• Record 469 of

    Title:Reflective epoxy resin/chitosan/PAA composite-functionalized fiber-optic interferometric probe sensor for sensitive heavy metal ion detection
    Author(s):Yan, Minglu(1); Wang, Ruiduo(1,2); Li, Yang(3); Kang, Xin(1); Zhang, Zaikun(2); Li, Yangyang(1); Jiang, Man(1)
    Source: Analyst  Volume: 148  Issue: 5  Article Number: null  DOI: 10.1039/d2an01740g  Published: January 21, 2023  
    Abstract:A highly sensitive label-free chemical sensing platform for the detection of various metal ions is demonstrated. The chemical sensor was derived from a single-mode fiber that is inserted into the ceramic tube with epoxy resin (ER) on the end face for reflecting light and forms the Fabry-Perot (F-P) interferometric cavity. Multilayer chitosan (CS)/polyacrylic acid (PAA) were coated on the surface of the epoxy resin and act as the sensitive film. Based on the analysis of the sensing principle and the F-P cavity structure, the parameters were numerically simulated and experimentally evaluated, which enables ease of fabrication and real-time modulation of the cavity length. The sensitivity of sensing Ni2+, Zn2+, and Na+ reached 9.95 × 10−4 nm ppb−1, 2.31 × 10−4 nm ppb−1, and 4 × 10−4 nm ppb−1, respectively, and the sensing results were theoretically analyzed by the Langmuir adsorption model, which corresponds to the surface atom percentage results obtained by SEM and EDS measurements for sensing three types of metal ions. The proposed ER/CS/PAA multilayer film-coated F-P sensor can be employed as a probe, which features label-free, highly sensitivity, real-time monitoring, ease of measurement, stability, and therefore provides a remarkable analytical platform for chemical applications. © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
    Accession Number: 20230613567314
  • Record 470 of

    Title:Stand-off Detection of Explosive Hazards Based on Time-gated Raman Spectroscopy
    Author(s):Zhang, Pu(1,2); Zhu, Xiangping(1,2); Ren, Wenzhen(2); Wang, Bo(2,3); Yang, Junhong(2)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 12617  Issue: null  Article Number: 126174J  DOI: 10.1117/12.2666356  Published: 2023  
    Abstract:There are currently lots of research activities concerning explosive hazards detection, and stand-off detection of explosives is in main focus. The reason for this interest is the occurrence of terrorist attacks on the civilian society involving improvised explosives devices IED. Laser-based spectroscopies are the only currently viable techniques that can be utilized to detect trace amounts of explosives at stand-off distances. In particular, Raman spectroscopy (RS) has been shown to be effective for stand-off detection and has the ability to both detect and identify explosive materials. Raman spectroscopy is virtually instantaneous, non-destructive in nature and provides high selectivity. The traditional Raman spectrometer utilizes continuous lasers and CCDs to detection the scattering signal, which greatly limits the application of Raman spectroscopy in the stand-off detection of explosive hazards due to the weak signal, strong background fluorescence, ambient light interference, and long analysis time. Time-gated Raman spectroscopies are based on ultrafast pulsed lasers and time-resolved single-photon detection techniques. Through the time-gated method, the Raman signal intensity can be greatly improved, and the influence of fluorescence and environmental light can be effectively suppressed. In this work, the time-gated Raman system utilizing frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers at 532 nm excitation was developed. The Cassegrain telescope was coupled to the Raman spectrometer using a fiber optics cable, and Notch filter was used to reject Rayleigh scattering light. The Raman scattered light was collected by a telescope and then transferred via fiber optic to spectrometer and finally directed into intensified CMOS (ICMOS) detector. The applications of time-gated Raman spectroscopy in stand-off detection of hazardous explosives have been performed. The Raman spectra of DNT, TNT, RDX and NaNO3 at a stand-off distance of 50 m have been identified with a detection limit of 1 mg/cm2 © 2023 SPIE.
    Accession Number: 20232114130493
  • Record 471 of

