui, Juanli); Niu, PJ (Niu, Pingjuan); Yu, LY (Yu, Liyuan); Zhang, YP (Zhang, Yanpeng)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 12  Pages: 2974-2977  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.12.033  Published: 2014  

Abstract: We investigate surface waves at the interface between a metal and a photovoltaic-photorefractive (PP) crystal. These surface waves appear in several forms: delocalized surface waves, shock surface waves, and localized surface waves. Only localized surface waves have limited energy. We demonstrate that the transverse sizes of localized surface waves decrease with an increase in the propagation constant and the amplitudes of localized surface waves increase with the propagation constant. The stability of localized surface waves is investigated numerically and it is found that they are stable. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000336951800053

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Yiqi 




ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 219 of 244

Title: The Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations Describing Power and Phase for Modeling Phase-Sensitive Parametric Amplification in Silicon Waveguides

Author(s): Li, XF (Li, Xuefeng); Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun)

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS  Article Number: 621751  DOI: 10.1155/2014/621751  Published: 2014  

Abstract: The coupled nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equations describing power and phase of the optical waves are used to model phase-sensitive (PS) parametric amplification in a width-modulated silicon-on-insulator (SOI) channel waveguide. Through solving the coupled NLS equations by the split-step Fourier and Runge-Kutta integration methods, the numerical results show that the coupled NLS equations can perfectly describe and character the PS amplification process in silicon waveguides.

Accession Number: WOS:000343513900001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

lin, yuan 



Liu, Hongjun 




ISSN: 1110-757X

eISSN: 1687-0042



Record 220 of 244


Author(s): Liu, LX (Liu, Lixin); Qian, J (Qian, Jia); Li, YH (Li, Yahui); Peng, X (Peng, Xiao); Yin, J (Yin, Jun)

Source: JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE OPTICAL HEALTH SCIENCES  Volume: 7  Issue: 1  DOI: 10.1142/S1793545813500545  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM) has greatly improved the utilization of excitation light and imaging speed due to parallel multiphoton excitation of the samples and simultaneous detection of the signals, which allows it to perform three-dimensional fast fluorescence imaging. Stochastic scanning can provide continuous, uniform and high-speed excitation of the sample, which makes it a suitable scanning scheme for MMM. In this paper, the graphical programming language - LabVIEW is used to achieve stochastic scanning of the two-dimensional galvo scanners by using white noise signals to control the x and y mirrors independently. Moreover, the stochastic scanning process is simulated by using Monte Carlo method. Our results show that MMM can avoid oversampling or subsampling in the scanning area and meet the requirements of uniform sampling by stochastically scanning the individual units of the N x N foci array. Therefore, continuous and uniform scanning in the whole field of view is implemented.

Accession Number: WOS:000331407300009

ISSN: 1793-5458

eISSN: 1793-7205



Record 221 of 244

Title: Multiresolution Imaging

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS  Volume: 44  Issue: 1  Pages: 149-160  DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2286496  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: Imaging resolution has been standing as a core parameter in various applications of vision. Mostly, high resolutions are desirable or essential for many applications, e. g., in most remote sensing systems, and therefore much has been done to achieve a higher resolution of an image based on one or a series of images of relatively lower resolutions. On the other hand, lower resolutions are also preferred in some cases, e. g., for displaying images in a very small screen or interface. Accordingly, algorithms for image upsampling or downsampling have also been proposed. In the above algorithms, the downsampled or upsampled (super-resolution) versions of the original image are often taken as test images to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. However, there is one important question left unanswered: whether the downsampled or upsampled versions of the original image can represent the low-resolution or high-resolution real images from a camera? To tackle this point, the following works are carried out: 1) a multiresolution camera is designed to simultaneously capture images in three different resolutions; 2) at a given resolution (i.e., image size), the relationship between a pair of images is studied, one gained via either downsampling or super-resolution, and the other is directly captured at this given resolution by an imaging device; and 3) the performance of the algorithms of super-resolution and image downsampling is evaluated by using the given image pairs. The key reason why we can effectively tackle the aforementioned issues is that the designed multiresolution imaging camera can provide us with real images of different resolutions, which builds a solid foundation for evaluating various algorithms and analyzing the images with different resolutions, which is very important for vision.

