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Accession number:20131116105448

Title:RF power amplifier design applied to acoustic optical modulator

Authors:Hu, Wenjie (1); Luo, Xiujuan (1); Cui, Dongzi (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (2) HONG FENG Mechanical Factory, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Fourth Research Institute, Xiao'gan 432000, Hubei, China

Corresponding author:Hu, W.(huwenjieawp@126.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463331



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper proposes a novel procedure of designing a power amplifier with broadband and high linearity, which is applied to acoustic optical modulator. Firstly, a transistor should be suitably chosen, here we accomplish the direct current (DC) simulation in order to get the right quiescent operating point under the platform Advanced Design System 2009 (ADS). Then some stability simulations and measurements were taken to make sure that the amplifier can be unconditionally stable. Finally, we carried out the load pull and source pull simulations to obtain the load and source impedances required, while executing the Harmonic Balance (HB) simulations to verify our design. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Design

Controlled terms:Acoustic impedance - Artificial intelligence - Light modulators - Power amplifiers

Uncontrolled terms:Acoustic-optical modulators - Advanced design system - Direct current - Harmonic balance simulations - High linearity - Load pull - Operating points - RF power amplifiers - Source impedance - Source-pull  - Stability simulation - Unconditionally stable

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 713.1 Amplifiers - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials



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Accession number:20122215062371

Title:Intense red upconversion emission of Yb/Tm/Ho triply-doped tellurite glasses

Authors:Zhan, Huan (1); Zhou, Zhiguang (1); He, Jianli (1); Lin, Aoxiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Lin, A.(aoxiang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:May 20, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:By conventional melting and quenching methods, 3Yb<inf>2</inf>O <inf>3</inf>-0.2Tm<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>-xHo<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> (wt%, x = 0.2 &sim; 1.2) was doped into an easily fiberized tellurite glass with composition of 78TeO<inf>2</inf>-10ZnO-12Na<inf>2</inf>O (mol%) to form YTH-TZN78 glasses. Under 976 nm excitation, the direct sensitizing effect of Yb ions (Yb &rarr; Ho) and indirect sensitizing and self-depopulating effects of Tm ions (Yb &rarr; Tm &rarr; Ho) were found to present intense red upconversion emission at 657 nm (Red, Ho: <sup>5</sup>F<inf>5</inf> &rarr; <sup>5</sup>I <inf>8</inf>) and were responsible for the absence of the usually observed 484 nm emission (Blue, Tm:<sup>1</sup>G<inf>4</inf> &rarr; <sup>3</sup>H <inf>6</inf>). Regardless of the dopant concentration of Ho ions, the intensity of the red emission at 657 nm (Red, Ho: <sup>5</sup>F<inf>5</inf> &rarr; <sup>5</sup>I<inf>8</inf>) is about three times stronger than that of the green one at 543 nm (Green, Ho:<sup>5</sup>S<inf>2</inf> &rarr; <sup>5</sup>I <inf>8</inf>). For this certain red emission at 657 nm, 0.4 wt% Ho <inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>-doped YTH-TZN78 glass was found to present the highest emission intensity and is therefore determined as a promising active tellurite glass for red fiber laser development. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Ions - Tellurium compounds - Ytterbium - Zinc oxide

Uncontrolled terms:Dopant concentrations - Emission intensity - Red emissions - Sensitizing effects - Tellurite glass - Up-conversion emission

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 801 Chemistry - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 812.3 Glass



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Accession number:20121214886658

Title:High precision nonlinear FDD design using RBF with the ability to learn

Authors:Wang, Zheng (1); Li, Yanjun (1); Sun, Xiaowei (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Z.

Source title:Zhongguo Kongjian Kexue Jishu/Chinese Space Science and Technology

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Kongjian Kexue Jishu



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Space Technology, P.O. Box 9622, Bejing, 100086, China

Abstract:On-orbit spacecraft fault detection and diagnosis(FDD) problem nonlinear model always needs to deal with. It's also important to improve the accuracy of the methodology as far as possible. Radial basis function(RBF) neural network was firstly applied for compensation of modeling error in order to increase the accuracy of the scheme, a Lyapunov function was used to prove its property. The residual and threshold and fault detection time were got through nonlinear observer. Fault signal was reconstructed by using RBF network, and accordingly a learning FDD strategy was presented. Validations were respectively designed for characteristics of residual threshold, detection time and the ability of RBF for reconstruction. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Radial basis function networks

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Computer simulation - Error compensation - Lyapunov functions - Spacecraft

Uncontrolled terms:Detection time - Fault detection and diagnosis - Fault signal - High precision - Modeling errors - Non-linear model - Non-linear observer - On-orbit spacecrafts - Radial basis function neural networks - Simulation

Classification code:655.1 Spacecraft, General - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20122815227441

Title:Video super-resolution with 3D adaptive normalized convolution

Authors:Zhang, Kaibing (1); Mu, Guangwu (1); Yuan, Yuan (2); Gao, Xinbo (1); Tao, Dacheng (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:October 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The classic multi-image-based super-resolution (SR) methods typically take global motion pattern to produce one or multiple high-resolution (HR) versions from a set of low-resolution (LR) images. However, due to the influence of aliasing and noise, it is difficult to obtain highly accurate registration with sub-pixel accuracy. Moreover, in practical applications, the global motion pattern is rarely found in the real LR inputs. In this paper, to surmount or at least reduce the aforementioned problems, we develop a novel SR framework for video sequence by extending the traditional 2-dimentional (2D) normalized convolution (NC) to 3-dimentional (3D) case. In the proposed framework, to bypass explicit motion estimation, we estimate a target pixel by taking a weighted average of pixels from its neighborhood. We further up-scale the input video sequence in temporal dimension based on the extended 3D NC and hence more video frames can be generated. Fundamental experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SR framework both quantitatively and perceptually. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Motion estimation

Controlled terms:Optical resolving power - Pixels - Three dimensional - Time and motion study

Uncontrolled terms:Accurate registration - Aliasing - Global motion - High resolution - Input videos - Low resolution images - Normalized convolution - Subpixel accuracy - Superresolution - Temporal dimensions  - Video frame - Video sequences - Video super-resolution - Weighted averages

Classification code:461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 902.1 Engineering Graphics



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Accession number:20120314701898

Title:Investigation on terahertz vibrational modes of crystalline benzoic acid

Authors:Yan, Hui (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1); Zheng, Zhuan-Ping (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:March 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The characteristic absorption features of crystalline benzoic acid in 0.1-4.0 THz have been measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy experimentally. Three sharp and low-intensity peaks are observed in the lowest frequency range of 0.1-1.5 THz. In particular, the absorption peak at 0.63 THz is reported for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, theoretical simulations have also been performed, and all measured terahertz absorption features are unambiguously assigned. Our calculations clearly show that the first three absorption features arise from translation motions of dimers held together by hydrogen bonds. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Terahertz spectroscopy

Controlled terms:Carboxylic acids - Crystalline materials - Hydrogen bonds - Time domain analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Benzoic acid - CASTEP - DFT - MP2 - THz-TDS

Classification code:801.4 Physical Chemistry - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 921 Mathematics - 931.1 Mechanics - 933.1 Crystalline Solids



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Accession number:20124815717029

Title:Performances of non-line-of-sight ultraviolet multi-scatter propagation for noncoplanar geometries

Authors:Yinan, Tang (1); Xiaoping, Xie (1); Wei, Zhao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yinan, T.(s09012@opt.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Meeting on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research, OEMR 2012

Conference date:July 27, 2012 - July 29, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93247

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:A multi-scatter propagation model based on Monte Carlo method is presented. This model can be applied to all the geometries, including coplanar or noncoplanar scenario. The mathematical description of this model is deduced. We obtain the spatial positions of photon with three Cartesian coordinates after each propagation step and the received judgment conditions. Employing a photon tracing technique, Monte Carlo simulation is performed to investigate the signal impulse response and the path loss. The results indicate that, when the off-axis angle increases, the amplitude of the impulse response decreases, while the path loss increases. In addition, it is observed that the pulse width increases with the off-axis angle. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Monte Carlo methods

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Impulse response - Materials science - Photons

Uncontrolled terms:Cartesian coordinate - Mathematical descriptions - Monte Carlo Simulation - Multi-scatter - Non-coplanar - Non-line-of-sight - Off-axis angles - Path loss - Photon tracing - Propagation models  - Propagation step - Pulsewidths - Spatial positions

Classification code:922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 951 Materials Science - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits - 408.1 Structural Design, General - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial



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Accession number:20120414712580

Title:A review of 3D aircraft image recognition methods

Authors:Zhu, Xufeng (1); Ma, Caiwen (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, X.(zhuxufeng@126.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 International Conference on Material Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011

Conference date:September 16, 2011 - September 18, 2011

Conference location:Singapore, Singapore

Conference code:88150

Sponsor:Singapore Institute of Electronics

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:this paper provides a review of 3D aircraft object recognition methods based on 2D images. First, essentialities and advantages on 3D aircraft image recognition are analyzed. Second, in view of the aircraft image recognition system model, the traits of aircraft images are elaborated, then the methods of aircraft image recognition at every stage are discussed, especial the methods of feature extraction about aircraft image and the feasibilities, which some new methods about 3D object recognition are used to aircraft image recognition, are focused. At last, some issues about aircraft image recognition which should be further studied in the future are proposed. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Three dimensional

Controlled terms:Aircraft - Aircraft materials - Classification (of information) - Feature extraction - Image recognition - Information technology - Materials science - Object recognition

Uncontrolled terms:2D images - 3d object recognition - Image recognition system - Recognition methods

Classification code:903.1 Information Sources and Analysis - 903 Information Science - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 951 Materials Science - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 652.2 Aircraft Materials - 652.1 Aircraft, General - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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Accession number:20123615394913

Title:Intense 2.7 &mu;m emission of Er3+-doped water-free fluorotellurite glasses

Authors:Zhan, Huan (1); Zhou, Zhiguang (1); He, Jianli (1); Lin, Aoxiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics(XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Lin, A.(aoxiang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:August 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:By physical and chemical dehydration techniques, a group of Er3+-doped water-free fluorotellurite glasses with a composition of 60TeO2 -30ZnF2 -10NaFTZNF60; mol% + x Er2O3wt%; x 0 &tilde; 1.5 were fabricated. Under 978 nm excitation, the 4I11 / 2 ? 4I13 / 2 emission of Er3+ ions in TZNF60-glass was investigated: tf is of 1.07 &tilde; 1.93 ms and emission bandwidth is about 163 nm at 2.71 &mu;m, which benefits from the absence of OH groups and the decreased phonon energy with the addition of fluorides. In contrast, 1.25Er-TZNF60 glass is proposed to be a promising material for mid-infrared fiber lasers at around 2.7 &mu;m. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Erbium - Fiber lasers - Fluorine compounds

Uncontrolled terms:Emission bandwidth - Er3+ ions - Midinfrared - OH group - Phonon energies

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 812.3 Glass



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Accession number:20122115047523

Title:Optical transmittance measurement system for coated elements with low transmittance

Authors:Wang, Hongyun (1); Da, Zhengshang (1); Liu, Lili (1); Zhao, Juanning (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Advanced Optical Instrument Research Department, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.(dazhengshang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:May 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The low-transmittance elements required for a high power laser facility have stringent specifications about transmittance. To validate optic performance against specifications, a metrology system for transmittance is proposed. The system is composed of a laser source, an integrating sphere, a power meter, and four uncoated wedged glasses. A relative measurement method is adopted, which is that the surface reflectivity of uncoated glass is used as the reference to compare with the sample's transmittance. The systematic feature is that uncoated wedged glasses are applied to split and reflect beams, which not only avoid coating errors, but also make the two beam powers attenuate properly. Measurement results for a sample's transmittance are presented. Experiment and analysis show that the relative standard uncertainty (&sigma;T/T) of measurement is 0.424%. This system is available for large-aperture elements. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:High power lasers - Specifications - Spheres - Systematic errors

Uncontrolled terms:Experiment and analysis - High power laser facility - Integrating spheres - Large aperture - Laser sources - Measurement results - Metrology systems - Power meters - Relative measurement - Standard uncertainty  - Surface reflectivity - Systematic features - Transmittance measurements - Two beams

Classification code:631 Fluid Flow - 744.1 Lasers, General - 812.3 Glass - 902.2 Codes and Standards - 922 Statistical Methods



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Accession number:20123815452472

Title:Amplitude weighting method for beamforming in far-field from uniform array

Authors:Zhong, Lanxian (1); Zhang, Zhiyong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710068, China; (2) School of Information and Technology, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710069, China

Corresponding author:Zhong, L.(lanx@nwu.edu.cn)

Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Lect. Notes Electr. Eng.

Volume:127 LNEE

Issue:VOL. 4

Monograph title:Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2011

Conference date:June 17, 2011 - June 19, 2011

Conference location:Changchun, China

Conference code:92698

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:An amplitude weighting method of forming a specific radiation pattern in far-field was proposed, which is different from the phase-array beamforming. The formula for calculating radiation amplitudes was derived in detail. Numerical results illustrated that radiation pattern with limited distribution can be closed in upon by increasing the number of elements, and it was indicated that the total number of elements can be determined in ratio of the main lobe energy to total radiation energy. &copy; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Beamforming

Controlled terms:Antenna phased arrays - Computer science

Uncontrolled terms:Amplitude weighting - Far-field - Limited distribution - Numerical results - Radiation amplitude - Radiation energy - Uniform array

Classification code:732 Control Devices - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 713 Electronic Circuits



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Accession number:20123615400276

Title:Snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes

Authors:Cao, Qizhi (1); Zhang, Chunmin (1); De Hoog, Edward (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Jiaotong University School of Science, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter, Xi'an 710049, China; (2) Spatial Optics Department, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Academia Sinica, Xi'an 710048, China; (3) School of Physics and Electronic Information Science, Guangxi Teachers College, Nanning 530023, China; (4) Physical Optics Corporation, 1845 W. 205th Street, Torrance, CA 90501, United States

Corresponding author:Zhang, C.(zcm@mail.xjtu.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:August 20, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:In this paper, based on the combination of two modified Savart polariscopes, we present a snapshot imaging polarimeter and show that the carrier frequency is two times higher than that of the snapshot imaging polarimeter using two conventional Savart polariscopes. The signal-to-noise ratio and the spatial resolution of imagery in each channel are improved due to the increase of the carrier frequency when we filter the channels to recover the Stokes vector images. Moreover, compared with conventional imaging polarimetry, the remarkable advantage of the proposed instrument is that it is also simple, compact, miniature, snapshotted, and static (no moving parts). To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed snapshot imaging polarimeter, the numerical simulation of a design example is presented in detail. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Polarimeters

Controlled terms:Ray tracing

Uncontrolled terms:Carrier frequency - Conventional imaging - Imaging Polarimeter - Moving parts - Savart polariscope - Spatial resolution - Stokes vector

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 941.3 Optical Instruments



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Accession number:20122015026325

Title:Efficient optical Kerr gate of tellurite glass for acquiring ultrafast fluorescence

Authors:Zhang, Hang (1); Zhou, Zhiguang (2); Lin, Aoxiang (2); Cheng, Jun (1); Liu, Hui (1); Si, Jinhai (1); Chen, Feng (1); Hou, Xun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices, Ministry of Education, Xian Jiaotong University, Xianning-xilu 28, Xian 710049, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, H.

Source title:Journal of Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:065201




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:We investigated the ultrafast optical Kerr effect of tellurite glass (Te glass) by the femtosecond time-resolved pumpprobe technique. The Kerr-gated spectra from a chirped supercontinuum (SC) obtained by a Te glass optical Kerr gate (OKG) were of a narrow bandwidth and wide range of transmittance spectra. Time-resolved violet fluorescence of a ZnO thin film with high temporal resolution was measured using the Te glass OKG. Experimental results showed that Te glass was a good candidate for an OKG medium due to its ultrafast response, large transmittance window, and large nonlinear refractive index. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Fluorescence - Optical Kerr effect - Refractive index - Tellurium compounds

Uncontrolled terms:Femtoseconds - Nonlinear refractive index - Optical Kerr gate - Tellurite glass - Ultra-fast

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 812.3 Glass



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Accession number:20132016337987

Title:Design of miniature camera lens including diffractive optical elements

Authors:Yu, Dengqun (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Zhang, Jian (1); Yan, Aqi (1); Guo, Huinan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optical Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, China

Source title:Proceedings of the 2012 4th International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Symp. Inf. Sci. Eng., ISISE

Monograph title:Proceedings of the 2012 4th International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6495374



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 4th International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2012

Conference date:December 14, 2012 - December 16, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:96852

Sponsor:Shanghai Institute of Electronics; Shanghai Jiaotong University; Fudan University; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Feng Chia University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:To meet the demand for miniature camera lens, in this paper, there designed a new type of miniature plastic lens, which is made up of three lenses. The second surface of the first lens is designed as a diffractive surface. The diffractive lens is used to eliminate aberration. There has investigated the primary aberration about the systems expressed by PWC. The function relation among P<inf>&infin;</inf>, W<inf>&infin;</inf>, C<inf>&infin;</inf>, and the diffractive lens structure have been established. These three lens materials are 'PMMAO', 'P-CARBO' and 'PMMAO'. The F-number is 2. 4 and FOV is 50&deg;. The overall length of this optical system is 6.52mm. The MTF at 250lp/mm is higher than 0. 3. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Camera lenses

Controlled terms:Information science - Optical design - Optical systems - Plastic lenses

Uncontrolled terms:Diffractive lens - Diffractive surfaces - Hybrid refractive-diffractive (HRD) system - Lens materials - Miniature cameras - Primary aberration

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 903 Information Science



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Accession number:20132216378704

Title:A new DFT based channel estimation method for OFDM systems over multipath channels

Authors:Wang, Jing (1); Qiu, Yuehong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an, China

Source title:Proceedings of the 2012 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, CITCS 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Natl. Conf. Inf. Technol. Comput. Sci., CITCS

Monograph title:Proceedings of the 2012 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, CITCS 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, CITCS 2012

Conference date:November 16, 2012 - November 18, 2012

Conference location:Lanzhou, China

Conference code:97073

Sponsor:Henan University; Yanshan University; Wenzhou University; Jiangsu University of Science and Technology; Xi'an University of Science and Technology

Publisher:Atlantis Press, 29 avenue Laumiere, Paris, 75019, France

Abstract:Channel estimation is one of the most significant technologies in the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system and its accuracy will influence the performance of the whole system directly. Among all kinds of channel estimation algorithms, the least square(LS)estimation and the linear minimum mean-squared error (LMMSE) estimation are the most classic ones. However, both the two estimator are not able to reach a compromise between accuracy and computational complexity. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -based channel estimation can get a better performance by a time domain processing. In this paper, we proposed an improved DFT based channel estimation which suppresses the noise by a new threshold setting method. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reach accuracy close to the LMMSE algorithm and its computational complexity is much lower than the LMMSE estimator. &copy; 2012. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Estimation

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Channel estimation - Computational complexity - Computer science - Computer simulation - Discrete Fourier transforms - Information technology - Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing - Telecommunication systems

Uncontrolled terms:Better performance - Channel estimation algorithms - Channel estimation method - DFT - Linear minimum mean-squared errors - Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems - Threshold - Time-domain processing

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 723.5 Computer Applications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements


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Accession number:20124415633778

Title:Fluorescence volume imaging with an axicon: Simulation study based on scalar diffraction method

Authors:Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Yang, Yanlong (1); Lei, Ming (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Gao, Peng (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Neurobiology, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294, United States

Corresponding author:Ye, T.(tongtye@gmail.com)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:October 20, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:In a two-photon excitation fluorescence volume imaging (TPFVI) system, an axicon is used to generate a Bessel beam and at the same time to collect the generated fluorescence to achieve large depth of field. A slice-by-slice diffraction propagation model in the frame of the angular spectrum method is proposed to simulate the whole imaging process of TPFVI. The simulation reveals that the Bessel beam can penetrate deep in scattering media due to its self-reconstruction ability. The simulation also demonstrates that TPFVI can image a volume of interest in a single raster scan. Two-photon excitation is crucial to eliminate the signals that are generated by the side lobes of Bessel beams; the unwanted signals may be further suppressed by placing a spatial filter in the front of the detector. The simulation method will guide the system design in improving the performance of a TPFVI system. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Geometrical optics

Controlled terms:Bessel functions - Diffraction - Fluorescence - Laser beams - Optical waveguides - Photons - Spectrum analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Angular spectrum method - Bessel beam - Depth of field - Imaging process - Propagation models - Raster scans - Scalar diffraction - Scattering media - Side lobes - Simulation methods  - Simulation studies - Spatial filters - Two photon excitation fluorescence - Two-photon excitations - Volume imaging - Volume of interest

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20130615994204

Title:Position and orientation control of an omni-directional mobile rehabilitation robot

Authors:Luo, Dongfeng (1); Schauer, Thomas (2); Roth, Michael (2); Raisch, Jorg (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany; (2) Technische Universit&#228;t Berlin, Control Systems Group, Berlin, Germany; (3) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Luo, D.

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications

Abbreviated source title:Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Control Appl.

Monograph title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6402680



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2012

Conference date:October 3, 2012 - October 5, 2012

Conference location:Dubrovnik, Croatia

Conference code:95270

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, United States

Abstract:Position and orientation control for an omni-directional mobile robot are investigated. The table-placed robot shall be used for arm and shoulder rehabilitation of stroke patients. The position and orientation of the device are determined by means of a modified Kalman filter which encompasses a kinematic model of the robot. By fusing information from incremental encoders at the robot and from an infrared camera at the ceiling, accurate and reliable estimates of robot position and orientation can be obtained. A cascaded position controller is designed for the mobile robot to allow the tracking of arbitrary translational reference movements and the stabilisation of the robot orientation. On the inner control loop, individual angular velocity controllers have been implemented for the three wheels to achieve maximum actuator performance and to facilitate a simplified state-space description of the robot dynamics. For the outer loop, a multi-variable state-space controller is utilised in form of a discrete-time linear quadratic regulator. The sensor fusion scheme and control system are validated in experiments and the obtained results are discussed. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Position control

Controlled terms:Mobile robots

Uncontrolled terms:Actuator performance - Control loop - Incremental encoder - Infra-red cameras - Kinematic model - Linear quadratic regulator - Omni-directional - Omnidirectional mobile robot - Orientation control - Outer loop  - Position controller - Rehabilitation robot - Reliable estimates - Robot dynamics - Robot orientation - Robot positions - Sensor fusion - State-space - State-space description - Stroke patients  - Velocity controllers

Classification code:731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications



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Accession number:20124415609326

Title:Approximation analysis of empirical feature-based learning with truncated sparsity

Authors:Chen, Hong (1); Xiang, Hu-Zhou (1); Tang, Yi (2); Yu, Zhao (1); Zhang, Xiao-Li (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Chen, H.(chenh@mail.hzau.edu.cn)

Source title:International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Wavelet Anal. Pattern Recogn.

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, ICWAPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6294765





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, ICWAPR 2012

Conference date:July 15, 2012 - July 17, 2012

Conference location:Xian, Shaanxi, China

Conference code:93288

Sponsor:Hebei University; Chongqing University; South China University of Technology; Hong Kong Baptist University; Hebei University of Science and Technology

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:A sparse algorithm, based on empirical feature selection, is investigated from the viewpoint of learning theory. It is a novel way to realize sparse empirical feature-based learning different from the regularized kernel projection machines. Representer theorem and error analysis of this algorithm are established without sparsity assumption of regression function. An empirical study verifies our theoretical analysis. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Wavelet analysis

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Error analysis - Pattern recognition

Uncontrolled terms:Empirical feature - Empirical risk minimization - Learning Theory - Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces - Sparse

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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Accession number:20133016524923

Title:Simulation of incoherently coupled multicomponent solitons on MATLAB

Authors:Li, Kehao (1); Chen, Weijun (2); Wang, Chunxiang (2); Hui, Juanli (2); Lu, Keqing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300160, China; (3) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Source title:Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Netw. Technol., ICCSNT

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6526189



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2012

Conference date:December 29, 2012 - December 31, 2012

Conference location:Changchun, China

Conference code:97797

Sponsor:Northeast Normal University; Heilongjiang University; Liaoning Normal University; Dalian Jiaotong University; Harbin Institute of Technology

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:We show that incoherently coupled multicomponent beam evolution equations in the low-amplitude regime in biased photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals can exhibit the analytical solutions of multicomponent solitons, which are due to both the spatially nonuniform screening of the external electric field and the photovoltaic effect. These multicomponent solitons can be obtained for N self-trapped mutually incoherent optical beams, where N is an arbitrary whole number. When the photovoltaic effect is neglected, their nonlinear evolution equations change into that for multicomponent screening solitons, and these multicomponent solitons change into multicomponent screening solitons. When the external bias field is absent, their nonlinear evolution equations change into that for multicomponent photovoltaic solitons in closed and open circuits, and these multicomponent solitons change into multicomponent photovoltaic solitons in closed and open circuits. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Computer science - MATLAB - Nonlinear optics - Photorefractive crystals - Photovoltaic effects

Uncontrolled terms:Biased photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals - Evolution equations - External electric field - Multicomponents - Nonlinear evolution equation - Photovoltaic soliton - Screening solitons - Spatially nonuniform screening

Classification code:921.1 Algebra - 921 Mathematics - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements



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Accession number:20121314907743

Title:Robust CoHOG feature extraction in human-centered image/video management system

Authors:Pang, Yanwei (1); Yan, He (1); Yuan, Yuan (2); Wang, Kongqiao (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Nokia Research Center, Beijing 100176, China

Corresponding author:Pang, Y.(pyw@tju.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern




Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6084765




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Many human-centered image and video management systems depend on robust human detection. To extract robust features for human detection, this paper investigates the following shortcomings of co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients (CoHOGs) which significantly limit its advantages: 1) The magnitudes of the gradients are discarded, and only the orientations are used; 2) the gradients are not smoothed, and thus, aliasing effect exists; and 3) the dimensionality of the CoHOG feature vector is very large (e.g., 200000). To deal with these problems, in this paper, we propose a framework that performs the following: 1) utilizes a novel gradient decomposition and combination strategy to make full use of the information of gradients; (2) adopts a two-stage gradient smoothing scheme to perform efficient gradient interpolation; and (3) employs incremental principal component analysis to reduce the large dimensionality of the CoHOG features. Experimental results on the two different human databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. &copy; 2006 IEEE.

Number of references:48

Main heading:Search engines

Controlled terms:Feature extraction - Graphic methods - Image retrieval - Management - Principal component analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Aliasing effects - Co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients - Combination strategies - Feature vectors - Gradient interpolation - Gradient smoothing - Histograms of oriented gradients - Human detection - Incremental principal component analysis - Management systems  - Two stage - Video management

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 912.2 Management - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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Accession number:20124015484282

Title:Geometry constrained sparse coding for single image super-resolution

Authors:Lu, Xiaoqiang (1); Yuan, Haoliang (1); Yan, Pingkun (1); Yuan, Yuan (1); Li, Xuelong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Lu, X.(luxq666666@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer  Vision and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vision Pattern Recognit

Monograph title:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6247858





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Conference date:June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012

Conference location:Providence, RI, United states

Conference code:92817

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The choice of the over-complete dictionary that sparsely represents data is of prime importance for sparse coding-based image super-resolution. Sparse coding is a typical unsupervised learning method to generate an over-complete dictionary. However, most of the sparse coding methods for image super-resolution fail to simultaneously consider the geometrical structure of the dictionary and corresponding coefficients, which may result in noticeable super-resolution reconstruction artifacts. In this paper, a novel sparse coding method is proposed to preserve the geometrical structure of the dictionary and the sparse coefficients of the data. Moreover, the proposed method can preserve the incoherence of dictionary entries, which is critical for sparse representation. Inspired by the development on non-local self-similarity and manifold learning, the proposed sparse coding method can provide the sparse coefficients and learned dictionary from a new perspective, which have both reconstruction and discrimination properties to enhance the learning performance. Extensive experimental results on image super-resolution have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Image coding

Controlled terms:Computer vision - Geometry - Optical resolving power

Uncontrolled terms:Geometrical structure - Image super-resolution - Learning performance - Manifold learning - Nonlocal - Over-complete - Self-similarities - Single images - Sparse coding - Sparse representation  - Super-resolution reconstruction - Unsupervised learning method

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20123415354495

Title:Research on information dissemination in urban rail transit line network

Authors:Han, Quan-Ye (1); Wang, Xiao-Ming (2); Dang, Jian-Wu (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Shaanxi Radio and TV University, Shaanxi Business College, Department of Computing Informatics, Shaanxi Xian 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory Opto-Electronic Technology and Intelligent Control, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China

Corresponding author:Han, Q.-Y.(hqy@mail.lzjtu.cn)

Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science

Abbreviated source title:Commun. Comput. Info. Sci.

Volume:304 CCIS

Monograph title:Emerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications - 8th International Conference, ICIC 2012, Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:8th International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications, ICIC 2012

Conference date:July 25, 2012 - July 29, 2012

Conference location:Huangshan, China

Conference code:91951

Sponsor:IEEE Computational Intelligence Society; International Neural Network Society; National Science Foundation of China

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Based on the push and pull approach, a kind of adaptive disseminating mechanism is presented, which combines push with pull, by which the system of emergency coordination center in urban rail transit line network can dynamically allocate the available resource between push and pull clients so as to optimize the sending time delay of data chunk in network given their desired currency. The major conclusion is the approach of combined push with pull can fit to stringent coherency requirements information and less stringent coherency requirements information. Also it can fit to information provided according to user's requirements. The approach can better meet the requirement of currency of information on urban rail transit line network. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Light rail transit

Controlled terms:Information dissemination - Intelligent computing

Uncontrolled terms:Data chunks - Line network - Urban rail transit

Classification code:682 Railroad Rolling Stock - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 903.2 Information Dissemination



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Accession number:20124015484351

Title:Matrix completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization

Authors:Zhang, Debing (1); Hu, Yao (1); Ye, Jieping (2); Li, Xuelong (3); He, Xiaofei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Lab of CADandCG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; (2) Arizona University, Tempe, AZ 85287, United States; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, D.(debingzhangchina@gmail.com)

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer  Vision and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vision Pattern Recognit

Monograph title:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6247927





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Conference date:June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012

Conference location:Providence, RI, United states

Conference code:92817

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Estimating missing values in visual data is a challenging problem in computer vision, which can be considered as a low rank matrix approximation problem. Most of the recent studies use the nuclear norm as a convex relaxation of the rank operator. However, by minimizing the nuclear norm, all the singular values are simultaneously minimized, and thus the rank can not be well approximated in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel matrix completion algorithm based on the Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization (TNNR) by only minimizing the smallest N-r singular values, where N is the number of singular values and r is the rank of the matrix. In this way, the rank of the matrix can be better approximated than the nuclear norm. We further develop an efficient iterative procedure to solve the optimization problem by using the alternating direction method of multipliers and the accelerated proximal gradient line search method. Experimental results in a wide range of applications demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Problem solving

Controlled terms:Computer vision - Iterative methods - Relaxation processes

Uncontrolled terms:Alternating direction methods - Convex relaxation - Iterative procedures - Line search method - Low-rank matrices - Matrix completion - Missing values - Optimization problems - Singular values - Visual data

Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications - 921 Mathematics - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 931.1 Mechanics



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Accession number:20125015787489

Title:Focusing properties of the visible light wave through plasmonic lenses with subwavelength chirped slits

Authors:Feng, Di (1); Zhang, Chunxi (2); Yang, Yuanhong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Instrumentation Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China

Corresponding author:Feng, D.(fengdi@buaa.edu.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing, AMITP 2012

Conference date:October 17, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Taipei, Taiwan

Conference code:94267

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Focusing properties of a new kind of plasmonic lenses are investigated in the visible wavelength range through a subwavelength metallic chirped slit arrays which have the same depth but chirped widths. The chirped widths of slits are like a piece-wise-linear distribution which will be approximated by linearly increasing the width of a subwavelength feature and can build up a required phase front for focusing. We analyzed the focusing characteristics of different metallic lenses (silver and gold, respectively) with chirped widths that are obtained by generalizing the relevant phase delay for TE- and TM-polarized incident waves, for different f-numbers of lenses and for different material thickness, respectively. Meanwhile, the comparison of the metallic and dielectric lenses is also presented. The results of calculations show that, the metallic lenses are more sensitive to the polarization of incidence wave than that of dielectric lenses, and can get narrower full-width half-maximum (FWHM) beam width than that of dielectric lenses for TM-polarized incident waves, respectively. No matter which f-number we choose, the FWHM of dielectric lenses are higher than the plasmonic lenses, and the plasmonic lenses can get a higher focal resolution than dielectric lenses do. This kind of plasmonic lenses should have a good potential for applications in photonic and plasmonic integrated devices, sensing, and nano-optical manipulations, etc. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Lenses

Controlled terms:Directional patterns (antenna) - Focusing - Information technology - Plasmons

Uncontrolled terms:Beam widths - Dielectric lens - Focal resolution - Focusing properties - Full width half maximum - Incidence wave - Incident waves - Integrated device - Material thickness - Metallic lens  - Phase delay - Phase front - Plasmonic - Plasmonic lens - Slit array - Sub-wavelength - Sub-wavelength structures - Surface plasmons polaritons - Visible light - Visible-wavelength range

Classification code:712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 903 Information Science



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Accession number:20120714766788

Title:Prototype of an optical sampling oscilloscope with subpicosecond temporal resolution

Authors:Liu, Yuanshan (1); Zhang, Jianguo (1); Tang, Dingkang (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, Y.(bull-0601@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Low timing-jitter, "&sigma;"-type passively mode-locked fiber laser is used as a high-performance optical sampling pulse source, of which the operation stability is high and the repetition frequency is tunable. Then the generated sequence of ultrashort optical sampling pulses is launched together with a 80 Gb/s optical pulse signal under test into a 100 m-long highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). The all-optical sampling of an optical signal under test is realized by utilizing the four-wave mixing (FWM) in a HNLF. Consequently, the waveform of a 80 Gb/s optical pulse signal with RZ format is precisely reproduced by a computer and is displayed on its screen by employing our developed software for digital signal processing and computer image processing, respectively. Moreover, the optical sampling oscilloscope prototype is used to measure the pulse waveform and pulse width at the output of a commercially available, actively mode-locked semiconductor laser which produces optical pulses of 1.8 ps width (measured by an autocorrelator) at the 10 GHz repetition frequency. In the experiment, the pulse width measured by this oscilloscope prototype system is 2.0 ps. It is clearly shown that our developed optical sampling oscilloscope prototype has a temporal resolution better than 900 fs.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Optical data processing

Controlled terms:Cathode ray oscilloscopes - Fiber lasers - Image processing - Laser pulses - Lasers - Optical devices - Semiconductor lasers - Signal sampling - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:80 Gb/s - All-optical sampling - Autocorrelators - Computer image processing - Highly nonlinear fibers - Mode-locked laser - Mode-locked semiconductor lasers - Non-Linearity - Operation stability - Optical pulse  - Optical sampling - Optical sampling oscilloscope - Optical signals - Prototype system - Pulse sources - Pulse waveforms - Pulse width - Repetition frequency - Subpicosecond - Temporal resolution  - Wave forms

Classification code:715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 744 Lasers - 922 Statistical Methods



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Accession number:20121214882972

Title:Research on object signal sampling and reconstruction based on laser beat frequency

Authors:Zhang, Yu (1); Luo, Xiujuan (1); Cao, Bei (1); Xia, Aili (1); Si, Qingdan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xinxi Road, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y.(yuzhang16@yahoo.com.cn)

Source title:Procedia Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Procedia Eng.


Monograph title:2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering, IWIEE 2012

Conference date:March 10, 2012 - March 11, 2012

Conference location:Harbin, China

Conference code:89020

Sponsor:Harbin University of Science and Technology; International Science and Engineering Research Center

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:The observation of an object traditionally relies on the scale of optical system and the resolution is often limited by the diameter of telescope. Based on the laser interference technology, we adopt a new signal sampling method with which we sample the spectrum information by laser beat frequency. The overlapped beams interfere together and generate a series of fringes across the target. Different spectrum components of target are sampled by fringes with different spatial frequency. Then we will reconstruct the target image through inverse Fourier Transform. This method break through the difficulty that observation resolution was limited by the scale of optical system. &copy; 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Image reconstruction - Signal sampling

Uncontrolled terms:Beat frequency - Inverse Fourier transforms - Laser interference - Spatial frequency - Spectrum information - Spectrum sampling - Target images

Classification code:922 Statistical Methods - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits



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Accession number:20123815452271

Title:Dispersionless slow light in MIM waveguide based on a plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency

Authors:Wang, Guoxi (1); Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:September 10, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We have proposed a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide system, which exhibits a significant slow-light effect, based on a plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). By appropriately adjusting the distance between the two stubs of a unit cell, a flat band corresponding to nearly constant group index over a broad bandwidth of 8.6 THz can be achieved. The analytical results show that the group velocity dispersion (GVD) parameter can reach zero and normalized delay-bandwidth product (NDBP) is more than 0.522. Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations show that the incident pulse can be slowed down without distortion owing to the low dispersion. The proposed compact configuration can avoid the distortion of signal pulse, and thus may find potential applications in plasmonic slow-light systems, especially optical buffers. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:32

Main heading:MIM devices

Controlled terms:Finite difference time domain method - Plasmons - Quantum optics - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Analytical results - Broad bandwidths - Dispersionless - Electromagnetically induced transparency - Finite-difference time-domain simulation - Flat band - Group index - Incident pulse - Metal insulator metals - Optical buffer  - Plasmonic - Potential applications - Signal pulse - Unit cells - Waveguide systems

Classification code:712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20124715683155

Title:Color fractal structure model for reduced-reference colorful image quality assessment

Authors:He, Lihuo (1); Wang, Dongxue (1); Li, Xuelong (2); Tao, Dacheng (3); Gao, Xinbo (1); Gao, Fei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, Shaanxi, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (3) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:He, L.(lihuo.he@gmail.com)

Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Abbreviated source title:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.

Volume:7664 LNCS

Issue:PART 2

Monograph title:Neural Information Processing - 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2012

Conference date:November 12, 2012 - November 15, 2012

Conference location:Doha, Qatar

Conference code:93816

Sponsor:United Development Company PSC (UDC); Qatar Petrochemical Company; ExxonMobil; Qatar Petroleum; Texas A and M University at Qatar; Asia Pacific Neural Network Assembly

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Developing reduced reference image quality assessment (RR-IQA) plays a vital role in dealing with the prediction of the visual quality of distorted images. However, most of existing methods fail to take color information into consideration, although the color distortion is significant for the increasing color images. To solve the aforementioned problem, this paper proposed a novel IQA method which focuses on the color distortion. In particular, we extract color features based on the model of color fractal structure. Then the color and structure features are mapped into visual quality using the support vector regression. Experimental results on the LIVE II database demonstrate that the proposed method has a good consistency with the human perception especially on images with color distortion. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Color

Controlled terms:Data processing - Fractals - Image quality

Uncontrolled terms:Color distortions - Color features - Color images - Color information - Colorful images - Distorted images - Fractal structures - Human perception - Reduced reference - Reduced-reference image quality assessments  - RR-IQA - Statistical models - Structure features - Support vector regression (SVR) - Visual qualities

Classification code:723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20124015531515

Title:ADXRS401 angular velocity measurement system based on TMS320F2812 and AD7898

Authors:Guo, Zhihao (1); Liang, Yanbing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of the Optics and Precision Mechanics of, CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Guo, Z.(guozhihao_2006@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Model., Identif. Control, ICMIC

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6260220



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Conference date:June 24, 2012 - June 26, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:92903

Sponsor:IEEE Shanghai Section; International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control; International Journal of Computer Applications and Technology; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In order to measure the high precision simultaneous angular velocity of MEMS gyroscope, ADXRS401, we designed a stable and available simultaneous serial data acquisition system, which is mainly built based on TMS320F2812, DSP chip of TI, and AD7898, AD converter of ADI. AD7898 could convert analog signal to digital signal and transfer the collected data to TMS320F2812 by the serial port-Multichannel Buffered Serial PORT (McBSP). After the pretreatment of TMS320F2812, the collected data would be transferred to the PC by the module of wireless transmission. At last, the PC could draw the waveform graph of the collected data and calculate the minimum and maximum value. We could easily estimate the designed system good or not. After the joint debug of software and hardware, we could make it better meet the design requirements. The design of hardware interface circuits, design of software procedures, and debug of hardware and software etc. are described in this paper. &copy; 2012 Huazhong Univ of Sci &amp; Tec.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Program debugging

Controlled terms:Angular velocity - Design - Hardware - Identification (control systems) - Logic circuits - Measurements

Uncontrolled terms:AD7898 - ADXRS401 - Measurement system - MEMS gyroscope - TMS320F2812

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 931.1 Mechanics - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 731.1 Control Systems - 721.3 Computer Circuits - 605 Small Tools and Hardware - 408 Structural Design - 723.1 Computer Programming


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Accession number:20141517550851

Title:Dispersion-free quantum clock synchronization via fiber link

Authors:Hou, Fei-Yan (1); Dong, Rui-Fang (1); Quan, Run-Ai (1); Zhang, Yu (1); Bai, Yun (1); Liu, Tao (1); Zhang, Shou-Gang (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Time and Frequency Primary Standards, National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710600, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Dong, R.-F.(dongruifang@ntsc.ac.cn)

Source title:Advances in Space Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Space Res.



Issue date:December 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd

Abstract:We proposed a fiber-based quantum clock synchronization protocol by employing the dispersion cancellation feature of the frequency anti-correlated entangled source under the quantum interference measurement. It is shown that, the accuracy of the synchronization is mainly dependent on the bandwidth of the frequency entangled biphoton spectrum and on the temperature variation induced fluctuations in both the reference fiber coiling and the fiber link. With this proposal, synchronization between two clocks at a distance of ten kilometers can be implemented with an accuracy below a picosecond. &copy; 2012 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Quantum entanglement

Controlled terms:Dispersions - Fibers - Mechanical clocks

Uncontrolled terms:Dispersion-free - Fiber links - Frequency anti-correlated entanglement - Picoseconds - Quantum clock synchronizations - Quantum interference - Reference fibers - Temperature variation

Classification code:812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments - 951 Materials Science



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Accession number:20122915258664

Title:Single-shot parallel four-step phase shifting using on-axis Fizeau interferometry

Authors:Abdelsalam, D.G. (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Gao, Peng (1); Min, Junwei (1); Guo, Rongli (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Engineering and Surface Metrology Lab., National Institute of Standards, Tersa St., El haram, El Giza, Egypt; (3) Division of Mechanical System Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Korea, Republic of

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:July 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The purposes of the paper are threefold: (1) to show the possibility to perform parallel phase-shifting Fizeau interferometry by using a quarter waveplate with high flatness as a reference, (2) to present a comparative study between the phase-shifting algorithm and the off-axis geometry in surface microtopography measurement, and (3) to show the advantages of using the proposed common path Fizeau interferometry over the quasi-common path Michelson interferometry in terms of accuracy in measurement. The compelling advantage of the proposed parallel phase-shifting Fizeau interferometric technique is the long-term stability that leads to measuring objects with a high degree of accuracy. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Phase shift

Controlled terms:Interferometry - Michelson interferometers

Uncontrolled terms:Common path - Comparative studies - Fizeau Interferometry - High degree of accuracy - Interferometric techniques - Long term stability - Michelson interferometry - Off-axis geometry - Phase-shifting - Phase-shifting algorithm  - Quarter wave-plate - Single-shot - Surface microtopography

Classification code:941.3 Optical Instruments - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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Accession number:20121614954753

Title:Defect modes supported by optical lattices in photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals

Authors:Li, Kehao (1); Lu, Keqing (1); Guo, Jianbang (1); Chen, Weijun (3); Sun, Tongtong (3); Yao, Fengxue (3); Xu, Jingjun (4)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China; (4) Department of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

Corresponding author:Lu, K.(kqlu@opt.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:June 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We study defect modes in optically induced one-dimensional lattices in photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals. These defect modes exist in different bandgaps due to the change of defect intensity. For a positive defect, defect mode branches exist not only in the semi-infinite bandgap, but also in the first and second bandgaps. When the defect mode branch is fixed, the confinement of defect modes increases with the defect strength parameter. For a negative defect, defect mode branches exist only in the first and second bandgaps. For a given defect mode branch, the strongest confinement of the defect modes appears when the lattice intensity at the defect site is not the smallest in its branch. On the other hand, when the defect strength parameter is fixed, the most localized defect modes arise in the semi-infinite bandgap for the positive defect and in the first bandgap for the negative defect. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Defects

Controlled terms:Crystal lattices - Energy gap - Nonlinear optics - Optical materials - Photorefractive crystals - Photovoltaic effects

Uncontrolled terms:Defect mode - Defect sites - Localized defects - One-dimensional lattice - Optical lattices - Optically induced - Strength parameters

Classification code:423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 933.1.1 Crystal Lattice - 951 Materials Science



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Accession number:20122215063429

Title:Spectroscopic properties of new Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped TeO <inf>2</inf>-ZnO-Nb<inf>2</inf>O<inf>5</inf> based tellurite glasses with high emission cross-section

Authors:Wang, Cuicui (1); Wang, Pengfei (2); Zheng, Ruilin (1); Xu, Shennuo (2); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays, Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wei, W.(weiwei@njupt.edu.cn)

Source title:Optical Materials

Abbreviated source title:Opt Mater



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Novel Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped TeO<inf>2</inf>-ZnO-Nb<inf>2</inf>O<inf>5</inf> based tellurite glasses with high stimulated emission cross-section were prepared by melt-quenching method, and their spectroscopic and gain properties were investigated by means of absorption spectrum, fluorescence decay curve and fluorescence emission spectrum. The results show that the stimulated emission cross-section of the Pb<sup>2+</sup>-doped glass increases with the increase of PbF<inf>2</inf> concentration. Toward the samples with co-existence of Pb <sup>2+</sup> and Zr<sup>4+</sup> ions, the stimulated emission cross-sections achieve 1.42 pm<sup>2</sup> and 1.48 pm<sup>2</sup> when PbF<inf>2</inf> concentrations are 2 mol% and 6 mol%, respectively. All these indicate that the Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped TeO<inf>2</inf>-ZnO-Nb<inf>2</inf>O<inf>5</inf>-PbF <inf>2</inf>-ZrF<inf>4</inf> glasses are a good candidate working as an active laser media for solid lasers. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:34

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Absorption spectra - Electromagnetic wave absorption - Emission spectroscopy - Fluorescence - Lead - Niobium oxide - Tellurium compounds - Ytterbium - Zinc oxide - Zirconium

Uncontrolled terms:Active laser media - Co-existence - Doped glass - Emission cross-section - Fluorescence decays - Fluorescence emission spectra - Gain properties - Melt quenching method - Spectroscopic property - Tellurite glass  - Tellurite-based glass

Classification code:804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 741.1 Light/Optics - 812.3 Glass - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 546.1 Lead and Alloys - 549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals



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Accession number:20120514729484

Title:Temporal contrast enhancement of picosecond pulses based on phase-conjugate wave generation

Authors:Liang, S.G. (1); Liu, H.J. (1); Huang, N. (1); Sun, Q.B. (1); Wang, Y.S. (1); Zhao, W. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.J.(liuhongjun@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:January 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:A practical technique based on the phase-conjugate wave (PCW) generation is proposed to improve the temporal contrast of the picosecond pulses. Our theory predicts the temporal contrast of the picosecond pulses can be enhancedto about the cube of the temporal contrastof the input pulse via the PCW generation,in which the conversion efficiency from the incident pulse to the PCW is about 25%. In a proof-of-principle experiment, the temporal contrast of picosecond pulses was enhanced from 1.7 &times; 10<sup>3</sup> to 8.6 &times; 10<sup>8</sup> with the conversion efficiency of 10%. This technique is promising to effectively eliminate the background of the ultrashort and ultraintense laser pulses in the future. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Pulse generators

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Incident pulse - Input pulse - Phase-conjugate - Pico-second pulse - Proof-of-principle experiments - Temporal contrast - Ultraintense laser pulse - Wave generation

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 713.4 Pulse Circuits - 744.1 Lasers, General



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Accession number:20120514725869

Title:Application of terahertz spectroscopy and molecular modeling in isomers investigation: Glucose and fructose

Authors:Zheng, Zhuan-Ping (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1); Liang, Yu-Qing (1); Yan, Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:April 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Terahertz spectra of glucose and fructose have been measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) at room temperature. Because they have the same molecular formula, the differences of the THz spectra can be attributed to their molecular structures and the arrangement of molecules in unit cell. In this paper, gaseous-state theory has been employed to simulate the isolated molecule of these two isomers. The results indicate that experimental THz spectral features (0.5 - 4.0 THz) of glucose and fructose arise from the mixture of intramolecular and intermolecular modes, involving hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds, and with the intermolecular modes dominating. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Terahertz spectroscopy

Controlled terms:Fructose - Glucose - Hydrogen bonds - Isomers - Laser pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Intermolecular modes - Isolated molecules - Molecular formula - Room temperature - Spectral feature - Terahertz spectra - Terahertz time domain spectroscopy - THz-TDS - Unit cells

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 801 Chemistry - 801.4 Physical Chemistry - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 931.1 Mechanics



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Accession number:20123615403607

Title:Modulation instability of bright photovoltaic solitons on a partially incoherent background

Authors:Zhang, M. (1); Huo, G. (2); Zhang, Y. (3); Kang, Y. (4); Duan, Z. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronics Engineering, Xi'An University of Post and Telecommunication, Xi'an 710061, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (4) School of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, M.(Meizhi-zhang@126.com)

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:We present the observation of incoherent anti-dark photovoltaic solitons in LiNbO<inf>3</inf>:Fe crystal. This new class of soliton states involves bright photovoltaic solitons on a background beam meeting &kappa; &gt; 1, where &kappa; is the ratio of background illumination photovoltaic constant to that of soliton beam. For &kappa; &lt; 1, dark photovoltaic solitons are generated. Furthermore, this novel type solitons are investigated experimentally by injecting coherent light and partially coherent background of infinite extent. In case of spatial coherence of the background lower than the threshold of incoherent modulation instability, these results indicate that bright photovoltaic solitons can propagate in a stable fashion. &copy; Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Condensed matter physics - Lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Background illumination - Incoherent background - Incoherent modulation - Modulation instabilities - Partially coherent - Photovoltaic - Photovoltaic soliton - Soliton beams - Spatial coherence

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 933 Solid State Physics



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Accession number:20121114852826

Title:A new illuminating source for the ship wake detection

Authors:Tang, Jing (1); Xie, Zheng-Mao (1); He, Jun-Hua (1); Cang, Yu-Ping (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Tang, J.(abcdmen@126.com)

Source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser

Abbreviated source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Board of Optronics Lasers, No. 47 Yang-Liu-Qing Ying-Jian Road, Tian-Jin City, 300380, China

Abstract:The quality of bubble image is determined by the efficiency of underwater optical system in ship wake detection, while the illuminating source is an important factor that affects the performance of the underwater imaging system. A new sheet laser source is proposed in order to solve the problem, and the utilization rate and feasibility are analyzed and proved. The test results show that the new illuminating source can not only solve the lighting of the imaging system, but also avoid excess images overlapping within the depth region of the optical field. The proposed light source creates significant terms for acquiring the parameters of the bubble curtain. This new design can be used in under-water optical systems because of its unique advantages.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Ships

Controlled terms:Imaging systems - Light sources - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Bubble curtain - Laser sources - New design - Optical field - Ship wake detection - Ship wakes - Utilization rates - View field

Classification code:671 Naval Architecture - 672 Naval Vessels - 674 Small Craft and Other Marine Craft - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques


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Accession number:20121414920126

Title:Interactions of two humps of dipoles in anisotropic nonlinear media

Authors:Zhang, Yiqi (1); Zhang, Yanpeng (1); Zhang, Meizhi (3); Lu, Keqing (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China; (2) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (3) School of Electronic Engineering, Xian University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xian 710061, China; (4) School of Information and Communication Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300160, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y.(zhang-yiqi@163.com)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:Propagation of dipoles and superposed dipoles in anisotropic nonlinear medium is investigated. The two humps of the dipoles will repel each other if attraction between them is smaller than repulsion, while if the former is larger than the latter, they attract. If there is phase gradient on the input dipoles or the energy distribution of the dipoles does not along the boundary directions of the medium, the dipoles will exhibit incomplete rotation during propagation. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Anisotropy

Controlled terms:Nonlinear systems

Uncontrolled terms:Anisotropic - Beam propagation - Dipole - Energy distributions - Non-linear media - Nonlinear medium - Phase gradient

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 961 Systems Science



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Accession number:20131016087945

Title:Passively Q-switched Tm-doped fiber lasers with carbon nanotubes

Authors:Zhou, Wei (1); Wang, Yonggang (3); Li, Xiaohui (1); Long, Jingyu (1); Shen, Deyuan (1); Wang, Yishan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Corresponding author:Shen, D.(shendy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:S21411



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:We demonstrate a passively Q-switched Tm-doped fiber laser with carbon nantubes (CNTs), yielding a maximum output average power of around 82 mW and the corresponding pulse energy of 1.2 &mu;J. The laser operates at ~1.985 &mu;m with repetition rates ranging from 26 to 69 kHz and pulse-duration from 1.5 to 2.6 &mu;s. Our proposed laser shows that the CNTs are promising for the potential Q-switched Tm-doped fiber laser with high energy and tunable wavelength operation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a Q-switched Tm-doped fiber laser with CNTs as saturable absorber. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Pulse repetition rate - Q switching - Saturable absorbers

Uncontrolled terms:Average power - High energy - Maximum output - Passively Q-switched - Pulse durations - Pulse energies - Q-switched - Repetition rate - Tm-doped fiber laser - Tunable wavelength

Classification code:744 Lasers



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Accession number:20122915254971

Title:Control of ultrafast laser-induced bulk nanogratings in fused silica via pulse time envelopes

Authors:Mauclair, C. (1); Zamfirescu, M. (2); Colombier, J.P. (1); Cheng, G. (1); Mishchik, K. (1); Audouard, E. (1); Stoian, R. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR 5516 CNRS, Universit&#233; de Lyon, 42000 Saint Etienne, France; (2) National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 077125 Magurele, Bucharest, Romania; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, 710119 Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Mauclair, C.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:June 4, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:Employing a method of in-situ control we propose an approach for the optimization of self-arranged nanogratings in bulk fused silica under the action of ultrashort laser pulses with programmable time envelopes. A parametric study of the influence of the pulse duration and temporal form asymmetries is given. Using the diffraction properties of the laser-triggered subwavelength patterns we monitor and regulate the period and the quality of the periodic nanoscale arrangement via the effective nonlinear excitation dose. Periodicity tuning on tens of nanometers can be achieved by pulse temporal variations, with a minimum around 0.7 ps at the chosen powers. Equally, strong sensitivity to pulse asymmetries is observed. The driving factor is related to increasing carrier densities due to nonlinear confinement and the development of extended nanoroughness domains upon multiple exposure, creating a pulse-dependent effective accumulation dose via a morpho-dimensional effect. The result may impact the associated optical functions. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Ultrafast lasers

Controlled terms:Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Diffraction property - Driving factors - In-situ control - Laser induced - Multiple exposure - Nano scale - Nano-gratings - Nanoroughness - Nonlinear excitation - Optical function  - Parametric study - Pulse durations - Pulse time - Sub-wavelength - Temporal variation - Ultra-fast

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General



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Accession number:20121314898659

Title:Luminescence properties of Nd<sup>3+</sup>-doped LaF<inf>3</inf> nanocrystals with a long lifetime in organic solvents

Authors:Sun, Wenxiu (1); Cui, Xiaoxia (2); Wang, Zhongyue (1); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cui, X.(cuixx@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Materials Chemistry

Abbreviated source title:J. Mater. Chem.



Issue date:April 14, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Royal Society of Chemistry, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 OWF, United Kingdom

Abstract:A kind of monodisperse LaF<inf>3</inf>:Nd nanocrystal with a small size and long lifetime in solvent was synthesized via a hydrothermal process. The crystalline phase, morphology, and luminescence properties were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), emission spectroscopy as well as dynamic decays. The results indicated that LaF <inf>3</inf>:Nd nanocrystals with a size below 30 nm have great dispersity in various solvents. An excellent lifetime of 359 &mu;s was detected in a transparent DMSO-tetrabromoethane dispersion. It suggested that these nanocrystals could have great applications in biological and optical amplification fields. &copy; The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Nanocrystals

Controlled terms:Emission spectroscopy - Luminescence - Luminescence of inorganic solids - Neodymium - Organic solvents - Transmission electron microscopy - X ray diffraction

Uncontrolled terms:Crystalline phase - Dispersity - Hydrothermal process - Long lifetime - Luminescence properties - Monodisperse - Optical amplifications - Small size - Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 761 Nanotechnology - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.




Accession number:20120814779255

Title:Analysis and study of static pressure distribution in an optical cable spool using distributed fiber Bragg gratings

Authors:Ren, Liyong (1); Ma, Chengju (1); Tang, Feng (3); Qu, Enshi (1); Han, Xu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China; (3) Xi'an Institute of Modern Control Technology, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Ren, L.(renliy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Third Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:835119





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference

Conference date:January 31, 2012 - February 3, 2012

Conference location:Sydney, NSW, Australia

Conference code:88448

Sponsor:Engineers Australia

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We present a theoretical model to study the static pressure distribution among the layers of an optical fiber cable spool based on the force analysis of the cable system. Using the distributed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technique, the static pressures within the fiber cable layers of the spool were measured according to the Bragg wavelength shifts of the FBGs embedded in the cable. The effects of the cable spool shrinkage owing to the pressure from outer fiber cable layers on the cable tension and the radial pressure were analyzed in detail. As a result, the relationship between the static pressure upon the fiber and the resulted Bragg wavelength shift of the FBG was deduced. The static pressure distribution of the fiber optical cable spool is obtained both in theory and experiment. Theoretical simulations coincide with experimental results. This technology provides us a real-time method to monitor the inner pressure among the fiber cable layers during the optical cable winding process. &copy; 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:13

Main heading:Fiber Bragg gratings

Controlled terms:Cables - Fibers - Optical cables - Optical sensors - Pressure - Pressure distribution - Reels

Uncontrolled terms:Bragg wavelength shift - Cable systems - Cable tension - fiber Bragg grating (FBG) - Fiber cables - Fiber optical cables - Force analysis - Inner pressure - optical fiber cable spool - Radial direction  - Radial pressure - Sensing techniques - Static pressure - Static pressure distributions - Theoretical models - Theoretical simulation - Winding process

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 535 Rolling, Forging and Forming



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Accession number:20124315591025

Title:Theoretical study on instantaneous linewidth of Fourier-domain mode-locked fiber lasers

Authors:Tu, Chenghou (1); Deng, Yixin (1); Cai, Mengqiang (1); Huang, Zhangchao (1); Li, Yongnan (1); Lu, Fuyun (1); Li, Enbang (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and PrecisionMechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (3) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China

Corresponding author:Tu, C.(tuchenghou@nankai.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We have numerically simulated the operation of the Fourier-domain mode-locked (FDML) fiber laser based on the wavelength reconstruction method instead of numerical solving the nonlinear Schro&die;dinger equation. We studied the influences of the filter bandwidth and the relative time delay caused by the fiber chromatic dispersion on the instantaneous linewidth of the FDML fiber laser. The results show that the instantaneous linewidth broadens as the filter bandwidth and the relative time delay increase. When the filter has the bandwidth of 0.02 nm, the narrowest and broadest instantaneous linewidths are 0.024 and 0.042 nm, respectively. We give an understanding for the oscillation of the instantaneous linewidth of FDML. The presented result can be used to evaluate the performance achievable in the FDML fiber lasers. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Linewidth

Controlled terms:Bandwidth - Fiber lasers - Fourier transforms - Mode-locked fiber lasers - Nonlinear equations - Numerical methods

Uncontrolled terms:Dinger equation - Fiber chromatic dispersion - Filter bandwidth - Fourier-domain - Fourier-domoain - Mode-locked - Modelocking - Reconstruction method - Relative time - Theoretical study

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 921 Mathematics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.




Accession number:20121514937037

Title:A robust random number generator based on differential comparison of chaotic laser signals

Authors:Zhang, Jianzhong (1); Wang, Yuncai (1); Liu, Ming (1); Xue, Lugang (1); Li, Pu (1); Wang, Anbang (1); Zhang, Mingjiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, College of Physics and Optoelectronics, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan. 030024, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'An 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, J.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:March 26, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We experimentally realize a robust real-time random number generator by differentially comparing the signal from a chaoticsemiconductor laser and its delayed signal through a 1-bit analog-to-digital converter. The probability density distribution of the output chaotic signal based on the differential comparison method possesses an extremely smallcoefficient of Pearson's median skewness (1.5 &times; 10 -6), which can yield a balanced random sequence much easily than the previously reported method that compares the signal from the chaotic laser with a certain threshold value. Moveover, we experimently demonstrate that our method can stably generate good random numbers at rates of 1.44 Gbit/s with excellent immunity from external perturbations while the previously reported method fails. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Random number generation

Controlled terms:Optical constants - Optics

Uncontrolled terms:Analog to digital converters - Chaotic lasers - Chaotic signal - Comparison methods - External perturbations - Probability density distribution - Random number generators - Random Numbers - Random sequence

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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Accession number:20135217143050

Title:Experimental study on the imaging of the squeezed-state light with a virtual object

Authors:Lu, Baozhu (1); Bi, Siwen (1); Feng, Fei (1); Kang, Menghua (1); Qin, Fei (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Villanova University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 800 E. Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085, United States

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:119001





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A stable amplitude squeezed-state light was generated by utilizing the nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier based on periodically poled KTiOPO<inf>4</inf> crystal at 1064 nm. We observed -4.93 dB of squeezing with a local oscillator phase locked in homodyne measurement. The imaging experiments of the resolution target have shown that the imaging resolution, which was based on squeezed-state light, is 1.41 times as much as the resolution that was acquired using coherent light as light source. In addition, the squeezed-state light was applied for imaging of the virtual object. It was found that the characters on the board were much more easily discerned with squeezed light as a light source than with coherent light. This result paves the way for further improvements of imaging resolution by use of the squeezed-state light. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:19

Main heading:Image resolution

Controlled terms:Coherent light - Imaging systems - Light amplifiers - Light sources - Optical parametric amplifiers - Optical resolving power

Uncontrolled terms:Homodyne measurements - Imaging experiments - Imaging resolutions - Local oscillators - Nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier - Periodically poled - Squeezed state - Virtual objects

Classification code:714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 742 Cameras and Photography - 746 Imaging Techniques



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Accession number:20121214883199

Title:Particle filter with fine resampling for Bearings-Only Tracking

Authors:Cao, Bei (1); Ma, Caiwen (1); Liu, Zhentao (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039, China; (3) Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710061, China

Corresponding author:Cao, B.(bbflyer@163.com)

Source title:Procedia Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Procedia Eng.