    Title:The research progress in underwater wireless optical communication technology
    Author(s):Li, Peng(1); Han, Xiaotian(1,2); Nie, Wenchao(1); Chang, Chang(1); Li, Guangying(1); Liao, Peixuan(1,2); Wang, Wei(1)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 12706  Issue: null  Article Number: 127060T  DOI: 10.1117/12.2682867  Published: 2023  
    Abstract:Underwater wireless optical communication, which is an effective technical way to build a high-speed and flexible underwater wireless communication network due to its large bandwidth, good confidentiality and low time delay, is widely regarded as a complementary communication way to hydroacoustic communication. The newest research progress and main technical specification in the current technology of underwater wireless optical communication are introduced, the characteristics of the current underwater wireless optical communication technology are summarized in this paper. A series of improvement measures are proposed for the problems of short communication distance and low robustness in underwater wireless optical communication system, which can provide references for underwater wireless optical communication technology research and engineering project development. © 2023 SPIE.
    Accession Number: 20232614322605
  • Record 472 of

    Title:Optical Forces on Multipoles Induced by the Belinfante Spin Momentum
    Author(s):Zhou, Yuan(1,2); Zhang, Yanan(1,2); Xu, Xiaohao(1); Nieto-Vesperinas, Manuel(3); Yan, Shaohui(1); Li, Manman(1); Gao, Wenyu(1,2); Zhang, Yao(4); Yao, Baoli(1,2)
    Source: Laser and Photonics Reviews  Volume: 17  Issue: 11  Article Number: 2300245  DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202300245  Published: November 2023  
    Abstract:The Belinfante spin momentum (BSM) is a fundamental yet enigmatic quantity of electromagnetic fields. It vanishes from the global momentum of the field, but can be detected locally, manifesting itself as an optical force on small particles. Hitherto, however, the BSM force is a concept well established only within the dipole approximation, and there is no explicit experimental evidence for its action on multipoles. Here, a theoretical model for multipolar BSM forces, exerted on generic Mie particles supporting multipoles of arbitrary order, is developed. This multipolar mechanical action is observed experimentally from a structured light field, which suppresses the effect of spin–orbit coupling. It can also selectively enhance the multipolar BSM forces, while restraining the dipolar component on a probe particle (Au sphere). These results constitute a distinct chapter in the physics of high-order interactions in light–matter systems and can facilitate additional progress in optomechanics, optical manipulation, and Mie-tronics. © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
    Accession Number: 20232614309168
  • Record 473 of

    Title:Dynamics of Dark Pulse Affected by Higher-Order Effects in Microresonators
    Author(s):Shi, Wenmi(1); Li, Zhiheng(1); Fan, Xuening(1); Sun, Qiyuan(1); Liu, Mulong(1); Huang, Huimin(2); Lu, Zhizhou(3); Zhao, Wei(4)
    Source: IEEE Photonics Journal  Volume: 15  Issue: 1  Article Number: 3000207  DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3227173  Published: February 1, 2023  
    Abstract:We theoretically investigate dynamics of dark pulse and Raman-Kerr microcombs generation influenced by higher-order effects, including high-order dispersion (HOD), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and self-steepening (SS) effects in silicon microresonators. These three effects cause the delay of dark pulse individually, or interact with each other to alter the drift velocity and direction of pulses. HOD effect can change pulse shift direction and even cause bifurcation. The temporal drift induced by SS or SRS effects could be balanced by the simultaneous third-order dispersion (TOD) engineering. In spectral domain, stable Raman-Kerr frequency comb will be generated due to the competition between strong SRS and Kerr effects. The Raman comb components are suppressed when HOD effect coexists, while SS effect has ignorable effect on the distribution of the Raman comb. Furthermore, the SS effect will increase the total energy of the spectrum by shifting the dispersive wave (DW) generation to the longer wavelength side. Our findings could deepen the understanding of intracavity nonlinear dynamics and provide theoretical guidance to precisely control the stabilization of dark pulse and the generation of broadband mid-infrared (MIR) microcomb. © 2009-2012 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20225213304872
  • Record 474 of