Accession Number: WOS:000328948900012

PubMed ID: 24346037

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2168-2267

eISSN: 2168-2275



Record 222 of 244

Title: Design of midwave infrared athermalization optical system with a large focal plane array

Author(s): Shen, MD (Shen, ManDe); Li, C (Li, Cheng); Ren, HH (Ren, HuanHuan); Jiang, QX (Jiang, QinXiu); Chen, LY (Chen, LiangYi)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 13  Pages: 3085-3087  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.12.024  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Based on the most advanced staring focal plane array which had a format of 640 x 480 and the pixel pitch of 15 mu m, a set of all-sphere midwave infrared ahermalization optical system was designed. The working wavelength was in 3-5 mu m, the full field of view was 8.58 degrees, the relative aperture was 1/2, the efficient focal length (EFL) was 80 m. The opticalsystem consisted of four lenses with three kinds of material Ge, ZnSe and Si. All surfaces were sphere, which was easier to process test, making the cost inexpensive, and it could avoid using diffractive surface and aspheric surface. The image quality of the system approaches the diffraction limit in the temperature range 60 degrees C-180 degrees C. The design results proved that, the high resolution midwave infrared optical system had compact structure, small volume, high resolution and excellent image quality, meeting the design requirements, so that it could be used for photoelectric detection and tracking system. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier GmbH.

Accession Number: WOS:000337656400023

ISSN: 0030-4026

eISSN: 1618-1336



Record 223 of 244

Title: Aberration athermal design for infrared search and trace optical system

Author(s): Shen, MD (Shen, ManDe); Jiang, QX (Jiang, QinXiu); Li, C (Li, Cheng); Ren, HH (Ren, HuanHuan); Chen, LY (Chen, LiangYi)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 14  Pages: 3603-3605  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.01.076  Published: 2014  

Abstract: To satisfy environment requirement of infrared search and trace optical system, an infrared diffractive/refractive hybrid optical system in 3.7-4.8 mu m with 11.42 degrees of field of view for passive athermalization is presented. The system is consisted of three lenses, including two aspheric surfaces and a diffraction surface, which has only two materials Ge and Si. The optical system has compact structure, small volume and light weight. The image quality of the system approaches the diffraction limit in the temperature range -80 degrees C to 160 degrees C. It is compatible with staring focal plane array which has a format of 320 x 240 and the pixel pitch of 30 mu m. The system need not move the compensated lens repeatedly to obtain the best images from -80 degrees C to 160 degrees C and enhances the performance of target tracking and recognition. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000337930500047

ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 224 of 244

Title: Spatial and temporal laser pulse design for material processing on ultrafast scales

Author(s): Stoian, R (Stoian, R.); Colombier, JP (Colombier, J. P.); Mauclair, C (Mauclair, C.); Cheng, G (Cheng, G.); Bhuyan, MK (Bhuyan, M. K.); Velpula, PK (Velpula, P. K.); Srisungsitthisunti, P (Srisungsitthisunti, P.)

Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING  Volume: 114  Issue: 1  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 119-127  DOI: 10.1007/s00339-013-8081-9  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: The spatio-temporal design of ultrafast laser excitation can have a determinant influence on the physical and engineering aspects of laser-matter interactions, with the potential of upgrading laser processing effects. Energy relaxation channels can be synergetically stimulated as the energy delivery rate is synchronized with the material response on ps timescales. Experimental and theoretical loops based on the temporal design of laser irradiation and rapid monitoring of irradiation effects are, therefore, able to predict and determine ideal optimal laser pulse forms for specific ablation objectives. We illustrate this with examples on manipulating the thermodynamic relaxation pathways impacting the ablation products and nanostructuring of bulk and surfaces using longer pulse envelopes. Some of the potential control factors will be pointed out. At the same time the spatial character can dramatically influence the development of laser interaction. We discuss spatial beam engineering examples such as parallel and non-diffractive approaches designed for high-throughput, high-accuracy processing events.

