Record 1 of 114

Title: Online fabrication scheme of helical long-period fiber grating for liquid-level sensing

Author(s): Ren, KL (Ren, Kaili); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Kong, XD (Kong, Xudong); Ju, HJ (Ju, Haijuan); Xu, YP (Xu, Yiping); Wu, ZX (Wu, Zhaoxin)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 55  Issue: 34  Pages: 9675-9679  DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.009675  Published: DEC 1 2016  

Abstract: We present a novel online fabrication scheme of helical long-period fiber gratings (H-LPFGs) by directly twisting a standard single-mode fiber (SMF) in a microheater. This is done by taking advantage of the inherent core-cladding eccentricity in SMF. We adopt a fiber optic rotary joint to eliminate the accompanying twisting spiral for real-time spectral monitoring and a stepping mechanical system to accurately control the twisting length in fabrication. As a consequence, low-cost and high-quality H-LPFGs can be readily fabricated. Meanwhile, by using this kind of H-LPFG, we design a simple and low-cost wavelength-interrogated liquid-level sensor with a high sensitivity of 0.1 nm/mm. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000388938200031

PubMed ID: 27958456

Conference Title: Biennial Conference on Applied Optics on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA)

Conference Date: SEP 29-OCT 02, 2015

Conference Location: Pisa, ITALY

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Zhaoxin 



ren, li yong 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 2 of 114

Title: Growth of SiC nanowires by low pressure chemical vapor infiltration using different catalysts

Author(s): Men, J (Men, Jing); Liu, YS (Liu, Yongsheng); Luo, R (Luo, Rong); Li, WN (Li, Weinan); Cheng, LF (Cheng, Laifei); Zhang, LT (Zhang, Litong)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY  Volume: 36  Issue: 15  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 3615-3625  DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.04.004  Published: NOV 2016  

Abstract: SiC nanowires were synthesized by LPCVI using different catalysts, and the influences of input gas ratio (alpha) and catalysts were investigated. The average diameter firstly decreased and then increased with increasing alpha. Under Ni-based catalysis, SiC nanowires were long and thin, and increased with increasing concentration; under Fe-based catalysis, they were short and thick, and the influence of concentration could be neglected. The growth of SiC nanowires was controlled by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism and the liquid-solid interface between nanowire and metal droplet was the growth plane. At same concentration, the diameter grown under Ni-based catalyst decreased with decreasing diameter of catalyst droplet, while under Fe-based catalyst, the diameters were not affected by catalyst droplet because of the high concentration. SiC nanowires were synthesized in 2D C/SiC composites and could enhance the mechanical properties effectively because of energy consuming from the fracture, pulled up and debond of SiC nanowires. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000381951200009

Conference Title: 1st Sino-German Symposium on Preparation and Application of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites

Conference Date: JUL 26-31, 2015

Conference Location: Darmstadt, GERMANY

Conference Sponsors: Tech Univ Darmstadt, Sino German Ctr Res Promot

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Litong, Zhang 



Cheng, Laifei 



Liu, Yongsheng 



Zhao, Kai 




ISSN: 0955-2219

eISSN: 1873-619X



Record 3 of 114

Title: Influence of Driving Frequency on the Argon Dielectric Barrier Discharge Excited by Gaussian Voltage at Atmospheric Pressure

Author(s): Xu, YG (Xu, Yonggang); Jiang, WM (Jiang, Weiman); Tang, J (Tang, Jie); Zhu, S (Zhu, Sha); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Li, YF (Li, Yongfang); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Duan, YX (Duan, Yixiang)

Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE  Volume: 44  Issue: 11  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2553-2563  DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2016.2572733  Part: 1  Published: NOV 2016  

Abstract: A 1-D self-consistent fluid model was employed to investigate the effect of driving frequency on the discharge characters of a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure in argon excited by a periodic Gaussian voltage. The simulation results indicate that there are two discharge modes: 1) Townsend and 2) glow modes in the multipulse discharge and different transitions between them during the discharge take place with the increase in driving frequency. When the driving frequency is 1 kHz, there is a tendency of transition from the Townsend mode through glow and finally back to the Townsend one during the positive half-circle of applied Gaussian voltage. However, the discharge in the half-circle can all along operate in the glow mode with the higher driving frequency. Moreover, when the driving frequency is sufficiently high, there are also distinct fluctuations of spatial performance of the charge densities in the positive column during the glow discharge. This is caused by the fact that a lot of charged particles created in the gas gap have not enough time to drift and diffuse to the dielectric barriers, and then these particles are preserved in the local discharge gap at such a high frequency. A comparison of the spatial and temporal evolutions of the electron density at different driving frequencies indicates that the increase in the driving frequency can enhance the plasma chemistry and also expand its volume.

Accession Number: WOS:000388793800006

Conference Title: 1st Sino-German Symposium on Atmospheric Pressure Gas Discharges and Plasma Applications

Conference Date: OCT 11-17, 2015

Conference Location: Sino German Sci Ctr, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: German Res Fdn, Sino german Ctr, Nat Sci Fdn China

Conference Host: Sino German Sci Ctr

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, yixuan 



Wang, yanru 



Wang, Yijun 



wang, yiran 



Wang, Yixuan 



Wu, Yiping 



wang, yi 



Wang, Yiru 



Liu, Yiming 




ISSN: 0093-3813

eISSN: 1939-9375



Record 4 of 114

Title: Influence of absorption on stability of terahertz difference frequency generation

Author(s): Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hongjun); Sun, QB (Sun, Qibing); Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhaolu); Li, SP (Li, Shaopeng); Han, J (Han, Jing)

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 55  Issue: 3  Pages: 444-448  DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.000444  Published: JAN 20 2016  

Abstract: This work presents numerical studies of the stability feature of terahertz difference frequency generation (THz-DFG) with a ZnGeP2 crystal using two pump wavelengths. We found that the maximum output of a THz wave is located in the unstable output region because of the competitive equilibrium between the absorption and the gain. Furthermore, the output stability is dependent on the pump stability. Different from the results at the pump wavelength of 9.588 mu m, there is neither an appropriate stable output region nor gain saturation region at the pump wavelength of 1.064 mu m for a larger absorption coefficient. This work demonstrates that the stable output region of the THz wave is difficult to obtain when the pump absorption is excessively large in DFG. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000369055100028

PubMed ID: 26835915

Conference Title: OSA Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (DH)

Conference Date: MAY, 2015

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Hongjun 



Li, Shaopeng 



lin, yuan 




ISSN: 1559-128X

eISSN: 2155-3165



Record 5 of 114

Title: Ultrafast Interrogation of Fully Distributed Chirped Fibre Bragg Grating Strain Sensor

Author(s): Ahmad, EJ (Ahmad, Eamonn J.); Wang, C (Wang, Chao); Feng, DJ (Feng, Dejun); Yan, ZJ (Yan, Zhijun); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (IPC)  Book Series: IEEE Photonics Conference  Pages: 482-483  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A novel ultrafast and high spatial-resolution interrogation method for fully distributed chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors based on photonic time-stretch frequency-domain reflectometry is presented. Real-time interrogation at measurement speed of 50 MHz with a spatial resolution of 35 mu m was experimentally demonstrated.

Accession Number: WOS:000406880100222

Conference Title: 29th IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC)

Conference Date: OCT 02-06, 2016

Conference Location: Waikoloa, HI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Chao 



zhang, xinyu 



zhang, lin 




ISSN: 2374-0140

ISBN: 978-1-5090-1906-9



Record 6 of 114

Title: Design of infrared signal processing system based on ZYNQ platform

Author(s): Bai, ZY (Bai Zhuoyu); Leng, HB (Leng Haibing); Hu, BL (Hu Bingliang); Wang, S (Wang Shuang)

Edited by: Gong H; Song A

Source: INFRARED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS, AND ROBOT SENSING AND ADVANCED CONTROL  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10157  Article Number: 101572N  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246949  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A newly developed real-time infrared signal processing system based on the heterogeneous multi-processor system on chip (MPSoC) is proposed in this paper. The architecture, hardware configuration, image pre-processing algorithms used in the system and the experimental result are presented. Compared to the infrared signal processing system in being, Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC has been used in the proposed system which is more portable, integrated, and has excellent performance during its signal processing.

Accession Number: WOS:000391228600093

Conference Title: International Symposium on Infrared Technology and Application / International Symposium on Robot Sensing and Advanced Control

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photoelectron Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0772-9; 978-1-5106-0773-6



Record 7 of 114

Title: Effect of Turntable Structure on Electromechanical Characteristics of Laser Tracker System

Author(s): Cao, EF (Cao, Erfang); She, WJ (She, Wenji); Zhou, L (Zhou, Liang)

Edited by: Hu JW; Ahn JK

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 93  Pages: 265-270  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Laser tracker is composed of a mechanical structure and a servo control system. And the characteristics of them all affect the error and stability of the laser tracker measurement system. The cut-off frequency and the response speed are important index to characterize the system performance. Among them, the cut-off frequency is the characterization of the size of the system bandwidth, and response speed is an indicator of system sensitivity. The cut-off frequency is higher, and the response speed is faster. The tracking performance of the tracker is better. Usually, when analyze the cut-off frequency of a system, various components of the control system will be the mathematical modeling, but only the mechanical structure of the inertia as a parameter into the model. It can cause errors in system analysis. In this paper, establish a mechanical and electrical model of the mechanical structure and the control structure to realize the information of the laser tracker system. Analyze the effects of rotating inertia, friction torque and structural rigidity on the characteristics of electromechanical coupling system.

Accession Number: WOS:000391708800045

Conference Title: International Symposium on Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (ISMEMS)

Conference Date: NOV 17-19, 2016

Conference Location: SOUTH KOREA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-277-0



Record 8 of 114

Title: Pedestrian Detection Inspired by Appearance Constancy and Shape Symmetry

Author(s): Cao, JL (Cao, Jiale); Pang, YW (Pang, Yanwei); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 1316-1324  DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2016.147  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The discrimination and simplicity of features are very important for effective and efficient pedestrian detection. However, most state-of-the-art methods are unable to achieve good tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency. Inspired by some simple inherent attributes of pedestrians (i.e., appearance constancy and shape symmetry), we propose two new types of non-neighboring features (NNF): side-inner difference features (SIDF) and symmetrical similarity features (SSF). SIDF can characterize the difference between the background and pedestrian and the difference between the pedestrian contour and its inner part. SSF can capture the symmetrical similarity of pedestrian shape. However, it's difficult for neighboring features to have such above characterization abilities. Finally, we propose to combine both non-neighboring and neighboring features for pedestrian detection. It's found that nonneighboring features can further decrease the average miss rate by 4.44%. Experimental results on INRIA and Caltech pedestrian datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. Compared to the state-ofthe- art methods without using CNN, our method achieves the best detection performance on Caltech, outperforming the second best method (i.e., Checkerboards) by 1.63%.

Accession Number: WOS:000400012301039

Conference Title: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 27-30, 2016

Conference Location: Seattle, WA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE Comp Soc, Comp Vis Fdn

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-8851-1



Record 9 of 114

Title: Sub-micron periodically-poled lithium niobate waveguide for integrated nonlinear optics

Author(s): Chang, L (Chang, Lin); Li, YF (Li, Yifei); Volet, N (Volet, Nicolas); Wang, LR (Wang, Leiran); Peters, J (Peters, Jon); Bowers, JE (Bowers, John E.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We present the first integrable periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide with a submicron waveguide core that is realized on a silicon nitride thin film lithium niobate platform. Second-harmonic generation based on this device is demonstrated.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286403144

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, yifei 



LI, yi 



Bowers, John E 



Li, Yifei 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 10 of 114

Title: Stray Light Measurement for Point Source Transmittance of Space Optical Systems

Author(s): Chen, QF (Chen, Qinfang); Ma, Z (Ma, Zhen); Li, XY (Li, Xinyao); Pang, ZH (Pang, Zhihai); Xu, L (Xu, Liang); Li, ZH (Li, Zhaohui)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: The increased sensitivity of space-based sensors has imposed greater stray light performance goals on telescope design. To meet the demand, a stray light test station for measuring point source transmission (PST) has been built with a lower threshold and higher accuracy. The station is nearly all black with dimensions of 28m long by 8m wide by 9m high. it is coupled with a double cylindrical chamber that reflects the specular light away from the instrument under test. The chamber is a Class 6 cleanroom. The station will allow measuring the instruments with up to a 1 meters diameter, and to perform these measurements at visible and infrared wavelengths. The instrument under test will allow to scan at azimuth angles +/-110 degrees, and at elevation +/-15 degrees. The tests were performed to estimate stray light characteristics of two optical instruments. Test results demonstrated PST performance below 1x10(-7) at visible wavelengths, and 1x10(-6) at infrared wavelengths.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500103

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 11 of 114

Title: Feature fused multi-scale segmentation method for remote sensing imagery

Author(s): Chen, TQ (Chen, T. Q.); Liu, JH (Liu, J. H.); Wang, YH (Wang, Y. H.); Zhu, F (Zhu, F.); Chen, J (Chen, J.); Deng, M (Deng, M.)

Edited by: Wang Y; Zhao J


Abstract: Image segmentation is a key step in Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery (HSRI). Previous segmentation method used image spectrum and structure information only, so that it is difficult to obtain good segmentation results. A novel segmentation method based on multiple feature fusion and multi-scale region merging was proposed in this paper. Firstly, initial over-segmentation objects were obtained by marked watershed transform. Then, the spectrum, texture, shape, area, and edge intensity information were combined to build the merging cost of adjacent objects, and all objects were mapped to adjacent graph nodes with their merging cost. Finally, the nodes in Region Adjacency Graph (RGA) were merged to get multi-scale segmentation result. Experiment results indicate that the proposed method can produce nested multi-scale segmentation results with accurate boundaries, and achieve a better performance compared to Mean-shift and ENVI segmentation method.

Accession Number: WOS:000385792000140

Conference Title: International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Science (EEMS)

Conference Date: AUG 25-26, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISBN: 978-1-315-64056-3; 978-1-138-02931-6



Record 12 of 114

Title: A novel method to real-time offset correction for frame transfer CCD

Author(s): Chen, Z (Chen Zhi); Wen, Y (Wen Yan); Yao, DL (Yao Dalei); Jiang, BT (Jiang Baotan)

Edited by: Jiang Y; Kippelen B; Yu J


Abstract: The traditional CCD offset correction processing method is to obtain normal exposure image and dark field image respectively. In the later image processing, use normal exposure image minus the dark field image. Although traditional method can offset correction, but cannot to realize real-time offset correction. Because the traditional method is to obtain offset correction after acquire normal exposure image and dark field image, while the normal exposure image and dark field image is not acquired at the same time. This method would reduce the offset correction precision. A novel method to real-time offset correction for frame transfer CCD is proposed in this paper. The method is based on the improvement of the traditional frame transfer CCD driving timing and CCD signal processing sequence. The traditional frame transfer CCD driving timing is exposure, frame transfer and read CCD level shift register. An offset correction line is added before read CCD data storage area to acquire the offset variation of the each frame image. Take it as a normal image data. In CCD signal processing algorithm to offset calculation and correction. This novel method can correct the offset of each frame image each pixel data real time. In this way the effect on the images from the variation of the offset caused by factors such as the working temperature and the aging of electronic devices in CCD signal processing circuit of CCD camera is restrained.

Accession Number: WOS:000391495500055

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-921-4



Record 13 of 114

Title: Nanostructures on Metallic Glass Surfaces Irradiated by Femtosecond Laser

Author(s): Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Li, C (Li, Chen); Zhang, H (Zhang, Hao); Stoian, R (Stoian, Razvan)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (PIERS)  Pages: 2432-2432  Published: 2016  

Accession Number: WOS:000400013902089

Conference Title: Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)

Conference Date: AUG 08-11, 2016

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Electromagnet Acad, Tongji Univ, Tongji Univ, Depat Elect Sci & Technol, Nanjing Univ Sci & Technol, Shanghai Key Lab Electromagnet Environm Effects Aerosp Vehicle, Sci & Technol Electromagneti Scattering Lab, Univi Tunku Abdul Rahman, Dev & Res Acad Global Opt Neo Technol, Zhejiang Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Elect Engn, IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Soc, Zhejiang Univ, Electromagnet Acad

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Hao 




ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1



Record 14 of 114

Title: Low-penalty up to 16-QAM wavelength conversion in a low loss CMOS compatible spiral waveguide

Author(s): Da Ros, F (Da Ros, Francesco); da Silva, EP (da Silva, Edson Porto); Zibar, D (Zibar, Darko); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Galili, M (Galili, Michael); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Oxenlowe, LK (Oxenlowe, Leif K.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Wavelength conversion of 32-Gbaud QPSK and 10-Gbaud 16-QAM is demonstrated using a 50-cm long low loss spiral Hydex-glass waveguide. BER < HD-FEC threshold is achieved over 10 nm bandwidth with OSNR penalty < 0.5 dB.

Accession Number: WOS:000382938100366

Conference Title: Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC)

Conference Date: MAR 20-24, 2016

Conference Location: Anaheim, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Porto da Silva, Edson 



Chu, Sai T 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Galili, Michael 



Da Ros, Francesco 



Oxenlowe, Leif K 



Zibar, Darko 



Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo 




ISBN: 978-1-9435-8007-1



Record 15 of 114

Title: Detection and Tracking of Multi-space Junk in Star Images

Author(s): Deng, WK (Deng, Wenkang); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100330N  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244285  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: An algorithm of detection and tracking of multiple small moving space junks under the complex star sequential images is proposed in this paper. Firstly we take image smoothing and adaptive threshold segment to improve the weight of junks. Furthermore, back neighborhood frame correlation (BNFC) is proposed to detect and locate the junk which is sheltered by bigger interfaced stars. Through cross projection method, we could extract the centroid of the moving junks. At last, the Kalman Filter is used to track and estimate the trajectory of moving junks. Experiments show that through this algorithm the multiple small space junks could be detected and tracked effectively and accurately under complex star background with good performance in low error rate and good real-time processing.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700022

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 16 of 114

Title: The Lightweight Structure Design of a CFRP Mirror

Author(s): Ding, JT (Ding Jiao Teng); Xu, L (Xu Liang); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Xie, YJ (Xie Yong Jie); Luo, Y (Luo Yao); Wang, YJ (Wang Yong Jie); Pang, ZH (Pang Zhi Hai)

Edited by: Jiang W; Yang L; Riemer O; Li S; Wan Y

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9683  Article Number: 96831X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243440  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The advantage of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is obvious as a common space material for low density, low thermal expansion coefficient and high specific stiffness characteristics, it is the ideal material choice for space optical reflector. Mirror structure with honeycomb can achieve high rates of lightweight, as well as high specific stiffness. For F300mm CFRP mirror, accounting of the actual process properties of CFRP, mirror panels laminated based on thermal stability design, honeycomb fabricated using one innovative inlaying-grafting design method. Finally, lightweight structure design of the CFRP primary mirror completed, the thermal stability result of the F300mm CFRP mirror achieved is 10nm/degrees C.

