Record 1 of 99

Title: A new design of large area MCP-PMT for the next generation neutrino experiment

Author(s): Wang, YF (Wang, Yifang); Qian, S (Qian, Sen); Zhao, T (Zhao, T.); Tian, JS (Tian, Jinshou); Li, HR (Li, Huirui); Cao, J (Cao, Jun); Xu, XY (Xu, Xiangyan); Wang, XY (Wang, Xiaoyun); Liu, SD (Liu, Shudong); Liu, HL (Liu, Hulin); Liu, SL (Liu, Shulin); Liu, DL (Liu, Delin); Heng, YK (Heng, Yuekun); Cao, XB (Cao, Xibin); Jun, ST (Jun Shentu)


Abstract: This manuscript discusses a new design of large area MCP-PMT for the next generation neutrino experiments. The main motivation of the design is to improve the quantum efficiency (photo detection efficiency) of the PMT. Two sets of small MCP units, the transmission photocathode coated on the front hemisphere and the reflection photocathode coated on the rear hemisphere are assembled in the same glass envelope to form nearly 4 pi viewing angle to enhance the efficiency of the photoelectron detection. The photoelectrons from the 4 pi photocathode are collected and amplified by two sets of MCP units. Our goal is eventually to produce 20 in. diameter PMT following such an approach. We will report preliminary results of our ptoelectronic simulation and the results of a 5 in. diameter prototype PMT. Future plans and prospects are discussed at the end. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000311469900022

Conference Title: International Conference on New Developments In Photodetection-NDIP11

Conference Date: JUL 04-08, 2011

Conference Location: Lyon, FRANCE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, xiaoyun 



Lang, Ming 



Cao, Jun 



heng, yue kun 



Wang, Yifang 



Qian, Sen 




ISSN: 0168-9002

eISSN: 1872-9576



Record 2 of 99

Title: Picosecond laser-induced formation of spikes in a single crystal superalloy

Author(s): Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Cheng, GH (Cheng, Guanghua); Feng, Q (Feng, Qiang); Cao, LM (Cao, Lamei)

Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE  Volume: 258  Issue: 23  Pages: 9452-9456  DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.02.056  Published: SEP 15 2012  

Abstract: The characteristics of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) were investigated after laser irradiation with different pulse duration under a certain range of laser fluence (0.25 <= Phi <= 1.91 J/cm(2)) and pulse number (11 <= N <= 560). Spikes were generated by picosecond laser irradiation in ambient air, in comparison with only periodic ripple structures introduced by nanosecond and femtosecond laser irradiation. Microstructural investigations indicate that these spikes were initiated by the fragment of periodic ripple ridges or corrugation on the smooth surface with subsequent pulses, and their separation increased with increasing the laser fluence. Surface capillary waves associated with the resolidification process can be employed to explain the formation of spikes by picosecond laser irradiation. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Accession Number: WOS:000307241800072

Conference Title: Symposium H on Indium Nitride and Related Alloys/ICAM IUMRS Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society (E-MRS)

Conference Date: MAY 09-13, 2011

Conference Location: Nice, FRANCE

Conference Sponsors: European Mat Res Soc (E-MRS), ICAM, IUMRS

ISSN: 0169-4332

eISSN: 1873-5584



Record 3 of 99

Title: Analysis of field of view limited by a multi-line X-ray source and its improvement for grating interferometry

Author(s): Du, Y (Du, Yang); Huang, JH (Huang, Jianheng); Lin, DY (Lin, Danying); Niu, HB (Niu, Hanben)

Source: ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY  Volume: 404  Issue: 3  Pages: 793-797  DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-6178-1  Published: AUG 2012  

Abstract: X-ray phase-contrast imaging based on grating interferometry is a technique with the potential to provide absorption, differential phase contrast, and dark-field signals simultaneously. The multi-line X-ray source used recently in grating interferometry has the advantage of high-energy X-rays for imaging of thick samples for most clinical and industrial investigations. However, it has a drawback of limited field of view (FOV), because of the axial extension of the X-ray emission area. In this paper, we analyze the effects of axial extension of the multi-line X-ray source on the FOV and its improvement in terms of Fresnel diffraction theory. Computer simulation results show that the FOV limitation can be overcome by use of an alternative X-ray tube with a specially designed multi-step anode. The FOV of this newly designed X-ray source can be approximately four times larger than that of the multi-line X-ray source in the same emission area. This might be beneficial for the applications of X-ray phase contrast imaging in materials science, biology, medicine, and industry.

Accession Number: WOS:000307251900022

PubMed ID: 22729354

Conference Title: 7th international conference on instrumental methods of analysis - modern trends and applications

Conference Date: SEP 18-22, 2011

Conference Location: Chania, GREECE

ISSN: 1618-2642

eISSN: 1618-2650



Record 4 of 99

Title: Fault-Tolerant Autolanding Controller Design using Neural Network

Author(s): Bai, JM (Bai, Jian-Ming); Rong, HJ (Rong, Hai-Jun)

Edited by: Li W; Zhao Q

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31ST CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE  Book Series: Chinese Control Conference  Pages: 3017-3022  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In the paper, a neural control scheme is presented for an UAV automatic landing problem under the failure of stuck control surfaces and severe winds. The scheme incorporates a neural controller which augments an existing conventional controller called Baseline Trajectory Following Controller (BTFC). The neural controller is designed using Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Networks (SLFNs) with additive or Radial Basis Function (RBF) hidden nodes in a unified framework. The SLFNs are trained based on the recently proposed neural algorithm named Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). In OS-ELM, the parameters of hidden nodes (the input weights and biases of additive nodes or the centers and impact factors of RBF nodes) are randomly selected and the output weights are analytically determined based on the sequentially arriving data. Performance of the proposed neural control scheme is evaluated on a typical aircraft autolanding with a single stuck failure of left elevator. The simulation results demonstrate good fault tolerant performance of the proposed neural fault tolerant controller.

Accession Number: WOS:000393905903025

Conference Title: 31st Chinese Control Conference

Conference Date: JUL 25-27, 2012

Conference Location: Hefei, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: CAA, Tech Comm Control Theory, Syst Engn Soc China, Univ Sci & Technol China

ISSN: 2161-2927

ISBN: 978-988-15638-1-1



Record 5 of 99

Title: A Robust Image Registration Algorithm Used for Panoramic Image Mosaic

Author(s): Bo, G (Bo, Gao); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuofeng); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi); Hua, W (Hua, Wang); Guo, HN (Guo, Huinan)

Edited by: Qian X; Thomas L; Sun L; Francia G

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE ANALYSIS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING  Book Series: International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing  Pages: 300-303  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The panoramic image has been widely used in social production, and has become an important topic in research on the field of image processing. For complex images with multiple scenes and other elements, the algorithm that is based on Harris cannot make image registration effectively. This paper proposes a method that combines Harris with SIFT, using the Harris algorithm with adaptive threshold to extract the corners and the SIFT descriptor to make the registration. It improved registration efficiency sub-effectively for the image in complex scenes, and generated a 360-degree panoramic image quickly. The experiments showed that the algorithm is adaptable and robust.

Accession Number: WOS:000318922700067

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP)

Conference Date: NOV 09-11, 2012

Conference Location: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun, Sch Elect & Informat, So Polytechn State Univ, Coll Comp & Elect Engn, So Polytechn State Univ, IEEE Chapter, Jacksonville State Univ, Dept Math & Comp, Hangzhou Dianzi (Elect Engn) Univ, WASU Digital TV Media Grp, Zhejiang Univ Sci & Technol, China Jiliang Univ

Conference Host: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hua, Wang 




ISSN: 2156-0110

ISBN: 978-1-4673-2545-5; 978-1-4673-2547-9



Record 6 of 99

Title: Theoretical energy distributions of electrons from a large exponential-doping GaAs photocathode

Author(s): Cai, ZP (Cai, Zhipeng); Yang, WZ (Yang, Wenzheng); Tang, WD (Tang, Weidong); Hou, X (Hou, Xun)

Edited by: Bu JL; Jiang ZY; Jiao S

Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS, PTS 1-3  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 415-417  Pages: 1302-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.415-417.1302  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Theoretical calculation indicates that the large exponential-doping GaAs photocathodes have a much narrower electron energy distribution than traditional GaAs NEA cathodes, and the excellent performance attributes to the special structure characters of the band-bending region and lower negative electron affinity of the new-type GaAs photocathodes. The effects of surface doping concentration and work function on the energy distribution are discussed in details, and the FWHM of the energy distribution is less than 100meV. The simulation results indicate that the large exponential-doping mode further improves the features of the electron energy spreads for GaAs photocathodes, which may meet the further demand of next generation of electron guns.

Accession Number: WOS:000309893300260

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011)

Conference Date: DEC 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Univ Wollongong, NE Univ Qinhuangdao, Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Hebei Polytechn Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Wenzheng 



Cai, Zhipeng 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-325-2



Record 7 of 99

Title: Particle Filter with Fine Resampling for Bearings-Only Tracking

Author(s): Cao, B (Cao, Bei); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen); Liu, ZT (Liu, Zhentao)

Edited by: Guo H

Source: 2012 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INFORMATION AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING  Book Series: Procedia Engineering  Volume: 29  Pages: 3685-3690  DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.553  Published: 2012  

Abstract: To solve the nonlinear filtering problem in the Bearings-Only Tracking (BOT), an improved particle filter with fine resampling is proposed, called as PF-FR (Particle Filter with Fine Resampling). By introducing distance-comparing process and generating new particle based on optimized combination scheme, PF-FR filter performs better than generic PF-SIR filter both in terms of effectiveness and diversity of the particle system, hence, evidently enhancing tracking accuracy in bearings-only tracking problem. Simulations indicate that the proposed PF-FR algorithm is effective. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Harbin University of Science and Technology

Accession Number: WOS:000314346403132

Conference Title: International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering (IWIEE) / International Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications (ICICT)

Conference Date: MAR 10-11, 2012

Conference Location: Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Harbin Univ Sci & Technol, Int Sci & Engn Res Ctr, Harbin Engn Univ, NE Forestry Univ, Harbin Normal Univ, HeiLongJing Univ, NE Petr Univ, Harbin Univ, China Commun Magazine, Co., Ltd

ISSN: 1877-7058



Record 8 of 99

Title: A Novel Design of Fiber-Optic Sagnac Current Sensor

Author(s): Cao, H (Cao, Hui); Shi, NB (Shi, Nianbao); Xu, JT (Xu, Jintao)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND DESIGN (ISCID 2012), VOL 2  Book Series: International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design  Pages: 89-92  DOI: 10.1109/ISCID.2012.174  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The principle of in-line Sagnac interferometer current sensor is presented. To simplify the modulation and eliminate the error caused by cross coupling, a new structure of current sensor is proposed here. Two end mirrored sensing fibers are winded around the conductor reversely. The modulating is much simpler and a simple analysis using Jones matrix has shown that this current sensor is feasible.

Accession Number: WOS:000320940800023

Conference Title: 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID)

Conference Date: OCT 28-29, 2012

Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, Zhejiang Univ, Univ Bristol, IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, Zhejiang Sci Tech Univ, IEEE Comp Soc (CS)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

hui, cao 




ISSN: 2165-1701

eISSN: 2473-3547

ISBN: 978-0-7695-4811-1



Record 9 of 99

Title: Multi-Atlas based Image Selection with Label Image Constraint

Author(s): Cao, YH (Cao, Yihui); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun)

Edited by: Wani MA; Khoshgoftaar T; Zhu X; Seliya N

Source: 2012 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS (ICMLA 2012), VOL 1  Pages: 311-316  DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2012.232  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Atlas selection plays an important role in multi-atlas based image segmentation. In atlas selection methods, manifold learning based techniques have recently emerged as very promisingly. However, due to the complexity of anatomical structures in raw images, it is difficult to get accurate atlas selection results by measuring only the distance between raw images on the manifolds. In this paper, we tackle this problem by proposing a label image constrained atlas selection (LICAS) method to exploit the shape and size information of the regions to be segmented from the label images. Constrained by the label images, a new manifold projection method is developed to help uncover the intrinsic similarity between the regions of interest across images. Compared with other existing methods, the experimental results of segmentation on 60 Magnetic Resonance (MR) images showed that the selected atlases are closer to the target structure and more accurate segmentation can be obtained by using the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000427260500052

Conference Title: 11th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)

Conference Date: DEC 12-15, 2012

Conference Location: Boca Raton, FL

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, AML&A, Florida Atlantic Univ, LexisNexis

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Pingkun 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-0-7695-4913-2; 978-1-4673-4651-1



Record 10 of 99

Title: Design and optimize the supporting structure of Large-diameter lightweight mirror

Author(s): Chai, WY (Chai, WenYi); Xie, YJ (Xie, YongJie); Wang, W (Wang, Wei); Wu, MY (Wu, MengYuan); Fan, XW (Fan, XueWu)

Edited by: Guo J

Source: INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND MECHANICAL POWER  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 224  Pages: 170-173  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.224.170  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper describe design and optimize of the lightweight primary mirror assemblies for the space telescope, aim at supporting structure of the primary mirror with an aperture of 530mm for the Cassegrain optical. We design three kinds of flexible support structure for the mirror, and numerical simulation analysis the accuracy of reflective shape for mirror assemblies on the ground test and in-orbit work environment, compare the results of analysis and optimize parameters of flexible structure, determine the final project and put it into production. The results show that the component should be aligned and tested in the same direction of the mirror optical axis and the gravity, the accuracy of reflective shape is PV<lambda/25 and RMS<lambda/125 (lambda = 632.8nm), under the state of Delta 4 degrees C temperature change, the RMS<lambda/234 (lambda = 632.8nm), the project meet design requirements of the optical system.

Accession Number: WOS:000316308700036

Conference Title: International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanical Power (ICIDMP 2012)

Conference Date: JUL 10-11, 2012

Conference Location: Huangshan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 



Li, Jiawei 




ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-505-8



Record 11 of 99

Title: The Study on Image Compression Methods

Author(s): Chen, Z (Chen, Zhi); Qiu, YH (Qiu, Yuehong)

Edited by: Luo J

Source: AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION  Book Series: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing  Volume: 137  Pages: 277-283  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Because of the higher resolution, the data volume of remote sensing image is very large. To communicate and use them on network, efficient compression is very important. In this study, we present the main subjects in the theory of data compression and some image compression methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000310937400034

Conference Title: International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ICACH 2012)

Conference Date: FEB 27-28, 2012

Conference Location: Taipei, TAIWAN

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wang, jiajun 



qiu, yue 




ISSN: 1867-5662

ISBN: 978-3-642-27865-5



Record 12 of 99

Title: Tracking of Moving Object Based on Optical Flow Detection

Author(s): Chen, ZW (Chen, Zhiwen); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Tang, Y (Tang, Yao); Tang, LN (Tang, Linao)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Object tracking is one of the most important fields in computer vision and image processing community. In this paper, a novel method for tracking of moving object is proposed. We analyze many methods which are used to segment the Video Object (VO). Then we propose a way, which is based on optical flow, to track object by using the object contour. This algorithm achieves the effective object tracking in spatial position. The experiment result shows that moving object tracking is accurate, rapid and stable by using this algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000304720100250

Conference Title: International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT)

Conference Date: DEC 24-26, 2011

Conference Location: Harbin Normal Univ, Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Conference Host: Harbin Normal Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chen, Zhiwen 




ISBN: 978-1-4577-1584-6



Record 13 of 99

Title: Optical design of satellite laser communication integrative transceiver

Author(s): Cheng, YY (Cheng, Yanyan); Fan, XW (Fan, Xuewu); Zou, GY (Zou, Gangyi); Yan, PP (Yan, Peipei); Liu, K (Liu, Kai)

Edited by: Jiang W; Cho MK; Wu F

Source: 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TECHNOLOGIES: LARGE MIRRORS AND TELESCOPES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8415  Article Number: 84151F  DOI: 10.1117/12.973763  Published: 2012  

Abstract: According to technical requirements of satellite optical communication, a set of optical system of transmitter and receiver with a common optical antenna is designed at 850nm. We select a Cassegrain-type afocal off-axis system as the optical antenna structure. The entrance pupil diameter is 150 mm. The field of view of transmitter and receiver is +/- 100 mu rad and +/- 5mrad, respectively. This optical system has a simple and feasible configuration. The design results show that system performances are acceptable. The MTF is close to the diffraction limit. The energy concentration ratios are more than 90% at 30 mu m of diameter of circle. The RMS of wave front aberration is less than lambda/20.