Accession Number: WOS:000329965200012

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

mauclair, cyril 



Colombier, JP 



Velpula, Praveen Kumar 



Srisungsitthisunti, Pornsak 




ISSN: 0947-8396

eISSN: 1432-0630



Record 225 of 244

Title: Tunneling control of cavity linewidth narrowing via quantum interference in triangular quantum dot molecules

Author(s): Tian, SC (Tian, Si-Cong); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Xing, EB (Xing, En-Bo); Tong, CZ (Tong, Cun-Zhu); Ning, YQ (Ning, Yong-Qiang)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 18  Pages: 1479-1485  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.941431  Published: 2014  

Abstract: A scheme for tunneling control of cavity linewidth narrowing by quantum interference in triangular-type triple quantum dots (TQDs) is proposed. In such system, quantum interference induced by tunneling between the TQDs can result in the appearance of two transparency windows and a steep dispersion. Furthermore, when the sample is embedded in a ring cavity, an ultranarrow transmission peak is obtained within the narrowed transparency windows. And by varying the tunneling, the linewidth and the position of the ultranarrow transmission peak can be engineered. Because no coupling laser is required, the scheme proposed here is more convenient for future experiments and applications in optics, and may be useful in designing novel optoelectronic devices.

Accession Number: WOS:000341977700004

ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 226 of 244

Title: Double-mode electrostatic dispersing prism for electron pulse time-domain compression

Author(s): Wang, C (Wang, Chao); Kang, YF (Kang, Yifan)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 21  Pages: 6352-6356  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.05.051  Published: 2014  

Abstract: The generalized theory of double-mode electrostatic dispersing prism for time-domain compressing electron pulse is presented. The fundamental difference between the two modes of o mode and e mode lies in the dispersive dependence of electron's time of flight on its initial kinetic energy at prism entrance: the electrons with higher initial axial energy definitely have longer time of flight for o mode, while not the case for e mode, which results from the electron pulse's U-shaped motion in the prism. The dispersive dependence of time of flight constitutes the mechanism of electron pulse compression for each mode. An example is given to demonstrate the issue a parameter choosing for the prism and to verify its tunable performance of compression. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000344133900002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Chao 







ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 227 of 244

Title: Methods of Fault Diagnosis in Fiber Optic Current Transducer Based on Allan Variance

Author(s): Wang, LH (Wang, Lihui); Chen, G (Chen, Gang); Ji, JF (Ji, Jianfei); Sun, J (Sun, Jian); Qian, JB (Qian, Jiabin); Liu, XX (Liu, Xixiang)

Source: MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING  Volume: 2014  Article Number: 831075  DOI: 10.1155/2014/831075  Published: 2014  

Abstract: To ensure low failure and high reliability of fiber optic current transducers (FOCTs), it is urgent to study methods of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in FOCT. Faults in FOCT have statistical characteristics. With the analyzing of time domain and frequency domain features in fiber optic current transformers' measurement data, we establish correspondence between the physical characteristics of key components in transformer and data features and then build diagnostic analysis model based on Allan variance. According to the Allan variance calculation results, we can diagnose fiber optic current transformer's health state and realize faults location. Experiment results show that diagnostic methods based on Allan variance are accurate and effective to identify fault features.

Accession Number: WOS:000338527900001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

LIU, Xixiang 




ISSN: 1024-123X

eISSN: 1563-5147



Record 228 of 244

Title: Investigation on wavelength multicasting technology based on XPM in a highly nonlinear fiber

Author(s): Wang, MJ (Wang, Minjie); Zhang, JG (Zhang, Jian-Guo)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 13  Pages: 1039-1046  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.922631  Published: 2014  

Abstract: All-optical wavelength conversion with multicasting is investigated in this paper, which is based on cross-phase modulation in a highly nonlinear fiber. With a pump-modulated light and only a single continuous-wave probe, wavelength multicasting is realized by appropriately controlling the powers of two beams. Our simulation work reveals that 10 multicast channels can be obtained with their Q factors being larger than six, if both pump and probe powers are properly selected. These wavelength channels of multicasting are positioned around the central wavelength of the probe on the blue-shifted and red-shifted sides. The central wavelength and the channel spacing can be affected by the wavelengths of the probe and the pump. The wavelength multicasting technique studied in this paper is simpler and can offer more multicast channels than that based on four-wave mixing.

