• Record 61 of

    Title:Research and realization of an anti-noise auto-focusing algorithm
    Author(s):Zhao, Qinghua(1,2); Liu, Bo(1); Xu, Zhaohui(1)
    Source: Proceedings - 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2013  Volume: 2  Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/IHMSC.2013.208  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:To solve the problem that the single-peak and sensitivity of conventional image sharpness functions come down which results in slowing auto-focusing speed or even falling to focus because of noise, an anti-noise auto-focusing algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm uses an anti-noise image sharpness function and a searching strategy that combines coarse focusing with fine focusing to improve auto-focusing speed and sensitivity. The experiment shows that the algorithm enhances focusing efficiency and reliability. © 2013 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20140317201730
  • Record 62 of

    Title:An improved super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on regularization
    Author(s):Wang, Shuang(1,2); Hu, Bingliang(1); Dong, Xiaokun(1,2); Yan, Xingtao(1,2)
    Source: Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Cloud Computing Companion, ISCC-C 2013  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/ISCC-C.2013.44  Published: December 3, 2014  
    Abstract:The traditional regularized super-resolution (SR) algorithms can reconstruct the high-resolution (HR) image to some extent. But the high frequency information of the image will lose seriously and the edges and details will become blurred. This paper presents an improved regularized SR algorithm. Firstly, a new interpolation algorithm is used to obtain the initial value of the HR image. Secondly, the trilateral filter is adopted as the regularization term to preserve the edge and details. Finally, the steepest descent method is taken as the iterative algorithm to gain the optimum solution. Simulated experiments are presented including the comparison with some existing reconstruction algorithms. Those results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than others. Furthermore, the edges and details of the image are well preserved. © 2013 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20145200372128
  • Record 63 of

    Title:Resonant modes in photonic multiple quantum well structures with single-negative materials
    Author(s):Kang, Yongqiang(1,2,3); Zhang, Chunmin(1)
    Source: Optik  Volume: 124  Issue: 22  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.03.143  Published: November 2013  
    Abstract:A type of photonic multiple quantum well (PMQWs) structure made of two different photonic crystals (PCs) with two kinds of single-negative materials is investigated. It is demonstrated by transfer matrix method that omnidirectional resonance modes are generated. The number of the resonance modes can be controlled by adjusting the periodic structure of the constituents. The resonance tunneling modes are weak dependence on incident angle and the scaling of the barrier photonic crystals. When the losses are taken into account, the effects of the losses coming from ENG media and MNG media on the resonance modes are striking difference. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
    Accession Number: 20134016793580
  • Record 64 of

    Title:Image fusion based on non-negative matrix factorization and infrared feature extraction
    Author(s):Mou, Jiao(1,2); Gao, Wei(1); Song, Zongxi(1)
    Source: Proceedings of the 2013 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2013  Volume: 2  Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/CISP.2013.6745210  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:A new effective fusion method based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and infrared target extraction is presented for infrared and visible images fusion. The two source images are taken as original data in NMF analysis, from which the feature base containing the global features of the source images can be extracted. The feature base image is replaced by the adjusted visible image, which is histogram matched with the raw feature base. As non-negative matrix factorization image fusion algorithm lacks details, we introduce a local gradient as an active measure, and combine weighting and selection methods to fuse the visible image with the feature base image. Then the target regions from infrared image are segmented through edge detection, region growing and morphological processing methods. The segmented target regions are fused with the background regions of the feature base image. Experiment indicates that the proposed method is simple in calculation. And it can retain texture details of visible image, highlight the thermal target of infrared image and enhance the readability of source images. © 2013 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20141117463717
  • Record 65 of