Accession Number: WOS:000322918600051

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2010

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE), SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9097-1



Record 14 of 99

Title: Constant Current Chopping Subdivision Driver of Stepper Motor Applied in Harsh Environment

Author(s): Dong, Q (Dong, Qiang); Li, Y (Li, Yan); Tian, Y (Tian, Ye); Wang, XH (Wang, XianHong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: According to the special requirements of aerospace electronic products, this paper gives a designation of constant current subdivision driver of step motor based on the FPGA. In this design, the subdivision of the Sine/Cosine waveform is used to control current waveform, while the comparison of the feedback current and control current implements the function of constant current control. The design has some advantages such as stable output torque, low noise and vibration at low speed, short time in positioning and small possibility of losing step.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800223

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 15 of 99

Title: The Implementation of Remote Digital Video Monitoring System Based on ARM11

Author(s): Du, SC (Du, Shichang); Li, BX (Li, Bianxia)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: This paper describes the design and implementation of a remote video monitoring system. The system adopts ARM11 as the main processor, and uses hard-coding to compress the video data with H. 264. In the embedded environment of Linux, server adopts V4L2 interface technology, the latest H. 264 video coding technology, and RTP/RTCP Real-Time Transport Protocol to complete video capture, encoding and transmission process. At the beginning of this paper it describes the necessity of the design of the system. And then it elaborates the realization methods of hardware and software, and makes necessary instructions of the choice of some methods. At the end of the paper, we tested the system and showed the test results.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800045

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 16 of 99

Title: Research on reflective optical telescope system's wavefront aberration compensation method

Author(s): Duan, XT (Duan Xueting)

Edited by: Jiang W; Cho MK; Wu F

Source: 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED OPTICAL MANUFACTURING AND TESTING TECHNOLOGIES: LARGE MIRRORS AND TELESCOPES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8415  Article Number: 84151D  DOI: 10.1117/12.978629  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Wavefront aberration measurement of the image quality of reflective telescope system which has a large aperture and long focal length is one of the frequently-used methods of high-precision test and alignment. It was widely used during the large aperture telescope manufacturing process. The influences of surface shape error of the reflective optical telescope system components were simulated and analyst by input the actual measuring data into the optical design software CODE V in this article. According to the test results compared to the alignment process, the accuracy of the simulation method was indicated. At the same time, the wavefront aberration optical compensation principle of the reflective optical telescope system was proved by the simulation of alignment. And in this article, the feasibility of the application of optical phase compensation alignment method was investigated.

Accession Number: WOS:000322918600049

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2010

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE), SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9097-1



Record 17 of 99

Title: Research on the First Class m Subsequence

Author(s): Duan, YN (Duan, Yingni); Zhang, HF (Zhang, Haifeng); Lv, H (Lv, Hong); Fang, JC (Fang, Junchu)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: For the difficulty of pseudo-random sequence generation, on the basis of construction research of the first class m subsequence,this paper realizes m subsequence based on shift register theory and deduces feedback function expression of m subsequence and analyses linear complexity of sequence by applying B-M algorithm. The analysis shows that linear complexity of m subsequence is larger than linear complexity of m sequence, close to a half of m sequence period.

Accession Number: WOS:000318241200111

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS)

Conference Date: NOV 17-18, 2012

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xidian Univ, Beijing Normal Univ, IEEE CPS

ISBN: 978-0-7695-4896-8; 978-1-4673-4725-9



Record 18 of 99

Title: Focusing Properties of the Visible Light Wave through Plasmonic Lenses with Subwavelength Chirped Slits

Author(s): Feng, D (Feng, Di); Zhang, CX (Zhang, Chunxi); Yang, YH (Yang, Yuanhong)

Edited by: Xiong JQ

Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROCESSING II  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 586  Pages: 356-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.586.356  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Focusing properties of a new kind of plasmonic lenses are investigated in the visible wavelength range through a subwavelength metallic chirped slit arrays which have the same depth but chirped widths. The chirped widths of slits are like a piece-wise-linear distribution which will be approximated by linearly increasing the width of a subwavelength feature and can build up a required phase front for focusing. We analyzed the focusing characteristics of different metallic lenses (silver and gold, respectively) with chirped widths that are obtained by generalizing the relevant phase delay for TE- and TM-polarized incident waves, for different f-numbers of lenses and for different material thickness, respectively. Meanwhile, the comparison of the metallic and dielectric lenses is also presented. The results of calculations show that, the metallic lenses are more sensitive to the polarization of incidence wave than that of dielectric lenses, and can get narrower full-width half-maximum (FWHM) beam width than that of dielectric lenses for TM-polarized incident waves, respectively. No matter which f-number we choose, the FWHM of dielectric lenses are higher than the plasmonic lenses, and the plasmonic lenses can get a higher focal resolution than dielectric lenses do. This kind of plasmonic lenses should have a good potential for applications in photonic and plasmonic integrated devices, sensing, and nano-optical manipulations, etc.

Accession Number: WOS:000317550300063

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing (AMITP 2012)

Conference Date: OCT 17-18, 2012

Conference Location: Taipei, TAIWAN

Conference Sponsors: Informat Engn Res Inst

ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-523-2



Record 19 of 99

Title: Design and Performance Experiment of Ultraviolet Off-axis TMA System

Author(s): Feng, LJ (Feng Liangjie); Wang, CJ (Wang Chenjie); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu); Zhang, HS (Zhang Haosu); Pang, ZH (Pang Zhihai)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Xiang L; To S


Abstract: The limb UV radiation detection provides the information of atmosphere ultraviolet spectrum, so as to acquire the high resolution vertical distribution information of atmospheric trace gases and aerosol. Off-axis Three-mirror Anastigmat (TMA) system is adopted in limb UV radiation detection to increase horizontal space coverage. In this paper, opto-mechanical design of the system is introduced, and camera alignment is completed by computer aiding, then optical, mechanical and electrical combination as well as the optical performance test are carried out with the UV Image Intensifier. The camera's wavefront error of each field is close to design value after alignment, the resolution reaches 140lp/mm in visible light band, and 20lp/mm in UV band, which reaches the design limit of the UV Image Intensifier, the optical system could well meet the operational requirement.

Accession Number: WOS:000312964200135

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9099-5



Record 20 of 99

Title: New measurement of the alignment of the deployable telescope

Author(s): Feng, XG (Feng Xuegui); Li, C (Li Chuang); Zhao, C (Zhao Chao)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Xiang L; To S


Abstract: As one type of the deployable telescope, the deployable space telescope under researching uses tape springs as the support structure of secondary mirror. Before launch, the support structure of secondary mirror is folded, and when on orbit the structure is deployed. Usually the secondary mirror is not on the nominal position after deploying, so the alignment of the secondary mirror is needed. To achieve this we need to obtain the deployment errors. So the measuring of secondary mirror deployment errors of thus deployable telescope is an important topic. In this paper, we designed an accurate measuring system based on position sensitive detectors (PSDs) to measure the deployment errors, through measuring the six-degree-of-freedom motions of the secondary mirror. The measuring system contains 3 two-dimensional PSDs, 3 laser diodes and 3 small mirrors. In order to resolve the deployment errors, the equations linking the PSD readings and the six-degree-of-freedom displacement of the secondary mirror were deduced. These equations are solved through a numerical method. Finally, we did measuring experiments on a deployable prototype. The experimental results show that this deployable prototype has deployment errors about 100um.

Accession Number: WOS:000312964200112

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chuang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9099-5



Record 21 of 99

Title: Local Structure Divergence Index for Image Quality Assessment

Author(s): Gao, F (Gao, Fei); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); He, LH (He, Lihuo)

Edited by: Huang T; Zeng Z; Li C; Leung CS

Source: NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, ICONIP 2012, PT V  Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science  Volume: 7667  Pages: 337-344  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms are important for image-processing systems. And structure information plays a significant role in the development of IQA metrics. In contrast to existing structure driven IQA algorithms that measure the structure information using the normalized image or gradient amplitudes, we present a new Local Structure Divergence (LSD) index based on the local structures contained in an image. In particular, we exploit the steering kernels to describe local structures. Afterward, we estimate the quality of a given image by calculating the symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence (SKLD) between kernels of the reference image and the distorted image. Experimental results on the LIVE database II show that LSD performs consistently with the human perception with a high confidence, and outperforms representative structure driven IQA metrics across various distortions.

Accession Number: WOS:000345092300040

Conference Title: 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP)

Conference Date: NOV 11-15, 2012

Conference Location: Doha, QATAR

Conference Sponsors: IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, United Dev Co PSC, Qatar Petrochem Co, ExxonMobil, Texas A&M Univ Qatar & Asia Pacif Neural Network Assembly, European Neural Network Soc, Japanese Neural Network Soc, Qatar Petr, Int Neural Network Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0302-9743

ISBN: 978-3-642-34500-5



Record 22 of 99

Title: Design of The Autocollimator Interface Based on TMS320F2812

Author(s): Gao, LN (Gao Li-na); Hu, XD (Hu Xiao-dong)

Edited by: Zhong Y

Source: ADVANCES IN COMPUTING, CONTROL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 235  Pages: 164-169  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.235.164  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In order to convenient the design of the autocollimator interface, this paper introduces the design of hardware and software of the autocollimator interface, and detailed analysis some key links The SPI extension module (EEPROM) based on abundance on-chip resource of TMS320F2812 DSP is used to storage the equivalent of misalignment angle; The CAN extension module (CAN bus) based on CAN module is used to communicate with other computers; SCI extension module (RS232) is used which is convenient for the system debugging, and extension interfaces are left. Meanwhile, the corresponding design of software is also given in the paper. Prototype tests show that the design of the autocollimator interface can fully satisfy the requirements of the system. The design experience can be referred in similar engineering.

Accession Number: WOS:000316308600031

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE 2012)

Conference Date: OCT 27-28, 2012

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hu, Xiaoyu 



Hu, Xiao 




ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-520-1



Record 23 of 99

Title: Design of the Autocollimator Tracking System based on TMS320DM642 and TMS320F2812

Author(s): Guo, HX (Guo, Hongxiang); Hu, XD (Hu, Xiaodong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: This paper introduces the composition of the autocollimator tracking system, and analyses in detail the image processing part and servo tracking part of the system. The image processing part uses TMS320DM642 DSP to complete the image acquisition and image display. Using RS232 serial ports to transmit each frame offset of target to the servo tracking part. According to the offset information, the servo tracking part makes use of TMS320F2812 DSP to complete real-time tracking. Autocollimator tracking system uses two rhombic prisms to ensure real-time transmission of optical path. Experiments show that the autocollimator tracking system can achieve 1HZ real-time tracking and fully meets the project needs.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800230

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Hu, Xiaoyu 



Hu, Xiao 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 24 of 99

Title: Automatic White Balance of Digital Camera Based on Global Probability Distribution

Author(s): Guo, HN (Guo Huinan); Cao, JZ (Cao Jianzhong)

Edited by: Zhang CS

Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 433-440  Pages: 5443-5447  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.433-440.5443  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The white balance is an important parameter of digital camera which makes a great impact on the application of digital cameras. However, due to the limitations of hardware of digital camera, the output image of digital camera cannot restore true colors of the objects under the different light sources conditions. And existing automatic white balance (AWB) algorithms have many application restrictions, particularly the single color image, the algorithms always failure to adjust. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an optimized algorithm based on the gray world assumption and HSI color model. According to the R, G and B color components probability distribution, the algorithm adjusts the image by using the difference value of color. Experimental results show that our algorithm can adjust images in complex situations; meanwhile these confirm that this method is not only effective, but also has the advantage of easy realization.

Accession Number: WOS:000302092001447

Conference Title: International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology (MSIT 2011)

Conference Date: SEP 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE

Conference Sponsors: Singapore Inst Elect

ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-319-1



Record 25 of 99

Title: Driving Circuit Design for High Frame Rate CCD Image Sensor

Author(s): Hao, YJ (Hao, Yajiao); Liu, XB (Liu, Xuebin)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: In the light of a frame-transfer CCD area array with high frame rate, the paper explains its operation mechanism in detail. In this paper, LM317H and LM337H are chosen to design a variety of bias voltages required for the CCD. The driving pulses for CCD are generated by the FPGA of Xilinx Corporation and the driving circuit is designed by EL7457CL. The 16 output electrical signals from CCD are pre-processed by voltage followers and differential amplifiers. The experimental results show that the design of driving circuit can meet the normal demands for CCD.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800215

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 26 of 99

Title: Sparse Representation for Blind Image Quality Assessment

Author(s): He, LH (He, Lihuo); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 1146-1153  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) is an important yet difficult task in image processing related applications. Existing algorithms for universal BIQA learn a mapping from features of an image to the corresponding subjective quality or divide the image into different distortions before mapping. Although these algorithms are promising, they face the following problems: 1) they require a large number of samples (pairs of distorted image and its subjective quality) to train a robust mapping; 2) they are sensitive to different datasets; and 3) they have to be re-trained when new training samples are available. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective algorithm based upon the sparse representation of natural scene statistics (NSS) feature. It consists of three key steps: extracting NSS features in the wavelet domain, representing features via sparse coding, and weighting differential mean opinion scores by the sparse coding coefficients to obtain the final visual quality values. Thorough experiments on standard databases show that the proposed algorithm outperforms representative BIQA algorithms and some full-reference metrics.

Accession Number: WOS:000309166201038

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 16-21, 2012

Conference Location: Providence, RI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



guang, Yu 



Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1228-8



Record 27 of 99

Title: Color Fractal Structure Model for Reduced-Reference Colorful Image Quality Assessment

Author(s): He, LH (He, Lihuo); Wang, DX (Wang, Dongxue); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Gao, F (Gao, Fei)

Edited by: Huang T; Zeng Z; Li C; Leung CS

Source: NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, ICONIP 2012, PT II  Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science  Volume: 7664  Pages: 401-408  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Developing reduced reference image quality assessment (RRIQA) plays a vital role in dealing with the prediction of the visual quality of distorted images. However, most of existing methods fail to take color information into consideration, although the color distortion is significant for the increasing color images. To solve the aforementioned problem, this paper proposed a novel IQA method which focuses on the color distortion. In particular, we extract color features based on the model of color fractal structure. Then the color and structure features are mapped into visual quality using the support vector regression. Experimental results on the LIVE II database demonstrate that the proposed method has a good consistency with the human perception especially on images with color distortion.