Accession Number: WOS:000338934200001

ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 229 of 244

Title: A Comprehensive Survey to Face Hallucination

Author(s): Wang, NN (Wang, Nannan); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Li, J (Li, Jie)

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION  Volume: 106  Issue: 1  Pages: 9-30  DOI: 10.1007/s11263-013-0645-9  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: This paper comprehensively surveys the development of face hallucination (FH), including both face super-resolution and face sketch-photo synthesis techniques. Indeed, these two techniques share the same objective of inferring a target face image (e.g. high-resolution face image, face sketch and face photo) from a corresponding source input (e.g. low-resolution face image, face photo and face sketch). Considering the critical role of image interpretation in modern intelligent systems for authentication, surveillance, law enforcement, security control, and entertainment, FH has attracted growing attention in recent years. Existing FH methods can be grouped into four categories: Bayesian inference approaches, subspace learning approaches, a combination of Bayesian inference and subspace learning approaches, and sparse representation-based approaches. In spite of achieving a certain level of development, FH is limited in its success by complex application conditions such as variant illuminations, poses, or views. This paper provides a holistic understanding and deep insight into FH, and presents a comparative analysis of representative methods and promising future directions.

Accession Number: WOS:000329626800001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, jie 



li, xiang 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0920-5691

eISSN: 1573-1405



Record 230 of 244

Title: Mid-infrared Raman amplification and wavelength conversion in dispersion engineered silicon-on-sapphire waveguides

Author(s): Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing); Li, XF (Li, Xuefeng)

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 16  Issue: 1  Article Number: 015206  DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/1/015206  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: Raman amplification based on stimulated Stokes Raman scattering (SSRS) and wavelength conversion based on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) are theoretically investigated in silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) waveguides in the mid-infrared (IR) region. When the linear phase mismatch Delta k is close to zero, the Stokes gain and conversion efficiency drop down quickly due to the effect of parametric gain suppression when the Stokes-pump input ratio is sufficiently large. The Stokes gain increases with the increase of Delta k, whereas efficient wavelength conversion needs appropriate Delta k under different pump intensities. The conversion efficiency at exact linear phase matching (Delta k = 0) is smaller than that at optimal linear phase mismatch by a factor of about 28 dB when the pump intensity is 2 GW cm(-2).

Accession Number: WOS:000328623600015

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 



lin, yuan 




ISSN: 2040-8978

eISSN: 2040-8986



Record 231 of 244

Title: Flux-solvothermal preparation of dispersible LiLa<sub>0.4</sub>Nd<sub>0.6</sub>(PO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub> microcrystals with regular morphology and superior fluorescence

Author(s): Wang, ZY (Wang, Zhongyue); Duan, WK (Duan, Weikuan); Cui, XX (Cui, Xiaoxia); Liang, C (Liang, Chen); Zheng, RL (Zheng, Ruilin); Wei, W (Wei, Wei)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C  Volume: 2  Issue: 20  Pages: 4012-4018  DOI: 10.1039/c3tc32438a  Published: 2014  

Abstract: A flux-solvothermal method was used to grow a type of novel dispersible LiLa0.4Nd0.6(PO3)(4) microcrystals with high Nd3+ ions concentration of 2.63 x 10(21) cm(-3) and excellent fluorescence properties for the first time. By optimizing experimental conditions, microcrystals with sizes in the region of 1.5- 5 mu m, a strong emission intensity and long lifetime of 107 mu s were obtained. The results show that their transparent dispersion in the mixed solvents of DMSO and CHBr2CHBr2 had a strong absorption at 800 nm, low solvent quenching ratio of 6.5%, high quantum yield of 32.17% and large emission cross section of 4.39 x 10(-20) cm(2) when the Nd3+ ions concentration is 1 x 10(20) cm(-3), which imply the microcrystals are of potential application in transparent glass-ceramics, dispersion amplifiers and lasers.