    Title:Doubly adaptive nonlocal means image denoising algorithm based on mathematical morphology
    Author(s):Jing-Juan, Zhao(1,2); Zuo-Feng, Zhou(1); Jian-Zhong, Cao(1); Hui, Zhang(1)
    Source: Proceedings - 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2013  Volume: 1  Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/IHMSC.2013.78  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:An doubly adaptive nonlocal-means (DANLM) algorithm for image denoising is proposed in this paper. The wavelet-Based denoising method is first used to get the pilot image, and then the pilot image is divided into texture and smooth regions base on mathematical morphology. Finally, the noisy image is denoised by nonlocal means method with patch window and search window adaptively adjust to the local property for different regions. Experiment results demonstrate the superior denoising performance of the proposed denoising technique. © 2013 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20140317205655
  • Record 66 of

    Title:Design and implementation of railcar management system based on SSH
    Author(s):Cheng, Long(1); Ge, Wei(1); Xue, Bin(2)
    Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 416-417  Issue:   DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.416-417.1489  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:As the main means of transport, Railcar performs main task of railway equipment repairing department. For managing railcar information better, upgrading the version of the DMI program version, basic data version, revealing data version of GYK on railcar, the paper develops railcar management system which is based on the B/S mode of J2EE lightweight development framework Struts-Spring-Hibernate (SSH). This paper introduces the system design process and every function module in detail. Result proves that railcar management system improves the management efficiency of railcar, consists with the characteristics of the railcar and plays a positive role in the safety of railcar. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
    Accession Number: 20134416920913
  • Record 67 of

    Title:Temperature dependent study of carrier diffusion in photon enhanced thermionic emission solar converters
    Author(s):Yang, Yang(1,2); Yang, Wen Zheng(1); Tang, Wei Dong(1,2); Sun, Chuan Dong(1)
    Source: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 772  Issue:   DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.772.634  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emission (PETE) is a novel concept in solar energy conversion, which can efficiently harvest solar energy at elevated temperatures. However, the temperature dependence of material parameters has not been clearly stated so far. In this study, a model for carrier transport is presented based on one dimension diffusion equation. Material data of GaAs are used to testify the temperature impact on material parameters. We find that for higher doped p-type GaAs which is suitable for PETE cathode material, its electron diffusion length shows weak temperature dependence. Carrier transport efficiency can be boosted by optimizing the geometry of the cathode and the optical parameters of the material. Finally, we propose a design of reflective mode cathode with reflective back surface and nanostructure emissive surface for PETE application. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
    Accession Number: 20134116835127
  • Record 68 of

    Title:Algorithm of semicircular laser spot detection based on circle fitting
    Author(s):Wang, Zhengzhou(1,2); Xu, Ruihua(1,2); Hu, Bingliang(1)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 8878  Issue:   DOI: 10.1117/12.2030791  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:In order to obtain the exact center of an asymmetrical and semicircular aperture laser spot, a method for laser spot detection method based on circle fitting was proposed in this paper, threshold of laser spot image was segmented by the method of gray morphology algorithm, rough edge of laser spot was detected in both vertical and horizontal direction, short arcs and isolated edge points were deleted by contour growing, the best circle contour was obtained by iterative fitting and the final standard round was fitted in the end. The experimental results show that the precision of the method is obviously better than the gravity model method being used in the traditional large laser automatic alignment system. The accuracy of the method to achieve asymmetrical and semicircular laser spot center meets the requirements of the system. © 2013 SPIE.
    Accession Number: 20135017087283
  • Record 69 of

    Title:The Lyman-alpha Imager onboard Solar Polar Orbit Telescope
    Author(s):Li, Baoquan(1); Li, Haitao(1); Zhou, Sizhong(2); Jiang, Bo(2)
    Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering  Volume: 9042  Issue:   DOI: 10.1117/12.2035494  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:Solar Polar ORbit Telescope (SPORT) was originally proposed in 2004 by the National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is currently being under background engineering study phase in China. SPORT will carry a suite of remote-sensing and in-situ instruments to observe coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar high-latitude magnetism, and the fast solar wind from a polar orbit around the Sun. The Lyman-alpha Imager (LMI) is one of the key remotesensing instruments onboard SPORT with 45arcmin FOV, 2000mm effective focal length and 1.4arcsec/pixel spatial resolution. The size of LMI is φ150×1000mm, and the weight is less than10kg, including the 7kg telescope tube and 3kg electronic box. There are three 121.6nm filters used in the LMI optical path, so the 98% spectral purity image of 121.6nm can be achieved. The 121.6nm solar Lyman-alpha line is produced in the chromosphere and very sensitive to plasma temperature, plasma velocity and magnetism variation in the chromosphere. Solar Lyman-alpha disk image is an ideal tracker for corona magnetism variation. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.
    Accession Number: 20140717329701
  • Record 70 of