Accession Number: WOS:000345088900049

Conference Title: 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP)

Conference Date: NOV 11-15, 2012

Conference Location: Doha, QATAR

Conference Sponsors: IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, United Dev Co PSC, Qatar Petrochem Co, ExxonMobil, Texas A&M Univ Qatar & Asia Pacif Neural Network Assembly, European Neural Network Soc, Japanese Neural Network Soc, Qatar Petr, Int Neural Network Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Tao, Dacheng 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0302-9743

eISSN: 1611-3349

ISBN: 978-3-642-34481-7



Record 28 of 99

Title: Real-time Three-dimensional Object Capturing and Mapping with Optical Correlators

Author(s): He, ZQ (He Zhengquan); Li, YL (Li Yulin); Huang, XS (Huang Xiangsheng); Kong, DP (Kong Depong); Zhang, MR (Zhang Minrui); Guo, XY (Guo Xiaoyi)

Edited by: Xiong JQ

Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROCESSING II  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 586  Pages: 374-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.586.374  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In this paper a new strategy for real-time three-dimensional object capturing and mapping is proposed by using optical correlators. A spatial light modulator is applied in the new strategy. Owing to the properties of quickly parallel processing of optical correlation algorithm the technique can also implement real time object capturing and track, and, as for human body recognition the gesture of body parts can also be portrayed.

Accession Number: WOS:000317550300066

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing (AMITP 2012)

Conference Date: OCT 17-18, 2012

Conference Location: Taipei, TAIWAN

Conference Sponsors: Informat Engn Res Inst

ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-523-2



Record 29 of 99

Title: RF Power Amplifier Design Applied to Acoustic Optical Modulator

Author(s): Hu, WJ (Hu, Wenjie); Luo, XJ (Luo, Xiujuan); Cui, DZ (Cui, Dongzi)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: This paper proposes a novel procedure of designing a power amplifier with broadband and high linearity, which is applied to acoustic optical modulator. Firstly, a transistor should be suitably chosen, here we accomplish the direct current (DC) simulation in order to get the right quiescent operating point under the platform Advanced Design System 2009 (ADS). Then some stability simulations and measurements were taken to make sure that the amplifier can be unconditionally stable. Finally, we carried out the load pull and source pull simulations to obtain the load and source impedances required, while executing the Harmonic Balance (HB) simulations to verify our design.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800222

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 30 of 99

Title: Improvement of beam quality in the far-field of annular core optical fibers by realizing single-mode operation

Author(s): Hui, XY (Hui, Xiangyun); Duan, KL (Duan, Kailiang)

Edited by: Jiang Y; Yu J; Wang Z


Abstract: We have improved the beam quality by realizing single-mode operation in the annular core optical fibers (ACF), and discuss the relations between single-mode and its design parameters. Moreover the effect of the thickness of the guiding section on the energy distribution in the far-field is analyzed. With proper parameters design, more than 99% of the annular light emitted from ACF could be centralized at a bright spot in the far-field. These results may provide a theoretical guidance for the design and application of ACF.

Accession Number: WOS:000312935600109

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT)

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9101-5



Record 31 of 99

Title: Characteristics of the Annular Beam Using a Single Axicon and a Pair of Lens

Author(s): Ji, K (Ji, Ke); Lei, M (Lei, Ming); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Yan, SH (Yan, Shaohui); Yang, YL (Yang, Yanlong); Li, Z (Li, Ze); Dan, D (Dan, Dan); Menke, N (Menke, Neimule)

Edited by: Ye T; Luo X; Hu S; Bao X; Li Y


Abstract: In optical trapping, annular beam as a kind of hollow beam is used to increase the axial trapping efficiency as well as the trapping stability. In this paper, a method for producing an annular beam by a system consisting of a single axicon and a pair of lens is proposed. The generated beam was also used as the optical tweezers. We use the geometrical optics to describe the propagation of light in the system. The calculated intensity distribution in three-dimensional space after the system shows a good agreement with the experimental results. The advantages of this method are simplicity of operation, good stability, and high transmittance, having possible applications in fields like optical microscopic, optical manipulation and electronic acceleration, etc.

Accession Number: WOS:000312217500046

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT)

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE), SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Lei, Ming 



dan, dan 



Yao, Baoli 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9100-8



Record 32 of 99

Title: Application of the Scaled Unscented Kalman Filter with Augmented State in the Fiber Optic Gyroscope

Author(s): Ji, ZX (Ji, Zhongxiao); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen)

Edited by: Yang D

Source: 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL PHYSICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (ICMPBE2012)  Book Series: Physics Procedia  Volume: 33  Pages: 1817-1824  DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2012.05.290  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The interferometric fiber optic gyroscope (IFOG) is a nonlinear response system. The noise, which results from the optic and electrical parts of the gyro for the environmental disturbance, includes both nonlinear noise and additive noise, and degrades the bias stability of the gyro. In this paper, the nonlinear state equation about the closed-loop IFOG is deduced from analyzing the sources, characteristic and effect of noise, and then the scaled unscented Kalman filter (SUKF) with augmented state is presented to reduce the noise. The experiment showed that: by adjusting SUKF parameters, it evidently decreases the standard deviation and Allan variance of the bias stability. Therefore this algorithm achieves better performance of filtering and improves effectively the bias stability of the gyro. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [name organizer]

Accession Number: WOS:000314472700269

Conference Title: International Conference on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (ICMPBE)

Conference Date: 2012

Conference Location: Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 1875-3892



Record 33 of 99

Title: Research on Motion Blurred Image Restoration

Author(s): Li, B (Li, Bing); Zhan, ZH (Zhan, ZhenHuan)

Edited by: Chen Q; Cheng Q; Li Y; Zhang T; Wang L

Source: 2012 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (CISP)  Pages: 1307-1311  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Motion Blurred Image Restoration is an important part of the image processing. We begin with an analysis of the degradation model of motion-blurred images. In this paper, we introduce and compare several recovery algorithms. We select one of them for in-depth specific experiments. We have analyzed correctly the reason for motion blur simulation images, the relationship between the ringing effect and the selection of algorithm parameters for restoring images. Finally, we briefly analyze the reasons for poor quality in image restoration.

Accession Number: WOS:000317021100275

Conference Title: 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)

Conference Date: OCT 16-18, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, EMB

Conference Host: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications

ISBN: 978-1-4673-0964-6; 978-1-4673-0965-3



Record 34 of 99


Author(s): Li, JY (Li, Jiayi); Zhang, HY (Zhang, Hongyan); Huang, YC (Huang, Yuancheng); Zhang, LP (Zhang, Liangpei)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 4TH WORKSHOP ON HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (WHISPERS)  Book Series: Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing  Published: 2012  

Abstract: A nonlocal weighted joint sparse representation classification method for hyperspectral image is proposed in this paper. A discriminated contributions based on nonlocal spatial structure information are utilized in the joint sparsity model framework. The proposed algorithm is tested on two hyperspectral images. Experimental results suggest that the proposed algorithm shows superior performance over other sparsity-based algorithms and the classical hyperspectral classifier SVM.

Accession Number: WOS:000345747000096

Conference Title: 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing - Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)

Conference Date: JUN 04-07, 2012

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Soc, HySpex, ASD, EXELIS, Itres, Golden Way Sci, ESRI, NBL

ISSN: 2158-6268

ISBN: 978-1-4799-3406-5



Record 35 of 99

Title: Simulation of Incoherently Coupled Multicomponent Solitons on MATLAB

Author(s): Li, KH (Li, Kehao); Chen, WJ (Chen, Weijun); Wang, CX (Wang, Chunxiang); Hui, JL (Hui, Juanli); Lu, KQ (Lu, Keqing)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: We show that incoherently coupled multicomponent beam evolution equations in the low-amplitude regime in biased photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals can exhibit the analytical solutions of multicomponent solitons, which are due to both the spatially nonuniform screening of the external electric field and the photovoltaic effect. These multicomponent solitons can be obtained for N self-trapped mutually incoherent optical beams, where N is an arbitrary whole number. When the photovoltaic effect is neglected, their nonlinear evolution equations change into that for multicomponent screening solitons, and these multicomponent solitons change into multicomponent screening solitons. When the external bias field is absent, their nonlinear evolution equations change into that for multicomponent photovoltaic solitons in closed and open circuits, and these multicomponent solitons change into multicomponent photovoltaic solitons in closed and open circuits.

Accession Number: WOS:000324540000308

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT)

Conference Date: DEC 29-31, 2012

Conference Location: Changchun, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, NE Normal Univ, Heilongjiang Univ, Liaoning Normal Univ, Dalian Jiaotong Univ, Harbin Inst Technol

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Chen, Wei 



chen, weidong 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-2964-4; 978-1-4673-2963-7



Record 36 of 99

Title: All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked Yb-doped ring laser based on graphene oxide

Author(s): Li, XH (Li, Xiaohui); Liu, M (Liu, Meng); Van, ZY (Van, Zhiyu); Wang, QJ (Wang, Qijie); Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Li, XH (Li, Xiaohui); Wang, YS (Wang, Yishan); Yu, X (Yu, Xia)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 PHOTONICS GLOBAL CONFERENCE (PGC)  Published: 2012  

Abstract: We demonstrate an all-fiber all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser that is passively mode locked by a graphene oxide (GO)-polymer. Because of good solution processing characteristic of the GO to polymer, a GO-polymer saturable absorber (SA) was successfully fabricated. Self-started mode-locking laser performance was investigated comprehensively at different cavity lengths, from 5, 24, to 94 m. The results showed that the pulse duration varies from hundreds of picoseconds to nanoseconds. In addition, the average output power of the mode-locked fiber laser can reach up to 500 mW. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that pulses with large chirps can be more easily amplified to reach high output power.

Accession Number: WOS:000325203600116

Conference Title: Photonics Global Conference (PGC)

Conference Date: DEC 13-16, 2012

Conference Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Qijie 



wang, qi 



wang, qi 



Li, Xiaohui 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-2516-5



Record 37 of 99

Title: Hard solder 20kW QCW Stack Array Diode Laser

Author(s): Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Kang, LJ (Kang, Lijun); Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Zediker MS

Source: HIGH-POWER DIODE LASER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS X  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8241  Article Number: 82410C  DOI: 10.1117/12.909772  Published: 2012  

Abstract: With the increasing applications of high power semiconductor lasers in industry, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, medical systems, display, entertainment, etc., semiconductor lasers with high power and high performances are required. The performance of semiconductor lasers is greatly affected by packaging structure, packaging process and beam shaping. A novel macro channel cooler (MaCC) for stack array laser with good heat dissipation capacity and high reliability is presented in this work. Based on the MaCC package, a high power stack array diode laser is successfully fabricated. A series of techniques such as spectrum control and beam control are used to achieve narrow spectrum and high beam quality. The performances of the semiconductor laser stack array are characterized. A high power 20kW QCW hard solder packaged stack array laser is fabricated; a narrow spectrum of 3.94 nm and an excellent rectangular beam shape are obtained. The lifetime of the stack array laser is tested as well.

Accession Number: WOS:000305390400011

Conference Title: Conference on High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference Date: JAN 22-24, 2012

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8884-8



Record 38 of 99

Title: Fabrication and Applications of GRIN materials

Author(s): Li, YL (Li Yulin); Hu, BW (Hu Baowen); He, ZQ (He Zhengquan); Zhang, MR (Zhang Minrui); Huo, JM (Huo Junmin); Yao, SL (Yao Shengli)

Edited by: Xiong JQ

Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROCESSING II  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 586  Pages: 215-220  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.586.215  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In recent years, a series of gradient index (GRIN) materials including Optical glass and polymer have been Research and developed in our laboratory. The Micro-lenses and arrays with the special optical materials also have been fabricated mainly by using Ion-exchange method through refractive index profile, which are applied to micro-optic devices and other applications-especially in the coupled and connected devices for fiber communications and medical endoscope or they are used primarily for document scanning equipments.

Accession Number: WOS:000317550300039

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing (AMITP 2012)

Conference Date: OCT 17-18, 2012

Conference Location: Taipei, TAIWAN

Conference Sponsors: Informat Engn Res Inst

ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-523-2



Record 39 of 99

Title: Research and Approach on Video Stabilization Algorithm

Author(s): Liao, JW (Liao Jiawen); Cao, JZ (Cao Jianzhong); Tang, LA (Tang Linao); Wang, H (Wang Hua)

Edited by: Qian X; Thomas L; Sun L; Francia G

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE ANALYSIS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING  Book Series: International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing  Pages: 304-307  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper presents a video stabilization algorithm based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform and the improved RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. Feature points of the video images are extracted using the SIFT algorithm, and then a compensation matrix is obtained using the improved RANSAC algorithm. Pre-detection is used to accelerate the computation by discarding those temporary models that are not candidate models. The experiment result shows that this algorithm largely reduces the amount of computation, as well as improves the speed of video stabilization without changing the accuracy notably.

Accession Number: WOS:000318922700068

Conference Title: 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP)

Conference Date: NOV 09-11, 2012

Conference Location: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun, Sch Elect & Informat, So Polytechn State Univ, Coll Comp & Elect Engn, So Polytechn State Univ, IEEE Chapter, Jacksonville State Univ, Dept Math & Comp, Hangzhou Dianzi (Elect Engn) Univ, WASU Digital TV Media Grp, Zhejiang Univ Sci & Technol, China Jiliang Univ

Conference Host: Zhejiang Univ Media & Commun

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

qi, li 




ISSN: 2156-0110

ISBN: 978-1-4673-2545-5; 978-1-4673-2547-9



Record 40 of 99

Title: Noise Of CCD Reduction Based On Three-D Noise Model

Author(s): Lin, H (Lin Hui); Tian, XF (Tian Xinfeng); Su, XQ (Su Xiuqin)

Edited by: Shimura T; Xu G; Tao L; Zheng J

Source: OPTOELECTRONIC IMAGING AND MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY II  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8558  Article Number: 85582J  DOI: 10.1117/12.2001100  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper proposed proper noise reduction methods for the two different noises (i.e. temporal noise and special noise) based on the 3-D noise model of scientific-grade CCD. Noise reduction calculations have been made with these methods. The results show that these methods are effective for the reduction of temporal noise and spatial noise. The experimental data have verified the effectiveness of these methods for scientific-grade CCD.

Accession Number: WOS:000326646300069

Conference Title: Conference on Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology II

Conference Date: NOV 05-07, 2012

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9313-2



Record 41 of 99

Title: A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for Image Representation

Author(s): Liu, HF (Liu, Haifeng); Yang, Z (Yang, Zheng); Wu, ZH (Wu, Zhaohui); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 1592-1599  Published: 2012  

Abstract: As a central problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, data representation has attracted great attention in the past years. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) which is a useful data representation method makes great contribution on finding the latent structure of the data and leads to a parts-based representation by decomposing the data matrix into a few bases and encodings with non-negative constraints. However, non-negative constraint is insufficient for getting more robust data representation. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called A-Optimal Non-negative Projection (ANP) for image data representation and further analysis. ANP imposes a constraint on the encoding factor as a regularizer during matrix factorization. In this way, the learned data representation leads to a stable linear model no matter what kind of data label is selected for further processing. Thus, it can preserve more intrinsic characteristics of the data regardless of any specific labels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel algorithm through a set of evaluations on real world applications.

Accession Number: WOS:000309166201094

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 16-21, 2012

Conference Location: Providence, RI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1228-8



Record 42 of 99

Title: Detection of Electromagnetic Pulse induced Hazard on Electroexplosive Device Based on Optical-fiber Fluorescence

Author(s): Liu, LS (Liu Lan-shu); Zhang, WS (Zhang Wen-song); Zhu, XP (Zhu Xiang-ping)

Edited by: Fan W

Source: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 383-390  Pages: 7492-7495  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.383-390.7492  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The electroexplosive devices(EED) are widely used in the core system of rocket, missile and nuclear weapons. Hazard analysis and measurement of electromagnetic pulse is of great importance to the security and reliability of EED. In this article, an optical-fiber fluorescence temperature sensor is proposed for analyzing hazard induced by electromagnetic pulse of EED. The temperature of EED can be measured through the fluorescence lifetime, then the induced current is obtained, and thereby the electromagnetic pulse induced hazard can be draw. The experiments show that, the set-up of this proposal can works with high precision and fast response, and immune to the electromagnetic interference.

