• Record 145 of

    Title:Non-Local Sparse Representation Method for Demosaicing of Single DoFP Polarimetric Image
    Author(s):Wang, Ruinan(1); Gao, Wei(1); Wang, Fengtao(1); Shen, Chao(1)
    Source: 2020 12th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2020  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/ICCSN49894.2020.9139054  Published: June 2020  
    Abstract:The images in different polarization directions collected from division-of-focal-plane (DoFP) imaging system are under-sampled. To solve the demosaicing problem of DoFP imaging, this paper presents a learning model based on sparse representation to optimize the interpolation result of DoFP images. Firstly, image blocks rich in edge or texture information are selected according to the local gradient, and these blocks are clustered based on non-local similarity to learn a sub-dictionary from each class adaptively. The model uses local similarity and sparsity of coding coefficients as regularization terms to minimize coding errors, and then the algorithm iteratively optimizes dictionary atoms and coding coefficients alternately to obtain enhanced images. The experiment takes 8 composed DoFP images as reference and compares the interpolation results of the proposed algorithm with different methods. The proposed method obtains smaller interpolation error than other methods at every image in the experiment. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20203209010019
  • Record 146 of

    Title:Optimization thermal design method for space cameras based on thermo-optical analysis and Taguchi method
    Author(s):Zhang, Gaopeng(1,2); Zhao, Hong(1); Chen, Yaohong(2); Zhang, Guangdong(2); Zhang, Zhi(2); Peng, Jianwei(2); Zhao, Zixin(1); Yan, Aqi(2)
    Source: Optical Engineering  Volume: 59  Issue: 7  DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.59.7.075101  Published: July 1, 2020  
    Abstract:Thermal design is highly related to the performance of space cameras as temperature changes cause thermal displacements of the cameras' optical and mechanical systems, consequently affecting imaging quality. However, most existing thermal design methods for space cameras focus on several thermal design parameters without a comprehensive and quantitative analysis. Therefore, we proposed an optimization thermal design method for space cameras based on thermo-optical analysis and the Taguchi method. We first established the thermal balance equations of space cameras, and by analyzing the thermal design parameters in the equations, we identified the key parameters that affect the temperature field, thermal displacements, and imaging quality of the camera. Furthermore, we evaluated the influence of each thermal design parameter on imaging quality based on the integrated thermo-optical analysis. Thereafter, we applied the Taguchi method to quantitatively calculate the effect of each thermal design parameter on imaging quality. Finally, we implemented an optimal thermal control scheme for space cameras based on the results of the Taguchi method. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method is reliable and efficient and would be beneficial to researchers working on the thermal design of optical instruments. © 2020 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
    Accession Number: 20203409067382
  • Record 147 of

    Title:Photonic Perceptron Based on a Kerr Microcomb for High-Speed, Scalable, Optical Neural Networks
    Author(s):Xu, Xingyuan(1,8); Tan, Mengxi(1); Corcoran, Bill(2); Wu, Jiayang(1); Nguyen, Thach G.(3); Boes, Andreas(3); Chu, Sai T.(4); Little, Brent E.(5); Morandotti, Roberto(6); Mitchell, Arnan(3); Hicks, Damien G.(1,7); Moss, David J.(1)
    Source: Laser and Photonics Reviews  Volume: 14  Issue: 10  DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202000070  Published: October 1, 2020  
    Abstract:Optical artificial neural networks (ONNs)—analog computing hardware tailored for machine learning—have significant potential for achieving ultra-high computing speed and energy efficiency. A new approach to architectures for ONNs based on integrated Kerr microcomb sources that is programmable, highly scalable, and capable of reaching ultra-high speeds is proposed here. The building block of the ONN—a single neuron perceptron—is experimentally demonstrated that reaches a high single-unit throughput speed of 11.9 Giga-FLOPS at 8 bits per FLOP, corresponding to 95.2 Gbps, achieved by mapping synapses onto 49 wavelengths of a microcomb. The perceptron is tested on simple standard benchmark datasets—handwritten-digit recognition and cancer-cell detection—achieving over 90% and 85% accuracy, respectively. This performance is a direct result of the record low wavelength spacing (49GHz) for a coherent integrated microcomb source, which results in an unprecedented number of wavelengths for neuromorphic optics. Finally, an approach to scaling the perceptron to a deep learning network is proposed using the same single microcomb device and standard off-the-shelf telecommunications technology, for high-throughput operation involving full matrix multiplication for applications such as real-time massive data processing for unmanned vehicles and aircraft tracking. © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
    Accession Number: 20203209022824
  • Record 148 of