    Title:Image fusion of tempo-spatially modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer
    Author(s):Zhang, Chunmin(1); Cao, Qizhi(1,2,3); Jian, Xiaohua(4); Ren, Wenyi(1,2); Zhang, Jing(3)
    Source: Optics Communications  Volume: 297  Issue:   DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.01.041  Published: June 15, 2013  
    Abstract:The space-based tempo-spatially modulated polarization interferometer imaging spectrometer (TSMPIIS) scans over an observed area, and acquires the image-spectrum data cubic consisting of a series of the CCD images taken at different times. Every pixel on the CCD image records interferographs with different optical path differences, corresponding to the incident angles changing from maximum, via zero, and finally to negative maximum. To improve the spatial resolution of the color comprised image acquired by TSMPIIS, the panchromatic (PAN) image of high spatial resolution is fused with the color composite image of high spectrum resolution to produce the fused image of both high spatial and spectrum resolution. Based on the characteristics of the TSMPIIS image data, the FFT (fast Fourier transform)-enhanced IHS (intensity-hue-saturation) transform method is used and compared with IHS and WT (wave transform) methods. The experimental results show that the FFT-enhanced IHS method can establish very good trade-off between spatial and spectral quality of the fused image and largely improve the spatial resolution of the color composite image. The fusion method significantly enhances the instrument performance at very low cost. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
    Accession Number: 20131616218928
  • Record 71 of

    Title:Wannier stark ladder in one-dimensional photonic crystal coupled microcavity containing indefinite metamaterials
    Author(s):Kang, Yongqiang(1,2,3); Zhang, Chunmin(1); Xue, Chunhua(4); Cao, Qizhi(1,2); Ren, Wenyi(1,2)
    Source: Journal of Optics (India)  Volume: 42  Issue: 4  DOI: 10.1007/s12596-013-0146-9  Published: December 2013  
    Abstract:One-dimensional (1D) photonic crystal coupled microcavity structure containing indefinite metamaterials was investigated. The Wannier-Stark ladder (WSL) can be obtained in both the Bragg ordinary and the well-known omnidirectional band gaps by modulating widths of the cavities. The time-resolved transmission of a short pulse showed the existence of two types of optical Bloch oscillation in such structures. The transmission and the period of the oscillation are found to decrease with the increasing gradient δ. © 2013 Optical Society of India.
    Accession Number: 20140217183853
  • Record 72 of

    Title:A design of intelligent transfusion monitoring system based on the DSP and fuzzy control algorithm
    Author(s):Qiao, Yongming(1); Wu, Xiangfu(1)
    Source: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2013  Volume:   Issue:   DOI: 10.1109/ICICIP.2013.6568109  Published: 2013  
    Abstract:Aiming at resolving the defects of manual monitoring during the clinical transfusion process presently, this paper designs an intelligent transfusion monitoring system which uses TMS320F28335 as the microcontroller core. This system is a master-slave distributed architecture. The master station at the health care room can remotely monitor the transfusion process with the help of the application that operates on PC, whereas the slave station, a DSP embedded system, uses a miniature peristaltic pump driven by stepper motor to control the transfusion speed based on the fuzzy control algorithm. The master station can communicate with slave stations with wireless modules through the serial port, so nurses can timely monitor the transfusion process. The experimental results show that this system has advantages such as high accuracy of speed adjustment, quick response and low steady-state error. Because of the good performance and low cost, this system can be widely used in clinical transfusion and pharmaceutical composition analysis occasions. © 2013 IEEE.
    Accession Number: 20133616702323