Monograph title:2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering, IWIEE 2012

Conference date:March 10, 2012 - March 11, 2012

Conference location:Harbin, China

Conference code:89020

Sponsor:Harbin University of Science and Technology; International Science and Engineering Research Center

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:To solve the nonlinear filtering problem in the Bearings-Only Tracking (BOT), an improved particle filter with fine resampling is proposed, called as PF-FR (Particle Filter with Fine Resampling). By introducing distance-comparing process and generating new particle based on optimized combination scheme, PF-FR filter performs better than generic PF-SIR filter both in terms of effectiveness and diversity of the particle system, hence, evidently enhancing tracking accuracy in bearings-only tracking problem. Simulations indicate that the proposed PF-FR algorithm is effective. &copy; 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Target tracking

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Nonlinear filtering - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Bearings-only tracking - Fine resampling - Improved particle filter - Non-linear filtering problems - Optimized combination - Particle filter - Particle systems - Resampling - Tracking accuracy

Classification code:921.5 Optimization Techniques - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits



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Accession number:20123715431575

Title:Latest progress and development trends of time-resolved streak camera technology

Authors:Wang, Chao (1); Tian, Jinshou (1); Kang, Yifan (2); Wang, Tao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China

Corresponding author:Wang, C.(igodwang@gmail.com)

Source title:Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology

Abbreviated source title:Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:The latest progress in the time-resolved streak camera technologies was tentatively reviewed in a though provoking way. The discussions followed two outlines. One focused on the perspective of time-resolution and the innovations in the field of ultra-fast diagnostics in transient sciences were discussed. The o Ther centered on the technical applications and the road-map of time-resolved streak camera technologies was described, including many of the knowledge innovations of the two-color pump-probe atto-second streak camera, based on the diagnostic techniques of the conventional image-converter streak camera. The possible development trends and potential applications of the atto-second streak camera technologies in observing the ultra fast events occurred in the fascinating microscopic world were also discussed.

Number of references:32

Main heading:Streak cameras

Controlled terms:Innovation - Technology

Uncontrolled terms:Attosecond-Zepto-second - Camera technology - Cross correlations - Development trends - Diagnostic techniques - Knowledge innovation - Potential applications - Pump-probe - Roadmap - Technical applications  - Time resolution - Time-resolved - Two-color - Ultra-fast

Classification code:742.2 Photographic Equipment - 901 Engineering Profession - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management



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Accession number:20124515650471

Title:Soliton mode locking fiber laser with an all-fiber polarization interference filter

Authors:Yan, Zhijun (1); Wang, Hushan (1); Zhou, Kaiming (1); Wang, Yishan (2); Li, Cheng (2); Zhao, Wei (2); Zhang, Lin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Photonic and Technologies, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, Z.(yanz1@aston.ac.uk)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:An erbium doped fiber ring laser achieving soliton mode locking by the use of an intra-cavity all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF) has been demonstrated. To incorporate an AFPIF with relative narrow transmission bandwidth, the laser has produced clean soliton pulses of 1.2 ps duration at a repetition rate of 14.98 MHz with a polarization extinction ratio up to 25.7 dB. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the operating wavelength of the mode locking laser can be tuned over 20 nm range from 1545 to 1565 nm by thermally tuning the AFPIF cavity. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Erbium - Fiber lasers - Polarization - Ring lasers

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - Erbium doped fiber ring lasers - Intracavities - Mode-locking fiber laser - Operating wavelength - Polarization extinction ratio - Polarization interferences - Repetition rate - Transmission bandwidth

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 744 Lasers - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.




Accession number:20123015284613

Title:Robust reversible watermarking via clustering and enhanced pixel-wise masking

Authors:An, Lingling (1); Gao, Xinbo (1); Li, Xuelong (1); Tao, Dacheng (1); Deng, Cheng (2); Li, Jie (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Center for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systemsa, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:An, L.(an.lingling@gmail.com)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Image Process



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6172574




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Robust reversible watermarking (RRW) methods are popular in multimedia for protecting copyright, while preserving intactness of host images and providing robustness against unintentional attacks. However, conventional RRW methods are not readily applicable in practice. That is mainly because: 1) they fail to offer satisfactory reversibility on large-scale image datasets; 2) they have limited robustness in extracting watermarks from the watermarked images destroyed by different unintentional attacks; and 3) some of them suffer from extremely poor invisibility for watermarked images. Therefore, it is necessary to have a framework to address these three problems, and further improve its performance. This paper presents a novel pragmatic framework, wavelet-domain statistical quantity histogram shifting and clustering (WSQH-SC). Compared with conventional methods, WSQH-SC ingeniously constructs new watermark embedding and extraction procedures by histogram shifting and clustering, which are important for improving robustness and reducing run-time complexity. Additionally, WSQH-SC includes the property-inspired pixel adjustment to effectively handle overflow and underflow of pixels. This results in satisfactory reversibility and invisibility. Furthermore, to increase its practical applicability, WSQH-SC designs an enhanced pixel-wise masking to balance robustness and invisibility. We perform extensive experiments over natural, medical, and synthetic aperture radar images to show the effectiveness of WSQH-SC by comparing with the histogram rotation-based and histogram distribution constrained methods. &copy; 1992-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:50

Main heading:Pixels

Controlled terms:Digital watermarking - Graphic methods - Speech intelligibility - Watermarking

Uncontrolled terms:Constrained method - Conventional methods - Extraction procedure - Histogram shifting - Host images - Image datasets - Integer wavelet transforms - k-means-means clustering - Pixel wise masking - Reversible watermarking  - Runtimes - Statistical quantity - Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images - Underflows - Watermark embedding - Watermarked images

Classification code:461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 811.1.1 Papermaking Processes



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Accession number:20121614954744

Title:Analysis of temporal broadening of optical pulses by atmospheric dispersion in laser communication system

Authors:Lu, Hongqiang (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Xie, Xiaoping (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lu, H.(lhq555@gmail.com)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:June 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:In this paper, pulse broadening caused by atmospheric dispersion is analyzed, which is the key factor in high-speed and long-distance free space laser communication systems according to our simulation. The measured datum of atmospheric parameters, including atmospheric pressure and atmospheric temperature of the desert in Xinjiang, China, is used in the analysis of pulses broadening. The pulse broadening caused by atmospheric dispersion is very significant when pulsewidth is on the order of 5 ps, and pulse broadening is negligible if the pulsewidth is larger than 20 ps. With the increment of optical wavelength, atmospheric dispersion-induced pulse broadening is mitigated. The received pulsewidth is dominated mainly by dispersion-induced pulse broadening at small duty ratio of original signal, and original pulsewidth at large duty ratio of original signal respectively. By selecting proper duty ratio of optical pulse, the received pulsewidth can be minimized and the system bit rate can be maximized. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Laser pulses

Controlled terms:Atmospheric pressure - Integrated optics - Optical links - Telecommunication systems

Uncontrolled terms:Atmospheric dispersion - Atmospheric parameters - Bit rates - Duty ratios - Free space laser communication systems - Free space laser communications - High-speed - Key factors - Measured data - Optical wavelength  - Original signal - Pulse broadening - Pulsewidths - Temporal broadening - Xinjiang

Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.1 Lasers, General



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Accession number:20121514940821

Title:Synthesis and optical properties of Nd(III) perfluoro-carboxylate complexes with 2, 2'-bipyridine

Authors:She, Jiang-Bo (1); Li, Dong-Dong (2); Wang, Peng-Fei (1); Zhu, Yong-Gang (1); Wei, Wei (3); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710061, China; (3) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China

Corresponding author:Wei, W.

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:A series of neodymium complexes, Nd(CF<inf>3</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy, Nd(C<inf>2</inf>F<inf>5</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy and Nd(C<inf>3</inf>F<inf>7</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy were synthesized and characterized by FTIR spectra, elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra and PL spectra. The decomposition temperature was found to be more than 260&deg;C and maximum weight losses rates above 340&deg;C which indicate that they have good thermal stability. The low vibrational energy C-F bonds were used to replace the C-H bonds in organic group for improving the optical properties of materials. The length of carbon chain and the coordination structure of Nd(III) affect the absorption transition strength. According to the UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra, the Judd-Ofelt parameters were calculated and the radiative properties were also presented. The stimulated emission cross-sections of the Nd(CF<inf>3</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy, Nd(C<inf>2</inf>F<inf>5</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy and Nd(C<inf>3</inf>F<inf>7</inf>COO)<inf>3</inf>&middotDipy were 3.63&times;10<sup>-20</sup>, 2.36&times;10<sup>-20</sup> and 1.49&times;10<sup>-20</sup> cm<sup>2</sup> respectively, which were as good as some reported inorganic materials. These complexes will be a series of promising materials for liquid laser application.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Neodymium

Controlled terms:Carboxylation - Chemical analysis - Conductive plastics - Electromagnetic wave absorption - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - Infrared devices - Judd-Ofelt theory - Liquid lasers - Neodymium compounds - Optical properties  - Stimulated emission - Synthesis (chemical) - Thermogravimetric analysis

Uncontrolled terms:2 ,2'-Bipyridine - Absorption transitions - C-F bonds - C-H bond - Carbon chains - Coordination structures - Decomposition temperature - Emission cross section - FT-IR spectrum - Inorganic materials  - Judd-Ofelt parameters - Optical properties of materials - Organic group - PL spectra - Radiative properties - Stimulated emission cross-sections - UV-Vis-NIR absorption - Vibrational energies - Weight loss

Classification code:817.1 Polymer Products - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 801 Chemistry - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 744.3 Liquid Lasers - 741.1 Light/Optics - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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Accession number:20124615663836

Title:Camera design in ultra-low temperature vessel

Authors:Li, Wu (1); Cao, Jian-Zhong (1); Yan, A-Qi (1); Wu, Deng-Shan (1); Zhang, Zhao-Hui (1); Zhang, Hai-Feng (1); Zhu, Qing (1); Dong, Sen (1); Zhang, Jian (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Li, W.(wulisunrise@163.com)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Inf. Process., CSIP

Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6308868



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012

Conference date:August 24, 2012 - August 26, 2012

Conference location:Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Conference code:93714

Sponsor:Xi'an Technological University; IEEE Xi'an Section; Missouri Western State University; Natl. New Netw. Monit. Control Eng. Lab.

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:According to special application, surveillance camera working in the ultra-low temperature and high pressure vessel is designed. By request of optics and electronics system on temperature, research focus on the design from selection of the structure material, thermal insulation, the adaptability of optical system in the ultra-low temperature and high pressure environment. Finally, It is confirmed that opto-Mechanical structure with double layers thermal insulation of PIPA and ITO optical window have benefit on thermal insulation for the camera working in this ultra-low temperature(196&deg;C) and high pressure(0.5MPa) environment. All the opto-Mechanical material which may be contact with ultra-low high pressure liquid can also be consistent with liquid. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Temperature

Controlled terms:Cameras - Computer science - Data processing - High pressure engineering - Imaging systems - Optical systems - Security systems - Thermal insulation

Uncontrolled terms:Camera design - Double layers - Electronics system - High pressure - High-pressure environment - High-pressure liquid - High-pressure vessel - ITO - Low temperatures - Optical window  - Optomechanical - Special applications - Structure materials - Surveillance cameras - Ultra low temperatures

Classification code:901 Engineering Profession - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 641.1 Thermodynamics - 413.2 Heat Insulating Materials - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.




Accession number:20124315591219

Title:Formation and evolution of passively mode-locked fiber soliton lasers operating in a dual-wavelength regime

Authors:Mao, Dong (1); Lu, Hua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Mao, D.(maodong@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics

Abbreviated source title:J Opt Soc Am B



Issue date:October 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The formation and evolution of dual-wavelength solitons in passively mode-locked fiber soliton lasers are investigated both numerically and experimentally. By solving the Ginzburg-Landau equation and taking the gain profile into account, mode-locked soliton emissions at 1532 and 1555 nm are achieved simultaneously. Numerical results show that the two solitons exhibit the same intensity and duration, indicating that the dual-wavelength pulses possess the soliton energy quantization effect. In the process of pulse-pulse collisions, two solitons pass through each other and maintain their properties, qualitatively distinct from single-wavelength solitons that never overlap each other. The dual-wavelength mode-locked operation evolves into single-wavelength mode locking with the decrease of the pumping strength. The dual-peak gain spectrum of erbium-doped fiber and the birefringence-induced cavity filtering effect play crucial roles in the formation of dual-wavelength solitons. Numerical results agree well with analytical solutions and experimental observations. Our study provides an optional method of measuring the fiber dispersion by means of the dual-wavelength solitons. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:47

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fibers - Passive mode locking

Uncontrolled terms:Dual-wavelength - Erbium doped fibers - Experimental observation - Fiber dispersion - Filtering effects - Gain spectra - Ginzburg-Landau equations - Mode-locked - Numerical results - Passively mode-locked  - Single wavelength - Soliton energy quantization - Soliton laser

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.




Accession number:20120514724069

Title:Nonrigid structure-from-motion from 2-d images using markov chain monte carlo

Authors:Zhou, Huiyu (1); Li, Xuelong (2); Sadka, Abdul H. (3)

Author affiliation:(1) ECIT, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, BT3 9DT, United Kingdom; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Zhou, H.(H.Zhou@ecit.qub.ac.uk)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Multimedia



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6032104




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:In this paper we present a new method for simultaneously determining 3-D shape and motion of a nonrigid object from uncalibrated 2-D images without assuming the distribution characteristics. A nonrigid motion can be treated as a combination of a rigid rotation and a nonrigid deformation. To seek accurate recovery of deformable structures, we estimate the probability distribution function of the corresponding features through random sampling, incorporating an established probabilistic model. The fitting between the observation and the projection of the estimated 3-D structure will be evaluated using a Markov chain Monte Carlo based expectation maximization algorithm. Applications of the proposed method to both synthetic and real image sequences are demonstrated with promising results. &copy; 2006 IEEE.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Monte Carlo methods

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Deformation - Distribution functions - Markov processes - Probability distributions - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:3-D shape - 3D structures - Deformable structures - Distribution characteristics - Expectation-maximization algorithms - Markov chain Monte Carlo - Non-rigid deformation - Non-rigid motion - Non-rigid objects - nonrigid  - Probabilistic models - Random sampling - Real image sequences - Rigid rotation - structure from motion - uncalibrated

Classification code:922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 922.1 Probability Theory - 921 Mathematics - 723.5 Computer Applications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties



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Accession number:20131216134086

Title:The design of high performance tracking system based on multi TMS320C6678

Authors:Wu, Min (1); Su, Xiu-Qin (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology, Xi An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wu, M.(wumin@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6470025



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:A high performance TMS320C6678 DSP, which contains 8 1.25 GHZ C66 corepacs and four channels of SRIO, was developed. Then we use 4 TMS320C6678 and FPFA to design a high-performance tracking system platform, which is a completely a new-generation tracking system compared to the traditional systems for its multi-core DSP array and all kinds of high-speed series interfaces. The FPGA mainly do controlling tasks and the DSPs accomplish the complex tracking algorithm. At last we designed two other system architectures applying to different requirement for future use. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:5

Main heading:Tracking (position)

Controlled terms:Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:high performance - new generation - System architectures - TMS320C6678 - Tracking system

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 721.3 Computer Circuits



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Accession number:20130716008349

Title:Optical system design of full-disc magnetic field telescope

Authors:Zhao, Yiyi (1); Yang, Jianfeng (1); Ma, Xiaolong (1); Yan, Xingtao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) CAS, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, China; (2) School of Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, Y.(zyzjlx@gmail.com)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Symp. Comput. Intell. Des., ISCID


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6405997



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Conference date:October 28, 2012 - October 29, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95304

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Full-Disc magnetic field telescope is an important instrument for astronomical observations.In order to meet the optical performance of the full-Disc magnetic field Telescope and the harsh coupling conditions of its filters, determined the optical parameters of the optical system by calculation. According to the calculation of the optical parameters, we puts forward a feasible optical structure which can make the system more compact under the premise of meeting the telescope In optical properties and filters coupling conditions. For the system, we have adopted the basic Idea of modular design, and the overall system is divided Into several subsystems were designed. The results show that the maximum wave front distortion(pv) of the system of all field of view Is 0.1327; the value of MTF at the spatial frequency of 67 Ip/mm is higher than 0.45 in every field. The Image quality of the system approximates to the dlffractive limit. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Optical telescopes

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Magnetic fields - Optical design - Optical properties - Optical systems - Optical variables control - Telescopes

Uncontrolled terms:Coupling condition - Field of views - Modular designs - Optical parameter - Optical performance - Optical structures - Solar magnetic fields - Spatial frequency - Wavefront distortion

Classification code:701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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Accession number:20114614520924

Title:Robust lossless data hiding using clustering and statistical quantity histogram

Authors:An, Lingling (1); Gao, Xinbo (1); Yuan, Yuan (3); Tao, Dacheng (4)

Author affiliation:(1) VIPS Lab, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, 710071, China; (2) Key Lab. of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (3) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (4) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing



Issue date:01 February 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Lossless data hiding methods usually fail to recover the hidden messages completely when the watermarked images are attacked. Therefore, the robust lossless data hiding (RLDH), or the robust reversible watermarking technique, is urgently needed to effectively improve the recovery performance. To date a couple of methods have been developed; however, they have such drawbacks as poor visual quality and low capacity. To solve this problem, we develop a novel statistical quantity histogram shifting and clustering-based RLDH method or SQH-SC for short. The benefits of SQH-SC in comparison with existing typical methods include: (1) strong robustness against lossy compression and random noise due to the usage of k-means clustering; (2) good imperceptibility and reasonable performance tradeoff due to the consideration of the just noticeable distortion of images; (3) high capacity due to the flexible adjustment of the threshold; and (4) wide adaptability and good stability to different kinds of images. Extensive experimental studies based on natural images, medical images, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SQH-SC. &copy; 2011.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Steganography

Controlled terms:Digital watermarking - Graphic methods - Imaging systems - Medical imaging - Synthetic aperture radar

Uncontrolled terms:Experimental studies - Flexible adjustment - Good stability - Hidden messages - High capacity - Just noticeable distortion - K-means clustering - Lossless data hiding - Lossy compressions - Medical images  - Natural images - Performance trade-off - Random noise - Recovery performance - Reversible watermarking - Statistical quantity - Statistical quantity histogram - Synthetic aperture radar images - Visual qualities - Watermarked images

Classification code:716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications



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Accession number:20131116105481

Title:A study on identification and suppressing algorithm of FOG's random noise

Authors:Yuan, Hui (1); Liu, Zhaohui (2); Liang, Dongsheng (3); Cui, Kai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Optical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (3) Department of Optical Engineering, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, H.(yuanhui@opt.cn)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463365



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In this paper, the Allan variance technique is used in analyzing the output signal of a fiber optic gyroscope, by which the characteristics of the noise terms in the angular velocity data was determined. Then we process the random drift data of the FOG with a Kalman Filter based on the theory of time series analysis. On the other hand, an LMS adaptive filter is also applied to the random drift data. Comparative analysis on the filtering effect and their advantages and disadvantages of both algorithms is carried out. The results show both algorithms has a certain role on suppressing the random drift of the gyroscope, and the LMS adaptive filter is more effective and has a better adaptability in practice. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Gyroscopes

Controlled terms:Adaptive filters - Algorithms - Artificial intelligence - Fiber optics - Time series analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Allan variance - Comparative analysis - Fiber optic gyroscopes - Filtering effects - LMS adaptive filters - Noise terms - Output signal - Random drift - Random noise

Classification code:943.1 Mechanical Instruments - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 921 Mathematics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 731.1 Control Systems - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications



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Accession number:20124415622962

Title:Design of 30&times; middle infrared continuous zoom system

Authors:Jiang, Kai (1); Zhou, Sizhong (1); Wang, Yanbin (1); Duan, Jing (1); Zhang, Hengjin (1); Li, Gang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) The Photoelectric Measurement and Control Technology Research Department, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Jiang, K.(jiangkai2008.jj@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:On the basis of a cool 320 &times; 240 detector with staring focal plane array, a set of 30&times; middle infrared continuous zoom system was designed. The structural selection and the initial parameter calculation were introduced in detail. Two common infrared materials of Si and Ge were used. To correct off axis aberration, aspheric was accepted. The design results prove that the system works at 3.7-4.8 &mu;m, achieving the zoom of 30-900 mm, large zoom ratio of 30&times; and F number of 4. At the spatial frequency of 16 lp/mm, the system's MTF value is greater than 0.5. The system can offer a high resolution and excellent images in whole range of the focal length, and its cold shield efficiency is 100%. And it has the advantages of a large zoom ratio, compact structure and short optical length. The system satisfies the design requirements.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Optical design

Controlled terms:Germanium

Uncontrolled terms:Cold shield - Compact structures - Continuous zoom - Design requirements - F number - Focal lengths - High resolution - Infrared material - Infrared systems - Initial parameter  - Large zoom ratio - Middle infrared - Off-axis - Optical length - Spatial frequency - Structural determination - Zoom systems

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 804 Chemical Products Generally


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Accession number:20121114853069

Title:Optical design of off-axis three-mirror anastigmatic system for imaging spectrometer

Authors:Wang, Meiqin (1); Wang, Zhonghou (1); Bai, Jiaguang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wang, M.(wangmeiqin.1984@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Imaging spectrometer requires its optical system have high spatial resolution and spectral resolution over wide field of view and waveband range. A design method for unobstructed, off-axis, reflective optical system was proposed. When pupil and field of view were off-axis properly, obstructing between mirrors was avoided based on the three-mirror anastigmatic. According to the parameters, the unobstructed, off-axis three-mirror anastigmatic systems were designed, when the aperture stop was in front of primary mirror, or on the secondary mirror or focal point of third mirror. The optical system has a spectral region from 1.0 &mu;m to 2.5 &mu;m, focal length of 1600 mm, relative aperture of f&prime;/5, field of view of angle of 6.86&deg;&times;1.48&deg;. Their imaging qualities reach the diffraction limit and meet the requirements of the imaging spectrometer's optical system, which has wide field of view and large relative aperture.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Mirrors - Optical design - Spectrometers - Spectrometry - Systems analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Aspheric surfaces - Design method - Diffraction limits - Field of views - Focal lengths - Focal points - High spatial resolution - Imaging quality - Imaging spectrometer - Imaging spectrometers  - Off-axis - Primary mirrors - Reflective optical system - Secondary mirror - Spectral region - Three-mirror anastigmatic systems - Wavebands - Wide field of view

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 961 Systems Science


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Accession number:20124715702023

Title:High precision edge detecting algorithm and realization of linear CCD based on FPGA

Authors:Gao, Lina (1); Hu, Xiaodong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy Sciences, Xi'an, 710019, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing100049, China

Corresponding author:Hu, X.(hxd@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Inf. Sci. Serv. Sci.



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology, Myoungbo Bldg 3F,, Bumin-dong 1-ga, Seo-gu, Busan, 602-816, Korea, Republic of

Abstract:In order to improve the precision and speed of the linear CCD edge detecting system, in this paper, we proposed a new digital system which was used to detect the sub-pixel edge of the picture based on FPGA. Firstly, the CCD signal had been filtered by average filter before it entered the edge detecting system; secondly, the pixel edge can be detected by the algorithm that was used to detect the edge of the picture automatically, because the grads of grey scale breaks at the edge of the picture; lastly, cubic polynomials algorithm was used to detect the sub-pixel edge of picture. The edge detecting algorithm based on FPGA was designed with VHDL and Quartus II software, and the precision of the edge detecting algorithm was simulated and testes by using of MATLAB. The simulation and test results proved that the edge detecting algorithm in this paper had the characteristic of high precision, speed, and integration.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - MATLAB

Uncontrolled terms:Average filter - Cubic polynomials - Digital system - Edge detecting - Edge detecting algorithm - Grey scale - High precision - Linear CCD - Quartus II - Sub pixels

Classification code:721.3 Computer Circuits - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20122115046909

Title:Detection of sudden pedestrian crossings for driving assistance systems

Authors:Xu, Yanwu (1); Xu, Dong (1); Lin, Stephen (2); Han, Tony X. (3); Cao, Xianbin (4); Li, Xuelong (5)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore; (2) Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing 100080, China; (3) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, United States; (4) School of Electrical Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; (5) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, Y.(ywxu@ntu.edu.sg)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6093757




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:In this paper, we study the problem of detecting sudden pedestrian crossings to assist drivers in avoiding accidents. This application has two major requirements: to detect crossing pedestrians as early as possible just as they enter the view of the car-mounted camera and to maintain a false alarm rate as low as possible for practical purposes. Although many current sliding-window-based approaches using various features and classification algorithms have been proposed for image-/video-based pedestrian detection, their performance in terms of accuracy and processing speed falls far short of practical application requirements. To address this problem, we propose a three-level coarse-to-fine video-based framework that detects partially visible pedestrians just as they enter the camera view, with low false alarm rate and high speed. The framework is tested on a new collection of high-resolution videos captured from a moving vehicle and yields a performance better than that of state-of-the-art pedestrian detection while running at a frame rate of 55 fps. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:43

Main heading:Crosswalks

Controlled terms:Cameras - Errors - Footbridges - Intelligent vehicle highway systems - Video signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:A-frames - Application requirements - Camera view - Classification algorithm - Coarse to fine - Driving assistance systems - False alarm rate - High resolution - Moving vehicles - Pedestrian detection  - Performance evaluation - Processing speed - spatiotemporal refinement - Three-level

Classification code:406.1 Highway Systems - 406.2 Roads and Streets - 716.4 Television Systems and Equipment - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20125015786481

Title:Sideband-controllable mode-locking fiber laser based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings

Authors:Han, Dongdong (1); Liu, Xueming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Han, D.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:November 19, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We have proposed a sideband-controllable fiber soliton laser by means of chirped fiber Bragg gratings (CFBGs). Each side of the spectral sidebands of laser could be removed by using a CFBG with proper dispersion. Numerical simulations have well reproduced the experimental observations. The numerical and experimental investigations show that the generation of the unilateral sidebands is attributed to the CFBG-induced spectral filtering effect. Our work provides an effective way to manage conventional solitons with spectral sidebands. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Chirped fiber Bragg grating - Experimental investigations - Experimental observation - Mode-locking fiber laser - Soliton laser - Spectral filtering - Spectral sidebands

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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Accession number:20124615670471

Title:Dynamic and quantitative phase-contrast imaging of living cells under simulated zero gravity by digital holographic microscopy and superconducting magnet

Authors:Pan, Feng (1); Liu, Shuo (1); Wang, Zhe (2); Shang, Peng (2); Xiao, Wen (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Precision Opto-mechatronics Technology, School of Instrument Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Space Biosciences and Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China

Corresponding author:Pan, F.(panfeng@buaa.edu.cn)

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:The experiment of dynamic and quantitative phase-contrast imaging of living cells in simulated zero gravity environment were performed by using digital holographic microscopy (DHM) combined with a superconducting magnet (SM). The SM with large gradient high magnetic field was used to simulate zero gravity by levitating biological living samples. The proposed DHM system provided highly efficient and versatile means for dynamically and quantitatively phase-contrast imaging MC3T3-E1 cells. To our knowledge, the phase images of living cells undergoing modifications and division under simulated zero gravity were firstly obtained by using DHM-SM prototype. &copy; Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Microscopic examination

Controlled terms:Phase measurement - Superconducting magnets

Uncontrolled terms:Digital holographic microscopy - High magnetic fields - Living cell - MC3T3-E1 cell - Phase image - Phase-contrast imaging - Zero gravity

Classification code:708.4 Magnetic Materials - 746 Imaging Techniques - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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Accession number:20121014832676

Title:Optimizing the phase-matching parameters of a BIBO crystal for ultrafast spontaneous parametric down conversion

Authors:Huo, Guang-Wen (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (1); Wan, Ren-Gang (1); Zhang, Mei-Zhi (2); Cheng, Guang-Hua (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Electronics Engineering, Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunication, Xi'an 710061, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, T.-Y.(tyzhang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:833313





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:88800

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We analyze and optimize the parameters of the Type I spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) process in BiB<inf>3</inf>O<inf>6</inf> (BIBO) crystal directly from calculations. This can be used to construct a system to generate ultrafast entangled photon pairs, which play an important role in quantum communication, quantum positioning, and quantum clock synchronization. Our work on the problem makes it clear that the optimal phase matching orientation in the process of SPDC is a key mechanism in the BIBO crystal in a way that appears not to have been appreciated before. In the case of &omega; = 0.405 &mu;m , the numerical results of the optimization parameters at room temperature ( 295 K ) are:&theta; = 152.00&deg;,&phi; = 90&deg;, and d<inf>eff</inf> = 3.48 pm/V. Finally, we use a pair of 0.6 mm thick biaxial BIBO crystals to construct an ultrafast entangled photon source, where the crystals are stacked together perpendicularly and pumped by a 405 nm pulsed laser doubling from a Tsunami mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:34

Main heading:Crystal orientation

Controlled terms:Elementary particle sources - Optical frequency conversion - Optical pumping - Optimization - Optoelectronic devices - Phase matching - Quantum communication - Quantum entanglement

Uncontrolled terms:Entangled photon pairs - Entangled photons - Mode-locked - Numerical results - Optimization parameter - Quantum clock synchronizations - Room temperature - SPDC - Spontaneous parametric down-conversion - Ti: Sapphire laser  - Ultra-fast

Classification code:933.1.1 Crystal Lattice - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 713 Electronic Circuits



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Accession number:20120614753604

Title:Similarity learning for object recognition based on derived kernel

Authors:Li, Hong (1); Wei, Yantao (2); Li, Luoqing (3); Yuan, Yuan (4)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; (2) Institute for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; (3) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China; (4) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:April 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Recently, derived kernel method which is a hierarchical learning method and leads to an effective similarity measure has been proposed by Smale. It can be used in a variety of application domains such as object recognition, text categorization and classification of genomic data. The templates involved in the construction of the derived kernel play an important role. To learn more effective similarity measure, a new template selection method is proposed in this paper. In this method, the redundancy is reduced and the label information of the training images is used. In this way, the proposed method can obtain compact template sets with better discrimination ability. Experiments on four standard databases show that the derived kernel based on the proposed method achieves high accuracy with low computational complexity. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:34

Main heading:Object recognition

Controlled terms:Text processing

Uncontrolled terms:Derived kernel - Hierarchical learning - Image similarity - Neural response - Template selection

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723.5 Computer Applications



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Accession number:20122815226366

Title:All-fiber dissipative solitons evolution in a compact passively Yb-doped mode-locked fiber laser

Authors:Li, Xiaohui (1); Wang, Yishan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Liu, Xianglian (1); Wang, Yonggang (3); Tsang, Yuen Hong (3); Zhang, Wei (1); Hu, Xiaohong (1); Yang, Zhi (1); Gao, Cunxiao (1); Li, Cheng (1); Shen, Deyuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Department of Applied Physics, Materials Research Centre, Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hung Hom, Hong Kong

Corresponding author:Li, X.(lixiaohui1983@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Lightwave Technology

Abbreviated source title:J Lightwave Technol



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6204196




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Compact all-fiber all-normal dispersion Yb-doped fiber ring laser is demonstrated based on nonlinear polarization rotation technique. Dissipative solitons (DSs) with bell-shaped spectra are observed in the fiber cavity with linear chirps for the first time to our knowledge. Stable pulse width is 9.7 ps with the pulse energy of 1.2 nJ, which can be compressed to near the transformed limited pulse duration of 225 fs. The experimental result agrees well with the numerical simulations. The theoretical modeling indicates that the formation of the bell-shaped spectra is due to the combined effect of normal dispersion, nonlinearity, gain, loss, and spectral filtering effect. Different from the pulse evolution in the mode-locked fiber laser based on the wave plate and the birefringent plate, conventional DSs with rectangular-shaped spectra can be obtained by varying the polarization orientation of the cavity. &copy; 1983-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Bells - Compaction - Fiber lasers - Mode-locked fiber lasers - Polarization - Ring lasers - Solitons - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - Birefringent plates - Combined effect - Dissipative solitons - Fiber cavity - Linear chirp - Non-Linearity - Nonlinear polarization rotation - Normal dispersion - Polarization orientation  - Pulse durations - Pulse energies - Pulse evolution - Pulsewidths - Spectral filtering - Theoretical modeling - Waveplates - Yb-doped fibers

Classification code:817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 752.1 Acoustic Devices - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 744 Lasers - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 536.1 Powder Metallurgy Operations - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media



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Accession number:20124415622964

Title:Design of 8&times; dual field of view zoom and large relative aperture infrared hybrid refractive-diffractive system

Authors:Xu, Liang (1); Zhao, Jianke (1); Zhou, Yan (1); Liu, Feng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, L.(xuliang757@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:A set of 8-12 &mu;m infrared hybrid refractive-diffractive dual field of view zoom system was designed based on the triturating requirement of the photoelectric tracking system. The system broke through the flaw that the conventional system always had small relative aperture, small zoom ratio and complex structure. A simple dual field of view system with large relative aperture and high zoom ratio was designed. DOE was used to calibrate the chromatic aberration and temperature difference by its internal characteristics. Ge and ZnS were utilized to calibrate the spherochromatic aberration. The final designed result was that F# was 1.1(relative aperture), and the zoom ratio is 8&times;. The result indicates that the MTF is above 0.55 abroad and narrow field of view which is at the spatial frequency of 18 lp/mm, and the MTF is approaching to the diffraction limit. The energy permeance ratio is greater than 78.5% when the system receiving radius in the detecting sensor is smaller than 15 &mu;m. It shows that the imaging quality of the zoom system is very good, and it calibrates the temperature difference in real circumstance of the application.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Aberrations

Controlled terms:Diffraction - Germanium - Optical design - Zinc sulfide

Uncontrolled terms:Chromatic aberration - Complex structure - Conventional systems - Detecting sensors - Diffraction limits - Field of views - Hybrid refractive-diffractive system - Imaging quality - Internal characteristics - MTF  - Spatial frequency - Spherochromatic aberration - Temperature differences - Tracking system - Zoom systems

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds


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Accession number:20131416168306

Title:Electric field distribution characteristics of photoconductive antennas

Authors:Zou, Sheng-Wu (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, T.-Y.(tyzhang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84190A





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96277

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Photoexcitation of biased semiconductor photoconductive antennas by femtosecond pulses is the most common and convenient technique for generating strong terahertz (THz) pulses. In this paper, we use the three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) to analyze electric field distribution of THz pulses in the near-field from a photoconductive antenna. The simulation is based on solving Maxwell's equations and the carrier rate equations simultaneously on realistic dipole antenna structures. The 3D FDTD simulation gives detailed features of THz electric field distribution in and out of the antenna. It is found that the difference of near-field distribution between the substrate and free space is considerably large. The fields of the alternating-current dipole exhibit an unsymmetrical distribution and a large deviation from those calculated using the simple Hertzian dipole theory. The magnitude of THz field in and out of the substrate attenuates rapidly while it holds the line in the gap center. The high-frequency components of THz radiation emission come only from the dipole antenna, while the low-frequency components are from both the center electrodes and coplanar stripline waveguide. This work can be used to optimize the design of antenna geometry and raise the radiation field power. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Three dimensional computer graphics

Controlled terms:Dipole antennas - Electric fields - Electromagnetic pulse - Manufacture - Maxwell equations - Microwave antennas - Optoelectronic devices - Photoexcitation - Terahertz waves - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Electric field distributions - FDTD - Finite difference time-domain - High frequency components - Low-frequency components - Near-field distribution - Photoconductive antennas - Unsymmetrical distribution

Classification code:801.4 Physical Chemistry - 723.5 Computer Applications - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods



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Accession number:20123615390752

Title:A slot micro/nano fiber with elliptical low-index core

Authors:Zhang, Wenfu (1); Mu, Jian-Wei (2); Huang, Wei-Ping (3); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Microphotonics Center, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States; (3) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada

Corresponding author:Zhang, W.(wfuzhang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:IEEE Photonics Journal

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Photon. J.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6269981



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:A slot micro/nano optical fiber with elliptical low-index core, referred to as the elliptical-slot micro/nano fiber (ESMNF), is studied systematically in great detail in this paper. It is demonstrated that the ESMNF can confine most of the light in the low-index region and hence lead to large field enhancement. Benefiting from the large low-index power confinement factor and the field enhancement, the ESMNF also yields significant nonlinearity enhancement by the proper selection of materials. In addition, large birefringence between the two fundamental polarized modes is observed, due to the breakage of the circular symmetry for the core. The nonlinearity and low-index confinement properties of a more practical elliptical-slot embedded suspended microstructure fiber are also studied. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Fiber optics - Nonlinear optics - Optical fiber fabrication - Optical fibers

Uncontrolled terms:Circular symmetry - Confinement factor - Confinement properties - Fiber design and fabrication - Field enhancement - Large birefringence - Microstructure fibers - Non-Linearity - Non-linearity enhancement - Polarized modes

Classification code:741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications



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Accession number:20121514939405

Title:Review on quantum clock synchronization schemes

Authors:Yao, Yin-Ping (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (1); Wan, Ren-Gang (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China

Corresponding author:Yao, Y.-P.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:833202





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:89281

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Accurate remote clock synchronization is the backbone of applications such as high-accuracy satellite navigation, digital and/or cryptographic communication systems, space-based interferometric surveillance, coherent distributed-aperture sensing at high frequencies, and geolocation. During the last decade, several clock synchronization schemes have been proposed based on quantum mechanical concepts. Quantum clock synchronization promises more precision and better security. In this paper, the various proposed quantum clock synchronization schemes are reviewed. We compare and discuss several different quantum clock synchronization schemes. The advantages and disadvantages of these schemes are investigated with emphasis on the application in space-based satellite navigation systems. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:23

Main heading:Mechanical clocks

Controlled terms:Communication systems - Quantum entanglement - Quantum theory - Satellite navigation aids

Uncontrolled terms:Clock Synchronization - Geolocations - High frequency - High-accuracy - Quantum algorithms - quantum clock synchronization - Quantum clock synchronizations - Quantum interference - Quantum mechanical - Satellite navigation  - Satellite navigation systems - Space-based

Classification code:655.2 Satellites - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments



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Accession number:20121514938105

Title:Analytical and experimental demonstration of depth of field extension for incoherent imaging system with a standard sinusoidal phase mask

Authors:Zhao, Hui (1); Li, Yingcai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, H.(zhaohui@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:031101



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:The wavefront coding technique is used to enlarge the depth of field (DOF) of incoherent imaging systems. The key to wavefront coding lies in the design of suitable phase masks. To date, numerous kinds of phase masks are proposed. However, further understanding is needed regarding phase mask with its phase function being in a standard sinusoidal form. Therefore, the characteristics of such a phase mask are studied in this letter. Deriving the defocused optical transfer function (OTF) analytically proves that the standard sinusoidal phase mask is effective in extending the DOF, and actual experiments confirm the numerical results. At the same time, with the Fisher information as a criterion, the standard sinusoidal phase mask shows a higher tolerance to focus errors (especially severe focus errors) than the classical cubic phase mask. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Optical design

Controlled terms:Errors - Fisher information matrix - Imaging systems - Optical transfer function - Standards

Uncontrolled terms:Actual experiments - Cubic phase mask - Depth of field - Fisher information - Incoherent imaging - Numerical results - Phase functions - Phase masks - Wavefront coding

Classification code:922 Statistical Methods - 921 Mathematics - 902.2 Codes and Standards - 746 Imaging Techniques - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications



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Accession number:20131416173323

Title:Study on the precision measurement of high-flux large aperture sampling grating

Authors:Yuan, Hao-Yu (1); Chen, Yong-Quan (2); Peng, Zhi-Tao (1); Duan, Ya-Xuan (2); Wu, Jian-Hong (3); Fu, Shao-Jun (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Research Center of Laser Fusion of CAEP Sichuan, Mianyang 621900, China; (2) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision, Mechanics of CAS, China; (3) Soochow University, China; (4) University of Science and Technology of China, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, H.-Y.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84170W





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96275

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:This paper describes an effective method for the measurements of large aperture sampling grating, the sampling efficiency the sampling focal length and the sampling angle. By using a 351nm collimation laser source to scan the full aperture of the sampling grating in every subregion, the diffraction power of "0" order and "+1" order can be obtained synchronously by two standard integrating balls, And then by calculating the sampling efficiency of this subregion and splicing the acquisition data, we can get the averaged grating sampling efficiency in the full aperture.Based on this method, we can effectively eliminate the effect of the output instability of laser source, decrease the uncertainty of test results. According to the fabrication principle of the sampling grating, measurements for the sampling focal length and the sampling angle can be performed. Test rersults indicate that this method can be used to measure large aperture sampling gratings. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:5

Main heading:Diffraction gratings

Controlled terms:Data integration - Efficiency - Manufacture - Optical testing - Phase structure

Uncontrolled terms:Focal lengths - Full apertures - Large aperture - Laser sources - Measurements of - Precision measurement - Sampling efficiency - Two-dimensional scanning

Classification code:723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 913.1 Production Engineering - 913.4 Manufacturing - 933 Solid State Physics



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Accession number:20131016087929

Title:Study on correlation-tracking method based on edge detection in long-wave infrared image

Authors:Hao, Wei (1); Zhang, Kun (1); Zhan, Zhenhuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Hao, W.(chinaren009@163.com)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:S21005



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:This letter presents a correlation tracking algorithm based on edge detection, in allusion to the phenomenon that the target is susceptible to interference in long-wave infrared image. Firstly, the collected imageis processed by median filtering to remove the defects in the detector. Then thegradient information of the background is filtered out by edge detection method. Secondly, to enhance the edge information, the image is dealt with mathematical morphology (MM). And finally, the correlation matching method is done to acquire the miss-distance information of the target in the image. Through theoretical simulation and practical verification, it is proved that the algorithm has a better effect on inhibiting most of the background information, protecting the target's information effectively, enlarging the weight of the target's information in the correlation operation and improving stability of the detector. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Edge detection

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Infrared devices - Infrared imaging - Infrared radiation - Mathematical morphology - Median filters

Uncontrolled terms:Background information - Correlation matching - Correlation operation - Correlation tracking - Edge detection methods - Edge information - Longwave infrared - Median filtering - Miss-distance - Theoretical simulation

Classification code:703.2 Electric Filters - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20120514725858

Title:Characteristics of pulse evolution in mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser

Authors:An, Ying (1); Shen, Deyuan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Long, Jingyu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Shen, D.(shendy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:April 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We have numerically investigated the characteristics of the pulse evolution in a passively mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser with net anomalous cavity dispersion. For the fixed resonator configuration, single-, dual-, triple-, and quadruple-pulses are generated successively by enhancing the pump power or reducing the output ratio. The characteristics of the single or multiple pulses are investigated with various cavity lengths. The separation between the two coexisting pulses changes with the pump power due to the interaction between the soliton and the dispersive waves, and then the two randomly distributed pulses could finally evolve into a soliton pair with fixed separation. According to the results of the numerical simulation, the multiple pulses are found to be generated via pulse splitting and the pulse splitting threshold decreases with the increase of the cavity length. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Mode-locked fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Dispersion (waves) - Fiber lasers - Optical pumping - Separation - Solitons - Thulium - Ultrafast lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Cavity length - Dispersive waves - Mode-locked - Mode-locked laser - Multiple pulse - Passively mode-locked - Pulse evolution - Pulse splitting - Pump power - Randomly distributed  - Resonator configuration - Soliton pairs - Ultra-fast

Classification code:802.3 Chemical Operations - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 744.1 Lasers, General - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1 Light/Optics



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Accession number:20124115540712

Title:The resolution estimation of wedge and strip anodes

Authors:Yang, Hao (1); Zhao, Baosheng (1); Liu, Yongan (1); Yan, Qiurong (1); Hu, Huijun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yang, H.(yxq8519@tom.com)

Source title:Review of Scientific Instruments

Abbreviated source title:Rev. Sci. Instrum.



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:093107




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Institute of Physics, 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite N101, Melville, NY 11747-4502, United States

Abstract:A new resolution estimation method for wedge and strip anode based on the single photon imaging configuration is provided. The limiting resolution estimation equation is deduced theoretically according to the threshold principle. The relation between the charge cloud and the covered electrodes is discussed, and the equivalent diameter number is calculated. The resolution equation for the position deviation amplitude or FWHM is provided if noise exists. The relation between the position deviation amplitude and the total charge deviation amplitudes is discussed. The constancy of the position deviation amplitudes versus positions is provided. The results calculated from these equations are discussed. According to the equations, it is indicated that the spatial resolution is affected by the detection system configuration and noise. These conclusions may be useful for the designing and performance improvement of future photon imagers. &copy; 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Estimation

Controlled terms:Electrodes

Uncontrolled terms:Covered electrodes - Detection system - Equivalent diameter - Performance improvements - Resolution estimation - Single-photon imaging - Spatial resolution - Total charge

Classification code:704.1 Electric Components - 921 Mathematics



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Accession number:20123915463679

Title:Slow-light element for tunable time delay based on optical microcoil resonator

Authors:Ma, Chengju (1); Ren, Liyong (1); Xu, Yiping (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'An Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Ren, L.(renliy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:September 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We propose a simple and compact slow-light element by use of an optical microcoil resonator (OMR) constituted by two microfiber coils. Based on the matrix exponential method, we solve the coupled-wave equations of the OMR with n turns of microfiber coils and obtain a general solution. Simulations indicate that a tunable slow-light propagation can be obtained by controlling the coupling coefficient between the two adjacent microfiber coils by means of regulating the voltage applied to the ferroelectric crystal. A slow-light time delay up to 62 ps with a bandwidth of 0.4 nm is performed at the wavelength around 1.5 &mu;m. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Resonators

Controlled terms:Chemical elements - Data communication equipment - Time delay

Uncontrolled terms:Coupling coefficient - Ferroelectric crystal - General solutions - Matrix exponentials - Micro-fiber - Microcoils - Slow-light propagation

Classification code:804 Chemical Products Generally - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits



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Accession number:20121014830330

Title:High-power semiconductor laser array packaged on microchannel cooler using gold-tin soldering technology

Authors:Wang, Jingwei (1); Kang, Lijun (1); Zhang, Pu (2); Nie, Zhiqiang (2); Li, Xiaoning (2); Xiong, Lingling (2); Liu, Xingsheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi an Focuslight Technologies Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710119, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, J.(wangjw@focuslight.com.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:82410H





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference date:January 22, 2012 - January 24, 2012

Conference location:San Francisco, CA, United states

Conference code:88782

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:High power semiconductor laser arrays have found increased applications in many fields. In this work, a hard soldering microchannel cooler (HSMCC) technology was developed for packaging high power diode laser array. Numerical simulations of the thermal behavior characteristics of hard solder and indium solder MCC-packaged diode lasers were conducted and analyzed. Based on the simulated results, a series of high power HSMCC packaged diode laser arrays were fabricated and characterized. The test and statistical results indicated that under the same output power the HSMCC packaged laser bar has lower smile and high reliability in comparison with the conventional copper MCC packaged laser bar using indium soldering technology. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:8

Main heading:Semiconductor lasers

Controlled terms:Cooling systems - Gold alloys - High power lasers - Indium - Microchannels - Power electronics - Reliability - Soldering - Tin

Uncontrolled terms:Diode laser array - Gold-tin - High power semiconductor laser - High reliability - High-power - High-power diode laser arrays - Indium solders - Laser array - Laser bar - lifetime  - microchannel cooler - Microchannel coolers - Output power - Simulated results - Soldering technology - Thermal behaviors

Classification code:744.4.1 Semiconductor Lasers - 744.1 Lasers, General - 715.2 Industrial Electronic Equipment - 641.2 Heat Transfer - 631 Fluid Flow - 604 Metal Cutting and Machining - 549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals - 547.1 Precious Metals - 546.2 Tin and Alloys - 538.1.1 Soldering - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties



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Accession number:20121414922952

Title:Manufacture of lasers with multiple operating modes

Authors:Zhu, Changjun (1); Xue, Bing (1); Zhai, Xuejun (1); He, Junfang (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, School of Science, Xi'An Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710048, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, C.(cjzhu@xpu.edu.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Composite Materials

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:3rd international Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2012

Conference date:March 27, 2012 - March 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:89231

Sponsor:Fujian University of Technology; Xiamen University; Fuzhou University; Huaqiao University; University of Wollongong

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:A two-beam pumped Ti:sapphire laser with femtosecond and picosecond cavities was manufactured. Three operating modes, independent self mode-locking, cross mode-locking and multi-pulse operating, were achieved. In the independent self mode-locking mode, femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses were generated in the two cavities, respectively. In the cross mode-locking mode, synchronized femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses were obtained in the two cavities. In the multi-pulse mode, multi-pulses were produced in the picosecond cavity. The results show that, the independent self mode-locking mode is dominated mainly by group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation, the cross mode-locking mode is governed primarily by cross-phase modulation and the multi-pulse operating is ruled largely by self-amplitude modulation. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Manufacture

Controlled terms:Laser pulses - Phase modulation - Pumping (laser)

Uncontrolled terms:Cross-phase modulations - Femtoseconds - Modelocking - Multipulses - Operating modes - Picosecond laser pulse - Picoseconds - Self mode locking - Ti: Sapphire laser - Two beams  - Two-cavity

Classification code:537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 744.1 Lasers, General



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Accession number:20121915007921

Title:Analyses of mode field propagation properties in fuse-tapered fibers

Authors:Zhou, Liang (1); Duan, Kailiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhou, L.(zql_zhouliang@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Applications such as near-field optical-microscope and high power fiber coupler require more precise understanding of light field in fuse-tapered fiber. To study propagation properties of the fuse-tapered fiber, field distributions were simulated by finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD), assuming that the incident beam was fundamental mode. Theoretical model of fuse-tapered fiber used in the simulation was based on a tapering function which was close to the real shape of fuse-tapered fiber. Mode field radius and transverse field distribution of the fuse-tapered fiber in the fundamental mode Gaussian approximation were compared with the simulation results. Finally, the influences of the initial melting length and extension length on the transmission efficiency were analyzed. The results show that field distribution in the fuse-tapered fiber is asymmetric though the shape of fuse-tapered fiber is symmetric. When a fundamental mode field propagates through a fuse-tapered fiber, the light field propagates not only as fundamental mode which is corresponding to the core diameter of the fuse-tapered fiber. The fundamental mode Gaussian approximation may introduce considerable errors to the calculation of field distribution in fuse-tapered fiber. When fuse-tapered fiber is of single cone type or double cone type, the influences of their shapes are different. To get higher transmission efficiency, initial melting length and extension length should be optimized according to the specific applications.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Finite difference time domain method - Melting - Time domain analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Field distribution - Finite-difference-time domain - Propagation properties - Tapered fiber - Transmission efficiency

Classification code:531.1 Metallurgy - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 921 Mathematics


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Accession number:20121714971508

Title:Efficient terahertz-wave generation via fourwave mixing in silicon membrane waveguides

Authors:Wang, Zhaolu (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1); Wen, Jin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Z.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:April 9, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:Terahertz (THz) wave generation via four-wave mixing (FWM) in silicon membrane waveguides is theoretically investigated with midinfrared laser pulses. Compared with the conventional parametric amplification or wavelength conversion based on FWM in silicon waveguides, which needs a pump wavelength located in the anomalous group-velocity dispersion (GVD) regime to realize broad phase matching, the pump wavelength located in the normal GVD regime is required to realize collinear phase matching for the THz-wave generation via FWM. The pump wavelength and rib height of the silicon membrane waveguide can be tuned to obtain a broadband phase matching. Moreover, the conversion efficiency of the THz-wave generation is studied with different pump wavelengths and rib heights of the silicon membrane waveguides, and broadband THz-wave can be obtained with high efficiency exceeding 1%. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:32

Main heading:Waveguides

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Phase matching - Pumps - Wavelength

Uncontrolled terms:Broadband phase-matching - Mid-infrared laser pulse - Parametric amplification - Pump wavelength - Silicon membranes - Silicon waveguide - Terahertz wave generation

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 618.2 Pumps - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 713 Electronic Circuits - 714.3 Waveguides



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Accession number:20124215579875

Title:Stability in a general coupled laser array

Authors:Zhou, Liang (1); Duan, Kailiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhou, L.(zql_zhouliang@126.com)

Source title:Optik

Abbreviated source title:Optik



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena, P.O. Box 100537, Jena, 07705, Germany

Abstract:For the first time we have presented a method to investigate the stability of quiescent state in a coupled laser array. By introducing tiny perturbation, stability of quiescent state can be known by investigating eigenvalues of coefficient matrix of the corresponding linear differential equations. Only when real parts of the eigenvalues were all negative or zero, the corresponding quiescent state is stable. Two tapes of coupled laser array with loop and linear topological structure were studied respectively. It was found that there were innumerable quiescent states and they could be divided into several types based on phase relation. Some types were stable and others were unstable. Topological structure affects the stability of quiescent state in a coupled laser array. &copy; 2011 Elsevier GmbH.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Stability

Controlled terms:Convergence of numerical methods - Differential equations - Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions - Topology

Uncontrolled terms:Coefficient matrix - Coupled lasers - Eigenvalues - Linear differential equation - Perturbation - Phase relation - Quiescent state - Real part - Topological structure

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 921 Mathematics - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 951 Materials Science - 961 Systems Science



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Accession number:20130716008336

Title:A design of versatile image processing platform based on the dual multi-core DSP and FPGA

Authors:Zhan, Zhen Huan (1); Hao, Wei (2); Tian, Yan (2); Yao, Da Wei (2); Wang, Xian Hong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Zhan, Z.H.(zhanzhenghuan@163.com)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Symp. Comput. Intell. Des., ISCID


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6405973



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Conference date:October 28, 2012 - October 29, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95304

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:As an application of TI's latest multi-core DSP chip TMS320C6678 and Xilinx's FPGA chip XC5VLX110T, This paper designed and implemented a dual-DSP and FPGA real-time image processing system based on the Serial Rapid IO (SRIO), Hyperlink and reconfigurable technology. It used TMS320C6678 on-chip SRIO and Hyperlink interface module, XC5VLX110T on-chip Rocket IO modules, reconfigurable technology to implement a DSP and FPGA loosely coupled parallel interconnection reconfigurable system. On Embedded operating system's DSP / BIOS architecture, this paper implemented the program of hardware driver of bottom layer and the corresponding data transfer procedures, and also completed the transmission of digital images. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Digital signal processing

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Data transfer - Digital image storage - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Hypertext systems - Image processing - Multicore programming - Reconfigurable hardware - Structural design

Uncontrolled terms:Bottom layers - Digital image - DSP chip - Embedded operating systems - FPGA chips - Hardware drivers - Hyperlinks - Input-output - Multi core - On chips  - Parallel interconnection - Processing platform - Real-time image processing - Reconfigurable systems - Reconfigurable technologies - Serial Rapid IO

Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General - 721.3 Computer Circuits - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications



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Accession number:20131416168544

Title:Optical aligning and measuring methods for large aperture optical system

Authors:Zhang, Xue-Min (1); Wei, Ru-Yi (1); Duan, Jia-You (1); Yang, Jian-Feng (1); Li, Hua (1); Hou, Xiaohua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wei, R.-Y.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84162F





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96279

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:How to implement high accuracy measurement of large-aperture coaxial optical system is crucial to the optical alignment and optical property evaluation. The methods of image quality measurement including interferometer-collimating testing, wave front testing by using Hartmann, image processing and analysis of out-of-focus image were introduced. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods were compared, which showed that the alignment method based on interferometer-collimating testing is the one with the highest accuracy. The method of computer-aided alignment (CAA) based on interferometer-collimating was discussed in detail. By using a ZYGO interferometer, interferograms with different field of views and a series of Zernike coefficients were obtained to express the disalignment of the system, and then these incorrect parameters were calculated by CAA algorithms. An alignment experiment of coaxial three-mirror system with 4m focal length and 500mm aperture was carried out. The RMS value of the system is lower than 0.07&lambda; after iterations, which is close to the optical diffraction limit, proving the effectiveness of CAA method in alignment guidance. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Optical data processing

Controlled terms:Alignment - Image quality - Interferometers - Manufacture - Measurements - Mirrors - Optical properties - Optical systems - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Coaxial three-mirror - Computer-aided alignment - Imaging quality - Interferometer-collimating - Large aperture

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941.3 Optical Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods



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Accession number:20131416168617

Title:Multifocus image fusion algorithm based on the contourlet transform

Authors:Yang, Lei (1); Cao, Jianzhong (2); Wang, Hao (2); Tang, Yao (2); Wang, Hua (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, L.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84201F





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96280

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Adopting the advantages of contourlet such as multiscale, localization, directionality and anisotropy, a multifocus image fusion algorithm based on contourlet transform is developed [1]. Source images are firstly decomposed to domain of the contourlet transform. The image fusion is then implemented in subbands with different scale and direction combining. The fusion rule with maximum absolute value coefficient is used to fuse the high frequency subbands, while the rule dependent on the image's spatial frequencies and contrast are applied to the low frequency subbands. Finally the fused image is obtained through inverse transform. Experimental results show that the fused image using this algorithm has better subjective visual effect, and is better than the one using traditional Laplacian pyramid algorithm and wavelet based algorithm. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Image fusion

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Inverse transforms - Manufacture - Optical systems - Testing - Wavelet analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Absolute values - Contourlet transform - Contrast - Laplacian Pyramid - Multi-focus - Multifocus image fusion - Spatial frequency - Wavelet based algorithm

Classification code:921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 921 Mathematics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods



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Accession number:20123115293167

Title:Optical planar waveguides in Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped phosphate glasses produced by He<sup>+</sup> ion implantation

Authors:Liu, Chun-Xiao (1); Li, Wei-Nan (1); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China; (3) Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays, Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China

Corresponding author:Wei, W.(weiwei@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Physics B

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Phys.



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:074211



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:Optical planar waveguides in Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped phosphate glasses are fabricated by implanting triple-energy helium ions. The guiding modes and the near-field intensity distribution are measured by using the prism-coupling method and the end-face coupling setup with a He - Ne laser at 633 nm The intensity calculation method (ICM) is used to reconstruct the refractive index profile of the waveguide. The absorption and the fluorescence investigations reveal that the glass bulk features are well preserved in the active volumes of the waveguides, suggesting the fabricated structures for possible applications as waveguide lasers. &copy; 2012 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Ion implantation

Controlled terms:Photoluminescence - Planar waveguides - Waveguides - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Active volumes - Coupling set-up - Fabricated structures - Guiding mode - Helium ion - Laser materials - Near-field intensity - Optical planar waveguides - Phosphate glass - Prism coupling method  - Refractive index profiles - Waveguide lasers

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 932.1 High Energy Physics



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Accession number:20124315589204

Title:All optical nanostructed sensor based on metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguide

Authors:Gong, Yongkang (1); Copner, N.J. (1); Davies, Antony (3); Li, Kang (1); Huang, Jungang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, United Kingdom; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Faculty of Health, Sport and Science, University of Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Gong, Y.(gyk@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Abbreviated source title:Symp. Photonics Optoelectron., SOPO

Monograph title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6270564



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Conference date:May 21, 2012 - May 23, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:93170

Sponsor:IEEE Photonics Society; IEEE Wuhan Section; Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore; Wuhan University; Beijing Jiaotong University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Based on a two-dimensional plasmonic metal-dielectric-metal waveguide with a thin metallic layer and dual nanocavites inserted in the core, a novel nanostructured absorber is presented. A transfer matrix model for the proposed structure is established, and the optical spectra are investigated. Design results show that a narrow reflection spectrum occurs at position of the near-unity absorption, and is significantly influenced by the environment. It is able to generate a sensitivity as high as 1000 nm/RIU, which be used as an excellent sensing platform for chemical and biochemically relevant molecules. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Metals

Controlled terms:Absorption spectroscopy - Nanostructures - Optical waveguides - Optoelectronic devices - Photonics - Plasmons - Sensors - Transfer matrix method - Two dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:all optical - Nano-structured - Optical spectra - Plasmonic - Plasmonic waveguides - Plasmonics - Reflection spectra - Sensing platforms - Thin metallic layer - Transfer matrix model

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 921 Mathematics - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 801 Chemistry - 761 Nanotechnology - 744 Lasers - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment - 717 Optical Communication - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography



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Accession number:20130415940872

Title:Design of fore objective for wide spectrum imaging spectrometer

Authors:Lu, Xuefeng (1); Bai, Qinglan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Lu, X.(luxf789@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:An achromatic and telecentric fore objective design for a hyperspectral imaging spectrometer in the VIS-SWIR spectral range was presented in this paper. The design scheme was discussed based on the system specifications of 0.5-2.5 &mu;m wavelength range, 750 mm focal length, F/number of 5 and &plusmn;0.8&deg; field of view. A Ritchey-Chre&acute;tien system with a refractive corrector was designed to meet the design requirements. The properties of materials used in the visible and shortwave infrared bands were analyzed in the design of the refractive corrector. Then the F_Silica was chosen as the refractive corrector's material. The final design system has a simple structure. Chromatic aberration is well corrected as well as other aberrations. At the same time, the system is also a telecentric one. The design result meets the imaging spectrometer system requirements and the imaging quality approaches the diffraction limit within the full field of view in the specific wavebands.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Spectrometers

Controlled terms:Aberrations - Diffraction - Optical design - Silica - Specifications - Spectrometry - Spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Achromatism - Catadioptric system - Chromatic aberration - Design requirements - Design scheme - Design systems - Diffraction limits - F/number - Field of views - Focal lengths  - Full-field - Hyperspectral Imaging - Imaging quality - Imaging spectrometers - Short wave infrared - Simple structures - Spectral range - System requirements - System specification - Telecentric  - Wavebands - Wavelength ranges - Wide spectrum

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 902.2 Codes and Standards


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Accession number:20130716008357

Title:Research on image registration and mosaic based on vector similarity matching principle

Authors:Qin, Jia (1); Yang, Jianfeng (1); Xue, Bin (1); Bu, Fan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Spectrum Imaging Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Graduate University, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Qin, J.