Accession Number: WOS:000335226100020

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zheng, Ruilin 



Liang, Chen 




ISSN: 2050-7526

eISSN: 2050-7534



Record 232 of 244

Title: Efficient optical Kerr gating property of fluorotellurite glass

Author(s): Xiong, YB (Xiong, Yaobing); Yan, LH (Yan, Lihe); Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Yi, WH (Yi, Wenhui); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang); Si, JH (Si, Jinhai); Chen, F (Chen, Feng); Hou, X (Hou, Xun)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 3  Pages: 1444-1447  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.09.016  Published: 2014  

Abstract: We investigated the ultrafast optical Kerr effect of the fluorotellurite glass (Ft glass), the nonlinear response time of which was measured to be less than 230 fs, while the nonlinear refractive index was estimated to be 9.62 x 10(-16) cm(2)/W. Using optical Kerr gate (OKG) technique with Ft glass as Kerr medium, we obtained narrow-bandwidth and symmetric gated spectra from a supercontinuum (SC) generated by a femtosecond laser. Experimental results indicated that Ft glass was a good candidate for an OKG medium due to its fast response time, large nonlinearity, and high transparency. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000329377400118

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yi, wenhui 



Yi, Wenhui 



yi, wenhui 



Si, Jinhai 



Chen, Feng 



YAN, Lihe 



Chen, Feng 



Yan, Lihe 




ISSN: 0030-4026



Record 233 of 244

Title: Wide-bandwidth zero-dispersion slow light in MKRs with a two-ring parallel connection structure based on an analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency

Author(s): Xu, YP (Xu, Yiping); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Ma, CJ (Ma, Chengju); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi)

Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS  Volume: 61  Issue: 13  Pages: 1109-1114  DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2014.922629  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Based on an analog of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in microfiber knot resonators with a two-ring parallel connection structure, a wide bandwidth and zero-dispersion slow-light waveguide is proposed. The EIT-like transmission spectrum with the variation of wavelengths for different coupling coefficients is numerical simulated. By appropriately adjusting the coupling coefficients of the two knot rings, a group time delay of about 72.4 ps with a flat wavelength bandwidth of about 82.7 pm and a full width at half-maximum of about 228 pm at one of the induced transparency windows is achieved theoretically. And the group time delay dispersion at the same induced transparency window nearly reaches to zero with a wavelength bandwidth of about 82.7 pm.

Accession Number: WOS:000338934200011

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



ren, li yong 



ma, cheng ju 




ISSN: 0950-0340

eISSN: 1362-3044



Record 234 of 244

Title: Theoretical study on slow light in different structures of optical microfiber knot resonators (OMKRs)

Author(s): Xu, YP (Xu, Yiping); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Ma, CJ (Ma, Chengju); Liang, J (Liang, Jian)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 12  Pages: 2856-2861  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.11.056  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Based on the light propagation theory of the single-ring optical microfiber knot resonator (OMKR), we further establish the similar theory for OMKRs with a parallel connection Structure and that with a serial connection structure, respectively. The relationships of the output and the input light fields in different OMKRs are analyzed. Numerical simulations of the slow-light performances of the OMKRs with single ring, multi-parallel rings and multi-serial rings at the communication wavelength around 1550 nm are given and discussed. Compared with the single-ring OMKR, it is found that a large group time delay with very narrow bandwidth can be obtained in OMKRs with n-ring parallel connection structure, while a broadband group time delay can be achieved in OMKRs with n-ring serial connection structure. (c) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000336951800029

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



ma, cheng ju 



ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0030-4026

eISSN: 1618-1336



Record 235 of 244

Title: Resolution and visibility of two-color pseudothermal lensless ghost imaging