Accession Number: WOS:000387745800068

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 



Wang, Yongjie 



Wang, Yongjie 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-918-4



Record 17 of 114

Title: Experimental verification of the HERD prototype at CERN SPS

Author(s): Dong, YW (Dong, Yongwei); Quan, Z (Quan, Zheng); Wang, JJ (Wang, Junjing); Xu, M (Xu, Ming); Albergo, S (Albergo, Sebastiano); Ambroglini, F (Ambroglini, Filippo); Ambrosi, G (Ambrosi, Giovanni); Azzarello, P (Azzarello, Philippe); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin); Bao, TW (Bao, Tianwei); Baldini, L (Baldini, Luca); Battiston, R (Battiston, Roberto); Bernardini, P (Bernardini, Paolo); Chen, Z (Chen, Zhen); D'Alessandro, R (D'Alessandro, Raffaello); Duranti, M (Duranti, Matteo); Urso, DD (Urso, Domenico D'); Fusco, P (Fusco, Piergiorgio); Gao, JR (Gao, Jiarui); Gao, XH (Gao, Xiaohui); Gargano, F (Gargano, Fabio); Giglietto, N (Giglietto, Nicola); Hu, BL (Hu, Bingliang); Li, R (Li, Ran); Li, Y (Li, Yong); Liu, X (Liu, Xin); Loparco, F (Loparco, Francesco); Lu, JG (Lu, Junguang); Marsella, G (Marsella, Giovanni); Mazziotta, MN (Mazziotta, Mario Nicola); De Mitri, I (De Mitri, Ivan); Mori, N (Mori, Nicola); Orsi, S (Orsi, Silvio); Oscar, A (Oscar, Adriani); Pearce, M (Pearce, Mark); Pohl, M (Pohl, Martin); Ryde, F (Ryde, Felix); Shi, DL (Shi, Dalian); Spillantin, P (Spillantin, Piero); Su, M (Su, Meng); Sun, X (Sun, Xin); Surdo, A (Surdo, Antonio); Walter, R (Walter, Roland); Wang, B (Wang, Bo); Wang, L (Wang, Le); Wang, RJ (Wang, Ruijie); Wang, ZG (Wang, Zhigang); Wu, BB (Wu, Bobing); Wu, X (Wu, Xin); Yan, P (Yan, Peng); Zhang, L (Zhang, Li); Zhang, SN (Zhang, Shuangnan)

Edited by: DenHerder JWA; Takahashi T; Bautz M

Source: SPACE TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION 2016: ULTRAVIOLET TO GAMMA RAY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9905  Article Number: 99056D  DOI: 10.1117/12.2231804  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is one of several space astronomy payloads of the cosmic light house program onboard China's Space Station, which is planned for operation starting around 2020 for about 10 years. Beam test with a HERD prototype, to verify the HERD specifications and the reading out method of wavelength shifting fiber and image intensified CCD, was taken at CERN SPS in November, 2015. The prototype is composed of an array of 5*5*10 LYSO crystals, which is 1/40th of the scale of HERD calorimeter. Experimental results on the performances of the calorimeter are discussed.

Accession Number: WOS:000387731500178

Conference Title: Conference on Space Telescopes and Instrumentation - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray

Conference Date: JUN 26-JUL 01, 2016

Conference Location: Edinburgh, SCOTLAND

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 



Duranti, Matteo 



li, ran 



Ryde, Felix 



Giglietto, Nicola 



Su, Meng 



Battiston, Roberto 



Baldini, Luca 



Zhang, Yi 



Fusco, Piergiorgio 



D'Alessandro, Raffaello 



Loparco, Francesco 



Bernardini, Paolo 



Li, Shuyao 



Zhu, Shijie 



Gargano, Fabio 



Li, Ran 



Wu, Xin 



Fusco, Piergiorgio 



Baldini, Luca 



WALTER, Roland 



Mazziotta, Mario Nicola 



Zhang, Shuang-Nan 



Quan, Zheng 



Azzarello, Philipp 



Surdo, Antonio 



Battiston, Roberto 



Xu, Ming 



Marsella, Giovanni 



De Mitri, Ivan 



Dong, Yongwei 



Liu, Xin 



Wu, Bobing 



Wang, Zhigang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0189-5; 978-1-5106-0190-1



Record 18 of 114

Title: Design of a mid-wavelength infrared dual field of view zoom system

Author(s): Duan, J (Duan Jing); Li, G (Li Gang); Jiang, K (Jiang Kai); Liu, K (Liu Kai); Yan, PP (Yan Peipei); Shan, QS (Shan Qiusha)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015416  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246694  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In order to effectively improve the target detection and recognition ability of IR imagers, based on a 320x256 cooled staring focal plane array(FPA) detector, pixel size 30 mu mx30 mu m, a mid-wavelength infrared dual field of view zoom system was designed. In this paper, the working wavelength is 3 mu m similar to 5 mu m, the temperature range is -40 degrees C similar to+50 degrees C, this system can realize 200mm and 400mm dual focal length, the F-number is 2, the full field of view of short focal length is 3.44 degrees and long focal length is 1.72 degrees respectively, satisfy 100% cold shield efficiency. A re-imaging refractive system was adopted in this designed optical system consists of main optics and projection components. First of all, the structural selection and the initial parameter calculation were introduced in detail. Secondly, on the basis of variety of the distance and temperature, a focusing len was presented in this system to adjust to produce a clear image. Last but not the least, to improve image quality and environment adaptability, the analysis of temperature change and narcissus effect were described particularly. The design results prove that at the spatial frequency of 17 lp/mm, the MTF of the optical system is greater than 0.5(the axis MTF of the optical is greater than 0.6), the system can offer a high resolution and excellent images in whole range of the focal length, and it has the advantages of good adaptability, compact structure, high optical transmission and small size.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900043

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 19 of 114

Title: Reflectivity and Depth Images Based on Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Technique

Author(s): Duan, XJ (Duan, Xuejie); Ma, L (Ma, Lin); Kang, Y (Kang, Yan); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tongyi)

Edited by: Han S; Tan J

Source: OPTICAL MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10155  Article Number: UNSP 101552X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247242  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We presented three-dimensional image including reflectivity and depth image of a target with two traditional optical imaging systems based on time-correlated single photon counting technique (TCSPC), when it was illuminated by a MHz repetition rate pulsed laser source. The first one is bi-static system of which transmitted and received beams path are separated. Another one called mono-static system of which transmit and receive channels are coaxial, so it was also named by transceiver system. Experimental results produced by both systems showed that the mono-static system had more advantages of less noise from ambient light and no limitation about field area of view. While in practical applications, the target was far away leading to there were few photons return which was prejudicial to build 3D images with traditional imaging system. Thus an advanced one named first photon system was presented. This one was also a mono-static system on hardware system structure, but the control system structure was different with traditional transceiver system described in this paper. The difference was that the first return photon per pixel was recorded across system with first photon system, instead of overall return photons per pixel. That's to say only one detected return photon is needed for per pixel of this system to rebuild 3D images of target with less energy and time.

Accession Number: WOS:000391499200106

Conference Title: International Symposium on Optical Measurement Technology and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photo Elect Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0769-9



Record 20 of 114

Title: Research on manufacturing method of CGH

Author(s): Duan, XT (Duan, Xueting)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: Computer Generated Holograms (CGH) has shown strong application potential and broad application prospect as the more and more extensive application of CGH. With respect to manufacture an available CGH, design the CGH will be easier. Therefore, this paper mainly summarizes some current feasible CGH manufacturing processes, and in this paper, the manufacturing processes of different types of CGH are presented and analyzed.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500065

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 21 of 114

Title: Non-uniform sampling knife-edge method for camera modulation transfer function measurement

Author(s): Duan, YX (Duan, Yaxuan); Xue, X (Xue, Xun); Chen, YQ (Chen, Yongquan); Tian, LD (Tian, Liude); Zhao, JK (Zhao, Jianke); Gao, LM (Gao, Limin)

Edited by: Han S; Yoshizawa T; Zhang S

Source: OPTICAL METROLOGY AND INSPECTION FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS IV  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10023  Article Number: 100231C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2245840  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Traditional slanted knife-edge method experiences large errors in the camera modulation transfer function (MTF) due to tilt angle error in the knife-edge resulting in non-uniform sampling of the edge spread function. In order to resolve this problem, a non-uniform sampling knife-edge method for camera MTF measurement is proposed. By applying a simple direct calculation of the Fourier transform of the derivative for the non-uniform sampling data, the camera super-sampled MTF results are obtained. Theoretical simulations for images with and without noise under different tilt angle errors are run using the proposed method. It is demonstrated that the MTF results are insensitive to tilt angle errors. To verify the accuracy of the proposed method, an experimental setup for camera MTF measurement is established. Measurement results show that the proposed method is superior to traditional methods, and improves the universality of the slanted knife-edge method for camera MTF measurement.

Accession Number: WOS:000393153300033

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications IV held as part of SPIE/COS Photonics Asia Conference

Conference Date: OCT 12-14, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0465-0; 978-1-5106-0466-7



Record 22 of 114

Title: Development and Alignment for SiC Mirror Subsystem of a space-borne telescope

Author(s): Feng, LJ (Feng Liang-jie); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Ren, GR (Ren Gruo-rui)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015425  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247416  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A Phi 600mm SiC primary mirror subsystem of a space-borne Ritchey-Chretien telescope was designed. The open-back primary mirror was made of pressure-less sintering silicon carbide ( SiC), light-weighted at a ratio of approximately 70%. Minimizing the optical surface astigmatism was critical for the mirror, the astigmatism is caused mainly by gravity effects, temperature variation and the bonding process. Three invar flexure bipods were fixed on the baseplate of the telescope at first, and the posture of the primary mirror was adjusted precisely for 0.2mm gap to the bipods. 3M 2216 B/A grey adhesive was then injected into the gap between the mirror and bipod flexure, the curing process was last 72 hours in the room temperature. So the mirror was affected only by curing stress of the adhesive during the assembly process. Structural strength and dynamic stiffness of the mirror subsystem in the thermal-structural coupling state were analyzed with finite element method. Analyzed results show that the optical surface distortion is less than 1/50 lambda at 632.8nm RMS with three points support and less than 1/200 lambda RMS with 2 degrees C temperature variation because of the flexure support and compatible support and mirror material, The optical performance test with interferometer show that the optical surface distortion caused by the curing stress of the adhesive is less than 1/50 lambda RMS, the overall optical surface of the primary mirror is less than 1/30 lambda rms, which met the critical requirements for the primary mirror of the telescope.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900078

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 23 of 114

Title: Deep Representation for Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes

Author(s): Feng, YC (Feng, Yachuang); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Book Group Author(s): ACM

Source: MM'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCE  Pages: 591-595  DOI: 10.1145/2964284.2967290  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Abnormal event detection is extremely important, especially for video surveillance. Nowadays, many detectors have been proposed based on hand-crafted features. However, it remains challenging to effectively distinguish abnormal events from normal ones. This paper proposes a deep representation based algorithm which extracts features in an unsupervised fashion. Specially, appearance, texture, and short-term motion features are automatically learned and fused with stacked denoising autoencoders. Subsequently, long-term temporal clues are modeled with a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent network, in order to discover meaningful regularities of video events. The abnormal events are identified as samples which disobey these regularities. Moreover, this paper proposes a spatial anomaly detection strategy via manifold ranking, aiming at excluding false alarms. Experiments and comparisons on real world datasets show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state of the arts for the abnormal event detection problem in crowded scenes.

Accession Number: WOS:000387733800056

Conference Title: 24th ACM Multimedia Conference (MM)

Conference Date: OCT 15-19, 2016

Conference Location: Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

Conference Sponsors: ACM, ACM SIGMM

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISBN: 978-1-4503-3603-1



Record 24 of 114

Title: Dehazing Method for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery with Hyperspectral Linear Unmixing

Author(s): Gan, YQ (Gan, Yuquan); Hu, BL (Hu, Bingliang); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Wang, S (Wang, Shuang)

Edited by: Liu W; Wang J

Source: HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND SAFETY TESTING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10156  Article Number: UNSP 1015613  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246656  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Haze always exists in hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, and it is a key reason that influences the effective information extraction of hyperspectral images. Specially, when the faint haze covers part of the target in remote sensing images, the target still can be detected but not clear. So, how to remove the influence of the haze and improve the applicable efficiency of hyperspectral images is a popular research point. This paper proposes a dehazing method for hyperspectral images based on linear unmixing. First, a popular hyperspectral unmixing method called FUN is used to get the signature of all the endmembers and their corresponding abundance. And then, the abundance of the haze endmember is removed and the abundances of the rest endmembers are adjusted to satisfy the sum-to-one and non-negative constraint. Lastly, the new abundance and the signature of the endmembers are linearly mixed to get the dehazed hyperspectral images. The experiment result shows that the dehazed hyperspectral images exhibit better target information and details. The method is effective and available.

Accession Number: WOS:000388803200038

Conference Title: International Symposium on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications / International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and Safety Testing Technology

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Chinese Soc Astronaut, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photo Elect Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind Acad & Res, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0770-5; 978-1-5106-0771-2



Record 25 of 114

Title: Design and Optimazation of the Shell for One Camera

Author(s): Gao, B (Gao, Bo); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Shi, K (Shi, Kui); Chen, WN (Chen, Weining)

Edited by: Tsing L; Lee K


Abstract: Thestructure of the shell designed for a camerawas investigated. The duralumin named 2A12-T4 was chosen as the main material in order to achievethe minimum weight, and the finite element optimization method wasused for the design of the shell. Introduced the structure characteristics of the shell. Discussed the using of optimization modulenamed Design Exploration in ANSYS workbench. Chosed the thickness of the shell wall and installationpointsas the main optimization parameters. We can see from the perspective of the result of optimization, the weight of shell was reduced from 320g to 255g than the original, reduced about 20% than before. In the same response spectrum, the stress and strain of the optimized structure are affordable and the result is better than before. It can meet the practical requirements.

Accession Number: WOS:000390302000147

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Machinery, Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (MMECEB)

Conference Date: NOV 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Comp Sci & Elect Technol Int Soc, Aljabal Algharby Univ, Azad Univ Quchan, Aichi Prefectural Univ, Natl Inst Technol Rourkela

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-151-3



Record 26 of 114

Title: The estimation method on diffusion spot energy concentration of the detection system

Author(s): Gao, W (Gao, Wei); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Liu, F (Liu, Feng); Dan, LJ (Dan, Lijun); Sun, ZH (Sun, Zhonghan); Du, YF (Du, Yunfei)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: We propose a method to estimate the diffusion spot energy of the detection system. We do outdoor observation experiments in Xinglong Observatory, by using a detection system which diffusion spot energy concentration is estimated (the correlation coefficient is approximate 0.9926). The aperture of system is 300mm and limiting magnitude of system is 14.15Mv. Obervation experiments show that the highest detecting magnitude of estimated system is 13.96Mv, and the average detecting magnitude of estimated system is about 13.5Mv. The results indicate that this method can be used to evaluate the energy diffusion spot concentration level of detection system efficiently.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500073

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, feng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 27 of 114

Title: Stepless Digital Zoom for High Definition Camera

Author(s): Guo, HN (Guo Huinan); Fang, Y (Fang Yao); Liu, Q (Liu Qing); Zhang, H (Zhang Hui); Ma, N (Ma Nan); Duan, BS (Duan Baosong)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100334E  DOI: 10.1117/12.2245155  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Real-time full frame view of surveillance camera provides integral visual information of scene. High definition imaging and zooming are widely adopted when observers want to capture more detail information of targets. The optical zooming can provide high zoom ratio detail images of target as well as maintain imaging definition, however, it fails to obtain full view of scene when zoomed, and the field of observation decreases to region of target. Digital zooming is an effective approach to keep the balance between imaging field and visual detail information. This paper presents a method of stepless zooming for digital video camera which could be widely used in autonomous pan, tilt and zoom surveillance system. In view of hardware resources and algorithm realizability, an optimized zooming processing structure is proposed. According to input zoom ratio parameter, it can extract pixels of region of interest adaptively and display with original imaging size by mapping and interpolation algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the stepless zooming method can be capable of achieving 1080p high definition imaging and 30 frame/s video capture.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700156

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 28 of 114

Title: Radiometric Calibration of Space Remote Sensing Camera

Author(s): Guo, HN (Guo Huinan); Yang, HT (Yang Hongtao); Song, XD (Song Xiaodong); Zhao, RH (Zhao Ronghui); Ma, N (Ma Nan); Wang, W (Wang Wei)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100333I  DOI: 10.1117/12.2245147  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Radiometric calibration is an important part for space remote sensing camera to obtain an accurate radiation value of ground target. The main significance of radiometric calibration is to reduce the influence by external scene and internal parameters of camera and to recover the real radiation property of objects. In order to break the limitation of line array imaging sensor, we propose a radiometric calibration method based on camera state matrix for area array camera. According to camera response characteristics, calculate and fit a functional relationship between the input radiance energy and the output digital number. Meanwhile, analyse and describe the procedure of radiometric calibration in detail. Experimental results indicates that the calibration method can provide high accuracy linear fitting parameters and can be widely applied to a large variety digital imaging systems.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700124

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 29 of 114

Title: Real Time H.264 High Definition Videos Encoding based on TMS320DM368 and A Video Quality Evaluation Framework

Author(s): Hao, FS (Hao Fusheng); Huang, JJ (Huang Jijiang); Liu, W (Liu Wei); Wang, YN (Wang Yanan); Yang, HT (Yang Hongtao); Cao, JZ (Cao Jianzhong)

Edited by: Xu B


Abstract: This pa per presents a framework for evaluating quality of video encoding algorithms. This technique works by collecting source videos, encoding the source videos with a given algorithm, and decoding the compressed sequences. The decoded video shall be measured with the original sources in a specific evaluation method and feedback to the algorithm. Under the guidance of this framework, an implementation based on embedded device is achieved. Firstly, we collect test source videos in two ways: the commonly used standard sequences and actual scenes captured by camera. Secondly, a popular video encoding standard, H.264, is realized on TMS320DM368, a digital media system-on-chip produced by TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (TI). Finally, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is implemented and computed among different test sequences. In the experiments, we achieve the real time compression of high definition videos with an acceptable PSNR The video quality framework also can be easily extended to other encoding algorithms.