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Symp. Comput. Intell. Des., ISCID


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6406005



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Conference date:October 28, 2012 - October 29, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95304

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is a better corner extraction algorithm, but there are still mismatching problems in the feature matching step. A new matching principle based on vector similarity is proposed and then it is compared with traditional matching principle. Firstly, the matching feature points are detected by the new principle. Mismatching points are further removed by using the mutual mapping theory. Secondly, transformation matrix is calculated by random sample consensus (RANSAC). Furthermore, the matrix is optimized by Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (L-M). Lastly, image mosaic is realized by image fusion. Experimental results indicate that compared with traditional matching principle, new matching principle has improved matching accuracy. It is able to apply new principle to image registration and image mosaic. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Image matching

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Artificial intelligence - Image fusion - Image registration - Linear transformations

Uncontrolled terms:Extraction algorithms - Feature matching - Image mosaic - Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm - Matching principle - Random sample consensus - Scale invariant feature transforms - Transformation matrices - Vector similarity

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations



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Accession number:20130415935026

Title:Hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber with microfluid-infiltrated air holes for slow-light propagation

Authors:Ren, Liyong (1); Liang, Jian (1); Yun, Maojin (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China

Corresponding author:Ren, L.(renliy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VI

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:849710





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VI

Conference date:August 12, 2012 - August 13, 2012

Conference location:San Diego, CA, United states

Conference code:94987

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Slow light plays an important role in the fields of all-optical signal processing and integration photonics. It has shown many potential applications, such as realizing optical delay lines or buffers, enhancing linear and nonlinear light-matter interactions, as well as increasing the sensitivity of the interferometers and transducers. In this paper, hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers made from high index glasses are designed by infiltrating microfluid into the air-holes to tailor the fiber dispersion for slow-light propagation under low pulse distortion. In such a fiber made from Si material, group index ng~8 is obtained with a bandwidth up to 30 nm, where the group index fluctuation is restricted in &plusmn;10 % of the ng, while ng~6 is obtained with a bandwidth over 100 nm when the chalcogenide material is selected instead. Such a &plusmn;10 % criterion determines a regarded flatland region accordingly, and in this region the group velocity dispersion can be negligible. It is found that for the same fiber length the slow-light time delay in the photonic bandgap fiber is much larger as compared with that in the single mode fiber. This kind of photonic bandgap fiber may have many potential applications in short-distance fiber communications and delay lines. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Bandwidth - Dispersions - Group velocity dispersion - Light propagation - Nonlinear optics - Photonic bandgap fibers - Photonic devices - Signal distortion - Signal processing - Single mode fibers  - Waves

Uncontrolled terms:Air holes - All-optical signal processing - Chalcogenide materials - Fiber communications - Fiber dispersion - Fiber length - Group index - High index - Hollow-core - Light-matter interactions  - Micro-fluid - Optical delay lines - Potential applications - Pulse distortion - Slow-light propagation

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 711 Electromagnetic Waves



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Accession number:20121014830325

Title:Hard solder 20-kW QCW stack array diode laser

Authors:Li, Xiaoning (1); Kang, Lijun (3); Wang, Jingwei (3); Zhang, Pu (1); Xiong, Lingling (1); Liu, Xingsheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Key Lab. of Information Photonic Technique, Xi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, China; (3) Xi an Focuslight Technologies Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, X.(smto@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:82410C





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference date:January 22, 2012 - January 24, 2012

Conference location:San Francisco, CA, United states

Conference code:88782

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:With the increasing applications of high power semiconductor lasers in industry, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, medical systems, display, entertainment, etc., semiconductor lasers with high power and high performances are required. The performance of semiconductor lasers is greatly affected by packaging structure, packaging process and beam shaping. A novel macro channel cooler (MaCC) for stack array laser with good heat dissipation capacity and high reliability is presented in this work. Based on the MaCC package, a high power stack array diode laser is successfully fabricated. A series of techniques such as spectrum control and beam control are used to achieve narrow spectrum and high beam quality. The performances of the semiconductor laser stack array are characterized. A high power 20kW QCW hard solder packaged stack array laser is fabricated; a narrow spectrum of 3.94 nm and an excellent rectangular beam shape are obtained. The lifetime of the stack array laser is tested as well. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:6

Main heading:Semiconductor lasers

Controlled terms:Cooling systems - High power lasers - Packaging - Reliability

Uncontrolled terms:Advanced manufacturing - Beam control - Beam-shaping - High beam quality - High power semiconductor laser - High reliability - High-power - Medical systems - Packaging process - Packaging structure  - Rectangular beams - Spectrum control - stack array diode laser

Classification code:421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 641.2 Heat Transfer - 694.1 Packaging, General - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4.1 Semiconductor Lasers



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Accession number:20125015787465

Title:Fabrication and applications of GRIN materials

Authors:Li, Yulin (1); Hu, Baowen (1); He, Zhengquan (1); Zhang, Minrui (1); Huo, Junmin (1); Yao, Shengli (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, 17 Xinxi RD. Xi'an High-Tech Dev. Zone, 710119 Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Li, Y.(liyu@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing, AMITP 2012

Conference date:October 17, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Taipei, Taiwan

Conference code:94267

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In recent years, a series of gradient index (GRIN) materials including Optical glass and polymer have been Research and developed in our laboratory. The Micro-lenses and arrays with the special optical materials also have been fabricated mainly by using Ion-exchange method through refractive index profile, which are applied to micro-optic devices and other applications-- especially in the coupled and connected devices for fiber communications and medical endoscope or they are used primarily for document scanning equipments. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Materials

Controlled terms:Gradient index optics - Information technology - Ion exchange - Optical devices - Optical glass

Uncontrolled terms:Document scanning - Fiber communications - Gradient indexes - Gradient-index - GRIN lens - Ion-exchange methods - Medical endoscopes - Micro lens - Microoptical devices - Refractive index profiles

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 903 Information Science - 951 Materials Science



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Accession number:20124515645165

Title:Influence of aperture averaging on bit-error rate of spatial coherent optical communication systems using phase compensation technique

Authors:Yu, Gang (1); Xie, Xiaoping (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Wang, Wei (1); Duan, Tao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Xi'an Communication College, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710106, China

Corresponding author:Yu, G.(yugang@opt.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0906006




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Based on the model of the spatial coherent optical communication system under the influence of the atmospheric turbulence and the plane-wave propagation model of aperture averaging, by using of numerical simulation, under the weak irradiance fluctuation condition the influence of aperture averaging including the atmospheric turbulence inner scale and outer scale is investigated on the bit-error rate and the optimum receiver aperture diameter of the coherent optical communication system. The results show that aperture averaging can decrease the bit-error rate effectively; the improved effect of aperture averaging on the bit-error rate is more obvious for the higher original SNR, the shorter transmission distance, the longer wavelength, the larger value of the phase compensation mode J and the receiver aperture diameter which is closer to the optimum value; aperture averaging affects the optimum value of the receiver aperture diameter, and if the value of the phase compensation mode J is larger, the influence is more obvious; the bit-error rate and the optimum receiver aperture diameter will increase with the increase of atmospheric turbulence inner scale and decrease with the decrease of atmospheric turbulence outer scale. This will provide the necessary theoretical basis for the design of a coherent optical communication system.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Atmospheric turbulence

Controlled terms:Optical communication

Uncontrolled terms:Aperture averaging - Aperture diameter - Coherent optical communications - Fluctuation conditions - Inner scale - Optimum receivers - Optimum value - Outer scale - Phase compensation - Plane wave propagation  - Theoretical basis - Transmission distances

Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems



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Accession number:20115214644770

Title:Theoretical energy distributions of electrons from a large exponential-doping GaAs photocathode

Authors:Cai, Zhipeng (1); Yang, Wenzheng (2); Tang, Weidong (1); Hou, Xun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultra-fast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cai, Z.(caizhipeng@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Materials

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2011

Conference date:December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011

Conference location:Guilin, China

Conference code:87882

Sponsor:University of Wollongong; Northeastern University; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Hebei Polytechnic University

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Theoretical calculation indicates that the large exponential-doping GaAs photocathodes have a much narrower electron energy distribution than traditional GaAs NEA cathodes, and the excellent performance attributes to the special structure characters of the band-bending region and lower negative electron affinity of the new-type GaAs photocathodes. The effects of surface doping concentration and work function on the energy distribution are discussed in details, and the FWHM of the energy distribution is less than 100meV. The simulation results indicate that the large exponential-doping mode further improves the features of the electron energy spreads for GaAs photocathodes, which may meet the further demand of next generation of electron guns.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Gallium arsenide

Controlled terms:Dissociation - Electric power distribution - Electron affinity - Electron energy levels - Electron guns - Electrons - Field emission cathodes - Photocathodes - Semiconducting gallium

Uncontrolled terms:Bandbending - Electron energies - Electron energy distributions - Energy distributions - Excellent performance - GaAs - GaAs photocathodes - Large exponential-doping - Negative electron affinity - Special structure  - Surface doping - Theoretical calculations

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 932 High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 801 Chemistry - 714.1 Electron Tubes - 712.1.1 Single Element Semiconducting Materials - 706.1.2 Electric Power Distribution - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena



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Accession number:20121114861753

Title:Visual attention accelerated vehicle detection in low-altitude airborne video of urban environment

Authors:Cao, Xianbin (1); Lin, Renjun (2); Yan, Pingkun (3); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China; (2) University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; (3) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cao, X.(xbcao@buaa.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:5970103




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:One of the primary goals of the airborne vehicle detection system is to reduce the risks of incident collisions and to relieve traffic jam caused by the increasing number of vehicles. Different from the stationary systems, which are usually fixed on buildings, the airborne systems in unmanned aircrafts or satellites take the advantages of wider view angle and higher mobility. However, detecting vehicles in airborne videos is a challenging task because of the scene complexity and platform movement. The direct application of the traditional image processing techniques to the problem may result in low detection rate or cannot meet the requirements of real-time applications. To address these problems, a new and efficient method composed by two stages, attention focus extraction and vehicle classification is proposed in this paper. Our work makes two key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new attention focus extraction algorithm, which can quickly detect the candidate vehicle regions to make the algorithm focus on much smaller regions for faster computation. The second contribution is a simple and efficient classification process, which is built using the AdaBoost learning algorithm. The classification process, which is a hierarchical structure, is designed to obtain a lower false alarm rate by looking for vehicles in the candidate regions. Experimental results demonstrate that, compared with other representative algorithms, our method can obtain better performance in terms of higher detection rate and lower false positive rate, while meeting the needs of real-time application. &copy; 2011 IEEE.

Number of references:35

Main heading:Vehicles

Controlled terms:Aircraft accidents - Emergency traffic control - Image processing - Learning algorithms - Traffic congestion

Uncontrolled terms:Airborne vehicles - Attention focus - Attention shifting - cascade classifier - extent tracing - Statistical learning

Classification code:432 Highway Transportation - 432.4 Highway Traffic Control - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention



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Accession number:20124015484215

Title:Multi-scale dictionary for single image super-resolution

Authors:Zhang, Kaibing (1); Gao, Xinbo (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of E.E., Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) QCIS, FEIT, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, K.(kbzhang0505@gmail.com)

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer  Vision and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vision Pattern Recognit

Monograph title:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6247791





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Conference date:June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012

Conference location:Providence, RI, United states

Conference code:92817

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Reconstruction- and example-based super-resolution (SR) methods are promising for restoring a high-resolution (HR) image from low-resolution (LR) image(s). Under large magnification, reconstruction-based methods usually fail to hallucinate visual details while example-based methods sometimes introduce unexpected details. Given a generic LR image, to reconstruct a photo-realistic SR image and to suppress artifacts in the reconstructed SR image, we introduce a multi-scale dictionary to a novel SR method that simultaneously integrates local and non-local priors. The local prior suppresses artifacts by using steering kernel regression to predict the target pixel from a small local area. The non-local prior enriches visual details by taking a weighted average of a large neighborhood as an estimate of the target pixel. Essentially, these two priors are complementary to each other. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can produce high quality SR recovery both quantitatively and perceptually. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Image reconstruction

Controlled terms:Computer vision - Optical resolving power - Pixels

Uncontrolled terms:Example-based Super-resolution - High quality - High resolution image - Kernel regression - Large neighborhood - Low resolution images - Multiscales - Non-local priors - Photo-realistic - Single images  - Weighted averages

Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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Accession number:20123715415849

Title:Die bonding of high power 808 nm laser diodes with nanosilver paste

Authors:Yan, Yi (1); Chen, Xu (2); Liu, Xingsheng (3); Mei, Yunhui (4); Lu, Guo-Quan (5)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'An Focuslight Technologies Co., Ltd., Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Joining Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 710119, China; (4) Tianjin University, Virginia Tech Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Joining Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin, China; (5) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States

Corresponding author:Chen, X.(xchen@tju.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME

Abbreviated source title:J Electron Packag, Trans ASME



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:041003





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, United States

Abstract:Conduction-cooled high power laser diodes have a variety of significant commercial, industrial, and military applications. For these devices to perform effectively, an appropriate die-attached material meeting specific requirements must be selected. In this study, nanosilver paste, a novel die-attached material, was used in packaging the 60 W 808 nm high power laser diodes. The properties of the laser diodes operating in the continuous wave (CW) mode, including the characteristics of power-current-voltage (LIV), spectrum, near field, far field, near field linearity, spatial spectrum, and thermal impedance, were determined. In addition, destructive tests, including the die shear test, scanning acoustic microscopy, and the thermal rollover test, were conducted to evaluate the reliability of the die bonding of the 60 W 808 nm high power semiconductor laser with nanosilver paste. Thermal analyses of the laser diodes operating at CW mode with different die-attached materials, indium solder, gold-tin solder and nanosilver paste, were conducted by finite element analysis (FEA). According to the result of the FEA, the nanosilver paste resulted in the lowest temperature in the laser diodes. The test results showed that the nanosilver paste was a very promising die-attached material in packaging high power semiconductor laser. &copy; 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Current voltage characteristics

Controlled terms:Dies - Finite element method - High power lasers - Military applications - Semiconductor lasers - Thermoanalysis - Tin

Uncontrolled terms:Conduction cooled - Continuous wave modes - Destructive tests - Die bonding - Die shear test - Far field - Gold-tin - High power semiconductor laser - High-power - Indium solders  - Nano silver - Near fields - Scanning Acoustic Microscopy - Spatial spectra - Thermal impedance - Thermal rollover

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 801 Chemistry - 744.4.1 Semiconductor Lasers - 744.1 Lasers, General - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 603.2 Machine Tool Accessories - 546.2 Tin and Alloys - 404.1 Military Engineering



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Accession number:20121014841971

Title:Lens design for uniform illumination with LED

Authors:Li, Lin (1); Wang, Guangzhen (1); Wang, Lili (1); Kong, Depeng (1); Ji, Jiangjun (1); Zhang, Yajun (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China

Corresponding author:Wang, L.(wangll@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0222002




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:A new method that the target plance is uniformly illuminated with aspheric lens is proposed. Based on the energy conservation law, it can be figured out the angle between the light source and the target surface, and the macro language of Zemax is used to make the lens meet the above mentioned relation, simulating and optimizing the result in the non-sequential mode and respectively simulating the three cases of the front surface. It is proposed and simulated a spherical LED array, and analysised the effect of the illumination uniformity of the angle and distance offsets. The result shows that the uniform illumination in a distance of 1 m and 0.25 m in diameter of the plane is achieved, with the uniformity of 96% or more. The spherical array meets the application requirements of shadowless lighting and the depth of illumination up to 1 m.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Light emitting diodes

Controlled terms:Inertial confinement fusion - Light sources - Optical design - Optical instrument lenses

Uncontrolled terms:Application requirements - Aspheric lens - Energy conservation law - Front surfaces - Illumination uniformity - LED arrays - Lens designs - Macro languages - Spherical array - Target surface  - Uniform illumination

Classification code:621.2 Fusion Reactors - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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Accession number:20120714767258

Title:Dual-channel phase-shifting interferometry for microscopy with second wavelength assistance

Authors:Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Rupp, Romano A. (3); Ye, Tong (1); Gao, Peng (1); Min, Junwei (1); Guo, Rongli (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing 100049, China; (3) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:010901



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Dual-channel phase-shifting interferometry for simultaneous phase microscopy is presented. Red and blue light beams are used for microscope illumination. A 45&deg; tilted beamsplitter replicates the object and reference waves in red light together with the object wave in blue light into two parallel beams. The two resulting quadrature phase-shifting interferograms in red light and the object waves in blue light are generated in the two channels. The two interferograms are recorded simultaneously by a color chargecoupled device (CCD) camera, and can be separated via RGB components of the recorded color patterns without crosstalk. As a result, the phase of tested specimen can be retrieved. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by test performed on a microscopic specimen. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Interferometry

Controlled terms:Optics - Physics

Uncontrolled terms:Blue light - Color pattern - Dual channel - Interferograms - Object waves - Parallel beams - Phase shifting Interferometry - Phase-shifting - Red and blue light - Red light  - Reference waves - Two channel

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 932 High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics - 933 Solid State Physics - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements



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Accession number:20122915259147

Title:Optimizing initial chirp for efficient femtosecond wavelength conversion in silicon waveguide by split-step Fourier method

Authors:Li, Xuefeng (1); Wang, Zhaolu (2); Liu, Hongjun (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Science, Xi'An University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, X.(lixfpost@yahoo.com.cn)

Source title:Applied Mathematics and Computation

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Math. Comput.



Issue date:August 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Inc., 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010, United States

Abstract:Based on solving numerically the generalized nonlinear Schro&die;dinger (GNLS) equation by a split-step Fourier method, efficient femtosecond wavelength conversion in the telecommunication bands via four-wave mixing in silicon rib waveguide is numerically investigated by optimizing the initial chirp of the pump and signal pulses. It is shown that the relative narrower four-wave mixing spectra with the most of the energy remains in the central peak can be obtained by the use of appropriate negative chirp, and the conversion bandwidth greater than 500 nm and peak conversion efficiency of -1.6 dB can be obtained by using 200 fs pulses with a repetition rate of 40 GHz in a 3.2-mm-long silicon rib waveguide. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Waveguides

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Four wave mixing - Fourier transforms - Nonlinear equations - Optical frequency conversion - Optical pumping - Optimization - Ultrafast lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Central peaks - Dinger equation - Femtoseconds - Fs pulse - Initial chirp - Negative chirp - Repetition rate - Signal pulse - Silicon rib waveguides - Silicon waveguide  - Split-Step Fourier Method - Telecommunication bands

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 100>


Accession number:20140317194203

Title:Generation of broadband cascaded four-wave mixing products in silicon-on-insulator waveguide

Authors:Wen, Jin (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710119, China

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:024601





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We present a new method to generate broadband cascaded four-wave mixing (FWM) products in the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide. A simulation model of the nonlinear Schro&die;dinger equation is used to describe the cascaded FWM in the SOI waveguide, which consists of launching two strong pump waves near the zero-dispersion wavelength of the very short (just a few millimeters) SOI waveguide. The numerical results based on the split step Fourier method have demonstrated that the output cascaded FWM products represent bandwidth of more than 1000 nm (range from C-band to IR-band). We also analyze the remarkable influences of parameters of the waveguide length, the pump power, and the dispersion slope on the cascaded FWM products in the SOI waveguide. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:27

Main heading:Waveguides

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Four wave mixing - Integrated optics - Nonlinear equations - Nonlinear optics - Numerical methods - Silicon

Uncontrolled terms:Cascaded four-wave mixing - Dinger equation - Dispersion slopes - Numerical results - Silicon on insulator waveguide - Simulation model - Split step Fourier method - Zero-dispersion wavelength

Classification code:712.1.1 Single Element Semiconducting Materials - 714.3 Waveguides - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921.1 Algebra - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 101>


Accession number:20124815715031

Title:Portable fiber group velocity test method with a gain-switched laser

Authors:Feng, Ye (1); Zou, Lin (3); Wang, Yi Shan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Yang, Zhi (1); Zhang, Wei (1); Hu, Xiao Hong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Physics, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai 201800, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Y.S.(yshwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:November 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:A portable method of group velocity measurement is proposed based on a self-seeded gain-switched laser. The calculated group velocity in the optical fiber is obtained by measuring the round-trip frequencies of the gain-switched laser diode with different external cavities, and only a 2 m long fiber is needed. The measurement can be accomplished without oscilloscope or optical spectrum analyzer. The error associated with this test is within 0.65%, which is limited by the jitter of the voltage-controlled oscillator. Its spectrum resolution is 0.1 nm. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Light velocity

Controlled terms:Lasers - Optical fibers - Oscillistors - Spectrum analyzers

Uncontrolled terms:External cavity - Gain-switched - Gain-switched laser diodes - Group velocities - Long fiber - Optical spectrum analyzer - Round-trip frequency - Self-seeded - Spectrum resolution - Test method

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1 Light/Optics - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics



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<RECORD 102>


Accession number:20123715424634

Title:Multiple slope integration based on CMOS image sensor

Authors:Yang, Donglai (1); Hu, Xiaodong (1); Li, Junna (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Xi'an Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Yang, D.(ydl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Compared with CCD (Charge Coupled Device), the dynamic range of CMOS image sensor is narrower, which is due to its self-characteristics. With high-performance CMOS image sensor IBIS5-A-1 300 produced by CYPRESS company as the object, a research was made on the theory of its multiple slope integration, and the integration mode was used to extend its dynamic range. The design method of multiple slope integration's timing was advanced with FPGA and DSP as the hardware system. With Quartus II 7.0, the designed driver timing was simulated in function. The new designed multiple slope integration timing drive extended the optical dynamic range of CMOS image sensor, from original model of single slope integration mode 64 dB to 90 dB. The experiment result shows that multiple slope integration mode can achieve the purpose of extending the dynamic range.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Integration

Controlled terms:Charge coupled devices - Design - Digital cameras - Digital signal processing - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)

Uncontrolled terms:CMOS image sensor - Design method - Dynamic range - Hardware system - High-performance CMOS - Optical dynamics - Original model - Quartus II

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 721.3 Computer Circuits - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 921.2 Calculus


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<RECORD 103>


Accession number:20131416173299

Title:Cylindrically symmetric vector beams obtained by overlapping optical vortices

Authors:Zong, Zhengyue (1); Menke, Neimule (1); Cheng, Ming (1); Bo, Bin (1); Hua, Chuyi (1); Ji, Ke (1); Yao, Baoli (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University, Huhhot, 010021, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China

Corresponding author:Menke, N.(py_menkenei@imu.edu.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:841708





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96275

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:In recent years, cylindrically symmetric vector beams are widely used in many fields, such as high-resolution microscopy, micro printing and nonlinear optics et al. The intensity and polarization of cylindrically symmetric vector beams are symmetrical around the optical axis. Radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam are the most common cylindrically symmetric vector beams. In this paper, first by using numerical methods it is calculated that the cylindrically symmetric vector beams can be obtained by overlapping two optical vortices or by overlapping an optical vortices with topological charge of two and a plane wave. Then, a radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam were experimentally obtained by overlapping a right-circularly polarized plane light and a left-circularly polarized optical vortices with topological charge of two, which is obtained by using a reflective liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) and a quarter-wave plate. The experimental results show that, by using this method, different kinds of cylindricany symmetric vector beams can be obtained very simply and easily, and could be switched to each other at video rate, and has higher energy conversion efficiency (up to 60%). &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Vectors

Controlled terms:Circular polarization - Energy conversion - Light modulation - Light modulators - Manufacture - Nonlinear optics - Optical testing - Polarization - Topology

Uncontrolled terms:Azimuthally polarized beams - High-resolution microscopy - Liquid crystal spatial light modulators - Optical vortices - Quarter wave-plate - Radially polarized beam - Topological charges - Vector beams

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921.1 Algebra - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory



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<RECORD 104>


Accession number:20120214667873

Title:Synthesis of a soluble polythiophene copolymer with thiophene-vinylene conjugated side chain and its applications in photovoltaic devices

Authors:Qu, Bo (1); Jiang, Zhongliang (2); Chen, Zhijian (1); Xiao, Lixin (1); Tian, Di (2); Gao, Chao (2); Wei, Wei (3); Gong, Qihuang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Peking University, 100871, China; (2) Xi'An Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710065, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an Shaanxi, 710119, China; (4) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China

Corresponding author:Qu, B.(bqu@pku.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Abbreviated source title:J. Appl. Polym. Sci.



Issue date:April 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:John Wiley and Sons Inc., P.O.Box 18667, Newark, NJ 07191-8667, United States

Abstract:A new soluble polythiophene copolymer with thiophene-vinylene conjugated side chain poly[3-(5&prime;-octylthienylenevinyl) thiophene]-thiophene (POTVTh-Th) was successfully synthesized and characterized using NMR, UV-visible spectroscopy, etc. To study the photovoltaic property of the copolymer, photovoltaic device of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/POTVTh-Th:[6,6]-phenyl C <inf>61</inf>-butyric acid methyl ester (PC<inf>61</inf>BM) (weight ratio being 1: 1)/LiF/Al was fabricated, in which POTVTh-Th acted as the electron donor in the active layer. Under 100 mW/cm<sup>2</sup> AM 1.5G simulated solar emission, the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current density of the device were 0.58 V and 2.50 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>, respectively. The power conversion efficiency and the fill factor of the photovoltaic device were evaluated to be 0.42% and 0.30. &copy; 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Photovoltaic effects

Controlled terms:Butyric acid - Conversion efficiency - Copolymers - Fatty acids - Heterojunctions - Open circuit voltage - Polymers - Solar cells - Thiophene - Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Active Layer - Bulk heterojunction - Electron donors - Fill factor - Methyl esters - Organic photovoltaic devices - Photovoltaic devices - Photovoltaic property - Poly-thiophene - Polythiophene copolymers  - Power conversion efficiencies - Side-chains - Solar emission - UV visible spectroscopy - Weight ratios

Classification code:815.1 Polymeric Materials - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 615.2 Solar Power - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues



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<RECORD 105>


Accession number:20121614956481

Title:Machine learning in medical imaging

Authors:Suzuki, Kenji (1); Yan, Pingkun (2); Wang, Fei (3); Shen, Dinggang (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, United States; (2) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shaanxi, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA 95120, United States; (4) Department of Radiology, BRIC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, United States

Corresponding author:Suzuki, K.(suzuki@uchicago.edu)

Source title:International Journal of Biomedical Imaging

Abbreviated source title:Int. J. Biomed. Imaging


Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:123727




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 410 Park Avenue, 15th Floor, 287 pmb, New York, NY 10022, United States

Number of references:2



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<RECORD 106>


Accession number:20124615674502

Title:Highly stable, passively mode-locked fiber laser with low pump power for subpicosecond pulse generation

Authors:Tang, Dingkang (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (1); Liu, Yuanshan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) Department of Engineering and Design, London South Bank University, astr 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Tang, D.(tangdingkang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:We present the design of highly stable, passively mode-locked fiber lasers which are based on a simple configuration and require a low pump power for the generation of optical pulses with subpicosecond pulsewidth. Our designed fiber laser uses a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror to realize the self-starting, passive mode locking at a low pump power of 29 mW, with which a stable optical pulse train is obtained at the fundamental repetition rate of 52.5 MHz and the central wavelength of 1557 nm. The output modelocked optical pulses have a pulsewidth of 881 fs and an average output power of 1.78 mW, respectively. &copy; Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Optical pumping

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Mode-locked fiber lasers - Passive mode locking - Pulse generators - Pumps - Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Low pump power - Mode-locked - Optical pulse train - Output power - Pulsewidths - Repetition rate - Self-starting - Subpicosecond - Subpicosecond pulse

Classification code:618.2 Pumps - 713.4 Pulse Circuits - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers



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<RECORD 107>


Accession number:20124315603715

Title:Dispersion control in fiber-coupled THz-TDS

Authors:Liu, Jia (1); Fan, Wenhui (1); Xue, Bing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optik

Abbreviated source title:Optik



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena, P.O. Box 100537, Jena, 07705, Germany

Abstract:To construct a compact THz-TDS system equipped with movable emitter and receiver heads, a specific fiber-delivery system is developed to deliver ultra-short pulses from Ti: sapphire laser through a single-mode fiber. Hence, how to manage the dispersion in fiber-delivery system efficiently becomes one of the most important issues to be solved. In this paper, the theoretical calculation of dispersion in fiber-delivery system was discussed initially. And also, a pair of gratings, which can generate negative group velocity dispersion (GVD), was introduced to compensate the positive dispersion in fiber. A minimum temporal width of pulse about 60 fs was measured at the end of the fiber-delivery system by optimizing the relative position of gratings. The experimental result agreed well to the theoretical calculation and demonstrated the advantages of the fiber-delivery system. &copy; 2011 Elsevier GmbH.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Diffraction gratings - Dispersion (waves) - Laser pulses - Single mode fibers

Uncontrolled terms:Dispersion control - GVD - In-fiber - Negative group velocity - Pulsewidths - Relative positions - Temporal width - Theoretical calculations - THz-TDS - Ti: Sapphire laser

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.1 Lasers, General - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications



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<RECORD 108>


Accession number:20123615391600

Title:Analysis of field of view limited by a multi-line X-ray source and its improvement for grating interferometry

Authors:Du, Yang (1); Huang, Jianheng (2); Lin, Danying (2); Niu, Hanben (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Optoelectronics Devices, Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China

Corresponding author:Niu, H.(hbniu@szu.edu.cn)

Source title:Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Abbreviated source title:Anal. Bioanal. Chem.



Monograph title:Green Analytical Methods (pp. 625-682) Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA 2011) (pp. 683-720)

Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:X-ray phase-contrast imaging based on grating interferometry is a technique with the potential to provide absorption, differential phase contrast, and dark-field signals simultaneously. The multi-line X-ray source used recently in grating interferometry has the advantage of high-energy Xrays for imaging of thick samples for most clinical and industrial investigations. However, it has a drawback of limited field of view (FOV), because of the axial extension of the X-ray emission area. In this paper, we analyze the effects of axial extension of the multi-line X-ray source on the FOVand its improvement in terms of Fresnel diffraction theory. Computer simulation results show that the FOV limitation can be overcome by use of an alternative X-ray tube with a specially designed multi-step anode. The FOVof this newly designed X-ray source can be approximately four times larger than that of the multi-line X-ray source in the same emission area. This might be beneficial for the applications of X-ray phase contrast imaging in materials science, biology, medicine, and industry. &copy; Springer-Verlag 2012.

Number of references:35

Main heading:X rays

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Diffraction gratings - Electron sources - Interferometry - X ray apparatus - X ray tubes

Uncontrolled terms:Dark-field - Differential phase contrast - Emission area - Field of views - Fresnel diffraction theory - Grating interferometry - High energy - Multi-step - Thick samples - X-ray emission  - X-ray phase-contrast imaging - X-ray sources

Classification code:422.1 Strength of Building Materials : Test Equipment - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 801 Chemistry - 932.1 High Energy Physics - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 109>


Accession number:20135217143022

Title:Switchable mode-locking fiber laser with fiber Bragg gratings

Authors:Han, Dongdong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Han, D.(hdong.gy@hotmail.com)

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:114202





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A switchable mode-locking fiber laser is proposed by means of fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The FBG plays two key roles, the switchable wavelength operation and the spectral filtering effect, on the proposed laser. The switchable single-wavelength mode-locking operation, lasing at either 1545.25 or 1548.34 nm, corresponding to the central wavelengths of the FBGs, is obtained by appropriately rotating the polarization controllers (PC). In addition, the dual-wavelength mode-locking operation is observed with proper PC state. The switchable mode-locking operation attributes to the wavelength-dependent loss mechanism and the spectral filter formed by PCs and FBGs. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:48

Main heading:Locks (fasteners)

Controlled terms:Fiber Bragg gratings - Fiber lasers - Microcomputers - Polarization - Wavelength

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Mode-locking fiber laser - Nonlinear polarization rotation - Polarization controllers - Single wavelength - Spectral filtering - Switchable wavelengths - Wavelength-dependent loss

Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 110>


Accession number:20122915259978

Title:Aerial target automatic classification based on improving bag of words model

Authors:Zhu, Xufeng (1); Ma, Caiwen (1); Liu, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, X.(zhuxufeng@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In order to solve three types of aerial target (aircraft, helicopter, missile) images automatic classification, an improving bag of words model for recognizing aerial targets was proposed. Firstly, many grey images of three types of aerial targets were collected and segmented for extracting target from background. Secondly, those images, which only included target, were sampled and extracted using scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptored by sparse sampling. Thirdly, fuzzy C means (FCM) clustering was used and plenty of visual words on target images were acquired. Finally, histograms of visual words were used to training support vector machine (SVM) classifier and aerial target type would be identified. Experiments are shown that the proposed algorithm can distinguish the types of aerial targets effectively. Moreover, combining with the SVM classifier, the recognition rate by the proposed algorithm is better than traditional bag of words model by K means clustering and affine moments.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Support vector machines

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Image processing

Uncontrolled terms:Aerial targets - Automatic classification - Bag of words - Bag-of-words models - Coarse classification - FCM clustering - Fuzzy C means clustering - Grey image - K-means clustering - Recognition rates  - Scale invariant feature transforms - Sparse sampling - SVM classifiers - Target images - Training support vector machines - Visual word

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices


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<RECORD 111>


Accession number:20115214641959

Title:Realization of NURBS for cranium in a laser sintering machine

Authors:Zhuang, Jingyu (1); Liu, Defu (1); Gao, Chengde (1); Hu, Huanlong (1); Wang, Li (3); Shuai, Cijun (1); Peng, Shuping (4)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (3) School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China; (4) Cancer Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha, 410078, China

Corresponding author:Shuai, C.(shuai@csu.edu.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Design Technology

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2011

Conference date:December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011

Conference location:Guilin, China

Conference code:87856

Sponsor:University of Wollongong; Northeastern University; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Hebei Polytechnic University

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:It is an issue in the application of Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) how to achieve the characteristic parameters based on a given curve. In this work, the parameterization method of accumulated chord length is used to construct the knot vector. The tangent vector is chosen as the boundary condition. The characteristic parameters are calculated according to the key points and corresponding weights of a given curve. An example of NURBS interpolation for cranium is realized using the characteristic parameters obtained with Rhino software in a selective laser sintering (SLS) machine. The results show that the practical sintering curve is coincident with the given curve.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Interpolation

Controlled terms:Design - Laser heating - Manufacture - Sintering

Uncontrolled terms:Characteristic parameter - Chord lengths - Corresponding weights - Cranium - Keypoints - Knot Vectors - Laser sintering - Motion controller - Non-uniform rational B-splines - NURBS  - NURBS interpolation - Parameterization method - Selective laser sintering - SLS machine - Tangent vectors

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 536.1 Powder Metallurgy Operations - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 744.9 Laser Applications - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 112>


Accession number:20124815717054

Title:Design of compact infrared zoom lens system

Authors:Yan, Aqi (1); Wu, Dengshan (1); Wang, Hao (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Ma, Jingjin (3); Yang, Jianfeng (1); Zhou, Zuofeng (1); Wu, Li (1); Zhang, Jian (1); Zhang, Zhi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China; (3) Beijing Institute of Information Technology, Beijing, 100094, China

Corresponding author:Yan, A.(yanaqi@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Meeting on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research, OEMR 2012

Conference date:July 27, 2012 - July 29, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93247

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Infrared zoom lens system with cooled focal plane array (FPA) detector is widely used in military application. Relevant information about optical design can be got easily, but research on infrared zoom lens system with low cost and high image quality for commercial application is less. This paper design a Compact infrared zoom lens system with only four lenses, using an uncooled focal plane array (FPA) with 384&times;288 pixels with zoom ratio 3:1. Because of large F number and less lenses, transmission of the whole zoom system is greatly improved. NETD and MRTD of infrared system will be satisfying by this compact design. There is no special surface such as diffractive surface, HOE in zoom lens system, and only Ge and Znse infrared materials are chosen which result in lower production cost of infrared zoom lens system for commercial applications. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Research

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Focal plane arrays - Germanium - Infrared devices - Materials science - Optical design

Uncontrolled terms:Commercial applications - Compact designs - Diffractive surfaces - F number - High image quality - Infrared material - Infrared systems - Low costs - Production cost - Special surfaces  - Uncooled focal plane array - Zoom lens - Zoom systems

Classification code:941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 901.3 Engineering Research - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 951 Materials Science - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits - 717 Optical Communication



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<RECORD 113>


Accession number:20121514940817

Title:Research on the method of transient spectrum detection based on array CCD

Authors:Zhu, Bing-Li (1); Bai, Yong-Lin (2); Wang, Bo (2); Liu, Bai-Yu (2); Ouyang, Xian (2); Yang, Wen-Zheng (2); Bai, Xiao-Hong (2); Qin, Jun-Jun (2); Zhao, Jun-Ping (2); Gou, Yong-Sheng (2); Lu, Kai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Photoelectric Diagnostic Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Bai, Y.-L.(baiyonglin@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Based on the characteristic of high speed line scanning for CCD in transient spectrum detection, a method of transient spectrum detection with array CCD is presented. The high speed line scanning with array CCD was realized by changing the mode of charge transfer. In order to explore the feasibility of this method, a fast detection system of single point based on linear CCD was designed and fabricated. Seven different LED pulses were measured when the system worked at fast detection mode of single point and normal mode respectively. The results demonstrate that the method of fast detection of single point based on linear CCD is feasible, and the rate of single point detection reaches up to 20 MHz. Thus, in theory, it was proved that transient spectrum detection with array CCD by changing the mode of charge transfer is also feasible.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Charge transfer

Controlled terms:Instruments - Spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Array CCD - Detection mode - Detection system - High speed lines - Linear CCD - Normal modes - Single point - Transient spectra - Transient spectrum detection

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments



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<RECORD 114>


Accession number:20124115547695

Title:Application of MTF in frame design for optical camera

Authors:Wu, Mengyuan (1); Li, Yingcai (1); Hu, Yongming (1); Yi, Hongwei (1); Han, Juan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wu, M.(wmy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Jiguang



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0816001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:In order to direct the truss design of remote sensing camera, the influence of various modulation transfer function (MTF) on camera system is analyzed to satisfy the requirement of system MTF, thus the main support structure is designed by the limit of optical diffraction MTF. The minimum optical diffraction MTF under the situation of truss structure is calculated from the actual MTF, assembly and electronic factor of on-orbit production. Then the MTF is analyzed only by employing the pupil function under various kinds of obstruction because the optical software cannot evaluate the optical diffraction MTF entirely. It is concluded that the max diameter of tri-truss is 38 mm, the max diameter of four-truss is 26 mm. The truss structure of 26 mm diameter and 4 mm thickness is satisfied the specifications of satellite design by analyzing the static deformation and modal frequency of various wall thickness through finite element analysis (FEA).

Number of references:9

Main heading:Optical transfer function

Controlled terms:Cameras - Design - Diffraction - Finite element method - Modulation - Remote sensing - Supports - Trusses

Uncontrolled terms:Camera systems - Electronic factors - Frame design - Modal frequency - Obstruction - On-orbit - Optical camera - Optical diffractions - Optical software - Pupil function  - Satellite designs - Static deformations - Support structures - Truss design - Truss structure - Wall thickness

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.1 Light/Optics - 731.1 Control Systems - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes - 408 Structural Design



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<RECORD 115>


Accession number:20123215311470

Title:Improvement of interfacial adhesion strength and thermal stability of Cu/p-SiC:H/SiOC:H film stack by plasma treatment on the surface of Cu film

Authors:Liu, Bo (1); Yang, Jijun (1); Jiao, Guohua (2); Xu, Kewei (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) State-key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, B.

Source title:Plasma Science and Technology

Abbreviated source title:Plasma Sci. Technol.



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:A highly reliable interface of self-aligned barrier CuSiN thin layer between the Cu film and the nano-porous SiC:H (p-SiC:H) capping barrier (k=3.3) has been developed in the present work. With the introduction of self-aligned barrier (SAB) CuSiN between a Cu film and a p-SiC:H capping barrier, the interfacial thermal stability and the adhesion of the Cu/p-SiC:H film are considerably enhanced. A significant improvement of adhesion strength and thermal stability of Cu/p-SiC:H/SiOC:H film stack has been achieved by optimizing the pre-clean step before cap-layer deposition and by forming the CuSiN-like phase. This cap layer on the surface of the Cu can provide a more cohesive interface and effectively suppress Cu atom migration as well.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Interfaces (materials)

Controlled terms:Adhesion - Bond strength (materials) - Copper - Diffusion barriers - Metallic films - Plasma applications - Silicon carbide - Thermodynamic stability

Uncontrolled terms:Cap layers - Cap-layer depositions - Cohesive interface - Cu atoms - Cu films - Interfacial adhesion strength - Interfacial adhesions - Interfacial thermal stability - Nano-porous - Plasma treatment  - Self-aligned - Self-aligned barrier - Thin layers

Classification code:932.3 Plasma Physics - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 801 Chemistry - 641.1 Thermodynamics - 951 Materials Science - 544.1 Copper - 539 Metals Corrosion and Protection; Metal Plating - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 539.3 Metal Plating



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<RECORD 116>


Accession number:20122115046892

Title:Robust alternative minimization for matrix completion

Authors:Lu, Xiaoqiang (1); Gong, Tieliang (2); Yan, Pingkun (1); Yuan, Yuan (1); Li, Xuelong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China

Corresponding author:Lu, X.(luxq666666@126.com)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6153078




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Recently, much attention has been drawn to the problem of matrix completion, which arises in a number of fields, including computer vision, pattern recognition, sensor network, and recommendation systems. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, named robust alternative minimization (RAM), which is based on the constraint of low rank to complete an unknown matrix. The proposed RAM algorithm can effectively reduce the relative reconstruction error of the recovered matrix. It is numerically easier to minimize the objective function and more stable for large-scale matrix completion compared with other existing methods. It is robust and efficient for low-rank matrix completion, and the convergence of the RAM algorithm is also established. Numerical results showed that both the recovery accuracy and running time of the RAM algorithm are competitive with other reported methods. Moreover, the applications of the RAM algorithm to low-rank image recovery demonstrated that it achieves satisfactory performance. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:47

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Computer vision - Convex optimization - Image processing - Numerical methods - Pattern recognition - Recovery - Sensor networks - Singular value decomposition

Uncontrolled terms:Image recovery - Low rank - Low-rank matrices - Matrix completion - Novel algorithm - Numerical results - Objective functions - Reconstruction error - Running time

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 732 Control Devices - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.2 Vision - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 117>


Accession number:20123915462260

Title:Multi-channel biosensor based on photonic crystal waveguide and microcavities

Authors:Yun, Maojin (1); Wan, Yong (1); Liang, Jian (1); Xia, Feng (1); Liu, Meiling (1); Ren, Liyong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics, Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yun, M.(mjyun@qdu.edu.cn)

Source title:Optik

Abbreviated source title:Optik



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena, P.O. Box 100537, Jena, 07705, Germany

Abstract:An ultrasensitive two-dimensional photonic crystal biosensor is theoretically demonstrated in this paper. Such device consists of a waveguide and high Q-value microcavities which are realized by introducing line and point defects into the photonic crystal respectively. The band structures and the transmission spectra are obtained from the Finite-Difference -Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The simulation results showed that such device is strongly sensitive to the refractive index of the analyte injected into the point defect. The designed device can be applied for measurements of the refractive index and detection of protein-concentrations. &copy; 2011 Elsevier GmbH.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Biosensors

Controlled terms:Microcavities - Optical sensors - Photonic crystals - Point defects - Refractive index - Time domain analysis - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Analytes - FDTD - Finite difference - Multi-channel - Photonic crystal waveguide - Q-values - Time domain - Transmission spectrums - Two-dimensional photonic crystals - Ultrasensitive

Classification code:933.1.1 Crystal Lattice - 933.1 Crystalline Solids - 921 Mathematics - 801 Chemistry - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 732 Control Devices - 714.3 Waveguides - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes



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<RECORD 118>


Accession number:20123315331949

Title:Stressed waveguides with tubular depressed-cladding inscribed in phosphate glasses by femtosecond hollow laser beams

Authors:Long, Xuewen (1); Bai, Jing (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Stoian, Razvan (3); Hui, Rongqing (4); Cheng, Guanghua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR 5516 CNRS, Universit&#233; Jean Monnet, 42000 Saint Etienne, France; (4) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KN 66044, United States

Corresponding author:Cheng, G.(gcheng@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:August 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We report on the single-step fabrication of stressed optical waveguides with tubular depressed-refractive-index cladding in phosphate glasses by the use of focused femtosecond hollow laser beams. Tubelike low index regions appear under direct exposure due to material rarefaction following expansion. Strained compacted zones emerged in domains neighboring the tubular track of lower refractive index, and waveguiding occurs mainly within the tube core fabricated by the engineered femtosecond laser beam. The refractive index profile of the optical waveguide was reconstructed from the measured transmitted near-field intensity. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Laser beams

Controlled terms:Optical waveguides - Refractive index - Tubes (components) - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Femtoseconds - Low index - Near-field intensity - Phosphate glass - Refractive index profiles - Single-step - Tubular Track

Classification code:616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 119>


Accession number:20121414923159

Title:Influence of the wavefront mismatch, spatial chirp and multimode pump on the beam quality of OPCPA

Authors:Sun, Qibing (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(liuhongjun@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Modern Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Mod. Opt.



Issue date:April 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Taylor and Francis Ltd., 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom

Abstract:The beam quality and wavefront distribution of the optical parametric chirpedpulse amplification (OPCPA) frontend system of the petawatt laser has become a focus for research. The influence of wavefront mismatch, spatial chirp and multimode pump on the beam quality of OPCPA is numerically simulated and analyzed. It is shown that the beam quality and wavefront distribution becomes worse as the mismatch angle or the order of the spatial chirp increases. Meanwhile, it is also found that the beam quality and conversion efficiency of the amplified signal becomes worse as the transverse distribution of the pump laser descends. &copy; 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Number of references:26

Main heading:Wavefronts

Controlled terms:Beam quality - Conversion efficiency - Laser optics - Pumping (laser) - Pumps

Uncontrolled terms:Amplified signals - Multimodes - OPCPA - Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification - Petawatt laser - Pump laser - Spatial chirp - Transverse distribution

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 618.2 Pumps - 741.1 Light/Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General



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<RECORD 120>


Accession number:20124415619794

Title:Single image super-resolution with non-local means and steering kernel regression

Authors:Zhang, Kaibing (1); Gao, Xinbo (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, K.(kbzhang0505@gmail.com)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Image Process



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6241428




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Image super-resolution (SR) reconstruction is essentially an ill-posed problem, so it is important to design an effective prior. For this purpose, we propose a novel image SR method by learning both non-local and local regularization priors from a given low-resolution image. The non-local prior takes advantage of the redundancy of similar patches in natural images, while the local prior assumes that a target pixel can be estimated by a weighted average of its neighbors. Based on the above considerations, we utilize the non-local means filter to learn a non-local prior and the steering kernel regression to learn a local prior. By assembling the two complementary regularization terms, we propose a maximum a posteriori probability framework for SR recovery. Thorough experimental results suggest that the proposed SR method can reconstruct higher quality results both quantitatively and perceptually. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:53

Main heading:Optical resolving power

Controlled terms:Probability distributions - Regression analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Image super-resolution - Kernel regression - Nonlocal - regularization prior - Self-similarities

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 922.1 Probability Theory - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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<RECORD 121>


Accession number:20124915755280

Title:Athermalization design of 8-12 &mu;m infrared hybrid refractive/reflective/diffractive lenses for tank scan

Authors:Liu, Feng (1); Sai, Jiangang (1); Zhao, Jianke (1); Xu, Liang (1); Hu, Dandan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, F.(liufeng@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:A range of 8-12 &mu;m infrared hybrid refractive/reflective/diffractive athermalization lenses was designed for the needs of tank location system. The trouble of high machining accuracy with great difficulty in setting for bigbore primary mirror and secondary mirror was solved by employing a new- style Cassegrain system in which aspheric surfaces of primary mirror and secondary mirror were replaced by spheric surfaces. Athermalization design of infrared system was implemented by applying of diffractive elements with special temperature characteristics. This system has the feature of compact in frame, large caliber, long focus, high resolution and excellent image quality in range of -40-60&deg;C, and meets the needs of general requirement and image quality demand for tank location.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Tanks (containers)

Controlled terms:Hybrid systems - Image quality - Machining - Mirrors - Optical design - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Aspheric surfaces - Athermalization - Diffractive element - High resolution - Infrared optical systems - Infrared systems - Large caliber - Location systems - Machining Accuracy - Primary mirrors  - Quality demands - Secondary mirror - Temperature characteristic

Classification code:604.2 Machining Operations - 619.2 Tanks - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics


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<RECORD 122>


Accession number:20120714767301

Title:Characteristic measurements of fiber Brillouin scattering using fiber Bragg grating based microwave-sweeping single sideband modulation

Authors:Liu, Yu (1); Ren, Liyong (2); Hu, Manli (1); Liang, Jian (2); Han, Xu (2); Ma, Chengju (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710069, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, Y.(liuyuxbdx@sina.com)

Source title:Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Jiguang



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0105002




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Single sideband modulation output is demonstrated by using of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and the Mach-Zehnder electro-optic modulator. Based on the microwave-sweeping single sideband modulation technique, a method to measure the characteristics of the fiber stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is proposed. It can be used to measure the Brillouin frequency shift together with the Brillouin gain spectrum effectively. The properties of the stimulated Brillouin scattering in a 50 m photonic crystal fiber are measured, where the Brillouin frequency shift is 9.7443 GHz, the linewidth of the Brillouin gain spectrum is 22.472 MHz, and the Brillouin gain coefficient is 7.874&times;10<sup>-12</sup> m/W, respectively.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Stimulated Brillouin scattering

Controlled terms:Fiber Bragg gratings - Fiber optics - Frequency shift keying - Modulation - Photonic crystal fibers

Uncontrolled terms:Brillouin frequency shifts - Brillouin gain - Brillouin gain spectrum - Characteristic measurements - Fiber Bragg grating (fbg) - Mach-Zehnder electro-optic modulator - Single sideband modulation - Stimulated Brillouin

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 123>


Accession number:20122415111445

Title:Design and simulation of tilt mirror for space image stabilized system

Authors:Xu, Guangzhou (1); Ruan, Ping (1); Li, Fu (1); Lu, Di (1); Ge, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, G.(xgz_buaa@sina.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:As the core part of space image stabilized system, the main constraint of design and assembly for tilt mirror is tilt mirror component's performance parameter and the influence on mirror surface under the external load. According to the design constraint, the material of tilt mirror and fixing structure was selected and the lightweight design for tilt mirror and fixing structure was to be processed. In order to check the influence law of tilt mirror surface under external load, the assembly of tilt mirror was analyzed using contact nonlinear finite element method. The rigid displacement was eliminated by using opto-mechanical integrated simulation method based on Zernike polynomials and the surface parameter of tilt mirror after eliminating rigid displacement was gained. The simulation result demonstrates the rigid displacement obviously exists under the external load; piston term occupies the main aspects of the whole rigid displacement under the pretightening force; when the gravity is in the optical direction, the static load plays the dominating role on the surface change, otherwise the dynamic load plays the leading role under the dynamic load. On the basis of simulation, the tilt mirror parts were manufactured and assembled and the surface was also tested after assembling. The test result illustrates tilt mirror surface can satisfy the design requirement and also shows the rationality of the design of tilt mirror and validity of the simulation method.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Optical testing

Controlled terms:Design - Dynamic loads - Finite element method - Mirrors - Surfaces

Uncontrolled terms:Core part - Design and simulation - Design constraints - Design requirements - External loads - Integrated simulation method - Integrated simulations - Lightweight design - Mirror surfaces - Nonlinear finite element method  - Optomechanical - Performance parameters - Simulation methods - Space image - Static loads - Surface changes - Surface parameter - Surface simulations - Tilt-mirror - Zernike polynomials

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 408.1 Structural Design, General - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 951 Materials Science


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<RECORD 124>


Accession number:20124415631139

Title:Modular remote-controllable anisotropic focusing streak camera

Authors:Liu, Jie (1); Ding, Yongkun (2); Tian, Jinshou (1); Liu, Shenye (2); Cao, Xibin (1); Wen, Wenlong (1); Hu, Xin (2); Xu, Xiangyan (1); Wang, Junfeng (1); Dong, Gaiyun (1); Liu, Hulin (1); Wang, Chao (1); Zhang, Tie (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Research Center of Laser Fusion, CAEP, P. O. Box 919-986, Mianyang 621900, China; (3) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, J.(s09043@opt.cn)

Source title:Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams

Abbreviated source title:Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Office of High Power Laser and Particle Beams, P.O. Box 919-805, Mianyang, 621900, China

Abstract:Anisotropic focus electrodes and electric quadrupole lenses have been used to make a novel streak tube, whose physical temporal dispersion and edge spatial resolution are 0.38 ps and 56 lp/mm respectively. A modular remote-controllable system has been designed to control high voltage supply, environmental monitoring, deflection voltage switch and camera work mode. The Nd:YLF 8 ps pulsed laser was used to calibrate the performance index of the streak camera. The streak static and dynamic spatial resolution are 35 lp/mm and 25 lp/mm respectively. The dynamic range more than 950:1 and time resolution of 8 ps are reached. Furthermore, the magnifications in slit and scanning direction can be adjusted respectively. When the camera is coupled with KB microscope, it is convenient to select amplification needed.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Streak cameras

Controlled terms:Anisotropy - Electrostatic lenses - Image resolution - Modular construction - Optical transfer function - Remote control - Tubes (components)

Uncontrolled terms:Dynamic range - Electric quadrupoles - Environmental Monitoring - High voltage supply - Modularizations - Performance indices - Spatial resolution - Static and dynamic - Streak tubes - Temporal dispersion  - Time resolution - Work mode

Classification code:931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 742 Cameras and Photography - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 731.1 Control Systems - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components - 405.2 Construction Methods



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<RECORD 125>


Accession number:20122415104037

Title:Numerical simulation of the energy distribution characteristics in the far-field of the single-mode annular core optical fibers

Authors:Hui, Xiangyun (1); Duan, Kailiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Hui, X.

Source title:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Consum. Electron., Commun. Networks, CECNet - Proc.

Monograph title:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6201496



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012

Conference date:April 21, 2012 - April 23, 2012

Conference location:Three Gorges, China

Conference code:90025


Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The far-field intensity distribution characteristics of fundamental mode of the annular core optical fibers (ACF) are calculated theoretically based on the weak waveguide approximation in this paper. The simulation results demonstrate that provided the parameters of the ACF are designed properly, the ACF can realize single-mode operation. Besides, the beam will concentrate to the principal maximum position to form a central bright spot indicating great enhancement for the energy focusability of beam, which is valuable for the energy-demand applications in the far-field. These theoretical results possess great significance in designing and manufacturing ACF. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Optical fibers

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Consumer electronics - Electric power distribution

Uncontrolled terms:Bright spots - Energy distributions - Far-field - Far-field intensity distribution - Focusability - Fundamental modes - Single mode - Single mode operation - Theoretical result

Classification code:706.1.2 Electric Power Distribution - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing



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<RECORD 126>


Accession number:20124615672146

Title:A joint method based on wavelet and curvelet transform for image denoising

Authors:Wang, Hua (1); Cao, Jian-Zhong (1); Tang, Li-Nao (1); Zhou, Zuo-Feng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.(wangh0112@126.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Materials Science and Information Technology II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT 2012

Conference date:August 24, 2012 - August 26, 2012

Conference location:Xi'an, Shaan, China

Conference code:92642

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Wavelet transform is widely used and has good effect on image denoising. Wavelet transform has unique advantages in dealing with the smooth area of image but is not so perfect in high frequency areas such as the edges. However, curvelet transform can supply this gap when dealing with the high frequency areas because of the characteristic of anisotropy. In this paper, we proposed a new method which is based on the combination of wavelet transform and curvelet transform. Firstly, we detected the edges of the noisy-image using wavelet transform. Based on the edges we divided the image into two parts: the smoothness and the edges. Then, we used different transform methods to dispose different areas of the image, wavelet threshold denoising is used in smoothness while FDCT denoising is used in edges. Experimental results showed that we could get better visual effect and higher PSNR, which indicated that the proposed method is better than using wavelet transform or curvelet transform respectively. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Wavelet transforms

Controlled terms:Image denoising - Information technology - Materials science

Uncontrolled terms:Curvelet transforms - De-noising - High frequency - Image division PNSR - Joint method - Transform methods - Visual effects - Wavelet threshold

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 903 Information Science - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 127>


Accession number:20121114853078

Title:Design of data acquisition system for AOTF polarization spectral imaging instrument

Authors:Jiang, Qinghui (1); Qiu, Yuehong (1); Wen, Yan (1); Wang, Huan (1); Xu, Weixing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Jiang, Q.(jiangqinghui1@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:The hyper-spectral imaging with polarization is an emerging cross-technology. It has been the key topic to explore the technology in the aerospace, civil and other areas at home and abroad. In particular, imaging spectrometer based on acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) has many advantages compared with the traditional imaging spectrometers both in running mechanisms and in the design of instrument. By studying the principle of AOTF, the working process of AOTF polarization spectral imaging instrument which was used in the experiment was analyzed, the data acquisition system matching with the instrument was made and the system design process based on LabVIEW platform was discussed in detail. At the same time, the LabVIEW program design diagram of each module was given. The function of system was verified through actual scene test. The final result shows that the system can complete the image data collection efficiently and reliably, as well as controlling the hardware of the instrument correctly. In a way, it is of research and practical value for the system.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Instruments

Controlled terms:Acoustooptical effects - Data acquisition - Design - Dynamical systems - Polarization - Spectrometers - Spectrometry - Systems analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Acousto-optic tunable filters - Data acquisition system - Data collection - Hyperspectral Imaging - Image data collection - Imaging spectrometers - Key topics - LabViEW - LabVIEW program - Spectral imaging  - System design process - Working process

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 961 Systems Science - 921 Mathematics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 408 Structural Design - 801 Chemistry


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 128>


Accession number:20123615400646

Title:All-fiber normal-dispersion single-polarization passively mode-locked laser based on a 45-tilted fiber grating

Authors:Liu, Xianglian (1); Wang, Hushan (1); Yan, Zhijun (3); Wang, Yishan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Zhang, Wei (1); Zhang, Lin (3); Yang, Zhi (1); Hu, Xiaohong (1); Li, Xiaohui (1); Shen, Deyuan (1); Li, Cheng (1); Chen, Guangde (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Photonics Research Group, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom; (4) College of Energy Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:August 13, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:An all-fiber normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser with 45- tilted fiber grating (TFG) isto the best of our knowledgeexperimentally demonstrated for the first time. Stable linearly-chirped pulses with the duration of 4 ps and the bandwidth of 9 nm can be directly generated from the laser cavity. By employing the 45 TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dBoutput pulses with high polarization extinction ratio of 26 dB are implemented in the experiment. Our result shows that the 45 TFG can work effectively as a polarizerwhich could be exploited to singlepolarization all-fiber lasers. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Lasers - Passive mode locking - Polarization - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - All-fiber lasers - Fiber gratings - Passively mode-locked lasers - Polarization dependent loss - Polarization extinction ratio - Tilted fiber gratings - Yb-doped fiber lasers

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 129>


Accession number:20124215571670

Title:Finger capacitance of a terahertz photomixer in low-temperature-grown GaAs using the finite element method

Authors:Chen, Long-Chao (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Physics B

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Phys.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:104101



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:Interdigitated finger capacitance of a continuous-wave terahertz photomixer is calculated using the finite element method. For the frequently used electrode width (0.2 &mu;m) and gap width (1.8 &mu;m), the finger capacitance increases quasi-quadratically with the number of electrodes increasing. The quasi-quadratic dependence can be explained by a sequence of lumped capacitors connected in parallel. For a photomixer composed of 10 electrodes and 9 photoconductive gaps, the finger capacitance increases as the gap width increases at a small electrode width, and follows the reverse trend at a large electrode width. For a constant electrode width, the finger capacitance first decreases and then slightly increases as the gap broadens until the smallest finger capacitance is formed. We also investigate the finger capacitances at different electrode and gap configurations with the 8 &mu;m &times; 8 &mu;m photomixer commonly used in previous studies. These calculations lead to a better understanding of the finger capacitance affected by the finger parameters, and should lead to terahertz photomixer optimization. &copy; 2012 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Capacitance

Controlled terms:Electrodes - Finite element method

Uncontrolled terms:Continuous waves - Continuous-wave terahertz - Gap widths - Low-temperature-grown GaAs - Lumped capacitors - Photomixers - Tera Hertz

Classification code:701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 704.1 Electric Components - 921.6 Numerical Methods



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 130>


Accession number:20131116105363

Title:A method of identifying and locating encoded artificial points automatically in close range digital photogrammetry

Authors:Wang, Yongwang (1); Wu, Yiming (1); Zhao, Xiaojin (1); Yao, Zhen (1); Li, Chunyan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NO.17 Xinxi Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Y.(wangyongwang@opt.cn)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463246



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Using coding artificial point can match the homonymy points during multiple images automatically in the photogrammetry. A method of identifying and locating 8 bits encoded points automatically has been presented in this paper. The experimental results show that the accuracy of center coordinate of encoding point reaches sub-pixel level. And decoding method is simple. The robust of decoding and recognition rate is high. So it can meet the requirements of close range photogrammetry fully. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Photogrammetry

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Decoding - Image coding

Uncontrolled terms:Close range digital photogrammetry - Close range photogrammetry - Decoding methods - Multiple image - Recognition rates - Sub pixels

Classification code:405.3 Surveying - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 131>


Accession number:20124615671080

Title:Study on high sensitivity and low noise electro-optic terahertz detector

Authors:Chen, Long-Chao (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Chen, L.-C.(s09002@opt.cn)

Source title:Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Institute of Electronics, P.O. Box 165, Beijing, 100036, China

Abstract:An electro-optic terahertz (THz) detector with a newly-designed circuit was investigated. A pair of high-quality PIN photodiodes and a low-noise current-voltage conversion circuit were applied to convert the modulated probe laser to voltage signal. These two voltage signals were subsequently sent to a specially-designed differential amplifier with high common-mode-rejection-rate (CMRR) that largely restrain the noise of terahertz signal and avoid the disturbance of probe laser intensity. Then a band-pass filter was employed to control bandwidth and restrain noise of the detected signal. Finally, the weak THz signal was detected via a main amplifier. Experimental results show that the THz detector has high signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), teeny distortion and wide bandwidth, which fully satisfy the requirement of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS).

Number of references:12

Main heading:Signal to noise ratio

Controlled terms:Bandpass filters - Differential amplifiers - Disturbance rejection - Laser pulses - Lasers - Plasmons - Probes - Spectrophotometers - Terahertz spectroscopy - Voltage measurement

Uncontrolled terms:Electro-optic detection - Sensitivity - Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) - Terahertz - Terahertz time domain spectroscopy

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 931.1 Mechanics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 801 Chemistry - 732 Control Devices - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 713.1 Amplifiers - 703.2 Electric Filters - 744.1 Lasers, General



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<RECORD 132>


Accession number:20131416168601

Title:Thermal management for CCD peformance of one space telescope

Authors:Yang, Wengang (1); Wang, Yinghao (1); Feng, Liangjie (1); Wang, Chenjie (1); Ren, Guorui (1); Wang, Wei (1); Li, Chuang (1); Gao, Wei (1); Fan, Xuewu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, W.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84200P





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical System Technologies for Manufacturing and Testing

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96280

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A space telescope containing two CCD cameras is being built for scientific observation. The CCD detectors need to operate at a temperature below -65&amp;deg;C in order to avoid unacceptable dark current. This cooling is achieved through detailed thermal design which minimizes the parasitic load to 2K&times;4K array with 13.5 micron pixels and cools this detector with a combination of thermo electric cooler(TEC). This paper will describe detailed thermal design necessary to maintain the CCD at its cold operating temperature while providing the means to reject the heat generated by the TECs. It will focus on optimized techniques developed to manage parasitic loads including material selection, surface finishes and thermal insulation. The paper will also address analytical techniques developed to characterize TEC performance. Finally, analysis results have been shown the temperature of key parts. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Manufacture

Controlled terms:Charge coupled devices - Design - Optical systems - Space telescopes - Testing - Thermoelectricity

Uncontrolled terms:CCD detectors - Material selection - Operating temperature - Parasitic loads - Scientific observations - Surface finishes - Thermal designs - Thermoelectric cooler

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 615.4 Thermoelectric Energy - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 133>


Accession number:20120514729751

Title:Initialization independent clustering with actively self-training method

Authors:Nie, Feiping (1); Xu, Dong (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019-0015, United States; (2) School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore; (3) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Nie, F.