    Title:High-accuracy relative arrival time measurement for coherent beam combination based on double-humped interferometry
    Author(s):Liu, Keyang(1); Li, Jinhui(1,2); Wang, Xinliang(3); Song, Liwei(3); Cao, Huabao(1,2); Fu, Yuxi(1,2)
    Source: Optics Communications  Volume: 541  Issue: null  Article Number: 129553  DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129553  Published: August 15, 2023  
    Abstract:The precise measurement of the shot-to-shot relative arrival time (RAT) for ultrashort pulses in the coherent beam combination (CBC) was experimentally demonstrated by the double-humped interferometry method in our previous work (Liu et al., 2020). However, the optimization of various parameters has not been systematically evaluated, which is significant for practical applications. In this study, we propose an optimization of the parameter settings for high RAT measurement accuracy, which is characterized by the deformation sensitivity and modulation depth of the multi-peak interference pattern. Based on the analytical derivation and numerical simulations, the influence of the parameters including the incidence angle, spectral notch bandwidth, and beam size on the measurement accuracy is studied, which provides a guideline for practical measurement. Moreover, the applicability of double-humped interferometry to the measurement of RAT for chirped pulses is demonstrated experimentally. Thus, double-humped interferometry is suitable for coherent beam combinations of femtosecond pulses, even with a large amount of chirp from various laser systems. © 2023 The Authors
    Accession Number: 20231914059704
  • Record 475 of

    Title:Enhancing the Quantum Correlation of Biphotons via Coherent Energy Redistribution
    Author(s):Crockett, Benjamin(1); Montaut, Nicola(1); Howe, James Van(1,2); Roztocki, Piotr(1,3); Liu, Yang(1,4,5); Helsten, Robin(1); Zhao, Wei(4,5); Morandotti, Roberto(1); Azana, Jose(1)
    Source: 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2023 - Proceedings  Volume: null  Issue: null  Article Number: Th3J.6  DOI: 10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10117058  Published: 2023  
    Abstract:Towards meeting the strict demands of practical quantum networks, we leverage coherent energy redistribution for noise-tolerant quantum signal processing. We demonstrate the enhancement of noisy biphoton coincidence-to-accidental ratios by up to 3.8 times. © 2023 The Author(s).
    Accession Number: 20232414207405
  • Record 476 of

    Title:Avoided mode-crossing assisted single soliton formation
    Author(s):Wang, Xinyu(1,2); Wang, Wei-qiang(1,2); Xie, Peng(3); Wang, Yang(1,2); Chu, Sai T.(4); Little, Brent.E.(1,2); Zhao, Wei(1,2); Zhang, Wen-fu(1,2)
    Source: Optics and Laser Technology  Volume: 161  Issue: null  Article Number: 109118  DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109118  Published: June 2023  
    Abstract:Single soliton micro-comb (SMC) provides a tool for nonlinear optics investigation, and has become a novel integrated coherent source for portable optical clock, precise measurement and massive parallel optical communication systems, etc. Here, we demonstrate a new approach for deterministic single soliton generation in a microresonator. The microresonator is pumped at a mode with a frequency shift of −160 MHz due to the avoided mode-crossing (AMX), which enhances the local dispersion to form native mode spaced (NMS) Turing pattern directly. The Turing pattern provides a potential field to capture and sustain single soliton. Moreover, the high power chaotic microcomb is absent, which enables stable accessing of single SMC state. Our experiment presents a different dynamics of single soliton generation, which paves a new way for stable and deterministic single soliton micro-comb formation for practical applications. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
    Accession Number: 20230313391063
  • Record 477 of