    Title:A Method to Improve the Positioning Accuracy of the Intersection of two Planes
    Author(s):Lian, Xuezheng(1); Xie, Meilin(1)
    Source: 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electronics Technology, ICET 2020  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/ICET49382.2020.9119651  Published: May 2020  
    Abstract:As the payload of the reconnaissance aircraft, the positioning accuracy of the airborne photoelectric platform is the key to whether the weapon can achieve accurate strike and whether the battlefield information can be obtained accurately. This paper introduces the structure of the photoelectric measurement pod, establishes the auxiliary coordinate system of the positioning model. According to the homogeneous coordinate transformation method, rotates and transforms the parallax vector of two machines into the unified coordinate system, and completes the solution of the target according to the principle of space intersection. Combined with the disadvantages of traditional rendezvous positioning algorithm, an improved algorithm is proposed. Based on the model, the error factors affecting the positioning accuracy are determined, which provides theoretical guidance for engineering application. The simulation results show that the improved algorithm is better than the traditional algorithm. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20202808913832
  • Record 149 of

    Title:Fault prediction of gas-insulated system with hypersensitive optical monitoring and spectral information
    Author(s):Ren, Ming(1); Zhang, Chongxing(1); Dong, Ming(1); He, Zhengquan(2)
    Source: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems  Volume: 119  Issue:   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.105945  Published: July 2020  
    Abstract:Hazardous discharge is the primary threat to power apparatus. Utilizing the fact that discharge is companied by intrinsic light radiation in specific spectral bands, a micro ternary spectral hypersensitive sensor array is developed for condition monitoring and fault prediction. With this new concept, a multispectral diagnosis strategy is proposed and implemented on a gas-insulated system, demonstrating significant potential for fault classification as well as quantitative risk evaluation, circumventing the necessities of phase-resolved statistics and complex denoising algorithms which are the most challenging but necessary aspects for traditional discharge diagnosis. Thus, it is an intrinsic and stable approach for practical fault prediction, especially for HVDC gas-insulated system. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
    Accession Number: 20200908236553
  • Record 150 of

    Title:Sub-aperture optical system testing by using of a modified simulateous fit method
    Author(s):Kewei, E.(1); Zhao, Jianke(1); Wang, Tao(1); Wang, Zhengfeng(1); Liu, Kai(1); Chang, Ming(1); Zhou, Yan(1)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 11568  Issue:   DOI: 10.1117/12.2579949  Published: 2020  
    Abstract:Sub-aperture stitching interferometry can be used for measurement of wavefront of large aperture optical system. A variety of sub-aperture stitching algorithms have been studied to reconstruct the sub-aperture data to obtain full aperture wavefront. The simultaneous fitting method plays an important role among those stitching algorithms which uses a series of global polynomials to accomplish the fitting of the test wavefronts, however, it can only be applied in the case of there have no overlap between each sub-apertures. Therefore, a modified simultaneous fitting method is proposed and is applied to measure the wavefront of large aperture optical system. The proposed algorithm is applicable whether there exists overlap between each sub-aperture or not. The numerical simulation is carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithm. Further, a practical stitching experiment that test an optical system with a diameter of 850mm was implemented to demonstrate the modified algorithm. © 2020 SPIE. All rights reserved.
    Accession Number: 20204909580551
  • Record 151 of

    Title:A Hybrid Demosaicking Algorithm for Area Scan Industrial Camera Based on Fuzzy Edge Strength and Residual Interpolation
    Author(s):Sun, Bangyong(1,2); Yuan, Nianzeng(1); Zhao, Zhe(1)
    Source: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  Volume: 16  Issue: 6  DOI: 10.1109/TII.2019.2959069  Published: June 2020  
    Abstract:Area scan cameras are widely used in industrial manufacturing for quality controlling, production monitoring, or defect inspection. The area scan cameras are normally integrated in a single sensor covered by the Bayer color filter array for RGB signal capturing, and the raw image with one channel for each pixel is obtained in one exposure. Therefore, it is significant to reconstruct the other two channels at each pixel which is called demosaicking. In this article, one hybrid demosaicking algorithm is proposed based on fuzzy edge strength and residual interpolation (RI) method. We first demosaic the G channel with one edge-directed filter and refine the high textured details by using fuzzy edge strength interpolation. Then, the RI is employed to calculate R and B channels, where G is used as the guide image for computing residuals. In the experiment, we evaluate our proposed method with nine prevalent interpolation-based algorithms on the IMAX and Kodak image datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperform the others by synthesizing the performance in peak signal-to-noise ratio, structural similarity, visual comparison, and computational time. © 2005-2012 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20201308334270
  • Record 152 of

    Title:Research on Double Closed-loop Trajectory Tracking Control Algorithm of Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on Global Stability
    Author(s):Su, Yunhao(1); Liang, Yanbing(2)
    Source: Proceedings - 2020 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2020  Volume: 1  Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/IHMSC49165.2020.00048  Published: August 2020  
    Abstract:In this paper, a double closed-loop trajectory tracking control system with inner and outer loop structure is designed for a two-wheeled mobile robot, where the outer loop is the position subsystem and the inner loop is the attitude subsystem. Sliding mode control is adopted for attitude control design. This paper uses hyperbolic tangent function to design the position control, which can make position tracking system satisfy the Lipschitz condition, thus ensuring that the double-loop trajectory tracking control is globally stable. Through simulation, we prove that this method can improve that the effect of trajectory tracking control very well, especially in the initial stage of control. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20204409407085
  • Record 153 of