Accession Number: WOS:000405512400026

Conference Title: IEEE Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC)

Conference Date: OCT 03-05, 2016

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Xian Peihua Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Tian 



Wang, Zhonglin 



Yang, Min 



Zhang, Xiaofeng 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-9613-4



Record 30 of 114

Title: The Turbo Blade Mode in Different Constrains of Blisk

Author(s): He, Y (He, Yun); Feng, S (Feng, Song); Xu, M (Xu, Man); Li, Z (Li, Zhuan)

Edited by: Zeng Z; Bai X

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 2ND WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 81  Pages: 881-885  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The blade of the turbo blisk often cracks due to rotor's resonance. The research on influence degree to the turbine blade mode with different constrains of blisk can gain the universal fixture in the modal tests. For this purpose, the vibrant characteristic of blisk was gained by FEM, as well as the modal test of turbine blade was applied in free and intermediate fixed status respectively. The simulation results agreed very well with test ones, which indicated that the influence of blisk constraint can be ignored in modal test when the blisk stiffness is much bigger than the blad.

Accession Number: WOS:000388364600186

Conference Title: 2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA)

Conference Date: MAY 14-15, 2016

Conference Location: Dalian, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-195-7



Record 31 of 114

Title: Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Randomized Halton Sequence

Author(s): He, ZA (He, Zhen-An); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has gained popularity for solutions to many real-world complex problems because of its simplicity and efficiency. However, it is good at exploration but poor at exploitation and early gets trapped into local optimum in some case, which prevents the artificial bee colony algorithm from finding the final result accuracy and efficiently for complex problems. It's known to all that population initialization is an important factor affecting convergence performance of ABC. In this paper, a modified artificial bee colony algorithm with randomized Halton sequence was proposed. A series of experiments were performed on benchmark functions to testify the superiority of our proposed algorithm, and results were compared with other initialization algorithms including opposition-based learning, random initialization and chaotic initialization. The results indicate that our proposed algorithm provides higher solution accuracy and faster convergence speed.

Accession Number: WOS:000411576802029

Conference Title: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC)

Conference Date: OCT 14-17, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

ISBN: 978-1-4673-9026-2



Record 32 of 114

Title: High Power Diode Laser Array Development using Completely Indium Free Packaging Technology with Narrow Spectrum

Author(s): Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Gao, LJ (Gao, Lijun); Liang, XJ (Liang, Xuejie); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS II  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9730  Article Number: 973009  DOI: 10.1117/12.2213928  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The high power diode lasers have been widely used in many fields. In this work, a sophisticated high power and high performance horizontal array of diode laser stacks have been developed and fabricated with high duty cycle using hard solder bonding technology. CTE-matched submount and Gold Tin (AuSn) hard solder are used for bonding the diode laser bar to achieve the performances of anti-thermal fatigue, higher reliability and longer lifetime. This array consists of 30 bars with the expected optical output peak power of 6000W. By means of numerical simulation and analytical results, the diode laser bars are aligned on suitable positions along the water cooled cooler in order to achieve the uniform wavelength with narrow spectrum and accurate central wavelength. The performance of the horizontal array, such as outputpower, spectrum, thermal resistance, life time, etc., is characterized and analyzed.

Accession Number: WOS:000381727500005

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems II

Conference Date: FEB 16-18, 2016

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-965-8



Record 33 of 114

Title: Temporal Multimodal Learning in Audiovisual Speech Recognition

Author(s): Hu, D (Hu, Di); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 3574-3582  DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2016.389  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In view of the advantages of deep networks in producing useful representation, the generated features of different modality data (such as image, audio) can be jointly learned using Multimodal Restricted Boltzmann Machines (MRBM). Recently, audiovisual speech recognition based the MRBM has attracted much attention, and the MRBM shows its effectiveness in learning the joint representation across audiovisual modalities. However, the built networks have weakness in modeling the multimodal sequence which is the natural property of speech signal. In this paper, we will introduce a novel temporal multimodal deep learning architecture, named as Recurrent Temporal Multimodal RBM (RTMRBM), that models multimodal sequences by transforming the sequence of connected MRBMs into a probabilistic series model. Compared with existing multimodal networks, it's simple and efficient in learning temporal joint representation. We evaluate our model on audiovisual speech datasets, two public (AVLetters and AVLetters2) and one self-build. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can obviously improve the accuracy of recognition compared with standard MRBM and the temporal model based on conditional RBM. In addition, RTMRBM still outperforms non-temporal multimodal deep networks in the presence of the weakness of long-term dependencies.

Accession Number: WOS:000400012303069

Conference Title: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 27-30, 2016

Conference Location: Seattle, WA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE Comp Soc, Comp Vis Fdn

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-8851-1



Record 34 of 114

Title: Optimization Design about Gimbal Structure of High-Precision Autonomous Celestial Navigation Tracking Mirror System

Author(s): Huang, W (Huang Wei); Yang, XX (Yang Xiao-xu); Han, JF (Han Jun-feng); Wei, Y (Wei Yu); Zhang, J (Zhang Jing); Xie, ML (Xie Mei-lin); Yue, P (Yue Peng)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97961S  DOI: 10.1117/12.2229022  Published: 2016  

Abstract: High precision tracking platform of celestial navigation withcontrol mirror servo structure form, to solve the disadvantages of big volume and rotational inertia, slow response speed, and so on. It improved the stability and tracking accuracy of platform. Due to optical sensor and mirror are installed on the middle -gimbal, stiffness and resonant frequency requirement for high. Based on the application of finite element modality analysis theory, doing Research on dynamic characteristics of the middle -gimbal, and ANSYS was used for the finite element dynamic emulator analysis. According to the result of the computer to find out the weak links of the structure, and Put forward improvement suggestions and reanalysis. The lowest resonant frequency of optimization middle -gimbal avoid the bandwidth of the platform servo mechanism, and much higher than the disturbance frequency of carrier aircraft, and reduces mechanical resonance of the framework. Reaching provides a theoretical basis for the whole machine structure optimization design of high -precision of autonomous Celestial navigation tracking mirror system.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700064

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 35 of 114

Title: The effect analysis of conic coefficient error based on data measured from Talysurf and simulation of Zernike coefficients

Author(s): Jiang, K (Jiang, Kai); Liu, K (Liu, Kai); Song, C (Song, Chong); Qiu, P (Qiu, Peng); Wang, P (Wang, Peng); Li, G (Li, Gang)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: Derivation of the conic coefficient error of practical aspheric optic surface is quite significant to aspheric machining accuracy, optical system imaging quality analysis and decomposition analysis of optical lenses. The primary mirror of R-c telescope system was tested by Taylor Hobson Talysurf. The practical surface was fitted using Zernike polynomials based on the date measured from Talysurf. Though taking the Zernike coefficients into the optical system, the effect of the aberration which was brought by optical machining to the optical system imaging quality was obtained. The analysis shows that the spherical aberration was brought into the optical system because of the figure error of the primary mirror. And the value of the spherical aberration was same to the practical alignment result. Then the conicoid aspherical degree of the primary mirror was tested by the Talysurf. The machining deviation of the conic coefficient was gotten though comparing the conicoid aspherical degree of the practical primary mirror with that of the perfect primary mirror. The practical conic coefficient was calculated by the deviation. Taking the practical conic coefficient into the R-c telescope system, the degradation of the optical system imaging quality was known. Also the spherical aberration was brought into the optical system. Experimental results show that the value of the spherical aberration analyzed by the two methods is same and consist with the practical alignment result. That is to say that the conic coefficient changed due to machining error of the conicoid aspherical degree. Because of the change the spherical aberration was attached to primary mirror. And which caused the optical system imaging quality declined. Finally, corrector was designed to balance the spherical aberration of the primary mirror. Ensure that the optical system imaging quality meet the requirement.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500120

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 36 of 114

Title: Resolution allocation and budget of the Lyman-α ultraviolet telescope

Author(s): Jiang, K (Jiang Kai); Jiang, B (Jiang Bo); Liu, K (Liu Kai); Yan, PP (Yan Peipei); Duan, J (Duan Jing); Shan, QS (Shan Qiusha)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 101541C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246786  Published: 2016  

Abstract: As a high-resolution imaging instrument, angular resolution is the most important index of Lyman-a ultraviolet telescope. In this paper a new allocation and budget method is introduced. An resolution error allocation of surface roughness. figure error and alignment error was developed early in the program. And the allocation was used to guide the design. Though testing the surface roughness and figure error in visible light, the variation of diffraction encircled energy can be obtained by non-sequence model and Zernike coefficients brought into optical design software. The numerical results show that the effective RMS surface roughness of primary and secondary mirrors are 0.49nm and 0.40nm in the spatial frequency from 1/D (D is the diameter of the mirror) to 1/lambda (lambda is an incident wavelength). And the effects of the surface roughness are both less than 0.1 ''. The figure error of the primary and secondary mirrors are 0.009. and 0.007. (lambda=632.8nm). The resolution errors which were brought by the figure error are 0.33 '' and 0.16 ''. Then the effect of alignment error on angular resolution was gotten by testing visual resolution. Finally the angular resolution in ultraviolet band can be calculated. The focal length of Lyman-alpha ultraviolet telescope is 2000mm and the pixel size of detector is 14 mu m. So the pixel resolution is 1.4 ''. Experimental results show that the angular resolution of Lyman-alpha ultraviolet telescope is 0.59 '', which is approached to the estimate and meet the requirement.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900049

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 37 of 114

Title: Demonstration of Bi-and Multi-Stability in a High Order Ring Resonator

Author(s): Jin, L (Jin, Li); Pasquazi, A (Pasquazi, Alessia); Di Lauro, L (Di Lauro, Luigi); Peccianti, M (Peccianti, Marco); Pun, EYB (Pun, Edwin Y. B.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: We experimentally demonstrated the bistability and multi-stability in a 5th order cascaded CMOS compatible ring resonator. The shape evolution of the filter under different states is also investigated.

Accession Number: WOS:000392308800137

Conference Title: 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) / International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS)

Conference Date: JUL 03-07, 2016

Conference Location: Niigata, JAPAN

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Peccianti, Marco 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Pasquazi, Alessia 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Chu, Sai T 






Record 38 of 114

Title: Four Mode Multi-correlated Bi-Photon States within an Integrated Quantum Frequency Comb

Author(s): Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Wetzel, B (Wetzel, Benjamin); Rortocki, P (Rortocki, Piotr); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Bromberg, Y (Bromberg, Yaron); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Munro, WJ (Munro, William J.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The generation of two-photon multi-correlated states over four modes and their pairwise entanglement is demonstrated by superimposing two different spontaneous four-wave mixing processes inside a bi-modally pumped CMOS-compatible microring resonator.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286400245

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Morandotti, Roberto 



Kues, Michael 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Wetzel, Benjamin 



Chu, Sai T 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 39 of 114

Title: Design and Research of Moving Objects Dimension Measurement System Based on Linear Array CCD

Author(s): Lei, FP (Lei, Fanpu); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin); Zhu, BL (Zhu, Bingli)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 101540R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246493  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A novel moving objects dimension measurement system based on the linear array CCD is designed. The light source is a pulsed laser with pulse width 200ns. Single point of light passes through lens converted to parallel light which will illuminate to the CCD through the moving object to be tested. CCD pixels which are blocked by the object while light is on are low, and the remaining pixels are high conversely. The distance of the tested objects while light is on can be ignored since the light pulse width is much smaller than the integration time of CCD (10ms generally). The size of the tested object can be achieved by the number of dark pixels of CCD while light is on. This paper introduces the principle and composition of the dimension measurement system. The results show that this system can measure the size of moving objects and measuring accuracy is better than 50 microns. Accuracy and stability of the system can achieve actual production requirements when the object's moving speed is smaller than 50mm/s. Optimizing the parallelism of the parallel light, the measurement accuracy can be further improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900028

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 40 of 114

Title: Comparative Analysis on PMSM Control System Based on SPWM and SVPWM

Author(s): Li, B (Li, Bo); Wang, C (Wang, Chen)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 28TH CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE (2016 CCDC)  Book Series: Chinese Control and Decision Conference  Pages: 5071-5075  Published: 2016  

Abstract: This paper firstly introduces the principles of SPWM (space vector pulse width modulation) and SVPWM (sinusoidal pulse width modulation), and then builds PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous motor) control system simulation models based on SPWM and SVPWM in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Finally, by comparing the simulation results of the two models, we got the advantages and disadvantages of SPWM and SVPWM.

Accession Number: WOS:000383222305060

Conference Title: 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference

Conference Date: MAY 28-30, 2016

Conference Location: Yinchuan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: NE Univ, State Key Lab Synthet Automat Proc Ind, IEEE Ind Elect Chapter, Beifang Univ Nationalities, IEEE Control Syst Soc, Syst Engn Soc China, Chinese Assoc Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Assoc Artificial Intelligence, Tech Comm Control Theory

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Bo 



Li, bo 




ISSN: 1948-9439

ISBN: 978-1-4673-9714-8



Record 41 of 114

Title: A Design of Driving circuit for Star Sensor Imaging Camera

Author(s): Li, DW (Li Da-wei); Yang, XX (Yang Xiao-xu); Han, JF (Han Jun-feng); Liu, ZH (Liu Zhao-hui)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97961Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2228887  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The star sensor is a high-precision attitude sensitive measuring instruments, which determine spacecraft attitude by detecting different positions on the celestial sphere. Imaging camera is an important portion of star sensor. The purpose of this study is to design a driving circuit based on Kodak CCD sensor. The design of driving circuit based on Kodak KAI-04022 is discussed, and the timing of this CCD sensor is analyzed. By the driving circuit testing laboratory and imaging experiments, it is found that the driving circuits can meet the requirements of Kodak CCD sensor.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700062

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, zhao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 42 of 114

Title: Study on Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID for Galvanometer Control System

Author(s): Li, SN (Li, Shengnan); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuofeng)

Edited by: Jiang ZY

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 32  Pages: 358-363  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A new method based on fuzzy self-adaptive PID for the galvanometer control system is presented. This method overcomes some defects of the traditional PID control, such as lower control precision and worse anti-jamming performance. At first, this paper analyzed the theory of galvanometer control system and established the mathematical model of the moving magnetic galvanometer motor. Then, the paper presented the design method of fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller in detail and using the simulation software to realize the system design. At last, the simulation results of PID control were compared with those of the Fuzzy-PID control method. The results show that the Fuzzy-PID control method has better dynamic and static performance, as well as anti-jamming performance.

Accession Number: WOS:000388457800067

Conference Title: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE)

Conference Date: NOV 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-137-7



Record 43 of 114

Title: Packaging of Hard Solder 500W QCW Diode Laser Array

Author(s): Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Hou, D (Hou, Dong); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Glebov AL; Leisher PO

Source: COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING FOR LASER SYSTEMS II  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9730  Article Number: 97300D  DOI: 10.1117/12.2213977  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The package structure critically influences the major characteristics of diode laser, such as thermal behavior, output power, wavelength and smile effect. In this work, a novel micro channel cooler (MCC) for stack array laser with good heat dissipation capability and high reliability is presented. Numerical simulations of thermal management with different MCC structure are conducted and analyzed. Based on this new MCC packaging structure, a series of QCW 500W high power laser arrays with hard solder packaging technology has been fabricated. The performances of the laser arrays are characterized. A narrow spectrum of 3.12 nm and an excellent smile value are obtained. The lifetime of the laser array is more than 1.38x10(9) shots and still ongoing.

Accession Number: WOS:000381727500009

Conference Title: Conference on Components and Packaging for Laser Systems II

Conference Date: FEB 16-18, 2016

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-965-8



Record 44 of 114

Title: Measurement of excited layer thickness in highly photo-excited GaAs

Author(s): Liang, LL (Liang, Lingliang); Tian, JS (Tian, Jinshou); Wang, T (Wang, Tao); Wu, SL (Wu, Shengli); Li, FL (Li, Fuli); Gao, GL (Gao, Guilong)

Edited by: Han S; Tan J

Source: OPTICAL MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10155  Article Number: UNSP 101551Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246652  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Highly photo-excited layer thickness in GaAs is measured using a pump probe arrangement. A normally incident pump illumination spatially modulated by a mask will induce a corresponding refractive index change distribution in the depth direction due to edge scattering and attenuation absorption effect, which can deflect the probe beam passing through this excited region. Maximum deflection of the probe beam will be limited by the thickness of excited layer, and thus can also be employed to measure the thickness of the photo-excited layer of the material. Theoretical calculation confirms the experimental results. This method can find its application in measurements of photo-excited layer thickness of many kinds of materials and be significant to study the characteristics of materials in laser machining, grating and waveguide fabricating.

Accession Number: WOS:000391499200063

Conference Title: International Symposium on Optical Measurement Technology and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photo Elect Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Shengli 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0769-9



Record 45 of 114

Title: Mode-Order-Invariant Beam Splitter on Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguide

Author(s): Liao, JW (Liao, Jianwen); Wang, GX (Wang, Guoxi); Zhang, WF (Zhang, Wenfu)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GROUP IV PHOTONICS (GFP)  Book Series: IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics  Pages: 143-144  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We present a mode splitter whirls is able to split the TE0&TE1 modes without changing the mode order. High coupling efficiency (>-2 dB), low insertion loss (<-0.1 dB) and good fabrication tolerance (-40 nm <Delta w < 70 nm) can be obtained over a wide bandwidth of 150 nm.