    Title:A 100Gbps Monolithic Integrated Analog Coherent QPSK Optical Receiver Based on a COSTAS Optical Phase-Locked Loop
    Author(s):Yang, Yihao(1,2); Xiong, Yongliang(3); Ren, Yangming(1); Ma, Qianli(3,4); Xue, Jintao(1,3); Yu, Zhiyuan(1); Qi, Nan(3,4); Wang, Binhao(1,2)
    Source: 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/2023 International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings, ACP/POEM 2023  Volume: null  Issue: null  Article Number: null  DOI: 10.1109/ACP/POEM59049.2023.10369120  Published: 2023  
    Abstract:This paper presents a 100Gbps Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) analog coherent optical receiver. The study emphasizes the utilization of optoelectronic monolithic integration technology to realize the proposed optical receiver, which is based on the COSTAS optical phase-locked loop (OPLL) technique. The analysis thoroughly examines the impact of loop filter bandwidth and loop delay on the system's phase locking accuracy. Moreover, it demonstrates an effective solution to address phase locking challenges arising from increased loop delay. When using a laser with a linewidth of 10MHz for the local oscillator, the optical receiver successfully achieves phase locking with a phase error of less than 0.8°. © 2023 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20240515453289
  • Record 478 of

    Title:Freeform off-axis four-mirror all-aluminum infrared detection system (invited)
    Author(s):Gao, Rong(1); Mao, Xianglong(1); Li, Jinpeng(1); Xu, Zhichen(1); Xie, Yongjun(1)
    Source: Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering  Volume: 52  Issue: 7  Article Number: 20230338  DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230338  Published: July 2023  
    Abstract:Objective Infrared detection technology has the advantage of passive thermal radiation detection and continuous work day and night. It can greatly reduce the restriction of environmental factors such as the light conditions. It is widely used in ecological environment monitoring, night vision detection, precision guidance and other fields. In recent years, with the development of infrared detection technology, especially in the field of aviation and aerospace remote sensing, in order to improve the timeliness of infrared remote sensing detection and realize the large-scale deployment of infrared detection system, the demand for large-field-of-view, high-compact, lightweight and low-cost infrared detection system is becoming more and more urgent. For this purpose, a freeform off-axis four-mirror all-aluminum infrared optical detection system with a large field of view and a compact package is designed in this paper. Methods A freeform off-axis four-mirror all-aluminum infrared optical detection system is designed and built in this paper. The optical system has a real exit pupil to connect the cold aperture of a cooled infrared detector (Fig.2). The 7th order XY polynomials is used to represent the surface of the four freeform mirrors. The full-field geometric spot radius, wave aberration, modulation transfer function, and distortion grid are analyzed (Fig.5-9). The Monte Carlo algorithm is used for tolerance analysis to determine the influence of the alignment errors of the four mirrors (Tab.3). The optical system adopts an all-aluminum optomechanical design (Fig.12), in which the aluminum freeform mirror employs a three-ear flexible support mode to reduce the rigid connection stress (Fig.13). The optical, mechanical and thermal integration analysis is carried out, and the athermal effect of the optical system is verified (Fig.14-16). The optical system is assembled, and the full-field wave aberration is measured (Fig.17-18). Results and Discussions The optimized freeform off-axis four-mirror optical system has a large field of view of 6.25°×5°. The maximal geometric spot radius over the whole field of view is 5.36 μm, which is far less than the radius of the airy spot (Fig.5-6). The full-field wavefront error is less than 0.037λ@8.85 μm, which approaches the diffraction limit (Fig.7). The minimal MTF at 20 lp/mm is 0.48 (Fig.8). Considering the conventional alignment errors of the four mirrors (Tab.3), the geometric spot radius of the optical system is expect to be less than 19.8 μm. According to the optical, mechanical and thermal integration analysis, the maximal full-field geometric spot radius is slightly changed from 5.36 μm to 5.49 μm when the working temperature is changed from 20 ℃ to 30 ℃ (Fig.16). The result proves that the all-aluminum optomechanical system potentially has the optically athermal characteristics. The prototype has a focal length of 146.2 mm and a NETD of 26.8 mK. The measured wavefront error of the prototype is less than RMS 0.7λ@632.8 nm, which meets the technical requirements (Fig.18). Conclusions A freeform off-axis four-mirror all-aluminum infrared optical system with a real exit pupil, a large field of view and a compact package is built in this paper. The optical system has a field of view of 6.25°×5°. The designed full-field geometric spot radius, wavefront error and modulation transfer function all approach the diffraction limit. The tolerance analysis of the alignment errors of the four mirrors is carried out based on the Monte Carlo algorithm, which leads to a full-field geometric spot radius of less than 19.8 μm. The optical system adopts an all-aluminum optomechanical design, which naturally possesses an optically athermal potentiality. The optical, mechanical and thermal integration analysis for a temperature rise of 10 ℃ of the optical system verifies the optical athermality of the optical system. The measured full-field wavefront error of the prototype is less than RMS 0.7λ@632.8 nm. The captured far field infrared image shows the high performance of the prototype. Compared with the traditional off-axis reflective optical system, the demonstrated optical system adopts a new configuration of "all-freeform optical surfaces + all-aluminum optomechanics". It can achieve a larger field of view with a more compact envelope. And, the system has the characteristics of lightweight, low cost and optical athermality, which has important application prospects in the field of infrared detection. © 2023 Chinese Society of Astronautics. All rights reserved.
    Accession Number: 20233814769806
  • Record 479 of