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6078436




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The results of traditional clustering methods are usually unreliable as there is not any guidance from the data labels, while the class labels can be predicted more reliable by the semisupervised learning if the labels of partial data are given. In this paper, we propose an actively self-training clustering method, in which the samples are actively selected as training set to minimize an estimated Bayes error, and then explore semisupervised learning to perform clustering. Traditional graph-based semisupervised learning methods are not convenient to estimate the Bayes error; we develop a specific regularization framework on graph to perform semisupervised learning, in which the Bayes error can be effectively estimated. In addition, the proposed clustering algorithm can be readily applied in a semisupervised setting with partial class labels. Experimental results on toy data and real-world data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed clustering method on the unsupervised and the semisupervised setting. It is worthy noting that the proposed clustering method is free of initialization, while traditional clustering methods are usually dependent on initialization. &copy; 2011 IEEE.

Number of references:39

Main heading:Clustering algorithms

Controlled terms:Cluster analysis - Supervised learning - Virtual reality

Uncontrolled terms:Active Learning - Bayes error - Class labels - Clustering methods - Data labels - Graph-based - initialization independent clustering - Partial data - Real world data - Regularization framework  - Self-training - Semi-supervised - Semi-supervised learning - Semi-supervised learning methods - spectral clustering (SC) - Toy data - Traditional clustering - Training sets

Classification code:721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications



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<RECORD 134>


Accession number:20121514937623

Title:Optical quantum random number generator based on the time randomness of single-photon pulse

Authors:Yan, Qiurong (1); Zhao, Baosheng (1); Liu, Yong'an (1); Sheng, Lizhi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yan, Q.(yanqiurong@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0327001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:An optical quantum random number generator based on the time randomness of single-photon pulse is proposed. A constant-intensity light source attenuating into single-photon state and a single photon detector are used to generate single-photon random pulses. The random bits are extracted by continuously comparing the time intervals between two adjacent pulses in the single-photon random pulses sequence. A random number generation rate of more than 10 M bit/s is obtained by designing high-speed single-photon detector based on micro-channel plate and field programmable gate arry (FPGA) based random bit extraction circuit. In order to reduce the correlation coefficient of random bit sequence, measurement accuracy of the time interval is improved by using a constant fraction discriminator and a frequency-multiplied counting clock. Correlation coefficient of the random bit sequence is less than 0.001, when the random bit generation rate is less than 10 k bit/s. The random bit sequences are tested by random number test program ENT and DIEHARD. The test results show that random bit sequences have good randomness, do not require post-processing and fully meet the standards of true random numbers.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Random number generation

Controlled terms:Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Image storage tubes - Light sources - Particle beams - Photodetectors - Quantum optics - Random processes

Uncontrolled terms:Bit extraction - Constant fraction discriminators - Correlation coefficient - Generation rate - High-speed single-photon detectors - Measurement accuracy - Micro channel plate - Post processing - Programmable Gate - Random bits  - Random number generators - Random Numbers - Randomness test - Single photon detection - Single photon state - Single-photon detectors - Single-photon pulse - Test program - Time interval

Classification code:932.1 High Energy Physics - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 922.1 Probability Theory - 744 Lasers - 741.1 Light/Optics - 721.3 Computer Circuits - 714.1 Electron Tubes



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<RECORD 135>


Accession number:20124415611288

Title:Fabrication and characteristic of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber with two big air holes structure

Authors:Xue, Xiaomin (1); Li, Weinan (1); Wang, Pengfei (1); Lu, Min (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate College of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Xue, X.(lumin@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Fiber and Integrated Optics

Abbreviated source title:Fiber Integr Opt



Issue date:September 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Taylor and Francis Inc., 325 Chestnut St, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106, United States

Abstract:In this article, polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fibers with two big air holes, which are based on a kind of multi-component glass, are fabricated by the capillary-stacking and drawing method. The microstructure of the small air holes is found to be well kept through a scanning electron microscope, even with a diameter close to 0.6 &mu;m. Numerical results show that the chromatic dispersion of the proposed fiber with a 125-&mu;m-diameter approaches zero at 1,550 nm. Meanwhile, experimental results display that the beat length of the same photonic crystal fiber is 3.6961 mm at 1,550 nm, and the related polarization extinction ratio and polarization mode dispersion is 17.23889 dB and 2.58321 ps, respectively. &copy; 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Optical fiber fabrication

Controlled terms:Fabrication - Measurements - Photonic crystal fibers - Scanning electron microscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Air holes - Beat length - Multicomponent glass - Numerical results - Polarization extinction ratio - Polarization maintaining - Polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber - Scanning Electron Microscope

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 951 Materials Science - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 812.3 Glass - 741.1 Light/Optics - 913.4 Manufacturing



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<RECORD 136>


Accession number:20122515138404

Title:Alignment method of coaxial eccentric-pupil three-mirror system

Authors:Zhang, Xuemin (1); Han, Juan (1); Duan, Jiayou (1); Wu, Mengyuan (1); Wei, Ruyi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wei, R.(ruyiwei@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Jiguang



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:0416003




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:In order to realize the high accuracy alignment of co-axial eccentric-pupil three-mirror system, and to improve the image quality, the micro-stress installation of large-aperture aspheric mirror and system benchmarking adjusting techniques are investigated. The optical calibration and mechanical calibration of primary mirror, secondary mirror and third mirror are unified by using optical alignment machining. The assembly of three mirrors, also the aberration adjustment of two-mirror system and three-mirror system are realized by the instruct of wavefront aberration distribution which is gained from Zygo interferometer. The pupil of coaxial three-mirror system is eccentric, and the sweeping direction is vertical with the linear charge coupled device (CCD) direction, the system astigmatism brought by the tilting of folded-axis mirror is removed by rotating the folded-axis mirror and trimming the neighboring circle. Alignment results indicate that the image quality targets of optical system's each field-view are achieved, the root mean square (RMS) of optical system is less than 0.07&lambda;, and the modulation transfer function (MTF) is larger than 0.57.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Aberrations - Alignment - Calibration - Charge coupled devices - Image quality - Optical systems - Remote sensing

Uncontrolled terms:Alignment methods - Aspheric mirrors - Co-axial - Eccentric-pupil - Large aperture - Linear charge coupled devices - Micro-stress - Optical alignments - Optical calibration - Primary mirrors  - Quality targets - Root Mean Square - Secondary mirror - Wavefront aberrations - Zygo interferometer

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 731.1 Control Systems - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 601.1 Mechanical Devices



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<RECORD 137>


Accession number:20131216134022

Title:An auto-focus algorithm based on maximum gradient and threshold

Authors:Mo, Chunhong (1); Liu, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Mo, C.

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6469961



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In order to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional auto-focus algorithms which are poor in real-time performance, weak in anti-noise capability and vulnerable to the influence of contrast and background pixels, this paper proposes an auto-focus algorithm based on maximum gradient and threshold. It introduces a threshold factor and takes a new kind of adaptive threshold to remove the pixels contaminated by noise and background in the image, then uses improved Sobel operators to extract maximum gray gradient after image preprocessing and calculates evaluation value. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good real-time performance, strong unimodality, high sensitivity and strong anti-noise capability. In addition, the algorithm is less influenced by contrast and background pixels of the image. It can also control the sensitivity and focusing range of the focusing function. So the proposed algorithm is most suitable for auto-focus subsystem of video monitoring and tracking system. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Image processing - Pixels

Uncontrolled terms:Anti noise - Auto-focus - Gradient - Sensitivity - Threshold

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 138>


Accession number:20131416173426

Title:Design and performance experiment of ultraviolet off-axis TMA system

Authors:Feng, Liangjie (1); Wang, Chenjie (1); Fan, Xuewu (1); Zhang, Haosu (1); Pang, Zhihai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Feng, L.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84173S





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96275

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:The limb UV radiation detection provides the information of atmosphere ultraviolet spectrum, so as to acquire the high resolution vertical distribution information of atmospheric trace gases and aerosol. Off-axis Three-mirror Anastigmat (TMA) system is adopted in limb UV radiation detection to increase horizontal space coverage. In this paper, opto- mechanical design of the system is introduced, and camera alignment is completed by computer aiding, then optical, mechanical and electrical combination as well as the optical performance test are carried out with the UV Image Intensifier. The camera's wavefront error of each field is close to design value after alignment, the resolution reaches 140lp/mm in visible light band, and 20lp/mm in UV band, which reaches the design limit of the UV Image Intensifier, the optical system could well meet the operational requirement. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Alignment - Cameras - Image intensifiers (solid state) - Manufacture - Optical resolving power - Optical testing - Ultraviolet radiation - Ultraviolet spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Atmospheric trace gas - Mechanical and electrical - Off-axis - Operational requirements - Performance experiment - Three-mirror anastigmats - Ultra-violet spectrums - Vertical distributions

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes



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<RECORD 139>


Accession number:20123915471540

Title:Design of optical element combining Fresnel lens with microlens array for uniform light-emitting diode lighting

Authors:Wang, Guangzhen (1); Wang, Lili (1); Li, Fuli (2); Kong, Depeng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, L.(liliwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision

Abbreviated source title:J Opt Soc Am A



Issue date:September 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:One kind of optical element combining Fresnel lens with microlens array is designed simply for LED lighting based on geometrical optics and nonimaging optics. This design method imposes no restriction on the source intensity pattern. The designed element has compact construction and can produce multiple shapes of illumination distribution. Taking square lighting as an example, tolerance analysis is carried out to determine tolerance limits for applying the element in the assembly process. This element can produce on-axis lighting and off-axis lighting. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Light emitting diodes

Controlled terms:Fits and tolerances - Geometrical optics - Lighting - Optical instrument lenses

Uncontrolled terms:Assembly process - Design method - Fresnel lens - Illumination distribution - LED lighting - Micro-lens arrays - Nonimaging optics - Off-axis - Source intensity - Tolerance analysis  - Tolerance limits

Classification code:601 Mechanical Design - 707 Illuminating Engineering - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 140>


Accession number:20124615672220

Title:The redevelopment of matrox meteor-II /digital image grabbing board with VC++

Authors:Liu, Caifang (1); Hu, Bingliang (1); Wang, Cailing (1); Liu, Lei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate University of CAS, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.(liucaifang206@sohu.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Materials Science and Information Technology II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT 2012

Conference date:August 24, 2012 - August 26, 2012

Conference location:Xi'an, Shaan, China

Conference code:92642

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In order to store real-time images, a digital image grabbing system is proposed in this paper. The principles and design of real-time image continuous grabbing, displaying and storing system are presented. It has been redeveloped based on Matrox Meteor-II /Digital Image Grabbing Board by the use of VC++, and the whole implementation was introduced by an example. The developed image capture software is given at the end of this paper. And this gives a new thought and platform for real-time image processing. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Information technology

Controlled terms:Image processing - Materials science

Uncontrolled terms:Continuous image grabbing - Digital image - Image captures - Image grabbing board - Real-time image processing - Real-time images - Redevelopment

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 903 Information Science - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 141>


Accession number:20121514940940

Title:Intelligent streak camera with OLED display

Authors:Zhang, Wenwen (1); Bai, Yonglin (1); Ouyang, Xian (1); Liu, Baiyu (1); Hou, Xun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, W.(zhangwen@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In order to make the streak camera more effective in some special circumstances, an intelligent UV picoseconds streak camera was designed, which was based on embedded computer PC-104, microcontroller 8051, and organic light emitting display (OLED). The streak camera control system was composed of digital control multiplied sweep circuit, working condition set circuit, strobe circuit for the image intensifier and adjustable high voltage power supply circuit. These circuits were implemented by embedded PC-104 via many interfaces, such as input/output (I/O) interface, analogue to digital (A/D) and digital to analogue (D/A) controller. The camera system was superior to conventional streak cameras in automatically adjusting the parameters, remote operating and system diagnostics. The experimental results show that the control system is stable, time resolution is up to 100 ps, and sweep nonlinearity is less than 5%.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Light emitting diodes

Controlled terms:Digital circuits - Digital control systems - Power supply circuits - Streak cameras

Uncontrolled terms:Camera control systems - Camera systems - Digital control - Embedded computers - High voltage power supply - Input/output interface - Non-Linearity - OLED - OLED displays - Organic light emitting display  - Picoseconds - System diagnostics - Time resolution - Working conditions

Classification code:703.1 Electric Networks - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 742.2 Photographic Equipment


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<RECORD 142>


Accession number:20125115822529

Title:Near backscatter light diagnostic system on SG-III prototype laser facility

Authors:Xu, Tao (1); Peng, Xiaoshi (1); Wei, Huiyue (1); Yan, Yadong (2); Wang, Feng (1); Liu, Shenye (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Research Center of Laser Fusion, CAEP, P.O. Box 919-986, Mianyang 621900, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, T.(xutzo@163.com)

Source title:Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams

Abbreviated source title:Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Office of High Power Laser and Particle Beams, P.O. Box 919-805, Mianyang, 621900, China

Abstract:Development of the near backscatter light diagnostic system is important to measuring the stimulated Brillouin and stimulated Raman scatter so that the near backscatter light fraction of the ICF drive laser will be determined. Based on SG-III prototype laser facility, a near backscatter light diagnostic system with an ellipsoidal mirror and other relay optics as core elements is designed and implemented on the facility. The whole system is well held and modulated by a portable configuration. Both the optical and mechanical design items are introduced in this paper. According to the experiment results, the system is credible and effective.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Backscattering - Lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Core elements - Coupling efficiency - Diagnostic systems - Ellipsoidal mirrors - Laser facilities - Light fraction - Mechanical design - Relay optics - Stimulated Brillouin - Stimulated Raman scatters

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.1 Lasers, General



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<RECORD 143>


Accession number:20124215565655

Title:Optical sorting of particles by dual-channel line optical tweezers

Authors:Ma, Baiheng (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Peng, Fei (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Lei, Ming (1); Rupp, Romano (3)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author:Ma, B.

Source title:Journal of Optics (United Kingdom)

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:105702




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:A novel configuration of dual-channel line optical tweezers with a Y shape is constructed for sorting of particles within a microfluidic chip. When yeast cells with different size pass the intersection of the specially designed line optical tweezers, they are separated and transported to different channels due to a difference in the forces exerted by the line tweezers that depends on the size of the cells. The influences of some experimental conditions, such as laser power and flow velocity, on the sorting efficiency are discussed. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:35

Main heading:Screening

Controlled terms:Fluidic devices - Optical tweezers

Uncontrolled terms:Different sizes - Dual channel - Experimental conditions - Laser power - Microfluidic chip - Optical sorting - Y shape - Yeast cell

Classification code:524 Solid Fuels - 732.1 Control Equipment - 744.9 Laser Applications



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<RECORD 144>


Accession number:20122915259951

Title:Space-based optical combination detection system of space non-cooperative target

Authors:Chang, Lingying (1); Chen, Rongli (2); Wen, Desheng (2); Zhao, Baochang (2); Lei, Guangzhi (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Engineering, Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunication, Xi'an 710121, China; (2) Xi'an Institute Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Chang, L.(sophia_chang@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In order to realize detection and imaging on the space-based non-cooperative space target, a space-based optical combination detection system of space non-cooperative target was presented. This combination detection system included two sets of optical subsystem and the turntable subsystem, and the imaging camera subsystem can acquire high resolution image of the key goal provided by wide field camera subsystem. The wide field camera subsystem can detect the space target in large range in LEO, and it also can continuous track and image target when the target is closed to 30 m-150 km. The optical combination detection system can realize survey of the target in the whole area or detailed survey of specific target with the turntable subsystems. By cooperation, these two subsystem could identify, track and image the target far and wide. It is very important for spacecraft safety when used for spacecraft anti-collision system.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Surveys

Controlled terms:Aerospace engineering - Electrical engineering - Imaging systems

Uncontrolled terms:Anticollision system - Detection system - High resolution image - Imaging camera - Non-cooperative space targets - Non-cooperative target - Optical combination - Optical sub-systems - Space targets - Space-based  - Spacecraft safety - Visible light - Wide field cameras

Classification code:405.3 Surveying - 658 Aerospace Engineering, General - 709 Electrical Engineering, General - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 746 Imaging Techniques


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<RECORD 145>


Accession number:20122915253146

Title:Observation of pulse trapping in a near-zero dispersion regime

Authors:Mao, Dong (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Lu, Hua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:July 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We report pulse trapping in passively mode-locked fiber lasers operating in a near-zero dispersion regime. Two polarization components of vector pulses have different central wavelengths while copropagating as a unit in fiber lasers. The vector pulses exhibit smooth Gaussian spectral profile without any sidebands, qualitatively distinct from those observed in net-anomalous and net-normal fiber lasers. Numerical simulations suggest that the pulse trapping depends not only on fiber birefringence and cavity dispersion but also on saturable absorption effect. The experimental observations are in good agreement with the numerical simulations. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Dispersion (waves)

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Fiber lasers - Passive mode locking

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Copropagating - Experimental observation - Fiber birefringence - Gaussians - In-fiber - Near-zero dispersions - Polarization components - Pulse trapping - Saturable absorption effects  - Spectral profile

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 723.5 Computer Applications - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers



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<RECORD 146>


Accession number:20123815454165

Title:Plasmonic nanosensor based on Fano resonance in waveguide-coupled resonators

Authors:Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Mao, Dong (1); Wang, Guoxi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxm@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:September 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We propose a plasmonic nanosensor based on Fano resonance in the strong-confinement metal-dielectric-metal waveguide side-coupled with a pair of nanoresonators. Due to the coherent interference of the splitting discrete and quasi-continuum modes, the reflection spectrum possesses a sharp asymmetric Fano resonance dip, which is dependent on the cavity-cavity phase and the refractive index change of the dielectric. The physical features contribute to a highly efficient plasmonic sensor for refractive index sensing. The nanosensor yields a sensitivity of &sim;900 nm/ RIU and a figure of merit of &sim;500, remarkable values compared with those of plasmonic sensors supported by perfect absorbers. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Plasmons

Controlled terms:Nanosensors - Refractive index - Resonance - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Coherent interference - Fano resonances - Figure of merits - Nanoresonators - Perfect absorber - Physical features - Plasmonic - Plasmonic sensors - Reflection spectra - Refractive index changes  - Refractive index sensing

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 761 Nanotechnology - 741.1 Light/Optics - 714.3 Waveguides - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 462 Biomedical Equipment


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<RECORD 147>


Accession number:20123115297042

Title:A novel weighted edge-directed and weighted-color-difference interpolation for demosaicking bayer-pattern color images

Authors:Bu, Fan (1); Qiao, Weidong (2); Qiu, Yuehong (1); Yang, Jianfeng (2); Yan, Xingtao (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Spectrum Imaging Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Bu, F.(bufan19860731@163.com)

Source title:Journal of Information and Computational Science

Abbreviated source title:J. Inf. Comput. Sci.



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Binary Information Press, Flat F 8th Floor, Block 3, Tanner Garden, 18 Tanner Road, Hong Kong

Abstract:Demosaicking is a process of obtaining a full-color image by interpolating missing color components of an image from CFA. This paper introduces a new interpolation algorithm for demosaicking Bayer-pattern color images. The first step is to estimate interpolation direction taking advantage of all adjacent pixels, and use calculated optimal weighting factors to carry on G channel interpolation. Then according to the weighted color-difference rule, R/B components are interpolated and G components are updated with more known pixels. Lastly, using variance-constrained condition, the iterative interpolation repeats until approaching the optimal results. Based on the experiments of 24 Kodak images, the performance of the proposed one outperforms various traditional algorithms both in numerical and visual aspects. It is shown that the proposed algorithm can lead to an improvement in PSNR of about 20.99%, and in &Delta;E<inf>ab</inf><sup>*</sup> of about 8.53%. Furthermore, this new algorithm has been applied on the images captured from panoramic camera and received excellent results. 1548-7741/Copyright &copy; 2012 Binary Information Press.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Interpolation

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Color - Color image processing - Colorimetry - Optimization - Pixels

Uncontrolled terms:Bayer-pattern - CIELAB - Demosaicking - Edge-directed - PSNR - Weighted-color-difference

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements


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<RECORD 148>


Accession number:20122915258794

Title:Polarization behavior of femtosecond laser written optical waveguides in Ti:Sapphire

Authors:Bai, Jing (1); Cheng, Guanghua (1); Long, Xuewen (1); Wang, Yishan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Chen, Guofu (1); Stoian, Razvan (3); Hui, Rongqing (4)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China; (3) Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR 5516 CNRS, Universit&#233; Jean Monnet, 42000 Saint Etienne, France; (4) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66044, United States

Corresponding author:Bai, J.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:July 2, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:Ultrashort pulsed laser photoinscription of Ti:Sapphire crystals may result in the self-organization of nanoscale material redistribution regions in regular patterns within the laser trace and stress-induced birefringence around the laser trace. We report on the formation of anisotropic optical waveguides in Ti:Sapphire by a procedure that involves femtosecond laser inscription of adjacent nonguiding birefringent traces with nanopatterned crosssections and the accumulation of stress birefringence in the region between. Double parallel line structures with a separation of 25&mu;m with vertical and horizontal nanoscale arrangements were written with a choice of orthogonal polarizations. Due to anisotropic light scattering on periodic nanostructures and stress-induced birefringence in the central zone, remarkable polarization dependent guiding effects were observed as a function of the microscopic geometry of the structures. Building on this polarization sensitivity, several structure such as 3 &times; 3 waveguide arrays, diamond and hexagon patterns are also investigated. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:26

Main heading:Polarization

Controlled terms:Anisotropy - Birefringence - Nanotechnology - Optical waveguides - Sapphire - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Central zone - Guiding effect - Hexagon pattern - Nano scale - Nano-scale materials - Orthogonal polarizations - Parallel line - Periodic nanostructure - Photoinscription - Polarization behavior  - Polarization sensitivity - Regular patterns - Stress birefringence - Stress induced birefringence - Ti:sapphire - Ti:sapphire crystal - Ultrashort-pulsed laser - Waveguide array

Classification code:482.2.1 Gems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.1 Lasers, General - 761 Nanotechnology - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids



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<RECORD 149>


Accession number:20125015795980

Title:Design of long-wave infrared scan system with large field and large aperture

Authors:Fan, Zheyuan (1); Yang, Hongtao (1); Qu, Enshi (1); Zhang, Jian (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Zhang, Zhi (1); Chen, Weining (1); Wu, Li (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Fan, Z.(fzy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Using 288 &times;4 detector with secondary imaging, a long-wave scan optical system with large field and large aperture working at 7.5-10.5 &mu;m was designed. The system had advantages of large aperture, high image quality etc. The number of F was 1.67, FOV was 28&deg; &times; 21&deg;, which extended to 78&deg; &times; 57&deg; after adopting scan mirror and dual-wedge prism. Because there were a limited number of lens materials used in MWIR spectral bands, to balance chromatic aberration, the ZnSe material and Germanium material were adopted, aspheres were adopted to balance sphere aberrations. The results show that the optical performance approximates to the diffraction limit and the design has better achromatic performance. The modulation transfer function (MTF) is above 0.3 at spatial frequency of 20 lp/mm and energy concentration ratio is greater than 70% within the sensing element of the detector.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Optical transfer function

Controlled terms:Aberrations - Diffraction - Germanium - Optical systems - Prisms

Uncontrolled terms:Aspheres - Chromatic aberration - Diffraction limits - Energy concentration - High image quality - Large aperture - Lens materials - Longwave infrared - MTF - MWIR  - Optical performance - Scan mirror - Sensing elements - Spatial frequency - Spectral band - Wedge prisms

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 804 Chemical Products Generally


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<RECORD 150>


Accession number:20131216133818

Title:Color fusion method for low-light-level and infrared images in night vision

Authors:Yang, Shaokui (1); Liu, Wen (1); Deng, Chan (1); Zhang, Xin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Yang, S.

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6469757



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The fusion of low-light-level image and infrared image can increase the reliability of interpretation since it combines the complementary information in multispectral images, and that a color fused image can improve human observer performance and reaction times. To obtain a color night vision image by dual band sensors (visible and infrared), we first adopt the false color fusion scheme by principles of biological opponent-color vision, then transfer the first order statistics of a natural color image (target image) to the false color fused image in a perceptually decorrelated YCbCr color space. In order to give prominence to targets and details in the result, we produce a grayscale fused image using principal component analysis of the visible and infrared images, and substitute it for the Y component during the color transfer procedure. Finally, we illustrated an example of the whole fusing process. The realistic, colorful and natural fused image demonstrates validity of the method. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Image fusion

Controlled terms:Color - Color vision - Infrared imaging - Principal component analysis - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Color transfers - False color - First-order statistics - Human-observer performance - Low-light-level image - Multispectral images - Natural color images - Ycbcr color spaces

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.2 Vision - 746 Imaging Techniques - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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<RECORD 151>


Accession number:20132916514915

Title:Ghost interference with pseudo-thermal light

Authors:Yao, Yin-Ping (1); Wan, Ren-Gang (1); Zhang, Shi-Wei (1); Song, Jia-Zheng (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:85541D






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II

Conference date:November 5, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Conference location:Beijing, China

Conference code:97673

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Chinese Optical Society (COS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Ghost imaging (correlated imaging) has been extensively investigated in recent years, both theoretically and experimentally. By using the second-order or high-order coherence properties of light field and the correlation measurement, ghost imaging was realized with quantum entangled light, pseudo-thermal light and even true thermal light. In this work, basing on the theory of statistical optics, we model the dynamic process of thermal variation, and obtain the ghost interference and ghost imaging by means of simulated calculation. In the later experiment, a pseudo-thermal source is firstly prepared by using a laser beam to pass through a rotating ground glass plate, and the parameters of the pseudo-thermal source are obtained via Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) experiment. With the pseudo-thermal light, we perform ghost interference. The experimental results demonstrate the accordance of numerical prediction. And our conclusion shows that the quality of ghost interference is influenced by the size of the pinhole in the reference path, the little pinhole due to a higher quality of ghost interference. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Electromagnetic wave interference

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Experiments - Imaging techniques - Nonlinear optics - Quantum entanglement

Uncontrolled terms:Coherence properties - Correlated imaging - Correlation measurement - Ghost interference - Numerical predictions - Pseudo-thermal source - Quantum entangled - Simulated calculation

Classification code:931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 901.3 Engineering Research - 746 Imaging Techniques - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 723.5 Computer Applications - 711 Electromagnetic Waves



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<RECORD 152>


Accession number:20122115058807

Title:Constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for image representation

Authors:Liu, Haifeng (1); Wu, Zhaohui (1); Li, Xuelong (2); Cai, Deng (3); Huang, Thomas S. (4)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, 38 ZheDa Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (3) State Key Lab of CAD and CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China; (4) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 405 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, United States

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(haifengliu@zju.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6072214




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a popular technique for finding parts-based, linear representations of nonnegative data. It has been successfully applied in a wide range of applications such as pattern recognition, information retrieval, and computer vision. However, NMF is essentially an unsupervised method and cannot make use of label information. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised matrix decomposition method, called Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (CNMF), which incorporates the label information as additional constraints. Specifically, we show how explicitly combining label information improves the discriminating power of the resulting matrix decomposition. We explore the proposed CNMF method with two cost function formulations and provide the corresponding update solutions for the optimization problems. Empirical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel algorithm in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches through a set of evaluations based on real-world applications. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:38

Main heading:Computer vision

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Supervised learning

Uncontrolled terms:clustering - Dimension reduction - Discriminating power - Empirical experiments - Image representations - Label information - Linear representation - Matrix decomposition - Nonnegative matrix factorization - Novel algorithm  - Optimization problems - Real-world application - Semi-supervised - Semi-supervised learning - State-of-the-art approach - Unsupervised method

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 153>


Accession number:20124315598031

Title:Advanced fuzzy PID composite control for stabilized platform system

Authors:Yu, Zhi (1); Cao, JianZhong (1); Yang, HongTao (1); Guo, HuiNan (1); Gao, Bo (1); Yang, Lei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi An, ShanXi Province, China

Corresponding author:Yu, Z.(yuzhi@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Mechatronics Autom., ICMA

Monograph title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6285746



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 9th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012

Conference date:August 5, 2012 - August 8, 2012

Conference location:Chengdu, China

Conference code:93173

Sponsor:IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; Harbin Institute of Technology; Kagawa University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The Stabilized platform is used for isolating the vibration and disturbance of carrier and ensuring the stability of the line of sight (LOS). Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control provides an efficient solution to control problems and make good performance in static precision. The fuzzy controller has good robust and is effective for the nonlinear time-varying system. Based on Advanced Scale Factor and Smooth Handover, this paper presents an Advanced Fuzzy PID Composite controller (A-FPID) to achieve high performance in static precision and dynamic characteristic for stabilized platform. Through the study on the A-FPID, the Scale Factor of defuzzification is adjusted by self-adaptive parameters to improve the control effects of fuzzy rules. A fuzzy switch is proposed when controller switches between fuzzy and PID to reduce non-smooth and jitter problems. The simulation results indicate that the A-FPID can obviously improve the system's dynamical performance and enhance its static precision for stabilized platform. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Controllers

Controlled terms:Time varying systems

Uncontrolled terms:A-FPID - Composite control - Composite controllers - Control problems - Defuzzifications - Dynamic characteristics - Dynamical performance - Fuzzy - Fuzzy controllers - Fuzzy switch  - Fuzzy-PID - Handover - Line of Sight - Non-smooth - Nonlinear time varying systems - Proportional integral derivative control - Scale Factor - Self-adaptive - Stabilized platform

Classification code:732.1 Control Equipment - 961 Systems Science



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<RECORD 154>


Accession number:20114814572142

Title:Investigation of quantum beatings at 608 cm<sup>-1</sup> and 70 cm <sup>-1</sup> in Rb vapor

Authors:Zhu, Changjun (1); He, Junfang (2); Zhai, Xuejun (1); Xue, Bing (1); Zhang, Chonghui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, School of Science, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710048, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, C.(cjzhu@xpu.edu.cn)

Source title:Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena

Abbreviated source title:Diffus Def Data Pt B


Monograph title:Liquid Crystals and Related Materials II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Symposium on Liquid Crystals: Science and Technology, LCST2011

Conference date:July 17, 2011 - July 19, 2011

Conference location:Changzhou, China

Conference code:87516

Sponsor:Changzhou University; National Science Foundation of China; Trans Tech Publications

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Kreuzstrasse 10, Zurich-Durnten, CH-8635, Switzerland

Abstract:Two coupled axially phase-matched parametric four-wave mixings have been achieved in Rb vapor by using broad bandwidth laser pulses. Coherent radiations at 420 nm produced by difference-frequency optical wave mixing processes were detected and a pump-probe scheme was employed to record time varying characteristics of the parametric four-wave mixing signals. Quantum beatings at 608 cm-1 and 70 cm-1 were retrieved from the time varying signals by Fourier transform. Moreover, time dependent Fourier transform was utilized to analyze the dynamics of quantum beatings. The results indicate that two wave packets associated with the two quantum beating frequency components interact strongly and the quantum beating dynamics can be controlled by adjusting Rb number density. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Four wave mixing

Controlled terms:Couplings - Crystals - Dynamics - Liquid crystals - Rubidium - Vapors - Wave packets

Uncontrolled terms:Broad bandwidths - Coherent radiation - Difference frequency - Frequency components - Number density - Optical wave mixing - Parametric four-wave mixing - Pump-probe scheme - Quantum beating - Rb vapors  - Record time - Time dependent - Time varying signal

Classification code:933.1 Crystalline Solids - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 931.1 Mechanics - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions - 549.1 Alkali Metals



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<RECORD 155>


Accession number:20131016087854

Title:Design of visible light switch-zoom lens of long effective focal length based on Newton system

Authors:Li, Gang (1); Zhang, Hengjin (1); Jiang, Kai (1); Yang, Xiaoxu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, G.(lg.lee@163.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:s122004




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:An example is given to explain the design of swith-zoom lens of the long effective focal length working in visible light waveband based on the Newton system. The derivation of the components' focal power and the calculation of the initial parameters are made. Two times imaging structure is adopted and field lens is used to match the pupil for the sake of making up the focal plane's changes because of object distance's differention. Focusing lens is applied and zoom is realized by switching in or out short effective focal length lens between long effective focal length lens and the detector's focal plane. In order to adjust coplane, a parallel path is set in the short effective focal length lens. The design of optimized aberration is made. The analysis of results at various fields is presented. Within 0.8 field of view, modulation transfer function (MTF) is greater than 0.4. From the results, the conclusion can be drawn that the project is rational and the imaging quality is good.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Focusing

Controlled terms:Optical design

Uncontrolled terms:Effective focal lengths - Field lens - Field of views - Focal Plane - Focusing lens - Imaging quality - Imaging structure - Initial parameter - Newton system - Object distance  - Parallel path - Visible light - Wavebands

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 156>


Accession number:20120214676675

Title:Research on the interlaced encoding pixels in Hadamard transform spectral imager based on DMD

Authors:Xu, Jun (1); Hu, Bing-Liang (1); Feng, Da-Zheng (3); Zhang, Wen (1); Yan, Peng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) National Lab for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China

Corresponding author:Hu, B.-L.(hbl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:The key innovation in Hadamard transform spectral imager (HTSI) introduced recently is the use of digital micro-mirror device (DMD) to encode spectral information. However, it brings some new problems for us to solve synchronously. An interlaced encoding phenomenon caused by the application of DMD to our HTSI was investigated and analyzed. These interlaced encoding pixels were not encoded based on Hadamard transform; therefore they should be processed specially in spectrum recovery. To improve the quality of the recovered spectral images, a positioning method and a decoding method for the interlaced encoding pixels were proposed. In our experiment, we first directed a beam of laser into our HTSI to fill the field of view and labeled the positions of the interlaced encoding pixels. Then we recorded two groups of the encoded images of the target by changing the positions of all the encoding channels on the DMD. The interlaced encoding pixels could be distinguished easily by observing the number of non-zero constants and zero elements in a column vector which is made up of the gray values of a pixel of the encoded images in sequence. The interlaced encoding pixels of the first group of the encoded images turned into the normal Hadamard encoding pixels of the second group of the encoded images. The interlaced encoding pixels of the first group of the encoded images can be decoded through applying inverse Hadamard transform to the corresponding pixels of the second group of the encoded images. The experimental results prove the feasibility of the decoding method.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Pixels

Controlled terms:Decoding - Encoding (symbols) - Image coding - Mathematical transformations

Uncontrolled terms:Decoding methods - DMD - Hadamard transform - Positioning methods - Spectral imager

Classification code:723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations

DOI:10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593 (2012) 01-0278-05


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<RECORD 157>


Accession number:20131816281290

Title:Spatial frequency multiplexing of fiber-optic interferometric refractive index sensors based on graded-index multimode fibers

Authors:Liu, Li (1); Gong, Yuan (1); Wu, Yu (1); Zhao, Tian (1); Wu, Hui-Juan (1); Rao, Yun-Jiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Lab of Optical Fiber Sensing and Communications (Education Ministry of China), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 611731, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Gong, Y.(ofsgon@gmail.com)

Source title:Sensors (Switzerland)

Abbreviated source title:Sensors



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:MDPI AG, Postfach, Basel, CH-4005, Switzerland

Abstract:Fiber-optic interferometric sensors based on graded-index multimode fibers have very high refractive-index sensitivity, as we previously demonstrated. In this paper, spatial-frequency multiplexing of this type of fiber-optic refractive index sensors is investigated. It is estimated that multiplexing of more than 10 such sensors is possible. In the multiplexing scheme, one of the sensors is used to investigate the refractive index and temperature responses. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the combined reflective spectra is analyzed. The intensity of the FFT spectra is linearly related with the refractive index and is not sensitive to the temperature. &copy; 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Refractive index

Controlled terms:Fast Fourier transforms - Fiber optic sensors - Fiber optics - Multimode fibers - Multiplexing - Refractometers - Sensors

Uncontrolled terms:Fabry Perot sensors - Fiber-optic interferometric sensor - Graded-index multimode fiber - Graded-Index Multimode fibers - Multiplexing schemes - Refractive index sensor - Spatial-frequency multiplexing - Temperature response

Classification code:921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 801 Chemistry - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 941.3 Optical Instruments - 741.1 Light/Optics - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications



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<RECORD 158>


Accession number:20131416168465

Title:Optical design of satellite laser communication integrative transceiver

Authors:Cheng, Yanyan (1); Fan, Xuewu (1); Zou, Gangyi (1); Yan, Peipei (1); Liu, Kai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Research Laboratory of Space Optics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cheng, Y.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84151F





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96278

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:According to technical requirements of satellite optical communication, a set of optical system of transmitter and receiver with a common optical antenna is designed at 850nm. We select a Cassegrain-type afocal off-axis system as the optical antenna structure. The entrance pupil diameter is 150 mm. The field of view of transmitter and receiver is &plusmn;100&mu;rad and &plusmn;5mrad, respectively. This optical system has a simple and feasible configuration. The design results show that system performances are acceptable. The MTF is close to the diffraction limit. The energy concentration ratios are more than 90% at 30&mu;m of diameter of circle. The RMS of wave front aberration is less than &lambda;/20. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Optical communication

Controlled terms:Diffraction - Manufacture - Mirrors - Optical design - Optical instruments - Optical systems - Optical telescopes - Telescopes - Testing - Transceivers  - Transmitters

Uncontrolled terms:Cassegrain - Energy concentration - Optical antennae - Satellite laser communication - Satellite optical communication - Technical requirement - Transmitter and receiver - Wavefront aberrations

Classification code:741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods



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<RECORD 159>


Accession number:20120314702529

Title:Enhanced open-circuit voltage of two side chain conjugated polythiophene derivatives blended with indene-C<inf>60</inf> bisadduct

Authors:Gao, Chao (1); Qu, Bo (3); Chen, Dong (1); Cong, Zhiyuan (1); Liu, Jianqun (1); Chen, Jian (1); An, Zhongwei (1); Chen, Zhijian (3); Xiao, Lixin (3); Wei, Wei (2); Gong, Qihuang (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; (4) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China

Corresponding author:Gao, C.(chaogao74@gmail.com)

Source title:Reactive and Functional Polymers

Abbreviated source title:React Funct Polym



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Two side chain conjugated polythiophene copolymer: poly[3-(5&prime;- octylthienylenevinyl) thiophene]-thiophene (P1) and poly{3-[4-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy) -phenylvinyl]-thiophene}-thiophene (P2) were synthesized. Polymer photovoltaic solar cells using P1 and P2 as donor and a high LUMO energy level fullerene derivative indene-C<inf>60</inf> bisadduct (IC<inf>60</inf>BA) as acceptor were demonstrated. The polymer solar cells (PSCs) based P1/IC<inf>60</inf>BA and P2/IC<inf>60</inf>BA showed enhanced open circuit voltage (V<inf>oc</inf>) of 0.89 and 0.88 V respectively, in comparison with that of P1/PC<inf>61</inf>BM and P2/PC<inf>61</inf>BM as 0.58 and 0.56 V, respectively. The improved V <inf>oc</inf> of IC<inf>60</inf>BA as acceptor in PSCs is benefited from the higher LUMO energy levels of the C<inf>60</inf> derivatives. The power conversion efficiency of the PSCs based on P1/IC<inf>60</inf>BA and P2/IC <inf>60</inf>BA were 0.32% and 0.35%, respectively. &copy; 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Conjugated polymers

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Heterojunctions - Open circuit voltage - Photovoltaic cells - Photovoltaic effects - Solar energy - Solar power generation - Thiophene

Uncontrolled terms:Bis-adducts - Bulk heterojunction - Fullerene derivative - Indene-C<inf>60</inf> bisadduct - LUMO energy levels - Polymer photovoltaics - Polymer Solar Cells - Polythiophene copolymers - Polythiophene derivatives - Power conversion efficiencies  - Side chain conjugated

Classification code:804.1 Organic Compounds - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 815.1.1 Organic Polymers - 702.3 Solar Cells - 615.2 Solar Power - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena



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<RECORD 160>


Accession number:20121915012818

Title:Theoretical prediction of three-dimensional shifting of a spherical focal spot in a 4Pi focusing system

Authors:Li, Ze (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Lei, Ming (1); Ma, Baiheng (1); Gao, Peng (1); Dan, Dan (1); Rupp, Romano (3)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author:Li, Z.

Source title:Journal of Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:055706




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:A spherical focal spot can be generated by focusing radially polarized laser beams in a 4Pi focusing system, which will result in an increase in axial resolution in microscopy or higher axial trapping efficiency. We demonstrate the possibility of continuous shifting of the spherical focal spot along the prescribed trajectory in three-dimensional space by suitably modulating the phase of the input fields at the pupil planes of the microscope objective lenses. This may provide an alternative to moving trapped particles or scanning a specimen without moving either laser beams or the stage. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Spheres

Controlled terms:Laser beams - Phase modulation - Polarization - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:Axial resolutions - Focal spot - Focusing system - Input field - Laser beam shaping - Microscope objective - Pupil planes - Radially polarized laser beam - Theoretical prediction - Three dimensional space  - Trapped particle - Trapping efficiencies

Classification code:631 Fluid Flow - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions - 902.1 Engineering Graphics



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<RECORD 161>


Accession number:20124315603730

Title:Double-mode refraction-type time-of-flight momentum (energy) mapping analyzer: Generalized theory

Authors:Wang, Chao (1); Kang, Yifan (2); Tian, Jinshou (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China

Corresponding author:Wang, C.(igodwang@gmail.com)

Source title:Optik

Abbreviated source title:Optik



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena, P.O. Box 100537, Jena, 07705, Germany

Abstract:Generalized theory about the double-mode refraction-type time-of-flight momentum (energy) mapping analyzer is presented, which was inaccurately termed as reflection-type one and partially discussed in our previous material published in Optik (Ref. [9]). Key issues of operation modes classification of o mode and e mode, the specific condition and salient features for each of them, and magnetic field choosing are detailed, together with some corrections on that Optik material. The provided example verifies the theory. &copy; 2011 Elsevier GmbH.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Mapping

Controlled terms:Refraction - Spontaneous emission

Uncontrolled terms:Double-mode - Generalized theory - Mapping analyzer - Operation mode - Refraction-type - Salient features - Time of flight - Time-of-flight spectrometer

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 902.1 Engineering Graphics



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<RECORD 162>


Accession number:20130716023290

Title:Real-time auto-focus system design based on climbing algorithm and its FPGA implementation

Authors:Zhang, Haifeng (1); Zhang, Zhaohui (1); Yang, Hongtao (1); Wu, Li (1); Tang, Linao (1); Zhu, Qing (1); Dong, Sen (1); Qin, Maoyuan (1); Lei, Yangjie (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, H.(Zhanghf99@163.com)

Source title:Proceedings of the 2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Intell. Secur., CIS

Monograph title:Proceedings of the 2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6405939



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Conference date:November 17, 2012 - November 18, 2012

Conference location:Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Conference code:95432

Sponsor:Xidian University; Beijing Normal University; EEE CPS

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In real-time imaging applications, the auto-focus algorithm and hardware structure must be adapted to the limited resources for fast and accurate real-time auto-focusing. In this paper, to obtain more precision, a new clarity evaluation function base on image's edge energy is proposed. Then, we present the corresponding FPGA hardware implementation which has simple structure. Additionally, utilizing the prior knowledge during the climbing process, a new climbing algorithm for the auto-focus which has the random start point is proposed. The experiment results show the proposed auto-focus algorithm can reduce the steps during the climbing and accelerate the auto-focus speed simultaneously. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:5

Main heading:Hardware

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Artificial intelligence - Function evaluation

Uncontrolled terms:Auto-focus - Auto-focus algorithm - Auto-focus system - Auto-focusing - Climbing algorithms - Edge energy - Evaluation function - FPGA implementations - FPGA-hardware implementation - Hardware structures  - Prior knowledge - Real-Time - Realtime imaging - Simple structures - Start point

Classification code:605 Small Tools and Hardware - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 921 Mathematics - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 163>


Accession number:20125015804814

Title:Design and optimize the supporting structure of large-diameter lightweight mirror

Authors:Chai, WenYi (1); Xie, YongJie (1); Wang, Wei (1); Wu, MengYuan (1); Fan, XueWu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Chai, W.(chaiwenyi@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Industrial Design and Mechanical Power

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanical Power, ICIDMP 2012

Conference date:July 10, 2012 - July 11, 2012

Conference location:Huangshan, China

Conference code:94260

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:This paper describe design and optimize of the lightweight primary mirror assemblies for the space telescope, aim at supporting structure of the primary mirror with an aperture of 530mm for the Cassegrain optical. We design three kinds of flexible support structure for the mirror, and numerical simulation analysis the accuracy of reflective shape for mirror assemblies on the ground test and in-orbit work environment, compare the results of analysis and optimize parameters of flexible structure, determine the final project and put it into production. The results show that the component should be aligned and tested in the same direction of the mirror optical axis and the gravity, the accuracy of reflective shape is PV&lt;&lambda;/25 and RMS&lt;&lambda; /125 (&lambda; = 632.8nm), under the state of&Delta;4&deg;C temperature change, the RMS&lt;&lambda;/234 (&lambda; = 632.8nm), the project meet design requirements of the optical system. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:3

Main heading:Optical testing

Controlled terms:Finite element method - Flexible structures - Mirrors - Optical systems - Optimization - Product design

Uncontrolled terms:Design requirements - Flexible supports - Ground tests - In-orbit - Large-diameter - Lightweight - Lightweight mirrors - Mirror assembly - Optical axis - Primary mirrors  - Supporting structure - Temperature changes - Work environments

Classification code:408.2 Structural Members and Shapes - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 913.1 Production Engineering - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 164>


Accession number:20124715698563

Title:Virtual source for an Airy beam

Authors:Yan, Shaohui (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Lei, Ming (1); Dan, Dan (1); Yang, Yanlong (1); Gao, Peng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:November 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We identify a virtual source for generating an Airy wave. A spectral integral expression is derived to describe the Airy wave, which, in the paraxial limit, yields the freely accelerating, nondiffracting, and finite energy Airy beam. From the spectral representation of the Airy wave, the first two orders of nonparaxial corrections to the paraxial Airy beam are determined. Also, aconnection between the obtained Airy wave and the well-known complex source point spherical wave is given. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Optoelectronic devices

Controlled terms:Optics

Uncontrolled terms:Airy waves - Complex source points - Finite energy - Nondiffracting - Nonparaxial - Paraxial - Paraxial limits - Spectral representations - Spherical waves - Virtual sources

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems


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<RECORD 165>


Accession number:20122715215296

Title:Improved bidirectional image registration based on Radon-SIFT

Authors:Bu, Fan (1); Qiu, Yuehong (1); Liu, Jinxia (1); Yan, Xingtao (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Spectrum Imaging Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Bu, F.(bufan19860731@163.com)

Source title:Journal of Computational Information Systems

Abbreviated source title:J. Comput. Inf. Syst.



Issue date:June 15, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Binary Information Press, P.O. Box 162, Bethel, CT 06801-0162, United States

Abstract:Aiming at the problems of large calculation, high complexity and long time-consuming in Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature matching algorithm, this paper proposes a novel bidirectional Radon-SIFT matching algorithm. Based on Radon transform, we make 36 beelines on different directions in local keypoints region. Along these 36 directions, we calculate Radon transform integral values which can be chosen as keypoints vector descriptors. 36-dimensional Radon-SIFT descriptors outweigh the standard 128-dimensional ones both in accuracy and efficiency. The other contribution of this paper is bidirectional matching algorithm. This improved algorithm introduces matching uniqueness constraint to further reduce matching error. To demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm, we apply it to natural images. Experimental results show greater accuracy and faster matching. &copy; 2012 Binary Information Press.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Image registration - Mathematical transformations - Radon

Uncontrolled terms:Bidirectional matching - Descriptors - Feature matching algorithms - Improved algorithm - Integral values - Keypoints - Matching algorithm - Matching error - Natural images - Radon Transform  - Radon-SIFT - Scale invariant feature transforms - SIFT

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations


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<RECORD 166>


Accession number:20121915012814

Title:Wavelength conversion, time demultiplexing and multicasting based on cross-phase modulation and four-wave mixing in dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber

Authors:Hui, Zhan-Qiang (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) Xian University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xian 710061, China; (3) Department of Engineering and Design, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Hui, Z.-Q.(zhanqianghui@xupt.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:055402




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:We propose the use of cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM) in dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers (HNL-PCFs) to implement the functionalities of wavelength conversion, simultaneous time demultiplexing and wavelength multicasting in optical time-division multiplexing (OTDM) systems. The experiments on wavelength conversion at 80Gbits<sup>1</sup>and OTDM demultiplexing from 80 to 10Gbits <sup>1</sup> with wavelength multicasting of two channels are successfully demonstrated to validate the proposed scheme, which are carried out by using two segments of dispersion-flattened HNL-PCFs with lengths of 100 and 50m, respectively. Moreover, the bit error rate (BER) performance is also measured. The results show that our designed system can achieve a power penalty of less than 4.6dB for two multicasting channels with a 24nm wavelength span at the BER of 10<sup>9</sup> when compared with the 10 Gbit/s back-to-back measurement. The proposed system is transparent to bit rate since only an ultrafast third-order nonlinear effect is used. The resulting configuration is compact, robust and reliable, benefiting from the use of dispersion-flattened HNL-PCFs with short lengths. This also makes the proposed system more flexible in the operational wavelengths than those based on dispersion-shifted fibers and traditional highly nonlinear fibers. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Multicasting

Controlled terms:Demultiplexing - Dispersion (waves) - Fibers - Four wave mixing - Optical frequency conversion - Phase modulation - Photonic crystal fibers - Time division multiplexing

Uncontrolled terms:10-Gbit/s - Bit error rate (BER) performance - Bit rates - Cross-phase modulations - Dispersion shifted fibers - Highly nonlinear fibers - Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber - Optical time division multiplexing - Power penalty - Third-order nonlinear effect  - Two channel - Ultra-fast - Wavelength multicasting

Classification code:817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 951 Materials Science - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 717 Optical Communication



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<RECORD 167>


Accession number:20120414713041

Title:Automatic white balance of digital camera based on global probability distribution

Authors:Guo, Huinan (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Guo, H.(s09068@opt.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 International Conference on Material Science and Information Technology, MSIT2011

Conference date:September 16, 2011 - September 18, 2011

Conference location:Singapore, Singapore

Conference code:88150

Sponsor:Singapore Institute of Electronics

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:The white balance is an important parameter of digital camera which makes a great impact on the application of digital cameras. However, due to the limitations of hardware of digital camera, the output image of digital camera cannot restore true colors of the objects under the different light sources conditions. And existing automatic white balance (AWB) algorithms have many application restrictions, particularly the single color image, the algorithms always failure to adjust. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an optimized algorithm based on the gray world assumption and HSI color model. According to the R, G and B color components probability distribution, the algorithm adjusts the image by using the difference value of color. Experimental results show that our algorithm can adjust images in complex situations; meanwhile these confirm that this method is not only effective, but also has the advantage of easy realization. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Probability distributions

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Color - Color image processing - Digital cameras - Information technology - Light sources - Materials science - Video cameras

Uncontrolled terms:Automatic white balance - AWB - Color component - Color images - Color models - Color temperature - Difference value - Gray world assumption - Optimized algorithms - True colors  - White balance

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 922.1 Probability Theory - 921 Mathematics - 903 Information Science - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.1 Light/Optics - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications



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<RECORD 168>


Accession number:20124415613028

Title:Tunable high-channel-count bandpass plasmonic filters based on an analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency

Authors:Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Wang, Guoxi (1); Mao, Dong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lu, H.

Source title:Nanotechnology

Abbreviated source title:Nanotechnology



Issue date:November 9, 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:444003





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:We have proposed a novel type of bandpass plasmonic filter consisting of metal-insulator-metal bus waveguides coupled with a series of side-coupled cavities and stub waveguides. The theoretical modeling demonstrates that our waveguide-resonator system performs a plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in atomic systems, as is confirmed by numerical experiments. The plasmonic EIT-like response enables the realization of nanoscale bandpass filters with multiple channels. Additionally, the operating wavelengths and bandwidths of our filters can be efficiently tuned by adjusting the geometric parameters such as the lengths of stub waveguides and the coupling distances between the cavities and stub waveguides. The ultracompact configurations contribute to the achievement of wavelength division multiplexing systems for optical computing and communications in highly integrated optical circuits. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Waveguide filters

Controlled terms:Bandpass filters - Multiplexing equipment - Optical data processing - Plasmons - Quantum optics - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Atomic system - Band pass - Bus waveguides - Electromagnetically-induced transparency - Geometric parameter - Highly integrated - Metal insulator metals - Multiple channels - Nano scale - Numerical experiments  - Operating wavelength - Plasmonic - Theoretical modeling - Wavelength-division multiplexing system

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 703.2 Electric Filters - 714.3 Waveguides



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<RECORD 169>


Accession number:20131416173403

Title:New measurement of the alignment of the deployable telescope

Authors:Feng, Xuegui (1); Li, Chuang (1); Zhao, Chao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian, 710119, China; (2) Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

Corresponding author:Feng, X.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:841735





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96275

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:As one type of the deployable telescope, the deployable space telescope under researching uses tape springs as the support structure of secondary mirror. Before launch, the support structure of secondary mirror is folded, and when on orbit the structure is deployed. Usually the secondary mirror is not on the nominal position after deploying, so the alignment of the secondary mirror is needed. To achieve this we need to obtain the deployment errors. So the measuring of secondary mirror deployment errors of thus deployable telescope is an important topic. In this paper, we designed an accurate measuring system based on position sensitive detectors (PSDs) to measure the deployment errors, through measuring the six-degree-of-freedom motions of the secondary mirror. The measuring system contains 3 twodimensional PSDs, 3 laser diodes and 3 small mirrors. In order to resolve the deployment errors, the equations linking the PSD readings and the six-degree-of-freedom displacement of the secondary mirror were deduced. These equations are solved through a numerical method. Finally, we did measuring experiments on a deployable prototype. The experimental results show that this deployable prototype has deployment errors about 100um. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Alignment - End effectors - Errors - Ground supports - Manufacture - Measurements - Optical telescopes - Optical testing - Space telescopes

Uncontrolled terms:3-dimensional - Deployable telescopes - Measuring systems - Position-Sensitive Detectors - Secondary mirror - Six-degree-of-freedom - Support structures - Tape springs

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 921 Mathematics - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 483 Soil Mechanics and Foundations - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications



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<RECORD 170>


Accession number:20123815452193

Title:Observation of dual-wavelength dissipative solitons in a figure-eight erbium-doped fiber laser

Authors:Yun, Ling (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Mao, Dong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:September 10, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We report on the generation of dual-wavelength dissipative solitons (DSs) in a passively mode-locked figure-eight fiber laser operating in the net-normal dispersion regime. DSs with central wavelengths of 1572 and 1587 nm can be achieved simultaneously or respectively. The dualwavelength DSs, traveling at different round-trip time, exhibit doublerectangular spectral profile. The intensities of two mode-locked spectra decrease or increase simultaneously after passing through a polarization beam splitter, indicating that the dual-wavelength DSs almost share the same polarization state. Experimental results demonstrated that dualwavelength mode locking strongly depends on birefringence-induced filtering effect. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Passive mode locking - Polarization - Solitons

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Dissipative solitons - Dual-wavelength - Dual-wavelength mode locking - Erbium doped fiber laser - Filtering effects - Mode-locked spectra - Passively mode-locked - Polarization beam splitters - Polarization state  - Round-trip time - Spectral profile

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 171>


Accession number:20131516202253

Title:Noise of CCD reduction based on three-D noise model

Authors:Lin, Hui (1); Tian, Xinfeng (1); Su, Xiuqin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Communication Ave, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lin, H.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:85582J





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology II

Conference date:November 5, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Conference location:Beijing, China

Conference code:96407

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); COS - Chinese Optical Society

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:This paper proposed proper noise reduction methods for the two different noises (i.e. temporal noise and special noise) based on the 3-D noise model of scientific-grade CCD. Noise reduction calculations have been made with these methods. The results show that these methods are effective for the reduction of temporal noise and spatial noise. The experimental data have verified the effectiveness of these methods for scientific-grade CCD. &copy; Copyright SPIE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Noise abatement

Controlled terms:Multimedia systems

Uncontrolled terms:3-D noise model - Experimental datum - Noise models - Noise reduction methods - Spatial noise - Temporal noise

Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications - 751.4 Acoustic Noise



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<RECORD 172>


Accession number:20122915258827

Title:Phase contrast microscopy with fringe contrast adjustable by using grating-based phase-shifter

Authors:Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Gao, Peng (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zheng, J.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:July 2, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:Abstract: In this paper a new phase contrast method with fringe contrast adjustable is proposed. In the Fourier plane of the object wave, two Ronchi gratings i.e., a central grating and a surrounding grating, are used to modulate the phases of the undiffracted and diffracted components, respectively. By loading the two gratings separately on spatial light modulator, the undiffracted and diffracted components can be measured independently, which simplify greatly the reconstruction process. Besides, the fringe contrast of the phase contrast interferogram can be adjusted by changing the modulation depth of the two gratings. The feasibility of the proposed method is verified by theoretical analysis and experiment. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Loading

Controlled terms:Optical constants - Optics

Uncontrolled terms:Fourier planes - Fringe contrasts - Interferograms - Modulation depth - Object waves - Phase contrast method - Phase contrasts - Phase-contrast microscopy - Reconstruction process - Ronchi grating  - Spatial light modulators

Classification code:672 Naval Vessels - 741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 173>


Accession number:20131416168546

Title:Kinematical analysis of one-axis polisher - Acting on spherical mirror

Authors:Xu, Liang (1); Ding, Jiao-Teng (1); Ma, Zhen (1); Chen, Qin-Fang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics, Precision Mechanics of CAS, Shannxi Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, L.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84162H





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96279

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A three-dimensional kinematic model of spherical mirror is developed by coordinate transformation theory. Based on the model and Preston equation, material removal rate for polishing with constant pressure can be obtained. Then the fitted parameters are determined for special process tools (pentagon tool and Uniform Removal Tool), Conclusions beneficial to glass polishing in practice are arrived. The simulate results can describe visually the material removal law of mirror under so many kinematic parameters. The work discussed above is of importance to polish flat mirror, spherical mirror and aspheric mirror with one-axis polisher. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Kinematics - Manufacture - Polishing - Spheres - Testing - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:Aspheric mirrors - Co-ordinate transformation - Kinematical analysis - One-axis polisher - Spherical mirror

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 631 Fluid Flow - 604.2 Machining Operations - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods



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<RECORD 174>


Accession number:20121514940938

Title:Method for improving wavefront detection accuracy based on high moment

Authors:Xia, Aili (1); Ma, Caiwen (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Xia, A.(xia_aili@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:The accuracy of the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for measuring the distortion wavefront is mainly dependent upon the measurement accuracy of the centroid of focal spot. An improved centroid measurement approach was presented which calculated the centroid of focal spot more precisely using the higher moment centroid method in an optimized detection window. Firstly, the approximate center of the focal spot by the first moment centroid algorithm in the whole sub-aperture was obtained. Secondly, a rectangular window including the whole focal spot was established, whose center was just the obtained approximate center. Finally, the centroid of focal spot by the higher moment centroid algorithm in the optimized window was calculated again. Based on the improved method, the effects of various noises out of the optimized detection window were almost eliminated. Furthermore, the noise influences in the optimized detection window were also weakened due to the more contributions of the focal spot intensity. The experimental results demonstrate that the precision, repeatability and stability of the centroid measurement of focal spot are more prominent than the results obtained via other commonly centroid methods.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Optimization

Controlled terms:Adaptive optics - Wavefronts

Uncontrolled terms:Centroid algorithm - Centroid calculation - Centroid method - Detection accuracy - Detection windows - First moments - Focal spot - High moment - Higher moments - Improved methods  - Measurement accuracy - Noise influence - Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors - Subaperture

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 731.1 Control Systems - 921.5 Optimization Techniques


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 175>


Accession number:20123715424639

Title:Decoding method for the spectral mixing pixels in Hadamard transform spectral imager

Authors:Xu, Jun (1); Hu, Bingliang (1); Feng, Dazheng (3); Fan, Xiaohui (4); Qian, Qingming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) National Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (4) School of Foreign Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Xu, J.(xjsdcq@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:A sort of engineering Hadamard transform spectral imager based on DMD was introduced. Because the size of individual micromirrors did not match the pixel size of the detector, or for other unavoidable errors in the optical design and the system assembling, a sort of spectral mixing phenomenon appeared on some pixels of the encoded images acquired from the detector. Their encoding principle was described and analyzed. The analysis demonstrated that these spectral mixing pixels could not be decoded by inverse Hadamard transform directly. To decode these spectral mixing pixels accurately and improve the quality of the decoded spectral images, a decoding method for these spectral mixing pixels of the encoded images was proposed. Firstly, a decoding coefficient for the spectral mixing pixel was gotten by directing a beam of laser into the spectral imager to fill the field of view. Then the coefficient was brought into the encoding equation of the spectral mixing pixel to decode all the spectral elements. The experimental results prove the feasibility of the decoding method.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Pixels

Controlled terms:Decoding - Encoding (symbols) - Mathematical transformations - Mixing - Optical design

Uncontrolled terms:Decoding methods - DMD - Hadamard transforms - Spectral imager - Spectral mixing

Classification code:723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations


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<RECORD 176>


Accession number:20123715424658

Title:Sub-pixel image motion measurement of space camera based on JTC-CDMA

Authors:Yi, Hongwei (1); Li, Yingcai (1); He, Tianbin (1); Li, Xuyang (1); Zhao, Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China

Corresponding author:Yi, H.(yi_hongwei@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:The optical joint transform correlator (JTC) is an effective technical means of image motion measurement of the pushbroom space camera. JTC-CDMA is an improved optical joint transform correlator which can reduce the space-bandwidth product and separate the autocorrelation peak and cross correlation peak effectively, and is helpful to miniaturization. The basic principles of JTC-CDMA were analyzed and the problems in image motion measurement by JTC-CDMA were discussed. Aiming at these problems, a new method was proposed. The feasibility of this method was evaluated and analyzed by computer simulation. The simulation results show that the RMS error of image motion measurement can be controlled below 0.1 pixels in two directions, which could meet the requirement of the space camera.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Measurements

Controlled terms:Cameras - Code division multiple access - Computer simulation

Uncontrolled terms:Basic principles - Cross correlations - Image motion - JTC - Optical joint transform correlator - Pushbroom - RMS errors - Space cameras - Space-bandwidth product - Sub pixels  - Two directions

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 723.5 Computer Applications - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 177>


Accession number:20124815723856

Title:Theory and method for designing field-widened prism of spatial heterodyne spectrometer

Authors:Feng, Yutao (1); Bai, Qinglan (1); Wang, Yongmei (2); Hu, Bingliang (1); Wang, Shu'na (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics Precision Mechanic of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; (3) College of Science, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China

Corresponding author:Feng, Y.(fytciom@126.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:1030001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:It is one of the most important methods to use field-widened prism to increase the throughput or sensitivity for spatial heterodyne spectrometer. This paper borrows idea from the basic principle of traditional Fourier transform spectrometer with field-widened and combines the characteristics of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy, a method based on numerical reduction to design the field-widen prism of spatial heterodyne spectrometer is proposed. The optimum apex angle of field-widened prism and the maximum field are analyzed with certain Littrow angles and scene wave-numbers. The results indicate that numerical induction method can find the optimum solution of prism apex angle by judging the effect of all orders of field angle on the phase difference. Compared with the results obtained by theoretical deduce method, the maximum field angle along dispersive principal cross section increases by 10%-30%, and the numerical induction method is simple and obvious, the influencing factors on the maximum field angle can be analyzed in the process of optimizing field-widened prism angle.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Spectrometers

Controlled terms:Heterodyning - Numerical analysis - Numerical methods - Prisms - Spectrometry - Spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Apex angles - Basic principles - Field angle - Field-widened - Fourier transform spectrometers - Induction method - Littrow - Maximum field angles - Optimum solution - Phase difference  - Prism angles - Spatial heterodyne - Spatial heterodyne spectroscopies - Theory and methods - Wave numbers

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 801 Chemistry - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 178>


Accession number:20120714769695

Title:Wavelength-switchable and wavelength-tunable all-normal-dispersion mode-locked yb-doped fiber laser based on single-walled carbon nanotube wall paper absorber

Authors:Li, Xiao-Hui (1); Wang, Yong-Gang (3); Wang, Yi-Shan (1); Hu, Xiao-Hong (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Liu, Xiang-Lian (1); Yu, Jia (1); Gao, Cun-Xiao (1); Zhang, Wei (1); Yang, Zhi (1); Li, Cheng (1); Shen, De-Yuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Corresponding author:Li, X.-H.