Author(s): Xue, YL (Xue, Yu-Lang); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Feng, F (Feng, Fei); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 16  Pages: 4452-4455  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.02.029  Published: 2014  

Abstract: Two-color (or nondegenerate-wavelength) lensless ghost imaging using pseudothermal light source is investigated theoretically by use of classical optical coherence theory. We find that for two-color pseudothermal lensless ghost imaging the visibility and resolution is determined by (A) the product of the wavelength and the corresponding path length rather than the wavelength for each path or the path length. We also confirm our theoretical conclusion by numerical simulations. The result shows we must make a trade-off between resolution and visibility in devise practical experiments, as the resolution of the imaging can be improved by decreasing A but with visibility getting poor, and vice versa. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000340018400053

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Hao 




ISSN: 0030-4026

eISSN: 1618-1336



Record 236 of 244

Title: An in-fiber integrated optofluidic device based on an optical fiber with an inner core

Author(s): Yang, XH (Yang, Xinghua); Yuan, TT (Yuan, Tingting); Teng, PP (Teng, Pingping); Kong, DP (Kong, Depeng); Liu, CL (Liu, Chunlan); Li, ET (Li, Entao); Zhao, EM (Zhao, Enming); Tong, CG (Tong, Chengguo); Yuan, LB (Yuan, Libo)

Source: LAB ON A CHIP  Volume: 14  Issue: 12  Pages: 2090-2095  DOI: 10.1039/c4lc00184b  Published: 2014  

Abstract: A new kind of optofluidic in-fiber integrated device based on a specially designed hollow optical fiber with an inner core is designed. The inlets and outlets are built by etching the surface of the optical fiber without damaging the inner core. A reaction region between the end of the fiber and a solid point obtained after melting is constructed. By injecting samples into the fiber, the liquids can form steady microflows and react in the region. Simultaneously, the emission from the chemiluminescence reaction can be detected from the remote end of the optical fiber through evanescent field coupling. The concentration of ascorbic acid (AA or vitamin C, Vc) is determined by the emission intensity of the reaction of Vc, H2O2, luminol, and K3Fe(CN)(6) in the optical fiber. A linear sensing range of 0.1-3.0 mmol L-1 for Vc is obtained. The emission intensity can be determined within 2 s at a total flow rate of 150 mu L min(-1). Significantly, this work presents information for the in-fiber integrated optofluidic devices without spatial optical coupling.

Accession Number: WOS:000336738900015

PubMed ID: 24799034

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

LI, Wenhui 



Li, Juan 



zhang, yue 




ISSN: 1473-0197

eISSN: 1473-0189



Record 237 of 244

Title: Generation of bidirectional stretched pulses in a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser

Author(s): Yao, XK (Yao, Xiankun)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 1  Pages: 27-31  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.000027  Published: JAN 1 2014  

Abstract: The bidirectional stretched pulses in a nanotube-based erbium-doped fiber laser are observed experimentally for the first time to our best knowledge. The proposed fiber laser generates two stable pulse trains in opposite directions with different central wavelengths, pulse widths, and repetition rates. In addition, the bidirectional operations with the same central wavelengths are also demonstrated by changing the polarization controller and pump power. Experimental results suggest that the cavity asymmetries together with the fiber birefringence play key roles in the formation of these unique features. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000329034300005

PubMed ID: 24513985

ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 238 of 244

Title: A 66 fs highly stable single wall carbon nanotube mode locked fiber laser

Author(s): Yu, ZH (Yu, Zhenhua); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Zhang, X (Zhang, Xiao); Dong, XZ (Dong, Xinzheng); Tian, JR (Tian, Jinrong); Song, YR (Song, Yanrong)

Source: LASER PHYSICS  Volume: 24  Issue: 1  Article Number: 015105  DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/24/1/015105  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: We demonstrate a highly stable mode locked fiber laser based on single wall carbon nanotubes. The mode locking is achieved by the evanescent field interaction of the propagating light with a single wall carbon nanotube saturable absorber in a microfiber. The pulse width is 66 fs, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the shortest pulse achieved in a carbon nanotube mode locked fiber laser. The maximum average output power is 26 mW, which is about 20 times larger than that of a typical carbon nanotube mode locked fiber laser. The center of the wavelength is 1555 nm, with 54 nm spectral width. The repetition rate is 146 MHz. To investigate the laser's stability, the output pulses are monitored for 120 h and there is no significant degradation of the laser spectral width or shape.