Accession Number: WOS:000388734100068

Conference Title: IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP)

Conference Date: AUG 24-26, 2016

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, Intel, Luceda Photon, Lumerical Solut Inc, Synopsys Inc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chen, Feng 




ISSN: 1949-2081

ISBN: 978-1-5090-1903-8



Record 46 of 114

Title: Biomimetic microchannels of planar reactors for optimized photocatalytic efficiency of water purification

Author(s): Liao, WX (Liao, Wuxia); Wang, N (Wang, Ning); Wang, TS (Wang, Taisheng); Xu, J (Xu, Jia); Han, XD (Han, Xudong); Liu, ZY (Liu, Zhenyu); Zhang, XM (Zhang, Xuming); Yu, WX (Yu, Weixing)

Source: BIOMICROFLUIDICS  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: 014123  DOI: 10.1063/1.4942947  Published: JAN 2016  

Abstract: This paper reports a biomimetic design of microchannels in the planar reactors with the aim to optimize the photocatalytic efficiency of water purification. Inspired from biology, a bifurcated microchannel has been designed based on the Murray's law to connect to the reaction chamber for photocatalytic reaction. The microchannels are designed to have a constant depth of 50 mu m but variable aspect ratios ranging from 0.015 to 0.125. To prove its effectiveness for photocatalytic water purification, the biomimetic planar reactors have been tested and compared with the non-biomimetic ones, showing an improvement of the degradation efficiency by 68%. By employing the finite element method, the flow process of the designed microchannel reactors has been simulated and analyzed. It is found that the biomimetic design owns a larger flow velocity fluctuation than that of the non-biomimetic one, which in turn results in a faster photocatalytic reaction speed. Such a biomimetic design paves the way for the design of more efficient planar reactors and may also find applications in other microfluidic systems that involve the use of microchannels. (c) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.

Accession Number: WOS:000377536500041

PubMed ID: 26958102

Conference Title: 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics)

Conference Date: JUL 26-29, 2015

Conference Location: Taipei, TAIWAN

Conference Sponsors: Minist Sci & Technol, Bur Foreign Trade, Natl Taiwan Univ, Academia Sinica, Res Ctr Appl Sci

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yu, Weixing 



Liu, Zhenyu 



Zhou, heng 



Zhang, Xuming 




ISSN: 1932-1058



Record 47 of 114

Title: The modular design of large-aperture zoom system

Author(s): Liu, K (Liu Kai); Jiang, K (Jiang Kai); Yan, PP (Yan Peipei); Shan, QS (Shan Qiu-sha); Duan, J (Duan Jing); Li, G (Li Gang)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 101540A  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244007  Published: 2016  

Abstract: According to the large aperture, long focal length zoom system design, the structure of the optical system based on the modular concept is proposed. The structure is constituted of an afocal compression telescope and a zoom system. The parts of each other are individually designed. The aberrations of them are independently. Because of this, the alignment of the system and the difficulty of test are greatly reduced. It is easily replaced by changing the zoom system parts, which can achieve other different focal length and ratio. Using afocal compression telescope greatly reduces the radial aperture of the zoom group, simplifies the system structure and reduces the cost. Meanwhile, the variable stop is placed in the vicinity of the primary mirror. It is instead of the zoom system used in floating variable stop. In addition, the problem about large aperture zoom system pupil matching is solved perfectly. In this article, four methods of pupil matching are given and the advantages and disadvantages of them are analyzed. Using this optical structure, a zoom system is designed, which is working in the visible wavelength band with variable focal length between 900mm and 4500mm, 500mm maximum aperture. The axial dimension of the system is less than 650mm. The maximum diameter of zoom system parts is less than 40 mm. Moreover, the distances of the zoom group and compensating group are all less than 60 mm. Besides, the motion curves of each other are given in the article. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) values of the system are greater than 0.3 at 48lp/mm across different focal length and field pointing on the axis. The design results show that the imaging quality is excellent, the structure is compact, and the alignment and test are easy. The imaging requirements of zoom system are all satisfied.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900011

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 48 of 114

Title: Method Used to Test the Imaging Consistency of Binocular Camera's Left-right Optical System

Author(s): Liu, MY (Liu, Meiying); HuWang (HuWang); Liu, J (Liu, Jie); Xue, YK (Xue, Yaoke); Yang, SD (Yang, Shaodong); Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: fTo binocular camera, the consistency of optical parameters of the left and the right optical system is an important factor that will influence the overall imaging consistency. In conventional testing procedure of optical system, there lacks specifications suitable for evaluating imaging consistency. In this paper, considering the special requirements of binocular optical imaging system, a method used to measure the imaging consistency of binocular camera is presented. Based on this method, a measurement system which is composed of an integrating sphere, a rotary table and a CMOS camera has been established. First, let the left and the right optical system capture images in normal exposure time under the same condition. Second, a contour image is obtained based on the multiple threshold segmentation result and the boundary is determined using the slope of contour lines near the pseudo-contour line. Third, the constraint of gray level based on the corresponding coordinates of left-right images is established and the imaging consistency could be evaluated through standard deviation s of the imaging grayscale difference D (x, y) between the left and right optical system. The experiments demonstrate that the method is suitable for carrying out the imaging consistency testing for binocular camera. When the standard deviation 3 sigma distribution of imaging gray difference D (x, y) between the left and right optical system of the binocular camera does not exceed 5%, it is believed that the design requirements have been achieved. This method could be used effectively and paves the way for the imaging consistency testing of the binocular camera.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500099

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 49 of 114

Title: Research on Photodiode Detector Based Spatial Transient Light Detection and Processing System

Author(s): Liu, MY (Liu, Meiying); Wang, H (Wang, Hu); Liu, Y (Liu, Yang); Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Nan, M (Nan, Meng)

Edited by: Liu W; Wang J

Source: HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND SAFETY TESTING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10156  Article Number: UNSP 1015619  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246843  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In order to realize real-time signal identification and processing of spatial transient light, the features and the energy of the captured target light signal are first described and quantitatively calculated. Considering that the transient light signal has random occurrence, a short duration and an evident beginning and ending, a photodiode detector based spatial transient light detection and processing system is proposed and designed in this paper. This system has a large field of view and is used to realize non-imaging energy detection of random, transient and weak point target under complex background of spatial environment. Weak signal extraction under strong background is difficult. In this paper, considering that the background signal changes slowly and the target signal changes quickly, filter is adopted for signal's background subtraction. A variable speed sampling is realized by the way of sampling data points with a gradually increased interval. The two dilemmas that real-time processing of large amount of data and power consumption required by the large amount of data needed to be stored are solved. The test results with self-made simulative signal demonstrate the effectiveness of the design scheme. The practical system could be operated reliably. The detection and processing of the target signal under the strong sunlight background was realized. The results indicate that the system can realize realtime detection of target signal's characteristic waveform and monitor the system working parameters. The prototype design could be used in a variety of engineering applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000388803200044

Conference Title: International Symposium on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications / International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and Safety Testing Technology

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Chinese Soc Astronaut, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photo Elect Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind Acad & Res, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0770-5; 978-1-5106-0771-2



Record 50 of 114

Title: Subspace Clustering by Capped <i>l</i><sub>1</sub> Norm

Author(s): Lu, QM (Lu, Quanmao); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Dong, YS (Dong, Yongsheng); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng)

Edited by: Tan T; Li X; Chen X; Zhou J; Yang J; Cheng H

Source: PATTERN RECOGNITION (CCPR 2016), PT I  Book Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science  Volume: 662  Pages: 663-674  DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3002-4_54  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Subspace clustering, as an important clustering problem, has drawn much attention in recent years. State-of-the-art methods generally try to design an efficient model to regularize the coefficient matrix while ignore the influence of the noise model on subspace clustering. However, the real data are always contaminated by the noise and the corresponding subspace structures are likely to be corrupted. In order to solve this problem, we propose a novel subspace clustering algorithm by employing capped l(1) norm to deal with the noise. Consequently, the noise term with large error can be penalized by the proposed method. So it is more robust to the noise. Furthermore, the grouping effect of our method is theoretically proved, which means highly correlated points can be grouped together. Finally, the experimental results on two real databases show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000406538600054

Conference Title: 7th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR)

Conference Date: NOV 05-07, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Tao, Dacheng 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1865-0929

eISSN: 1865-0937

ISBN: 978-981-10-3002-4; 978-981-10-3001-7



Record 51 of 114

Title: Numerical Simulation of Thermo-mechanical Behavior in High Power Diode Laser Arrays

Author(s): Lu, Y (Lu, Yao); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhenfu); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Wang, SN (Wang, Shuna); Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Bi KY; Liu S; Zhou S


Abstract: Thermal stress is an influential factor for the reliability of HPDL and their optical properties. Two packages of conduction-cooled-packaged 60W HPDL were selected as the study samples. In order to investigate what reflow factors influence thermo-mechanical of HPLD, a COS model is established. In reflow process and working process, hard solder package suffers higher thermal stress. Thermal stress mainly comes from reflow process. In reflow process, copper mount will deteriorate thermo-mechanical of hard solder package. There exists shear stress in HPLD and it will convert TE-polarized power to TM-polarized power. In working process, uniaxial normal stress along the width direction of QW is mainly influenced by coefficient expansion thermal. The displacement of HCS along growth direction is larger than that of CS, whereas the "smile" value is smaller. "Smile" is mainly impacted by CTE of solder and submount.

Accession Number: WOS:000389835800017

Conference Title: 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT)

Conference Date: AUG 16-19, 2016

Conference Location: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Elect Packaging Div, IEEE Components Packaging & Mfg Technol Soc, Wuhan Univ, Wuhan Univ, Sch Power & Mech Engn

Conference Host: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc

ISBN: 978-1-5090-1396-8



Record 52 of 114

Title: Optical System Design of Subminiature Endoscope with Imaging Fiber Bundle

Author(s): Lv, J (Lv Juan); Xue, B (Xue Bin); Li, T (Li Ting); He, YH (He Ying-hong); Ma, XL (Ma Xiao-long); Yan, XT (Yan Xing-tao)

Edited by: Lu B; Wang H

Source: ADVANCED LASER MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10153  Article Number: UNSP 101530L  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246134  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A new subminiature endoscope which used for reconnaissance and diagnosis has been designed. This subminiature endoscope is designed based on imaging fiber bundle and consist of the front object lens whose aperture is only 0.5mm, imaging fiber bundle and the post coupling lens. It realized by using subminiature optical systems. The FOV(field of view) and the focal length of the front object lens are 50 degrees and 0.59mm. And the object distance, F number and detected imaging high of the front object lens are 3mm, 6 and 0.5mm. The total number of the imaging fiber bundle are 10000 and it's pixel cell size is 5 mu m. The effective aperture of the imaging fiber bundle is 0.46mm. The post coupling lens has a reduction ratio of 1.73. It's object distance and imaging height are 5mm and 0.8mm. The Numerical Aperture (NA) of the front object lens, imaging fiber bundle and the post coupling lens are matching will. The coupling efficiency of the imaging fiber bundle is above 93% and the system's design result can meet the need of the limit resolution of the imaging fiber. This kind of the fiber endoscope has the peculiarity of wide FOV, fine imaging quality, compact configuration, low finished cost and etc. It is meaningful to realize the objective of miniaturization, batch-type production and high imaging quality of the endoscope.

Accession Number: WOS:000389274700021

Conference Title: Conference on Advanced Laser Manufacturing Technology

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Ttech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, SPIE, China High Ttech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind Acad & Res

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

He, Chen 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0765-1



Record 53 of 114

Title: Decision-making method of strategy intelligence based on the lifecycle model for technology equipages

Author(s): Ma, N (Ma, Nan); Zhang, L (Zhang, Li); Zhao, J (Zhao, Jian); Xue, Y (Xue, Yuan); Guo, HN (Guo, Huinan)

Edited by: Wang Y; Zhao J


Abstract: Technology literatures contain useful information regarding strategy intelligence, which can be utilized through modern computer-aided technique and digital data mining method. In order to provide an effective decision support for military equipage strategy, we propose a novel technology lifecycle model, which can clearly describe the trend of development of a core technology. Meanwhile, a decision-making method is proposed that provides a new approach to analyze literature intelligence. To approve the proposed method, an actual case about FSS is selected, and simulation analysis shows that the proposed method can accurately analyze transformation relationship between technology and new equipages, which is a useful decision support mode to policymakers.

Accession Number: WOS:000385792000159

Conference Title: International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Science (EEMS)

Conference Date: AUG 25-26, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISBN: 978-1-315-64056-3; 978-1-138-02931-6



Record 54 of 114

Title: The Impact of Fabrication Errors of Double-layer BOE on Diffraction Efficiency

Author(s): Ma, ZB (Ma Zebin); Kang, FZ (Kang Fuzeng); Wang, H (Wang Hao)

Edited by: Luo X; Ye T; Xin T; Hu S; Hong M; Gu M


Abstract: With the development of optical technology, optical instruments become smaller and more integrated. Because of the high diffraction efficiency and light weight, binary optical elements become more and more popular. Binary optical element can only blaze at one wavelength, it has high diffraction efficiency at design wavelength. But the diffraction efficiency of binary optical elements will decrease quickly with the change of wavelength. And this situation will have big impact on image quality. Since double-layer BOE can blaze at two wavelengths, it has high diffraction efficiency at wide spectral bandwidth. There are kinds of fabrication errors. Based on scalar diffraction theory, this paper analyzes the diffraction efficiency of double-layer BOE with fabrication errors and simulates it in MATLAB. Simulation shows the diffraction efficiency decreases quickly if the depth errors of two layers are opposite, and this situation should avoid. As for periodic errors, tilt errors and angular errors, these fabrication errors have different impact of double-layer BOE on diffraction efficiency.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429600017

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices and Systems; and Smart Structures and Materials

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-920-7



Record 55 of 114

Title: Microwave and RF Applications for Micro-resonator based Frequency Combs

Author(s): Nguyen, TG (Nguyen, Thach G.); Shoeiby, M (Shoeiby, Mehrdad); Ferrera, M (Ferrera, Marcello); Pasquazi, A (Pasquazi, Alessia); Peccianti, M (Peccianti, Marco); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Mitchell, A (Mitchell, Arnan); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.)

Edited by: Broquin JE; Conti GN

Source: INTEGRATED OPTICS: DEVICES, MATERIALS, AND TECHNOLOGIES XX  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9750  Article Number: 97500H  DOI: 10.1117/12.2218883  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Photonic integrated circuits that exploit nonlinear optics in order to generate and process signals all-optically have achieved performance far superior to that possible electronically particularly with respect to speed. We review the recent achievements based in new CMOS-compatible platforms that are better suited than SOI for nonlinear optics, focusing on radio frequency (RF) and microwave based applications that exploit micro-resonator based frequency combs. We highlight their potential as well as the challenges to achieving practical solutions for many key applications. These material systems have opened up many new capabilities such as on-chip optical frequency comb generation and ultrafast optical pulse generation and measurement. We review recent work on a photonic RF Hilbert transformer for broadband microwave in-phase and quadrature-phase generation based on an integrated frequency optical comb. The comb is generated using a nonlinear microring resonator based on a CMOS compatible, high-index contrast, doped-silica glass platform. The high quality and large frequency spacing of the comb enables filters with up to 20 taps, allowing us to demonstrate a quadrature filter with more than a 5-octave (3 dB) bandwidth and an almost uniform phase response.

Accession Number: WOS:000382318300010

Conference Title: Conference on Integrated Optics - Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX

Conference Date: FEB 15-17, 2016

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

moss, david J 



Chu, Sai T 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Mitchell, Arnan 



Nguyen, Thach 



Pasquazi, Alessia 



moss, david 



Peccianti, Marco 



Ferrera, Marcello 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-985-6



Record 56 of 114

Title: Unsupervised Feature Selection with Structured Graph Optimization

Author(s): Nie, FP (Nie, Feiping); Zhu, W (Zhu, Wei); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): AAAI

Source: THIRTIETH AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  Book Series: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  Pages: 1302-1308  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Since amounts of unlabelled and high-dimensional data needed to be processed, unsupervised feature selection has become an important and challenging problem in machine learning. Conventional embedded unsupervised methods always need to construct the similarity matrix, which makes the selected features highly depend on the learned structure. However real world data always contain lots of noise samples and features that make the similarity matrix obtained by original data can't be fully relied. We propose an unsupervised feature selection approach which performs feature selection and local structure learning simultaneously, the similarity matrix thus can be determined adaptively. Moreover, we constrain the similarity matrix to make it contain more accurate information of data structure, thus the proposed approach can select more valuable features. An efficient and simple algorithm is derived to optimize the problem. Experiments on various benchmark data sets, including handwritten digit data, face image data and biomedical data, validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Accession Number: WOS:000485474201048

Conference Title: 30th Association-for-the-Advancement-of-Artificial-Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Conference Date: FEB 12-17, 2016

Conference Location: Phoenix, AZ

Conference Sponsors: Assoc Advancement Artificial Intelligence

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Nie, Feiping 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Nie, Feiping 




ISSN: 2159-5399

eISSN: 2374-3468



Record 57 of 114

Title: New <i>l</i><sub>1</sub>-Norm Relaxations and Optimizations for Graph Clustering

Author(s): Nie, FP (Nie, Feiping); Wang, H (Wang, Hua); Deng, C (Deng, Cheng); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Huang, H (Huang, Heng)

Book Group Author(s): AAAI

Source: THIRTIETH AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  Book Series: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  Pages: 1962-1968  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In recent data mining research, the graph clustering methods, such as normalized cut and ratio cut, have been well studied and applied to solve many unsupervised learning applications. The original graph clustering methods are NP-hard problems. Traditional approaches used spectral relaxation to solve the graph clustering problems. The main disadvantage of these approaches is that the obtained spectral solutions could severely deviate from the true solution. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a new relaxation mechanism for graph clustering methods. Instead of minimizing the squared distances of clustering results, we use the l(1)-norm distance. More important, considering the normalized consistency, we also use the l(1)-norm for the normalized terms in the new graph clustering relaxations. Due to the sparse result from the l(1)-norm minimization, the solutions of our new relaxed graph clustering methods get discrete values with many zeros, which are close to the ideal solutions. Our new objectives are difficult to be optimized, because the minimization problem involves the ratio of non-smooth terms. The existing sparse learning optimization algorithms cannot be applied to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a new optimization algorithm to solve this difficult non-smooth ratio minimization problem. The extensive experiments have been performed on three two-way clustering and eight multi-way clustering benchmark data sets. All empirical results show that our new relaxation methods consistently enhance the normalized cut and ratio cut clustering results.