Source title:IEEE Photonics Journal

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Photon. J.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6129382



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:We demonstrate a compact wavelength-tunable and -switchable mode-locked Yb-doped fiber (YDF) laser based on single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) wall paper absorber. Two mechanisms coexist in the fiber cavity. The switchable mode-locked state can be obtained between two wavelengths depending on the fiber-loop-induced cavity birefringence. Because of the intensity-dependent transmission distribution, the proposed fiber laser can be operated in the tunable wavelength mode-locked state from 1025 to 1037 nm. The spectral bandwidth varied from 1.1 to 2.4 nm depending on the operating wavelength and the pump power with pulse duration of hundreds of picoseconds. The average wavelength spacing is 3.6 nm, which can be changed, corresponding to the birefringence of the fiber cavity. Moreover, stable wavelength-tunable mode locking is obtained at room temperature. &copy; 2009 IEEE.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Mode-locked fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Birefringence - Fiber lasers - Laser tuning - Optical pumping - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Confined systems - Fiber cavity - Intensity-dependent - Mode-locked - Mode-locked laser - Operating wavelength - Picoseconds - Pulse durations - Pump power - Room temperature  - Single-walled carbon - Spectral bandwidth - Switchable - Tunable wavelength - Two wavelength - Wavelength spacing - Wavelength tunable - Yb-doped fiber lasers - Yb-doped fibers

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 179>


Accession number:20123715431662

Title:An alignment of primary and secondary mirrors for optical system in large telescopic

Authors:Han, Juan (1); Duan, Jiayou (1); Chen, Jianjun (1); Zhang, Jun (2); Kang, Jian (1)

Author affiliation:(1) System Department, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Navigation Department, Xi'an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China

Corresponding author:Han, J.(hanjuan7927@sohu.com)

Source title:Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Jiguang



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0716001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:In order to realize the alignment of primary and secondary mirrors in large aperture telescopic system and improve optical imaging quality, a new method for adjusting comparative position and pose between primary and secondary mirrors is introduced named high-precision alignment machining. Other than a traditional method of adjusting washer, the method can eliminate astigmatism aroused from inclination between primary and secondary mirrors, and coma aberration aroused from secondary mirror's eccentricity at the same time. The method reduces the alignment difficulty markedly and avoids systemic instability. In addition, a new method for primary and secondary mirrors test is established by combination of interference auto-collimating tests and cross wire application which replaces optical axis. The alignment and test's result from the &Phi;520 mm primary and secondary mirrors shows that root-mean-square (RMS) value of wave aberration hardly changes before and after assembling, and is entirely less than 0.03&lambda; (&lambda;=632.8 nm), axial angles swaying in primary and secondary mirrors are 0.72&Prime; and 2&Prime;, respectively, the verticalities of two mirrors optical axis and respective frames are less than 0.005 mm, primary and secondary mirrors's concentricity is less than 0.01 mm, and the RMS value of the system is less than 0.7 &lambda; after interation, which achieves design requirements.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Optical testing

Controlled terms:Imaging systems - Mirrors - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Cross-wire - Design requirements - High-precision - Large aperture - Optical axis - Optical imaging - Root mean squares - Secondary mirror - Telescopic systems - Two mirrors  - Wave aberrations

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 180>


Accession number:20124415618870

Title:Beyond spatial pyramids: A new feature extraction framework with dense spatial sampling for image classification

Authors:Yan, Shengye (1); Xu, Xinxing (1); Xu, Dong (1); Lin, Stephen (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; (2) Microsoft Research Asia, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Corresponding author:Yan, S.(syyan@ntu.edu.sg)

Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Abbreviated source title:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.

Volume:7575 LNCS

Issue:PART 4

Monograph title:Computer Vision, ECCV 2012 - 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:12th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2012

Conference date:October 7, 2012 - October 13, 2012

Conference location:Florence, Italy

Conference code:93332

Sponsor:Google; National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC); Adobe; Microsoft Research; Mitsubishi Electric

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:We introduce a new framework for image classification that extends beyond the window sampling of fixed spatial pyramids to include a comprehensive set of windows densely sampled over location, size and aspect ratio. To effectively deal with this large set of windows, we derive a concise high-level image feature using a two-level extraction method. At the first level, window-based features are computed from local descriptors (e.g., SIFT, spatial HOG, LBP) in a process similar to standard feature extractors. Then at the second level, the new image feature is determined from the window-based features in a manner analogous to the first level. This higher level of abstraction offers both efficient handling of dense samples and reduced sensitivity to misalignment. More importantly, our simple yet effective framework can readily accommodate a large number of existing pooling/coding methods, allowing them to extract features beyond the spatial pyramid representation. To effectively fuse the second level feature with a standard first level image feature for classification, we additionally propose a new learning algorithm, called Generalized Adaptive &ell;<inf>p</inf> -norm Multiple Kernel Learning (GA-MKL), to learn an adapted robust classifier based on multiple base kernels constructed from image features and multiple sets of pre-learned classifiers of all the classes. Extensive evaluation on the object recognition (Caltech256) and scene recognition (15Scenes) benchmark datasets demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art image classification algorithms under a broad range of settings. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag.

Number of references:45

Main heading:Computer vision

Controlled terms:Aspect ratio - Feature extraction - Genetic algorithms - Image classification - Learning algorithms - Object recognition

Uncontrolled terms:Benchmark datasets - Extraction method - Feature extractor - Image classification algorithms - Image features - Level of abstraction - Local descriptors - Multiple Kernel Learning - Multiple set - Reduced sensitivity  - Scene recognition - Second level - Sliding Window - Spatial Pyramid - Spatial sampling - Window-based

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 181>


Accession number:20121915007917

Title:Design of freeform surface LED reflectors for uniform illumination based on compensation method

Authors:Yan, Xingtao (1); Yang, Jianfeng (1); Zhang, Guoqi (3); Bu, Fan (1); Zhang, Lei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Xi'an ZKMT Electronic Technology Equipment Co. Ltd., Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, X.(xingtao.yan@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:According to the design principle of ideal light source, a method to obtain freeform surface generatrix based on energy compensation and coordinate iteration was proposed. Freeform surface LED reflectors for uniform illumination were designed. Firstly, the geometrical model of illumination system was established in two-dimensional coordinate system, in order to get uniform illumination. The directly incident energies were compensated by the reflected rays. Concretely, the rays were refected into the upper verge of the reflector to the verge area of the target plane, and go down to the bottom of the reflector along with the rays, approaching the middle of the target plane. Based on Snell equation and geometrical relation, choosing the point on the top of freeform surface generator as the initial point, the coordinates of all points on the freeform surface generator were obtained by iteration method, which could be rotated or extended into the freeform surface. The simulations of the designed LED reflectors with Tracepro software show that the illumination uniformity of either the circle or the square target plane is higher than 85%, and the energy efficiency which was affected only by the LED's emitting angle and the reflectivity of the reflector surface can be high. These peculiarity enable LED light source to be applied in wide range lighting system.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Light emitting diodes

Controlled terms:Energy efficiency - Inertial confinement fusion - Light sources - Reflection

Uncontrolled terms:Co-ordinate system - Compensation method - Design Principles - Energy compensation - Free-form surface - Geometrical models - Geometrical relations - Illumination system - Illumination uniformity - Incident energy  - Initial point - Iteration method - LED light source - Lighting systems - Non-imaging - Reflected ray - Reflector surfaces - Target plane - TracePro - Uniform illumination

Classification code:525.2 Energy Conservation - 621.2 Fusion Reactors - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 741.1 Light/Optics - 744 Lasers


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 182>


Accession number:20120514734323

Title:Selecting key poses on manifold for pairwise action recognition

Authors:Cao, Xianbin (1); Ning, Bo (1); Yan, Pingkun (3); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; (2) BeiHang University, Beijing 100083, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cao, X.(xbcao@buaa.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6051487



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:In action recognition, bag of visual words based approaches have been shown to be successful, for which the quality of codebook is critical. In a large vocabulary of poses (visual words), some key poses play a more decisive role than others in the codebook. This paper proposes a novel approach for key poses selection, which models the descriptor space utilizing a manifold learning technique to recover the geometric structure of the descriptors on a lower dimensional manifold. A PageRank-based centrality measure is developed to select key poses according to the recovered geometric structure. In each step, a key pose is selected from the manifold and the remaining model is modified to maximize the discriminative power of selected codebook. With the obtained codebook, each action can be represented with a histogram of the key poses. To solve the ambiguity between some action classes, a pairwise subdivision is executed to select discriminative codebooks for further recognition. Experiments on benchmark datasets showed that our method is able to obtain better performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. &copy; 2006 IEEE.

Number of references:46

Main heading:Benchmarking

Controlled terms:Electrical engineering - Industry

Uncontrolled terms:Action recognition - Bag of words - Centrality measures - Key pose - manifold leaning

Classification code:709 Electrical Engineering, General - 911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing



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<RECORD 183>


Accession number:20123715424640

Title:Stray light analysis for hyper-spectral imaging spectrometer

Authors:Wang, Meiqin (1); Wang, Zhonghou (1); Bai, Jiaguang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wang, M.(wangmeiqin.1984@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Stray light analysis is one of the crucial technologies to ensure the imaging quality of hyper- spectral imager system. The detailed stray light analysis for hyper-spectral imager system was described. Firstly, the primary baffle, secondary baffle and outer baffle were designed. Secondary, the solid model of the hyper-spectral imager system was constructed in Tracepro software and the first and second order scattering surface were determined, then important sampling was installed on the major scattering path. At last, the Point Sources Transmittance was calculated at different off-axis angle between 0.5&deg;-40&deg;. According to the Point Source Transmittance, the illumination of surface reflected light is 5.5 &times; 10<sup>-3</sup> W/m<sup>2</sup> out of critical angle of stray light between 0.5&deg;-40&deg;, which is 3.5% less than the illumination of central field of view. The analysis result shows that the stray light can meet the requirement.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Stray light

Controlled terms:Importance sampling - Spectrometers - Spectrometry

Uncontrolled terms:Critical angles - Crucial technology - Field of views - HyperSpectral - Hyperspectral Imaging - Imaging quality - Off-axis angles - Outer baffle - Point sources - PST curve  - Reflected light - Second order scattering - Solid model - TracePro - Vane

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 922 Statistical Methods


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<RECORD 184>


Accession number:20122515123272

Title:Defect modes in optically induced photonic lattices in biased photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals

Authors:Lu, Keqing (1); Guo, Jianbang (2); Li, Kehao (2); Chen, Weijun (1); Sun, Tongtong (1); Yao, Fengxue (1); Niu, Pingjuan (1); Xu, Jingjun (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Department of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

Corresponding author:Lu, K.(kqlutj@126.com)

Source title:Optical Materials

Abbreviated source title:Opt Mater



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We show that defect modes in optically induced photonic lattices are possible in biased photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals. These defect modes exist in different bandgaps when the defect strength is changed. When the defect strength is positive, there is a defect-mode branch in each bandgap. When the defect strength is negative, there is a defect-mode branch in the first bandgap and are many defect-mode branches in higher bandgaps. For a given defect strength, the strongest confinement of the defect modes appears in the semi-infinite bandgap when the defect strength is positive and in the first bandgap when the defect strength is negative. On the other hand, these defect modes are those studied previously in optically induced photonic lattices in biased non-photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals when the bulk photovoltaic effect is negligible and predict those in optically induced photonic lattices in photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals when the external bias field is absent. Crown Copyright &copy; 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:26

Main heading:Defects

Controlled terms:Energy gap - Photonics - Photorefractive crystals - Photovoltaic effects - Solitons

Uncontrolled terms:Bias field - Defect mode - Optically-induced photonic lattices - Photonic lattice - Photorefractive effects

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 744 Lasers - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 717 Optical Communication - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials - 423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials



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<RECORD 185>


Accession number:20122415111302

Title:Design of high-speed photography optical system for air bubbles in water

Authors:Xie, Zhengmao (1); Gao, Limin (1); He, Junhua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Xie, Z.(minrycn@163.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:For the purpose of study on diameter, velocity and concentration of air bubbles in water, an optical system of illumination and 3D photography based on high-speed imaging charge-coupled device is proposed. Based on Galileo structure with three cylindrical lens and semiconductor laser of wavelength 532 nm, a light sheet with thickness of 1.5 mm and width of 44 mm is designed. Three groups of imaging lens with magnification of 0.4&times;, 1&times; and 2.5&times;, having a uniform conjugate distance of 530 mm are designed. Each group relayed by collimated light includes frontal lens and focusing lens. A simple and reliable structure of 2D high-speed photography for the area of 60 mm&times;40 mm and 1D scan with length of 5 mm along the optical axis, is achieved by moving light sheet and frontal lens synchronously. The imaging quality of the optical system with magnification of 0.4&times;, 1&times; and 2.5&times; is evaluated, it shows that the modulation transfer function of 0.707&omega; has reached 0.58, 0.55 and 0.38 respectively at the spatial frequency of 50 lp/mm, as well as the diameter resolution of air bubbles in water has been from 10 &mu;m to 450 &mu;m.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Air - High speed photography - Light - Optical design - Semiconductor lasers

Uncontrolled terms:3D photography - Air bubbles - Collimated light - Cylindrical lens - Focusing lens - GALILEO - High speed imaging - Imaging lens - Imaging quality - Light sheet  - Optical axis - Spatial frequency

Classification code:714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 742.1 Photography - 804 Chemical Products Generally



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<RECORD 186>


Accession number:20122115046896

Title:Segmenting human from photo images based on a coarse-to-fine scheme

Authors:Lu, Huchuan (1); Fang, Guoliang (1); Shao, Xinqing (1); Li, Xuelong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lu, H.

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6135516




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Human segmentation in photo images is a challenging and important problem that finds numerous applications ranging from album making and photo classification to image retrieval. Previous works on human segmentation usually demand a time-consuming training phase for complex shape-matching processes. In this paper, we propose a straightforward framework to automatically recover human bodies from color photos. Employing a coarse-to-fine strategy, we first detect a coarse torso (CT) using the multicue CT detection algorithm and then extract the accurate region of the upper body. Then, an iterative multiple oblique histogram algorithm is presented to accurately recover the lower body based on human kinematics. The performance of our algorithm is evaluated on our own data set (contains 197 images with human body region ground truth data), VOC 2006, and the 2010 data set. Experimental results demonstrate the merits of the proposed method in segmenting a person with various poses. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:39

Main heading:Image segmentation

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Graphic methods - Image matching - Image retrieval - Signal detection

Uncontrolled terms:Coarse-to-fine - Coarse-to-fine strategy - Color photos - Data sets - Detection algorithm - Graph cut - Ground truth data - Human bodies - Human kinematics - Human segmentation  - Lower body - multiple oblique histogram (MOH) - Photo classification - Photo images - Training phase

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 187>


Accession number:20124315591054

Title:Modeling and testing of static pressure within an optical fiber cable spool using distributed fiber Bragg gratings

Authors:Ma, Chengju (1); Ren, Liyong (1); Qu, Enshi (1); Tang, Feng (3); Liang, Quan (3)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'An Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China; (3) Xi'An Institute of Modern Control Technology, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Ren, L.(renliy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Based on the force analysis, we establish a theoretical model to study the static pressure distribution of the fiber cable spool for the fiber optic guided missile (FOG-M). Simulations indicate that for each fiber layer in the fiber cable spool, the applied static pressure on it asymptotically converges as the number of fiber layers increases. Using the distributed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technique, the static pressure of fiber cable layers in the spool on the cable winding device was measured. Experiments show that the Bragg wavelength of FBG in every layer varies very quickly at the beginning and then becomes gently as the subsequent fiber cable was twisted onto the spool layer by layer. Theoretical simulations agree qualitatively with experimental results. This technology provides us a real-time method to monitor the pressure within the fiber cable layer during the cable winding process. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Cables - Fiber Bragg gratings - Gyroscopes - Missiles - Pressure - Reels - Sensors - Winding

Uncontrolled terms:Axial direction - Bragg wavelength - Fiber cables - Force analysis - Guided missiles - Layer by layer - Radial direction - Sensing techniques - Static pressure - Static pressure distributions  - Theoretical models - Theoretical simulation - Winding process

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 816.1 Processing of Plastics and Other Polymers - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 943.1 Mechanical Instruments - 801 Chemistry - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 535 Rolling, Forging and Forming - 404.1 Military Engineering - 742.2 Photographic Equipment



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<RECORD 188>


Accession number:20120514724935

Title:Effect of dehydration techniques on the fluorescence spectral features and OH absorption of heavy metals containing fluoride tellurite glasses

Authors:Wang, P.F. (1); Li, W.N. (1); Peng, B. (1); Lu, M. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lu, M.(lumin7622@yahoo.cn)

Source title:Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Abbreviated source title:J Non Cryst Solids



Issue date:February 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Heavy metal containing fluoride tellurite glasses were prepared by different dehydration techniques and the effects of dehydration techniques on fluorescence spectral features, OH content and volatilization of the glass compositions were systematically studied by means of fluorescence spectral measurements FTIR and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Experimental results indicated that different dehydration induced difference in actual compositions of the glasses that resulted in the variation of their fluorescence spectral features, and melting the glass frits in close environment with mechanical stirring and simultaneous bubbling dry O<inf>2</inf> + CCl<inf>4</inf> mixture in a O<inf>2</inf>-rich environment was much more effective to remove the OH groups in the glass matrix, through which an OH absorption coefficient and absorption concentration could be efficiently reduced to as low as 1.09 cm <sup>- 1</sup> and 1.17 &times; 10<sup>19</sup> cm<sup>- 3</sup>, respectively. The low OH content contributed to the increase in fluorescence lifetime, and resulted in the improvement of gain characteristic. The bubbling time of dry O<inf>2</inf> + CCl<inf>4</inf> mixture was optimized via OH absorption concentration investigation. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Bubble formation - Dehydration - Dewatering - Fluorescence - Heavy metals - Tellurium compounds

Uncontrolled terms:Energy dispersive x-ray - Fluorescence lifetimes - FT-IR spectrum - FTIR - Gain characteristic - Gain parameter - Glass compositions - Glass frit - Glass matrices - Mechanical stirring  - OH absorption - OH contents - OH group - Spectral feature - Spectral measurement - Tellurite glass

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 812.3 Glass - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 741.1 Light/Optics - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography



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<RECORD 189>


Accession number:20120614757181

Title:All-fiber polarization interference filters based on 45-tilted fiber gratings

Authors:Yan, Zhijun (1); Mou, Chengbo (1); Wang, Hushan (1); Zhou, Kaiming (1); Wang, Yishan (2); Zhao, Wei (2); Zhang, Lin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Photonics Research Group, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, Z.(yanz1@aston.ac.uk)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:February 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We report all-fiber polarization interference filters, known as Lyot and Lyot-O&tilde;hman filters, based on alternative concatenation of UV-inscribed fiber gratings with structure tilted at 45&deg; and polarization maintaining (PM) fiber cavities. Such filters generate comb-like transmission of linear polarization output. The free spectral range (FSR) of a single-stage (Lyot) filter is PM fiber cavity length dependent, as a 20 cm long cavity showed a 26.6 nm FSR while the 40 cm one exhibited a 14.8 nm FSR. Furthermore, we have theoretically and experimentally demonstrated all-fiber 2-stage and 3-stage Lyot-O&tilde;hman filters, giving more freedom in tailoring the transmission characteristics. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Polarization

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - Comb-like - Fiber cavity - Fiber gratings - Free spectral range - Linear polarization - Polarization interferences - Polarization-maintaining fibers - Single stage - Tilted fiber gratings  - Transmission characteristics

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications



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<RECORD 190>


Accession number:20120214671680

Title:Experimental observation of dissipative soliton resonance in an anomalous-dispersion fiber laser

Authors:Duan, Lina (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Mao, Dong (1); Wang, Leiran (1); Wang, Guoxi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Duan, L.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:January 2, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We have experimentally observed conventional solitons and rectangular pulses in an erbium-doped fiber laser operating at anomalous dispersion regime. The rectangular pulses exhibit broad quasi-Gaussian spectra (&sim;40 nm) and triangular autocorrelation traces. With the enhancement of pump power, the duration and energy of the output rectangular pulses almost increase linearly up to 330 ps and 3.2 nJ, respectively. It is demonstrated that high-energy pulses can be realized in anomalous-dispersion regime, and may be explained as dissipative soliton resonance. Our results have confirmed that the formation of dissipative soliton resonance is not sensitive to the sign of cavity dispersion. &copy; 2011 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Dispersions

Controlled terms:Erbium - Fiber lasers - Optical pumping - Resonance - Solitons

Uncontrolled terms:Anomalous dispersion - Dissipative solitons - Erbium doped fiber laser - Experimental observation - High energy pulse - Pump power - Rectangular pulse

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 191>


Accession number:20122915259938

Title:Optimizing design of baffle in the ground-based IR optical system

Authors:Shang, Ling (1); Liu, Zhaohui (1); She, Wenji (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Shang, L.(shangling@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:A method of optimizing design of baffle was proposed to decrease the inner irradiation of the ground-based infrared optical system. The first order part of the conventional baffle was substituted by several reflective surfaces which were perpendicular to each other. Because the reflective surfaces could retro-reflect the irradiated light, the out-of-field stray light was suppressed. Also the reflective surfaces were of low emissivity, the stray light induced by inner irradiation was decreased. This method of optimizing the baffle was introduced in detail. Taking a ground-based infrared optical system for example, the point source transmittance (PST) and the inner irradiation of the baffle were calculated by the TRACEPRO software. The results show that, compared with the conventional one, the inner irradiation of optimized baffle is reduced about one grade and the level of PST could satisfy the requirement.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Irradiation - Optimization - Stray light

Uncontrolled terms:Baffle - First order - Ground based - Infrared optical systems - Optimizing design - Point sources - PST - Reflective surfaces - TracePro

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.5 Optimization Techniques


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<RECORD 192>


Accession number:20122415111468

Title:3-D noise model and evaluation of scientific grade CCD

Authors:Liu, Lili (1); Da, Zhengshang (1); Tian, Xinfeng (1); Li, Kun (1); Chen, Yongquan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, L.(lililiu-2002@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:To evaluate the influences resulted by CCD noise in laser near field distribution measurement, 3-D noise model was used to analyze the characters of CCD noise which was classified into spatial noise and temporal noise. Spatial noise was used to evaluate influences resulted by no-uniformity between different pixels, and temporal noise was used to evaluate influences resulted by multiple measurements. To measure system noise, CCD 3-D noise measurement system was designed, it was composed of semiconductor laser, integrating sphere, attenuating plate, scientific grade CCD, optical power meter and computer. Integrating sphere was used to unify the input laser and CCD was connected to one of its output ports. Optical power meter was used to record optical power accepted by CCD which could be changed by adjusting attenuating plate. CCD output data to export PC were used to analyze CCD noise. By testing for one type of scientific grade CCD, it was concluded that spatial noise and temporal noise were signal-dependent terms and followed normal distribution. The relationship model between standard deviation of noise and signal was studied, and one way of identifying the parameters of model was proposed. The experiments verified that this model was effective.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Acoustic noise measurement

Controlled terms:Normal distribution - Rating - Semiconductor lasers - Spheres - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:3-D noise model - 3d noise - Integrating spheres - Multiple measurements - Near-field distribution - Optical power - Optical power meters - Output data - Output ports - Relationship model  - Scientific grade CCD - Spatial noise - Standard deviation - System noise - Temporal noise

Classification code:631 Fluid Flow - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 902.2 Codes and Standards - 922.1 Probability Theory - 941.2 Acoustic Variables Measurements


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<RECORD 193>


Accession number:20123715421166

Title:Can fixed time delay signature be concealed in chaotic semiconductor laser with optical feedback?

Authors:Wu, Yuan (1); Wang, Yun-Cai (1); Li, Pu (1); Wang, An-Bang (1); Zhang, Ming-Jiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, College of Physics and Optoelectronics, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China; (2) Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China; (3) Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Y.-C.(wangyc@tyut.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE J. Quantum Electron.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6290384




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:External-cavity lasers are usually used for chaos encryption in optical chaos-based communication systems. The external-cavity round-trip time (the time delay in the laser dynamics) is often regarded as an additional key to encode messages, which is a critical security parameter. The feasibility of identifying the time delay has been a crucial issue in chaotic optical communication. Some researchers propose that the time delay can be hidden by modulating the value of feedback strength or increasing the number of feedback cavities. In this paper, we experimentally and numerically demonstrate that the time delay signatures cannot be concealed in optical feedback semiconductor lasers. Whether single or double optical feedback, the time delay signatures can all be identified by the power spectrum analysis method. Furthermore, adjusting the feedback strength, the pumping current and the time-delay value, we find that the extraction of the time delay signatures still cannot be influenced. &copy; 1965-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Time delay

Controlled terms:Chaos theory - Communication systems - Feedback - Network security - Optical communication - Optical feedback - Semiconductor lasers - Spectrum analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Chaos encryption - Chaos-based communication systems - Chaotic semiconductor lasers - Double optical feedbacks - External-cavity lasers - Feedback cavity - Feedback strength - Fixed time delays - Laser dynamics - Pumping current  - Round-trip time - Security parameters

Classification code:961 Systems Science - 921 Mathematics - 922 Statistical Methods - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 731.1 Control Systems - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 713 Electronic Circuits - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications



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<RECORD 194>


Accession number:20123715431557

Title:Development of cesium telluride UV cathode with high quantum efficiency and solar-blind characteristics

Authors:Wei, Yonglin (1); Zhao, Baosheng (1); Sai, Xiaofeng (1); Liu, Yongan (1); Cao, Xibin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Optoelectronics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wei, Y.(weiyl2002@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology

Abbreviated source title:Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:A novel type of Cs<inf>2</inf>Te ultraviolet(UV) cathode with high quantum efficiency and good solar-blind characteristics was developed. The cathode was fabricated mainly in three steps: first, The Ni films of The cathode conductive substrate, were deposited by electron beam evaporation on a quartz window; next, The Te films were grown by Thermal evaporation, via resistive heating, on the Ni-coated quartz window in ultrahigh vacuum; finally, The Cs films, deposited by Thermal evaporation on top of the Te films, were activated with UV light. The impacts of the microstructures and properties of the Ni, Te, and Cs films, including the sheet resistance and transmittance of the Ni films, The Te film thickness, and Cs content, on the performance of The cathode were studied with X-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The results show that the Cs<inf>2</inf>Te cathode, fabricated under optimized conditions, has high quantum efficiency and good solar-blind characteristics. The 1.0 nm thick Ni films have a sheet resistance of 10<sup>7</sup> &Omega;/&squ; and a UV transmittance up to 80%; a quantum efficiency of the cathode made of the 2.0 nm thick Te films reaches 12%. Besides, excessive Cs shifts The response towards the long wavelength; but low Cs content decreases The quantum efficiency.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Cesium

Controlled terms:Cathodes - Conductive films - Electron beams - Energy dispersive spectroscopy - Quantum efficiency - Quartz - Resistive evaporation - Sheet resistance - Tellurium - Thermal evaporation  - Vacuum evaporation - X ray diffraction

Uncontrolled terms:Cesium telluride - Conductive substrates - Electron beam evaporation - High quantum efficiency - Long wavelength - Microstructures and properties - Ni films - Optimized conditions - Quartz windows - Resistive heating  - Solar-blind - Ultra-violet

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 932 High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 822.2 Food Processing Operations - 801 Chemistry - 708.2 Conducting Materials - 704.1 Electric Components - 549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals - 549.1 Alkali Metals - 482.2 Minerals



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 195>


Accession number:20121514939423

Title:Decoding algorithms for improving the imaging performance of Vernier anode readout

Authors:Yan, Qiurong (1); Zhao, Baosheng (1); Yang, Hao (1); Liu, Yong'an (1); Sheng, Lizhi (1); Wei, Yonglin (1); Sai, Xiaofeng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 710119, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yan, Q.(yanqiurong@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:83320K





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Sensing and Imaging

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:89281

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:The Long Slit Spectrograph is one of instruments onboard The World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet. Both the FUV (102-1700nm) and NUV (160-320nm) channels of LSS choose micro-channel plates (MCP) detector with anode readout in the focal plane. The MCP detectors with anode readout are typically used to provide photon counting imaging. According to the desired performance of LSS, the Vernier anode may be the optimum readout scheme. The Vernier anode is famous for its high spatial resolution, however, the original decode algorithms of the Vernier anode is susceptible to wrongly decode, when the charge acquisition is not precise enough and the footprint size of charge cloud collected by Vernier anode is not small enough and eventually results in the deterioration of photon counting image. In this paper, the causes leading to image deterioration is analyzed. The least-squares method was used to calculate the phase value to correct imaging distortions caused by charge measurement accuracy. The area ratio of each electrode covered by charge cloud is accurately calculated to improving the imaging results. The corrected algorithms are verified by experimental results and the results show that the correction methods can obviously improve the quality of the original photon counting image. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:10

Main heading:Image storage tubes

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Deterioration - Photons

Uncontrolled terms:Area ratios - Charge measurements - Correction method - Decode algorithms - Decoding algorithm - Focal Plane - High spatial resolution - Image deterioration - Imaging performance - Least squares methods  - Micro channel plate - Photon counting - WSO-UV

Classification code:714.1 Electron Tubes - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 196>


Accession number:20131016082254

Title:All-fiber all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked Yb-doped ring laser based on graphene oxide

Authors:Li, Xiaohui (1); Liu, Meng (1); Yan, Zhiyu (1); Wang, Qijie (1); Wang, Yishan (2); Wang, Yonggang (3); Yu, Xia (4)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Drive, Singapore, Singapore; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China; (3) Department of Applied Physics and Materials Research Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; (4) Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Nanyang Drive, Singapore, Singapore

Corresponding author:Li, X.

Source title:2012 Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2012

Abbreviated source title:Photonics Global Conf., PGC

Monograph title:2012 Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6458031



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2012

Conference date:December 13, 2012 - December 16, 2012

Conference location:Singapore, Singapore

Conference code:95811

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:We demonstrate an all-fiber all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped fiber laser that is passively mode locked by a graphene oxide (GO)-polymer. Because of good solution processing characteristic of the GO to polymer, a GO-polymer saturable absorber (SA) was successfully fabricated. Self-started mode-locking laser performance was investigated comprehensively at different cavity lengths, from 5, 24, to 94 m. The results showed that the pulse duration varies from hundreds of picoseconds to nanoseconds. In addition, the average output power of the mode-locked fiber laser can reach up to 500 mW. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that pulses with large chirps can be more easily amplified to reach high output power. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Photonics

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Mode-locked fiber lasers - Passive mode locking - Polymers - Ring lasers - Saturable absorbers - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - All normal dispersions - Average output power - Cavity length - Graphene oxides - High output power - Laser performance - Laser-based - Modelocking - Passively mode-locked  - Picoseconds - Pulse durations - Solution-processing - Yb-doped - Yb-doped fiber lasers

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 744 Lasers - 815.1 Polymeric Materials



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<RECORD 197>


Accession number:20123715424644

Title:Optimize and analysis of fiber optic gyroscope combination bracket based on redundancy design

Authors:Liu, Ying (1); Zhao, Xiaodong (2); Li, Yan (3); Xu, Jintao (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Automation, Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Faculty of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China

Corresponding author:Liu, Y.(ly676@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In view of the domestic research status of fiber optic gyroscope, a new combination of fiber optic gyroscopes bracket was designed based on the redundancy design scheme in order to meet the requirements of inertial navigation system which used the high accuracy and high reliability fiber optic gyroscopes. The Ansys finite element software was used to analyze the dynamics characteristic of the bracket. And the bracket was optimized based on the result of the modal analysis and frequency response analysis. After optimizing the bracket lighted 43%, and avoided resonance in the work frequency band of 0-2000 Hz, the acceleration response amplitude reduced significantly, and the response of deformation were less than 10<sup>-7</sup>, which could improve the dynamic characteristics of the bracket and laid a good foundation for raising the accuracy and reliability of inertial navigation system.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Redundancy

Controlled terms:Computer software - Design - Finite element method - Frequency bands - Gyroscopes - Inertial navigation systems - Modal analysis - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Acceleration response - Domestic research - Dynamic characteristics - Dynamics analysis - Dynamics characteristic - Fiber optic gyroscopes - Finite Element - Finite element software - Frequency response analysis - High reliability  - Redundancy design - Work frequency

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 914 Safety Engineering - 903 Information Science - 943.1 Mechanical Instruments - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 431.5 Air Navigation and Traffic Control - 408 Structural Design - 716.4 Television Systems and Equipment


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<RECORD 198>


Accession number:20130916074516

Title:Chaos control of gear system with elastomeric web based on multi-parameter multi-step method

Authors:Liu, Hai-Xia (1); Jiang, Bo (3); Wang, San-Min (1); Guo, Jia-Shun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; (2) School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China; (3) Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanic, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (4) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Jiang, B.(ilysay@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)

Abbreviated source title:J. Harbin Inst. Technol.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 136, Harbin, 150001, China

Abstract:This paper employs a multi-parameter multi-step chaos control method, which is built up on the OGY method, to stabilize desirable UPOs of a gear system with elastomeric web as a high-dimensional and non-hyperbolic chaotic system, and the analyses are carried out. Three types of relations between components of a certain control parameter combination are defined in a certain control process. Special emphasis is put on the comparison of control efficiencies of the multi-parameter multi-step method and single-parameter multi-step method. The numerical experiments show the ability to switch between different orbits and the method can be a good chaos control alternative since it provides a more effective UPOs stabilization of high-dimensional and non-hyperbolic chaotic systems than the single-parameter chaos control, and according to the relation between components of each parameter combination, the best combination for chaos control in a certain UPO stabilization process are obtained.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Chaotic systems

Controlled terms:Gears - Numerical methods - Process control - Stabilization

Uncontrolled terms:Chaos control - Control efficiency - Control parameters - Control process - Gear system - High-dimensional - Multi parameter multi steps - Multi step methods - Numerical experiments - Parameter combination  - Stabilization process - Types of relations - Web based

Classification code:961 Systems Science - 951 Materials Science - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 921 Mathematics - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 601.2 Machine Components


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<RECORD 199>


Accession number:20131416160755

Title:Thermal modeling and analysis of high power semiconductor laser arrays

Authors:Zhang, Zhiyong (1); Zhang, Pu (1); Li, Xiaoning (1); Xiong, Lingling (1); Liu, Hui (1); Nie, Zhiqiang (1); Wang, Zhenfu (1); Liu, Xingsheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Shanxi, 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics, Ministry of Education and Shaanxi Key Lab OfInformation Photonic Technique, Xi'An Jiaotong University No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shanxi, 71 0049, China; (3) Xi'An Focuslight Technologies Co., LTD, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, Shanxi, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Z.

Source title:ICEPT-HDP 2012 Proceedings - 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging

Abbreviated source title:ICEPT-HDP Proc. - Int. Conf. Electron. Packag. Technol. High Density Packag.

Monograph title:ICEPT-HDP 2012 Proceedings - 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6474681



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2012

Conference date:August 13, 2012 - August 16, 2012

Conference location:Guilin, China

Conference code:96264

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:With the continuous increase of the output power of semiconductor laser array, the heat generation in the active region also increases continuously, which influences the performances and lifetime of semiconductor laser array seriously. In order to improve the performances and lifetime, understanding of the thermal behavior of high power semiconductor laser array packages and optimizing the thermal performance are crucial. By means of numerical analysis, a three-dimensional thermal model has been established, and the static and transient thermal characteristics in continuous-wave (CW) and quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) modes also have been studied systematically for a hard solder, conduction-cooled-packaged 808nm semiconductor laser array. Based on the thermal modeling and analysis, the approaches to reduce thermal resistance have been proposed. The results show that: compared with copper-tungsten (CuW), adopting the copper-diamond composite material as the submount can decrease the thermal crosstalk behavior between emitters, and reduce the thermal resistance by about 30%. In addition, a novel thermal design for the packaging structure of the mounting heat-sink is demonstrated, which has the ability of reducing the thermal resistance of the devices significantly. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Packaging

Controlled terms:Copper - Electronics packaging - Heat resistance - High power lasers - Semiconductor lasers - Thermoanalysis - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:High power semiconductor laser - Packaging structure - Quasi-continuous-waves - Semiconductor laser arrays - Thermal crosstalk - Thermal Performance - Three-dimensional thermal models - Transient thermal characteristics

Classification code:931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 801 Chemistry - 744.4.1 Semiconductor Lasers - 744.1 Lasers, General - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 694.1 Packaging, General - 544.1 Copper



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<RECORD 200>


Accession number:20124415613034

Title:Numerical investigation of an all-optical switch in a graded nonlinear plasmonic grating

Authors:Wang, Guoxi (1); Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Gong, Yongkang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, G.

Source title:Nanotechnology

Abbreviated source title:Nanotechnology



Issue date:November 9, 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:444009





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:We have proposed and numerically investigated an all-optical switch based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide with graded nonlinear plasmonic gratings. The influences of grating depth and refractive index of a Kerr nonlinear medium on the transmission of the switch are exactly analyzed by utilizing transmission line theory. The finite-difference time-domain simulation results show that the highly compact structure possesses excellent switch function by tuning the incident electric field intensity. In addition, the simulation results show that this all-optical switch has an ultrawide operating frequency regime and femtosecond-scale response time (130fs). Such a switch can find potential applications for all-optical signal processing and optical communication. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Optical switches

Controlled terms:Electric fields - Finite difference time domain method - Optical communication - Plasmons - Refractive index - Signal processing - Time domain analysis

Uncontrolled terms:All optical switch - All-optical signal processing - Compact structures - Electric field intensities - Finite difference time domain simulations - Grating depths - Kerr nonlinear medium - Metal insulator metals - Numerical investigations - Operating frequency  - Plasmonic - Potential applications - Switch function - Ultra-wide

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena



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<RECORD 201>


Accession number:20114714534681

Title:Polarization multiplexing, angle multiplexing and circumrotation multiplexing holographic recording experiments with 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide/ PMMA film

Authors:Zong, Zhengyue (1); Menke, Neimule (1); Yao, Baoli (2); Wang, Yingli (2); Chen, Yi (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Universtiy, Huhhot, 010021, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China; (3) Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

Corresponding author:Menke, N.(py_menkenei@imu.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Mechanical and Electronics Engineering III

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, ICMEE 2011

Conference date:September 23, 2011 - September 25, 2011

Conference location:Hefei, China

Conference code:87364

Sponsor:Hefei University of Technology

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Fulgide is well-known as a thermally irreversible organic photochromic compound. The fulgide films can be applied as recording materials in ordinary holography and polarization holography, which were respectively based on the photochromic and photoinduced anisotropy properties. In this report, different kinds of multiplexing holographic storage, like angle multiplexing, circumrotation multiplexing and polarization multiplexing are realized in a 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide/ PMMA film for the first time, where 5 images, 18 images and 2 images are stored at the same position of the film, and diffracted without crosstalk with each other. It is proved that 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide film has spatial resolution of 6300lines/mm, sensitivity of 2.89 &times; 10 <sup>-3</sup>cm<sup>2</sup>/mJ at 632.8nm on the polarization direction of the exciting beam, fatigue resistance of 70 times, thermal stability of 14 months and has advantages like low cost, easy to used, rewritable, long life time at room temperature for both states, and high signal to noise ratio. Overall, 3-indoly-benzylfulgimide is a better rewritable holographic storage medium, but the fatigue resistance and thermal stability should be improved. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Multiplexing

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Fatigue of materials - Films - Holography - Photochromism - Polarization - Signal to noise ratio - Storage (materials) - Thermodynamic stability

Uncontrolled terms:Angle multiplexing - Fulgides - High signal-to-noise ratio - Holographic recordings - Holographic storage - Long life - Low costs - Photo-induced anisotropy - Photochromic compound - PMMA films  - Polarization direction - Polarization holography - Polarization multiplexing - Recording materials - Rewritable - Room temperature - Spatial resolution

Classification code:717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 743 Holography - 746 Imaging Techniques - 933 Solid State Physics - 951 Materials Science - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 641.1 Thermodynamics - 694.4 Storage - 713 Electronic Circuits - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 202>


Accession number:20124915755282

Title:Optical design of wake bubbles measurement system

Authors:Li, Tenglong (1); He, Junhua (1); Xie, Zhengmao (1); Liu, Xizhan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Li, T.(nanruzi@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Considering the difficulties in the wake bubbles imaging, a wake bubbles measurement system was presented based on the combination of high speed photography and laser sheet scanning technology. In this system, laser sheet was used to illuminate the wake zone to avoid the image stacking of bubbles. Because the particle size of bubbles was in a wide range, three switchable magnification lenses were designed for the bubbles imaging. Lenses were split into front and rear groups, with parallel rays transmitting between them. With the sweeping of laser sheet, the image information of bubbles in a volume could be sampled. Moreover, by keeping the front group moving synchronously with the laser sheet, bubbles could always image clearly when the laser sheet sweeps. The influence on image quality, the determination of laser sheet thickness and the system distortion correction were also discussed when laser sheet sweeps. Therefore, the design results show that the image quality is good and this system satisfies technical requirements.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Lasers

Controlled terms:Bubbles (in fluids) - High speed photography - Image quality - Measurements - Optical design - Wakes

Uncontrolled terms:Distortion correction - Image information - Image stacking - Laser sheets - Measurement system - Switchable - Technical requirement - Underwater - Wake bubble

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 931.1 Mechanics - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 742.1 Photography


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<RECORD 203>


Accession number:20122415111271

Title:Study on a multi-spectral-band infrared sea surface temperature radiometer system

Authors:Zhang, Jian (1); Qu, Enshi (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Fan, Zheyuan (1); Jiao, Guohua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Flight Vehicle Optical Imaging and Measurement Research Department, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, J.(zj@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:A multi-spectral infrared radiometer system is designed that can be used to measure sea surface temperature automatically, whose resolution ratio and accuracy are better than 0.1&deg;C and &plusmn;0.5&deg;C, respectively. The system adopts four spectral bands, i. e., 3.5-4.0 &mu;m, 8-13 &mu;m, 10.3-11.3 &mu;m, and 11.5-12.3 &mu;m. Its inner optical system carries out real time calibration by two blackbody reference cavities with different temperatures, which promises that the high accuracy of an infrared radiometer is maintained even when optical components are moderately contaminated by salt deposition. Moreover, a protection shutter which could be automatically triggered by a sensitive rain gauge is designed to resist against foul weather. Finally, the accuracy and stability of the system are tested by laboratory calibration and shoreside experiment.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Radiometers

Controlled terms:Atmospheric temperature - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Blackbody reference - Infra-red radiometers - Multi-spectral - Optical components - Rain gauges - Real-time calibration - Salt deposition - Sea surface temperature (SST) - Spectral band - Spectral radiation

Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 944.7 Radiation Measuring Instruments



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<RECORD 204>


Accession number:20140217172181

Title:Vector solitons with polarization instability and locked polarization in a fiber laser

Authors:Tang, Dingkang (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (1); Liu, Yuanshan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Chinese Academy of Sciences Graduate School, Beijing 100039, China; (3) London South Bank University, Department of Electrical, Computer and Communications Engineering, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:074202





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We investigate the characteristics of vector solitons with and without locked phase velocities of orthogonal polarization components in a specially-designed laser cavity which is formed by a bidirectional fiber loop together with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. The characteristics of the two states are compared in the temporal and spectrum domain, respectively. Both of the two states exhibit the characteristic of mode locking while the two orthogonal polarization components are not resolved. However, for the vector soliton with unlocked phase velocities, identical intensity varies after passing through a polarization beam splitter (PBS) outside the laser cavity. Contrary to the polarization rotation locked vector soliton, the intensity does not change periodically. For the polarization-locked vector soliton (PLVS), the identical pulse intensity is still obtained after passing through the PBS and can be observed on the oscilloscope screen after photodetection. A coupler instead of a circulator is integrated in the laser cavity and strong interaction on the polarization resolved spectra of the PLVS is observed. By comparing the two states, we conclude that interaction between the two orthogonal components contributes to the locked phase velocities. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:22

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Laser mode locking - Laser resonators - Locks (fasteners) - Optical fibers - Phase velocity - Polarization - Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors - Vectors

Uncontrolled terms:Bidirectional fibers - Orthogonal components - Orthogonal polarizations - Photo detection - Polarization beam splitters - Polarization rotation - Pulse intensity - Strong interaction

Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.7 Laser Components - 921.1 Algebra



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<RECORD 205>


Accession number:20121814980589

Title:Incremental threshold learning for classifier selection

Authors:Pang, Yanwei (1); Deng, Junping (1); Yuan, Yuan (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:July 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Threshold-based classifier is a simple yet powerful pattern classification tool, which has been frequently used in applications of object detection and recognition. A threshold-based classifier is usually associated with a unique one-dimensional feature. A properly selected threshold and a binary sign corresponding to the feature govern the classifier. However, the learning process is usually done in a batch manner. The batch algorithms are not suitable for sequentially incoming data because of the limitation of storage and prohibitive computation cost. To deal with sequentially incoming data, this paper proposes an incremental algorithm for incrementally learning the threshold-based classifiers. The proposed method can not only incrementally model the features but also estimate the threshold and training error in a close form. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is evaluated in the applications of gender recognition, face detection, and human detection. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:41

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Object recognition - Pattern recognition

Uncontrolled terms:Batch algorithms - Classifier fusion - Classifier selection - Computation costs - Gender recognition - Human detection - Incremental algorithm - Incremental learning - Learning process - Object Detection  - Object detection and recognition - Threshold learning - Threshold-based classifiers - Training errors

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 206>


Accession number:20131216133838

Title:A run-length based algorithm for feature extraction from multi-target image

Authors:Zhang, Kun (1); Hao, Wei (1); Xu, Zhaohui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xian710119, China; (2) Graduate University Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

Corresponding author:Zhang, K.

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6469777



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper presented a new run-length encoding based method of extracting features from multi-target image. The algorithm uses linked list structure to store data. The data are comprised of three parts, the message in run length, the equal values and the features of the image, which are in one-to-one mapping. While scanning, we only record the features of the image according to the label. After scanning the last pixel, we merge the linked list which contains the features of image according to the equal list. Compared with other approaches, the proposed one is faster and simpler, especially it can label the binary image exactly, no matter how complicated the image is. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Image processing

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Encoding (symbols) - Feature extraction

Uncontrolled terms:Connected component labeling - equal list - Extracting features - Features extraction - List structures - Multitarget - One-to-one mappings - Run-length encoding

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 207>


Accession number:20123715430947

Title:Color-stable deep red-emitting OLEDs based on a soluble terpolymer containing fluorene, thiophene and benzothiadiazole units

Authors:Qu, Bo (1); Feng, Limin (2); Yang, Hongsheng (1); Gao, Zhi (1); Gao, Chao (2); Chen, Zhijian (1); Xiao, Lixin (1); Gong, Qihuang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Department of Physics, Peking University, 100871, China; (2) Xi'An Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Qu, B.(bqu@pku.edu.cn)

Source title:Synthetic Metals

Abbreviated source title:Synth Met



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:A novel soluble terpolymer (P8FO-Th-BT) containing 9,9-dioctylfluorene, thiophene, and 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole units were synthesized by Still coupling reaction. The single layer and multi-layer organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) based on P8FO-Th-BT was fabricated. A deep red-emission device with the configuration of ITO/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)/P8FO-Th-BT:N,N&prime;-di(3-methylphenyl)-N,N&prime;-diphenyl-(1, 1&prime;-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine (TPD) (weight ratio being 1:1)/2,9-dimethyl-4,7- diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (BCP, 15 nm)/tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq<inf>3</inf>, 15 nm)/LiF(5 )/Al(150 nm) was obtained, and the maximum luminance was measured to be 226 cd/m<sup>2</sup> at the bias voltage of 10 V. The electroluminescent peak located at 708 nm, and the spectrum covered both the red and infrared regions. Moreover, the Commission International De L'Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates of the device were inalterable when the bias voltage varied, which was beneficial to the application on display. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:43

Main heading:Thiophene

Controlled terms:Bias voltage - Conducting polymers - Display devices - Electroluminescence - Organic light emitting diodes (OLED) - Polystyrenes - Terpolymers

Uncontrolled terms:2 ,1 ,3-Benzothiadiazole - 3 ,4-ethylenedioxythiophene - 8-Hydroxyquinoline - 9 ,9-dioctylfluorene - Benzothiadiazoles - Chromaticity coordinates - Coupling reaction - Deep red-emitting OLED - Fluorenes - Infrared regions  - Maximum luminance - Organic electro luminescence - Organic light emitting diodes(OLEDs) - PEDOT:PSS - Polystyrene sulfonate - Single layer - Weight ratios

Classification code:815.1.1 Organic Polymers - 815.1 Polymeric Materials - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 722.2 Computer Peripheral Equipment - 713 Electronic Circuits



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<RECORD 208>


Accession number:20122615178952

Title:The melioration on spectra response heterogeneity of hadamard transform spectral imager

Authors:Liu, Cai-Fang (1); Hu, Bing-Liang (1); Wei, Ru-Yi (1); Yan, Peng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.-F.(liucaifang206@sina.com)

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Hadamard transform optics has been developed in the past decades. It has been used in distinguishing targets, detecting feeble signals and so on. Hadamard transform spectral imager (HTSI), based on Digital Micro-Mirror Device, is a new dispersion spectral imager. HTSI has been developed in our laboratory. The spectral heterogeneity of encoded image captured by HTSI has been researched according to spectrum calibration in this paper. Relative and absolute spectrum emittance calibration algorithms have been proposed first time on HTSI to meliorate the spectrum heterogeneity. It aims at the problem that the accuracy of recovered spectrum is depressed by the heterogeneity noise and disorder encoding spectrum in spectral image. Simulation and experiment result have demonstrated that the meliorated spectral curve is close to the standard spectrum, and the variance of the recovered spectrum ranges from 2.4% to 4.2% with regard to the spectral image of 7 waves. This is fully satisfied for the requirement of laboratory and projects.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Mathematical transformations

Controlled terms:Recovery

Uncontrolled terms:Accuracy of recovered spectrum - Calibration algorithm - Digital micro-mirror device - Emittances - Hadamard transform optic - Hadamard transforms - Heterogeneity melioration - Spectral curves - Spectral heterogeneity - Spectral images  - Spectrum calibration - Spectrum range

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations



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<RECORD 209>


Accession number:20124515645086

Title:Application of moment descriptor and pattern search method in model-based pose estimation

Authors:Tang, Huijun (1); Zhou, Renkui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the CAS, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Tang, H.(tanghj@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Computational Information Systems

Abbreviated source title:J. Comput. Inf. Syst.



Issue date:October 1, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Binary Information Press, P.O. Box 162, Bethel, CT 06801-0162, United States

Abstract:We propose to use shape descriptors and optimal search for fulfilling the pose estimation task based on optical measuring. Certain element of invariant moments is altered to meet the pose estimation requirements. Initial pose angles are acquired from the viewpoint-dependent appearance model of the object. 2-order normalized center moment is taken as the main feature descriptor and pattern search method is used as the search strategy. For simulation, a missile model of Milkshape 3D format is used. A model library of 1&deg; resolution is created. Scale changing and noise adding are tested on 20 test images randomly selected from model library. For initial images, we can arrive at 1&deg; precision. For scaled and noised images, even there appears some outlier, most of the items arrive around the true values. Results show that the method is practical. The method may get better results by improving the resolution of the model library. &copy; 2012 Binary Information Press.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Image recognition

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Three dimensional computer graphics

Uncontrolled terms:Model-based - Moment - Pattern search - Pose estimation - Shape matching

Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications


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<RECORD 210>


Accession number:20115214644791

Title:The time response of exponential doping NEA InGaAs photocathode applied to near infrared streak cameras

Authors:Tang, Weidong (1); Yang, Wenzheng (2); Cai, Zhipeng (1); Sun, Chuandong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultra-fast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology of CAS, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Tang, W.(tangwd@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Materials

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2011

Conference date:December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011

Conference location:Guilin, China

Conference code:87882

Sponsor:University of Wollongong; Northeastern University; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Hebei Polytechnic University

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:An exponential doping NEA InGaAs photocathode is theoretically proposed to apply in the near infrared streak camera. The photocathode time response is calculated and analyzed by using a photoelectron non-steady method. The numerical results show that the excited electrons in the InGaAs active layer is accelerated due to the built-in electric field induced by the exponential doping structure, which shortens the transport time of minority carriers in the photocathode and thus, the time response is greatly improved. In addition, the exponential doping InGaAs photocathode possesses time response of less than 10 picoseconds and near-infrared quantum efficiency of 10%.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Photocathodes

Controlled terms:Electric fields - Infrared devices - Semiconducting indium - Streak cameras

Uncontrolled terms:Active Layer - Doping structures - Excited electrons - Minority carrier - Near infrared - Numerical results - Picoseconds - Time response - Transport time

Classification code:701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 712.1.1 Single Element Semiconducting Materials - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 742.2 Photographic Equipment



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<RECORD 211>


Accession number:20121514940944

Title:Dynamic optimization of tip/tilt mirror based on adaptable genetic algorithm

Authors:Wang, Hongwei (1); Ruan, Ping (1); Xu, Guangzhou (1); Xue, Bin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.(whwdyx@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In order to meet the strict requirement of surface-shape and realize the ultra-lightweight design of a tip/tilt mirror, the adaptable genetic algorithm optimization method was introduced into the design of a 110 mm round mirror. The size of support part was figured out. Meanwhile, the finite element model was simplified with axisymmetric method, and the efficiency was improved. Structure optimization principle of adaptable genetic algorithm was proposed, and its advantage was introduced. Tow method of calculating surface profile in sinusoidal vibration process was advanced. Compared with other traditional method, structure optimization based on adaptable genetic algorithm was correct and reliable. Results show that it has strong overall search ability, and has significance instructive and reference for optimization of similar engineering structures.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Genetic algorithms

Controlled terms:Mirrors - Structural design - Structural optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Axisymmetric methods - Dynamic optimization - Engineering structures - Finite element models - Genetic algorithm optimization method - Lightweight - Sinusoidal vibration - Structure optimization - Surface profiles

Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921 Mathematics - 921.5 Optimization Techniques


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<RECORD 212>


Accession number:20120914821287

Title:Formation of multiple dark photovoltaic spatial solitons

Authors:Zhang, Yuhong (1); Lu, Keqing (1); Guo, Jianbang (1); Long, Xuewen (1); Hu, Xiaohong (1); Li, Kehao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Optoelectronic Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710032, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y.(zhangyh1979@163.com)

Source title:Pramana - Journal of Physics

Abbreviated source title:Pramana J Phys



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Indian Academy of Sciences, C.V. Raman Avenue, P.O. Box 8005, Bangalore, 560 080, India

Abstract:We theoretically study the formation of multiple dark photovoltaic soliton splitting in the quasi-steady-state and steady-state regimes under open-circuit conditions. We find that the initial width of the dark notch at the entrance face of the crystal is a key parameter for generating an even (or odd) number sequence of dark coherent photovoltaic solitons. If the initial width of the dark notch is small, only a fundamental soliton or Y-junction soliton pair is generated. As the initial width of the dark notch is increased, the dark notch tends to split into an odd (or even) number of multiple dark photovoltaic solitons, which realizes a progressive transition from a low-order soliton to a sequence of higher-order solitons. The soliton pairs far away from the centre have bigger width and less visibility. In addition, when the distance from the centre of the dark notch increases, the separations between adjacent dark stripes become slightly smaller. &copy; Indian Academy of Sciences.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Beam propagation method - Photovoltaic effects

Uncontrolled terms:Dark notches - Dark solitons - Dark stripe - Fundamental solitons - Higher-order solitons - Key parameters - Open circuit conditions - Photorefractive effects - Photovoltaic soliton - Quasi-steady state  - Soliton pairs - Spatial solitons - Steady-state regime - Y-junctions

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 921.1 Algebra



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<RECORD 213>


Accession number:20124915754648

Title:Synthesis of two benzo[1,2-b:3,4-b]dithiophene-based conjugated polymers with different side chains and their applications in photovoltaic devices

Authors:Qu, Bo (1); Yang, Hongsheng (1); Tian, Di (2); Liu, Hongli (2); Cong, Zhiyuan (2); Gao, Chao (2); Chen, Zhijian (1); Xiao, Lixin (1); Gao, Zhi (1); Wei, Wei (3); Gong, Qihuang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Department of Physics, Peking University, 100871 Beijing, China; (2) Xi'An Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (4) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China

Corresponding author:Qu, B.(bqu@pku.edu.cn)

Source title:Synthetic Metals

Abbreviated source title:Synth Met



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:Two D-A conjugated polymers (named PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT and PBDTC <inf>10</inf>DBT) with benzo[1,2-b:3,4-b&prime;]dithiophene (BDT) as donor and 4,7-dithiophen-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (DBT) as acceptor, were designed and synthesized. PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT and PBDTC<inf>10</inf>DBT have hexyl and decyl as side chains in the DBT units, respectively. The polymers were characterized by spectroscopic (NMR and UV-vis) methods, GPC, DSC and cyclic voltammetry. In order to study the photovoltaic properties of the two conjugated polymers, photovoltaic devices with the configuration of ITO/poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)/polymer:[6,6]-phenyl C<inf>61</inf>-butyric acid methyl ester (PC<inf>61</inf>BM)/LiF/Al, were fabricated, in which PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT or PBDTC<inf>10</inf>DBT acted as electron donor in active layers. According to the experimental data, when the blend ratio of PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT and PC<inf>61</inf>BM reached 1:2, the best photovoltaic properties among the PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT-based devices were obtained, and the open-circuit voltage, the short-circuit current density and the power conversion efficiency were measured to be 0.63 V, 6.18 mA/cm <sup>2</sup> and 1.86%, respectively. As to PBDTC<inf>10</inf>DBT-based devices, the maximum of power conversion efficiency reached 0.99% with the blend ratio of PBDTC<inf>10</inf>DBT and PC<inf>61</inf>BM being 1:2. PBDTC<inf>10</inf>DBT and PBDTC<inf>6</inf>DBT were both promising donor candidates in the application of polymer solar cells. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Conducting polymers

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Cyclic voltammetry - Heterojunctions - Open circuit voltage - Polymers - Solar cells - Thiophene

Uncontrolled terms:1 ,3-benzothiadiazole - Active Layer - Application of polymers - Benzothiadiazoles - Blend ratios - Bulk heterojunction - Electron donors - Ethylenedioxythiophenes - Methyl esters - Organic photovoltaic devices  - PEDOT:PSS - Photovoltaic devices - Photovoltaic property - Poly(styrene sulfonate) - Power conversion efficiencies - Side-chains

Classification code:942.2 Electric Variables Measurements - 815.1 Polymeric Materials - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 615.2 Solar Power - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues



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<RECORD 214>


Accession number:20122615155147

Title:Observation of linewidth narrowing due to a spontaneously generated coherence effect

Authors:Tian, Si-Cong (1); Wang, Chun-Liang (3); Kang, Zhi-Hui (1); Yang, Xiu-Bin (5); Wan, Ren-Gang (4); Zhang, Xiao-Jun (1); Zhang, Hang (3); Jiang, Yun (1); Cui, Hai-Ning (1); Gao, Jin-Yue (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Coherent Light and Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China; (3) College of Physics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130023, China; (4) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (5) Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China

Corresponding author:Tian, S.-C.