Accession Number: WOS:000328681000006

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Xiao 




ISSN: 1054-660X

eISSN: 1555-6611



Record 239 of 244

Title: Robust Superpixel Tracking via Depth Fusion

Author(s): Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Fang, JW (Fang, Jianwu); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 24  Issue: 1  Pages: 15-26  DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2013.2273631  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: Although numerous trackers have been designed to adapt to the nonstationary image streams that change over time, it remains a challenging task to facilitate a tracker to accurately distinguish the target from the background in every frame. This paper proposes a robust superpixel-based tracker via depth fusion, which exploits the adequate structural information and great flexibility of mid-level features captured by superpixels, as well as the depth-map's discriminative ability for the target and background separation. By introducing graph-regularized sparse coding into the appearance model, the local geometrical structure of data is considered, and the resulting appearance model has a more powerful discriminative ability. Meanwhile, the similarity of the target superpixels' neighborhoods in two adjacent frames is also incorporated into the refinement of the target estimation, which helps a more accurate localization. Most importantly, the depth cue is fused into the superpixel-based target estimation so as to tackle the cluttered background with similar appearance to the target. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed tracker, four video sequences of different challenging situations are contributed by the authors. The comparison results demonstrate that the proposed tracker has more robust and accurate performance than seven ones representing the state-of-the-art.

Accession Number: WOS:000329874700002

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Fang, Jianwu 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 1051-8215

eISSN: 1558-2205



Record 240 of 244

Title: Plasmonic spectral splitting in multi-resonator-coupled waveguide systems

Author(s): Zeng, C (Zeng, Chao)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 53  Issue: 1  Pages: 38-43  DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.000038  Published: JAN 1 2014  

Abstract: Spectral splitting is numerically investigated in a metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide coupled with a series of disk cavities for the first time to our best knowledge. The finite-difference time-domain simulations find that, when an identical cavity is introduced into the single-cavity-coupled structure, a resonance peak emerges in reflection dip due to the plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency. By cascading multiple cavities into the waveguide system, the resonance spectra are gradually split because of the phase-coupled effects. Particularly, the quality factors of splitting resonance spectra can be rapidly improved with increasing the number of coupled cavities. The proposed plasmonic systems may find potential applications in highly integrated optical circuits, especially for multichannel filtering, all-optical switching, and slow-light devices. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000329034300007

PubMed ID: 24513987

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zeng, Chao 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 241 of 244

Title: Rytov variance equivalence through extended atmospheric turbulence and an arbitrary thickness phase screen in non-Kolmogorov turbulence

Author(s): Zeng, ZH (Zeng, Zhihong); Luo, XLJ (Luo, Xilijuan); Xia, AL (Xia, Aili); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yu); Sun, CD (Sun, Chuangdong)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 15  Pages: 4092-4097  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.01.106  Published: 2014  

Abstract: An arbitrary thickness phase screen model can describe scintillation index for Gaussian beam propagating through a phase screen more accurate than thin phase screen model. To describing actual scintillation index for Gaussian beam propagating through an extended medium using a phase screen in weak non-Kolmogorov turbulence, the scintillation index and Rytov variance for arbitrary thickness phase screen model are derived. Specially, the ratio of the Rytov variances for a phase screen and extended random media is found under the assumption of equivalence in scintillation index of the two cases. The theoretical results show that the normalized Rytov variance varies with the power law of the turbulence spectrum, the relative thickness of the phase screen, the position of the phase screen, the transmitter beam parameters and the radial position at output plane. The influences of these variables are also simulated. These results will be applied to simulation of adaptive optics and laser communication. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000339646000063