Accession Number: WOS:000485474202001

Conference Title: 30th Association-for-the-Advancement-of-Artificial-Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Conference Date: FEB 12-17, 2016

Conference Location: Phoenix, AZ

Conference Sponsors: Assoc Advancement Artificial Intelligence

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

guo, ppdop 



Li, Xuelong 



Nie, Feiping 



Nie, Feiping 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2159-5399

eISSN: 2374-3468



Record 58 of 114

Title: Thermally accelerated ageing test of 808nm high power diode laser arrays in CW mode

Author(s): Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Lu, Y (Lu, Yao); Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Wang, SN (Wang, Shuna); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Shen, ZN (Shen, Zenan); Wu, D (Wu, Di)

Edited by: Bi KY; Liu S; Zhou S


Abstract: The reliability is the important performance of high power semiconductor laser. Thermally accelerated ageing test is an important technology of lifetime evaluation and reliability analysis. In this study, three groups of thermally accelerated ageing tests of conduction-cooled-packaged 60W 808nm high power diode laser arrays packaged by Indium solder at constant current have been carried out. Analysis of ageing data suggest the extrapolated lifetime under room temperature to value device reliability. We also analyze and discuss the degradation modes. This work can provide guidance for optimizing the chip and package structure, is helpful for improving performance and enhancing reliability of high power semiconductor lasers.

Accession Number: WOS:000389835800023

Conference Title: 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT)

Conference Date: AUG 16-19, 2016

Conference Location: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Elect Packaging Div, IEEE Components Packaging & Mfg Technol Soc, Wuhan Univ, Wuhan Univ, Sch Power & Mech Engn

Conference Host: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Di 



wu, di 




ISBN: 978-1-5090-1396-8



Record 59 of 114

Title: Misalignment induced aberration off-axis optical system

Author(s): Pang, ZH (Pang Zhihai); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Zou, GY (Zou Gangyi)

Edited by: Cho MK; Fan B

Source: 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TECHNOLOGIES: LARGE MIRRORS AND TELESCOPES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9682  Article Number: 96820U  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243446  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Through introducing transformed pupil vector and shifted center of aberration fields vector into the nodal aberration expansions of an axially symmetric optical system, the aberration expression in third order of an off-axis optical system and misaligned off-axis optical system are detailed. Nodal aberration characteristics of misaligned off-axis optical system are revealed only by analyzing the pupil decentration vector, aberration fields shifted vector and the aberration coefficients of the axially symmetric optical system. Actually, it is well demonstrated that the 3rd spherical aberration, 3rd coma, 3rd astigmatism in a misalignment off-axis system are comparable to the aberrations in a misalignment axially symmetric system. Otherwise it will not only induced constant 3rd spherical aberration but also constant 3rd coma and 3rd astigmatism over the field of view, when aligned an off-axis optical system elements with error axial spacing.

Accession Number: WOS:000387746500029

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-917-7



Record 60 of 114

Title: Design and Fabrication of CGH for 600mm diameter SiC primary mirror surface figure testing

Author(s): Pang, ZH (Pang Zhihai); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu); Zou, GY (Zou Gangyi)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: Computer-generated hologram (CGH) is an effective way to compensate wavefront aberration in null test of aspheric surfaces and freeform surfaces. Our strategies of CGH design for 600mm diameter SiC primary mirror surface figure testing are presented, and an experiment demonstrating the compensation test results of CGH is reported. We design a CGH including two sections on the same substrate in order to align the CGH to the incident wavefront: main section for compensating wavefront in null test, alignment section for adjusting the relative position between CGH and interferometer. In order to isolate different orders of diffraction, we used power carrier to make different orders of diffraction come to focus at different position along the axis to avoid ghost reflections. We measured the 600mm diameter SiC primary mirror using this CGH, and the surface test result is 0.033 lambda rms.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500091

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 61 of 114

Title: Directly observing particle manipulations along light trajectories with axial plane optical microscopy

Author(s): Peng, T (Peng, Tong); An, S (An, Sha); Zhou, X (Zhou, Xing); Han, GX (Han, Guoxia); Huang, ZX (Huang, Zhangxiang); Wang, MR (Wang, Meirong); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Zhang, P (Zhang, Peng)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We demonstrate the direct observation of optical particle manipulations along light trajectories with the axial p lane optical microscopy (APOM). Optically trapped particles moving along both straight and curved trajectories are successfully monitored by the APOM. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America

Accession Number: WOS:000391286402092

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yao, Baoli 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 62 of 114

Title: SURF and KPCA Based Image Perceptual Hashing Algorithm

Author(s): Qi, YL (Qi, Yinlong); Qiu, YH (Qiu, Yuehong)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100332K  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244291  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Image perceptual hashing is a notable concept in the field of image processing. Its application ranges from image retrieval, image authentication, image recognition, to content-based image management. In this paper a novel image hashing algorithm based on SURF and KPCA, which extracts speed-up robust feature as the perceptual feature, is proposed. SURF retains the robust properties of SIFT, and it is 3 to 10 times faster than SIFT. Then, the Kernel PCA is used to decompose key points' descriptors and get compact expressions with well-preserved feature information. To improve the precision of digest matching, a binary image template of input image is generated which contains information of salient region to ensure the key pionts in it have greater weight during matching. After that, the hashing digest for image retrieval and image recognition is constructed. Experiments indicated that compared to SIFT and PCA based perceptual hashing, the proposed method could increase the precision of recognition, enhance robustness, and effectively reduce process time.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700090

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qiu, yue 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 63 of 114

Title: Multi-Channel Photonic Crystal Filters with Superposed Structure

Author(s): Qian, S (Qian, Shi); Lei, Z (Lei, Zhang)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015427  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247445  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In this paper, photonic crystal -based filters are proposed. It is different from the narrow band filter with regular channels that Farbry-Perot interference filter and short wave-pass filters are overlapped to the multi-channel photonic crystal filters. The multi-channel photonic crystal filters have two bands in 428nm-449nm of blue light and 535nm-590nm of green light, the average transmittance is over 90%, which are able to meet the requirements of the projection optics. The brightness and color purity of the system are both improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900080

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 64 of 114

Title: Applications of photonic crystal in wavelength multiplex visualization

Author(s): Qian, S (Qian, Shi); Lei, Z (Lei, Zhang)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 101541V  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247307  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The triple-channel photonic crystal filters are proposed designed. These devices have advantages of better filtering effect and high wavelength accuracy. In wavelength multiplex visualization, these filters can bring different wavelength of view entering into eyes so that stereo images are formed. we discuss the problem about minimization of the angle shift. The simulation shows that higher-index material and more high-index material in a basic period can decrease the angle shift.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900068

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 65 of 114

Title: A Method for Extracting Urban Built-up Area based on RS Indexes

Author(s): Qin, RJ (Qin, Ruijiao); Li, JS (Li, Jiansong); Tang, HJ (Tang, Huijun)

Edited by: Liu W; Wang J

Source: HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND SAFETY TESTING TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10156  Article Number: UNSP 101561V  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247393  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Within administrative regions, urban built-up areas are vast stretches of constructed areas equipped with basic public facilities. Human activities most frequently take place within urban regions and the dynamic evolution of urbanization has caused profound variations in urban spatial structures. Conventional boundary extraction methods are complicated and require human intervention. This article innovatively proposes a vector method that combines a data-dimension compression index known as an Index-based Built-up Index (IBI) with aggregate analysis to extract vector boundaries of urban built-up areas automatically by setting a threshold value and the parameters for aggregate analysis. Data-dimension compression technology is used to extract urban built-up areas using thematic bands (rather than original bands) to build indexes, which improves the precision of extraction. Areas extracted by the methods above contains urban built-up areas, rural built-up areas, independent houses and fully bare areas. Aggregate analysis aggregates a certain range of non-adjacent plots into a new polygon section. This method has made it easy to analyze the spatial expansion of Wuhan city from 2003 to 2013. This method avoids cumbersome processes of outlining vector boundaries by artificial visual interpretation with a better working efficiency and reduced costs than other methods, which cannot accurately determine vector boundaries to an accurate degree by manual vector quantization without depending on other data or expert knowledge. Compared with traditional boundary extraction methods, this vector method is more efficient, precise, objective, and exquisite.

Accession Number: WOS:000388803200065

Conference Title: International Symposium on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications / International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and Safety Testing Technology

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Chinese Soc Astronaut, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photo Elect Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind Acad & Res, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0770-5; 978-1-5106-0771-2



Record 66 of 114

Title: Gestalt Principle Based Change Detection and Background Reconstruction

Author(s): Qiu, S (Qiu, Shi); Dong, YS (Dong, Yongsheng); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Du, M (Du, Ming)

Edited by: Zhang Z; Huang K

Source: INTELLIGENT VISUAL SURVEILLANCE (IVS 2016)  Book Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science  Volume: 664  Pages: 20-29  DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3476-3_3  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Gaussian mixture model based detection algorithms can easily lead to fragmentary due to the fixed number of Gaussian components. In this paper, we propose a gestalt principle based change target extraction method, and further present a background reconstruction algorithm. In particular, firstly we applied the Gaussian mixture model to extract the moving target as others did but this may lead to incomplete extraction. Secondly, we have also tried to apply the frame difference method to extract the moving target more precisely. Finally, we determine to build a static background according to relationships between each frame of a moving target. Experiment results reveal that the proposed detection method outperforms the other three representative detection methods. Moreover, our background reconstruction algorithm is also proved to be very effective and robust in reconstructing the backgrounds of a video.

Accession Number: WOS:000406993800003

Conference Title: 4th Chinese Conference on Intelligent Visual Surveillance (IVS)

Conference Date: OCT 19, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Assoc Artificial Intelligence, Tech Comm Comp Vis, China Comp Federat, Springer, Ctr Res Intelligent Percept & Comp, Inst Automat

ISSN: 1865-0929

ISBN: 978-981-10-3476-3; 978-981-10-3475-6



Record 67 of 114

Title: Deep Semantic Understanding of High Resolution Remote Sensing Image

Author(s): Qu, B (Qu, Bo); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Edited by: Obaidat MS; Nicoploitidis P; Hsiao KF; Caballero DC; Li Z; Gao F; Fan J

Source: 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (CITS)  Book Series: International Conference on Computer Information and Telecommunication Systems  Pages: 124-128  Published: 2016  

Abstract: With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, huge quantities of high resolution remote sensing images are available now. Understanding these images in semantic level is of great significance. Hence, a deep multimodal neural network model for semantic understanding of the high resolution remote sensing images is proposed in this paper, which uses both visual and textual information of the high resolution remote sensing images to generate natural sentences describing the given images. In the proposed model, the convolution neural network is utilized to extract the image feature, which is then combined with the text descriptions of the images by RNN or LSTMs. And in the experiments, two new remote sensing image-captions datasets are built at first. Then different kinds of CNNs with RNN or LSTMs are combined to find which is the best combination for caption generation. The experiments results prove that the proposed method achieves good performances in semantic understanding of high resolution remote sensing images.

Accession Number: WOS:000386924100013

Conference Title: International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)

Conference Date: JUL 06-08, 2016

Conference Location: Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Commun Soc, SCS, Xidian Univ, Yunnan Minzu Univ, State Key Lab

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 2326-2338

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0690-8



Record 68 of 114

Title: Topology Optimization Design of Space Rectangular Mirror

Author(s): Qu, YJ (Qu, Yanjun); Wang, W (Wang, Wei); Liu, B (Liu, Bei); Li, XP (Li, Xupeng)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015421  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247396  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A conceptual lightweight rectangular mirror is designed based on the theory of topology optimization and the specific structure size is determined through sensitivity analysis and size optimization in this paper. Under the load condition of gravity along the optical axis, compared with the mirrors designed by traditional method using finite element analysis method, the performance of the topology optimization reflectors supported by peripheral six points are superior in lightweight ratio, structure stiffness and the reflective surface accuracy. This suggests that the lightweight method in this paper is effective and has potential value for the design of rectangular reflector.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900074

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 69 of 114

Title: Integrated Quantum Frequency Comb Source of Entangled Qubits

Author(s): Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Roztocki, P (Roztocki, Piotr); Wetzel, B (Wetzel, Benjamin); Bromberg, Y (Bromberg, Yaron); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We demonstrate the simultaneous generation of multiple time-bin entangled photon pairs on a CMOS-compatible photonic chip. We measure quantum interference and perform state tomography, confirming entangled qubits with fidelities above 86% and 99.9% purity.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286400474

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Morandotti, Roberto 



Chu, Sai T 



Kues, Michael 



Wetzel, Benjamin 



Morandotti, Roberto 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 70 of 114

Title: On-chip Generation of Four-Photon Entangled Qubit States

Author(s): Reimer, C (Reimer, Christian); Kues, M (Kues, Michael); Rortocki, P (Rortocki, Piotr); Caspani, L (Caspani, Lucia); Bromberg, Y (Bromberg, Yaron); Wetzel, B (Wetzel, Benjamin); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: We demonstrate four-photon entangled qubits generated from an integrated quantum frequency comb source. This is confirmed by four-photon quantum interference with a visibility above 89%, and quantum state tomography revealing a fidelity above 64%.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286400324

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chu, Sai T 



Kues, Michael 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Wetzel, Benjamin 



Morandotti, Roberto 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 71 of 114

Title: Threshold Characteristics Analysis of Dual-end-pumped Nd<SUP>3+</SUP>-doped Gain-guided and Index-antiguided Fiber Lasers

Author(s): Shen, X (Shen, Xiao); Wei, W (Wei, Wei)

Edited by: Hamouda SA; Mirzaei M; Yu Z

Source: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON APPLIED PHYSICS, OPTOELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS (APOP 2016)  Book Series: MATEC Web of Conferences  Volume: 61  Article Number: 06011  DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20166106011  Published: 2016  

Abstract: An analytical model for dual-end-pumped Nd3+-doped gain-guided and index-antiguided (GG-IAG) fiber laser is established. The corresponding analytical expression of the threshold pump power is obtained by solving the improved rate equations. Pump light propagation and threshold characteristics are both researched. Simulation results show that there are optimum values of N, a and L for the lowest Pth. When a=501 mu m, L=9cm, N=1.8*10(20)cm(-3), R-1s=1, R-2s 0.75, the lowest threshold pump power P th of the GG-IAG fiber laser is about 11.95W, the results of the work may be helpful for the later experiments.

Accession Number: WOS:000386721800127

Conference Title: International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP)

Conference Date: MAY 28-29, 2016

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, shuang 




ISSN: 2261-236X



Record 72 of 114

Title: Optical design for large depth of field

Author(s): Shen, Y (Shen Yang); Wang, H (Wang Hu); Pan, Y (Pan Yue); Xue, YK (Xue Yaoke); Liu, J (Liu Jie); Ye, SF (Ye Shuifu)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97962Q  DOI: 10.1117/12.2229621  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Optical system with large depth of field and large field of view has been designed. To enforce optical system with focal length of 6 mm to imaging the object with object length of 200mmm-1200mm, accord to the equation of depth of field, in case of the CCD sensor with pixel of 5.5umx 5.5um square area, the entrance pupil diameter to ideal imaging will be 0.423mm. To enlarge the modulation transfer function (MTF) at spatial frequency of 90 lp/mm, the entrance pupil diameter is enlarged to 1mm. After design and optimization, with field of view of 80 degrees(,) within object length of 200mm - 1200mm, the optical system can imaging well, the modulation transfer function (MTF) at spatial frequency of 90lp/mm is larger than 0.1, the distortion of full field of viewed is less than 3%. The optical system can be widely used in machine vision, surveillance cameras, etc.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700098

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 73 of 114

Title: Perception-inspired Background Subtraction in Complex Scenes Based on Spatiotemporal Features

Author(s): Shi, L (Shi, Liu); Liu, JH (Liu, Jiahang)

Edited by: Gong H; Song A

Source: INFRARED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS, AND ROBOT SENSING AND ADVANCED CONTROL  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10157  Article Number: 101570C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244151  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Background subtraction (BGS) is a fundamental preprocessing step in most video-based applications. Most BGS methods fail to handle dynamic unconstrained scenarios accurately. This is because of overreliance on statistical model. In this paper, we develop a novel non-parametric sample-based background subtraction method. First, the background sample set is initialized by a clean sample frame rather than the first frame. This can avoid introducing a ghost when the first frame contains foreground objects. Here, we utilize the gaussian mixture model to validate whether a pixel at the location is clean or not and construct the initialization of background model. Second, for an actual scenario with diversified environmental conditions (e.g., illumination changes, dynamic background), we employ normalized color space and a scale invariant local ternary pattern operator to handle these variations. In the meantime, in order to achieve high detection accuracy in the unconstrained scenarios without requiring any scenario-specific parameter tuning, we employ the perception-inspired confidence interval to modify the threshold in the color space. Third, the hole filling approach is used to reduce noise which comes from false segmentation, fill the blank area in the foreground region and maintain the integrity of foreground object. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is superior to several state-of-the-art methods in terms of F-score and kappa index.