Accession Number: WOS:000309016403273

Conference Title: International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2011)

Conference Date: SEP 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE

Conference Sponsors: Singapore Inst Elect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

lin, yuan 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-295-8



Record 43 of 99

Title: Geometry Constrained Sparse Coding for Single Image Super-resolution

Author(s): Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Yuan, HL (Yuan, Haoliang); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun); Yuan, Y (Yuan, Yuan); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 1648-1655  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The choice of the over-complete dictionary that sparsely represents data is of prime importance for sparse coding based image super-resolution. Sparse coding is a typical unsupervised learning method to generate an over-complete dictionary. However, most of the sparse coding methods for image super-resolution fail to simultaneously consider the geometrical structure of the dictionary and corresponding coefficients, which may result in noticeable super-resolution reconstruction artifacts. In this paper, a novel sparse coding method is proposed to preserve the geometrical structure of the dictionary and the sparse coefficients of the data. Moreover, the proposed method can preserve the incoherence of dictionary entries, which is critical for sparse representation. Inspired by the development on non-local self-similarity and manifold learning, the proposed sparse coding method can provide the sparse coefficients and learned dictionary from a new perspective, which have both reconstruction and discrimination properties to enhance the learning performance. Extensive experimental results on image super-resolution have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000309166201101

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 16-21, 2012

Conference Location: Providence, RI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yan, Pingkun 



li, xiang 



Yuan, Yuan 



Yuan, Yuan 



yuan, Yuan 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1228-8



Record 44 of 99

Title: Position and Orientation Control of an Omni-Directional Mobile Rehabilitation Robot

Author(s): Luo, DF (Luo, Dongfeng); Schauer, T (Schauer, Thomas); Roth, M (Roth, Michael); Raisch, J (Raisch, Joerg)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL APPLICATIONS (CCA)  Book Series: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications  Pages: 50-56  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Position and orientation control for an omnidirectional mobile robot are investigated. The table-placed robot shall be used for arm and shoulder rehabilitation of stroke patients. The position and orientation of the device are determined by means of a modified Kalman filter which encompasses a kinematic model of the robot. By fusing information from incremental encoders at the robot and from an infrared camera at the ceiling, accurate and reliable estimates of robot position and orientation can be obtained. A cascaded position controller is designed for the mobile robot to allow the tracking of arbitrary translational reference movements and the stabilisation of the robot orientation. On the inner control loop, individual angular velocity controllers have been implemented for the three wheels to achieve maximum actuator performance and to facilitate a simplified state-space description of the robot dynamics. For the outer loop, a multi-variable state-space controller is utilised in form of a discrete-time linear quadratic regulator. The sensor fusion scheme and control system are validated in experiments and the obtained results are discussed.

Accession Number: WOS:000320336200003

Conference Title: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) Part of 6th IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (IEEE MSC)

Conference Date: OCT 03-05, 2012

Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Control Syst Soc (CSS), IEEE Conf Control Applicat (CCA), IEEE Int Syposium Intelligent Control (ISIC)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Schauer, Thomas 




ISSN: 1085-1992

ISBN: 978-1-4673-4505-7



Record 45 of 99

Title: Research on Signal Processing of a Precise Photoelectric Angle Measuring System

Author(s): Ma, Q (Ma, Qiang); Wu, YM (Wu, Yiming); Xiao, MS (Xiao, Maosen); Wang, HX (Wang, Haixia)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: this paper introduces a research on signal processing of a precision photoelectric angle measuring system, and some key issues of the problem are also discussed and analyzed in detail. The basic principle of this measuring method is introduced in this paper. In order to avoid low frequency noise (such as generation recombination noise and 1/f noise), we choose to modulate the light source so that we can analyze the useful information in a high frequency domain. By using the data acquisition system (based on DSP and FPGA) to gather multiplex data, we can realize data-transmitting with network in a high speed. Writing algorithm by LabVIEW software in the data processing, we can eventually gain the angle. Prototype test shows that this method can completely meet the system requirements for the measuring system.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800259

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, qiang 



wu, yiming 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 46 of 99

Title: An Auto-focus Algorithm Based On Maximum Gradient And Threshold

Author(s): Mo, CH (Mo, Chunhong); Liu, B (Liu, Bo)

Edited by: Chen Q; Cheng Q; Li Y; Zhang T; Wang L

Source: 2012 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (CISP)  Pages: 1191-1194  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In order to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional auto-focus algorithms which are poor in real-time performance, weak in anti-noise capability and vulnerable to the influence of contrast and background pixels, this paper proposes an auto-focus algorithm based on maximum gradient and threshold. It introduces a threshold factor and takes a new kind of adaptive threshold to remove the pixels contaminated by noise and background in the image, then uses improved Sobel operators to extract maximum gray gradient after image preprocessing and calculates evaluation value. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good real-time performance, strong unimodality, high sensitivity and strong anti-noise capability. In addition, the algorithm is less influenced by contrast and background pixels of the image. It can also control the sensitivity and focusing range of the focusing function. So the proposed algorithm is most suitable for auto-focus subsystem of video monitoring and tracking system.

Accession Number: WOS:000317021100250

Conference Title: 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)

Conference Date: OCT 16-18, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, EMB

Conference Host: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

LI, feng 



Liu, Bo 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-0964-6



Record 47 of 99

Title: The computer-aided alignment study of three-mirror off-axis field bias optical system

Author(s): Pang, ZH (Pang Zhi-hai); Fan, XW (Fan Xue-wu); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Chen, QF (Chen Qin-fang)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Xiang L; To S


Abstract: Determine the misalignment of optical element quickly and exactly is the key to the technology of computer-aided alignment (CAA). For alignment a three-mirror off-axis field bias system, the sensitivity matrix method was used to simulate the alignment process. The results of simulation show that the sensitivity matrix method was not convergence. A new CAA method to get misalignment was put forward; the misalignment was obtained by programming the function of optical design software CODE V's auto-optimization option. The system's alignment characteristic was analysis and made use of this new method put up a computer simulation. The results of simulation show that the misalignment determined by only once auto-optimization and guidable to alignment of this system. After alignment, the optical system produced a measured wave front error across the all image plane less than 0.08 waves RMS at lambda=0.6328 mu m.

Accession Number: WOS:000312964200021

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9099-5



Record 48 of 99

Title: Research on Image Registration and Mosaic Based on Vector Similarity Matching Principle

Author(s): Qin, J (Qin, Jia); Yang, JF (Yang, Jianfeng); Xue, B (Xue, Bin); Bu, F (Bu, Fan)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND DESIGN (ISCID 2012), VOL 2  Book Series: International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design  Pages: 323-326  DOI: 10.1109/ISCID.2012.232  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is a better corner extraction algorithm, but there are still mismatching problems in the feature matching step. A new matching principle based on vector similarity is proposed and then it is compared with traditional matching principle. Firstly, the matching feature points are detected by the new principle. Mismatching points are further removed by using the mutual mapping theory. Secondly, transformation matrix is calculated by random sample consensus (RANSAC). Furthermore, the matrix is optimized by Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (L-M). Lastly, image mosaic is realized by image fusion. Experimental results indicate that compared with traditional matching principle, new matching principle has improved matching accuracy. It is able to apply new principle to image registration and image mosaic.

Accession Number: WOS:000320940800081

Conference Title: 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID)

Conference Date: OCT 28-29, 2012

Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, Zhejiang Univ, Univ Bristol, IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, Zhejiang Sci Tech Univ, IEEE Comp Soc (CS)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Jianfeng 




ISSN: 2165-1701

eISSN: 2473-3547

ISBN: 978-0-7695-4811-1



Record 49 of 99

Title: Coupled Directional Level Set for MR Image Segmentation

Author(s): Qin, XJ (Qin, Xianjing); Liu, Y (Liu, Yang); Lu, HB (Lu, Hongbing); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun)

Edited by: Wani MA; Khoshgoftaar T; Zhu X; Seliya N

Source: 2012 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS (ICMLA 2012), VOL 1  Pages: 185-190  DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2012.39  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Segmenting bladder wall for thickness measuring is a fundamental operation in bladder magnetic resonance (MR) image analysis since thickening of the bladder wall may indicate abnormality. Active contours have been used for bladder wall segmentation, which can be broadly divided into gradient-based and region-based methods, according to the used image features. However, the artifacts in MR images and the complex background outside the bladder lead to significant challenges for segmentation. In this paper, a coupled directional level set model is proposed to segment the outer and inner boundaries simultaneously by exploiting the directional gradient, region information and thickness prior of the bladder wall. With our proposed method, the influence of the artifacts in the bladder lumen and the complicated intensity distribution of soft tissues surrounding the bladder can be appreciably reduced. Promising results on 119 bladder MR images have demonstrated the performance of the presented method.

Accession Number: WOS:000427260500031

Conference Title: 11th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)

Conference Date: DEC 12-15, 2012

Conference Location: Boca Raton, FL

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, AML&A, Florida Atlantic Univ, LexisNexis

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



Yan, Pingkun 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISBN: 978-0-7695-4913-2; 978-1-4673-4651-1



Record 50 of 99


Author(s): Reddy, KK (Reddy, Kishore K.); Solmaz, B (Solmaz, Berkan); Yan, PK (Yan, Pingkun); Avgeropoulos, NG (Avgeropoulos, Nicholas G.); Rippe, DJ (Rippe, David J.); Shah, M (Shah, Mubarak)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 9TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING (ISBI)  Pages: 366-369  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Enhancing brain tumor segmentation for accurate tumor volume measurement is a challenging task due to the large variation of tumor appearance and shape, which makes it difficult to incorporate prior knowledge commonly used by other medical image segmentation tasks. In this paper, a novel idea of confidence surface is proposed to guide the segmentation of enhancing brain tumor using information across multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Texture information along with the typical intensity information from pre-contrast T1 weighted (T1pre), post-contrast T1 weighted (T1post), T2 weighted (T2), and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI images are used to train a discriminative classifier at pixel level. The classifier is used to generate a confidence surface, which gives a likelihood of each pixel being a tumor or non-tumor. The obtained confidence surface is then incorporated into two classical methods for segmentation guidance. The proposed approach was evaluated on 19 groups of MRI images with tumor and promising results have been demonstrated.

Accession Number: WOS:000312384100092

Conference Title: 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) - From Nano to Macro

Conference Date: MAY 02-05, 2012

Conference Location: Barcelona, SPAIN

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Engn Med & Biol Soc (EMBS), IEEE Signal Proc Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yan, Pingkun 



Sahoo, Sarat Kumar 



Shah, Mubarak 




ISBN: 978-1-4577-1858-8



Record 51 of 99

Title: Slow-light in photonic crystal waveguides/fibers: dispersion tailoring schemes for obtaining a high group index with wide band and low GVD

Author(s): Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Liu, Y (Liu, Yu); Ju, HJ (Ju, Haijuan); Yun, MJ (Yun, Maojin); Ma, CJ (Ma, Chengju); Han, X (Han, Xu); Lin, X (Lin, Xiao); Tomita, Y (Tomita, Yasuo)

Edited by: Shahriar SM; Narducci FA

Source: ADVANCES IN SLOW AND FAST LIGHT V  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8273  Article Number: 82730L  DOI: 10.1117/12.914460  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Phenomenon of slow light has long been a hot research topic due to its promising and potential applications in communication networks, signal processing, optical sensors and nonlinear interactions. Particularly, photonic crystal devices, being capable of supporting slow-light propagation, are much attractive owing to its room-temperature operation and tunable dispersion features. Among them, photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are specially used in compact devices, while photonic band-gap fibers (PBGFs) are usually used in short-distance propagation and high sensitive interferometers. In this paper, dispersion tailoring schemes for obtaining a high group index with the wide band and low group velocity dispersion (GVD) are reviewed in both PCWs and PBGFs. For the same purpose, we propose schemes for the slow-pulse propagation in PCWs based on the air-hole shifting method and in PBGFs based on the microfluid infiltration method, respectively. Simulation results using 2D plane wave expansion method and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are given. Pulse distortion and design optimization are also discussed in some detail with the consideration of the practical fabrication errors. Slow-light pulse propagation in photonic crystal fiber is also demonstrated in the experiment based on stimulated Brillouin scattering.

Accession Number: WOS:000305324800008

Conference Title: Conference on Advances in Slow and Fast Light V

Conference Date: JAN 22-24, 2012

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



Shahriar, Selim M 



ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8916-6



Record 52 of 99

Title: Hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber with microfluid-infiltrated air holes for slow-light propagation

Author(s): Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Yun, MJ (Yun, Maojin)

Edited by: Yin S; Guo R

Source: PHOTONIC FIBER AND CRYSTAL DEVICES: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS AND INNOVATIONS IN DEVICE APPLICATIONS VI  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8497  Article Number: 849710  DOI: 10.1117/12.929124  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Slow light plays an important role in the fields of all-optical signal processing and integration photonics. It has shown many potential applications, such as realizing optical delay lines or buffers, enhancing linear and nonlinear light-matter interactions, as well as increasing the sensitivity of the interferometers and transducers. In this paper, hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers made from high index glasses are designed by infiltrating microfluid into the air-holes to tailor the fiber dispersion for slow-light propagation under low pulse distortion. In such a fiber made from Si material, group index n(g)similar to 8 is obtained with a bandwidth up to 30 nm, where the group index fluctuation is restricted in +/- 10 % of the n(g), while n(g)similar to 6 is obtained with a bandwidth over 100 nm when the chalcogenide material is selected instead. Such a +/- 10 % criterion determines a regarded flatland region accordingly, and in this region the group velocity dispersion can be negligible. It is found that for the same fiber length the slow-light time delay in the photonic bandgap fiber is much larger as compared with that in the single mode fiber. This kind of photonic bandgap fiber may have many potential applications in short-distance fiber communications and delay lines.

Accession Number: WOS:000312213900022

Conference Title: Conference on Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices - Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VI

Conference Date: AUG 12-13, 2012

Conference Location: San Diego, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9214-2



Record 53 of 99

Title: Analysis and study of static pressure distribution in an optical cable spool using distributed fiber Bragg gratings

Author(s): Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Ma, CJ (Ma, Chengju); Tang, F (Tang, Feng); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi); Han, X (Han, Xu)

Edited by: Canning J; Peng GD

Source: THIRD ASIA PACIFIC OPTICAL SENSORS CONFERENCE  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8351  Article Number: 835119  DOI: 10.1117/12.913783  Published: 2012  

Abstract: We present a theoretical model to study the static pressure distribution among the layers of an optical fiber cable spool based on the force analysis of the cable system. Using the distributed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technique, the static pressures within the fiber cable layers of the spool were measured according to the Bragg wavelength shifts of the FBGs embedded in the cable. The effects of the cable spool shrinkage owing to the pressure from outer fiber cable layers on the cable tension and the radial pressure were analyzed in detail. As a result, the relationship between the applied static pressure upon the fiber and the resulted Bragg wavelength shift of the FBG was deduced. The static pressure distribution of the fiber optical cable spool is obtained both in theory and experiment. Theoretical simulations coincide with experimental results. This technology provides us a real-time method to monitor the inner pressure among the fiber cable layers during the optical cable winding process.