Source title:Chinese Physics B

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Phys.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:064206



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:We investigate the resonance fluorescence spectrum of an atomic three-level ladder system driven by two laser fields. We show that such a system emulates to a large degree a V-type atom with parallel dipole moments-the latter being a system that exhibits spontaneously generated coherence and can display ultrasharp spectral lines. We find a suitable energy scheme in a <sup>85</sup>Rb atom and experimentally observe the narrowing of the central peak in a rubidium atomic beam. The corresponding spectrum can convincingly demonstrate the existence of spontaneously generated coherence. &copy; 2012 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:44

Main heading:Spontaneous emission

Controlled terms:Atomic beams - Atoms - Fluorescence - Rubidium

Uncontrolled terms:Central peaks - Energy schemes - Ladder system - Laser fields - Linewidth narrowing - Parallel dipoles - Resonance fluorescence spectrum - Resonance fluorescences - Rubidium atomic beam - Spectral line  - Spontaneously generated coherence - Three-level

Classification code:549.1 Alkali Metals - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 741.1 Light/Optics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 215>


Accession number:20124815717736

Title:Research and implementation of brushless DC motor drive controller based on FPGA

Authors:Lei, Yangjie (1); Zheng, Jinkun (1); Yan, Aqi (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Zhou, Zuofeng (1); Chen, Weining (1); Zhang, Hui (1); Liu, Guangsen (1); Wang, Hao (1); Tang, Linao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an institute Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lei, Y.(lyj211314@sina.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Mechanical Properties and Structural Materials

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Mechanical Properties and Structural Materials Conference, IMPSMC 2012

Conference date:August 17, 2012 - August 19, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93588

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In the paper, a design method of brushless DC motor drive controller and its pure hardware implementation on FPGA is proposed. First, we design each module of the controller, including the proportional integral (PI) speed and current PI regulator, current detection module, position and speed detection module, PWM generator and commutation control module, which focuses on a PI regulator and the current detection section. Then, the logical design structure diagrams and the timing simulation waveforms are given. Finally, the overall system circuit are implemented on FPGA which can improve system integration, stability and reliability and easier to modify and upgrade. Simulation and experiment results indicate that this controller design method is reasonable and has stable operation. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:5

Main heading:Electric motors

Controlled terms:Brushless DC motors - Electric current measurement - Electric drives - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Hardware - Logic design - Mechanical properties - Pulse width modulation

Uncontrolled terms:Brushless dc motor drives - Control module - Controller design method - Current detection - Design method - Hardware implementations - Logical design - PI regulators - Proportional integral - Speed detection  - Stable operation - System circuits - System integration - Wave forms

Classification code:605 Small Tools and Hardware - 705 Electric Generators and Motors - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 721.2 Logic Elements - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 216>


Accession number:20124215571498

Title:Spoof four-wave mixing for all-optical wavelength conversion

Authors:Gong, Yongkang (1); Huang, Jungang (1); Li, Kang (1); Copner, Nigel (1); Martinez, J.J. (1); Wang, Leirang (2); Duan, Tao (2); Zhang, Wenfu (2); Loh, W.H. (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, United Kingdom; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Gong, Y.(ygong@glam.ac.uk)

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:October 8, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We present for the first time an all-optical wavelength conversion (AOWC) scheme supporting modulation format independency without requiring phase matching. The new scheme is named "spoof" four wave mixing (SFWM) and in contrast to the well-known FWM theory, where the induced dynamic refractive index grating modulates photons to create a wave at a new frequency, the SFWM is different in that the dynamic refractive index grating is generated in a nonlinear Bragg Grating (BG) to excite additional reflective peaks at either side of the original BG bandgap in reflection spectrum. This fundamental difference enable the SFWM to avoid the intrinsic shortcoming of stringent phase matching required in the conventional FWM, and allows AOWC with modulation format transparency and ultrabroad conversion range, which may have great potential applications for next generation of all-optical networks. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Refractive index

Controlled terms:Fiber optic networks - Four wave mixing - Modulation - Optical communication - Optical frequency conversion - Phase matching

Uncontrolled terms:All-Optical Networks - All-optical wavelength conversion - Modulation formats - Potential applications - Reflection spectra - Refractive index gratings

Classification code:741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 713 Electronic Circuits



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<RECORD 217>


Accession number:20125015788768

Title:Influence of optical system distortion on LASIS data

Authors:Jing, Juanjuan (1); Wei, Ruyi (1); Yu, Tao (1); Lv, Qunbo (3); Zhou, Jinsong (3); Wang, Le (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Lab. of Spectral Imaging Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; (3) Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; (4) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Jing, J.(jjgrzlyx@163.com)

Source title:IST 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

Abbreviated source title:IST - IEEE Int. Conf. Imaging Syst. Tech., Proc.

Monograph title:IST 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6295513



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, IST 2012

Conference date:July 16, 2012 - July 17, 2012

Conference location:Manchester, United kingdom

Conference code:93478

Sponsor:IEEE; IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (I and M)

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Optical distortion is a kind of ubiquitous problem in optical system, although it has little effect on the clarity of the image, it has a bad effect on the precision of the imaging geometrical position, especially in the optical system with large field of view, and it will be increased largely with increasing the view field. In the LASIS(Large Aperture Static Imaging Spectrometer) system, if the optical system has distortion, it may lead to inadequate sampling, which means that it couldn't satisfy the Nyquist sampling theorem, causing the recovery spectrum distortion. Because the larger the distortion, the lower the registration precision, it's very hard to correct the distortion effect, thus, it is useful to analyze the influence of optical system distortion on the image quality. An optical distortion model is developed in the paper to evaluate the optical design, the distortion data is calculated from the optical design software and the influence of optical system distortion on the data acquired by LASIS is analyzed. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Imaging systems - Optical design - Signal sampling

Uncontrolled terms:Distortion effects - Geometrical positions - Large aperture - Large field of views - LASIS - Nyquist sampling theorem - Optical distortion - Optical path difference - Optical-design software - Registration precision  - Spectrum distortion - Static imaging - View field

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 746 Imaging Techniques - 922 Statistical Methods



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<RECORD 218>


Accession number:20115114623295

Title:Detection of electromagnetic pulse induced hazard on electroexplosive device based on optical-fiber fluorescence

Authors:Liu, Lan-Shu (1); Zhang, Wen-Song (1); Zhu, Xiang-Ping (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, L.-S.

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Manufacturing Science and Technology

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2011

Conference date:September 16, 2011 - September 18, 2011

Conference location:Singapore, Singapore

Conference code:87754

Sponsor:Singapore Institute of Electronics

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:The electroexplosive devices(EED) are widely used in the core system of rocket, missile and nuclear weapons. Hazard analysis and measurement of electromagnetic pulse is of great importance to the security and reliability of EED. In this article, an optical-fiber fluorescence temperature sensor is proposed for analyzing hazard induced by electromagnetic pulse of EED. The temperature of EED can be measured through the fluorescence lifetime, then the induced current is obtained, and thereby the electromagnetic pulse induced hazard can be draw. The experiments show that, the set-up of this proposal can works with high precision and fast response, and immune to the electromagnetic interference.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Electromagnetic pulse

Controlled terms:Electromagnetism - Fluorescence - Hazards - Induced currents - Manufacture - Nuclear weapons - Reliability analysis - Technology

Uncontrolled terms:Core systems - Electroexplosive devices - Fast response - Fluorescence lifetimes - Fluorescence temperature sensors - Fluorescent lifetime - Hazard analysis - High precision

Classification code:913.4 Manufacturing - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 901 Engineering Profession - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention - 741.1 Light/Optics - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 404 Civil Defense and Military Engineering - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena



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<RECORD 219>


Accession number:20131516200492

Title:High-peak-power, single-mode, nanosecond pulsed, all-fiber laser for high resolution 3D imaging LIDAR system

Authors:Yun, Jian (1); Gao, Cunxiao (1); Zhu, Shaolan (1); Sun, Chuandong (1); He, Haodong (1); Feng, Li (1); Dong, Lijun (1); Niu, Linquan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, S.(slzhu@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:121402



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:This study presents an eye-safe, single-mode, nanosecond-pulsed, and all-fiber laser source with masteroscillator-power-amplifier configuration at 1 550 nm that is suitable for high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) imaging light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system. The output peak power of 7.6 kW is obtained at the 1.2-ns pulse width and 50-kHz repetition rate. The single-mode pulse laser output ensures the range precision and imaging results of the LIDAR system. The laser is used as a transmitter for the 3D imaging LIDAR system. The detailed characteristics of the LIDAR system and the results of the 3D imaging are presented. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Imaging systems

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Optical radar

Uncontrolled terms:All-fiber lasers - High resolution - Lidar systems - Light detection and ranging systems - Output peak power - Range precision - Repetition rate - Three dimensional (3-D) imaging

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 746 Imaging Techniques



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<RECORD 220>


Accession number:20123715419559

Title:Autofocusing of digital holographic microscopy based on off-axis illuminations

Authors:Gao, Peng (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Min, Junwei (1); Guo, Rongli (1); Ma, Baiheng (1); Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Lei, Ming (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Dan, Dan (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:September 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:An auto-focusing method for digital holographic microscopy has been proposed by employing two off-axis illumination beams. When specimens are illuminated by two plane waves in different directions, it is found that the farther the reconstruction plane is from the image plane, the wider the two reconstructed images are separated from each other. Thus, the image plane can be determinated by finding the minimum of the variation between the two reconstructed object waves on both the amplitude and phase distributions. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by the corresponding simulation and experiment. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Phase measurement

Controlled terms:Microscopic examination

Uncontrolled terms:Amplitude and phase distributions - Auto-focusing - Digital holographic microscopy - Image plane - Off-axis illumination - Plane wave - Reconstructed image - Reconstructed objects

Classification code:746 Imaging Techniques - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 221>


Accession number:20120814786197

Title:A neodymium fluid laser: Laser emission in circulating state

Authors:Hou, Chaoqi (1); Guo, Haitao (1); She, Jiangbo (1); Cui, Xiaoxia (1); Qiao, Zebang (1); Gao, Fei (1); Lu, Min (1); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate College of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Peng, B.(bpeng@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:Differing from conventional liquid lasers, a novel concept of fluid laser was provided, which has attractively potential using in high average power lasers. The laser medium was prepared by dispersing Nd<sup>3</sup>: phosphate glass micro-balls in organic match liquid. Its optical properties were investigated and the radiative transition rate was calculated by JuddOfelt theory. The experiment of laser oscillation in static state indicates that the heat exchanging has limited effect on refractive index of the fluid laser medium in a short time. In circulating state, a laser oscillation occurred at 1058.1 nm when pumped by two 808 nm diode lasers. The maximum output energy is 2.58 mJ with the absorbed pumping energy of 460 mJ. This study offers a new way in the exploration of high average power laser. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Neodymium lasers

Controlled terms:Lasers - Liquid lasers - Neodymium - Pumping (laser) - Refractive index

Uncontrolled terms:Heat exchanging - High average power lasers - Judd Ofelt theory - Laser emission - Laser materials - Laser medium - Laser oscillations - Maximum output - Novel concept - Phosphate glass  - Pumping energies - Radiative transition rate - Static state

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1 Light/Optics - 744 Lasers



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<RECORD 222>


Accession number:20115214636607

Title:Analysis and study of the interlaced encoding pixels in Hadamard transform spectral imager based on DMD

Authors:Xu, Jun (1); Hu, Bingliang (1); Feng, Dazheng (3); Fan, Xiaohui (4); Qian, Qingming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NO.17 Xinxi Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xian 710119, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) National Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xian 710071, China; (4) School of Foreign Studies, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China

Corresponding author:Xu, J.(xjsdcq@163.com)

Source title:Optics and Lasers in Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Lasers Eng



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:The key innovation in Hadamard transform spectral imager (HTSI) introduced recently is the use of digital micro-mirror device (DMD) to encode spectral information. However, because the size of individual micro-mirrors does not match the detector pixel size or for other unavoidable errors in the optical design and the system assembling, an interlaced encoding phenomenon appears on some pixels of the encoded images obtained from the detector. These interlaced encoding pixels are not encoded based on Hadamard transform, so they should be processed specially in spectrum recovery. This paper analyzes the interlaced encoding phenomenon and proposes a positioning method and a decoding method for the interlaced encoding pixels on the encoded images. In our experiment, we direct a beam of laser into our HTSI and fill the entire field of view; by observing the column vector, which is made up of the gray values of a pixel on the encoded images from the detector in sequence, the interlaced encoding pixels can be distinguished easily and a coefficient is obtained simultaneously, which denotes the ratio of the area between the left part and the right part of the interlaced encoding pixel. By substituting the coefficient and the encoded gray values of the interlaced pixel into its encoding equation, we can recover the spectral elements of the interlaced pixel with ease. By comparing the spectral curve of the interlaced encoding pixels recovered by the method mentioned in this paper and the spectral curves of its two adjacent pixels, we find the decoding results are quite effective. &copy; 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Pixels

Controlled terms:Decoding - Detectors - Encoding (symbols) - Image coding - Mathematical transformations - Optical design - Recovery

Uncontrolled terms:A-coefficient - Adjacent pixels - Column vector - Decoding methods - Digital micro-mirror device - DMD - Field of views - Gray value - Hadamard transforms - Micro mirror  - Pixel size - Positioning methods - Spectral curves - Spectral element - Spectral imager - Spectral information

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 914 Safety Engineering - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations



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<RECORD 223>


Accession number:20123515377229

Title:The correction of recovered spectral images in a hadamard transform spectral imager based on a digital micro-mirror device

Authors:Xu, Jun (1); Hu, Bingliang (1); Feng, Dazheng (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039, China; (3) National Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China

Corresponding author:Xu, J.(xjsdcq@163.com)

Source title:Applied Spectroscopy

Abbreviated source title:Appl Spectrosc



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 201B Broadway Street, Frederick, MD 21702-6501, United States

Abstract:The Hadamard transform spectral imager based on a digital micromirror device (DMD) is a novel type of spectral imager developed in recent years. This paper describes the designing scheme of the Hadamard encoding mask and analyzes the encoding process of the detector pixels. Generally the Hadamard encoding mask constructed by DMD cannot completely encode the dispersed spectrum of all the pixels according to the Hadamard matrix; therefore, the spectral images recovered by inverse Hadamard transform inevitably have errors. A correction method for the recovered spectral images is proposed. The experimental results show that this method improves the quality of the recovered spectral images. &copy; 2012 Society for Applied Spectroscopy.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Mathematical transformations

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic wave attenuation - Encoding (symbols) - Image coding - Pixels - Profilometry - Recovery

Uncontrolled terms:Correction method - Digital micro-mirror device - Encoding masks - Hadamard transforms - Spectral imager

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments



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<RECORD 224>


Accession number:20120814786203

Title:Principle and analysis of a moving double-sided mirror interferometer

Authors:Yang, Qinghua (1); Zhao, Baochang (1); Wen, Desheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, Q.(yangqh1981@gmail.com)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:A moving double-sided mirror interferometer (MDSMI) is presented. It comprises one moving double-sided mirror (MDSM), one fixed corner-cube mirror, one fixed plane mirror, and one beam-splitter. The MDSM is a plane-parallel glass plate with both faces coated with high-reflectivity films. The optical path difference (OPD) is created by the straight reciprocating motion of the MDSM driven by a linear actuator, and the OPD value is four times the displacement of the MDSM without tilt. The effect of tilt of the MDSM is analyzed, and the tilt tolerance of the MDSM is systematically analyzed by means of modulation depth and phase error. The MDSMI is very suitable for high-resolution rapid-scan infrared spectrometers. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Interferometers

Uncontrolled terms:Corner cubes - Fixed planes - Glass plate - High reflectivity - High resolution - Linear actuator - Modulation depth - Optical path difference - Phase error - Reciprocating motion  - Tilt tolerance

Classification code:741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 941.3 Optical Instruments



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<RECORD 225>


Accession number:20143518118147

Title:Classifiction for hyperspectral imagery based on nonlocal weighted joint sparsity model

Authors:Li, Jiayi (1); Zhang, Hongyan (1); Huang, Yuancheng (2); Zhang, Liangpei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, China; (2) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an, China

Source title:Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing

Abbreviated source title:Workshop Hyperspectral Image Signal Proces.: Evol. Remote Sens.

Monograph title:2012 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, WHISPERS 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6874316




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, WHISPERS 2012

Conference date:June 4, 2012  -  June 7, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:107087

Sponsor:ASD; et al.; EXELI S; Golden Way Scientific; HySpex; Itres

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society

Abstract:A nonlocal weighted joint sparse representation classification method for hyperspectral image is proposed in this paper. A discriminated contributions based on nonlocal spatial structure information are utilized in the joint sparsity model framework. The proposed algorithm is tested on two hyperspectral images. Experimental results suggest that the proposed algorithm shows superior performance over other sparsity-based algorithms and the classical hyperspectral classifier SVM. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Spectroscopy

Controlled terms:Image classification - Independent component analysis - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Classification methods - Hyper-spectral imageries - Hyper-spectral images - Hyperspectral image classification - Joint sparsity models - Nonlocal - Sparse representation - Spatial structure information

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 801 Chemistry



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<RECORD 226>


Accession number:20132616443445

Title:Investigation on the terahertz absorption spectra of the molecules with similar molecular structure

Authors:Fan, Wen-Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.cn)

Source title:Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology, LTST 2012

Abbreviated source title:Laser Tera-Hertz Sci. Technol., LTST

Monograph title:Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology, LTST 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology, LTST 2012

Conference date:November 1, 2012 - November 2, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:97362

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science Technology; ICOglobe; Optical Valley of China OVC

Publisher:Optical Society of American (OSA), 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036, United States

Abstract:The characteristic terahertz absorption features of several molecules with similar molecular structure have been measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy experimentally. Theoretical simulations have also been performed, and all measured terahertz absorption features are assigned. &copy; 2012 OSA.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Molecular structure

Controlled terms:Molecules

Uncontrolled terms:Terahertz absorption - Terahertz absorption spectrum - Terahertz time domain spectroscopy - Theoretical simulation

Classification code:931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics


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<RECORD 227>


Accession number:20113214227804

Title:An engineering prototype of Hadamard transform spectral imager based on Digital Micro-mirror Device

Authors:Sun, Xin (1); Hu, Bing-Liang (1); Li, Li-Bo (1); Wang, Zhong-Hou (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technology, Xian, China; (2) Institute of Optics and Precisian Mechanics, Xian 710119, China; (3) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Sun, X.(sunxin80319@hotmail.com)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:An engineering prototype of Hadamard transform spectral imager for object detection is presented. The programmable mask, using Digital Micro-mirror Device, is set on the second image plane to implement the function of spectral domain encoding. This method can significantly increase the detecting possibility with improved SNR of the relatively weak spectrum signature. A refractive configuration designed for visible spectrum application is proposed, and the optical design strategies of each functional unit are described in detail in order to meet both the image quality and the structural feasibility. The method of mask positioning is studied and the promising spectral recovery results based on the laboratory experiments are presented. &copy; 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Mathematical transformations

Controlled terms:Image quality - Mirrors - Optical design - Profilometry

Uncontrolled terms:Design strategies - Digital micro-mirror device - Functional units - Hadamard transforms - Image plane - Improved SNR - Laboratory experiments - Object Detection - Spectral domains - Spectral imager  - Visible spectra

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments



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<RECORD 228>


Accession number:20120614753599

Title:Scale invariant image matching using triplewise constraint and weighted voting

Authors:Pang, Yanwei (1); Shang, Mianyou (1); Yuan, Yuan (2); Pan, Jing (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (3) School of Electronic Engineering, Tianjin University of Education and Technology, Tianjin 300222, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:April 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Due to limited computational resource, image matching on mobile phone places great demand on efficiency and scale invariant. Though spectral matching (SM) with pairwisely geometric constraints is widely used in matching, it is not efficient and scale invariant for applications in mobile phones. The main factor that limits its efficiency is that it requires to eign-decomposition of a large affinity matrix when the number of candidate correspondences is large. It lacks scale invariance because the pairwise constraints cannot hold when large scale variation occurs. In this paper, we attempt to tackle these problems. In the proposed method, each candidate correspondence is considered as a voter and a candidate as well. As a voter it gives voting scores to other candidates and also votes itself. Based on the voting scores, the optimal correspondences are computed by simple addition operations and ranking operations, which results in high efficiency. To make the proposed method scale invariant, we propose a novel triple-wisely geometric constraint formed by three potential correspondences with one being the candidate and the other two being voters. The three correspondences constitute a pair of triangles. The similarity of the two triangles is the core of the triple-wisely constraint, which is robust to scale variation. The information of triple-wise constraints are encoded in a 3-dimensional matrix from which the optimal correspondence can be obtained by simple summation and ranking operations. Experimental results on real-data show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Efficiency

Controlled terms:Image matching - Mobile phones - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:3-dimensional matrix - Affinity matrix - Computational resources - Correspondence establishment - Geometric constraint - Its efficiencies - Pairwise constraints - Scale invariance - Scale invariant - Spectral matchings  - Spectral techniques - Weighted voting

Classification code:718.1 Telephone Systems and Equipment - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 913.1 Production Engineering - 921.5 Optimization Techniques



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<RECORD 229>


Accession number:20132516438545

Title:The influence of the stray light on MTF in optical system in test range

Authors:Duan, Jing (1); Mei, Chao (1); Jiang, Kai (1); Wang, Yang-Bin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100864, China

Source title:Information Optoelectronics, Nanofabrication and Testing, IONT 2012

Abbreviated source title:Inf. Optoelectron., Nanofabrication Test., IONT

Monograph title:Information Optoelectronics, Nanofabrication and Testing, IONT 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Information Optoelectronics, Nanofabrication and Testing, IONT 2012

Conference date:November 1, 2012 - November 2, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:97361

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science Technology; ICOglobe; Optical Valley of China OVC

Publisher:Optical Society of American (OSA), 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036, United States

Abstract:The imaging quality of the optical system can be affected by the stray light, so people want to know the stray light suppression level requirements of the optical system. Usually, the stray light suppression level requirements of the optical system is represented by the PST or the coefficient of stray light level. Although, in china, the GB show us the requirement of 3%&sim;5%[1], the standard of the GB can not directly guide the designer to design for that we can not know how large the PST of the optical can decrease the imaging quality of the optical system. So the paper will analyse the the influence of the PST on the imaging quality of the optical system in test range. The imaging quality of the optical system can be shown by MTF directly, so the paper will find the relationship between the PST and MTF in test range. &copy; 2012 OSA.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Nanotechnology - Stray light

Uncontrolled terms:Imaging quality - Stray light suppression - Test range

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 761 Nanotechnology


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<RECORD 230>


Accession number:20122615154413

Title:Image super-resolution with sparse neighbor embedding

Authors:Gao, Xinbo (1); Zhang, Kaibing (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Xihua University, Chengdu, China; (3) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (4) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Gao, X.(xbgao@mail.xidian.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Image Process



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6166881




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Until now, neighbor-embedding-based (NE) algorithms for super-resolution (SR) have carried out two independent processes to synthesize high-resolution (HR) image patches. In the first process, neighbor search is performed using the Euclidean distance metric, and in the second process, the optimal weights are determined by solving a constrained least squares problem. However, the separate processes are not optimal. In this paper, we propose a sparse neighbor selection scheme for SR reconstruction. We first predetermine a larger number of neighbors as potential candidates and develop an extended Robust-SL0 algorithm to simultaneously find the neighbors and to solve the reconstruction weights. Recognizing that the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) for reconstruction should have similar local geometric structures based on clustering, we employ a local statistical feature, namely histograms of oriented gradients (HoG) of low-resolution (LR) image patches, to perform such clustering. By conveying local structural information of HoG in the synthesis stage, the k-NN of each LR input patch is adaptively chosen from their associated subset, which significantly improves the speed of synthesizing the HR image while preserving the quality of reconstruction. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method can achieve competitive SR quality compared with other state-of-the-art baselines. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:50

Main heading:Optical resolving power

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Graphic methods - Image reconstruction - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Constrained least squares - Euclidean distance - Geometric structure - High resolution image - Histograms of oriented gradients - Image super-resolution - K-nearest neighbors - Low resolution images - neighbor embedding (NE) - Neighbor selection  - Optimal weight - Sparse representation - Statistical features - Structural information - Superresolution - Synthesis stages

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 921.5 Optimization Techniques



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<RECORD 231>


Accession number:20122215079405

Title:Comparison of end-pumped and multi-point pumped Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped gain guided and index antiguided fiber laser

Authors:Wu, Jingwei (1); Zhou, Enyu (1); Yan, Kunlun (2); Wei, Wei (2); Peng, Bo (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xian 710119, China; (3) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China

Corresponding author:Wei, W.(iamww@fudan.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:End-pumped and multi-point pumped Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped gain guided and index antiguided (GGIAG) fiber laser are analyzed by solving the rate equations and 3-D thermal conduction equations. Simulation results show that the multi-point pumped scheme can provide lower operating temperature and better temperature uniformity. Meanwhile, fabrication complexity, loss resulted from pump point should be taken into consideration in the practical design. &copy; 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Ytterbium

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Thermal effects

Uncontrolled terms:End-pumped - Gain guided - Index antiguided - Multi-point pumped - Operating temperature - Rate equations - Temperature uniformity - Thermal conduction equation

Classification code:421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 641 Heat and Mass Transfer; Thermodynamics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 232>


Accession number:20124415613693

Title:A new design of large area MCP-PMT for the next generation neutrino experiment

Authors:Wang, Yifang (1); Qian, Sen (1); Zhao, T. (1); Tian, Jinshou (2); Li, Huirui (3); Cao, Jun (1); Xu, Xiangyan (2); Wang, Xiaoyun (3); Liu, Shudong (1); Liu, Hulin (2); Liu, Shulin (1); Liu, Delin (3); Heng, Yuekun (1); Cao, Xibin (3); Shentu, Jun (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (2) Xian Institute of Optics and Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (3) Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute, Nanjing 210016, China

Corresponding author:Qian, S.(qians@ihep.ac.cn)

Source title:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Abbreviated source title:Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect A


Issue date:December 11, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:This manuscript discusses a new design of large area MCP-PMT for the next generation neutrino experiments. The main motivation of the design is to improve the quantum efficiency (photo detection efficiency) of the PMT. Two sets of small MCP units, the transmission photocathode coated on the front hemisphere and the reflection photocathode coated on the rear hemisphere are assembled in the same glass envelope to form nearly 4&pi; viewing angle to enhance the efficiency of the photoelectron detection. The photoelectrons from the 4&pi; photocathode are collected and amplified by two sets of MCP units. Our goal is eventually to produce 20 in. diameter PMT following such an approach. We will report preliminary results of our ptoelectronic simulation and the results of a 5 in. diameter prototype PMT. Future plans and prospects are discussed at the end. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Particle detectors

Controlled terms:Design - Experiments - Neutrons - Photocathodes - Photoelectrons - Photons

Uncontrolled terms:MCP - MCP-PMT - Neutrino experiments - New design - Photo-detection efficiencies - PMT - Viewing angle

Classification code:944.7 Radiation Measuring Instruments - 932.1 High Energy Physics - 901.3 Engineering Research - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 408 Structural Design



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<RECORD 233>


Accession number:20121514940926

Title:Super-resolution reconstruction of Chang'e-1 satellite CCD stereo camera images

Authors:Zhang, Lei (1); Yang, Jianfeng (1); Xue, Bin (1); Liang, Shitong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, L.(zhlei1001@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Considering the limited space resolution of the Chang'e-1 satellite's CCD stereo camera, MAP (maximum a posteriori probability) algorithm is used for lunar images super-resolution reconstruction. Imaging model of the Chang'e-1 satellite CCD stereo camera, analyses chief factors which determine the image quality in brief, and establishes appropriate model for super-resolution reconstruction are introduced. According to this reconstruction model, the error-parameter analysis was used to estimate the point spread function (PSF) of dynamic imaging system of the Chang'e-1 satellite CCD stereo camera firstly. Secondly, the estimated PSF was applied to the objective function established by the MAP algorithm, and the conjugate gradient method (CGM) was used to solve the extreme value of the function. Thirdly, the super-resolution reconstructions of the single frame normal lunar images were prograrmmed on VC software platform. Finally, the reconstructions through entropy, definition and spectrum were evaluated. Results show that the reconstructions quality is of great.

Number of references:14

Main heading:CCD cameras

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Conjugate gradient method - Factor analysis - Image quality - Optical resolving power - Optical transfer function - Repair - Satellites

Uncontrolled terms:Appropriate models - Conjugate gradient - Dynamic imaging - Extreme value - Gibbs model - Imaging model - Limited space - MAP algorithms - Maximum A posteriori probabilities - Objective functions  - Point-spread functions - Software platforms - Stereo cameras - Super resolution - Super-resolution reconstruction

Classification code:922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 921 Mathematics - 913.5 Maintenance - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 655.2 Satellites


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<RECORD 234>


Accession number:20131216133900

Title:Infrared image de-noising based on K-SVD over-complete dictionaries learning

Authors:Shan, Bin (1); Hao, Wei (1); Zhao, Rui (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology (BITTT), Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Shan, B.

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6469839



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The sparse representation of image based on over-complete dictionaries is a new image representation theory. Using the redundancy of over-complete dictionaries can effectively capture the various structure detail characteristics of an image, so as to realize the efficient representation of the image. In this paper we propose an infrared image de-noising algorithm based on K-SVD over-complete dictionaries learning using the over-complete dictionary image sparse representation theory. The experimental results compared with the common de-noising algorithm processing results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Image denoising

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Infrared imaging - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:De-noising algorithm - Image representations - Image-based - Infrared images - Infrared noise - Over-complete dictionaries - Sparse representation

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 746 Imaging Techniques - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 235>


Accession number:20121414922203

Title:Characterization of stable brush-shaped large-volume plasma generated at ambient air

Authors:Tang, Jie (1); Cao, Wenqing (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Wang, Yishan (1); Duan, Yixiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Research Center of Analytical Instrumentation, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Corresponding author:Duan, Y.(yduan@scu.edu.cn)

Source title:Physics of Plasmas

Abbreviated source title:Phys. Plasmas



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:013501




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Institute of Physics, 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite N101, Melville, NY 11747-4502, United States

Abstract:A brush-shaped, large-volume plasma was generated at ambient pressure with a dc power supply and flowing argon gas, as well as a narrow outlet slit. Based on the V-I curve and emission profiles obtained in our experiment, the plasma shows some typical glow discharge characteristics. The electron density in the positive column close to the anode is about 1.4 &times; 10<sup>14</sup> cm <sup>-3</sup> high, which is desirable for generating abundant amounts of reactive species in the plasma. Emission spectroscopy diagnosis indicates that many reactive species, such as excited argon atoms, excited oxygen atoms, excited nitrogen molecules, OH and C<inf>2</inf> radicals, etc., generated within the plasma are distributed symmetrically and uniformly, which is preferable to some chemical reactions in practical applications. Spectral measurement also shows that the concentration of some excited argon atoms increases with the argon flow rate when the applied voltage is unvaried, while that of these excited argon atoms declines with the discharge current in the normal/subnormal glow discharge mode with the argon flow rate fixed. The plasma size is about 15 mm &times; 1 mm &times; 19 mm (L, W, H), when 38-W of discharge power is used. Such a laminar brush-shaped large-volume plasma device ensures not only efficient utilization of the plasma gas, but also effective processing of objects with large volume and complicated structure that are susceptible to high temperatures. &copy; 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Nitrogen plasma

Controlled terms:Argon - Atoms - Brushes - Emission spectroscopy - Flow rate - Flowing wells - Glow discharges

Uncontrolled terms:Ambient air - Ambient pressures - Applied voltages - Argon atoms - Argon flow rate - Complicated structures - DC power supplies - Discharge characteristics - Discharge currents - Discharge power  - Emission profile - Flowing argons - High temperature - Nitrogen molecule - Oxygen atom - Plasma gas - Plasma size - Positive column - Reactive species - Spectral measurement

Classification code:932.3 Plasma Physics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 631 Fluid Flow - 605 Small Tools and Hardware - 512.2.2 Natural Gas Deposits: Development Operations



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<RECORD 236>


Accession number:20131416173442

Title:Focal length and focal depth of metallic superlens

Authors:Cao, Pengfei (1); Cheng, Lin (1); Li, Ying (1); Zhang, Xiaoping (1); Kong, Weijie (1); Gong, Li (1); Zhao, Xining (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cao, P.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Smart Structures, Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices, and Systems

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:841803





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Smart Structures, Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices, and Systems

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96276

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We consider the problems of focal length and focal depth of subwavelength imaging via a silver slab of metallic superlens. The performance limit of the metallic superlens was associated with the losses in the metallic film. The transmittance through a metal film is quite low and decreases exponentially with the thickness of the metal film. In the visible wavelength region, the permittivity of Ag can be approximated by the Drude model, so it can be described as the plural permittivity. The real part (&Epsilon;') of permittivity of the metal slab has been preferably index matched to the host material, and the imaginary part (&Epsilon;'') is considered to prevent ideal reconstruction of the image. Because superlens are usually made of metals with significant intrinsic loss (&Epsilon;''&gt;0), the image is blurred and it is regarded as an ultimate limitation to a near field perfect lens. The real part (&Epsilon;')and the imaginary part (&Epsilon;'') of permittivity of the metal slab is the function of the incident wavelength, so we discuss the relationship of the focal length, focal depth and the incident wavelength. We also derive the expression for the resolution limit of metallic lens and demonstrate that the area of its subwavelength performance is usually limited to the near-field zone. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Design

Controlled terms:Manufacture - Metallic films - Optical variables measurement - Permittivity - Silver - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Focal depth - Focal lengths - Incident wavelength - Metallic superlens - Resolution limits - Subwavelength imaging - Superfocusing - Visible wavelengths

Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism - 547.1 Precious Metals - 539 Metals Corrosion and Protection; Metal Plating - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 408 Structural Design - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography



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<RECORD 237>


Accession number:20120614740197

Title:Parallelized evolutionary learning for detection of biclusters in gene expression data

Authors:Huang, Qinghua (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3); Liew, Alan (4)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China; (2) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (4) School of Information and Communication Technology, Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University, QLD 4222, Australia

Corresponding author:Huang, Q.(qhhuang@scut.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. BioL. Bioinf.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:5728798



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The analysis of gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments is important for discovering the biological process of genes. Biclustering algorithms have been proven to be able to group the genes with similar expression patterns under a number of experimental conditions. In this paper, we propose a new biclustering algorithm based on evolutionary learning. By converting the biclustering problem into a common clustering problem, the algorithm can be applied in a search space constructed by the conditions. To further reduce the size of the search space, we randomly separate the full conditions into a number of condition subsets (subspaces), each of which has a smaller number of conditions. The algorithm is applied to each subspace and is able to discover bicluster seeds within a limited computing time. Finally, an expanding and merging procedure is employed to combine the bicluster seeds into larger biclusters according to a homogeneity criterion. We test the performance of the proposed algorithm using synthetic and real microarray data sets. Compared with several previously developed biclustering algorithms, our algorithm demonstrates a significant improvement in discovering additive biclusters. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:36

Main heading:Clustering algorithms

Controlled terms:Evolutionary algorithms - Gene expression - Microarrays

Uncontrolled terms:Biclustering - Biclustering algorithm - Biclusters - Biological process - Clustering problems - Computing time - Evolutionary Learning - Experimental conditions - Expression patterns - Gene Expression Data  - gene expression data analysis - Genetic learning - Merging procedure - Microarray data sets - Microarray experiments - Search spaces - Search strategies

Classification code:461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology - 461.8.1 Genetic Engineering - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 238>


Accession number:20130415940877

Title:Unsteady heat transfer process analysis of thermoelectric cooling system on CCD sensor

Authors:Pan, Haijun (1); Ruan, Ping (1); Li, Fu (1); Bu, Fan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Pan, H.(dutt386@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Driven by shrinking feature size and increasing functionality, thermoelectric refrigeration is widely used to precision temperature control of important components as an effective active cooling technology. In order to achieve the best refrigeration effect, a numerical analysis model was derived to identify the unsteady heat transfer process of thermoelectric cooling system on CCD sensor under the condition of constrained heat dissipation. The numerical results demonstrate that the heat transfer process in low convection coefficient of the thermoelectric cooling system is unsteady for a long time because of the limitation of heat dispersing. Increasing cooling current under the Imax can improve the refrigeration effect, but the phenomenon of temperature rise will be happened by big current. Although improving hot-side heat dissipation capability can obtain better refrigeration effect, an extreme value exists relating the figure of merit on thermoelectric cooler (TEC). Under the condition of load change, increasing refrigeration current and hot-side heat dissipation capability in reasonable range can improve the temperature stability of system. As a matter of fact, refrigeration current has a greater impact than hot-side heat dissipation capability on the temperature stability of system.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Thermoelectric refrigeration

Controlled terms:Cooling - Heat transfer coefficients - Numerical analysis - Sensors - System stability - Thermoelectric equipment - Thermoelectricity

Uncontrolled terms:Active cooling - CCD sensors - Convection coefficients - Extreme value - Figure of merits - Heat dissipation capability - Heat transfer process - Load change - Numerical results - Precision temperature control  - Refrigeration effect - Shrinking feature sizes - Temperature rise - Temperature stability - Thermoelectric cooler - Thermoelectric cooling - Unsteady heat transfer

Classification code:615.4 Thermoelectric Energy - 641.2 Heat Transfer - 801 Chemistry - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 961 Systems Science


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<RECORD 239>


Accession number:20132916515041

Title:Research on design of a cubic conjugate phase mask having the capability of controlling the bandwidth of wave-front coding system

Authors:Zhao, Hui (1); Li, Yingcai (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, H.(zhaohui@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Optical Design and Testing V

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:85572C






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Optical Design and Testing V

Conference date:November 5, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Conference location:Beijing, China

Conference code:97676

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Chinese Optical Society (COS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:In this paper, an extended cubic phase mask used to realize wave-front coding technique is derived in frequency domain. Then by splitting and re-combining the terms of the phase function, a new mask containing two conjugate cubic terms is generated and can be physically realized by shifting and superposing two cubic phase mask having relative displacement with respect to the center of the pupil plane. Simulation results indicate that this phase mask has the capability of changing the system effective bandwidth while maintaining the defocus invariance characteristic. The work reported can be extended to other phase masks and could be considered to be complementary to the existing researches. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Wavefronts

Controlled terms:Bandwidth - Optical design

Uncontrolled terms:Capability of controlling - Cubic phase mask - Depth of field - Effective bandwidth - Frequency domains - Phase functions - Relative displacement - Wave-front coding

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 240>


Accession number:20121915012796

Title:Plasmonic analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in multi-nanoresonator-coupled waveguide systems

Authors:Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1); Mao, Dong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

Abbreviated source title:Phys Rev A



Issue date:May 4, 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:053803





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3844, United States

Abstract:We have theoretically and numerically investigated an analog of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in plasmonic systems consisting of multiple cascaded nanodisk resonators, aperture-side-coupled to metal-insulator-metal bus waveguides. A simplified theoretical model is established to study spectral features in the plasmonic waveguide-resonator systems, and the calculated results are in good agreement with finite-difference time-domain simulations. The main dependent factors of EIT-like spectral response, namely, the resonance detuning, intrinsic Drude loss, and especially cavity-cavity separation, are discussed in detail. Similar to multiple EIT in quantum systems, multiple induced-transparency peaks are found in the areas of strong dispersion generated in our plasmonic system. The group indices and quality factors of transparency resonances with high transmission can reach levels of &sim;35 and &sim;200, respectively. These results pave a way toward dynamic control of light in the nanoscale domain, which can actualize some new devices for fundamental study and applications of plasmonic nanostructures. &copy; 2012 American Physical Society.

Number of references:43

Main heading:Quantum optics

Controlled terms:Optical waveguides - Plasmons - Quantum electronics - Resonators - Transparency

Uncontrolled terms:Bus waveguides - Dependent factors - Dynamic controls - Electromagnetically-induced transparency - Finite difference time domain simulations - Group index - High transmission - Metal insulator metals - Nanodisks - Nanoscale domain  - New devices - Plasmonic - Plasmonic nanostructures - Quality factors - Quantum system - Resonance detuning - Spectral feature - Spectral response - Strong dispersion - Study and applications  - Theoretical models - Waveguide systems

Classification code:712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744 Lasers



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<RECORD 241>


Accession number:20124415622975

Title:Pose estimation algorithm with line matching by utilizing quaternion

Authors:Li, Zhe (1); Su, Xiuqin (1); Hao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Li, Z.(lizhe96@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Pose estimation based on the parameters of camera has been studied extensively and it has been applied to many areas such as computer vision and robotics. Calculation using 3D geometric features and its corresponding 2D geometric features is a significant method to estimate camera poses. Given to this fact, a novel algorithm was proposed based on 3D to its corresponding 2D geometric features, aiming at estimating monocular camera poses. In this algorithm, rotation matrix was denoted by quaternion, and rotation parameters and translation parameters were obtained by constraint equation. Compared with the NLL algorithm proposed by Ansar, this algorithm was more effective in reducing the influence of image noise on pose estimation accuracy. Meanwhile, it can ensure the orthogonality of rotation matrix. The result of simulation experiment shows that compared with NLL algorithm, the new algorithm obviously presents stronger robustness, higher calculation accuracy and computational complexity. The validity of this algorithm is verified by an actual experiment.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Image matching

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Cameras - Computer vision - Geometry - Three dimensional computer graphics

Uncontrolled terms:Actual experiments - Calculation accuracy - Constraint equation - Geometric feature - Image noise - Line-matching - Monocular cameras - Novel algorithm - Orthogonality - Pose estimation  - Pose estimation algorithm - Quaternion - Rotation matrices - Rotation parameters - Simulation experiments - Translation parameters

Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.2 Vision - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 921 Mathematics


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<RECORD 242>


Accession number:20122115046037

Title:Stable passively Q-switched operation of Tm<sup>3+</sup> doped silica fiber laser by anti-resonant fabry-perot saturable absorber

Authors:Long, J.Y. (1); Shen, D.Y. (1); Wang, Y.Sh. (1); Zhao, W. (1); An, Y. (1); Zhou, W. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Long, J.Y.

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:We demonstrate a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Tm-doped double-cladding silica fiber laser operating at wavelength of 1960 nm using an anti-resonant Fabry-Perot saturable absorber as passive modulation element. To determine a relatively preferable fiber length for stable cw Q-switched operation, three active fiber simples with the length of 1.1, 5.3, and 7.0 m were employed respectively in our experiments. With 1.1 m gain fiber, we generated Q-switched pulses with a pulse width of 245 ns and an average power of up to 2.2 W at a repetition rate of 620 kHz. For the longer two fiber samples, Q-switched operation with longer pulse duration, Q-switched mode-locking and cw mode-locking were observed, respectively. &copy; Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Q switching

Controlled terms:Fabry-Perot interferometers - Fiber lasers - Fibers - Saturable absorbers - Silica

Uncontrolled terms:Active fibers - Antiresonant - Average power - Diode-pumped - Double-cladding - Fabry-Perot - Fiber length - Gain fibers - Modelocking - Passively Q-switched  - Pulse durations - Pulsewidths - Q-switched mode-locking - Q-switched operation - Q-switched pulse - Repetition rate - Silica fiber lasers - Tm-doped

Classification code:744 Lasers - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 941.3 Optical Instruments



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<RECORD 243>


Accession number:20122215059403

Title:Gain spectrum of a laser-driven tripod-type atom dynamically induced in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence

Authors:Tian, Si-Cong (1); Wan, Ren-Gang (2); Kang, Zhi-Hui (1); Zhang, Hang (3); Jiang, Yun (1); Cui, Hai-Ning (1); Gao, Jin-Yue (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Lab of Coherent Light and Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy of Ministry of Education, College of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130023, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130023, China

Corresponding author:Gao, J.-Y.(jygao@mail.jlu.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics

Abbreviated source title:J Opt Soc Am B



Issue date:May 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We examine the absorption of a weak probe beam in a laser-driven tripod-type atom with three closely lying ground levels, where both the driving and probe lasers interact simultaneously with the three transitions. The effects of spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) are taken into account. We introduce dipole moments in the dressed-state picture and the Hamiltonian in terms of the dressed states describing the interaction between the probe and the atom. Gain spectrum under various conditions are presented and analyzed. We show that the spectral structure and the gain amplitude of the probe are strongly influenced by the effect of SGC and the frequency separation of the three closely lying ground levels. The tripod-type atomic system with quantum interference in spontaneous emission can be simulated in the dressed-state picture of a coherently driven four-level N-type system where no SGC effect exists. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Spontaneous emission

Controlled terms:Atoms - Probes

Uncontrolled terms:Atomic system - Dressed state - Frequency separation - Gain amplitude - Gain spectra - Ground level - Probe laser - Quantum interference - Spectral structure - Spontaneously generated coherence  - Weak probe beam

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments



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<RECORD 244>


Accession number:20121614947810

Title:Collimating lens for light-emitting-diode light source based on non-imaging optics

Authors:Wang, Guangzhen (1); Wang, Lili (1); Li, Fuli (2); Zhang, Gongjian (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Wang, L.(liliwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:April 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:A collimating lens for a light-emitting-diode (LED) light source is an essential device widely used in lighting engineering. Lens surfaces are calculated by geometrical optics and nonimaging optics. This design progress does not rely on any software optimization and any complex iterative process. This method can be used for any type of light source not only Lambertian. The theoretical model is based on point source. But the practical LED source has a certain size. So in the simulation, an LED chip whose size is 1 mm* 1 mm* is used to verify the feasibility of the model. The mean results show that the lenses have a very compact structure and good collimating performance. Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the flux in the illuminated plane to the flux from LED source without considering the lens material transmission. Just investigating the loss in the designed lens surfaces, the two types of lenses have high efficiencies of more than 90% and 99%, respectively. Most lighting area (possessing 80% flux) radii are no more than 5 m when the illuminated plane is 200 m away from the light source. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Light emitting diodes

Controlled terms:Geometrical optics - Light emission - Light sources

Uncontrolled terms:Collimating lens - Compact structures - Complex iterative process - Design progress - Lambertian - LED chips - Lens materials - Lens surface - Non-imaging - Nonimaging optics  - Point sources - Software optimization - Theoretical models

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 245>


Accession number:20125115818919

Title:Design of optical system for fusion reaction-rate measurement

Authors:Yan, Ya-Dong (1); He, Jun-Hua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, Y.-D.(yyd@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140 Renmin Street, Changchun, 130022, China

Abstract:Based on a plastic scintillator and an optic streak camera, a measuring system for fusion reaction-rate was designed, then the working princile and design method of the measuring system were addressed in detail. A piece of fused silica window was set just behind the plastic scintillator to protect optical elements from darkening after a long time exposure in scatted X rays and the ultraviolet crystals and other ultraviolet glass were selected to ensure the high system transmission. Furthermore, the image plane of the optical system was put onto a photocathode of the streak camera directly to remove the aperture non-matching of input optic system of the streak camera. Finally, a field mirror was put on the first image plane to reduce the max diameter of optical element from 160 mm to 120 mm. The designed optical system has a total length of 2 660 mm, magnification of 3:1 and its final lens is F/0.667 and transmission is 67%. Moreover, the time dispersion of the optical system is less than 7.3 ps. These results meet the experimental needs of different neutron yields and good experimental results have been obtained in a laser targeting experiment.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Dispersions - Fusion reactions - Measurements - Neutrons - Optical design - Optics - Reaction rates - Streak cameras

Uncontrolled terms:Design method - Fused-silica window - Image plane - Measuring systems - Neutron yields - Optic system - Plastic scintillator - Rate measurements - Temporal dispersion - Time dispersion  - Total length

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 932.1 High Energy Physics - 801.4 Physical Chemistry - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 621.2 Fusion Reactors



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<RECORD 246>


Accession number:20125015787492

Title:Real-time three-dimensional object capturing and mapping with optical correlators

Authors:He, Zhengquan (1); Li, Yulin (1); Huang, Xiangsheng (2); Kong, Depong (1); Zhang, Minrui (1); Guo, Xiaoyi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 17 Xinxi RD. New Industrial Park, Xian, 710119, China; (2) Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Automation Building 312#, Zhongguancun East Road 95#, Beijing,100090, China

Corresponding author:He, Z.(zhqhe@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Information Technology Processing, AMITP 2012

Conference date:October 17, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Taipei, Taiwan

Conference code:94267

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In this paper a new strategy for real-time three-dimensional object capturing and mapping is proposed by using optical correlators. A spatial light modulator is applied in the new strategy. Owing to the properties of quickly parallel processing of optical correlation algorithm the technique can also implement real time object capturing and track, and, as for human body recognition the gesture of body parts can also be portrayed. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Three dimensional

Controlled terms:Convolution - Gesture recognition - Information technology - Light modulators - Mapping - Optical correlation - Speckle

Uncontrolled terms:Body parts - Correlation algorithm - Human bodies - Optical correlators - Parallel processing - Real time - SLM - Spatial light modulators - Speckle patterns - Three-dimensional object

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 903 Information Science



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<RECORD 247>


Accession number:20123715432062

Title:Wave aberration measuring system of optical lens with small-field of view based on auto-collimating principle

Authors:Zhang, Xuemin (1); Wei, Ruyi (1); Li, Hua (1); Duan, Jiayou (1); Yang, Jianfeng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Li, H.(lihua@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Jiguang



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:s108011




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:In order to measure the wave aberration of optical lens with small field of view rapidly and precisely, a new wave aberration measuring system based on both auto-collimation principle and Fizeau spherical laser interferometer measurement principle is described. The wave aberration measurement principle by Fizeau spherical laser interferometer is introduced. The assembling and measuring methods of this new auto-collimation-based wave aberration system are discussed and analyzed in detail. By using the characteristic of auto-collimation optics, the in-terferometer's axis, the optical lens's optical axis and the high-precision reflector's axis are precisely determined, and the fast assembly of the optical system is implemented too. Analyses reveal that this system can be an effective solution to the optical axis deviation problem in measuring the wave aberration of optical lens with small-field of view, and implementing the wave aberration test of optical lens rapidly and accurately.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Optical instrument lenses

Controlled terms:Interferometers - Laser interferometry - Measurements - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Auto-collimating - Effective solution - Field of views - High-precision - Laser interferometer - Measuring method - Measuring systems - Optical axis - Optical lens - Small-field of view  - View-based - Wave aberrations

Classification code:741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 941.3 Optical Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments



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<RECORD 248>


Accession number:20130716027498

Title:Coupled directional level set for MR image segmentation

Authors:Qin, Xianjing (1); Liu, Yang (2); Lu, Hongbing (2); Li, Xuelong (1); Yan, Pingkun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (2) Department of Biomedical Engineering/Computer Application, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Qin, X.

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6406610



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:11th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Conference date:December 12, 2012 - December 15, 2012

Conference location:Boca Raton, FL, United states

Conference code:95469

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Segmenting bladder wall for thickness measuring is a fundamental operation in bladder magnetic resonance (MR) image analysis since thickening of the bladder wall may indicate abnormality. Active contours have been used for bladder wall segmentation, which can be broadly divided into gradient-based and region-based methods, according to the used image features. However, the artifacts in MR images and the complex background outside the bladder lead to significant challenges for segmentation. In this paper, a coupled directional level set model is proposed to segment the outer and inner boundaries simultaneously by exploiting the directional gradient, region information and thickness prior of the bladder wall. With our proposed method, the influence of the artifacts in the bladder lumen and the complicated intensity distribution of soft tissues surrounding the bladder can be appreciably reduced. Promising results on 119 bladder MR images have demonstrated the performance of the presented method. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Image segmentation

Controlled terms:Learning systems - Magnetic resonance - Magnetic resonance imaging

Uncontrolled terms:Active contours - Bladder wall - Complex background - Directional gradient - Fundamental operations - Gradient based - Image features - Intensity distribution - Level Set - Level-set model  - MR images - Region information - Region-based methods - Soft tissue - Thickness constraint

Classification code:701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 731.5 Robotics - 741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 249>


Accession number:20124815715028

Title:Three-dimensional reconstruction of laser-imploded targets from simulated pinhole images

Authors:Xu, Peng (1); Bai, Yonglin (2); Bai, Xiaohong (1); Liu, Baiyu (2); Ouyang, Xian (2); Wang, Bo (2); Yang, Wenzheng (2); Gou, Yongsheng (2); Zhu, Bingli (2); Qin, Junjun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultra-fast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Bai, Y.(baiyonglin@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:November 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:This paper proposes an integral method to achieve a more accurate weighting matrix that makes very positive contributions to the image reconstruction in inertial confinement fusion research. Standard algebraic reconstruction techniques with a positivity constraint included are utilized. The final normalized mean-square error between the simulated and reconstructed projection images is 0.000365%, which is a nearly perfect result, indicating that the weighting matrix is very important. Compared with the error between the simulated and reconstructed phantoms, which is 2.35%, it seems that the improvement of the accuracy of the projection image does not mean the improvement of the phantom. The proposed method can reconstruct a simulated laser-imploded target consisting of 100 &times; 100 &times; 100 voxels. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Three dimensional

Controlled terms:Image reconstruction - Lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Algebraic reconstruction techniques - Integral method - Projection image - Three-dimensional reconstruction - Weighting matrices

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 744.1 Lasers, General - 902.1 Engineering Graphics



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<RECORD 250>


Accession number:20120914810641

Title:Widely tunable femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on silicon-on-insulator waveguides

Authors:Wen, Jin (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wen, J.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:February 13, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:A femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide is proposed and analyzed numerically. By utilizing split-step Fourier method (SSFM), it is demonstrated that ultrawide tunable wavelength femtosecond pulse can be realized under the phase matching condition. Due to the interaction between nonlinearity and flexible dispersion design, the output signal wavelength can be tuned from 1645 to 1805 nm and the idler wavelength can be tuned from 1350 to 1456 nm. Moreover, the peak power of the output signal pulse exceeds 10 W from 1700 to 1770 nm with the pump peak power 50 W. The proposed OPO exhibits compact configuration and can find important applications in integrated broadband optical source. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Optical parametric oscillators

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic pulse - Optical pumping - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Broad-band optical sources - Femtosecond optical parametric oscillators - Femtosecond pulse - Non-Linearity - Output signal - Peak power - Phase matching conditions - Silicon on insulator waveguide - Split-Step Fourier Method - Tunable wavelength  - Ultra-wide - Widely tunable

Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism - 714.3 Waveguides - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 251>


Accession number:20122615178963

Title:Detectability calibration of lunar-based optical telescope on ground

Authors:Xu, Liang (1); Zhao, Jian-Ke (1); Xue, Xun (1); Liu, Feng (1); Hu, Dan-Dan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, L.(xuliang757@163.com)

Source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140 Renmin Street, Changchun, 130022, China

Abstract:The Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) of star-level detection and the energy concentration of a dispersed spot for an lunar-based Optical Telescope (LOT) are tested by using a simulation experiment on ground to verify its detection capability. Unlike the conventional methods that use the effect of CCD hardware parameters on the noise to test the SNR, the new test method directly uses the observation information to compute the SNRs of star targets and the tested uncertainty of object SNRs can be better than 8%. In the test of energy concentration, the centroid algorithm is used to computer the center of the dispersed spot and a Gaussian fitting method is proposed to fit the curve of the energy distribution. The Gaussian fitting method can significantly improve the detection precision of the energy concentration for the dispersed spot, and the testing precision has been improved by 10%. Finally, the detection capability of +15Mv of the LOT is verified by an experiment on the SNR of star level detection and the energy concentration of dispersed spot for the LOT.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Signal to noise ratio

Controlled terms:Experiments - Moon - Optical telescopes - Stars

Uncontrolled terms:Centroid algorithm - Concentration of energy - Conventional methods - Detectability - Detection capability - Energy concentration - Energy distributions - Gaussian fitting - Hardware parameters - Observation information  - Positioning accuracy - Signaltonoise ratio (SNR) - Simulation experiments - Test method

Classification code:657.2 Extraterrestrial Physics and Stellar Phenomena - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 901.3 Engineering Research



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<RECORD 252>


Accession number:20122315100404

Title:A low loss ultra-narrowband negative-dispersion and large mode field area photonic crystal fiber for dispersion compensation

Authors:Zhang, Yani (1); Huang, Jungang (2); Li, Kang (2); Gong, Yongkang (2); Copner, N.J. (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics and Information Technology, Baoji College of Arts and Science, Baoji 721007, China; (2) Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, Treforest, Pontypridd, CF37 1RP, United Kingdom; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y.(yanizhang1@163.com)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Microstructured and Specialty Optical Fibres

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84260V





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Microstructured and Specialty Optical Fibres

Conference date:April 17, 2012 - April 19, 2012

Conference location:Brussels, Belgium

Conference code:90005

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Brussels Photonics Team (B-PHOT); Brussels-Capital Region; Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO); International Commission for Optics (ICO); Ville de Bruxelles

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A hexangular lattice dual-concentric-core photonic crystal fiber is proposed, which is composed of an inner core to be formed by missing a central air-hole, an outer ring core to be produced by reducing the size of the air-holes of the third ring and the double cladding circle air-holes along the direction of fiber length. Based on the full vector finite element method with anisotropic perfectly matched layers, its dispersion, leakage loss and mode field area are numerically investigated. Numerical results indicate that the proposed fiber shows large negative dispersion, strong confinement ability of guide mode, large effective mode area and low leakage loss and low sensitivity to the structure parameters. And the wavelength of high negative dispersion value can be adjusted by artificially choosing the parameters of the proposed PCF, such as &Lambda;, d<inf>1</inf> and f. The optimal design parameters with &Lambda;=1.2&mu;m, f=0.92, d<inf>1</inf>=0.52&mu;m for proposed PCF are obtained to achieve ultra-narrowband negative dispersion value for dispersion compensation. For the optimal design, the dispersion value reaches as high as -3400 ps&middotkm<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup> and the dispersion slope value is between -1000-6000 ps&middotkm<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup> over C band (1.53-1.565&mu;m). At wavelength of 1.55&mu;m, the leakage loss is closed to 10<sup>-2</sup> dB&middotm<sup>-1</sup> and the corresponding area of effective mode is 36&mu;m<sup>2</sup>. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:26

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Dispersion compensation - Microstrip devices - Nonlinear optics - Optimal systems - Photonic crystal fibers

Uncontrolled terms:Air holes - Anisotropic perfectly matched layer - C-bands - Confinement loss - Dispersion slopes - Double cladding - Fiber length - Guide modes - Inner core - Large effective  - Large negative dispersion - Leakage loss - Low leakage - Low sensitivity - Mode field area - Numerical results - Optimal design - Optimal design parameters - Ring core - Strong confinement  - Structure parameter - Ultra-narrowband - Vector finite element methods

Classification code:961 Systems Science - 951 Materials Science - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 253>


Accession number:20131116105456

Title:Design of the autocollimator tracking system based on TMS320DM642 and TMS320F2812

Authors:Guo, Hongxiang (1); Hu, Xiaodong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.17 Xinxi Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Guo, H.(turedeerhound@163.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463339



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper introduces the composition of the autocollimator tracking system, and analyses in detail the image processing part and servo tracking part of the system. The image processing part uses TMS320DM642 DSP to complete the image acquisition and image display. Using RS232 serial ports to transmit each frame offset of target to the servo tracking part. According to the offset information, the servo tracking part makes use of TMS320F2812 DSP to complete real-time tracking. Autocollimator tracking system uses two rhombic prisms to ensure real-time transmission of optical path. Experiments show that the autocollimator tracking system can achieve 1HZ real-time tracking and fully meets the project needs. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Target tracking

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Image processing

Uncontrolled terms:Autocollimators - Image display - Optical path - Real time tracking - Real-time transmissions - Serial port - Servo tracking - TMS320F2812 - Tracking system

Classification code:716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 254>


Accession number:20123215307718

Title:Picosecond laser-induced formation of spikes in a single crystal superalloy

Authors:Zhang, Wei (1); Cheng, Guanghua (2); Feng, Qiang (1); Cao, Lamei (4)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China; (4) National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced High Temperature Structural Materials, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China

Corresponding author:Feng, Q.(qfeng@skl.ustb.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Surface Science

Abbreviated source title:Appl Surf Sci



Issue date:September 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The characteristics of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) were investigated after laser irradiation with different pulse duration under a certain range of laser fluence (0.25 &le &Phi; &le 1.91 J/cm<sup>2</sup>) and pulse number (11 &le N &le 560). Spikes were generated by picosecond laser irradiation in ambient air, in comparison with only periodic ripple structures introduced by nanosecond and femtosecond laser irradiation. Microstructural investigations indicate that these spikes were initiated by the fragment of periodic ripple ridges or corrugation on the smooth surface with subsequent pulses, and their separation increased with increasing the laser fluence. Surface capillary waves associated with the resolidification process can be employed to explain the formation of spikes by picosecond laser irradiation. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Ultrafast lasers

Controlled terms:Periodic structures - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Ambient air - Capillary wave - Laser fluences - Laser induced - Laser-induced periodic surface structures - Microstructural investigation - Picosecond laser - Picosecond laser irradiation - Picoseconds - Pulse durations  - Pulse number - Resolidification - Ripple structure - Ripples - Single crystal superalloys - Smooth surface - Spikes - Surface capillary waves

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 933 Solid State Physics



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<RECORD 255>


Accession number:20121414925555

Title:Autofocusing based on wavelength dependence of diffraction in two-wavelength digital holographic microscopy

Authors:Gao, Peng (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Rupp, Romano (2); Min, Junwei (1); Guo, Rongli (1); Ma, Baiheng (1); Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Lei, Ming (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Dan, Dan (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:April 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:An autofocusing method for two-wavelength digital holographic microscopy (TWDHM) based on the wavelength dependence of the diffraction process is proposed. Red and green lights are employed for the illumination of the TWDHM, and the generated holograms are recorded simultaneously by a color CCD camera. Due to the wavelength dependency of the diffraction process, the farther the reconstruction plane is from the image plane, the larger the difference is between the red and green light distributions. Thus, the image plane can be determined by finding the minimum of the variation between the red and green lights on their amplitude distributions. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation and experiment. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Wavelength

Controlled terms:Diffraction - Microscopic examination - Phase measurement

Uncontrolled terms:Amplitude distributions - Auto-focusing - Diffraction process - Digital holographic microscopy - Green light - Image plane - Two wavelength - Wavelength dependence - Wavelength dependency

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 746 Imaging Techniques - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 256>


Accession number:20123615409678

Title:Unidirectional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in T-shaped waveguide with nanodisk resonator

Authors:Wang, Guoxi (1); Lu, Hua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, G.(wangguoxi@opt.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:October 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The unidirectional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in a novel configuration is numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain method. It is found that the transmission varies periodically with the increase of distance between the nanodisk resonator and horizontal nanoslit, which can be interpreted by the interference theory. The operating wavelength of this structure can be tuned by altering the refractive index of the nanodisk resonator. This subwavelength-scale structure exhibits high transmission (&sim;58%) due to the constructive interference of the SPP modes, and thus can find important applications on the manipulation of SPP excitation in highly integrated optical circuits. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Excited states

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic wave polarization - Finite difference time domain method - Particle optics - Photonic integration technology - Refractive index - Resonators - Surface plasmon resonance

Uncontrolled terms:Constructive interference - Finite difference time domains - Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) methods - High transmission - Highly integrated - Interference theory - Nanodisks - Nanoslits - Operating wavelength - Photonic integrated circuits  - Subwavelength-scale structures - Surface plasmon polaritons

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes



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<RECORD 257>


Accession number:20122915259973

Title:Measuring method of coordinator azimuth angle based on photoelectric sensor

Authors:Xu, Feng (1); Wu, Yiming (1); Wang, Weifeng (1); Bai, Jianming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Xu, F.(guijiyuan@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Aiming at the deficiency of traditional measuring method for coordinator azimuth angle, a non-contact method of detecting graphics information on the surface of gyro rotor based on photoelectric sensor was presented. Firstly, the overall project design of measuring method based on photoelectric sensor was given. Secondly, static model and dynamic model of coordinator gyro rotor were established. Research was focused on the surface pattern of gyro rotor, and the principle formula was deduced through theoretical analysis. Finally, with simulation analysis of two aspects of error transfer factor and linearity, most important pattern parameter was selected properly. The research result shows that it is possible to realize the linearity less than 5&permil; and measuring accuracy up to minute of arc in the range of &plusmn;40 degrees by measuring method of coordinator azimuth angle based on photoelectric sensor, which is suitable for engineering application.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Photoelectricity

Controlled terms:Factor analysis - Gyroscopes - Sensors

Uncontrolled terms:Azimuth angles - Gyro-rotor - Linearity - Photoelectric sensors - Simulation