Accession Number: WOS:000391228600011

Conference Title: International Symposium on Infrared Technology and Application / International Symposium on Robot Sensing and Advanced Control

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photoelectron Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

shi, liu 



Liu, Jiahang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0772-9; 978-1-5106-0773-6



Record 74 of 114

Title: Temporal Hilbert Transform Based on an Integrated Frequency Comb Source

Author(s): Shoeiby, M (Shoeiby, Mehrdad); Nguyen, TG (Nguyen, Thach G.); Schröeder, J (Schroeder, Jochen); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai T.); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, Roberto); Mitchell, A (Mitchell, Arnan); Moss, DJ (Moss, David J.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: An experimentally demonstrated temporal Hilbert transformer based on an integrated optical frequency comb source is exploited to obtain the temporal Hilbert transform of a Gaussian pulse with a full-width half maximum duration of 0.12ns.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286402145

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Morandotti, Roberto 



Morandotti, Roberto 



Mitchell, Arnan 



Chu, Sai T 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 75 of 114

Title: Dynamic Characteristics of High Intensity Shock Effect for Medium Weight Shock Testing Machine

Author(s): Song, F (Song, Feng); Yun, H (Yun, He); Sai, JG (Sai, Jiangang); Bo, G (Bo, Gao)

Edited by: Li X


Abstract: This paper analyses the dynamic characteristics of MWMS by optimizing the design of the anvil table to ensure the waveform in allowing limit, simulating the impact of MWMS, and demonstrating the influence of the low-pass filter and the height of hammer drop to test results.

Accession Number: WOS:000385794700024

Conference Title: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Control Systems (MECS)

Conference Date: JAN 23-25, 2015

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISBN: 978-981-4740-61-6; 978-981-4740-60-9



Record 76 of 114

Title: Adaptive Retinex Algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm and Human Visual System

Author(s): Song, XD (Song, Xiaodong); Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuofeng); Guo, HN (Guo, Huinan); Zhao, XD (Zhao, Xiaodong); Zhang, H (Zhang, Hui)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS AND CYBERNETICS (IHMSC), VOL. 1  Book Series: International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics  Pages: 183-186  DOI: 10.1109/IHMSC.2016.27  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Multi-scale retinex is a luminance perceptual algorithm. It is widely used in image enhancement. To get best effect, the parameters need be adjusted according to the scene manually. In order to handle this issue, a novel retinex algorithm based on real-coded genetic algorithm and human visual system was proposed in this paper. The result was quantified and selected by a novel human visual system based comprehensive fitness function. The employed fitness function operates adaptively and tends to provide outstanding comprehensive results in both image clarity and color quality. Images captured in low-light conditions were processed by proposed method. The result indicates that the new algorithm can improve image brightness and avoid color distortion at the same time.

Accession Number: WOS:000391328300042

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC)

Conference Date: AUG 27-28, 2016

Conference Location: Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, Univ Bristol, Japan Adv Inst Sci & Technol, Beihang Univ, IEEE Comp Soc

Conference Host: Zhejiang Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, wei 




ISSN: 2157-8982

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0768-4



Record 77 of 114

Title: Computer-aided alignment method of optical lens with high accuracy

Author(s): Song, X (Song Xing); Hou, XH (Hou Xiao-hua); Zhang, XM (Zhang Xue-min); Ji, BD (Ji Bin-dong)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Wu F; Xu M; To S


Abstract: With the development of space and aviation industry, the optical systems with high resolution and better imaging quality are required. According to the alignment technical process, the factors of every step which have big influence to the imaging quality are analyzed. It is detected that the micro-stress assembly of the optical unit and the high co-axial precision of the entire optical system are the two important factors which are supposed to determine how well the imaging quality of the optical system is; also the technical methods are discussed to ensure these two factors from the engineering view. The reflective interference testing method to measure the surface figure and the transitive interference testing method to measure the wave aberration of the optical unit are combined to ensure the micro-stress assembly of the optical unit, so it will not bring astigmatism to the whole system imaging quality. Optical alignment machining and precision alignment are combined to ensure the high co-axial precision of the optical system. An optical lens of high accuracy is assembled by using these methods; the final wave aberration of optical lens is 0.022 lambda.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429500144

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) - Optical Test, Measurement Technology, and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hou, Xiaohua 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-919-1



Record 78 of 114

Title: The New High-speed Switching Study of Ultra-short Laser Pulse Technology

Author(s): Sun, B (Sun, Bo); Gou, YS (Gou, Yongsheng); Wang, DH (Wang, Dahui); Liu, BY (Liu, Baiyu); Zhao, XQ (Zhao, Xueqing); Bai, YL (Bai, Yonglin)

Edited by: Jiang Y; Kippelen B; Yu J


Abstract: Ultrafast phenomenon has presented widely in natural phenomenon and scientific and technological research. Therefore, study on ultrafast phenomenon is of great important in many research and technology fields. In recent years, the development and application of ultra-short laser pulse has been covered many areas. It has been developed into a powerful tool used to research ultrafast phenomena. In the implementation process of the ultra-short laser pulses, high-speed switching plays a vital role. The difficulty of high-speed switching design is to make the ultrafast electric pulse load on the both ends of the crystal with minimum distortion and delay. It is very difficult to switch electro-optic crystal at a high frequency in traditional method. In this paper, a new method is designed, which combined the electro-optic crystal and micro-strip line. The crystal is a part of the transmission path and the signal path of the micro-strip line is broadened or narrowed continuously to make the impedance matching to 50 ohm. The good match between pulse signal and the crystal make sure the high frequency switches of the crystal. The amplitude loss is less than 11%, and the delay is less than 1 nanosecond.

Accession Number: WOS:000391495500033

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

sun, bo 






bai, yonglin 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-921-4



Record 79 of 114

Title: Two-step matching strategy combining global-local descriptor

Author(s): Tang, Q (Tang Qian); Liu, B (Liu Bo); Xu, ZH (Xu Zhaohui); Cao, B (Cao Bei)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100330C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244153  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Feature description and matching are at the base of many computer vision applications. However, traditional local descriptors cannot fully describe all information of features, and there are so many feature points and so long local descriptors that the matching steps are time-consuming. In order to solve these problems. This paper proposed a new efficient method for description and matching, called TSMwGLD (the two-step matching with global and local Descriptors). In TSMwGLD, first, it designed a simple global descriptor and then found N best-matching points by using global descriptors, and at the same time it could eliminate lots of points which didn't match in global information. Next, the method continued the matching step to find the best-matching point by using the local descriptors of N candidate points. So the whole matching process could become faster because the distances between global descriptors with the size of 8 were computed more easily than local descriptors with the size of 64 in SURF. The experimental results show that TSMwGLD results in increased accuracy and faster matching than original method. Especially for blurred images with textures, the matching time is less than tenth of original and the whole description and matching process is about two times faster than SURF.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700011

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Xu, Zhaohui 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 80 of 114

Title: Generation of an optical frequency comb in the green with silicon nitride microresonators

Author(s): Volet, N (Volet, Nicolas); Chang, L (Chang, Lin); Wang, LR (Wang, Leiran); Pfeiffer, MHP (Pfeiffer, Martin H. P.); Zervas, M (Zervas, Michael); Guo, HR (Guo, Hairun); Kippenberg, TJ (Kippenberg, Tobias J.); Bowers, JE (Bowers, John E.)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO)  Book Series: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The first realization of a green-light frequency comb is reported in a silicon nitride ring microresonator, from third-order non-linear interaction of a near-infrared 1-THz spacing Kerr comb spanning 2/3 of an octave.

Accession Number: WOS:000391286403412

Conference Title: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

Conference Date: JUN 05-10, 2016

Conference Location: San Jose, CA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Bowers, John E 



Kippenberg, T. J. 



Guo, Hairun 




ISSN: 2160-9020

ISBN: 978-1-9435-8011-8



Record 81 of 114

Title: High-energy Q-switched Yb-doped Fiber Laser Based on WS<sub>2</sub> Film Saturable Absorber

Author(s): Wang, JL (Wang, Junli); Li, S (Li, Sha); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Zhu, JF (Zhu, Jiangfeng); Wei, ZY (Wei, Zhiyi)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP)  Book Series: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition  Published: 2016  

Abstract: An all-fiber high-energy Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser using WS2 film as the saturable absorber (SA) is demonstrated. The highest single pulse energy of 56.50 nJ and the shortest pulse width of 1.0 mu s were achieved.

Accession Number: WOS:000466784200399

Conference Title: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP)

Conference Date: NOV 02-05, 2016

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, OSA, SPIE, IEEE Photon Soc, COS, CIC

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, wenxin 



Zhu, Jiangfeng 




ISSN: 2162-108X

ISBN: 978-0-9600-3800-8



Record 82 of 114

Title: The study of 700mm-diameter primary mirror based on topology optimization and sensitivity analysis

Author(s): Wang, X (Wang Xin); He, XY (He Xiaoying); Jing, JJ (Jing Juanjuan); Feng, L (Feng Lei); Zhou, JS (Zhou Jinsong); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Li, YC (Li Yacan); Wei, LD (Wei Lidong)

Edited by: Wang Y; Kidger TE; Tatsuno K

Source: OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING VII  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10021  Article Number: UNSP 100211W  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247143  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The primary mirror is an important optical component of space camera. Its performance related to the optical image quality, and the weight directly affects the whole camera weight. The traditional design of primary mirror relies on much experience, lacking of precise theory, and many design parameters obtained by empirical formulas, thus the performance of the result is unstable. For this study, a primary mirror made of SiC with the diameter of 700mm was conceptual designed to get the optimized structure. Then sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the optimum thickness of the back muscles. Finally, the optimum primary mirror fully satisfied the required was completed, with outstanding mechanical performance and light weight. A comparison between the optimum primary and traditional primary was performed and the results showed that the optimum primary has higher lightweight ratio increased by 5%, higher modal frequency increased by 81Hz. The maximum deformation under gravity reduced by 48nm, PV of the mirror surface reduced by 8.1nm and RMS reduced by 3.1nm. All the results indicated that the optimization method in the paper is reasonable and effective, which gives a reference to the primary mirror design in the future.

Accession Number: WOS:000393152400050

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Design and Testing VII

Conference Date: OCT 12-13, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Jiawei 



Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0461-2; 978-1-5106-0462-9



Record 83 of 114

Title: A 60GHz RoF(radio-over-fiber) transmission system based on PM modulator

Author(s): Wang, X (Wang, Xin); Liu, Y (Liu, Yi); Wang, WT (Wang, Wen-Ting)

Edited by: Zhu N; Hofmann WH

Source: SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS AND APPLICATIONS VII  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10017  Article Number: UNSP 100171B  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246651  Published: 2016  

Abstract: As one of the most important applications of microwave photonic, ROF (Radio over Fiber) system, which combines the advantages of optical communication and wireless communication, is a good candidate for broadband mobile Communication In this paper, we built and simulation a 60GHz RoF(Radio-over-Fiber) transmission system based on PM modulator. First, we introduce the PM-IM(Phase modulation to intensity modulation) modulation mechanisms by the breaking the phase balanced approach. This method solves the problem that the constant envelope (phase modulation signal) generated by the phase modulator can not be directly detected by a photo detector. A standard single-mode fiber (SMF) is connected input to the F-P(Fabry-Perot) optical filter, which is to achieve the PM-IM modulation conversion by changing the wavelength of the laser or the frequency of the modulation factor of the F-P optical filter to adapt to different fiber lengths and the signal transmission rate. These two methods which changing the phase relationship between the optical carrier and the optical side band can realize the ideal phase transition to obtain efficient and low loss modulation conversion. Finally, the simulation results show that different fiber lengths and the signal transmission rate configuration of different wavelength of the laser or the frequency of the modulation factor of the F-P optical filter, the BER performance and the eye diagram of the 60GHz RoF transmission system signals have been improved based on these PM-IM modulation methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000391439800025

Conference Title: Conference on Semiconductor Lasers and Applications VII

Conference Date: OCT 12-14, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0453-7; 978-1-5106-0454-4



Record 84 of 114

Title: Mirrors fabricated with slightly oxidized C/C composites

Author(s): Wang, YJ (Wang, Yongjie); Xu, L (Xu, Liang); Ding, JT (Ding, Jiaoteng); Xie, YJ (Xie, Yongjie); Ma, Z (Ma, Zhen)

Edited by: Jiang W; Yang L; Riemer O; Li S; Wan Y

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9683  Article Number: 968324  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243745  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Up to now, traditional materials, such as glass, metal and SiC ceramic, gradually begin to be unsatisfied development of the future mirrors. Designable carbon fiber reinforced composites became optimized material for large aperture lightweight mirrors. Carbon / carbon composites exhibits low thermal expansion and no moisture-absorption expansion problem, therefore, they get particularly attention in the space reflector field. Ni was always employed as optical layer in the mirror, however, the coating behaved poor bond with substrate and often peeled off during optical processing. In order to solve this problem, slight oxidation was carried on the C/C composites before Ni plated. The Ni coating exhibited stronger coherence and better finish performance. Finally, a 100mm diameter plane mirror was successful fabricated.

Accession Number: WOS:000387745800075

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Yongjie 



Wang, Yongjie 



Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-918-4



Record 85 of 114

Title: Surface Ship Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on Improved Variance Minimum Algorithm

Author(s): Wang, ZZ (Wang Zhengzhou); Yin, QY (Yin Qinye); Li, HG (Li Hongguang); Hu, BL (Hu Bingliang)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100330R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243872  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In order to realize the effective detection of surface structure targets in hyperspectral images, an improved target detection algorithm was proposed in this paper presents to solve the CEM algorithm problems which the large object extraction efficiency is low. First, the image was preprocessed, including endmember extraction, SAM classification. Second, after the ship pixels were subtracted from all pixels, the correlation matrix of pure background pixels was constructed to detect ship target. Third, the biggest write region was found as sea region by mathematical morphology. Finally, the false target pixels were removed from all target pixels using the characteristics which ship targets were surrounded in seawater, so the final ship targets were selected in the end. Experimental results show that the final max ratio between the energy of detection target and the energy of background increased greatly, the target signal is enhanced and the background signal is suppressed by the improved algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700026

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 86 of 114

Title: Analysis of a Si-nanocrystal Strip-Loaded Waveguide for Nonlinear Applications

Author(s): Wei, PJ (Wei, Pengjiang); Wang, SH (Wang, S. H.); Little, BE (Little, Brent E.); Chu, ST (Chu, Sai Tak)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: We investigate the nonlinear properties of the doped silica glass integrated waveguide platform with a Si-nc strip-loaded structure. We show the nonlinear properties is drastically enhanced by adding a Si-nc layer in the waveguide core.

Accession Number: WOS:000392308800252

Conference Title: 21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) / International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS)

Conference Date: JUL 03-07, 2016

Conference Location: Niigata, JAPAN

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chu, Sai T 






Record 87 of 114

Title: Pedestrian Detection in Infrared Video Images

Author(s): Wu, D (Wu, Di); Liu, W (Liu, Wei)

Edited by: Jiang ZY

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 32  Pages: 349-352  Published: 2016  

Abstract: This paper introduces a method to detect pedestrians in infrared video images and studies its application into intelligent video surveillance. As part of a far infrared thermometric system in public places, our algorithm is aimed at the detection of human bodies in fixed area. According to the characteristics of infrared imaging technology, pedestrian detection depends on the difference of infrared radiation between the human body and the environment. Detection is achieved by the extraction and recognition of simple features of pedestrians which reduces the complexity of tradition methods and avoids using quantities of samples for training classifier. Our method not only reduces noise effectively, but also reaches high detection rate(DR) and low fault detection rate(FDR). Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the excellent performance of our algorithms.

Accession Number: WOS:000388457800065

Conference Title: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE)

Conference Date: NOV 28-29, 2015

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-137-7



Record 88 of 114

Title: Thermal Behavior of Microchannel Cooled High Power Diode Laser Arrays

Author(s): Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Song, YF (Song, Yunfei); Zhu, QW (Zhu, Qiwen); Lu, Y (Lu, Yao); Dang, YF (Dang, Yifan); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng); Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Song, YF (Song, Yunfei); Zhu, QW (Zhu, Qiwen); Lu, Y (Lu, Yao); Dang, YF (Dang, Yifan); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Bi KY; Liu S; Zhou S


Abstract: Heat generation in the active region leads to high junction temperature that significantly affects electrical and optical properties, reliability and lifetime of high power diode laser arrays. It is of great importance to understand the thermal behavior to improve the devices. Compared to conduction cooling techniques, diode laser arrays packaged on microchannel heat sinks have superior capability to dissipate the large amount of heat so as to deliver higher output power and ensure high reliability. In this paper, numerical approach based on finite element method (FEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was employed to investigate thermal properties of microchannel cooled (MCC) high power diode laser arrays. The static and transient thermal behavior of the devices operated in continuous wave (CW) mode at different water flow rates have been studied in detail. The thermal resistance contributed from the laser chip, solder interface and MCC heat sink was revealed. The correlation between thermal resistance and water flow rate was analyzed. The thermal time constants were derived to characterize the three distinct heating processes related to active region, copper heat sink and copper/water interface. Non-uniformity of junction temperature across the diode laser array was discussed by thermal crosstalk employing the independent emitter analysis. Understanding thermal phenomena in diode laser arrays could offer useful guidelines in optimizing the operating conditions, MCC heat sink structures and packaging architectures for enhanced performance and reliability.

Accession Number: WOS:000389835800106

Conference Title: 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT)

Conference Date: AUG 16-19, 2016

Conference Location: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Elect Packaging Div, IEEE Components Packaging & Mfg Technol Soc, Wuhan Univ, Wuhan Univ, Sch Power & Mech Engn

Conference Host: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc

ISBN: 978-1-5090-1396-8



Record 89 of 114

Title: Robust Object Tracking Via Diverse Templates

Author(s): Wu, SY (Wu, Siyuan); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Edited by: Obaidat MS; Nicoploitidis P; Hsiao KF; Caballero DC; Li Z; Gao F; Fan J

Source: 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (CITS)  Book Series: International Conference on Computer Information and Telecommunication Systems  Pages: 156-160  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Robust object tracking is a challenging task in computer vision. Since the appearance of the target changes frequently, how to build and update the appearance model is crucial. In this paper, to better represent the object dynamically, we propose a robust object tracker based on diverse templates. First, we construct diverse multiple templates using the determinantal point process algorithm adaptively, which efficiently detects the most diverse subset of a set. Second, a patch-matching method is employed to propagate every template density to the next frame, and a voting map for each template is constructed by all matching patches. Third, a weighted Bayesian filter framework aggregates all voting maps to optimize target state. Finally, in order to maintain the diversity of multiple templates, we dynamically add, remove and replace the target from templates. Experimental results prove that the proposed method outperforms state-of-theart tracking algorithms significantly in terms of center position errors and success rates.