Accession Number: WOS:000304348500044

Conference Title: 3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS)

Conference Date: JAN 31-FEB 03, 2012

Conference Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Conference Sponsors: Univ Sydney, Interdisciplinary Photon Labs, Univ New S Wales, Photon & Opt Commun, Engineers Australia (EA)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

ma, chengju 



ren, li yong 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9027-8



Record 54 of 99

Title: Infrared Image De-noising Based On K-SVD Over-complete Dictionaries Learning

Author(s): Shan, B (Shan, Bin); Hao, W (Hao, Wei); Zhao, R (Zhao, Rui)

Edited by: Chen Q; Cheng Q; Li Y; Zhang T; Wang L

Source: 2012 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (CISP)  Pages: 316-320  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The sparse representation of image based on overcomplete dictionaries is a new image representation theory. Using the redundancy of over-complete dictionaries can effectively capture the various structure detail characteristics of an image, so as to realize the efficient representation of the image. In this paper we propose an infrared image de-noising algorithm based on K-SVD over-complete dictionaries learning using the overcomplete dictionary image sparse representation theory. The experimental results compared with the common de-noising algorithm processing results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Accession Number: WOS:000317021100068

Conference Title: 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)

Conference Date: OCT 16-18, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, EMB

Conference Host: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications

ISBN: 978-1-4673-0964-6



Record 55 of 99

Title: Structural Analysis and Design Optimization of a Selective Laser Sintering System

Author(s): Shuai, CJ (Shuai, Cijun); Yang, B (Yang, Bo); Nie, Y (Nie, Yi); Hu, HL (Hu, Huanlong); Peng, SP (Peng, Shuping); Zhou, Y (Zhou, Ying)

Edited by: Jiang ZY; Han JT; Liu XH

Source: ADVANCED DESIGN TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 421  Pages: 544-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.421.544  Published: 2012  

Abstract: A three dimensional geometric model of a homemade selective laser sintering (SLS) system is simplified and imported into Ansys Finite Element Software for static and modal analysis. The analysis results show that the supporting base that holds up the laser system undergoes large deformations. The machining accuracy can hardly meet the high-precision requirements of sintered parts with complex internal and external geometries. A method is put forward for the structural optimization of the SLS system. The calculation results show that the bending deformation of the supporting base decreases by 73.2%, and the maximum stress also decreases significantly. It indicates that the high precision manufacturing can be achieved with the improved SLS system.

Accession Number: WOS:000309483000113

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011)

Conference Date: DEC 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Univ Wollongong, NE Univ Qinhuangdao, Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Hebei Polytechn Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Shuai, Cijun 



Nie, Yi 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-327-6



Record 56 of 99

Title: All-Fiber 40GHz Femtosecond Pulse Train Source

Author(s): Tang, DK (Tang, Dingkang); Zhang, JG (Zhang, Jianguo); Liu, YS (Liu, Yuanshan)

Edited by: Wei K; Yang Y

Source: OPTICAL, ELECTRONIC MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS II  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 529  Pages: 169-172  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.529.169  Published: 2012  

Abstract: We experimentally demonstrate an all-fiber method to generate a high-quality femtosecond pulse train with a repetition rate of 40GHz. A continuous wavelength laser together with an intensity modulator is used to generate an initial pulse train with a repetition rate of 40GHz. Highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) together with single mode fiber is utilized to compress the initial pulse from 7.8ps to 985fs. The autocorrelation trace has a good sech 2 profile with no pedestal. This pulse source has a potential to be multiplexed to a higher repetition rate for its narrow pulse width. This method is high-quality, cost-effective and can be easily integrated with the fiber system.

Accession Number: WOS:000312276700034

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Optical, Electronic Materials and Applications (OEMA 2012)

Conference Date: MAY 25-26, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hunan Inst Engn, Hunan Univ Sci & Technol, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Chongqing Normal Univ, Wuhan Univ Technol, Nan Yang Technol Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

tang, dingkang 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-430-3



Record 57 of 99

Title: The Time Response of Exponential Doping NEA InGaAs Photocathode Applied to Near Infrared Streak Cameras

Author(s): Tang, WD (Tang, Weidong); Yang, WZ (Yang, Wenzheng); Cai, ZP (Cai, Zhipeng); Sun, CD (Sun, Chuandong)

Edited by: Bu JL; Jiang ZY; Jiao S

Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS, PTS 1-3  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 415-417  Pages: 1403-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.415-417.1403  Published: 2012  

Abstract: An exponential doping NEA InGaAs photocathode is theoretically proposed to apply in the near infrared streak camera. The photocathode time response is calculated and analyzed by using a photoelectron non-steady method. The numerical results show that the excited electrons in the In GaAs active layer is accelerated due to the built-in electric field induced by the exponential doping structure, which shortens the transport time of minority carriers in the photocathode and thus, the time response is greatly improved. In addition, the exponential doping InGaAs photocathode possesses time response of less than 10 picoseconds and near-infrared quantum efficiency of 10%.

Accession Number: WOS:000309893300281

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011)

Conference Date: DEC 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Univ Wollongong, NE Univ Qinhuangdao, Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Hebei Polytechn Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Cai, Zhipeng 



Yang, Wenzheng 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-325-2



Record 58 of 99

Title: Hybrid refractive/diffractive optical system design for light and compact uncooled longwave infrared imager

Author(s): Wang, H (Wang, Hu); Bai, Y (Bai, Yu); Luo, JJ (Luo, Jianjun)

Edited by: Yang L; Ruch E; Li S


Abstract: Compares with traditional optics, the difractive optical element(DOE) has unique property of minus dispersion. The special state can be used in the optical system to improve performance, lighten weight and reduce volume effectively. In the paper, an infrared optical system with DOE for LWIR thermal imager is proposed. The primary optical parameters of thermal imager are wavelength range 8.0-12.0 mu m, effective focal length (EFL) 150 mm, f/numbe 1.0 and field of view 8.58 degrees. The system uses uncooled infrared detector with 320x240 pixels and 45 mu m pixel size. The f/number matches the sensitivity range of detector array. The infrared optical system is designed by CODE-V optical design software. It is consisted of two lens, the materials of the two lenses are Germanium. The DOE is fabricated on the convex of the first lens and it can be fabricated by diamond turning technology. The imaging quafity of the optical system approached to diffraction limit. The value of modulation transfer function (MTF) at Nyquist frequency(11lp/mm) is great than 0.78.

Accession Number: WOS:000326600500095

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Luo, jian 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9098-8



Record 59 of 99

Title: High Power Semiconductor Laser Array Packaged on Micro Channel Cooler using Gold-Tin soldering Technology

Author(s): Wang, JW (Wang, Jingwei); Kang, LJ (Kang, Lijun); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Zediker MS

Source: HIGH-POWER DIODE LASER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS X  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8241  Article Number: 82410H  DOI: 10.1117/12.909655  Published: 2012  

Abstract: High power semiconductor laser arrays have found increased applications in many fields. In this work, a hard soldering microchannel cooler (HSMCC) technology was developed for packaging high power diode laser array. Numerical simulations of the thermal behavior characteristics of hard solder and indium solder MCC-packaged diode lasers were conducted and analyzed. Based on the simulated results, a series of high power HSMCC packaged diode laser arrays were fabricated and characterized. The test and statistical results indicated that under the same output power the HSMCC packaged laser bar has lower smile and high reliability in comparison with the conventional copper MCC packaged laser bar using indium soldering technology.

Accession Number: WOS:000305390400016

Conference Title: Conference on High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference Date: JAN 22-24, 2012

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

YU, Wei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8884-8



Record 60 of 99

Title: Experimental Study on Vibration Absorption Characteristic of Non-Obstructive Particle Damping Beam

Author(s): Wang, W (Wang Wei); Li, YY (Li Yuyan)

Edited by: Tan HH

Source: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 138-139  Pages: 588-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.138-139.588  Part: 1 + 2  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Non-obstructive particle damping(NOPD) is developing in combination with particle damping technique, impact damping technique and material science. NOPD technology has good damping characteristic and nicer effect on vibration absorption. In the paper experiments of vibration absorption characteristic for beam applying NOPD are done and some conclusions are obtained, which affords important reference for engineering application of NOPD technique.

Accession Number: WOS:000307193900100

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2011)

Conference Date: OCT 08-09, 2011

Conference Location: Sanya, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Asia Pacific Environm Sci Res Ctr, Huazhong Normal Univ, Chinese Acad Sci

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Jiawei 



Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 1660-9336



Record 61 of 99

Title: A Method of Identifying and Locating Encoded Artificial Points Automatically in Close Range Digital Photogrammetry

Author(s): Wang, YW (Wang, Yongwang); Wu, YM (Wu, Yiming); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xiaojin); Yao, Z (Yao, Zhen); Li, CY (Li, Chunyan)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: Using coding artificial point can match the homonymy points during multiple images automatically in the photogrammetry. A method of identifying and locating 8 bits encoded points automatically has been presented in this paper. The experimental results show that the accuracy of center coordinate of encoding point reaches sub-pixel level. And decoding method is simple. The robust of decoding and recognition rate is high. So it can meet the requirements of close range photogrammetry fully.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800137

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

wu, yiming 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 62 of 99

Title: Heat Conductivity of Particle Stacking Structured SiO<sub>2</sub> Porous Film

Author(s): Xia, ZL (Xia, Zhilin); Wu, YT (Wu, Yuting)

Edited by: Shao J; Sugioka K; Stolz CJ

Source: PACIFIC RIM LASER DAMAGE 2011: OPTICAL MATERIALS FOR HIGH POWER LASERS  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8206  Article Number: 82060F  DOI: 10.1117/12.910379  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Particle stacking structured SiO2 porous films were prepared by sol-gel method. A model has been established to analyze the heat conductivity of these films. It is assumed that the heat energy mainly transfers through particles and their contact points. In particle stacking structured materials, a particle contacts with twelve contiguous particles, and forms twelve heat conduction branches. This model is suit to the conditions that: the size of particles in the porous material is uniform; heat conductivity of particle skeleton is much greater than particle clearance; and all contact area between particles approximately equal. The results show that: heat conductivity of particles stacking porous material is anisotropic, material heat conductivity depends on that of the particle skeleton and the ratio between radiuses of particle contact area and particle itself.

Accession Number: WOS:000300188000008

Conference Title: 1st Pacific Rim Laser Damage Symposium on Optical Materials for High Power Lasers (PLD)

Conference Date: NOV 06-09, 2011

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Shanghai Inst Opt & Fine Mech (SIOM), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Chinese Opt Soc, 863 Program, Horiba Sci Inc, Panalyt, Newport

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-81948-848-0



Record 63 of 99

Title: 3000W CW diode laser cladding system

Author(s): Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Wang, M (Wang, Min); Wang, XBA (Wang, Xiaobiao); Zheng, YF (Zheng, Yanfang); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhenfu); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Zediker MS

Source: HIGH-POWER DIODE LASER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS X  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8241  Article Number: 824106  DOI: 10.1117/12.909599  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Laser cladding has become a useful tool in material processing for improving the surface properties of the substrate material, and has been widely used in industry in recent years. In this paper, we studied the 3000W CW laser cladding system based on the high power diode lasers. The beam control method was proposed to reduce the collimated beam pointing errors caused during the packaging of the laser stack. At an input current of 84A, the output power and the optical coupling efficiency of this laser cladding system were 3738W and 93.7%, respectively, and at work face the beam spot size was 2.5mm*7.9mm with symmetry intensity distribution. The laser cladding system was also used in cladding the nickel powder onto the iron substrate and the nickel powder can be clothed onto steel plate uniformly.

Accession Number: WOS:000305390400005

Conference Title: Conference on High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference Date: JAN 22-24, 2012

Conference Location: San Francisco, CA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE

ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8884-8



Record 64 of 99

Title: Measurement of backscattered light on the laser fusion facility

Author(s): Xu, GY (Xu, Guoya); Xu, RH (Xu, Ruihua); He, JH (He, Junhua); Yan, YD (Yan, Yadong); Liu, XQ (Liu, Xiaoqiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ROBOTICS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY (CARPI)  Book Series: International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry  Pages: 345-348  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The principle of full aperture backscatter station (FABS) is introduced. For division of stray lights and convenience of assembly, optimization of optical design is available. The measurement system utilizes off-axis parabolic mirror to collect backscattered light and plane mirrors are used to replicate optical path to make assembly space compact. In order to avoid high energy backscattered light ionize air, spatial filter is available to create vacuum environment. The tilt of final optics assembly and adjust aperture of spatial filter can result in division of stray light. Separate spectrum calibration is undertaken in both stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). The calibration system achieves precise measurement data of backscattered light energy and spectrum.

Accession Number: WOS:000393821600096

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI)

Conference Date: SEP 11-13, 2012

Conference Location: Zurich, SWITZERLAND

Conference Sponsors: ALSTOM, IEEE, IEEE Power & Energy Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

xu, rui 







ISSN: 2475-8388

ISBN: 978-1-4673-4587-3; 978-1-4673-4585-9



Record 65 of 99

Title: Kinematical analysis of one-axis polisher Acting on spherical mirror

Author(s): Xu, L (Xu Liang); Ding, JT (Ding Jiao-teng); Ma, Z (Ma Zhen); Chen, QF (Chen Qin-fang)

Edited by: Yang L; Ruch E; Li S


Abstract: A three-dimensional kinematic model of spherical mirror is developed by coordinate transformation theory. Based on the model and Preston equation, material removal rate for polishing with constant pressure can be obtained. Then the fitted parameters are determined for special process tools (pentagon tool and Uniform Removal Tool), Conclusions beneficial to glass polishing in practice are arrived. The simulate results can describe visually the material removal law of mirror under so many kinematic parameters. The work discussed above is of importance to polish flat mirror, spherical mirror and aspheric mirror with one-axis polisher.

Accession Number: WOS:000326600500089

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Luyao 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9098-8



Record 66 of 99

Title: Decoding algorithms for improving the imaging performance of Vernier anode readout

Author(s): Yan, QR (Yan, Qiurong); Zhao, BS (Zhao, Baosheng); Yang, H (Yang, Hao); Liu, YA (Liu, Yong'an); Sheng, LZ (Sheng, Lizhi); Wei, YL (Wei, Yonglin); Sai, XF (Sai, Xiaofeng)

Edited by: Galarneau P; Liu X; Li P

Source: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS MEETINGS (POEM) 2011: OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8332  Article Number: 83320K  DOI: 10.1117/12.917036  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The Long Slit Spectrograph is one of instruments onboard The World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet. Both the FUV (102-1700nm) and NUV (160-320nm) channels of LSS choose micro-channel plates (MCP) detector with anode readout in the focal plane. The MCP detectors with anode readout are typically used to provide photon counting imaging. According to the desired performance of LSS, the Vernier anode may be the optimum readout scheme. The Vernier anode is famous for its high spatial resolution, however, the original decode algorithms of the Vernier anode is susceptible to wrongly decode, when the charge acquisition is not precise enough and the footprint size of charge cloud collected by Vernier anode is not small enough and eventually results in the deterioration of photon counting image. In this paper, the causes leading to image deterioration is analyzed. The least-squares method was used to calculate the phase value to correct imaging distortions caused by charge measurement accuracy. The area ratio of each electrode covered by charge cloud is accurately calculated to improving the imaging results. The corrected algorithms are verified by experimental results and the results show that the correction methods can obviously improve the quality of the original photon counting image.