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 943.1 Mechanical Instruments


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<RECORD 258>


Accession number:20124115553489

Title:Influence of package structure on the performance of the single emitter diode laser

Authors:Li, Xiaoning (1); Zhang, Yanxin (1); Wang, Jingwei (1); Xiong, Lingling (1); Zhang, Pu (1); Nie, Zhiqiang (1); Wang, Zhenfu (1); Liu, Hui (1); Liu, Xingsheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Xi'An Focuslight Technologies Company, Ltd., Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, X.(smto@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6255780



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The package structure critically influences the major characteristics of semiconductor lasers, such as thermal behavior, output power, wavelength, and far-field distribution. In this paper, a new single emitter package structure called F-mount is designed and compared with the conventional package structure C-mount. The influence of package structure on their performances is characterized and analyzed. The thermal resistances of lasers with different package structures are calculated through simulation, and are contrasted with experimental results. Some devices are also tested for the maximum output power level. Under the continuous wave (CW) condition, the maximum power of F-mount reaches 12.6 W at 808 nm while the output power only reaches 10.9 W for C-mount. Under the condition of 0.5% duty cycle (100 &mu;s 50 Hz), the catastrophic optical mirror damage level reaches 58.7 W at 74 A for F-mount, and 54.8 W at 57 A for C-mount are reported for the first time. It is experimentally found that there is an obvious wavelength difference between the two type structure lasers: about 1.37 nm in CW mode and 2.89 nm in quasi CW mode. Theoretical analysis shows that red-shift and blue-shift is a result of external strain in the package process of F-mount and C-mount, respectively. It is also found that the package structure has an effect on the divergence angle of slow axis far fields, but little impact on that of fast axis far fields. The analysis shows that package structure has a strong influence on the performance of the laser; therefore, the package should be optimized to achieve better performance for some special applications. &copy; 2011-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Electronics packaging

Controlled terms:Semiconductor lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Blue shift - Catastrophic optical mirror damages - Component architectures - Continuous waves - Divergence angle - Duty cycles - External strains - Far field - Far field distribution - Fast axis  - Maximum output power - Maximum power - Output power - Package structure - Red shift - Semiconductor device packaging - Single emitter - Slow-axis - Special applications - Thermal behaviors  - Type structures - Wavelength difference

Classification code:714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 259>


Accession number:20114614520926

Title:Learning optimal spatial filters by discriminant analysis for brain-computer-interface

Authors:Pang, Yanwei (1); Yuan, Yuan (2); Wang, Kongqiao (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (3) Nokia Research Center, Beijing 100176, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing



Issue date:01 February 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) is one of the most widespread methods for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), which is capable of enhancing the separability of the brain signals such as multi-channel electroencephalogram (EEG). CSP attempts to strengthen the separability by maximizing the variance of the spatially filtered signal of one class while minimizing it for another class. A straightforward way to improve the CSP is to employ the Fisher-Rao linear discriminant analysis (FLDA). But for the two-class scenario in BCI, FLDA merely result in as small as one filter. Experimental results have shown that the number of spatial filter is too small to achieve satisfying classification accuracy. Therefore, more than one filter is expected to get better performance. To deal with this difficulty, in this paper we propose to divide each class into many sub-classes (clusters) and formulate the problem in a re-designed graph embedding framework where the vertexes are cluster centers. We also reformulate the traditional FLDA in our graph embedding framework, which helps developing and understanding the proposed method. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Brain computer interface

Controlled terms:Discriminant analysis - Electroencephalography - Interfaces (computer)

Uncontrolled terms:Brain signals - Classification accuracy - Cluster centers - Common spatial patterns - Filtered signals - Graph embeddings - Linear discriminant analysis - Multi-channel - Neural interfaces - Optimal spatial filter  - Spatial filters

Classification code:461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology - 722.2 Computer Peripheral Equipment - 922 Statistical Methods



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<RECORD 260>


Accession number:20130615981673

Title:The 8-bit parallel CRC-32 research and implementation in USB 3.0

Authors:Wu, Ying (1); Qiu, Yuehong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Wu, Y.(Wing435@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Serv. Syst., CSSS

Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6394511



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012

Conference date:August 11, 2012 - August 13, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95196

Sponsor:IEEE Computer Cociety of Jiangsu Province; Zhejiang University; Nanjing University; Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Sichuan University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This thesis proposed 8-bit parallel CRC-32 in order to meet the high throughput of USB3.0. The highest speed of USB3.0 reaches 5G bps. Firstly, we researched the Data Packet structure and the principles of the CRC-32 in the USB3.0 Specification. Secondly, deduced the equation of the 8-bit input data and the CRC-32. Finally, implemented the CRC-32 coding and decoding by the verilog HDL, verified the correctness of the design. The 8-bit parallel CRC-32 can process 8 bits every clock cycle. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Computer science

Controlled terms:Standards

Uncontrolled terms:8-bit parallel - Clock cycles - Coding and decoding - Cyclic redundancy - Data packet - High throughput - Input datas - Universal serial bus - Verilog HDL

Classification code:721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 902.2 Codes and Standards



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<RECORD 261>


Accession number:20124815717076

Title:Experimental study on the imaging of the squeezed state light with-4. 93dB quantum-noise reduction at 1064 nm

Authors:Lu, Baozhu (1); Bi, Siwen (1); Feng, Fei (1); Kang, Menghua (1); Qin, Fei (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Villanova University, 800 E. Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085, United States

Corresponding author:Lu, B.(baozhulu@gmail.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Meeting on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research, OEMR 2012

Conference date:July 27, 2012 - July 29, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93247

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:A stable amplitude squeezed state light was generated by utilizing the optical parametric down-conversion (OPDC) technique based on periodically poled KTiOPO4(PPKTP) in an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) resonator. We observed a-4. 93dB of squeezing in homodyne measurement. The imaging experiments of resolution target were conducted. It shown that the imaging resolution with squeezed state light as light source was 1. 26 times that of the resolution with coherent light as light source. The squeezed state light was applied for imaging of real objects and we found that the imaging with squeezed light as light source is more distinct and has less distortion. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Image resolution

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Imaging systems - Light sources - Materials science - Noise abatement - Optical parametric oscillators - Optical resolving power - Quantum optics

Uncontrolled terms:1064 nm - Experimental studies - Homodyne measurements - Imaging experiments - Imaging resolutions - KTiOPO4 - Parametric down-conversion - Periodically poled - Real objects - Squeezed state

Classification code:751.4 Acoustic Noise - 746 Imaging Techniques - 742 Cameras and Photography - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 951 Materials Science - 717 Optical Communication - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713.2 Oscillators - 713 Electronic Circuits - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 262>


Accession number:20132216372310

Title:Shifted natural frequency with increasing excitation level of moon-based telescope gamble in vibration test

Authors:Li, Zhi-Guo (1); Gao, Li-Min (1); Zhang, Bo-Ni (3); Wang, Zhen-Yu (1); Cui, Kai (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) Xi'an Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Li, Z.-G.(lzg@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140 Renmin Street, Changchun, 130022, China

Abstract:The natural frequency shifts like structure stiffness decreased, damping increased and natural frequency decreased with excitation level increasing in the vibration test of a moon-based telescope gimble are analyzed in this paper. The mathematics model between bearing stiffness and vibration load is established based on Hertz theory. The simulation shows that the bearing stiffness will decrease to the minimum when the vibration load goes up to 2.83 times of the preload and then the bearing stiffness will increase with the increasing of vibration load. The qualitative analysis of structure joint is given. In order to obtain the law of frequency shift, a special test is performed. The models of single degree of freedom based on linear theory and Duffing hypothesis are presented and simulated. The stiffness and damping coefficients of both models are identified. It suggests that the accuracy of gimbal analysis should be achieved by adjusting the bearing stiffness dynamically according to the load instead of setting a fixed one.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Stiffness

Controlled terms:Bearings (structural) - Computer simulation - Damping - Frequency shift keying - Moon - Natural frequencies - Optical telescopes - Telescopes - Vibration analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Frequency shift - Gimbal - Natural frequency shift - Non-linear model - Qualitative analysis - Single degree of freedoms - Stiffness and damping coefficients - Vibration test

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 931.1 Mechanics - 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 657.2 Extraterrestrial Physics and Stellar Phenomena - 657 Space Physics - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media



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<RECORD 263>


Accession number:20140117165388

Title:Q-switched mode-locking and dissipative soliton operations in a large-anomalous-dispersion fiber laser

Authors:Han, Dongdong (1); Yun, Ling (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710119, China

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:044201





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We have experimentally observed the Q-switched modelocking (QML) and dissipative soliton operations in the passively modelocked fiber laser operating in large-anomalous-dispersion regime. With the increase of pump power, the proposed fiber laser gradually evolves from continuous-wave to QML and finally to dissipative soliton operations. The transition state between QML and dissipative solitons has been observed. The experimental results suggest that the fiber laser based on the nonlinear polarization rotation technique exhibits Q-switching instabilities. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:33

Main heading:Fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Locks (fasteners) - Q switching - Solitons

Uncontrolled terms:Anomalous dispersion - Continuous waves - Dissipative solitons - Nonlinear polarization rotation - Passively mode-locked fiber lasers - Q-switched mode-locking - Q-switching instabilities - Transition state

Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 264>


Accession number:20121014833788

Title:Frequency-selective nanostructured plasmonic absorber by highly lossy interface mode

Authors:Gong, Y. (1); Li, K. (1); Huang, J. (2); Copner, N.J. (2); Davies, A. (3); Wang, L. (1); Duan, T. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, United Kingdom; (3) Faculty of Health, Sport and Science, University of Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Gong, Y.(gyk@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Progress in Electromagnetics Research

Abbreviated source title:Prog. Electromagn. Res.


Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Electromagnetics Academy, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 26-305, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States

Abstract:We report on an existence of a highly lossy interface mode (HLIM) in a designed plasmonic nanostructure for perfect absorption of the incident optical waves. Interactions between the single thin- metallic-layer (TML) and slits arrays for excitation of the HLIM in the proposed plasmonic absorber are investigated, and eigenfrequency formula for the HLIM is derived. Analytical and numerical results show that the HLIM is frequency-selective, opens a narrow and steep absorption band in photonic stopband of the slits arrays. Due to the HLIM lossy characteristic, surface plasmon polaritons are significantly trapped at the TML interface with absorption close to 100%.

Number of references:46

Main heading:Plasmons

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic wave polarization

Uncontrolled terms:Absorption band - Eigenfrequency - Frequency-selective - Incident optical waves - Interface mode - Nano-structured - Numerical results - Plasmonic - Plasmonic nanostructures - Stopband  - Surface plasmon polaritons

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials


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<RECORD 265>


Accession number:20122315102575

Title:Design of polarity-preserved or polarity-inverted wavelength converters using cross-phase modulation in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber with flat dispersion

Authors:Hui, Zhan-Qiang (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710061, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Department of Engineering and Design, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Hui, Z.-Q.(zhanqianghui@xiyou.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Optics (United Kingdom)

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:065402




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:In this paper, we propose the design of tunable and robust wavelength converters which can perform the polarity-preserved or polarity-inverted wavelength conversion by using the cross-phase modulation (XPM) in a dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (DF-HNL-PCF). The newly designed wavelength converter consists of a DF-HNL-PCF and an optical band-pass filter in the simple straight-line configuration, where XPM leads to broadening the spectrum of a continuous-wave probe light and the polarity-preserved, tunable wavelength conversion is then implemented by filtering out the blue-chirped or red-chirped spectral component of a probe light. The experimental results show that the polarity-preserved wavelength converter using a DF-HNL-PCF can achieve the error-free conversion of 10Gbits<sup>1</sup> optical data signals with the maximum power penalty of less than 2.1 dB over a wavelength range of nearly 34 nm. This wavelength tunability is actually limited by an operational wavelength range of the tunable optical band-pass filter that is used to extract the wavelength-converted signal in our experiment. Moreover, the polarity-inverted wavelength conversion is observed at the XPM-based wavelength converter using a DF-HNL-PCF, for the first time. This is achieved by tuning the central wavelength of an optical band-pass filter to coincide with that of a chirped probe light. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Dispersion (waves)

Controlled terms:Optical data processing - Optical fiber communication - Optical filters - Optical frequency conversion - Phase modulation - Photonic crystal fibers - Probes - Wavelength

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Chirped probes - Continuous waves - Cross-phase modulations - Flat dispersion - Highly nonlinear fibers - Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber - Maximum power - Optical bandpass filters - Optical data  - Probe light - Spectral components - Straight-line configuration - Tunable wavelength conversion - Wavelength converter - Wavelength ranges - Wavelength tunability

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 951 Materials Science - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment



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<RECORD 266>


Accession number:20123215323871

Title:High efficiency terahertz-wave photonic crystal fiber optical parametric oscillator

Authors:Li, Shaopeng (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1); Li, Xuefeng (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(liuhongjun@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:August 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We theoretically propose phase matched terahertz (THz)-wave generation via degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) in a fiber optical parametric oscillator (FOPO) with our newly designed photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Perfect phase matching is realized when we locate the pump wavelength in the normal group-velocity dispersion (GVD) regime. The generated THz-wave can be tuned from 4.7578 to 5.9015 THz by varying the pump wavelength. Moreover, peak power of 27.38 W at 5.9015 THz with conversion efficiency of 1.37% is realized when the pump peak power of 2000 W is at 4.675 &mu;m in our FOPO. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Nonlinear optics

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Dispersions - Optical parametric oscillators - Phase matching - Photonic crystal fibers - Pumps

Uncontrolled terms:Crystal fiber - Degenerate four wave mixing - Fiber-optical parametric oscillators - Peak power - Pump wavelength - Terahertz - Wave generation

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 713.2 Oscillators - 713 Electronic Circuits - 618.2 Pumps - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues



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<RECORD 267>


Accession number:20120914826333

Title:Slow-light in photonic crystal waveguides/fibers: Dispersion tailoring schemes for obtaining a high group index with wide band and low GVD

Authors:Ren, Liyong (1); Liang, Jian (1); Liu, Yu (1); Ju, Haijuan (1); Yun, Maojin (2); Ma, Chengju (1); Han, Xu (1); Lin, Xiao (1); Tomita, Yasuo (3)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) College of Physics Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China; (3) Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan

Corresponding author:Ren, L.(renliy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Advances in Slow and Fast Light V

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:82730L





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Advances in Slow and Fast Light V

Conference date:January 22, 2012 - January 24, 2012

Conference location:San Francisco, CA, United states

Conference code:88786

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Phenomenon of slow light has long been a hot research topic due to its promising and potential applications in communication networks, signal processing, optical sensors and nonlinear interactions. Particularly, photonic crystal devices, being capable of supporting slow-light propagation, are much attractive owing to its room-temperature operation and tunable dispersion features. Among them, photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are specially used in compact devices, while photonic band-gap fibers (PBGFs) are usually used in short-distance propagation and high sensitive interferometers. In this paper, dispersion tailoring schemes for obtaining a high group index with the wide band and low group velocity dispersion (GVD) are reviewed in both PCWs and PBGFs. For the same purpose, we propose schemes for the slow-pulse propagation in PCWs based on the air-hole shifting method and in PBGFs based on the microfluid infiltration method, respectively. Simulation results using 2D plane wave expansion method and finite-difference timedomain (FDTD) method are given. Pulse distortion and design optimization are also discussed in some detail with the consideration of the practical fabrication errors. Slow-light pulse propagation in photonic crystal fiber is also demonstrated in the experiment based on stimulated Brillouin scattering. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:46

Main heading:Photonic crystals

Controlled terms:Finite difference time domain method - Group velocity dispersion - Laser optics - Light propagation - Nonlinear optics - Optical fiber fabrication - Optical waveguides - Optimization - Photonic crystal fibers - Signal distortion  - Signal processing - Stimulated Brillouin scattering

Uncontrolled terms:Compact devices - Design optimization - Fabrication errors - Finite difference - Group index - Hot research topics - Low group velocity - Micro-fluid - Nonlinear interactions - Photonic crystal devices  - photonic crystal fiber (PCF) - Photonic crystal waveguide - photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) - Plane wave expansion method - Potential applications - Pulse distortion - Room-temperature operation - Slow-light propagation - Slow-light pulse - Stimulated Brillouin  - Time domain - Tunable dispersion - Wide-band

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 921 Mathematics - 751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 711 Electromagnetic Waves



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<RECORD 268>


Accession number:20123315340236

Title:Confidence guided enhancing brain tumor segmentation in multi-parametric MRI

Authors:Reddy, Kishore K. (1); Solmaz, Berkan (1); Yan, Pingkun (2); Avgeropoulos, Nicholas G. (3); Rippe, David J. (4); Shah, Mubarak (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida, United States; (2) OPTIMAL Center, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; (3) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Orlando, FL, United States; (4) Florida Hospital, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

Corresponding author:Reddy, K.K.

Source title:Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Comput. Soc. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recogn.

Monograph title:2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2012 - Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6235560





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2012

Conference date:May 2, 2012 - May 5, 2012

Conference location:Barcelona, Spain

Conference code:91746

Sponsor:The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Signal Processing Society

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Enhancing brain tumor segmentation for accurate tumor volume measurement is a challenging task due to the large variation of tumor appearance and shape, which makes it difficult to incorporate prior knowledge commonly used by other medical image segmentation tasks. In this paper, a novel idea of confidence surface is proposed to guide the segmentation of enhancing brain tumor using information across multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Texture information along with the typical intensity information from pre-contrast T1 weighted (T1 pre), post-contrast T1 weighted (T1 post), T2 weighted (T2), and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI images are used to train a discriminative classifier at pixel level. The classifier is used to generate a confidence surface, which gives a likelihood of each pixel being a tumor or non-tumor. The obtained confidence surface is then incorporated into two classical methods for segmentation guidance. The proposed approach was evaluated on 19 groups of MRI images with tumor and promising results have been demonstrated. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Tumors

Controlled terms:Brain - Image segmentation - Image texture - Magnetic resonance imaging - Medical image processing - Pixels

Uncontrolled terms:Appearance Feature - Brain tumor segmentation - Brain tumors - Classical methods - Discriminative classifiers - Fluid attenuated inversion recoveries - Intensity information - Learning - Medical image segmentation - MRI Image  - Pixel level - Prior knowledge - T2 weighted - Texture information

Classification code:461.1 Biomedical Engineering - 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications



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<RECORD 269>


Accession number:20132916515060

Title:Prototype design of an all-reflective non-coaxial optical zooming system for space camera application without moving elements based on deformable mirror

Authors:Zhao, Hui (1); Fan, Xuewu (1); Zou, Gangyi (1); Pang, Zhihai (3); Wang, Wei (1); Ren, Guorui (1); Su, Yu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, 710119, China; (3) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, H.(zhaohui@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Optical Design and Testing V

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:855713






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Optical Design and Testing V

Conference date:November 5, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Conference location:Beijing, China

Conference code:97676

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Chinese Optical Society (COS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Based on optical zooming used to capture images with variable resolution and field of view (FOV), an all-reflective non-coaxial optical zooming system without moving elements is designed for space camera application. In this prototype design, a deformable mirror (DM) whose curvature radius can be changed is introduced. By carefully selecting the optical power of conventional reflective mirrors surrounding the DM, the overall focal length of the imaging system can be greatly changed with slight variation of curvature radius of DM. The focal length of the system can be changed from 48mm to 192mm and the system performance is approaching diffraction-limited with diverse criteria and the maximum stoke of DM is still within its physical limits at the same time. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of DM based optical zooming and will provide a new routine for new type of space camera design in the future. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Cameras

Controlled terms:Optical design

Uncontrolled terms:Curvature radii - Deformable mirrors - Diffraction limited - Optical zooming - Prototype designs - Reflective mirrors - Space cameras - Variable resolution

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 742.2 Photographic Equipment



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<RECORD 270>


Accession number:20124815717008

Title:Analysis on the scattering characteristics of two stray light removing metal surfaces

Authors:Chen, Jianjun (1); Ma, Zhen (1); Duan, Xueting (1); Liu, Qiong (2); Han, Juan (1); Fu, Xing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics of CAS, Xi'an Shaan xi 710119, China; (2) Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610209, China; (3) Graduate university of chinese academy of sciences (GUCAS), Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Chen, J.(jiaozuoye@sina.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Meeting on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research, OEMR 2012

Conference date:July 27, 2012 - July 29, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93247

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:For the purpose of stray light suppression, black anodized and sandblasted aluminum alloy is widespread used in spaceborne cameras. Base on the relative measuring method, in the white light irradiation, measure relative backscatter intensity and BRDF of two black anodized and sandblasted sample surfaces. Contrast these surfaces scattering characteristics. Finally BRDF curves have been drawn with measurement data. In the curves, the BRDF of sandblasted aluminum surface is nearly linear relation. Anodized surface curve, it's pulse pattern that BRDF sharply increases among the region of critical angles. It is indicate that in critical angle range, anodized aluminum surface specularity is visible and can be treated as specular reflection which harm for stray light suppression. This experiment research can provide objective reference of these two material's scattering characteristics in specific optical system design. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Surface scattering

Controlled terms:Electronics engineering - Research - Scattering - Stray light - Surfaces

Uncontrolled terms:Aluminum surface - Anodized - Anodized aluminum - Backscatter intensity - BRDF - Critical angles - Experiment research - Linear relation - Measurement data - Measuring method  - Metal surfaces - Pulse pattern - Sample surface - Sandblasted - Scattering char-acteristics - Space-borne - Specular reflections - Specularities - Stray light suppression - Surface curve  - Two-materials - White light irradiation

Classification code:931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 901.3 Engineering Research - 741.1 Light/Optics - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits



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<RECORD 271>


Accession number:20124315591127

Title:Theoretical analysis of output performance of GG-IAG fiber laser by multipoint distributed side pump

Authors:Zhu, Yonggang (1); Duan, Kailiang (1); Shao, Hongmin (1); Zhao, Baoyin (1); Zhang, Entao (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Duan, K.(kl.duan@163.com)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Based on a steady-state rate equations (REs) and heat dissipation model considering both convective and radiative heat transfer, the output performance and temperature distribution of Yb<sup>3</sup> doped gain guided and index antiguided (GG-IAG) fiber lasers by multipoint distributed pumping are analyzed by numerically solving REs. The results show that high output power and even temperature distribution can be obtained by increasing pump points and lowering the losses at the points; multipoint side pumping is an optimal method to obtain compact high power GG-IAG fiber lasers. The numerical analysis provides some insights for the construction of high power GG-IAG fiber lasers. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Numerical analysis - Pumps - Temperature distribution - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Gain guided - High output power - High-power - Index antiguided - Multipoint - Optimal methods - Output performance - Radiative heat transfer - Side pump - Side pumping  - Steady state rates

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 618.2 Pumps - 641.1 Thermodynamics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 272>


Accession number:20120314698453

Title:Dual-wavelength slightly off-axis digital holographic microscopy

Authors:Min, Junwei (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Gao, Peng (1); Guo, Rongli (1); Ma, Baiheng (1); Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Lei, Ming (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Dan, Dan (1); Duan, Tao (1); Yang, Yanlong (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:January 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We propose dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with a slightly off-axis configuration. The axial measurement range without phase ambiguity is extended to the micrometer range by synthesizing a beat wavelength between the two wavelengths with separation of 157 nm. Real-time measurement of the specimen is made possible by virtue of the high wavelength selectivity of the Bayer mosaic filtered color CCD camera. The principle of the method is exposed, and the practicability of the proposed configuration is demonstrated by the experimental results on a vortex phase plate and a rectangular phase step. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Microscopic examination

Controlled terms:CCD cameras - Phase measurement

Uncontrolled terms:Color CCD - Digital holographic microscopy - Dual-wavelength - Measurement range - Micrometer ranges - Off-axis - Phase ambiguity - Phase Plate - Phase steps - Real time measurements  - Two wavelength - Wavelength Selectivity

Classification code:714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 746 Imaging Techniques - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements


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<RECORD 273>


Accession number:20124815712436

Title:Unclassical ripple patterns in single-crystal silicon produced by femtosecond laser irradiation

Authors:Zhang, Wei (1); Cheng, Guanghua (2); Feng, Qiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

Corresponding author:Feng, Q.(qfeng@skl.ustb.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Surface Science

Abbreviated source title:Appl Surf Sci


Issue date:December 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) in single-crystal silicon upon irradiation with multiple linearly polarized femtosecond (fs) laser pulses (120 fs, 800 nm, 1 kHz) were investigated under different laser fluence and pulse number. Unclassical ripples (U-ripples), which were nearly parallel to the polarization of the laser beam, were observed to form gradually on the top of classical ripples with the effective pulse number. Their periods were significantly longer than the laser wavelength, and increased with increasing both the laser fluence and pulse number in the current study. The relationship between the types of ripple patterns and their parametric dependence was established. The mechanism of U-ripple formation was attributed to the capillary wave, arising from the inhomogeneous temperature gradient combined with the electric field of the pulses in the molten surface layer. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Monocrystalline silicon

Controlled terms:Electric fields - Molten materials - Polarization - Ultrafast lasers - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Capillary wave - Femtosecond (fs) laser - Laser fluences - Laser wavelength - Laser-induced periodic surface structures - Linearly polarized - LIPSS - Molten surfaces - Parametric dependence - Pulse number  - Ripple patterns - Single crystal silicon - Unclassical ripples

Classification code:701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 712.1.1 Single Element Semiconducting Materials - 744.1 Lasers, General - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids



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<RECORD 274>


Accession number:20120914804900

Title:Heat conductivity of particle stacking structured SiO<inf>2</inf> porous film

Authors:Xia, Zhilin (1); Wu, Yuting (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China

Corresponding author:Xia, Z.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2011: Optical Materials for High Power Lasers

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:82060F





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2011: Optical Materials for High Power Lasers

Conference date:November 6, 2011 - November 9, 2011

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:88596

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Particle stacking structured SiO<inf>2</inf> porous films were prepared by sol-gel method. A model has been established to analyze the heat conductivity of these films. It is assumed that the heat energy mainly transfers through particles and their contact points. In particle stacking structured materials, a particle contacts with twelve contiguous particles, and forms twelve heat conduction branches. This model is suit to the conditions that: the size of particles in the porous material is uniform; heat conductivity of particle skeleton is much greater than particle clearance; and all contact area between particles approximately equal. The results show that: heat conductivity of particles stacking porous material is anisotropic, material heat conductivity depends on that of the particle skeleton and the ratio between radiuses of particle contact area and particle itself. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:15

Main heading:Thermal conductivity

Controlled terms:Contacts (fluid mechanics) - Heat resistance - High power lasers - Laser damage - Musculoskeletal system - Optical materials - Porous materials - Silicon compounds - Sol-gel process

Uncontrolled terms:Contact areas - Contact points - Heat energy - Particle contacts - Particle stacking - Porous film - Structured materials

Classification code:931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 931.1 Mechanics - 813.1 Coating Techniques - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 951 Materials Science - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 461.3 Biomechanics, Bionics and Biomimetics - 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 744.1 Lasers, General



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<RECORD 275>


Accession number:20124115553563

Title:Proton-implanted optical planar waveguides in Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped silicate glasses

Authors:Liu, Chun-Xiao (1); Cheng, Shu (3); Guo, Hai-Tao (2); Li, Wei-Nan (2); Liu, Xiu-Hong (4); Wei, Wei (2); Peng, Bo (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China; (4) School of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.-X.(cxliu0816@sina.com)

Source title:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Abbreviated source title:Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect B


Issue date:October 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We report on the characterization of planar waveguides in Yb <sup>3+</sup>-doped silicate glasses fabricated by double-energy proton implantation at a total dose of 3 &times; 10<sup>16</sup> ions/cm<sup>2</sup>. The dark mode spectroscopy and near-field mode profile were evaluated by the prism coupling and end-face coupling methods, respectively. The results indicate that a refractive index enhanced region as well as an optical barrier has been created after the beam process. We propose the ion exchange mechanism between the proton and Na<sup>+</sup> ions to illustrate the optical barrier and discuss its influence. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Ytterbium

Controlled terms:Fluorescence - Glass - Ion implantation - Planar waveguides - Protons - Refractive index - Silicates - Waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Coupling methods - Dark mode spectroscopy - Ion exchange mechanisms - Mode profiles - Near-field - Optical planar waveguides - Prism couplings - Proton implantation - Silicate glass - Total dose  - Ytterbium-doped

Classification code:932.1 High Energy Physics - 812.3 Glass - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.1 Light/Optics - 714.3 Waveguides - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 414 Masonry Materials



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<RECORD 276>


Accession number:20121714959367

Title:Design of wideband, high-resolution optical waveform samplers based on a dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber

Authors:Liu, Yuanshan (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China; (2) Department of Engineering and Design, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Liu, Y.(yuanshanliu@yahoo.com)

Source title:Journal of Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Opt.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:55201




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:A novel scheme is proposed for ultrafast optical waveform samplers capable of operating over a wide wavelength range, which uses the four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF) with low and very flat dispersion in the S, C and L bands. We report the first demonstration of the designed optical sampler by employing a 20m dispersion-flattened HNL-PCF for observing the 160Gbits<sup>-1</sup> optical data signal to achieve a temporal resolution of less than 0.8ps for a wavelength separation up to 11nm between data signal and sampling lights. This preliminary result is mainly restricted by the tunable optical bandpass filter used in our present experiment. The proposed scheme shows a potential for realizing wideband, high-resolution optical waveform sampling systems in a simple configuration and a cost-effective manner by using commercially available optical fibers of short length. &copy; 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:39

Main heading:Dispersion (waves)

Controlled terms:Four wave mixing - Optical data processing - Optical fiber communication - Optical resolving power - Photonic crystal fibers

Uncontrolled terms:All-optical sampling - Data signals - Flat dispersion - High resolution - Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber - Optical bandpass filters - Optical data - Optical sampler - Optical waveform - Sampling systems  - Temporal resolution - Ultra-fast - Wavelength ranges - Wavelength separation - Wide-band

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 277>


Accession number:20122515126285

Title:A probabilistic model for image representation via multiple patterns

Authors:Li, Jun (1); Tao, Dacheng (1); Li, Xuelong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Centre for Quantum and Intelligent Systems, University of Technology, Sydney, 235 Jones Street Ultimo, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Li, X.(xuelong_li@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Pattern Recogn.



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:For image analysis, an important extension to principal component analysis (PCA) is to treat an image as multiple samples, which helps alleviate the small sample size problem. Various schemes of transforming an image to multiple samples have been proposed. Although having been shown effective in practice, the schemes are mainly based on heuristics and experience. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic PCA model, in which we explicitly represent the transformation scheme and incorporate the scheme as a stochastic component of the model. Therefore fitting the model automatically learns the transformation. Moreover, the learned model allows us to distinguish regions that can be well described by the PCA model from those that need further treatment. Experiments on synthetic images and face data sets demonstrate the properties and utility of the proposed model. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Stochastic models

Controlled terms:Principal component analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Face data - Image representations - Multiple samples - PCA model - Probabilistic models - Probabilistic PCA - Small sample size problems - Stochastic component - Synthetic images - Transformation scheme

Classification code:922.1 Probability Theory - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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<RECORD 278>


Accession number:20120914816819

Title:Investigation of the arbitrary waveform semiconductor laser as seed light source for high energy laser

Authors:Wang, Hongyun (1); Da, Zhengshang (1); Liu, Baiyu (1); Liu, Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(liuhui3713@gmail.com)

Source title:Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

Abbreviated source title:Microwave Opt Technol Lett



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:John Wiley and Sons Inc., P.O.Box 18667, Newark, NJ 07191-8667, United States

Abstract:A pulse semiconductor laser modulated by arbitrary shaping electrical waveform is produced and the generated optical pulse can be taken as the seed resource for high-power laser facilities. Based on ultrawide band microwave device and microstrip line transmission delay application, an all-solid-state circuit for generating arbitrary modulation pulse to modulate the semiconductor laser is fabricated. For improving the semiconductor laser power, the output laser pulse is sent into erbium-doped fiber master oscillator power amplifier architecture for amplification. In the experiment, the output laser pulse can be arbitrarily adjusted at 1547.9 nm center wavelength, less than 10 ns duration, lower than 100 kHz repetition rate, and 330 ps time domain adjustment. &copy; 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Semiconductor lasers

Controlled terms:High energy lasers - Laser pulses - Light sources - Microwave devices - Modulation

Uncontrolled terms:All-solid-state - Arbitrary waveform - Arbitrary waveform generator - Center wavelength - Erbium doped fibers - Optical pulse - Pulse-shaping - Repetition rate - Time domain - Transmission delays  - Wave forms

Classification code:744 Lasers - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes



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<RECORD 279>


Accession number:IP52367018

Title:Generation of three-dimensional optical structures by dynamic holograms displayed on a twisted nematic liquid crystal display

Authors:Ma, Baiheng (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Li, Ze (1); Lei, Ming (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Gao, Peng (1); Dan, Dan (1); Ye, Tong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mech, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys B

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Article in Press

Abstract:Reconstruction of computer generated holograms (CGHs) addressed on a spatial light modulator (SLM) is an effective way to dynamically generate designed light field distributions. Based on the classic Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm, we proposed a technique, which can greatly reduce the computation cost to about 60&nbsp;% in calculating CGHs for three-dimensional (3D) structures but with little degradation of reconstructed light field compared with the classic GS algorithm. The CGHs calculated by our method were displayed on a twisted nematic liquid crystal display, working as a phase-only-modulation SLM, and 3D structures of optical fields, e.g., 3D array of optical traps and vortices, were reconstructed with high efficiency and high quality. Besides, the possibility for 3D holographic display or projection was also demonstrated with this algorithm by reconstruction several images simultaneously in distinct axial planes. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Three dimensional

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Computer generated holography - Holograms - Light modulators - Liquid crystal displays - Nematic liquid crystals - Three dimensional computer graphics

Uncontrolled terms:3D arrays - 3D Structure - Axial planes - Computation costs - Computer generated holograms - Dynamic holograms - Gerchberg-Saxton - G-S algorithms - High quality - Light field distribution  - Light fields - Optical field - Optical structures - Optical trap - Spatial light modulators - Three dimensional (3D) structures - Twisted nematic-liquid crystal displays

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 743 Holography - 743.1 Holographic Techniques - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 280>


Accession number:20123115292909

Title:Wave-front curvature compensation of polarization phase-shifting digital holography

Authors:Min, Junwei (1); Yao, Baoli (1); Gao, Peng (1); Ma, Baiheng (1); Yan, Shaohui (1); Peng, Fei (1); Zheng, Juanjuan (1); Ye, Tong (1); Rupp, Romano (4)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese, Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) Department of Neurobiology, Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294, United States; (4) Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optik

Abbreviated source title:Optik



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena, P.O. Box 100537, Jena, 07705, Germany

Abstract:An on-axis polarization phase-shifting digital holographic microscope, based on a normal upright optical microscope, is constructed to quantitatively measure both the amplitude and phase distributions of specimen. The condenser lens and microscope objective employed in the object beam path enhance the illumination and magnification of the image, however, they induce additional phase aberration of the object wave. The physical formation of the phase aberration is theoretically analyzed, and a formula for the object wave front involving the phase aberration in the CCD plane is derived. The phase aberration can be eliminated in the reconstruction procedure by measuring a specimen-free hologram and then fitting the aberration phase with a least square ellipsoidal model to determine the parameters of the system. This phase aberration compensation procedure also reduces some of noises in the reconstructed phase of the specimen. The practicability of this method is demonstrated by a test experiment on microlenses. &copy; 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Polarization

Controlled terms:Computer generated holography - Phase shift

Uncontrolled terms:Aberration compensation - Amplitude and phase distributions - Digital holography - Ellipsoidal model - Least Square - Microscope objective - Object beam - Object waves - Optical microscopes - Phase aberrations  - Phase-shifting - Phase-shifting digital holography - Reconstruction procedure - Wave-front curvature

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 723.5 Computer Applications - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 281>


Accession number:20124415622960

Title:Mirror-compensation test of abaxial elliptic surface

Authors:Li, Hongguang (1); Liu, Xiumei (2); Da, Zhengshang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Advanced Optical Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Xinghua Academy, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710077, China

Corresponding author:Li, H.(xiaoguang0539@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:The usability requires that the surface PV (peak to valley)value of off-axis elliptic surface should be less than 0.4&lambda; (&lambda;=351 nm). According to spherical-aberration expression of the third-order aberration theory and compensation test principle, the radius expression of spherical compensator was obtained for the test optical path. Based on the known data, the initial configuration parameters of compensation optical path was solved, which was brought into software, giving fine design results. The initial results and the fine design results had no changes, and it shows that compensation optical path solve method is correct. Considering the manufacture errors of elements and the adjustment errors of test optical path, after the simulation analysis, with errors brought into the test optical path, the under-test element surface precision was gotten: when the eligibility probability was 98, the elliptic surface PV was 0.379&lambda; (&lambda; =351 nm). It meets the usability requirement, and it shows that the method of mirror-compensation test of off-axis elliptic surface is feasible.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Optical testing

Controlled terms:Errors - Mirrors

Uncontrolled terms:Elliptic surfaces - Fine designs - Initial configuration - Mirror-compensation test - Off-axis - Optical path - Precision analysis - Simulation analysis - Surface precision - Third order aberration theory  - Usability requirements

Classification code:731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921 Mathematics


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<RECORD 282>


Accession number:20130115849437

Title:Design of the autocollimator interface based on TMS320F2812

Authors:Gao, Li-Na (1); Hu, Xiao-Dong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy Sciences, Xi'an710019, China; (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing100049, China

Corresponding author:Gao, L.-N.

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Advances in Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering, CCIE 2012

Conference date:October 27, 2012 - October 28, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:94585

Sponsor:Hubei University of Technology; Hubei Mechanical Engineering Society; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China University of Geosciences and Caterpillar University

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In order to convenient the design of the autocollimator interface, this paper introduces the design of hardware and software of the autocollimator interface, and detailed analysis some key links. The SPI extension module (EEPROM) based on abundance on-chip resource of TMS320F2812 DSP is used to storage the equivalent of misalignment angle; The CAN extension module (CAN bus) based on CAN module is used to communicate with other computers; SCI extension module (RS232) is used which is convenient for the system debugging, and extension interfaces are left. Meanwhile, the corresponding design of software is also given in the paper. Prototype tests show that the design of the autocollimator interface can fully satisfy the requirements of the system. The design experience can be referred in similar engineering. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Design

Controlled terms:Computer debugging - Industrial engineering - Program debugging

Uncontrolled terms:Autocollimators - CAN bus - EEPROM - RS232 - TMS320F2812

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 723.1 Computer Programming - 912.1 Industrial Engineering



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<RECORD 283>


Accession number:20131116105228

Title:The implementation of remote digital video monitoring system based on ARM11

Authors:Du, Shichang (1); Li, Bianxia (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Du, S.(dochance@163.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6462632



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper describes the design and implementation of a remote video monitoring system. The system adopts ARM11 as the main processor, and uses hard-coding to compress the video data with H.264. In the embedded environment of Linux, server adopts V4L2 interface technology, the latest H.264 video coding technology, and RTP/RTCP Real-Time Transport Protocol to complete video capture, encoding and transmission process. At the beginning of this paper it describes the necessity of the design of the system. And then it elaborates the realization methods of hardware and software, and makes necessary instructions of the choice of some methods. At the end of the paper, we tested the system and showed the test results. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:ARM processors

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Computer operating systems - Image coding - Monitoring - Multimedia systems - Video signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Design and implementations - Embedded environment - H.264 video coding - Hardware and software - Interface technology - Real time transport protocols - Realization method - Remote digital video monitoring - Remote video - RTP/RTCP  - Video capture - Video data

Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 716.4 Television Systems and Equipment



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<RECORD 284>


Accession number:20131116105441

Title:Driving circuit design for high frame rate CCD image sensor

Authors:Hao, Yajiao (1); Liu, Xuebin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanism of CAS, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Hao, Y.(haoyajiao2010@126.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463324



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In the light of a frame-transfer CCD area array with high frame rate, the paper explains its operation mechanism in detail. In this paper, LM317H and LM337H are chosen to design a variety of bias voltages required for the CCD. The driving pulses for CCD are generated by the FPGA of Xilinx Corporation and the driving circuit is designed by EL7457CL. The 16 output electrical signals from CCD are pre-processed by voltage followers and differential amplifiers. The experimental results show that the design of driving circuit can meet the normal demands for CCD. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Integrated circuit manufacture

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Differential amplifiers

Uncontrolled terms:CCD image sensors - Driving circuit designs - Driving circuits - Driving pulse - Electrical signal - Frame-transfer - High frame rate - Operation mechanism - Voltage follower

Classification code:713.1 Amplifiers - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence



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<RECORD 285>


Accession number:20121214884533

Title:Yb<sup>3+</sup> doped fluorophosphate laser glasses with high gain coefficient and improved laser property

Authors:Wang, P.F. (1); Peng, B. (1); Li, W.N. (1); Hou, Ch.Q. (1); She, J.B. (1); Guo, H.T. (1); Lu, M. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Lu, M.(lumin7622@yahoo.cn)

Source title:Solid State Sciences

Abbreviated source title:Solid State Sci.



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Masson SAS, 62 rue Camille Desmoulins, Issy les Moulineaux Cedex, 92442, France

Abstract:Yb<sup>3+</sup> doped fluorophosphate glasses with high stimulated emission cross-section, large gain coefficient and low hydroxyl absorption coefficient were prepared by high temperature melting for fiber laser applications, and their spectral, general laser parameters were investigated accordingly by means of fluorescence emission spectrum, decay cure and infrared absorption spectra. Compared with previously reported fluorophosphate glasses, the investigated fluorophosphate glasses have highest grain coefficient and maintain a maximum laser systematical factor over other various types of laser glasses. The introduction of fluorides to fluorophosphate glasses results in the low level of hydroxyl absorption coefficient and concentration. All these advantages might mean that Yb<sup>3+</sup> doped fluorophosphate glasses are a good candidate as an active laser media for short pulse, high power laser generation used for next generation nuclear fusion. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Emission spectroscopy - Fiber lasers - Fluorine compounds - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - High power lasers - Laser applications - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Absorption coefficients - Active laser media - Doped fluorophosphate glass - Emission cross-section - Fluorescence emission spectra - Fluorophosphate - Fluorophosphate glass - Gain coefficients - Grain coefficients - High gain  - High-power - High-temperature melting - Hydroxyl absorption coefficient - Laser glass - Laser parameters - Laser property - Low level - Nuclear fusion - Short pulse

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 744 Lasers - 801 Chemistry - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 812.3 Glass



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<RECORD 286>


Accession number:20120514729691

Title:Joint learning for single-image super-resolution via a coupled constraint

Authors:Gao, Xinbo (1); Zhang, Kaibing (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Gao, X.(xbgao@mail.xidian.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Image Process



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:5948382




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The neighbor-embedding (NE) algorithm for single-image super-resolution (SR) reconstruction assumes that the feature spaces of low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) patches are locally isometric. However, this is not true for SR because of one-to-many mappings between LR and HR patches. To overcome or at least to reduce the problem for NE-based SR reconstruction, we apply a joint learning technique to train two projection matrices simultaneously and to map the original LR and HR feature spaces onto a unified feature subspace. Subsequently, the k-nearest neighbor selection of the input LR image patches is conducted in the unified feature subspace to estimate the reconstruction weights. To handle a large number of samples, joint learning locally exploits a coupled constraint by linking the LR-HR counterparts together with the K-nearest grouping patch pairs. In order to refine further the initial SR estimate, we impose a global reconstruction constraint on the SR outcome based on the maximum a posteriori framework. Preliminary experiments suggest that the proposed algorithm outperforms NE-related baselines. &copy; 2011 IEEE.

Number of references:44

Main heading:Probabilistic logics

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Feature extraction - Image reconstruction - Optical resolving power

Uncontrolled terms:Coupled constraints - Feature space - Feature subspace - Grouping patch pairs (GPPs) - High resolution - Image patches - joint learning - K-nearest neighbors - Learning techniques - Maximum a posteriori  - neighbor embedding (NE) - Number of samples - One-to-many mapping - Projection matrix - Superresolution

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 922.1 Probability Theory



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<RECORD 287>


Accession number:20124515645477

Title:High-power and widely tunable Tm-doped fiber laser at 2 &mu;m

Authors:Guo, Chengzheng (1); Shen, Deyuan (1); Long, Jingyu (1); Wang, Fei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Shen, D.(shendy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:091406



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Efficient, high-power, and widely tunable Tm-doped fiber lasers cladding-pumped by diode lasers at 791 nm are demonstrated by use of an external cavity containing a diffraction grating. A maximum output power of 62 W is obtained at 2004 nm for 140 W of launched pump power, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 48% with respect to launched pump power. The operating wavelength is tunable over 200 nm (1895 to 2109 nm), with &gt;52 W of output power over a tuning range of 140 nm (1926 to 2070 nm). Prospects for further improvement in output power, lasing efficiency, and tuning range are considered. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Optics - Physics

Uncontrolled terms:External cavity - High-power - Lasing efficiency - Launched pump power - Maximum output power - Operating wavelength - Output power - Slope efficiencies - Tm-doped fiber laser - Tuning ranges  - Widely tunable

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 932 High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics - 933 Solid State Physics



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<RECORD 288>


Accession number:20121614955585

Title:Multi-frame image Super-resolution by total-variation regularization

Authors:Xu, Zhigang (1); Su, Xiuqin (1); Zhang, Zhanpeng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) School of Computer and Communication, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China

Corresponding author:Xu, Z.(yangzij@lut.cn)

Source title:Journal of Information and Computational Science

Abbreviated source title:J. Inf. Comput. Sci.



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Binary Information Press, Flat F 8th Floor, Block 3, Tanner Garden, 18 Tanner Road, Hong Kong

Abstract:Multi-frame image Super-resolution (SR) reconstruction needs to deal with the recovery of a single high-resolution image from a set of low quality images. Recently, there has been a great deal of work developing multi-frame SR algorithms. In this study, we proposed an efficient SR regularization algorithm. This approach combines the ideas of bilateral filtering and the beyond-digital-total-variation model. A new regularization norm was presented, termed as locally digital bilateral-total-variation, to keep edges and more details. Experimental results were introduced to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Performance analysis shows that our method is superior to similar existing methods, the peak signal-to-noise ratio improved about 0.1-1.0 dB. Copyright &copy; 2012 Binary Information Press.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Optical resolving power

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Image enhancement

Uncontrolled terms:Anisotropic Diffusion - Bilateral filters - Regularization - Super resolution - Total variation

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics


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<RECORD 289>


Accession number:20121614944266

Title:An optical fiber sensor for remote pH sensing and imaging

Authors:Wang, Jian (1); Wang, Lili (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics and Chemistry, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, 454003, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shannxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, J.(jianwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Spectroscopy

Abbreviated source title:Appl Spectrosc



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 201B Broadway Street, Frederick, MD 21702-6501, United States

Abstract:A fiber-optical probe for pH sensing and real-time imaging is successfully fabricated by connecting a polymer imaging fiber and a gradient index (GRIN) lens rod which was modified with a sensing film. By employing an improved metallographic microscope, an optical system is designed to cooperate with the probe. This novel technique has high-quality imaging capabilities for observing remote samples while measuring pH. The linear range of the probe is pH 1.2-3.5. This technique overcomes the difficulty that high-quality images cannot be obtained when directly using conventional imaging bundles for pH sensing and imaging. As preliminary applications, the corrosion behavior of an iron screw and the reaction process of rust were investigated in buffer solutions of pH 2.0 and 2.9, respectively. The experiment demonstrated that the pH values of the analytes' surface were higher than that of buffer solutions due to the chemical reaction. It provides great potential for applications in optical multifunctional detection, especially in chemical sensing and biosensing. &copy; 2012 Society for Applied Spectroscopy.

Number of references:20

Main heading:pH sensors

Controlled terms:Imaging techniques - Optical systems - pH effects - Probes

Uncontrolled terms:Analytes - Biosensing - Buffer solutions - Chemical sensing - Conventional imaging - Corrosion behavior - Fiber-optical - Gradient index lens - High quality images - High-quality imaging  - Imaging fibers - Linear range - Measuring pH - Metallographic microscope - Novel techniques - Optical fiber sensor - PH sensing - pH value - Reaction process - Realtime imaging  - Sensing films

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 801.1 Chemistry, General - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 746 Imaging Techniques



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<RECORD 290>


Accession number:20124815738591

Title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface

Authors:Wang, Fei (1); Shen, Dinggang (2); Yan, Pingkun (3); Suzuki, Kenji (4)

Author affiliation:(1) IBM Research Almaden, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120, United States; (2) University of North Carolina, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, United States; (3) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, New Industrial Park, 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (4) University of Chicago, Department of Radiology, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, United States

Corresponding author:Wang, F.(wangfe@us.ibm.com)

Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Abbreviated source title:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.

Volume:7588 LNCS

Monograph title:Machine Learning in Medical Imaging - Third International Workshop, MLMI 2012, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2012, Revised Selected Papers

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Conference name:3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, MLMI 2012, Held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2012

Conference date:October 1, 2012 - October 1, 2012

Conference location:Nice, France

Conference code:94085

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany


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<RECORD 291>


Accession number:20124715698649

Title:Terahertz and mid-infrared spectroscopy of benzene-1,2-diol

Authors:Zheng, Zhuan-Ping (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1); Yan, Hui (1); Liu, Jia (1); Yang, Wen-Zheng (1); Zhu, Shao-Lan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

Abbreviated source title:J Mol Spectrosc



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Academic Press Inc., 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, California, CA 92101, United States

Abstract:The terahertz (THz) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of benzene-1,2-diol in the solid state have been modeled by density functional theory (DFT). Calculations of the vibrational spectra based on the optimized geometries provided a good fit to the observed spectra, and a more reasonable spectral reproduction has been achieved than those in previous work. For THz spectrum, the simulation based on the varied unit cell dimension has clearly shown that THz spectral reproduction is affected by the temperature change of unit cell. For MIR spectrum, band assignments are reported in terms of potential-energy distribution (PED), which differ to those previously reported for benzene-1,2-diol in some respects. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Number of references:35

Main heading:Terahertz spectroscopy

Controlled terms:Benzene - Density functional theory - Infrared devices - Infrared spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Band assignment - Benzene-1,2-diol - Density functional theories (DFT) - Mid-infrared spectra - Mid-infrared spectroscopy - Optimized geometries - Temperature changes - Tera Hertz - THz spectrum - Unit cells  - Unit-cell dimensions

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity



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<RECORD 292>


Accession number:20124215585139

Title:Fast computation for generating CGH of a 3D object by employing connections between layers

Authors:Tang, Chuang (1); Yao, Baoli (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.(nwutc@126.com)

Source title:Journal of Modern Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Mod. Opt.



Issue date:September 20, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Taylor and Francis Ltd., 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom

Abstract:An approximate method for generating computer-generated holograms (CGH) of a 3D object with six times faster speed than the conventional algorithm is presented. In the conventional algorithm, a 3D object is sliced into many layers and treated as a collection of self-illuminated point light source. The propagation process of a light ray from every point of an object to all the points on the hologram plane is simulated and interfered with by the reference beam to form a CGH. In our proposed method, under the assumption that the depth of a 3D object is much smaller than the recording distance, we just need to calculate the oblique distance between the first layer and the hologram plane, and then the oblique distances from the other layers to the hologram plane can be obtained from a simple relation, thus the computational time is much reduced. The CGH is optically reconstructed and the quality of the reconstructed image agrees well with that from the conventional algorithm. &copy; 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Holograms

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Approximation theory - Computational efficiency - Computer generated holography - Image reconstruction - Light sources - Lithography - Three dimensional computer graphics

Uncontrolled terms:3D object - Approximate methods - CGH - Computational time - Computer generated holograms - Conventional algorithms - Fast computation - Point light source - Propagation process - Reconstructed image  - Reconstruction image - Recording distance - Reference beams

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 744 Lasers - 743.1 Holographic Techniques - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 743 Holography - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 293>


Accession number:20130716023941

Title:Fault-tolerant autolanding controller design using neural network

Authors:Bai, Jian-Ming (1); Rong, Hai-Jun (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Optical Direction and Pointing Technique Research Department, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Strength and Vibration, School of Aerospace, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

Corresponding author:Bai, J.-M.(bjm@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chinese Control Conference, CCC

Abbreviated source title:Chinese Control Conf., CCC

Monograph title:Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6390440





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:31st Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2012

Conference date:July 25, 2012 - July 27, 2012

Conference location:Hefei, China

Conference code:95448

Sponsor:Technical Committee on Control Theory, CAA; Systems Engineering Society of China; University of Science and Technology of China; Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS; China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:In the paper, a neural control scheme is presented for an UAV automatic landing problem under the failure of stuck control surfaces and severe winds. The scheme incorporates a neural controller which augments an existing conventional controller called Baseline Trajectory Following Controller (BTFC). The neural controller is designed using Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Networks (SLFNs) with additive or Radial Basis Function (RBF) hidden nodes in a unified framework. The SLFNs are trained based on the recently proposed neural algorithm named Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM). In OS-ELM, the parameters of hidden nodes (the input weights and biases of additive nodes or the centers and impact factors of RBF nodes) are randomly selected and the output weights are analytically determined based on the sequentially arriving data. Performance of the proposed neural control scheme is evaluated on a typical aircraft autolanding with a single stuck failure of left elevator. The simulation results demonstrate good fault tolerant performance of the proposed neural fault tolerant controller. &copy; 2012 Chinese Assoc of Automati.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Controllers

Controlled terms:Aircraft control - Control surfaces - Knowledge acquisition - Learning systems - Network layers - Neural networks - Radial basis function networks

Uncontrolled terms:Aircraft auto landing - Auto-landing - Automatic landing - Controller designs - Conventional controllers - Extreme learning machine - Fault tolerant controllers - Fault-tolerant - Feed-forward network - Hidden layers  - Hidden nodes - Impact factor - Input weights - Neural algorithm - Neural control - Neural controller - Online sequential extreme learning machine - Radial Basis Function(RBF) - Trajectory following - Unified framework

Classification code:652 Aircraft and Avionics - 652.3 Aircraft Instruments and Equipment - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 732.1 Control Equipment


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<RECORD 294>


Accession number:20121114852285

Title:Design and analysis of a novel noncollinear acousto-optic tunable filter

Authors:Zhu, Yingying (1); Zhang, Chunmin (1); Zhao, Baochang (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory for Non-equilibrium Condensed Matter and Quantum Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (2) Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China; (3) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Academia Sinica, Xi'an 710068, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, Y.(yingying9821@126.com)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:May 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The design of a noncollinear acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) is commonly based on parallel tangent momentum-matching condition. Previous studies have either moving parts or modulation. These approaches would obviously decrease the accuracy of an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) since it will be influenced by vibration or by an extended measurement time. In this paper, we introduce a novel noncollinear acousto-optic tunable filter division-of- amplitude photopolarimeter (DOAP). It is completely characterized by a wavelength-dependent 4 &times; 4 matrix that can be determined directly by calibration. The instrument has neither moving parts nor modulation. Besides, this system can acquire the image, spectral and polarization information of an object simultaneously. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Acoustooptical effects

Controlled terms:Band structure - Polarization

Uncontrolled terms:Acousto-optic tunable filters - Design and analysis - Image - Measurement time - Moving parts - Noncollinear - Photopolarimeters - Spectral and polarization information

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 741.1 Light/Optics - 933 Solid State Physics



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<RECORD 295>


Accession number:20134216858958

Title:Vector solitons with polarization instability and locked polarization in a fiber laser

Authors:Tang, Dingkang (1); Zhang, Jian-Guo (1); Liu, Yuanshan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Graduate School, Beijing 100039, China; (3) London South Bank University, Department of Electrical, Computer and Communications Engineering, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:074202





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We investigate the characteristics of vector solitons with and without locked phase velocities of orthogonal polarization components in a specially-designed laser cavity which is formed by a bidirectional fiber loop together with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. The characteristics of the two states are compared in the temporal and spectrum domain, respectively. Both of the two states exhibit the characteristic of mode locking while the two orthogonal polarization components are not resolved. However, for the vector soliton with unlocked phase velocities, identical intensity varies after passing through a polarization beam splitter (PBS) outside the laser cavity. Contrary to the polarization rotation locked vector soliton, the intensity does not change periodically. For the polarization- locked vector soliton (PLVS), the identical pulse intensity is still obtained after passing through the PBS and can be observed on the oscilloscope screen after photodetection. A coupler instead of a circulator is integrated in the laser cavity and strong interaction on the polarization resolved spectra of the PLVS is observed. By comparing the two states, we conclude that interaction between the two orthogonal components contributes to the locked phase velocities. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:22

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Laser mode locking - Laser resonators - Locks (fasteners) - Optical fibers - Phase velocity - Polarization - Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors - Vectors

Uncontrolled terms:Bidirectional fibers - Orthogonal components - Orthogonal polarizations - Photo detection - Polarization beam splitters - Polarization rotation - Pulse intensity - Strong interaction

Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.7 Laser Components - 921.1 Algebra



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<RECORD 296>


Accession number:20130916047952

Title:Observations of three types of sidebands in a passively mode-locked soliton fiber laser

Authors:Han, D.D. (1); Yun, L. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Han, D.D.(hdong.gy@hotmail.com)

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:We have experimentally observed three types of sidebands in a passively mode-locked soliton fiber laser with large anomalous dispersion for the first time to our best knowledge. By appropriately adjusting the polarization state of laser cavity, the conventional peak sidebands, peak-dip sidebands, and dip sidebands appear in the soliton spectra, respectively. The peak-dip and dip sidebands exhibit distinct characteristics from the conventional peak sidebands. The formation mechanism of the new type sidebands can be attributed to the periodic power variation. This work could help to a deeper insight of the spectrum shaping mechanism of conventional solitons. &copy; 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

Number of references:38

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Passive mode locking

Uncontrolled terms:Anomalous dispersion - Formation mechanism - Passively mode-locked - Polarization state - Power variations - Spectrum shaping

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 297>


Accession number:20131016087851

Title:Optics system design of the middle-wave infrared camera for spatial non-cooperative targets

Authors:Wang, Hu (1); Luo, Jianjun (1); Bai, Yu (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710072, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (3) Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.(optwangh@163.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:s122001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Based on the spatial non-cooperative target detectors, a design of hybrid diffractive/refractive dual-field-of-view middle-wave infrared optical system is put forward. Compared with the continuous zoom optical system, infrared dual-field-of-view optical system has many advantages, such as simple structure, easy fixing, quick switching and so on. A compact and lightweight infrared dual-field-of-view hybrid diffractive/refractive optical system is designed. The zoom system has intermediate image plane and the zoom group is moved through the optical axis to implement dual-field-of-view. The system consists of only seven lenses, and can realize 160 mm/40 mm dual-field-of-view at the spectrum region of 3.7~4.8 &mu;m, which can obtain the cold shield efficiency of 100%. The design result shows that the system has the advantages of compact structure, high image quality and low price.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Infrared devices - Manned space flight - Optical design - Temperature indicating cameras

Uncontrolled terms:Cold shield - Compact structures - Continuous zooms - Dual-field-of-view - High image quality - Infra-red cameras - Infrared optical systems - Intermediate image - Non-cooperative target - Optical axis  - Optics systems - Rendezvous and docking - Simple structures - Zoom systems

Classification code:656.1 Space Flight - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 944.5 Temperature Measuring Instruments



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<RECORD 298>


Accession number:20122715218736

Title:Development of a stable dielectric-barrier discharge enhanced laminar plasma jet generated at atmospheric pressure

Authors:Tang, Jie (1); Li, Shibo (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Wang, Yishan (1); Duan, Yixiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Research Center of Analytical Instrumentation, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Corresponding author:Duan, Y.(yxd@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Physics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys Lett



Issue date:June 18, 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:253505




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Institute of Physics, 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite N101, Melville, NY 11747-4502, United States

Abstract:A stable nonthermal laminar atmospheric-pressure plasma source equipped with dielectric-barrier discharge was developed to realize more efficient plasma generation, with the total energy consumption reduced to nearly 25% of the original. Temperature and emission spectra monitoring indicates that this plasma is uniform in the lateral direction of the jet core region. It is also found that this plasma contains not only abundant excited argon atoms but also sufficient excited N<inf>2</inf> and OH. This is mainly resulted from the escape of abundant electrons from the exit, due to the sharp decrease of sustaining voltage and the coupling between ions and electrons. &copy; 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Number of references:31

Main heading:Plasma diagnostics

Controlled terms:Atmospheric pressure - Emission spectroscopy - Energy utilization - Plasmas

Uncontrolled terms:Argon atoms - Atmospheric-pressure plasma source - Core region - Dielectric-barrier discharges - Emission spectrums - Lateral directions - Nonthermal - Plasma generation - Sustaining voltage - Total energy consumption

Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 525.3 Energy Utilization - 801 Chemistry - 932.3 Plasma Physics



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<RECORD 299>


Accession number:20125015786949

Title:Fast algorithm for generating hologram of a 3D object by employing connection between layers

Authors:Tang, Chuang (1); Yao, Bao-Li (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yao, B.-L.(yaobl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser

Abbreviated source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Board of Optronics Lasers, No. 47 Yang-Liu-Qing Ying-Jian Road, Tian-Jin City, 300380, China

Abstract:An approximate method for generating computer-generated hologram (CGH) of a 3D object with speed 6 times faster than the conventional algorithm is presented. In the conventional coherent ray tracing (CRT) algorithm, a 3D object is sliced into many layers and treated as the collection of self-illuminated point light sources. The process of light ray propagating from every point of object to all the points on the hologram plane and interferred with the reference beam to form a CGH is simulated. In our proposed method, under the assumption that the depth of 3D object is much smaller than the recording distance, we just need to calculate the oblique distance between the first layer and the hologram plane, and then the oblique distances from the other layers to hologram plane can be obtained from their simple relation, thus the computational time is much reduced. The CGH is optically reconstructed and the quality of the reconstructed image is as good as that from the conventional algorithm.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Three dimensional

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Approximation theory - Electron holography - Holograms - Image reconstruction - Light sources - Lithography - Three dimensional computer graphics

Uncontrolled terms:3D object - Approximate methods - Computational time - Computer generated holograms - Conventional algorithms - Fast algorithms - Fast computation - Point light source - Reconstructed image - Recording distance  - Reference beams

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 921 Mathematics - 744 Lasers - 932 High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics - 743 Holography - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices


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<RECORD 300>


Accession number:20124615661357

Title:Controllable cascaded four-wave mixing by two chirped femtosecond laser pulses

Authors:Zhang, H. (1); Zhou, Z. (2); Lin, A. (2); Cheng, J. (1); Liu, H. (1); Si, J. (1); Chen, F. (1); Hou, X. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xianning-xilu 28, Xi'an 710049, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Si, J.(jinhaisi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys B



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:We investigated the generation of cascaded fourwave mixing (CFWM) sidebands by using two crossing chirped femtosecond pulses with the same central wavelength in tellurite glass (Te glass). Sidebands of broadband spectra, which contained non-degenerate and degenerate CFWM signals, were obtained at different delay time between two input pulses. The CFWM sidebands observed on different sides of input beams were flexibly controlled by adjusting the delay time. &copy; Springer-Verlag 2012.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic pulse - Laser pulses - Tellurium compounds

Uncontrolled terms:Broadband spectra - Cascaded four-wave mixing - Central wavelength - Chirped femtosecond laser pulse - Delay Time - Input pulse - Tellurite glass

Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism - 744.1 Lasers, General - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 812.3 Glass



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<RECORD 301>


Accession number:20120614751367

Title:Supercontinuum generation in standard single-mode fiber pumped by a nanosecond-pulse laser

Authors:Liu, X.M. (1); Wang, L.R. (1); Mao, D. (1); Duan, L.N. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.M.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Laser Physics

Abbreviated source title:Laser Phys.