Accession Number: WOS:000386924100010

Conference Title: International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)

Conference Date: JUL 06-08, 2016

Conference Location: Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Commun Soc, SCS, Xidian Univ, Yunnan Minzu Univ, State Key Lab

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 




ISSN: 2326-2338

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0690-8



Record 90 of 114

Title: Research on the airborne SINS/CNS integrated navigation system assisted by BD navigation system

Author(s): Xie, ML (Xie Mei-lin); Yang, XX (Yang Xiao-xu); Han, JF (Han Jun-feng); Wei, Y (Wei Yu); Yue, P (Yue Peng); Deng, XG (Deng Xiao-guo); Huang, W (Huang Wei)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97961X  DOI: 10.1117/12.2229568  Published: 2016  

Abstract: When the star navigation system working during the day, the strong sky background radiation lead to a result that the detect target light is too weak, in the field of view, because of the limitation on the number of the navigation star, usually choose the single star navigation work mode. In order to improve the reliability of the airborne SINS/CNS integrated navigation system, meet the demand of the long-endurance and high precision navigation, use the tight combination way, single star patrol algorithm to get the position and attitude. There exists filtering divergence problem because of the model error and the system measurement noise is uncertain, put forward a new fuzzy adaptive kalman filtering algorithm. Adjust the size of measurement noise to prevent the filter divergence; the positioning accuracy of integrated navigation system can be improved through BeiDou satellite. Without the information of BeiDou satellite, based on the level of the virtual reference, the navigation precision of integrated navigation system can be ensured over a period of time.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700069

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 91 of 114

Title: Numerical simulation study on quantum efficiency characteristics of InP/InGaAs/InP infrared photocathode

Author(s): Xu, JK (Xu, Junkai); Xu, XY (Xu, Xiangyan); Tian, JS (Tian, Jinshou); Luo, D (Luo, Duan); Hui, DD (Hui, Dandan)

Edited by: Gong H; Song A

Source: INFRARED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS, AND ROBOT SENSING AND ADVANCED CONTROL  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10157  Article Number: 101573C  DOI: 10.1117/12.2247394  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The quantum efficiency characteristics of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP photocathode which is one of the field-assisted negative electron affinity photocathodes with III-V compound semiconductor and works at transmission mode with a wide(1) spectral response range from 1.0-1.7 mu m were studied in this paper. Under certain field-assisted bias voltage, internal quantum efficiency at different wavelength versus structure parameters and doping concentration of the photocathode was simulated by the APSYS program. Results show that: Firstly, internal quantum efficiency of the photocathode rises with the increasing of the field-assisted bias voltage. Secondly, the internal quantum efficiency gradually increases to a maximum at thickness=0.2um of P-InGaAs photo-absorbing layer and then reduces with the increasing of thickness. However doping concentration of P-InGaAs photo-absorbing layer has little influence on it. Thirdly, the internal quantum efficiency reduces with the increasing of thickness and doping concentration of P-InP photoelectron-emitting layer. The optimization results show that when the thickness of the photo-absorbing layer and the photoelectron-emitting layer are both 0.2 mu m, and the doping concentration of the photo-absorbing layer and the photoelectron-emitting layer are about 1.5x10(15) cm(-3) and 1.0x10(16) cm(-3) respectively, under a certain field-assisted bias voltage, the line of the external quantum efficiency versus wavelength is ideal. Besides, the response time of photocathode can be reduced to less than 50 ps.

Accession Number: WOS:000391228600118

Conference Title: International Symposium on Infrared Technology and Application / International Symposium on Robot Sensing and Advanced Control

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photoelectron Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Luo, Duan 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0772-9; 978-1-5106-0773-6



Record 92 of 114

Title: The Development of high precision carbon fiber composite mirror

Author(s): Xu, L (Xu Liang); Ding, JT (Ding Jiao-teng); Wang, YJ (Wang Yong-jie); Xie, YJ (Xie Yong-jie); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Fan, XW (Fan Xue-wu)

Edited by: Jiang W; Yang L; Riemer O; Li S; Wan Y

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9683  Article Number: 96831Z  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243736  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Due to low density, high stiffness, low thermal expansion coefficient, duplicate molding, etc., carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is one of the potential materials of the optical mirror. The process developed for Phi 300mm high precision CFRP mirror described in this paper. A placement tool used to improve laying accuracy up to +/- 0.1 degrees. A special reinforced cell structure designed to increase rigidity and thermal stability. Optical replication process adopted for surface modification of the carbon fiber composite mirror blank. Finally, surface accuracy RMS of Phi 300mm CFRP mirror is 0.22 mu m, surface roughness Ra is about 2nm, and the thermal stability can achieve 13nm / degrees C from the test result. The research content is of some reference value in the infrared as well as visible light applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000387745800070

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 



Wang, Yongjie 



Wang, Yongjie 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-918-4



Record 93 of 114

Title: A Review of Large Aperture Schlieren Photography Technique

Author(s): Xu, SB (Xu Song-bo); Xie, YJ (Xie Yong-jun); Chen, L (Chen Lei)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97960G  DOI: 10.1117/12.2230137  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Schlieren photography is a visual process to display the flow of fluids of varying density. It is widely used in wind tunnel tests to photograph the flow of air around objects. To achieve schlieren images with high sensitivity and high resolution, and satisfy the requirements of the large-scale wind tunnel tests, it is urgent to develop schlieren photographers with large aperture primary mirrors. However, the application of large aperture primary mirrors may bring many challenges in the design of the schlieren system. First, the surface figure of large aperture primary mirrors is difficult to control so that the support structure may need more strategical design. Second, because the schlieren system works under some severe environments of the wind tunnel test including the air disturbance, wind-induced ground vibration and high ambient pressure, it has to withstand serious instability risks to ensure a good schlieren image quality. In this work, the current status of the development in the large aperture schlieren systems is reviewed. Several advanced methods, for example, active damping control technique, focal spot monitoring technique, 18-points whilffletree support technique, etc.., are introduced to deal with the challenges of the large aperture schlieren system. This work aims at improving the technical development of large aperture schlieren photographer, which may contribute to the acquisition of the high sensitive and high resolution schlieren images and the improvement of the testing capability in wind tunnel experiments.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700016

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Xu, Songbo 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 94 of 114

Title: Optimal Design of a Space Target Acquisition Optical System with Small F-number

Author(s): Yan, PP (Yan, Pei-Pei); She, WJ (She, Wen-Ji); Liu, K (Liu, Kai); Duan, J (Duan, Jing); Jiang, K (Jiang, Kai); Shan, QS (Shan, Qiusha)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015402  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243586  Published: 2016  

Abstract: A kind of space target acquisition optical system with small F-number was designed. The system had a working wavelength range of 0.45 similar to 0.85 mu m, an effective focal length of 240 mm, a field of view is 2 omega=3 degrees, and an F-Number of F/2. The system characteristic is that the structure is simple. And the especial requirements of the spot, energy concentration, distortion and lateral color etc. are all satisfied. The primary and secondary mirrors are all spheres, so the difficulty and cost of machining are reduced. Moreover, the temperature characteristic of the system is analyzed. The temperature request is satisfied.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900003

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 95 of 114

Title: Switch-zoom Optical System Design of Large Aperture Ground-based Photoelectric

Author(s): Yan, PP (Yan Peipei); Liu, K (Liu Kai); Duan, J (Duan Jing); Jiang, K (Jiang Kai); Shan, QS (Shan Qiusha)

Edited by: Cho MK; Fan B

Source: 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TECHNOLOGIES: LARGE MIRRORS AND TELESCOPES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9682  Article Number: 968215  DOI: 10.1117/12.2242255  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Binary optics can be used to increase optical performances, decrease size and weight, and decrease systems costs in numerous applications. By means of hybrid diffractive-refractive, a switch-zoom optical system of catadioptric large aperture ground-based photoelectric detection is designed. The characteristic of the system is that it is a compact optical system without moving parts which can get two focal lengths. And the quality of image approaches the diffraction limited. Ritchey-Chrtien (R-C) mirror and a field lens are common for long-focus system and short-focus system. Two refract groups transmitting optical system are used for zooming. In order to satisfy the demand of energy regulation, it is designed afocal beam between field lens and later refract optical system. Filter and variable density plate are placed in it to guarantee the imaging quality. The focal length is 3750mm and F number is 7.5 for the long-focus system, and the focal length is 1850mm and F number is 3.75 for the short-focus system. Former part and later lens of the system are both perfect imaging. They can be fabricated and detected independently. So the design demand can be satisfied better and the imaging quality can be improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000387746500040

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-917-7



Record 96 of 114

Title: Aberration Correction for Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy with Coherent Optical Adaptive Technique

Author(s): Yan, W (Yan, Wei); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Li, Y (Li, Yang); Peng, X (Peng, Xiao); Lin, DY (Lin, Danying); Qu, JL (Qu, Junle); Ye, T (Ye, Tong)

Edited by: Bifano TG; Kubby J; Gigan S

Source: ADAPTIVE OPTICS AND WAVEFRONT CONTROL FOR BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS II  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9717  Article Number: 97170K  DOI: 10.1117/12.2211907  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) has become one of the powerful research tools in the field of superresolution microscopy. As its spatial resolution is gained by phase modulation of the light field, the aberrations produced by optical systems and specimens may have negative impact on the focusing properties of two beams, especially the STED beam, resulting in reduced spatial resolution. In thick samples, the aberration effect may play an even more critical role in affecting spatial resolution. Here, we report our recent effort in correcting the aberration in STED microscopy by using coherent optical adaptive technique (COAT) so that the resolution can be improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000389085900017

Conference Title: Conference on Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems II

Conference Date: FEB 13-15, 2016

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Ye, Tong 



Ye, Tong 



Li, Yang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-951-1



Record 97 of 114

Title: 45° Tilted Fiber Grating Based in-fiber Linear Polarizer and Applications

Author(s): Yan, ZJ (Yan, Zhijun); Wang, HS (Wang, Hushan); Zhou, KM (Zhou, Kaiming); Mou, CB (Mou, Chengbo); Li, JF (Li, Jianfeng); Zhang, ZX (Zhang, Zuxing); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2016 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (PIERS)  Pages: 3166-3166  Published: 2016  

Accession Number: WOS:000400013902323

Conference Title: Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)

Conference Date: AUG 08-11, 2016

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Electromagnet Acad, Tongji Univ, Tongji Univ, Depat Elect Sci & Technol, Nanjing Univ Sci & Technol, Shanghai Key Lab Electromagnet Environm Effects Aerosp Vehicle, Sci & Technol Electromagneti Scattering Lab, Univi Tunku Abdul Rahman, Dev & Res Acad Global Opt Neo Technol, Zhejiang Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Elect Engn, IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Soc, Zhejiang Univ, Electromagnet Acad

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, xinyu 






wang, KiKi 



Wang, Yiru 



Wang, Yixuan 



Wu, Yiping 



Zhou, Kaiming 



wang, yixuan 



Wang, Yijun 



Yan, Jun 



zhang, lin 



wang, yi 



Mou, Chengbo 



chen, si 



Yang, Min 



jin, li 



Zhang, Jinfan 



Wang, yanru 




ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1



Record 98 of 114

Title: Pressure Sensor for Weight-In-Motion Measurement Based on Fiber Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy

Author(s): Yang, SL (Yang, Songlin); Ruan, C (Ruan, Chi); Wang, YT (Wang, Yuntao)

Edited by: Liao Y; Tan X

Source: OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS AND OPTICAL MEMORIES FOR BIG DATA STORAGE  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10158  Article Number: 101580U  DOI: 10.1117/12.2246819  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In order to resolve the disturbance of external perturbation in Weight-In-Motion (WIM) measurement by traditional methods, a novel pressure sensor for WIM of vehicles based on fiber ring-down spectroscopy is proposed here. A micro-bending sensing head is designed and its working principle is discussed in this paper. The fiber loop ring-down (FLRD) system reveals that the sensing forces applied to the sensing head can be obtained by measuring the ring-down time. Meanwhile, the velocity of vehicles is measured by analyzing two ring-down spectrums in this scheme. Experiment results show that the precision of velocity of vehicles is good and the sensor has a linear response to the applied force.

Accession Number: WOS:000391229900030

Conference Title: International Symposium on Optical Communication and Optical Fiber Sensors / International Symposium on Optical Memories for Big Data Storage

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photoelectron Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

, 松林 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0774-3; 978-1-5106-0775-0



Record 99 of 114

Title: Image Fusion Based on Group Sparse Representation

Author(s): Yin, F (Yin, Fei); Gao, W (Gao, Wei); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100331Z  DOI: 10.1117/12.2244879  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Sparse representation based image fusion has been widely studied recently. However, it's not popular in some fields for the high time complexity. In this paper, a new image fusion method based on group sparse representation is proposed to overcome this problem. The K-SVD method is utilized to get the sparse representation of the source images. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best size of the group according to its property about time consuming. And there is no need to sparse all the patches once but to sparse some groups simultaneously. Because every group image vectors sparse representation is unique from the others, using the parallel-processing strategy can reduce the time badly. Besides, all dictionaries are learned from local source image vectors, so the quality of the results fused by the group sparse representation method will be better than those fused by the normal sparse representation methods. Compared with four types of state-of-the-art algorithms, the proposed method has the excellent fusion performance in experiments.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700069

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 100 of 114

Title: Influence of atmospheric turbulence on detecting performance of all-day star sensor

Author(s): Yue, P (Yue, Pan); Hu, W (Hu, Wang); Yang, S (Yang, Shen); Xue, YK (Xue Yaoke); Jie, L (Jie, Liu)

Edited by: Yu L

Source: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PRECISION MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9903  Article Number: 990318  DOI: 10.1117/12.2211689  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: All-day star sensor makes it possible to observe stars in all-day time in the atmosphere. But the detecting performance is influenced by atmospheric turbulence. According to the characteristic of turbulence in long-exposure model, the modulation transfer function, point spread function and encircled power of the imaging system have been analyzed. Combined with typical star sensor optical system, the signal to noise ratio and the detectable stellar magnitude limit affected by turbulence have been calculated. The result shows the ratio of aperture diameter to atmospheric coherence length is main basis for the evaluation of the impact of turbulence. In condition of medium turbulence in day time, signal to noise ratio of the star sensor with diameter 120mm will drop about 4dB at most in typical work environment, and the detectable stellar limit will drop 1 magnitude.

Accession Number: WOS:000369988400044

Conference Title: 7th International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements (ISPMM)

Conference Date: AUG 08-12, 2015

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hefei Univ Technol, Huaqiao Univ, Beijing Informat Sci & Technol Univ, Zhejiang Sci Tech Univ, Anhui Univ Sci & Technol, Harbin Inst Technol, Opt & Photon Soc Singapore, Int Comm Measurements & Instrumentat, Natl Nat Sci Fdn China, China Instrument & Control Soc

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0167-3



Record 101 of 114

Title: Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Multiscale Bilateral Detail Decomposition

Author(s): Zeng, QJ (Zeng, Qing-jie); Li, J (Li, Jia); Qin, HL (Qin, Han-lin); Leng, HB (Leng, Han-bing); Lv, EL (Lv, En-long); Zhou, HX (Zhou, Hui-xin)

Book Group Author(s): Destech Publicat Inc

Source: 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION (ICEEA 2016)  Book Series: DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In order to solve the problem that infrared images usually have a poor visual effect with low contrast and weak details, an infrared image enhancement method based on multiscale bilateral detail decomposition (MBDD) is proposed in this paper. The core of MBDD strategy lies in utilizing bilateral filter with different scale parameters to achieve multiscale detail decomposition for infrared image. On the one hand, abundant detail information in different scales is effectively extracted as detail sub-images to be enhanced; on the other hand, a set of corresponding weights is constructed adaptively. The output image is a fused version from enhanced detail scale sub-images. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other conventional methods for infrared image enhancement.

Accession Number: WOS:000406674000046

Conference Title: International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automation (ICEEA)

Conference Date: DEC 18-19, 2016

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zeng, Qingjie 




ISSN: 2475-885X

ISBN: 978-1-60595-407-3



Record 102 of 114

Title: Thermal/structural/optical integrated design for optical sensor mounted on unmanned aerial vehicle

Author(s): Zhang, GP (Zhang, Gaopeng); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Mei, C (Mei, Chao); Wu, DS (Wu, Dengshan); Shi, K (Shi, Kui)

Edited by: Lv Y; Bao W

Source: SELECTED PAPERS OF THE PHOTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE CONFERENCES HELD NOVEMBER 2015  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9796  Article Number: 97962R  DOI: 10.1117/12.2229726  Published: 2016  

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology and the promotion of many local wars in the world, altitude optical sensor mounted on unmanned aerial vehicle is more widely applied in the airborne remote sensing, measurement and detection. In order to obtain high quality image of the aero optical remote sensor, it is important to analysis its thermal- optical performance on the condition of high speed and high altitude. Especially for the key imaging assembly, such as optical window, the temperature variation and temperature gradient can result in defocus and aberrations in optical system, which will lead to the poor quality image. In order to improve the optical performance of a high speed aerial camera optical window, the thermal/structural/optical integrated design method is developed. Firstly, the flight environment of optical window is analyzed. Based on the theory of aerodynamics and heat transfer, the convection heat transfer coefficient is calculated. The temperature distributing of optical window is simulated by the finite element analysis software. The maximum difference in temperature of the inside and outside of optical window is obtained. Then the deformation of optical window under the boundary condition of the maximum difference in temperature is calculated. The optical window surface deformation is fitted in Zernike polynomial as the interface, the calculated Zernike fitting coefficients is brought in and analyzed by CodeV Optical Software. At last, the transfer function diagrams of the optical system on temperature field are comparatively analyzed. By comparing and analyzing the result, it can be obtained that the optical path difference caused by thermal deformation of the optical window is 138.2 nm, which is under PV <= 1/4 lambda. The above study can be used as an important reference for other optical window designs.