Accession Number: WOS:000302575900020

Conference Title: 4th International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) - Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging/10th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM)

Conference Date: NOV 02-05, 2011

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Natl Lab Optoelect, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, China Hubei Prov Sci & Technol Dept, Wuhan E Lake Natl Innovat Model Zone (Opt Valley China, OVC), Opt Soc, Hubei Prov Foreign Experts Affairs Bur, Natl Nat Sci Fdn Comm (NNSFC)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

feng, chen 



Sheng, Lizhi 



zhang, shijie 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8989-0



Record 67 of 99

Title: Beyond Spatial Pyramids: A New Feature Extraction Framework with Dense Spatial Sampling for Image Classification

Author(s): Yan, SY (Yan, Shengye); Xu, XX (Xu, Xinxing); Xu, D (Xu, Dong); Lin, S (Lin, Stephen); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Edited by: Fitzgibbon A; Lazebnik S; Perona P; Sato Y; Schmid C

Source: COMPUTER VISION - ECCV 2012, PT IV  Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science  Volume: 7575  Pages: 473-487  Published: 2012  

Abstract: We introduce a new framework for image classification that extends beyond the window sampling of fixed spatial pyramids to include a comprehensive set of windows densely sampled over location, size and aspect ratio. To effectively deal with this large set of windows, we derive a concise high-level image feature using a two-level extraction method. At the first level, window-based features are computed from local descriptors (e.g., SIFT, spatial HOG, LBP) in a process similar to standard feature extractors. Then at the second level, the new image feature is determined from the window-based features in a manner analogous to the first level. This higher level of abstraction offers both efficient handling of dense samples and reduced sensitivity to misalignment. More importantly, our simple yet effective framework can readily accommodate a large number of existing pooling/coding methods, allowing them to extract features beyond the spatial pyramid representation.
To effectively fuse the second level feature with a standard first level image feature for classification, we additionally propose a new learning algorithm, called Generalized Adaptive l(p)-norm Multiple Kernel Learning (GA-MKL), to learn an adapted robust classifier based on multiple base kernels constructed from image features and multiple sets of prelearned classifiers of all the classes. Extensive evaluation on the object recognition (Caltech256) and scene recognition (15Scenes) benchmark datasets demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art image classification algorithms under a broad range of settings.

Accession Number: WOS:000342818800034

Conference Title: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

Conference Date: OCT 07-13, 2012

Conference Location: Florence, ITALY

Conference Sponsors: Google, Natl Robot Engn Ctr, Adobe, Microsoft Res, Mitsubishi Elect, Mobileye, Nvidia, Point Grey, Technicolor, Toshiba, Toyota, Datalogic, IBM Res, ST, Univ Studi Firenze, Univ Cambridge, Ente Cassa Risparmio Firenze

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



Xu, Dong 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 0302-9743

eISSN: 1611-3349

ISBN: 978-3-642-33764-2



Record 68 of 99

Title: Multifocus Image Fusion Algorithm Based On The Contourlet Transform

Author(s): Yang, L (Yang, Lei); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Wang, H (Wang, Hao); Tang, Y (Tang, Yao); Wang, H (Wang, Hua)

Edited by: Lin X; Namba Y; Xing T


Abstract: Adopting the advantages of contourlet such as multiscale, localization, directionality and anisotropy, a multifocus image fusion algorithm based on contourlet transform is developed [1]. Source images are firstly decomposed to domain of the contourlet transform. The image fusion is then implemented in subbands with different scale and direction combining. The fusion rule with maximum absolute value coefficient is used to fuse the high frequency subbands, while the rule dependent on the image's spatial frequencies and contrast are applied to the low frequency subbands. Finally the fused image is obtained through inverse transform. Experimental results show that the fused image using this algorithm has better subjective visual effect, and is better than the one using traditional Laplacian pyramid algorithm and wavelet based algorithm.

Accession Number: WOS:000312218800051

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE), SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

li, chunyuan 







ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9102-2



Record 69 of 99

Title: Color Fusion Method for Low-Light-Level and Infrared Images in Night Vision

Author(s): Yang, SK (Yang, Shaokui); Liu, W (Liu, Wen); Deng, C (Deng, Chan); Zhang, X (Zhang, Xin); Yang, SK (Yang, Shaokui); Deng, C (Deng, Chan)

Edited by: Chen Q; Cheng Q; Li Y; Zhang T; Wang L

Source: 2012 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (CISP)  Pages: 534-537  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The fusion of low-light-level image and infrared image can increase the reliability of interpretation since it combines the complementary information in multispectral images, and that a color fused image can improve human observer performance and reaction times. To obtain a color night vision image by dual band sensors (visible and infrared), we first adopt the false color fusion scheme by principles of biological opponent-color vision, then transfer the first order statistics of a natural color image (target image) to the false color fused image in a perceptually decorrelated YCbCr color space. In order to give prominence to targets and details in the result, we produce a grayscale fused image using principal component analysis of the visible and infrared images, and substitute it for the Y component during the color transfer procedure. Finally, we illustrated an example of the whole fusing process. The realistic, colorful and natural fused image demonstrates validity of the method.

Accession Number: WOS:000317021100114

Conference Title: 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)

Conference Date: OCT 16-18, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, EMB

Conference Host: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications

ISBN: 978-1-4673-0964-6; 978-1-4673-0965-3



Record 70 of 99

Title: Thermal Management for CCD Peformance of One Space Telescope

Author(s): Yang, WG (Yang Wengang); Wang, YH (Wang Yinghao); Feng, LJ (Feng Liangjie); Wang, CJ (Wang Chenjie); Ren, GR (Ren Guorui); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Li, C (Li Chuang); Gao, W (Gao Wei); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu)

Edited by: Lin X; Namba Y; Xing T


Abstract: A space telescope containing two CCD cameras is being built for scientific observation. The CCD detectors need to operate at a temperature below -65 degrees C in order to avoid unacceptable dark current. This cooling is achieved through detailed thermal design which minimizes the parasitic load to 2Kx4K array with 13.5 micron pixels and cools this detector with a combination of thermo electric cooler(TEC).
This paper will describe detailed thermal design necessary to maintain the CCD at its cold operating temperature while providing the means to reject the heat generated by the TECs. It will focus on optimized techniques developed to manage parasitic loads including material selection, surface finishes and thermal insulation. The paper will also address analytical techniques developed to characterize TEC performance. Finally, analysis results have been shown the temperature of key parts.

Accession Number: WOS:000312218800025

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE), SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 



li, chuang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9102-2



Record 71 of 99

Title: Review on Quantum Clock Synchronization Schemes

Author(s): Yao, YP (Yao, Yin-Ping); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei)

Edited by: Galarneau P; Liu X; Li P

Source: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS MEETINGS (POEM) 2011: OPTOELECTRONIC SENSING AND IMAGING  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8332  Article Number: 833202  DOI: 10.1117/12.918844  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Accurate remote clock synchronization is the backbone of applications such as high-accuracy satellite navigation, digital and/or cryptographic communication systems, space-based interferometric surveillance, coherent distributed-aperture sensing at high frequencies, and geolocation. During the last decade, several clock synchronization schemes have been proposed based on quantum mechanical concepts. Quantum clock synchronization promises more precision and better security. In this paper, the various proposed quantum clock synchronization schemes are reviewed. We compare and discuss several different quantum clock synchronization schemes. The advantages and disadvantages of these schemes are investigated with emphasis on the application in space-based satellite navigation systems.

Accession Number: WOS:000302575900002

Conference Title: 4th International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) - Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging/10th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM)

Conference Date: NOV 02-05, 2011

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Natl Lab Optoelect, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, China Hubei Prov Sci & Technol Dept, Wuhan E Lake Natl Innovat Model Zone (Opt Valley China, OVC), Opt Soc, Hubei Prov Foreign Experts Affairs Bur, Natl Nat Sci Fdn Comm (NNSFC)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8989-0



Record 72 of 99

Title: Ghost interference with pseudo-thermal light

Author(s): Yao, YP (Yao, Yin-Ping); Wan, RG (Wan, Ren-Gang); Zhang, SW (Zhang, Shi-Wei); Song, JZ (Song, Jia-Zheng); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi)

Edited by: Gong Q; Guo GC; Shen YR

Source: QUANTUM AND NONLINEAR OPTICS II  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8554  Article Number: 85541D  DOI: 10.1117/12.999577  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Ghost imaging (correlated imaging) has been extensively investigated in recent years, both theoretically and experimentally. By using the second-order or high-order coherence properties of light field and the correlation measurement, ghost imaging was realized with quantum entangled light, pseudo-thermal light and even true thermal light. In this work, basing on the theory of statistical optics, we model the dynamic process of thermal variation, and obtain the ghost interference and ghost imaging by means of simulated calculation. In the later experiment, a pseudo-thermal source is firstly prepared by using a laser beam to pass through a rotating ground glass plate, and the parameters of the pseudo-thermal source are obtained via Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) experiment. With the pseudo-thermal light, we perform ghost interference. The experimental results demonstrate the accordance of numerical prediction. And our conclusion shows that the quality of ghost interference is influenced by the size of the pinhole in the reference path, the little pinhole due to a higher quality of ghost interference.

Accession Number: WOS:000319775100032

Conference Title: Conference on Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II

Conference Date: NOV 05-07, 2012

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Zhang, Shiwei 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9309-5



Record 73 of 99


Author(s): Yu, DQ (Yu Dengqun); Cao, JZ (Cao Jianzhong); Zhang, J (Zhang Jian); Yan, A (Yan Aqi); Guo, HN (Guo Huinan)

Edited by: Chen J; Yu F; Chen W; Lu Y; Long H

Source: 2012 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ISISE)  Book Series: International Conference on Information Science and Engineering  Pages: 404-407  DOI: 10.1109/ISISE.2012.97  Published: 2012  

Abstract: To meet the demand for miniature camera lens, in this paper, there designed a new type of miniature plastic lens, which is made up of three lenses. The second surface of the first lens is designed as a diffractive surface. The diffractive lens is used to eliminate aberration. There has investigated the primary aberration about the systems expressed by PWC. The function relation among P-infinity W-infinity, C-infinity, and the diffractive lens structure have been established. These three lens materials are 'PMMAO', 'P-CARBO' and 'PMMAO'. The F-number is 2. 4 and FOV is 50 degrees. The overall length of this optical system is 6.52mm. The MTF at 250lp/mm is higher than 0. 3.

Accession Number: WOS:000321753500089

Conference Title: 4th International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering (ISISE)

Conference Date: DEC 14-16, 2012

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Shanghai Inst Elect, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Fudan Univ, Peoples Friendship Univ Russia, Feng Chia Univ, S China Univ Technol, Henan Polytechn Univ, Jiangxi Univ Sci & Technol, Nanchang Hang Kong Univ, Acad Publisher

ISSN: 2160-1283

ISBN: 978-1-4673-5680-0; 978-0-7695-4951-4



Record 74 of 99

Title: Impact of phase noise on coherent BPSK homodyne systems in long-haul optical fiber communications

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu Gang); Xie, XP (Xie Xiaoping); Zhao, W (Zhao Wei); Wang, W (Wang Wei); Yan, SY (Yan Shuangyi)

Edited by: Zhao Z; Penty R; Shu C; Jiang T

Source: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS MEETINGS (POEM) 2011: OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKING  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8331  Article Number: 83310R  DOI: 10.1117/12.915964  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The impact of phase noise induced by amplified spontaneous emission and nonlinear Kerr effect is analyzed in investigating the performance of BPSK homodyne systems based OPLL in long-haul optical fiber communications. Under the Gaussian probability density function assumption the equivalent power spectral density of linear and nonlinear phase noise are determined, respectively. Using the power spectral density function the expressions of phase error variance taking into account linear phase noise, nonlinear phase noise and shot noise of corresponding photodiodes are determined. The impact of the number of amplifiers, bit rate and signal power on the phase error variance is analyzed. Using the minimum phase error variance and corresponding BER expression the receiver sensitivity and BER curves are given, respectively. Under the required BER, it is shown that there is a limitation on the maximum transmission distance of the BPSK homodyne system based OPLL. The theory expressions and numerical results obtained in this paper are helpful for designing OPLL and evaluating the impact of phase noise on the receivers based OPLL in long-haul optical fiber communications.

Accession Number: WOS:000300973700027

Conference Title: 4th International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) - Optical Communication Systems and Networking/10th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM)

Conference Date: NOV 02-05, 2011

Conference Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Wuhan Natl Lab Optoelect, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, China Hubei Prov Sci & Technol Dept, Wuhan E Lake Natl Innovat Model Zone (Opt Valley China, OVC), Opt Soc Amer (OSA), Hubei Prov Foreign Experts Affairs Bur, Natl Nat Sci Fdn Comm (NNSFC)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 



Xie, Xiaoping 



Yan, Shuangyi 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-81948-988-3



Record 75 of 99

Title: Study on the precision measurement of high-flux large aperture sampling grating

Author(s): Yuan, HY (Yuan Hao-yu); Chen, YQ (Chen Yong-quan); Peng, ZT (Peng Zhi-tao); Duan, YX (Duan Ya-xuan); Wu, JH (Wu Jian-hong); Fu, SJ (Fu Shao-jun)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Xiang L; To S


Abstract: This paper describes an effective method for the measurements of large aperture sampling grating, the sampling efficiency the sampling focal length and the sampling angle. By using a 351nm collimation laser source to scan the full aperture of the sampling grating in every subregion, the diffraction power of "0" order and "+1" order can be obtained synchronously by two standard integrating balls, And then by, calculating the sampling efficiency of this subregion and splicing the acquisition data, we can get the averaged grating sampling efficiency in the full aperture. Based on this method, we can effectively eliminate the effect of the output instability of laser source, decrease the uncertainty of test results. According to the fabrication principle of the sampling grating, measurements for the sampling focal length and the sampling angle can be performed. Test rersults indicate that this method can be used to measure large aperture sampling gratings

Accession Number: WOS:000312964200032

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wu, Jian 



Wu, Jian 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9099-5



Record 76 of 99

Title: A Study on Identification and Suppressing Algorithm of FOG's Random Noise

Author(s): Yuan, H (Yuan, Hui); Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhaohui); Liang, DS (Liang, Dongsheng); Cui, K (Cui, Kai)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: In this paper, the Allan variance technique is used in analyzing the output signal of a fiber optic gyroscope, by which the characteristics of the noise terms in the angular velocity data was determined. Then we process the random drift data of the FOG with a Kalman Filter based on the theory of time series analysis. On the other hand, an LMS adaptive filter is also applied to the random drift data. Comparative analysis on the filtering effect and their advantages and disadvantages of both algorithms is carried out. The results show both algorithms has a certain role on suppressing the random drift of the gyroscope, and the LMS adaptive filter is more effective and has a better adaptability in practice.