    Title:Research on spatial positioning technology of large size anomalous off-Axis optical element
    Author(s):Peng, Wang(1); Fan, Yang(1); Bin-Dong, Ji(1); Wang-Tao, Ren(1); Xing, Song(1)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 12976  Issue: null  Article Number: 1297614  DOI: 10.1117/12.3009049  Published: 2023  
    Abstract:In this paper, the spatial positioning technology of off-Axis optical elements is studied for the installation and positioning requirements of the off-Axis mirror and the anomalous off-Axis ellipsoid mirror in an optical system. In this paper, the assembly coordinate system is established according to the global coordinate system of space optical system. The key optical parameters of the optical system are accurately measured and controlled by the theodolite, laser tracker, interferometer and other instruments, so as to realize the precise positioning of the special-shaped off-Axis optical element. Secondly, the optical characteristics of the system are analyzed by computer aided setting technology, and the optical misalignment is calculated according to the system wave aberration detection results. Thirdly, the attitude of optical element is adjusted precisely according to the amount of optical misalignment. After many iterations calculation and precision adjustment, the optical index requirements are finally achieved. The spatial positioning method of large size anomalous off-Axis optical elements proposed in this paper provides an effective method for the spatial positioning and system assembly of anomalous off-Axis optical elements in large aperture optical systems. © COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
    Accession Number: 20240315401963
  • Record 480 of

    Title:Identification of bad pixels in shortwave infrared high-speed hyperspectral imager for spaceborne remote sensing
    Author(s):Liu, Yongzheng(1); Du, Jian(1); An, Qinyuning(1); Yang, Fanchao(1); Zhang, Xin(1); Li, Hongbo(1)
    Source: Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering  Volume: 52  Issue: 2  Article Number: 20220308  DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20220308  Published: February 2023  
    Abstract:To reduce the influence of bad pixels in large-aperture interferometric imaging shortwave infrared high-speed hyperspectral imagers on recovering spectra, a bad pixel identification template was established using a hyperspectral imager test process to effectively raise the efficiency of identification of bad pixels. First, image data were collected based on the gain template and frame-rate template for the hyperspectral imager test. Then, the judgment threshold Th1 was set reasonably according to the gain response of normal pixels to identify abnormal pixels under different gains and record the corresponding coordinate values, and the judgment threshold Th2 was set reasonably according to the frame-rate response gray values of normal pixels to identify abnormal pixels under different frame rates and record the coordinate values. Finally, after the abnormal pixels identified by the gain template and those identified by the frame-rate template were compared, they were used together to identify bad pixels. The experimental results show that the identification method based on the gain and frame-rate templates can effectively identify bad pixels in a shortwave infrared hyperspectral imager detector without increasing the cost of equipment development and testing, while providing an economical, practical, efficient, and reliable technical means for correcting bad pixels in a shortwave infrared hyperspectral imager. The method also offers a useful reference to improve the accuracy of inversion of interferometric imaging hyperspectral imager spectral data. © 2023 Chinese Society of Astronautics. All rights reserved.
    Accession Number: 20232614323631