Accession Number: WOS:000374450700099

Conference Title: Photoelectronic-Technology-Committee Conference

Conference Date: NOV 15-28, 2015

Conference Location: PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Photoelectron Technol Comm

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Gaopeng 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-881-1



Record 103 of 114

Title: Image De-fencing with Hyperspectral Camera

Author(s): Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Edited by: Obaidat MS; Nicoploitidis P; Hsiao KF; Caballero DC; Li Z; Gao F; Fan J

Source: 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (CITS)  Book Series: International Conference on Computer Information and Telecommunication Systems  Pages: 200-204  Published: 2016  

Abstract: The main idea of image de-fencing refers to removing fence-like obstacles in the image and recovering the image. In this paper, rather than using a common RGB camera, we propose a novel image de-fencing algorithm with the help of a hyperspectral camera. Our algorithm consists of two phases: (1) automatically finding the location of the fence in the image, (2) image inpainting to reveal a fence-free image. With a hyperspectral camera, hundreds of images of the same scene under different wavelengths can be obtained instantly. By exploiting the spectral information of different positions in the scene with these hyperspectral images, the location of the fence can be distinguished from other objects. Then the fence can be removed and the image can be recovered with a novel image inpainting algorithm based on an approximate near-neighbor search method. Experiments demonstrate that our algorithm achieves considerable performance for the image de-fencing problem.

Accession Number: WOS:000386924100012

Conference Title: International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)

Conference Date: JUL 06-08, 2016

Conference Location: Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Commun Soc, SCS, Xidian Univ, Yunnan Minzu Univ, State Key Lab

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 2326-2338

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0690-8



Record 104 of 114

Title: Alignment method of off-axis RC reflective optical system

Author(s): Zhang, XM (Zhang Xue-min); Song, X (Song Xing); Zhang, ZJ (Zhang Zhi-jun); Hou, XH (Hou Xiao-hua)

Edited by: Cho MK; Fan B

Source: 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TECHNOLOGIES: LARGE MIRRORS AND TELESCOPES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9682  Article Number: 968218  DOI: 10.1117/12.2245135  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Off-axis optical system has a wide application in space optics and remote detective area. The high surface shape accuracy can be ensured with the development of advanced manufacture technique. So the only condition which limits the wide application of off-axis optical system is how to realize the precise alignment of it. Based on a RC reflective optical system whose diameter is 400mm, the alignment method which combines the high resolution initial placement and computer-aided alignment is introduced. By designing a system which can measure the off-axis fabrication and off-axis angle precisely, the high resolution initial placement of off-axis mirror can be ensured with a measurement accuracy of +/- 0.05mm and +/- 10 ''. The good initial placement can give a good initial state, so the computer-aided model can be converged well. The experiment shows that a system which has a good initial placement could have a good wave aberration of 0.04. after three times iteration adjustment.

Accession Number: WOS:000387746500043

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hou, Xiaohua 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-917-7



Record 105 of 114

Title: Deep Object Tracking with Multi-modal Data

Author(s): Zhang, XZ (Zhang, Xuezhi); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang)

Edited by: Obaidat MS; Nicoploitidis P; Hsiao KF; Caballero DC; Li Z; Gao F; Fan J

Source: 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER, INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (CITS)  Book Series: International Conference on Computer Information and Telecommunication Systems  Pages: 161-165  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Object tracking is a challenging topic in the field of computer vision since its performance is easily disturbed by occlusion, illumination change, background clutter, scale variation, etc. In this paper, we introduce a robust tracking algorithm that fuses information from both visible images and infrared (IR) images. The proposed tracking algorithm not only incorporates convolutional feature maps from the visible channel, but also employs a scale pyramid representation from IR channel. We estimate the target location by fusing multilayer convolutional feature maps, and predict the target scale from a scale pyramid. The pipeline of the proposed method is as follows. First, the hierarchical convolutional feature maps are obtained from visible images using VGG-Nets. Then, the accurate target location is predicted by the maximum response of correlation filters with the visible image feature maps. Finally, we obtain the precise object scale with a scale pyramid from infrared images where the difference between the target and the background is clear. In order to verify the performance of the proposed method, we capture six video sequences under different conditions. These sequences contain both visible channel and IR channel. Ten state-of-the-art tracking algorithms are compared with our method, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed tracker.

Accession Number: WOS:000386924100019

Conference Title: International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)

Conference Date: JUL 06-08, 2016

Conference Location: Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Commun Soc, SCS, Xidian Univ, Yunnan Minzu Univ, State Key Lab

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yuan, Yuan 



Zhang, XZ 



zhang, xu 



yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 




ISSN: 2326-2338

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0690-8



Record 106 of 114

Title: Moving Target Detection Based on Features Matching of RGB in A Foggy Day

Author(s): Zhang, YQ (Zhang Ya-qun); Song, ZX (Song Zong-xi)

Edited by: Falco CM; Jiang X

Source: EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2016)  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10033  Article Number: UNSP 100330J  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243963  Part: 1  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Moving target detection is a significant research content of image processing and computer vision. Precise detection of moving target is the basic of target positioning, target tracking and target classification. There are many applications of it in intelligent monitoring, traffic statistics and many other fields. How to detect the moving object in a bad weather, for example, a heavy foggy day, is a problem that needs be solved in the engineering, we all know that the haze has been a quite serious environment problem in our life! The paper is based on this. First, getting rid of fog in the video, and then, extracting the features of pixels, establishing features dictionaries, building models for background by features matching in order to extract foreground. The result shows that the proposed algorithm can detect the moving target accurately in a foggy day.

Accession Number: WOS:000391694700018

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

Conference Date: MAY 20-23, 2016

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Sichuan Province Comp Federat, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Chengdu Univ Informat Technol, Chinese Acad Sci, Chengdu Inst Compr Applicat

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0503-9; 978-1-5106-0504-6



Record 107 of 114

Title: Design and Topology Optimization of Collimation Frame for Two-Dimensional Turntable

Author(s): Zhang, YQ (Zhang, Yongqiang); Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhaohui); Li, ZG (Li, Zhiguo)

Edited by: Hu JW; Ahn JK

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE  Book Series: AER-Advances in Engineering Research  Volume: 93  Pages: 140-145  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Space two-dimensional turntable is the main load-bearing structure of space photoelectric detection equipment, and collimation frame is the key support component of turntable, so its stiffness characteristics are vital for the performance of turntable. Therefore, the structure of collimation frame was topologically optimized under the request of the minimum quality and stiffness maximization by using the finite element software-MSC. Patran/Nastran. Modal shape of collimation frame is regarded as the deformation of model under different incentives. The optimized results under different incentives were analyzed. Considering the aforesaid optimized results and process requirements, the lightweight design result of collimation frame was obtained. The model quality after optimization is 29.42kg, and this result meet the requirements of design quality. The structure after optimized is analyzed by finite element (FEA), and the result shows that the first natural frequency of collimation frame is 169Hz, which satisfies the requirement of structure design. Finally, the modal experiment of structure was conducted, and the results verify that the result of finite element analysis is correct.

Accession Number: WOS:000391708800025

Conference Title: International Symposium on Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (ISMEMS)

Conference Date: NOV 17-19, 2016

Conference Location: SOUTH KOREA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, zhao 




ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-277-0



Record 108 of 114

Title: Self-deployable structure designed for space telescope for microsatellite application

Author(s): Zhao, C (Zhao, Chao); Li, C (Li, Chuang); Zhou, N (Zhou, Nan); Liao, HQ (Liao, Hongqiang)

Edited by: Luo X; Ye T; Xin T; Hu S; Hong M; Gu M


Abstract: With the gradual development of micro-satellite technology and the extension of application field of earth observation technology, researchers show more concern and attention on how to obtain high-resolution images with microsatellite platform equipped with space telescope. Such microsatellites require the space telescopes with small volume, low mass and low cost. Deployable telescope is a good choice to meet these requirements, and it has the same capabilities as the traditional space telescope. We investigate a space telescope with smart self-deployable structure. The telescope is folded before launch, the distance between primary mirror and secondary mirror becomes short and the volume of the telescope becomes small, and the telescope extends to its working configuration after it is in orbit. The deployable structure is one of the key techniques of deployable space telescope, and this paper focuses on the design of a self-deployable structure of the secondary mirror. There are mainly three parts in this paper. Firstly, the optics of the telescope is presented, and a Ritchey-Chretien (RC) type optical system is designed. Secondly, the self-deployable structure is designed and the finite element method (FEM) is used to analyze dynamics of the extended telescope. Thirdly, an adjusting mechanism with six degrees of freedom to correct the misalignment of the secondary mirror is investigated, and the kinematics is discussed.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429600011

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices and Systems; and Smart Structures and Materials

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chuang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-920-7



Record 109 of 114

Title: Design, fabrication and testing of duralumin zoom mirror with variable thickness

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Xie, XP (Xie, Xiaopeng); Xu, L (Xu, Liang); Ding, JT (Ding, Jiaoteng); Shen, L (Shen, Le); Liu, MY (Liu, Meiying); Gong, J (Gong, Jie)

Edited by: Xu M; Yang J

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10154  Article Number: UNSP 1015409  DOI: 10.1117/12.2243992  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Zoom mirror is a kind of active optical component that can change its curvature radius dynamically. Normally, zoom mirror is used to correct the defocus and spherical aberration caused by thermal lens effect to improve the beam quality of high power solid-state laser since that component was invented. Recently, the probable application of zoom mirror in realizing non-moving element optical zoom imaging in visible band has been paid much attention. With the help of optical leveraging effect, the slightly changed local optical power caused by curvature variation of zoom mirror could be amplified to generate a great alteration of system focal length without moving elements involved in, but in this application the shorter working wavelength and higher surface figure accuracy requirement make the design and fabrication of such a zoom mirror more difficult. Therefore, the key to realize non-moving element optical zoom imaging in visible band lies in zoom mirror which could provide a large enough saggitus variation while still maintaining a high enough surface figure. Although the annular force based actuation could deform a super-thin mirror having a constant thickness to generate curvature variation, it is quite difficult to maintain a high enough surface figure accuracy and this phenomenon becomes even worse when the diameter and the radius-thickness ratio become bigger. In this manuscript, by combing the pressurization based actuation with a variable thickness mirror design, the purpose of obtaining large saggitus variation and maintaining quite good surface figure accuracy at the same time could be achieved. A prototype zoom mirror with diameter of 120mm and central thickness of 8mm is designed, fabricated and tested. Experimental results demonstrate that the zoom mirror having an initial surface figure accuracy superior to 1/50 lambda could provide at least 21um saggitus variation and after finishing the curvature variation its surface figure accuracy could still be superior to 1/20 lambda, which proves that the effectiveness of the theoretical design.

Accession Number: WOS:000391500900010

Conference Title: International Symposium on Advanced Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies / International Symposium on Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation

Conference Date: MAY 09-11, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Soc Opt Engn, Chinese Soc Astronaut, Photoelectron Technol Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Photo Elect Industrializat Comm, China High Tech Industrializat Assoc, Dept Cooperat & Coordinat Ind, Acad & Res

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0767-5



Record 110 of 114

Title: Annular Force Based Variable Curvature Mirror Combined with Multi-point Actuation Array to Improve the Surface Figure Accuracy: A Prototype Design

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Xie, XP (Xie, Xiaopeng); Ren, GR (Ren, Guorui); Du, YF (Du, Yunfei); Liu, MY (Liu, Meiying); Wei, JX (Wei, Jingxuan)

Edited by: Jiang W; Yang L; Riemer O; Li S; Wan Y

Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 9683  Article Number: 96831V  DOI: 10.1117/12.2242256  Published: 2016  

Abstract: In recent years, a novel optical zooming technique has been paid much attention. With the help of optical leveraging effect, it is possible to alter the system focal length dramatically without moving elements involved in by only changing the curvature radius of VCM (variable curvature mirror) slightly. With no doubt, VCM is the key to realize non-moving element optical zooming and it has to provide large enough saggitus variation while still maintaining the high surface figure accuracy to ensure high-quality imaging. In our previously published paper, an annular force based VCM has been designed, fabricated and tested. Experiments demonstrate that with the aperture of 100mm and thickness of 2mm, the VCM could generate a large saggitus variation exceeding 30. (lambda=632.8nm). However, the optical quality degrades very fast and this makes such a VCM unsuitable for optical imaging in visible band. Therefore in this manuscript, a multipoint actuation array, which is composed of totally 49 piezoelectric actuators, is embedded into the annular structure to aim to correct the surface figure distortion caused by large saggitus variation. The new structure model has been designed and numerical simulation indicates that the surface figure distortion could be well corrected as long as the degraded surface figure accuracy is better than 1.8. (lambda=632.8nm) (RMS). Based on this, a new prototype VCM is being fabricated and intermediate results are reported here.

Accession Number: WOS:000387745800066

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wei, jing 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-918-4



Record 111 of 114

Title: Image Amplification based Super-resolution Reconstruction Procedure Designed for Wave-front Coded Imaging System

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Zong, CH (Zong, Caihui); Wei, JX (Wei, Jingxuan); Xie, XP (Xie, Xiaopeng)

Edited by: Wang Y; Kidger TE; Tatsuno K

Source: OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING VII  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 10021  Article Number: UNSP 1002117  DOI: 10.1117/12.2245765  Published: 2016  

Abstract: Wave-front coding, proposed by Dowski and Cathey in 1995, is widely known to be capable of extending the depth of focus (DOF) of incoherent imaging systems. However, benefiting from its very large point spread function (PSF) generated by a suitably designed phase mask that is added to the aperture plane, wave-front coding could also be used to achieve super-resolution without replacing the current sensor with one of smaller pitch size. An image amplification based super-resolution reconstruction procedure has been specifically designed for wave-front coded imaging systems and its effectiveness has been tested by experiment. For instance, for a focal length of 50 mm and f-number 4.5, objects within the range [5 m, infinity] are clearly imaged with the help of wave-front coding, which indicates a DOF extension ratio of approximately 20. The proposed super-resolution reconstruction procedure produces at least 3x resolution improvement, with the quality of the reconstructed super-resolution image approaching the diffraction limit.

Accession Number: WOS:000393152400034

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Design and Testing VII

Conference Date: OCT 12-13, 2016

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wei, jing 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-1-5106-0461-2; 978-1-5106-0462-9



Record 112 of 114

Title: Research on Lightweight Passive Deployment Mechanism for the Secondary Mirror in the Deployable Space Telescope

Author(s): Zhong, PF (Zhong, Peifeng); Li, C (Li, Chuang); Jing, N (Jing, Nan); Chong, YQ (Chong, Yaqin); Ren, GR (Ren, Guorui)

Edited by: Luo X; Ye T; Xin T; Hu S; Hong M; Gu M


Abstract: In this paper, a new type of lightweight passive deployment mechanism based on the tape spring and the shape memory alloy is presented for the secondary mirror of a deployable space telescope. In this passive deployment mechanism for the secondary mirror, the high elastic potential energy of the folded tape springs is used as driving force when the support structure is extended, and the high stiffness characteristics of the circular arc cross section of the tape spring can be used to achieve structure self-locking after deployment. Then a deployable space telescope combined with lightweight passive deployable mechanism for the secondary mirror is designed for applying to nanosatellite imaging. Furthermore, a lock-release device is designed to achieve the function of locking the folded structure and releasing on orbit by taking advantage of the phase transformation characteristics of shape memory alloy with temperature changing. Finally, the correction method for the deployment error of secondary mirror is discussed. The temperature of the tape springs is controlled respectively to make a required length change. This can achieve the purpose of adjusting the position of the secondary mirror and improve the deployment accuracy.

Accession Number: WOS:000387429600039

Conference Title: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices and Systems; and Smart Structures and Materials

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2016

Conference Location: Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chuang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-1-62841-920-7



Record 113 of 114

Title: Spectrum reconstruction for Chang'e-1 imaging interferometer data using modified periodogram method

Author(s): Zhu, F (Zhu, Feng); Liu, JH (Liu, Jia-Hang); Ren, X (Ren, Xin); Chen, TQ (Chen, Tie-Qiao); Liu, J (Liu, Jia)

Edited by: Yang T; Fakharian A


Abstract: Imaging Interferometer (IIM) aboard on Chang'e-1 is a Fourier transform imaging spectroscopy. Spectrum reconstruction which converts raw interferometric data to spectral data is crucial to the signal-to-noise (SNR) property and spectral consistency, thus influences the usability of IIM data. Three modified periodogram method including periodogram with rectangular window (PRW), periodogram with triangular window (PTW) and Bartlett method are introduced for the spectrum reconstruction. We use the Spectral and Spatial Decorrelation method to calculate the SNRs, and use Apollo samples to calibrate the spectrum and validate the spectral consistency of the three methods. Experimental results showed that Bartlett method had better performance in both SNR and spectral consistency than other two methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000400862900012

Conference Title: 2nd Annual International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Science (EEEIS)

Conference Date: DEC 02-04, 2016

Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Jiajia 



xin, ren 




ISSN: 2352-5401

ISBN: 978-94-6252-320-3



Record 114 of 114

Title: A Compact QCW Conduction-cooled High Power Semiconductor Laser Array

Author(s): Zhu, QW (Zhu, Qiwen); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Wang, SN (Wang, Shuna); Wu, DH (Wu, Dihai); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Song, YF (Song, Yunfei); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Bi KY; Liu S; Zhou S


Abstract: With the improvement of performance and reliability, high power semiconductor lasers have been widely applied in more and more fields. Thermal management is one of the most important issues effecting the optical-electrical performance of high power semiconductor laser. Compared with liquid cooled techniques, conduction-cooled techniques have many advantages in some special applications because it could be adaptable for extreme environments, such as high temperature and low temperature. In this paper, a compact quasi-continuous wave (QCW) conduction-cooled high power semiconductor laser array was studied. The thermal behavior of the conduction-cooled semiconductor laser array with different structure and operation parameters were carried out using finite element method (FEM). The structure parameters of 6-Stack semiconductor laser array was presented and optimized. Finally, A high power semiconductor laser array with superior performance was fabricated and characterized.

Accession Number: WOS:000389835800048

Conference Title: 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT)

Conference Date: AUG 16-19, 2016

Conference Location: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc, Elect Packaging Div, IEEE Components Packaging & Mfg Technol Soc, Wuhan Univ, Wuhan Univ, Sch Power & Mech Engn

Conference Host: Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc

ISBN: 978-1-5090-1396-8