Accession Number: WOS:000327197800256

Conference Title: IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)

Conference Date: OCT 18-20, 2012

Conference Location: Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Nanjing Sect

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

liu, zhao 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3



Record 77 of 99

Title: Matrix Completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization

Author(s): Zhang, DB (Zhang, Debing); Hu, Y (Hu, Yao); Ye, JP (Ye, Jieping); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); He, XF (He, Xiaofei)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 2192-2199  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Estimating missing values in visual data is a challenging problem in computer vision, which can be considered as a low rank matrix approximation problem. Most of the recent studies use the nuclear norm as a convex relaxation of the rank operator. However, by minimizing the nuclear norm, all the singular values are simultaneously minimized, and thus the rank can not be well approximated in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel matrix completion algorithm based on the Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization (TNNR) by only minimizing the smallest N - r singular values, where N is the number of singular values and r is the rank of the matrix. In this way, the rank of the matrix can be better approximated than the nuclear norm. We further develop an efficient iterative procedure to solve the optimization problem by using the alternating direction method of multipliers and the accelerated proximal gradient line search method. Experimental results in a wide range of applications demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

Accession Number: WOS:000309166202045

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 16-21, 2012

Conference Location: Providence, RI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 



Hu, Yao 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1228-8



Record 78 of 99

Title: Real-Time Auto-Focus System Design Based On Climbing Algorithm And Its FPGA Implementation

Author(s): Zhang, HF (Zhang, Haifeng); Zhang, ZH (Zhang, Zhaohui); Yang, HT (Yang, Hongtao); Wu, L (Wu, Li); Tang, LA (Tang, Linao); Zhu, Q (Zhu, Qing); Dong, S (Dong, Sen); Qin, MY (Qin, Maoyuan); Lei, YJ (Lei, Yangjie)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE


Abstract: In real-time imaging applications, the auto-focus algorithm and hardware structure must be adapted to the limited resources for fast and accurate real-time auto-focusing. In this paper, to obtain more precision, a new clarity evaluation function base on image's edge energy is proposed. Then, we present the corresponding FPGA hardware implementation which has simple structure. Additionally, utilizing the prior knowledge during the climbing process, a new climbing algorithm for the auto-focus which has the random start point is proposed. The experiment results show the proposed auto-focus algorithm can reduce the steps during the climbing and accelerate the auto-focus speed simultaneously.

Accession Number: WOS:000318241200073

Conference Title: 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS)

Conference Date: NOV 17-18, 2012

Conference Location: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Xidian Univ, Beijing Normal Univ, IEEE CPS

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, zhenyu 



qin, maoyuan 




ISBN: 978-0-7695-4896-8



Record 79 of 99

Title: Multi-scale Dictionary for Single Image Super-resolution

Author(s): Zhang, KB (Zhang, Kaibing); Gao, XB (Gao, Xinbo); Tao, DC (Tao, Dacheng); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR)  Book Series: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Pages: 1114-1121  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Reconstruction- and example-based super-resolution (SR) methods are promising for restoring a high-resolution (HR) image from low-resolution (LR) image(s). Under large magnification, reconstruction-based methods usually fail to hallucinate visual details while example-based methods sometimes introduce unexpected details. Given a generic LR image, to reconstruct a photo-realistic SR image and to suppress artifacts in the reconstructed SR image, we introduce a multi-scale dictionary to a novel SR method that simultaneously integrates local and non-local priors. The local prior suppresses artifacts by using steering kernel regression to predict the target pixel from a small local area. The non-local prior enriches visual details by taking a weighted average of a large neighborhood as an estimate of the target pixel. Essentially, these two priors are complementary to each other. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can produce high quality SR recovery both quantitatively and perceptually.

Accession Number: WOS:000309166201034

Conference Title: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Conference Date: JUN 16-21, 2012

Conference Location: Providence, RI

Conference Sponsors: IEEE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Tao, Dacheng 



Zhang, Kai 



Li, Xuelong 



Li, Xuelong 



li, xiang 



Li, Xuelong 




ISSN: 1063-6919

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1228-8



Record 80 of 99

Title: A Run-length Based Algorithm for Feature Extraction from Multi-target Image

Author(s): Zhang, K (Zhang, Kun); Hao, W (Hao, Wei); Xu, ZH (Xu, Zhaohui)

Edited by: Chen Q; Cheng Q; Li Y; Zhang T; Wang L

Source: 2012 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (CISP)  Pages: 397-400  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper presented a new run-length encoding based method of extracting features from multi-target image. The algorithm uses linked list structure to store data. The data are comprised of three parts, the message in run length, the equal values and the features of the image, which are in one-to-one mapping. While scanning, we only record the features of the image according to the label. After scanning the last pixel, we merge the linked list which contains the features of image according to the equal list. Compared with other approaches, the proposed one is faster and simpler, especially it can label the binary image exactly, no matter how complicated the image is.

Accession Number: WOS:000317021100086

Conference Title: 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP)

Conference Date: OCT 16-18, 2012

Conference Location: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, EMB

Conference Host: Chongqing Univ Posts & Telecommunications

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Xu, Zhaohui 




ISBN: 978-1-4673-0964-6



Record 81 of 99

Title: Calculations on Optical Path Difference of a Reflecting Scanning Fourier Transform Spectrometry based on cube Reflector

Author(s): Zhang, XJ (Zhang, Xin Jie); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiao Xu); Wang, WF (Wang, Wen Fang)

Edited by: Zhang C; Lin PP

Source: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT II, PTS 1-3  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 226-228  Pages: 1951-1957  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.226-228.1951  Part: 1-3  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Compared with normal reflecting scanning transform Spectrometry, cube-based Spectrometr is a key component in the time-based modulation interference spectrometer, it have more compact structure,using less accessory, easy to fix up, more steadily and more practicality. Calculations on optical path difference (OPD) of spectrometry play an important role in analyzing and improving of the structure. Following the law of Malus and the geometrical relationship of model, get the formula of OPD and the affective factors. The calculation results demonstrate that OPD is closely related to the tilted angel of rotating reflector, the size of cube reflector and the refractive index of reflector. And this kind of spectrometry has the character of high resolution, especial in some spectrum.

Accession Number: WOS:000316370401051

Conference Title: International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2012)

Conference Date: OCT 19-21, 2012

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Guangzhou Univ, Cleveland State Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Tongji Univ, Hong Kong Polytechn Univ, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Ritsumeikan Univ, Univ Victoria

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, zijun 




ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-507-2



Record 82 of 99

Title: Optical aligning and measuring methods for large aperture optical system

Author(s): Zhang, XM (Zhang Xue-min); Wei, RY (Wei Ru-yi); Duan, JY (Duan Jia-you); Yang, JF (Yang Jian-feng); Li, H (Li Hua); Hou, XH (Hou Xiaohua)

Edited by: Yang L; Ruch E; Li S


Abstract: How to implement high accuracy measurement of large-aperture coaxial optical system is crucial to the optical alignment and optical property evaluation. The methods of image quality measurement including interferometer-collimating testing, wave front testing by using Hartmann, image processing and analysis of out-of-focus image were introduced. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods were compared, which showed that the alignment method based on interferometer-collimating testing is the one with the highest accuracy. The method of computer-aided alignment (CAA) based on interferometer-collimating was discussed in detail. By using a ZYGO interferometer, interferograms with different field of views and a series of Zernike coefficients were obtained to express the disalignment of the system, and then these incorrect parameters were calculated by CAA algorithms. An alignment experiment of coaxial three-mirror system with 4m focal length and 500mm aperture was carried out. The RMS value of the system is lower than 0.07. after iterations, which is close to the optical diffraction limit, proving the effectiveness of CAA method in alignment guidance.

Accession Number: WOS:000326600500087

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Chinese Opt Soc, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Opt & Elect, SPIE

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Jianfeng 



Hou, Xiaohua 




ISSN: 0277-786X

eISSN: 1996-756X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9098-8



Record 83 of 99

Title: A low loss ultra-narrowband negative-dispersion and large mode field area photonic crystal fiber for dispersion compensation

Author(s): Zhang, YN (Zhang, Yani); Huang, JG (Huang, Jungang); Li, K (Li, Kang); Gong, YK (Gong, Yongkang); Copner, NJ (Copner, N. J.)

Edited by: Kalli K; Mendez A

Source: MICRO-STRUCTURED AND SPECIALTY OPTICAL FIBRES  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8426  Article Number: 84260V  DOI: 10.1117/12.921795  Published: 2012  

Abstract: A hexangular lattice dual-concentric-core photonic crystal fiber is proposed, which is composed of an inner core to be formed by missing a central air-hole, an outer ring core to be produced by reducing the size of the air-holes of the third ring and the double cladding circle air-holes along the direction of fiber length. Based on the full vector finite element method with anisotropic perfectly matched layers, its dispersion, leakage loss and mode field area are numerically investigated. Numerical results indicate that the proposed fiber shows large negative dispersion, strong confinement ability of guide mode, large effective mode area and low leakage loss and low sensitivity to the structure parameters. And the wavelength of high negative dispersion value can be adjusted by artificially choosing the parameters of the proposed PCF, such as Lambda, d(1) and f. The optimal design parameters with Lambda=1.2 mu m, f=0.92, d(1)=0.52 mu m for proposed PCF are obtained to achieve ultra-narrowband negative dispersion value for dispersion compensation. For the optimal design, the dispersion value reaches as high as -3400 ps.km(-1) nm(-1) and the dispersion slope value is between -1000 similar to -6000 ps.km(-1) nm(-2) over C band (1.53-1.565 mu m). At wavelength of 1.55 mu m, the leakage loss is closed to 10(-2) dB.m(-1) and the corresponding area of effective mode is 36 mu m(2).

Accession Number: WOS:000304196300029

Conference Title: Conference on Microstructured and Specialty Optical Fibres

Conference Date: APR 17-19, 2012

Conference Location: Brussels, BELGIUM

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Brussels Photon Team (B-PHOT), Brussels-Capital Reg, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO), Int Commiss Opt (ICO), Ville Bruxelles

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, Jungang 



Huang, Jungang 



Huang, Jungang 



Zhang, Yani 



Gong, Yongkang 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9118-3



Record 84 of 99

Title: Research on Object Signal Sampling and Reconstruction Based on Laser Beat Frequency

Author(s): Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yu); Luo, XJ (Luo, Xiujuan); Cao, B (Cao, Bei); Xia, AL (Xia, Aili); Si, QD (Si, Qingdan)

Edited by: Guo H

Source: 2012 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INFORMATION AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING  Book Series: Procedia Engineering  Volume: 29  Pages: 2421-2426  DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.325  Published: 2012  

Abstract: The observation of an object traditionally relies on the scale of optical system and the resolution is often limited by the diameter of telescope. Based on the laser interference technology, we adopt a new signal sampling method with which we sample the spectrum information by laser beat frequency. The overlapped beams interfere together and generate a series of fringes across the target. Different spectrum components of target are sampled by fringes with different spatial frequency. Then we will reconstruct the target image through inverse Fourier Transform. This method break through the difficulty that observation resolution was limited by the scale of optical system. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Harbin University of Science and Technology

Accession Number: WOS:000314346402082

Conference Title: International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering (IWIEE) / International Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications (ICICT)

Conference Date: MAR 10-11, 2012

Conference Location: Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Harbin Univ Sci & Technol, Int Sci & Engn Res Ctr, Harbin Engn Univ, NE Forestry Univ, Harbin Normal Univ, HeiLongJing Univ, NE Petr Univ, Harbin Univ, China Commun Magazine, Co., Ltd

ISSN: 1877-7058



Record 85 of 99

Title: Thermal Modeling and Analysis of High Power Semiconductor laser Arrays

Author(s): Zhang, ZY (Zhang, Zhiyong); Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Li, XN (Li, Xiaoning); Xiong, LL (Xiong, Lingling); Liu, H (Liu, Hui); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhenfu); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)

Edited by: Bi K; Yang D; Cai M


Abstract: With the continuous increase of the output power of semiconductor laser array, the heat generation in the active region also increases continuously, which influences the performances and lifetime of semiconductor laser array seriously. In order to improve the performances and lifetime, understanding of the thermal behavior of high power semiconductor laser array packages and optimizing the thermal performance are crucial. By means of numerical analysis, a three-dimensional thermal model has been established, and the static and transient thermal characteristics in continuous-wave (CW) and quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) modes also have been studied systematically for a hard solder, conduction-cooled-packaged 808nm semiconductor laser array. Based on the thermal modeling and analysis, the approaches to reduce thermal resistance have been proposed. The results show that: compared with copper-tungsten (CuW), adopting the copper-diamond composite material as the submount can decrease the thermal crosstalk behavior between emitters, and reduce the thermal resistance by about 30%. In addition, a novel thermal design for the packaging structure of the mounting heat-sink is demonstrated, which has the ability of reducing the thermal resistance of the devices significantly.

Accession Number: WOS:000319836000124

Conference Title: 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP)

Conference Date: AUG 13-16, 2012

Conference Location: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Components, Packaging & Mfg Technol Soc (CPMT), Chinese Inst Elect, Elect Mfg & Packaging Technol Soc (EMPT), Shanghai Univ, Tsinghua Univ, Fudan Univ, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Xidian Univ, Chinese Inst Elect, Sci & Technol Reliabil Phys & Applicat Elect Component Lab, Guilin Univ Elect Technol

ISBN: 978-1-4673-1681-1



Record 86 of 99

Title: Research on design of a cubic conjugate phase mask having the capability of controlling the bandwidth of wave-front coding system

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Li, YC (Li, Yingcai)

Edited by: Wang Y; Du C; Hua H; Tatsuno K; Urbach HP

Source: OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING V  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8557  Article Number: 85572C  DOI: 10.1117/12.981932  Published: 2012  

Abstract: In this paper, an extended cubic phase mask used to realize wave-front coding technique is derived in frequency domain. Then by splitting and re-combining the terms of the phase function, a new mask containing two conjugate cubic terms is generated and can be physically realized by shifting and superposing two cubic phase mask having relative displacement with respect to the center of the pupil plane. Simulation results indicate that this phase mask has the capability of changing the system effective bandwidth while maintaining the defocus invariance characteristic. The work reported can be extended to other phase masks and could be considered to be complementary to the existing researches.

Accession Number: WOS:000322822000067

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Design and Testing V

Conference Date: NOV 05-07, 2012

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9312-5



Record 87 of 99

Title: Prototype design of an all-reflective non-coaxial optical zooming system for space camera application without moving elements based on deformable mirror

Author(s): Zhao, H (Zhao, Hui); Fan, XW (Fan, Xuewu); Zou, GY (Zou, Gangyi); Pang, ZH (Pang, Zhihai); Wang, W (Wang, Wei); Ren, GR (Ren, Guorui); Su, Y (Su, Yu)

Edited by: Wang Y; Du C; Hua H; Tatsuno K; Urbach HP

Source: OPTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING V  Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE  Volume: 8557  Article Number: 855713  DOI: 10.1117/12.981931  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Based on optical zooming used to capture images with variable resolution and field of view (FOV), an all-reflective non-coaxial optical zooming system without moving elements is designed for space camera application. In this prototype design, a deformable mirror (DM) whose curvature radius can be changed is introduced. By carefully selecting the optical power of conventional reflective mirrors surrounding the DM, the overall focal length of the imaging system can be greatly changed with slight variation of curvature radius of DM. The focal length of the system can be changed from 48mm to 192mm and the system performance is approaching diffraction-limited with diverse criteria and the maximum stoke of DM is still within its physical limits at the same time. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of DM based optical zooming and will provide a new routine for new type of space camera design in the future.

Accession Number: WOS:000322822000032

Conference Title: Conference on Optical Design and Testing V

Conference Date: NOV 05-07, 2012

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS)

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Huang, YQ 




ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9312-5



Record 88 of 99

Title: Design and Analysis of Flexure Hinge in the Double Crystal Monochromator

Author(s): Zhao, XG (Zhao, Xiangguo); Zhou, SZ (Zhou, Sizhong); Jiang, B (Jiang, Bo); Jiang, K (Jiang, Kai); Mei, C (Mei, Chao)

Edited by: Zhang C; Lin PP

Source: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT II, PTS 1-3  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 226-228  Pages: 2175-2180  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.226-228.2175  Part: 1-3  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper analyzes the relationship between the parameters of CFH (Cosine Flexure Hinge) and the adjustable angle in the measurement and micro-adjustment of yaw, pitch and roll angle in the DCM (Double Crystal Monochromator). We derive the motion equations of CFH during the measurement and adjustment process, and get accurate expression formulas. Then we use ANSYS software to simulate the CFH and compare the simulation value and the theoretical value. It shows that the maximum angular deflection error is less than 3.5 percent. We compare the CFH to the RCFH (Right Circular Flexure Hinge); and get that the maximum angular deflection theta(y) and the linear displacements of RCFH are all about 1.56 times than the CFH when the parameters are equivalent. Therefore, we provide a simple flexure hinge to improve the stability and accuracy of angular measurement and micro- adjustment in the DCM.