    Title:Research on Adaptive Sliding Mode Robust Control Algorithm of Manipulator Based on RBF Neural Network
    Author(s):Tian, Hua(1); Liang, Yanbing(2)
    Source: Proceedings - 2020 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2020  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/CAC51589.2020.9327630  Published: November 6, 2020  
    Abstract:This paper proposes a new algorithm for manipulator system - an adaptive sliding mode robust control algorithm based on RBF neural network. Based on the traditional sliding mode control method, the RBF neural network is used to approximate the manipulator model information and external interference. We established the system model of the six-degree-of-freedom manipulator XIOPM developed by our research group. In order to verify the effectiveness and superiority of the algorithm in the simplest possible case, we took the models of the first two joints and performed it through MTALAB. The simulation results are consistent with our expectations. Compared with the movement of the manipulator under traditional sliding mode control, our method can not only make the actual output trajectory of the manipulator system converge to the desired trajectory at a relatively faster speed, but also reduce chattering to a large extent. The control algorithm reduce the disadvantages of traditional sliding mode control. Its good tracking performance and tracking accuracy make this manipulator system well controlled. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20210809954863
  • Record 154 of

    Title:Research on control algorithm of flexible manipulator based on PD-Type distributed parameter boundary control
    Author(s):Su, Yunhao(1); Liang, Yanbing(2)
    Source: Proceedings - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Electromechanical Automation, AIEA 2020  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/AIEA51086.2020.00114  Published: June 2020  
    Abstract:In this paper, the Hamilton method is used to establish a distributed parameter model for a single-link flexible robotic arm based on the form of partial differential equations. The distributed parameter system is used to control the model. The boundary control method is used to add a boundary control input to the end boundary of the manipulator. The PD boundary controller is designed, and the distributed parameter boundary control based on the exponential convergence method is performed on the end boundary of the manipulator to adjust the vibration of the robotic arm. The Lyapunov function is designed to prove the stability of the system through calculation. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20204609480816
  • Record 155 of

    Title:Hyperspectral imaging and analysis for sketch painting
    Author(s):Wu, Yinhua(1,2); Wang, Pengchong(2); Wang, Shuang(2); Liu, Jun(1); Gao, Ming(1); Wei, Ruyi(2); Gao, Xiaohui(2)
    Source: Optik  Volume: 212  Issue:   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.164686  Published: June 2020  
    Abstract:Spectral analysis is a practical analytical technique suitable for the study of painting. Especially hyperspectral imaging has gradually become a hot research topic in the scientific analysis of painting relics, due to its characteristics such as non-invasive, non-contact, fast imaging and high spectral resolution. It is mainly used to extract the intrinsic information that is difficult to observe in painting with naked eyes. In this study, two seemingly identical sketch paintings served as samples, one was painted with a 2B pencil, the other with a 4B pencil. A ground-based hyperspectral imager was used to obtain the hyperspectral data cube for the two sketch paintings in the range of 390 nm–1025 nm. And the two paintings were analyzed and compared in terms of spectral characteristics. Results indicated that hyperspectral imaging greatly facilitates the acquisition of the diagnostic spectral characteristics of different materials in painting. And the specific target in paintings can be effectively identified through hyperspectral analysis, which is of great help to painting identification. At the same time, DC characteristics and detail characteristics of the painting can be extracted, which are helpful for the researchers to analyze the painting style. In brief, it is further proved that the hyperspectral imaging has significant scientific and practical value in the protection and preservation of painting relics. © 2020 Elsevier GmbH
    Accession Number: 20201608460698
  • Record 156 of

    Title:Calculation and analysis of flexibility matrix for v flexible spherical hinges with chamfer
    Author(s):Bao, Chaonan(1); Jiang, Bo(1)
    Source: Proceedings - 2020 5th International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation, ICECTT 2020  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/ICECTT50890.2020.00029  Published: May 2020  
    Abstract:A new type of chamfering V flexible spherical hinge is designed. Based on the second theorem and calculus theory of material mechanics, the formula of flexibility matrix of chamfering flexible spherical hinge is deduced by energy method, and an example is used to verify the results in finite element method. The error between theoretical solution and finite element solution is less than 10%, which verifies its correctness. The structural parameters affecting the flexibility are analyzed, and it is concluded that the flexibility increases with the length of the flexible spherical hinge or the chamfer radius R, but decreases with the increase of the minimum thickness and the angle between V type and x axis. And the change of the minimum thickness has the most obvious influence on the flexibility. © 2020 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20204809552585