ISSN: 0030-4026

eISSN: 1618-1336



Record 242 of 244

Title: Effects of Sb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> on the Mechanical Properties of the Borosilicate Foam Glasses Sintered at Low Temperature

Author(s): Zhai, CX (Zhai, Chenxi); Li, Z (Li, Zhe); Zhu, YM (Zhu, Yumei); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Wang, XD (Wang, Xiuduo); Zhao, LJ (Zhao, Lejun); Pan, LM (Pan, Liuming); Wang, PF (Wang, Pengfei)

Source: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  Volume: 2014  Article Number: 703194  DOI: 10.1155/2014/703194  Published: 2014  

Abstract: The physical properties and microstructure of a new kind of borosilicate foam glasses with different Sb2O3 doping content are comprehensively investigated. The experimental results show that appropriate addition of Sb2O3 has positive impact on the bulk porosity and compressive strength of the foam glass. It is more suitable in this work to introduce 0.9wt.% Sb2O3 into the Na2O-K2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 basic foam glass component and sinter at 775 degrees C. And the obtained foam glasses present much more uniform microstructure, large pore size, and smooth cell walls, which bring them with better performance including a lower bulk density, low water absorption, and an appreciable compressive strength. The microstructure analysis indicates that, with the increase of the content of Sb2O3 additives, the cell size tends to increase at first and then decreases. Larger amounts of Sb2O3 do not change the crystalline phase of foamglass but increase its vitrification. It is meaningful to prepare the foam glass at a relatively low temperature for reducing the heat energy consumption.

Accession Number: WOS:000347824700001

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number




Zhai, Chenxi 



Wang, Pengfei 




ISSN: 1687-8434

eISSN: 1687-8442



Record 243 of 244

Title: Tag-Saliency: Combining bottom-up and top-down information for saliency detection

Author(s): Zhu, GK (Zhu, Guokang); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan)

Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING  Volume: 118  Pages: 40-49  DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2013.07.011  Published: JAN 2014  

Abstract: In the real world, people often have a habit tending to pay more attention to some things usually noteworthy, while ignore others. This phenomenon is associated with the top-down attention. Modeling this kind of attention has recently raised many interests in computer vision due to a wide range of practical applications. Majority of the existing models are based on eye-tracking or object detection. However, these methods may not apply to practical situations, because the eye movement data cannot be always recorded or there may be inscrutable objects to be handled in large-scale data sets. This paper proposes a Tag-Saliency model based on hierarchical image over-segmentation and auto-tagging, which can efficiently extract semantic information from large scale visual media data. Experimental results on a very challenging data set show that, the proposed Tag-Saliency model has the ability to locate the truly salient regions in a greater probability than other competitors. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000328591500005

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, Shiwei 



Wang, Qi 




ISSN: 1077-3142

eISSN: 1090-235X



Record 244 of 244

Title: Very large mode area optical fiber with complex ring cores

Author(s): Zhu, YG (Zhu, Yonggang); Duan, KL (Duan, Kailiang); Yang, HN (Yang, Hening); Zhao, BY (Zhao, Baoyin); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)

Source: OPTIK  Volume: 125  Issue: 23  Pages: 7016-7019  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2014.08.083  Published: 2014  

Abstract: A novel kind of single-mode large-mode-area optical fiber is presented in this paper. The proposed fiber core is composed of high-index central rod and the surrounding multilayer rings. The mode characteristics are discussed considering the fiber structure parameters. The calculation results show that the proposed fiber possesses extreme large mode area of 2975 mu m(2) with single mode operation at the wavelength of 1.08 mu m. Even larger mode area of the complex ring core fiber with single mode output can be achieved by coiling the fiber, due to the significant difference of bending loss between the fundamental mode and the higher-order transverse modes. Such fibers are expected to find applications in the field of fiber lasers and amplifiers. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000344975300031

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhao, Baoyin 




ISSN: 0030-4026