Accession Number: WOS:000316370401093

Conference Title: International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2012)

Conference Date: OCT 19-21, 2012

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Guangzhou Univ, Cleveland State Univ, Xian Jiaotong Univ, Tongji Univ, Hong Kong Polytechn Univ, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Ritsumeikan Univ, Univ Victoria

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Hao 




ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-507-2



Record 89 of 99

Title: Optical system design of Full-Disc Magnetic Field Telescope

Author(s): Zhao, YY (Zhao, Yiyi); Yang, JF (Yang, Jianfeng); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaolong); Yan, XT (Yan, Xingtao)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2012 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND DESIGN (ISCID 2012), VOL 2  Book Series: International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design  Pages: 290-293  DOI: 10.1109/ISCID.2012.224  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Full-Disc magnetic field telescope is an important instrument for astronomical observations. In order to meet the optical performance of the full-Disc magnetic field Telescope and the harsh coupling conditions of its filters, determined the optical parameters of the optical system by calculation. According to the calculation of the optical parameters, we puts forward a feasible optical structure which can make the system more compact under the premise of meeting the telescope in optical properties and filters coupling conditions. for the system, we have adopted the basic idea of modular design, and the overall system is divided into several subsystems were designed. the results show that the maximum wave front distortion(pv) of the system of all field of view is 0.1327 lambda; the value of MTF at the spatial frequency of 67 lp/mm is higher than 0.45 in every field. the image quality of the system approximates to the diffractive limit.

Accession Number: WOS:000320940800073

Conference Title: 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID)

Conference Date: OCT 28-29, 2012

Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: IEEE, Zhejiang Univ, Univ Bristol, IEEE Computat Intelligence Soc, Zhejiang Sci Tech Univ, IEEE Comp Soc

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yang, Jianfeng 



He, Chen 




ISSN: 2165-1701

ISBN: 978-0-7695-4811-1



Record 90 of 99

Title: Nonlinear characterization of silver nanocrystals incorporated tellurite glasses for fiber development

Author(s): Zhou, ZG (Zhou, Zhiguang); Tan, WJ (Tan, Wenjiang); Si, JH (Si, Jinhai); Zhan, H (Zhan, Huan); He, JL (He, Jianli); Lin, AX (Lin, Aoxiang)

Book Group Author(s): IEEE

Source: 2011 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (ACP)  Book Series: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition  Article Number: 830721  DOI: 10.1117/12.904670  Published: 2012  

Abstract: To develop high nonlinear optical fibers for all-optical switching applications, 7.5 wt% AgNO3 was incorporated into tellurite glasses with composition of 75TeO(2)-20ZnO-5Na(2)CO(3) (TZN75) under precisely-controlled experimental conditions to form 7.5Ag-TZN75 glass. Surface Plasmon resonance absorption peak of Ag nanocrystals embedded in 7.5Ag-TZN75 glass was found to center at 552 rim. By degenerated four-wave mixing method, the non-resonant nonlinear refractive index, n(2), of 7.5Ag-TZN75 glass was measured to be 7.54x10(-19)m(2).W-1 at 1500 nm, about 3 times of the reference TZN75 glass without any dopant and 27 times of the silicate glasses and fibers, and the response time is about 1 picosecond.

Accession Number: WOS:000392591400060

Conference Title: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP)

Conference Date: NOV 13-16, 2011

Conference Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISSN: 2162-108X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-8961-6



Record 91 of 99


Author(s): Zhou, ZF (Zhou, Zuofeng); Cao, JZ (Cao, Jianzhong); Wang, H (Wang, Hao)

Book Group Author(s): ASME


Abstract: Multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction aims to fuse several low resolution images into one image with high optical resolution. In this paper, a new regularization-based multi-frame image super-resolution algorithm is presented. Utilizing the gradient directional information, the proposed algorithm uses the gradient vector flow to measure the gradient consistency between the high-resolution image and low-resolution images. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance than other multi-frame image super-resolution methods.

Accession Number: WOS:000307481500051

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2011)

Conference Date: NOV 25-27, 2011

Conference Location: Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA

ISBN: 978-0-7918-5991-9



Record 92 of 99

Title: Research and Design of Color Restoration Algorithm for Demosaicing Bayer Pattern Images

Author(s): Zhu, B (Zhu, Bo); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Gao, W (Gao, Wei); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Li, H (Li, Hua)

Edited by: Zhao H

Source: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 130-134  Pages: 745-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.130-134.745  Part: 1-5  Published: 2012  

Abstract: This paper analyses the process of obtaining real color image based on a single CCD/CMOS sensor. Bayer CFA Interpolation algorithm and White Balance algorithm are presented. The proposed interpolation algorithm which can obtain better color image and is easier to implement by hardware is provided. In order to cancel chromatic aberration, one White Balance algorithm which aims at sequential image is presented and process of FPGA design is given. Experimental results show that the design works normally. The color of corrected picture is vivid compared to the real world.

Accession Number: WOS:000307487500166

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2011)

Conference Date: SEP 23-25, 2011

Conference Location: Hefei, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hefei Univ Technol

ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-286-6



Record 93 of 99

Title: Manufacture of lasers with multiple operating modes

Author(s): Zhu, CJ (Zhu, Changjun); Xue, B (Xue, Bing); Zhai, XJ (Zhai, Xuejun); He, JF (He, Junfang)

Edited by: Chen WZ; Liu XJ; Dai P; Chen YL; Jiang Z

Source: ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, PTS 1-3  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 482-484  Pages: 1937-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.482-484.1937  Published: 2012  

Abstract: A two-beam pumped Ti:sapphire laser with femtosecond and picosecond cavities was manufactured. Three operating modes, independent self mode-locking, cross mode-locking and multi-pulse operating, were achieved. In the independent self mode-locking mode, femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses were generated in the two cavities, respectively. In the cross mode-locking mode, synchronized femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses were obtained in the two cavities. In the multi-pulse mode, multi-pulses were produced in the picosecond cavity. The results show that, the independent self mode-locking mode is dominated mainly by group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation, the cross mode-locking mode is governed primarily by cross-phase modulation and the multi-pulse operating is ruled largely by self-amplitude modulation.

Accession Number: WOS:000311059601041

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012)

Conference Date: MAR 27-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Fujian Univ Technol, Xiamen Univ, Fuzhou Univ, Huaqiao Univ, Univ Wollongong, Fujian Mech Engn Soc, Hong Kong Ind Technol Res Ctr

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

zhang, ly 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-373-3



Record 94 of 99

Title: Investigation of Quantum Beatings at 608 cm<SUP>-1</SUP> and 70 cm<SUP>-1</SUP> in Rb Vapor

Author(s): Zhu, CJ (Zhu, Changjun); He, JF (He, Junfang); Zhai, XJ (Zhai, Xuejun); Xue, B (Xue, Bing); Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chonghui)

Edited by: Huang YM

Source: LIQUID CRYSTALS AND RELATED MATERIALS II  Book Series: Solid State Phenomena  Volume: 181-182  Pages: 413-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.181-182.413  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Two coupled axially phase-matched parametric four-wave mixings have been achieved in Rb vapor by using broad bandwidth laser pulses. Coherent radiations at 420 nm produced by difference-frequency optical wave mixing processes were detected and a pump-probe scheme was employed to record time varying characteristics of the parametric four-wave mixing signals. Quantum beatings at 608 cm(-1) and 70 cm(-1) were retrieved from the time varying signals by Fourier transform. Moreover, time dependent Fourier transform was utilized to analyze the dynamics of quantum beatings. The results indicate that two wave packets associated with the two quantum beating frequency components interact strongly and the quantum beating dynamics can be controlled by adjusting Rb number density.

Accession Number: WOS:000303085600093

Conference Title: 2nd International Symposium on Liquid Crystals: Science and Technology (LCST)

Conference Date: JUL 17-19, 2011

Conference Location: Changzhou Univ, Changzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Changzhou Univ, Natl Sci Fdn China, Trans Tech Publicat

Conference Host: Changzhou Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Wang, Yue 



zhang, ly 




ISSN: 1012-0394



Record 95 of 99

Title: A Review of 3D Aircraft Image Recognition Methods

Author(s): Zhu, XF (Zhu, Xufeng); Ma, CW (Ma, Caiwen)

Edited by: Zhang CS

Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 433-440  Pages: 2794-2801  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.433-440.2794  Published: 2012  

Abstract: this paper provides a review of 3D aircraft object recognition methods based on 2D images. First, essentialities and advantages on 3D aircraft image recognition are analyzed. Second, in view of the aircraft image recognition system model, the traits of aircraft images are elaborated, then the methods of aircraft image recognition at every stage are discussed, especial the methods of feature extraction about aircraft image and the feasibilities, which some new methods about 3D object recognition are used to aircraft image recognition, are focused. At last, some issues about aircraft image recognition which should be further studied in the future are proposed.

Accession Number: WOS:000302092000467

Conference Title: International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology (MSIT 2011)

Conference Date: SEP 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE

Conference Sponsors: Singapore Inst Elect

ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-319-1



Record 96 of 99

Title: Realization of NURBS for cranium in a laser sintering machine

Author(s): Zhuang, JY (Zhuang, Jingyu); Liu, DF (Liu, Defu); Gao, CD (Gao, Chengde); Hu, HL (Hu, Huanlong); Wang, L (Wang, Li); Shuai, CJ (Shuai, Cijun); Peng, SP (Peng, Shuping)

Edited by: Jiang ZY; Han JT; Liu XH

Source: ADVANCED DESIGN TECHNOLOGY  Book Series: Advanced Materials Research  Volume: 421  Pages: 570-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.421.570  Published: 2012  

Abstract: It is an issue in the application of Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) how to achieve the characteristic parameters based on a given curve. In this work, the parameterization method of accumulated chord length is used to construct the knot vector. The tangent vector is chosen as the boundary condition. The characteristic parameters are calculated according to the key points and corresponding weights of a given curve. An example of NURBS interpolation for cranium is realized using the characteristic parameters obtained with Rhino software in a selective laser sintering (SLS) machine. The results show that the practical sintering curve is coincident with the given curve.

Accession Number: WOS:000309483000118

Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011)

Conference Date: DEC 16-18, 2011

Conference Location: Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Univ Wollongong, NE Univ Qinhuangdao, Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Hebei Polytechn Univ

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Liu, Defu 



Gao, Chengde 



Shuai, Cijun 




ISSN: 1022-6680

ISBN: 978-3-03785-327-6



Record 97 of 99

Title: Cylindrically Symmetric Vector Beams Obtained by Overlapping Optical Vortices

Author(s): Zong, ZY (Zong, Z. Y.); Menke, N (Menke, N.); Cheng, M (Cheng, M.); Bo, B (Bo, B.); Hua, CY (Hua, C. Y.); Ji, K (Ji, K.); Yao, BL (Yao, B. L.)

Edited by: Zhang Y; Xiang L; To S


Abstract: In recent years, cylindrically symmetric vector beams are widely used in many fields, such as high-resolution microscopy, micro printing and nonlinear optics et al. The intensity and polarization of cylindrically symmetric vector beams are symmetrical around the optical axis. Radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam are the most common cylindrically symmetric vector beams. In this paper, first by using numerical methods it is calculated that the cylindrically symmetric vector beams can be obtained by overlapping two optical vortices or by overlapping an optical vortices with topological charge of two and a plane wave. Then, a radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam were experimentally obtained by overlapping a right-circularly polarized plane light and a left-circularly polarized optical vortices with topological charge of two, which is obtained by using a reflective liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) and a quarter-wave plate. The experimental results show that, by using this method, different kinds of cylindricany symmetric vector beams can be obtained very simply and easily, and could be switched to each other at video rate, and has higher energy conversion efficiency (up to 60%).

Accession Number: WOS:000312964200008

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9099-5



Record 98 of 99

Title: Polarization Multiplexing, Angle Multiplexing and Circumrotation Multiplexing Holographic Recording Experiments with 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide/PMMA Film

Author(s): Zong, ZY (Zong, Zhengyue); Menke, N (Menke, Neimule); Yao, BL (Yao, Baoli); Wang, YL (Wang, Yingli); Chen, Y (Chen, Yi)

Edited by: Zhao H

Source: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5  Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials  Volume: 130-134  Pages: 2035-+  DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.130-134.2035  Part: 1-5  Published: 2012  

Abstract: Fulgide is well-known as a thermally irreversible organic photochromic compound. The fulgide films can be applied as recording materials in ordinary holography and polarization holography, which were respectively based on the photochromic and photoinduced anisotropy properties. In this report, different kinds of multiplexing holographic storage, like angle multiplexing, circumrotation multiplexing and polarization multiplexing are realized in a 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide/ PMMA film for the first time, where 5 images, 18 images and 2 images are stored at the same position of the film, and diffracted without crosstalk with each other. It is proved that 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide film has spatial resolution of 6300lines/mm, sensitivity of 2.89 X 10(-3)cm(2)/mJ at 632.8nm on the polarization direction of the exciting beam, fatigue resistance of 70 times, thermal stability of 14 months and has advantages like low cost, easy to used, rewritable, long life time at room temperature for both states, and high signal to noise ratio. Overall, 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide is a better rewritable holographic storage medium, but the fatigue resistance and thermal stability should be improved.

Accession Number: WOS:000307487501066

Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2011)

Conference Date: SEP 23-25, 2011

Conference Location: Hefei, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: Hefei Univ Technol

Author Identifiers:


Web of Science ResearcherID

ORCID Number

Yao, Baoli 



wang, zhe 




ISSN: 1660-9336

ISBN: 978-3-03785-286-6



Record 99 of 99

Title: Electric field distribution characteristics of photoconductive antennas

Author(s): Zou, SW (Zou, Sheng-Wu); Zhang, TY (Zhang, Tong-Yi)

Edited by: Jiang Y; Yu J; Wang Z


Abstract: Photoexcitation of biased semiconductor photoconductive antennas by femtosecond pulses is the most common and convenient technique for generating strong terahertz (THz) pulses. In this paper, we use the three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) to analyze electric field distribution of THz pulses in the near-field from a photoconductive antenna. The simulation is based on solving Maxwell's equations and the carrier rate equations simultaneously on realistic dipole antenna structures. The 3D FDTD simulation gives detailed features of THz electric field distribution in and out of the antenna. It is found that the difference of near-field distribution between the substrate and free space is considerably large. The fields of the alternating-current dipole exhibit an unsymmetrical distribution and a large deviation from those calculated using the simple Hertzian dipole theory. The magnitude of THz field in and out of the substrate attenuates rapidly while it holds the line in the gap center. The high-frequency components of THz radiation emission come only from the dipole antenna, while the low-frequency components are from both the center electrodes and coplanar stripline waveguide. This work can be used to optimize the design of antenna geometry and raise the radiation field power.

Accession Number: WOS:000312935600010

Conference Title: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT) - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy

Conference Date: APR 26-29, 2012

Conference Location: Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA

Conference Sponsors: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc (COS), Chinese Acad Sci (CAS), Inst Opt & Elect (IOE)

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISBN: 978-0-8194-9101-5