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing, Profsoyuznaya Ul 90, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Abstract:We have experimentally investigated supercontinuum generation in a conventional single-mode fiber pumped with a nanosecond pulse source. The experimental results show that, when pump power increases, the spectral flatness is improved obviously and the spectral broadening only occurs in a red-shifted radiation rather than a blue-shifted radiation. A supercontinuum source is experimentally reported with a flatness of 4.7 dB over 180 nm (ranging from 1555 to &gt;1735 nm) at pump power P <inf>R</inf> = 5 W and is predicted to have the flatness of less than 1 dB at P <inf>R</inf> &gt; 8 W. The cascade of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) together with soliton fission plays the key roles in supercontinuum generation. &copy; 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

Number of references:36

Main heading:Optical pumping

Controlled terms:Single mode fibers - Solitons - Supercontinuum generation

Uncontrolled terms:Blue-shifted - Conventional single-mode fibers - Nanosecond pulse - Pump power - Red-shifted - Soliton fission - Spectral broadening - Spectral flatness - Standard single mode fibers - Supercontinuum generations  - Supercontinuum sources

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 302>


Accession number:20124815717687

Title:Based on active vibration control technology of signal acquisition system research

Authors:Chu, Jiawei (1); Xu, Ruihua (1); He, Junhua (1); Wei, Mingzhi (1); Wang, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Chu, J.(chujiawei424@163.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Mechanical Properties and Structural Materials

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Mechanical Properties and Structural Materials Conference, IMPSMC 2012

Conference date:August 17, 2012 - August 19, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:93588

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:The principle of full vibration signal acquisition system is introduced. This article through the use of PSD high resolution, the characteristics of the corresponding speed, put it to use in vibration measurement, and introduces the realization method, Including the front optical, electrical and late signal processing, And through the concrete experimental data, and verifies the feasibility of the scheme. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Signal analysis

Controlled terms:Analog circuits - Analog to digital conversion - Mechanical properties

Uncontrolled terms:A/D conversion - Active vibration controls - High resolution - Position sensors - Preamplifier circuit - Realization method - Signal acquisitions - Vibration signal - Voltage transformation

Classification code:713 Electronic Circuits - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 303>


Accession number:20122915259966

Title:Surface simulation of tilt mirror based on contact and integrated simulation method

Authors:Xu, Guangzhou (1); Ruan, Ping (1); Li, Ting (1); Li, Fu (1); Lu, Di (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, G.(xgz_buaa@sina.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:To check whether the designed tilt mirror's surface satisfies the design requirement under the exterior loads, and to research the surface change rule of tilt mirror under the bolt pretightening force and gravity in different direction, the tilt mirror was analyzed using contact nonlinear finite element method. The surface displacement of tilt mirror was processed using data processing algorithm based on Zernike polynomials in order to eliminate the rigid displacement. The surface parameter after eliminating the rigid displacement and distributed curve of the rigid displacement factor were gained. The result demonstrates that the rigid displacement appeared is obvious under the exterior loads and the piston term occupies the chief aspect of the whole rigid displacement compared to the tilt term. The rigid displacement can be eliminated effectively using the surface processing algorithm based on integrated simulation method. The surface has the slight difference under the gravity in different direction. Compared to the bolt pretigtening force, the gravity has a small influence on the tilt mirror surface. The tilt mirror surface simulation under the bolt pretightening force makes sense for designing and assembling the tilt mirror and also shows engineering applicability of the surface simulation based on contact method.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Bolts - Contacts (fluid mechanics) - Data processing - Finite element method - Integration

Uncontrolled terms:Contact methods - Data processing algorithms - Design requirements - Engineering applicability - Integrated simulation method - Integrated simulations - Nonlinear finite element method - Surface changes - Surface displacement - Surface parameter  - Surface processing - Surface simulations - Tilt-mirror - Zernike polynomials

Classification code:605 Small Tools and Hardware - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.2 Calculus - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 931.1 Mechanics


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<RECORD 304>


Accession number:20130215899113

Title:Generation of single-cycle mid-infrared pulses via coherent synthesis

Authors:Ma, Fen (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Ma, F.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:December 17, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:A new approach for the generation of single-cycle mid-infrared pulses without complicated control systems is proposed, which is based on direct coherent synthesis of two idlers generated by difference frequency generation (DFG) processes. It is found that the waveform of synthesized pulses is mainly determined by the spectra superposition, the carrierenvelope phase (CEP) difference, the relative timing and the chirp ratio between the idlers. The influences of these parameters on the synthesized waveform are also numerically calculated and analyzed via second-order autocorrelation, which offers general guidelines for the waveform optimization. The single-cycle synthesized mid-infrared pulses, which are centered at 4233 nm with the spectrum spanning from 3000 nm to 7000 nm, are achieved by carefully optimizing these parameters. The single-cycle mid-infrared laser source presents the possibility of investigating and controlling the strong field light-matter interaction. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:26

Main heading:Optical parametric oscillators

Controlled terms:Infrared devices - Optical frequency conversion - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Carrier-envelope phase - Chirp ratio - Difference-frequency generation - Light-matter interactions - Mid-infrared laser sources - Mid-infrared pulse - Relative timing - Second orders - Single cycle - Strong field  - Wave forms - Waveform optimization

Classification code:741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.5 Optimization Techniques



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<RECORD 305>


Accession number:20122915253509

Title:Trapping of surface plasmon waves in graded grating waveguide system

Authors:Wang, Guoxi (1); Lu, Hua (1); Liu, Xueming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:Applied Physics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys Lett



Issue date:July 2, 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:013111




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Institute of Physics, 2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite N101, Melville, NY 11747-4502, United States

Abstract:We have proposed a graded grating plasmonic system with a significant slow-light effect for the propagation of high-confinement surface plasmon (SP) wave. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations show that the localized position of SP wave in the plasmonic waveguide is dependent on the operating frequency. It is found that the slow-light effect exhibits an obvious enhancement with propagation. The proposed ultracompact configuration offers the advantage of a large trapping bandwidth of 90 THz, which may find excellent applications on slow-light systems, especially optical buffers. &copy; 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Plasmons

Controlled terms:Optical waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:Grating waveguides - High confinement - Localized positions - Operating frequency - Optical buffer - Plasmonic - Plasmonic waveguides - Surface plasmon waves - Surface plasmons

Classification code:712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment



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<RECORD 306>


Accession number:20124215567442

Title:Angular momentum characteristics of cylindrical vector beams

Authors:Yang, Shuangyan (1); Wang, Tingting (1); Li, Chunfang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, C.(cfli@shu.edu.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0626002




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:The representation theory of nonparaxial light beams is introduced. On the basis of this theory, the decomposition of angular momentum of nonparaxial light beams is well solved. The total angular momentum of an arbitrary free electromagnetic field is separated rigorously into spin and orbital parts, both of which are dependent on the state of polarization and polarization ellipticity. The angular momentum problem of cylindrical vector beams is mainly researched. Based on the expressions of cylindrical vector beams and angular momentum operators given both in momentum space and position space, it is shown that cylindrical vector beams with a helical phase structure are the eigenstates of total angular momentum in the propagation direction, and the eigenvalue of total angular momentum has no relationship with polarization ellipticity. This provides a new calculation of the angular momentum for this special kind of light beams.

Number of references:30

Main heading:Angular momentum

Controlled terms:Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions - Electromagnetic fields - Physical optics - Polarization - Vector spaces - Vectors - Wave functions

Uncontrolled terms:Cylindrical vector beam - Eigen-value - Eigenstates - Light beam - Momentum operators - Momentum spaces - Nonparaxial - Propagation direction - Representation theory - State of polarization

Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 921.1 Algebra - 931.1 Mechanics



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<RECORD 307>


Accession number:20122115045351

Title:Improved particle filter based on fine resampling algorithm

Authors:Cao, Bei (1); Ma, Cai-Wen (1); Liu, Zhen-Tao (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of CAS, Beijing 100039, China; (3) School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'An University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710061, China

Corresponding author:Cao, B.(candy@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications

Abbreviated source title:J. China Univ. Post Telecom.



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Deparment, P.O.Box 231, 10 Xi Tucheng Road, Beijing, 100876, China

Abstract:In order to solve particle degeneracy phenomenon and simultaneously avoid sample impoverishment, this paper proposed an improved particle filter based on fine resampling algorithm for general case, called as particle filter with fine resampling (PF-FR). By introducing distance-comparing process and generating new particle based on optimized combination scheme, PF-FR filter performs better than generic sampling importance resampling particle filter (PF-SIR) both in terms of effectiveness and diversity of the particle system, hence, evidently improving estimation accuracy of the state in the nonlinear/non-Gaussian models. Simulations indicate that the proposed PF-FR algorithm can maintain the diversity of particles and thus achieve the same estimation accuracy with less number of particles. Consequently, PF-FR filter is a competitive choice in the applications of nonlinear state estimation. &copy; 2012 The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Nonlinear filtering

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Importance sampling - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:optimized combination - Particle degeneracy - Particle filter - Resampling - Sample impoverishment

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 921 Mathematics - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 922 Statistical Methods



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<RECORD 308>


Accession number:20120314701901

Title:Numerical investigation of soliton molecules with variable separation in passively mode-locked fiber lasers

Authors:Li, Xiaohui (1); Wang, Yishan (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Zhang, Wei (1); Hu, Xiaohong (1); Gao, Cunxiao (1); Zhang, Han (3); Yang, Zhi (1); Wang, Hushan (1); Wang, Xianglin (1); Li, Cheng (1); Shen, Deyuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Service OPERA-photonique, Universit&#233; Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.), 50 Avenue F. D. Roosevelt, CP 194/5, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Corresponding author:Wang, Y.(yshwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:March 15, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Soliton molecules evolution is numerically investigated in a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on the nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) technique. Peak-to-peak separation of soliton molecules can be controlled by changing either pump strength or cavity linear phase delay appropriately. Moreover, soliton molecules with intensity-independent evolution, separation-independent evolution and large intensity-vibrating evolution are numerically found, respectively. The characteristics of soliton molecules evolution versus linear phase delay or pump strength are given. Periodic stable evolution regimes are found. The separation-controllable soliton molecules can be attributed to the mutual effects of phase delay, Kerr nonlinearity and other parameters of the cavity.&copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Mode-locked fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Molecules - Separation - Solitons

Uncontrolled terms:Kerr nonlinearity - Linear phase - Nonlinear polarization rotation - Numerical investigations - Peak-to-peak separation - Phase delay - Soliton molecules - Variable separation

Classification code:744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 309>


Accession number:20131016092695

Title:Research and approach on video stabilization algorithm

Authors:Liao, Jiawen (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Tang, Linao (1); Wang, Hua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optical Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liao, J.(liaojiawen@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Image Anal. Signal Process., IASP

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6425047



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Conference date:November 9, 2012 - November 11, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95771

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper presents a video stabilization algorithm based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform and the improved RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. Feature points of the video images are extracted using the SIFT algorithm, and then a compensation matrix is obtained using the improved RANSAC algorithm. Pre-detection is used to accelerate the computation by discarding those temporary models that are not candidate models. The experiment result shows that this algorithm largely reduces the amount of computation, as well as improves the speed of video stabilization without changing the accuracy notably. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Image analysis - Jitter - Motion compensation - Motion estimation - Signal processing - Stabilization

Uncontrolled terms:Global motion compensation - Global motion estimation - pre-detection - RANSAC - SIFT - Video stabilization

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 951 Materials Science - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication



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<RECORD 310>


Accession number:20123515381676

Title:Laser damage properties of 1064 nm anti-reflective films with different electric field distributions

Authors:Xu, Jun-Qi (1); Su, Jun-Hong (1); Hui, Ying-Xue (1); Cheng, Yao-Jin (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Open Key Laboratory of Thin Film Technology and Optical Test of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710032, China; (2) National Defence Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Low Light Level Night Vision, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xu, J.-Q.(jqxu2210@163.com)

Source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser

Abbreviated source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Board of Optronics Lasers, No. 47 Yang-Liu-Qing Ying-Jian Road, Tian-Jin City, 300380, China

Abstract:Two anti-reflective films at 1064 nm with different electric field intensity distributions, namely, G/H3L/A and G/M2HL/A, were designed and prepared on K9 glass substrates by ion beam assistant deposition (IBAD) technique. The damage morphology and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of these films were investigated in this paper. The results indicate that the different electric field intensity distributions of the films may generate different laser damage properties. When the electric field intensity (normalized electric field intensity squared) is 1.039 and 0.906 respectively at the interface between layer and air, the damaged area of sample G/H3L/A is always larger than that of sample G/M2HL/A, as the laser incident energy is 180 mJ, 150 mJ, or 120 mJ at one pulse. The LIDTs of the samples are 12.3 J/cm<sup>2</sup> and 14.8 J/cm<sup>2</sup> (1064 nm, 12 ns) respectively. It shows that a higher LIDT may be obtained under lower electric field intensity at layer-air interface. Therefore, the damage properties of the films may be improved by lowering the electric field intensity at the layer-air interface during the process of film stack optimization design.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Interfaces (materials)

Controlled terms:Electric fields - Laser damage - Substrates - Thin films

Uncontrolled terms:1064 nm - Anti-reflection - Antireflective films - Damage morphology - Damage properties - Damaged area - Electric field distributions - Electric field intensities - Electric-field intensity distribution - Incident energy  - K9 glass substrate - Laser induced damage thresholds - Optimization design

Classification code:461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 951 Materials Science


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.


<RECORD 311>


Accession number:20124715683405

Title:Local structure divergence index for image quality assessment

Authors:Gao, Fei (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3); Gao, Xinbo (1); He, Lihuo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710071, China; (2) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Gao, F.(gaofeihifly@gmail.com)

Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Abbreviated source title:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.

Volume:7667 LNCS

Issue:PART 5

Monograph title:Neural Information Processing - 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2012

Conference date:November 12, 2012 - November 15, 2012

Conference location:Doha, Qatar

Conference code:93816

Sponsor:United Development Company PSC (UDC); Qatar Petrochemical Company; ExxonMobil; Qatar Petroleum; Texas A and M University at Qatar; Asia Pacific Neural Network Assembly

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms are important for image-processing systems. And structure information plays a significant role in the development of IQA metrics. In contrast to existing structure driven IQA algorithms that measure the structure information using the normalized image or gradient amplitudes, we present a new Local Structure Divergence (LSD) index based on the local structures contained in an image. In particular, we exploit the steering kernels to describe local structures. Afterward, we estimate the quality of a given image by calculating the symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence (SKLD) between kernels of the reference image and the distorted image. Experimental results on the LIVE database II show that LSD performs consistently with the human perception with a high confidence, and outperforms representative structure driven IQA metrics across various distortions. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Image quality

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Data processing

Uncontrolled terms:Contrast masking - Distorted images - Existing structure - full reference - High confidence - Human perception - Image processing system - Image quality assessment - Kullback Leibler divergence - local steering kernel  - Local structure - Normalized image - Reference image - Structure information

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 312>


Accession number:20123915473073

Title:Spectrum recovery revision algorithm of Hadamard transform spectrometer

Authors:Liu, Lei (1); Hu, Bingliang (1); Kong, Liang (1); Liu, Qiang (1); Yan, Peng (1); Yu, Tao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technique, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, L.(dashitou@gmail.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:An algorithm was proposed to improve the spectrum recovery of the Hadamard transform spectrometer that based on digital micro-mirror device (DMD). Spectral data obtained by the imaging sensor were first analyzed, and then considering the geometric dimension of the micro-mirror slit and the pixels, a spectral correction algorithm for recovery was proposed. Simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the quality of the images, and there is over a 98.88% similarity between the spectrum of the revised dark fringe pixels and that of its adjacent normal pixels before correction.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Mathematical transformations

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Mirrors - Pixels - Recovery - Spectrometers - Spectrometry

Uncontrolled terms:Dark fringes - Digital micro-mirror device - DMD - Geometric dimensions - Hadamard transform spectrometers - Imaging sensors - Micro mirror - Revision algorithms - Spectral correction - Spectral data

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations


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<RECORD 313>


Accession number:20131416168552

Title:Hybrid refractive/diffractive optical system design for light and compact uncooled longwave infrared imager

Authors:Wang, Hu (1); Bai, Yu (3); Luo, Jianjun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Science, Chengdu 610209, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84162N





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96279

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Compares with traditional optics,the difractive optical element(DOE) has unique property of minus dispersion.The special state can be used in the optical system to improve performance,lighten weight and reduce volume effectively.In the paper,an infrared optical system with DOE for LWIR thermal imager is proposed.The primary optical parameters of thermal imager are wavelength range 8.0- 12.0&mu;m,effective focal length (EFL) 150 mm,f/numbe 1.0 and field of view 8.58 degrees.The system uses uncooled infrared detector with 320&times;240 pixels and 45&mu;m pixel size. The f/number matches the sensitivity range of detector array. The infrared optical system is designed by CODE-V optical design software.It is consisted of two lens,the materials of the two lenses are Germanium.The DOE is fabricated on the convex of the first lens and it can be fabricated by diamond turning technology.The imaging quafity of the optical system approached to diffraction limit.The value of modulation transfer function (MTF) at Nyquist frequency(11lp/mm) is great than 0.78. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:4

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Infrared radiation - Manufacture - Optical design - Pixels - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Effective focal lengths - Hybrid refractive/diffractive - Improve performance - Infrared optical systems - Infrared optics - Long wave infrared - Uncooled infrared detectors - Wavelength ranges

Classification code:423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 314>


Accession number:20121114853049

Title:Experimental study on partially coherent combination of a 2&times;2 all-fiber laser array

Authors:Zhao, Baoyin (1); Duan, Kailiang (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Qian, Fengchen (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Xi'an Communications Institute, Xi'an 710106, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, B.(joseph.zhao@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:January 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:By using partially coherent combining technique, beam combining of a 2&times;2 all-fiber laser array was experimentally studied. The laser array consisted of two incoherent laser groups. Each group contained two all-fiber lasers which were phase-locked by using direct mode mutual injection method through a fiber Bragg grating with proper reflectivity. The four laser beams were arranged symmetrically. And they were placed as close as possible by using a four-right-angle prism. In the experiment, two groups of clear interfere strips with maximum visibility of about 43% and 38% were observed, respectively. The whole laser array finally generates 925 W output power when the total pump power was 1624 W. The beam-quality value BQ of the combined beam emitting from the laser array was 1.95 when the fill factor of the laser array was 0.54. This fiber laser combining array was constructed by all-fiber components, thereby was monolithic with stable performance. During the long time of high power operation, the monolithic fiber laser array works with excellent stability, no thermal distortion and damage are observed.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Mode-locked fiber lasers

Controlled terms:Fiber Bragg gratings - Fiber lasers - Pumping (laser)

Uncontrolled terms:All-fiber components - All-fiber lasers - Beam combination - Beam combining - Direct mode - Experimental studies - Fiber laser array - Fill factor - High-power operation - Laser arrays  - Mutual injection - Output power - Partially coherent - Proper reflectivity - Pump power - Thermal distortions

Classification code:741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 744.1 Lasers, General - 744.4 Solid State Lasers


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<RECORD 315>


Accession number:20114714534401

Title:Research and design of color restoration algorithm for demosaicing bayer pattern images

Authors:Zhu, Bo (1); Wen, Desheng (1); Gao, Wei (1); Song, Zongxi (1); Li, Hua (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; (3) Shangluo University, Shangluo, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, B.(zhubo@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Mechanical and Electronics Engineering III

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, ICMEE 2011

Conference date:September 23, 2011 - September 25, 2011

Conference location:Hefei, China

Conference code:87364

Sponsor:Hefei University of Technology

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:This paper analyses the process of obtaining real color image based on a single CCD/CMOS sensor. Bayer CFA Interpolation algorithm and White Balance algorithm are presented. The proposed interpolation algorithm which can obtain better color image and is easier to implement by hardware is provided. In order to cancel chromatic aberration, one White Balance algorithm which aims at sequential image is presented and process of FPGA design is given. Experimental results show that the design works normally. The color of corrected picture is vivid compared to the real world. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Aberrations - Color - Color image processing - Design - Electronics engineering - Interpolation - Numerical control systems - Sensors

Uncontrolled terms:Bayer - Bayer pattern images - CFA interpolation - Chromatic aberration - Color images - Color restoration - Demosaicing - Design work - FPGA design - Interpolation algorithm  - Interpolation algorithms - Real color images - Sequential images - White balance

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 921 Mathematics - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 713 Electronic Circuits - 408 Structural Design - 717 Optical Communication



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<RECORD 316>


Accession number:20124015484275

Title:A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for image representation

Authors:Liu, Haifeng (1); Yang, Zheng (2); Wu, Zhaohui (2); Li, Xuelong (2)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310058, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(haifengliu@zju.edu.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer  Vision and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vision Pattern Recognit

Monograph title:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6247851





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Conference date:June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012

Conference location:Providence, RI, United states

Conference code:92817

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:As a central problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, data representation has attracted great attention in the past years. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) which is a useful data representation method makes great contribution on finding the latent structure of the data and leads to a parts-based representation by decomposing the data matrix into a few bases and encodings with nonnegative constraints. However, non-negative constraint is insufficient for getting more robust data representation. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called A-Optimal Non-negative Projection (ANP) for image data representation and further analysis. ANP imposes a constraint on the encoding factor as a regularizer during matrix factorization. In this way, the learned data representation leads to a stable linear model no matter what kind of data label is selected for further processing. Thus, it can preserve more intrinsic characteristics of the data regardless of any specific labels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel algorithm through a set of evaluations on real world applications. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Computer vision

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Encoding (symbols) - Factorization - Human computer interaction - Matrix algebra - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Central problems - Data labels - Data matrices - Data representations - Encodings - Image data - Image representations - Intrinsic characteristics - Latent structures - Matrix factorizations  - Nonnegative matrix factorization - Novel algorithm - Real-world application - Regularizer - Robust datum

Classification code:461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 317>


Accession number:20131016092694

Title:A robust image registration algorithm used for panoramic image mosaic

Authors:Bo, Gao (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Zhou, Zuofeng (1); Qu, Enshi (1); Hua, Wang (1); Guo, Huinan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an (710119), China

Corresponding author:Bo, G.

Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Image Anal. Signal Process., IASP

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6425046



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, IASP 2012

Conference date:November 9, 2012 - November 11, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95771

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The panoramic image has been widely used in social production, and has become an important topic in research on the field of image processing. For complex images with multiple scenes and other elements, the algorithm that is based on Harris cannot make image registration effectively. This paper proposes a method that combines Harris with SIFT, using the Harris algorithm with adaptive threshold to extract the corners and the SIFT descriptor to make the registration. It improved registration efficiency sub-effectively for the image in complex scenes, and generated a 360-degree panoramic image quickly. The experiments showed that the algorithm is adaptable and robust. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Image analysis - Image registration - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Adaptive thresholds - Complex image - Complex scenes - Cylindrical projection - Harris algorithm - Harris corners - Panoramic images - Registration efficiencies - Robust image registration - Sift descriptor  - Social productions

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 318>


Accession number:20124515652917

Title:Optical bistability based on an analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in plasmonic waveguide-coupled resonators

Authors:Cui, Yudong (1); Zeng, Chao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Cui, Y.(cuiyudong@opt.cn)

Source title:Applied Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Opt.



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We have investigated numerically an optical bistability effect based on an analog of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a nanoscale plasmonic waveguide-coupled resonator system. The system consists of a metal-insulator-metal waveguide side-coupled with a slot cavity and a nanodisk cavity containing Kerr nonlinear material. By finite-difference time-domain simulations, the EIT-like spectral peak has a redshift with an increase of the dielectric constant of the nanodisk cavity. More importantly, we have achieved an optical bistability with threshold intensity about three times lower than that of recent literature [Appl. Opt. 50, 5287 (2011)]. The results show that our plasmonic structure can find more excellent application in highly integrated optical circuits, especially all-optical switching. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Quantum optics

Controlled terms:Crystal resonators - Optical bistability - Optical waveguides

Uncontrolled terms:All-optical switching - Electromagnetically-induced transparency - Finite difference time domain simulations - Highly integrated - Kerr-nonlinear materials - Metal insulator metals - Nano scale - Nanodisks - Plasmonic - Red shift  - Spectral peak - Threshold intensity

Classification code:713.5 Electronic Circuits Other Than Amplifiers, Oscillators, Modulators, Limiters, Discriminators or Mixers - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 319>


Accession number:20132216372302

Title:Reflective optical zoom system based on deformed mirrors without mechanical moving parts

Authors:Su, Yu (1); Fan, Xue-Wu (1); Zou, Gang-Yi (1); Zhao, Hui (1); Du, Yun-Fei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Su, Y.(suyu2515@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140 Renmin Street, Changchun, 130022, China

Abstract:Space cameras with the capability of changing focal length play a very important role in the field of earth obversation. This paper summarizes the investigation and development of reflective optical zooming systems all around the world, then a zoom optical system design method based on Deformed Mirrors(DMs) without any mechanical moving parts is put forward. Considering the superiority of non-coaxial reflective system in realizing high-resolution-large depth of filed imaging, a four-mirror reflective zoom optical system with a large field-of-view (FOV) and a zoom ratio of 4 is designed. The central obscuration is eliminated by making the FOV non-coaxial. The third mirror is a DM, and its curvature is controlled to allow the focal length changed from 0.625 m to 2.5 m. The separate primary mirrors for the different focal positions are used to reduce the optical-power changing range of the DM. The performance of the final optical system achieves diffraction limited.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Mirrors

Controlled terms:Earth (planet) - Optical design - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Central obscuration - Diffraction limited - Large field of views - Mechanical moving parts - Optical zoom systems - Primary mirrors - Reflective systems - Zoom optical system

Classification code:657 Space Physics - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 320>


Accession number:20124815729237

Title:Multivariate multilinear regression

Authors:Su, Ya (1); Gao, Xinbo (2); Li, Xuelong (3); Tao, Dacheng (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; (2) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (4) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:Su, Y.(thsuya@gmail.com)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6209443




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Conventional regression methods, such as multivariate linear regression (MLR) and its extension principal component regression (PCR), deal well with the situations that the data are of the form of low-dimensional vector. When the dimension grows higher, it leads to the under sample problem (USP): the dimensionality of the feature space is much higher than the number of training samples. However, little attention has been paid to such a problem. This paper first adopts an in-depth investigation to the USP in PCR, which answers three questions: 1) Why is USP produced? 2) What is the condition for USP, and 3) How is the influence of USP on regression. With the help of the above analysis, the principal components selection problem of PCR is presented. Subsequently, to address the problem of PCR, a multivariate multilinear regression (MMR) model is proposed which gives a substitutive solution to MLR, under the condition of multilinear objects. The basic idea of MMR is to transfer the multilinear structure of objects into the regression coefficients as a constraint. As a result, the regression problem is reduced to find two low-dimensional coefficients so that the principal components selection problem is avoided. Moreover, the sample size needed for solving MMR is greatly reduced so that USP is alleviated. As there is no closed-form solution for MMR, an alternative projection procedure is designed to obtain the regression matrices. For the sake of completeness, the analysis of computational cost and the proof of convergence are studied subsequently. Furthermore, MMR is applied to model the fitting procedure in the active appearance model (AAM). Experiments are conducted on both the carefully designed synthesizing data set and AAM fitting databases verified the theoretical analysis. &copy; 1996-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:56

Main heading:Principal component analysis

Controlled terms:Image recognition - Regression analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Active appearance models - Alternative projection - Closed form solutions - Computational costs - Data sets - Feature space - Fitting procedure - In-depth investigation - Multi-linear regression - Multivariate linear regressions  - Principal component regression - Principal Components - Regression coefficient - Regression matrices - Regression method - Regression problem - Sample sizes - Selection problems - Training sample - under sample problem (USP)

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics



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<RECORD 321>


Accession number:20124915746479

Title:Creation of periodic subwavelength ripples on tungsten surface by ultra-short laser pulses

Authors:Xue, Lu (1); Yang, Jianjun (1); Yang, Yang (1); Wang, Yishan (2); Zhu, Xiaonong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Optical Information Science and Technology, Education Ministry of China, Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, J.(jjyang@nankai.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys A



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Springer Heidelberg, Haberstrasse 7, Heidelberg, 69126, Germany

Abstract:Formation of periodic subwavelength ripples on a metallic tungsten surface is investigated through a linescribing method under the irradiation of 800 nm, 50 fs to 8 ps ultra-short laser pulses. The distinctive features of the induced ripple structures are described in detail with different laser parameters. Experimental measurements reveal that with gradual decrease of the laser fluence, the pulse duration or the scanning speed, the ripple period is inclined to reduce but the ripple depth tends to become pronounced. Theoretical analyses suggest that the transient dielectric function change of the tungsten surface mainly originates from the nonequilibrium distribution of electrons due to the d-band transitions. A sandwich-like physical model of air-plasma- target is proposed and the excitation of a surface plasmon polaritonic (SPP) wave is supposed to occur on the interface between the metallic target and the electron plasma layer. Formation of ripples can be eventually attributed to the laser-SPP interference. Theoretical interpretations are consistent with the experimental observations. &copy; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Tungsten

Controlled terms:Lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Air-plasma - D-Band transition - Dielectric functions - Electron plasmas - Experimental measurements - Experimental observation - Laser fluences - Laser parameters - Metallic targets - Metallic tungsten  - Nonequilibrium distribution - Physical model - Pulse durations - Ripple structure - Scanning speed - Sub-wavelength - Surface plasmons

Classification code:543.5 Tungsten and Alloys - 744.1 Lasers, General



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<RECORD 322>


Accession number:20124015531483

Title:NiosII custom instruction on FIR filter arithmetic

Authors:Tian, Ye (1); Li, Yan (1); Dong, Qiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Tian, Y.(tylwf@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Model., Identif. Control, ICMIC

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6260188



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Conference date:June 24, 2012 - June 26, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:92903

Sponsor:IEEE Shanghai Section; International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control; International Journal of Computer Applications and Technology; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:According to the principle of FIR filter, we firstly design and simulate the model file with DSP Builder in the environment of Matlab/Simulink. Secondly, we transform this model file to VHDL source codes with Signal-Compiler and implement processes of analysis, synthesis and adaptation in Quartus II. At last, we create a SOPC system-NiosII, where FIR filter arithmetic can be generated to a custom instruction. Till now, the hardware-software co-design of FIR filter arithmetic has been completed. &copy; 2012 Huazhong Univ of Sci &amp; Tec.

Number of references:7

Main heading:FIR filters

Controlled terms:Digital signal processing - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Identification (control systems)

Uncontrolled terms:Custom instruction - DSP builder - Hardware software codesign - NIOS II - Quartus II - Source codes

Classification code:703.2 Electric Filters - 721.3 Computer Circuits - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 731.1 Control Systems


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<RECORD 323>


Accession number:20123915463584

Title:A copolymer based on benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b]dithiophene and quinoxaline derivative for photovoltaic application

Authors:Wu, Haimei (1); Qu, Bo (3); Cong, Zhiyuan (2); Liu, Hongli (2); Tian, Di (2); Gao, Bowen (4); An, Zhongwei (2); Gao, Chao (2); Xiao, Lixin (3); Chen, Zhijian (3); Liu, Huanhuan (4); Gong, Qihuang (3); Wei, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China; (2) Xi'An Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710065, China; (3) State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; (4) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Qu, B.(bqu@pku.edu.cn)

Source title:Reactive and Functional Polymers

Abbreviated source title:React Funct Polym



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:A D-A-D copolymer (PBDTQx) with a bandgap of 1.78 eV, containing alkoxy-substituted benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b&prime;]dithiophene (BDT) as donor and quinoxaline derivative (Qx) as acceptor, was synthesized by Stille coupling reaction. In order to study the photovoltaic property of PBDTQx, polymer solar cells (PSCs) were fabricated with PBDTQx as the electron donor blended with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC<inf>61</inf>BM) as the electron acceptor. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PSC was 1.01% for an optimized PBDTQx: PC<inf>61</inf>BM ratio of 1:5, under the illumination of AM 1.5, 100 mW/cm<sup>2</sup>. The results indicated that PBDTQx was a promising donor candidate in the application of polymer solar cells. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Polymers

Controlled terms:Conversion efficiency - Copolymers - Heterojunctions - Solar cells - Thiophene

Uncontrolled terms:Application of polymers - Electron acceptor - Electron donors - Methyl esters - Photovoltaic applications - Photovoltaic property - Polymer Solar Cells - Power conversion efficiencies - Quinoxaline derivatives - Quinoxalines  - Stille coupling reaction

Classification code:525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 615.2 Solar Power - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 815.1 Polymeric Materials



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<RECORD 324>


Accession number:20122215079413

Title:Monomode optical planar and channel waveguides in Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped silicate glasses formed by helium ion implantation

Authors:Liu, Chun-Xiao (1); Cheng, Shu (3); Zhao, Jin-Hua (4); Li, Wei-Nan (2); Wei, Wei (2); Peng, Bo (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China; (4) School of Science, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China; (5) Key Lab. for Organic Electronics and Information Displays, Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.-X.(cxliu0816@sina.com)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:We report on the fabrication of optical planar and channel waveguides in Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped silicate glasses by triple-energy helium ion implantation at a total dose of 6&times;10<sup>16</sup> ions/cm<sup>2</sup>. The dark mode spectroscopy of the planar waveguide was measured using a prism coupling arrangement. The near-field mode profiles of the planar and channel waveguides were obtained with an end-face coupling system. The refractive index profile was reconstructed using the intensity calculation method. The results indicate that a refractive index enhanced region as well as an optical barrier has been created after the beam process. After post-implantation treatments at 260 &deg;C for 1 h and 310&deg;C for 30 min, the channel waveguides possessed a propagation loss of &sim;0.9 dB/cm. The acceptable guiding properties suggest that further waveguide lasers may be realized on the He-implanted Yb <sup>3</sup>-doped silicate glass waveguides. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.

Number of references:24

Main heading:Plasma filled waveguides

Controlled terms:Glass - Ion implantation - Optical waveguides - Refractive index - Silicates - Waveguides - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Calculation methods - Channel waveguide - Coupling systems - Dark mode spectroscopy - Guiding properties - Helium ion - Laser materials - Mode profiles - Near-field - Post-implantation  - Prism couplings - Propagation loss - Refractive index profiles - Silicate glass - Total dose - Waveguide lasers

Classification code:932.1 High Energy Physics - 812.3 Glass - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.1 Light/Optics - 714.3 Waveguides - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 414 Masonry Materials



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<RECORD 325>


Accession number:20122915253125

Title:Spectrum reconstruction based on the constrained optimal linear inverse methods

Authors:Ren, Wenyi (1); Zhang, Chunmin (1); Mu, Tingkui (1); Dai, Haishan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (2) Non-equilibrium Condensed Matter and Quantum Engineering Laboratory, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, C.(zcm@mail.xjtu.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Lett.



Issue date:July 1, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The dispersion effect of birefringent material results in spectrally varying Nyquist frequency for the Fourier transform spectrometer based on birefringent prism. Correct spectral information cannot be retrieved from the observed interferogram if the dispersion effect is not appropriately compensated. Some methods, such as nonuniform fast Fourier transforms and compensation method, were proposed to reconstruct the spectrum. In this Letter, an alternative constrained spectrum reconstruction method is suggested for the stationary polarization interference imaging spectrometer (SPIIS) based on the Savart polariscope. In the theoretical model of the interferogram, the noise and the total measurement error are included, and the spectrum reconstruction is performed by using the constrained optimal linear inverse methods. From numerical simulation, it is found that the proposed method is much more effective and robust than the nonconstrained spectrum reconstruction method proposed by Jian, and provides a useful spectrum reconstruction approach for the SPIIS. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Optimization

Controlled terms:Birefringence - Fast Fourier transforms - Interferometry - Inverse problems - Ray tracing - Spectrometers

Uncontrolled terms:Birefringent materials - Birefringent prism - Compensation method - Dispersion effect - Fourier transform spectrometers - Interferograms - Inverse methods - Non-constrained - Non-uniform fast Fourier transforms - Nyquist frequency  - Polarization interferences - Savart polariscope - Spectral information - Spectrum reconstruction - Theoretical models

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 921 Mathematics - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 326>


Accession number:20115214641954

Title:Structural analysis and design optimization of a selective laser sintering system

Authors:Shuai, Cijun (1); Yang, Bo (1); Nie, Yi (1); Hu, Huanlong (1); Peng, Shuping (3); Zhou, Ying (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 710068, China; (3) Cancer Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha, 410078, China

Corresponding author:Peng, S.(shuping@csu.edu.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Advanced Design Technology

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2011

Conference date:December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011

Conference location:Guilin, China

Conference code:87856

Sponsor:University of Wollongong; Northeastern University; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Hebei Polytechnic University

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:A three dimensional geometric model of a homemade selective laser sintering (SLS) system is simplified and imported into Ansys Finite Element Software for static and modal analysis. The analysis results show that the supporting base that holds up the laser system undergoes large deformations. The machining accuracy can hardly meet the high-precision requirements of sintered parts with complex internal and external geometries. A method is put forward for the structural optimization of the SLS system. The calculation results show that the bending deformation of the supporting base decreases by 73.2%, and the maximum stress also decreases significantly. It indicates that the high precision manufacturing can be achieved with the improved SLS system.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Structural optimization

Controlled terms:Bending (deformation) - Computer software - Design - Finite element method - Laser heating - Manufacture - Modal analysis - Sintering - Structural analysis - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:Analysis results - Bending deformations - Finite element software - Geometric models - High-precision - High-precision manufacturing - Large deformations - Laser systems - Machining Accuracy - Maximum stress  - Selective laser sintering - Sintered parts - Structural analysis and designs

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 744.9 Laser Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 536.1 Powder Metallurgy Operations - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 408.1 Structural Design, General - 408 Structural Design



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<RECORD 327>


Accession number:20125215834667

Title:Design and analysis of flexure hinge in the double crystal monochromator

Authors:Zhao, Xiangguo (1); Zhou, Sizhong (1); Jiang, Bo (1); Jiang, Kai (1); Mei, Chao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics, Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Zhao, X.(haohenwuhen@opt.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement, ICVSEM 2012

Conference date:October 19, 2012 - October 21, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:94580

Sponsor:Guangzhou University; Cleveland State University; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Tongji University; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; et al

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:This paper analyzes the relationship between the parameters of CFH (Cosine Flexure Hinge) and the adjustable angle in the measurement and micro-adjustment of yaw, pitch and roll angle in the DCM (Double Crystal Monochromator). We derive the motion equations of CFH during the measurement and adjustment process, and get accurate expression formulas. Then we use ANSYS software to simulate the CFH and compare the simulation value and the theoretical value. It shows that the maximum angular deflection error is less than 3.5 percent. We compare the CFH to the RCFH (Right Circular Flexure Hinge), and get that the maximum angular deflection &theta; y and the linear displacements of RCFH are all about 1.56 times than the CFH when the parameters are equivalent. Therefore, we provide a simple flexure hinge to improve the stability and accuracy of angular measurement and micro- adjustment in the DCM. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Hinges

Controlled terms:Equations of motion - Monochromators - Precision engineering - Structural design

Uncontrolled terms:Angular deflection - ANSYS software - Design and analysis - Double crystal monochromators - Engineering measurements - Finite Element - Flexure hinge - Linear displacements - Pitch and roll angles - Theoretical values

Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General - 605 Small Tools and Hardware - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.2 Calculus



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<RECORD 328>


Accession number:20120714766773

Title:Design of a dual-channel Mach-Zehnder lateral shearing interferometer for the large aperture static imaging spectrometer

Authors:Fu, Qiang (1); Xiangli, Bin (3); L&#252;, Qun-Bo (3); Jing, Juan-Juan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China

Corresponding author:Fu, Q.(vorQ.Fu@hotmail.com)

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Large aperture static imaging spectrometry (LASIS) is a kind of joint temporally and spatially modulated Fourier transform imaging spectrometry. In such instruments, lateral shearing interferometer is a key element, the most frequently used type of which is the Sagnac interferometer. In this configuration, one half of the light entering the interferometer backtracks and causes a great decrease in energy efficiency. The present paper proposes a modified Mach-Zehnder lateral shearing interferometer structure to tackle this problem. With the ability to produce the same lateral shear, it features the advantage of dual channel output. We present a ray tracing procedure to induce the general expression of the lateral shear as well as analyze the contributions of error sources to the shear accuracy. The results serve as a new idea for the design of large aperture static imaging spectrometers and can be used to instruct the design and optimization of this kind of imaging spectrometer.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Spectrometry

Controlled terms:Design - Energy efficiency - Spectrometers

Uncontrolled terms:Design and optimization - Dual channel - Error sources - Fourier transform imaging spectrometers - Fourier-transform imaging - General expression - Imaging spectrometers - Key elements - Large aperture - Lateral shear  - Lateral shearing interferometer - Mach-Zehnder - Sagnac interferometer - Static imaging

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 525.2 Energy Conservation - 801 Chemistry



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<RECORD 329>


Accession number:20125015795969

Title:High power laser diode drive power supply

Authors:Lu, Kai (1); Liu, Baiyu (2); Bai, Yonglin (2); Gou, Yongsheng (2); Wang, Bo (2); Zhu, Bingli (1); Ouyang, Xian (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Ultra-fast Photoelectric Diagnostics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Lu, K.(lookatme_1984@126.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:High energy laser system typically requires multi-output mode laser diode drive power supply, and existing power supply has the problem of single output mode. In this paper, a laser diode drive power supply with multi-output mode characteristic was designed using power compression and current series negative feedback techniques. The principle of the negative feedback network was analyzed, which was a high input impendent different operation circuit with special design. Precise relationship between reference voltage and output current was deduced. After being applied in the first 400W industrial fiber laser system of China, the drive power supply realized continuous wave and quasi-continuous wave current output with the value adjusting continuous from 0 A to 26 A and the output current stability was better than 0.15&permil;. Test results demonstrate the feasibility of the design idea to achieve a multi-output mode and high current stability characteristics of the laser diode driver.

Number of references:11

Main heading:High power lasers

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - High energy lasers - Semiconductor lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Continuous Wave - Design ideas - Drive power - Feedback techniques - High currents - High-energy laser systems - Industrial fibers - Laser diode drivers - Laser systems - Mode characteristics  - Multi-output - Output current - Power compression - Power supply - Reference voltages - Wave current

Classification code:744 Lasers


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<RECORD 330>


Accession number:20131016087853

Title:Design of optical system in solar blind ultraviolet and study on the detection distance

Authors:Jiang, Bo (1); Zhou, Sizhong (1); Jiang, Kai (1); Duan, Jing (1); Deng, Xiaoguo (1); Guo, Zhili (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

Corresponding author:Jiang, K.(jiangkai2008.jj@163.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:s122003




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Ultraviolet (UV) detection principle and configuration of UV detection system are introduced. The experimental system is designed and established. The system wording at 240~280 nm achieves the focal length of 200 mm and F number of 6. The UV image is converted to visible image at the CCD through the relay system. The estimation method and model are proposed according to the formula of image plane irradiance and imaging, which are based on the UV radiation performance of typical targets and atmospheric transmission performance of UV radiation, combined with the performance parameters of UV warning system. The detection distance of UV warning system for a typical target at different angles is computed and validated. The analysis and conclusion show that the detection distance of UV warning system can increase by changing the performance parameters of detector, such as CCD minimum illuminance, image intensifier's gain, optical system's transmittance and relative aperture.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Optical systems

Controlled terms:Detectors - Light transmission - Optical design - Ultraviolet radiation

Uncontrolled terms:Atmospheric transmissions - Detectable distance - Estimation methods - Experimental system - F number - Focal lengths - Image plane - Performance parameters - Radiation performance - Relay system  - Solar blind ultraviolet - Typical targets - Ultra violet detection - UV detection - Visible image

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 914 Safety Engineering



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<RECORD 331>


Accession number:20121714965929

Title:Generation and propagation of bound-state pulses in a passively mode-locked figure-eight laser

Authors:Yun, Ling (1); Liu, Xueming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, X.(liuxueming72@yahoo.com)

Source title:IEEE Photonics Journal

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Photon. J.



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6176184



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:We have investigated the generation and propagation of robust bound-state pulses emitted from a passively mode-locked figure-eight laser with net-anomalous dispersion. Two pulses with the pulse duration of &sim;1.3 ps and the separation of &sim;2.2 ps exhibit a strongly modulated spectral profile. The experimental observations show that the pulse duration and the separation increase approximately linearly along the extracavity single-mode fiber (SMF). The pulse duration and separation are broadened by a factor of &sim;7 and &sim;5.7, respectively, after the pulse pair propagates through the standard SMF of 202 m. The theoretical results well agree with the experimental observations. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:36

Main heading:Passive mode locking

Controlled terms:Erbium - Excitons - Separation - Single mode fibers - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Bound state - Erbium laser - Experimental observation - Optics systems - Passively mode-locked - Pulse durations - Pulse pairs - Pulse propagation - Spectral profile - Theoretical result

Classification code:547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 332>


Accession number:20120514725847

Title:Bragg gap solitons in PT symmetric lattices with competing nonlinearity

Authors:Liu, Shuang (1); Ma, Caiwen (1); Zhang, Yiqi (2); Lu, Keqing (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Electronic Science and Technology, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China; (3) Graduate University, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (4) School of Information and Communication Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300160, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y.(zhang-yiqi@163.com)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:April 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The effect of competing nonlinearity on beam dynamics in parity-time (PT) symmetric potentials is investigated. By using numerical methods, the existence of gap solitons is demonstrated in the first Bragg band gap of optical (PT) symmetric lattices with competing nonlinearity. Meanwhile, the stability of such solitons is analyzed through introducing a small perturbation to the solitary solutions. The abrupt annihilation of the solitons during propagation demonstrates that the Bragg gap solitons in PT symmetric potentials are not stable. In comparison with the on-site gap solitons, the off-site gap solitons exhibit more robust properties during propagation. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Numerical methods

Uncontrolled terms:Beam dynamics - Bragg gap solitons - Gap soliton - Non-Linearity - Small perturbations - Solitary solutions

Classification code:921.1 Algebra - 921.6 Numerical Methods



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<RECORD 333>


Accession number:20131116105449

Title:Constant current chopping subdivision driver of stepper motor applied in harsh environment

Authors:Dong, Qiang (1); Li, Yan (1); Tian, Ye (1); Wang, Xianhong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Dong, Q.(liuxing_789@sina.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463332



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:According to the special requirements of aerospace electronic products, this paper gives a designation of constant current subdivision driver of step motor based on the FPGA. In this design, the subdivision of the Sine/Cosine waveform is used to control current waveform, while the comparison of the feedback current and control current implements the function of constant current control. The design has some advantages such as stable output torque, low noise and vibration at low speed, short time in positioning and small possibility of losing step. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Stepping motors

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence

Uncontrolled terms:Aerospace electronics - Constant current - Constant current control - Control current - Feedback currents - Harsh environment - Low noise - Low speed - Output torque - Stepper motor  - Wave forms

Classification code:705.3 Electric Motors - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence



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<RECORD 334>


Accession number:20121614951819

Title:Femtosecond laser-induced surface structures to significantly improve the thermal emission of light from metals

Authors:Yang, J. (1); Yang, Y. (1); Zhao, B. (1); Wang, Y. (1); Zhu, X. (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Key Laboratory of Optical Information Science and Technology, Education Ministry of China, Tianjin, 300071, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, J.(jjyang@nankai.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics

Abbreviated source title:Appl Phys B



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Extraordinary thermal emission properties of the metallic surface microstructures induced by femtosecond lasers are investigated in both experiment and theory. Within the spectral range of 4-17 &mu;m, the measured maximum thermal emissivities at different temperatures enhance significantly to about 100%. Especially for the coral-like surface structure, the improved thermal emission behaviors can extend largely over the whole spectrum rather than happening at some distinctive wavelengths. Moreover, the enhancement factor of the thermal emissivity is observed to depend on the wavelength and the idiographic morphology of the microstructures. This phenomenon can be understood well by equivalent recognizing the SPP field coupling assisted transmission of blackbody radiation through the microstructured interfaces, and the finite-difference time-domain simulations elucidate the underlying physical pictures. &copy; Springer-Verlag 2011.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Ultrashort pulses

Controlled terms:Antenna radiation - Electromagnetic wave emission - Microstructure - Surface structure - Ultrafast lasers

Uncontrolled terms:Black body radiation - Coral-like - Enhancement factor - Femtoseconds - Field coupling - Finite difference time domain simulations - Laser induced - Metallic surface - Physical pictures - Spectral range  - Thermal emissions - Thermal emissivity

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 744.1 Lasers, General - 933 Solid State Physics - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 335>


Accession number:20121014841948

Title:System signal-to-noise ratio analysis based on imaging chain model in multispectral remote sensing

Authors:Fu, Qiang (1); Xiangli, Bin (3); Jing, Juanjuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Spectral Imaging Technique Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China

Corresponding author:Fu, Q.(vorQ.Fu@hotmail.com)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:0211001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) is an important index for evaluating multispectral imaging performance. In the early stage of designing a multispectral imager, SNR analysis should be performed for the determination of subsystem parameters. The imaging chain model of multispectral remote sensing is introduced. Characteristics of radiation source, object spectral reflectance, atmospheric radiation transfer, optical imaging, dispersive element, detector spectral responsivity and camera noise are synthesized to come into an end-to-end analysis. A filter array based multispectral imaging system is modeled. Computation of atmospheric radiation transfer is from MODTRAN under conditions of different solar zenith angles and different surface features. The models of charge coupled device are adopted for characterizing the noise features. SNR for different working conditions are shown for the designed multispectral remote sensing system. The SNR analysis is helpful for demonstrating the best operation condition for multispectral remote sensing system of this kind, as well as optimizing related optical system parameters for best performance with lowest cost.

Number of references:23

Main heading:Remote sensing

Controlled terms:Atmospheric radiation - Charge coupled devices - Optical systems - Optical testing - Signal to noise ratio

Uncontrolled terms:Camera noise - Dispersive elements - End-to-end analysis - Filter arrays - Imaging chains - MODTRAN - Multi-spectral - Multi-spectral imaging systems - Multispectral imaging - Multispectral remote sensing  - Operation conditions - Optical imaging - Radiation source - Solar zenith angle - Spectral reflectances - Spectral responsivity - Surface feature - Working conditions

Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 731.1 Control Systems - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 336>


Accession number:20121915010561

Title:Impact of phase noise on coherent BPSK homodyne systems in long-haul optical fiber communications

Authors:Yu, Gang (1); Xie, Xiaoping (1); Zhao, Wei (1); Wang, Wei (1); Yan, Shuangyi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yu, G.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optical Communication Systems and Networking

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:83310R





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optical Communication Systems and Networking

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:89629

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:The impact of phase noise induced by amplified spontaneous emission and nonlinear Kerr effect is analyzed in investigating the performance of BPSK homodyne systems based OPLL in long-haul optical fiber communications. Under the Gaussian probability density function assumption the equivalent power spectral density of linear and nonlinear phase noise are determined, respectively. Using the power spectral density function the expressions of phase error variance taking into account linear phase noise, nonlinear phase noise and shot noise of corresponding photodiodes are determined. The impact of the number of amplifiers, bit rate and signal power on the phase error variance is analyzed. Using the minimum phase error variance and corresponding BER expression the receiver sensitivity and BER curves are given, respectively. Under the required BER, it is shown that there is a limitation on the maximum transmission distance of the BPSK homodyne system based OPLL. The theory expressions and numerical results obtained in this paper are helpful for designing OPLL and evaluating the impact of phase noise on the receivers based OPLL in long-haul optical fiber communications. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Gaussian noise (electronic)

Controlled terms:Bit error rate - Phase noise - Power spectral density - Shot noise

Uncontrolled terms:Amplified spontaneous emissions - ASE - BER expression - Bit rates - Gaussian probability density functions - Homodyne receiver - Homodynes - Linear phase - Long haul - Minimum phase  - Nonlinear phase noise - Numerical results - OPLL - Phase error - Receiver sensitivity - Signal power - Transmission distances

Classification code:941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 921 Mathematics - 723.1 Computer Programming - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 713.2 Oscillators - 713 Electronic Circuits - 711 Electromagnetic Waves



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<RECORD 337>


Accession number:20124015484219

Title:Sparse representation for blind image quality assessment

Authors:He, Lihuo (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3); Gao, Xinbo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, Shaanxi, China; (2) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:He, L.(lihuo.he@gmail.com)

Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer  Vision and Pattern Recognition

Abbreviated source title:Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vision Pattern Recognit

Monograph title:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6247795





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2012

Conference date:June 16, 2012 - June 21, 2012

Conference location:Providence, RI, United states

Conference code:92817

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) is an important yet difficult task in image processing related applications. Existing algorithms for universal BIQA learn a mapping from features of an image to the corresponding subjective quality or divide the image into different distortions before mapping. Although these algorithms are promising, they face the following problems: 1) they require a large number of samples (pairs of distorted image and its subjective quality) to train a robust mapping; 2) they are sensitive to different datasets; and 3) they have to be retrained when new training samples are available. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective algorithm based upon the sparse representation of natural scene statistics (NSS) feature. It consists of three key steps: extracting NSS features in the wavelet domain, representing features via sparse coding, and weighting differential mean opinion scores by the sparse coding coefficients to obtain the final visual quality values. Thorough experiments on standard databases show that the proposed algorithm outperforms representative BIQA algorithms and some full-reference metrics. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:25

Main heading:Image quality

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Computer vision - Mapping

Uncontrolled terms:Data sets - Distorted images - Effective algorithms - Following problem - Image quality assessment - Mean opinion scores - Natural scene statistics - Number of samples - Sparse coding - Sparse representation  - Subjective quality - Training sample - Visual qualities - Wavelet domain

Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.2 Vision - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 338>


Accession number:20122715199320

Title:Image encryption based on the random rotation operation in the fractional Fourier transform domains

Authors:Liu, Zhengjun (1); Li, She (3); Yang, Meng (1); Liu, Wanyu (1); Liu, Shutian (4)

Author affiliation:(1) HIT-INSA Sino French Research Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Automatic Measurement and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) School of Science, Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Harbin 150027, China; (4) Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China

Corresponding author:Liu, Z.(zjliu@hit.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics and Lasers in Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Lasers Eng



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:A kind of image encryption scheme is presented by using a rotation operation being regarded as the scrambling scheme of the pixels. The rotation operation is composed of rotation center, radii and angle. For the data of phase and amplitude of complex number, the rotation operation is performed with random controlling parameters iteratively. The parameters are random and serve as the key of this encryption method. Subsequently, the fractional Fourier transform is introduced to alter the values of image pixel. The process mentioned above will be achieved many times for enhancing the security of the proposed algorithm. Numerical simulation is given to demonstrate the validity and performance of the image hiding procedure. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Rotation

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Cryptography - Encoding (symbols) - Image processing - Pixels

Uncontrolled terms:Complex number - Controlling parameters - Encryption methods - Fractional Fourier transforms - Image encryption scheme - Image encryptions - Image hiding - Image pixels - Phase encoding - Pixel scrambling  - Rotation centers - Rotation operations

Classification code:601.1 Mechanical Devices - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 339>


Accession number:20123715424462

Title:Design and implementation of real-time processing platform for movement error correction of hyperspectrual imaging

Authors:Yu, Tao (1); Hu, Bing-Liang (1); Gao, Xiao-Hui (1); Wei, Ru-Yi (1); Jing, Juan-Juan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Hu, B.-L.(hbl@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

Abbreviated source title:Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:The approach that deals with compressed and packed image data transmitted from satellite to the ground is too slow for real-time application occasion, it also has huge image, multi-processing step and complexity recovery arithmetic synchronously, so it is urgent to build accurate and fast data processing platform for real-time processing. For the moment, the platform for data recovery and error correction is much less, the so-called successful platform may directly affect the effect of target detection and identification because of processing speed, precision, flexibility, configuration and upgrade. The platform we build is to set spatial modulation spectrometer as the research goal, We design and implement a hardware platform based on Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA, It is combined with ISE IP soft-core resources which is configurable, high-precision and flexible by focusing on analyzing key aspects of the hardware platform. And the relevant test data were drawn, then a good way for spectrum recovery and error correction was explored.

Number of references:16

Main heading:Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)

Controlled terms:Data processing - Error correction - Hardware - Recovery

Uncontrolled terms:Data recovery - Handware platforms - Hardware platform - High-precision - Image data - IP core - Processing platform - Processing speed - Real-time application - Realtime processing  - Research goals - Spatial modulations - Test data - Xilinx

Classification code:531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 605 Small Tools and Hardware - 721 Computer Circuits and Logic Elements - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing



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<RECORD 340>


Accession number:20130415940890

Title:High-precision stable tracking technique of electro-optical countermeasures platform

Authors:Peng, Wei (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Yang, Xiaojun (1); Luo, Junping (2); Guo, Min (1); Liu, Feng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710019, China; (2) Beijing Institute of Tracking and Communication Technology, Beijing 100094, China

Corresponding author:Peng, W.(pwhbyx@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:November 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:In order to meet the requirements of an electro-optical countermeasures platform for high precision and smooth continuous tracking, a controller based on PI-P composite control technique was proposed. It had the advantage of simple structure and high resistance to load disturbances as well as smooth control and ensured tracking precision. On the other hand, by the method of checking the rationality of the miss distance signals of the video tracking processor firstly, then fuse the video tracking data with the external guiding data, it was able to remove interference and improve the reliability and prediction accuracy of the future position of the mobile target so as to ensure the continuity and the tracking stability. Experimental results show that the system can meet the demand of smooth and continuous tracking, at the accuracy-guaranteed angular velocity of 20 (&deg;)/s and the accuracy-guaranteed angular acceleration of 25 (&deg;)/s<sup>2</sup>. The tracking precision is less than 2', and the system has wide adaptability.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Target tracking

Controlled terms:Data fusion - Video recording

Uncontrolled terms:Angular acceleration - Composite control - Continuous tracking - Electro-optical - Future position - High precision - High resistance - Load disturbances - Miss distance - Mobile targets  - PI-P regulator - Prediction accuracy - Simple structures - Smooth control - Tracking precision - Tracking techniques - Video tracking

Classification code:716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 716.4 Television Systems and Equipment - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing


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<RECORD 341>


Accession number:20122115046754

Title:Digital holographic microscopy long-term and real-time monitoring of cell division and changes under simulated zero gravity

Authors:Pan, Feng (1); Liu, Shuo (1); Wang, Zhe (2); Shang, Peng (2); Xiao, Wen (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Precision Opto-mechatronics Technology, School of Instrument Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Space Biosciences and Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China

Corresponding author:Pan, F.(panfeng@buaa.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:May 7, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The long-term and real-time monitoring the cell division and changes of osteoblasts under simulated zero gravity condition were succeed by combing a digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with a superconducting magnet (SM). The SM could generate different magnetic force fields in a cylindrical cavity, where the gravitational force of biological samples could be canceled at a special gravity position by a high magnetic force. Therefore the specimens were levitated and in a simulated zero gravity environment. The DHM was modified to fit with SM by using single mode optical fibers and a vertically-configured jig designed to hold specimens and integrate optical device in the magnet's bore. The results presented the first-phase images of living cells undergoing dynamic divisions and changes under simulated zero gravity environment for a period of 10 hours. The experiments demonstrated that the SM-compatible DHM setup could provide a highly efficient and versatile method for research on the effects of microgravity on biological samples. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:21

Main heading:Cell proliferation

Controlled terms:Microscopic examination - Phase measurement - Superconducting magnets

Uncontrolled terms:Biological samples - Cell divisions - Cylindrical cavities - Digital holographic microscopy - Gravitational forces - Living cell - Magnetic force - Real time monitoring - Single-mode optical fiber - Versatile methods  - Zero gravity - Zero-gravity conditions

Classification code:461.9 Biology - 708.4 Magnetic Materials - 746 Imaging Techniques - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements



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<RECORD 342>


Accession number:20131416168424

Title:Improvement of beam quality in the far-field of annular core optical fibers by realizing single-mode operation

Authors:Hui, Xiangyun (1); Duan, Kailiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Hui, X.(fn001cn@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:841931





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96277

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We have improved the beam quality by realizing single-mode operation in the annular core optical fibers (ACF), and discuss the relations between single-mode and its design parameters. Moreover the effect of the thickness of the guiding section on the energy distribution in the far-field is analyzed. With proper parameters design, more than 99% of the annular light emitted from ACF could be centralized at a bright spot in the far-field. These results may provide a theoretical guidance for the design and application of ACF. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Optical fibers

Controlled terms:Electric power distribution - Manufacture - Optoelectronic devices - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Bright spots - Design and application - Design parameters - Energy distributions - Far-field - Parameters design - Single mode - Single mode operation

Classification code:423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 706.1.2 Electric Power Distribution - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 343>


Accession number:20123915472843

Title:Recent developments on radiation resistance properties of chalcogenide infrared glass materials

Authors:Meng, Wei (1); Guo, Haitao (2); Xu, Yantao (2); Lu, Chunfeng (2); Qiao, Zebang (2); Lu, Yunqing (1); Wei, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) The Academy of Optoelectronics Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Procession Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Guo, H.(guoht_001@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society

Abbreviated source title:Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Ceramic Society, Baiwanzhuang, Beijing, 100831, China

Abstract:Chalcogenide glass has great prospects and important applications in the aerospace, nuclear reaction monitoring and detection. It has become one of the most concerned materials in the field of photonics technology. This review represents recent developments on the studies of chalcogenide glass irradiation resistance properties, and emphases on the damage mechanism at gamma radiation. The factors influencing the irradiation resistance properties of chalcogenide glass were analyzed and the feasible ways for enhancing the irradiation resistance properties were discussed. In addition, some further studies on this aspect were given.

Number of references:28

Main heading:Glass

Controlled terms:Irradiation - Radiation effects

Uncontrolled terms:Chalcogenide glass - Damage mechanism - Infrared glass - Irradiation resistance - Photonics technology - Radiation resistance - Reaction monitoring - Research progress

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 744 Lasers - 812.3 Glass


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<RECORD 344>


Accession number:20132916514958

Title:Photoemission stability of negative electron affinity GaN photocathode

Authors:Junju, Zhang (1); Xiaohui, Wang (1); Wenzheng, Yang (2); Weidong, Tang (2); Xiaoqian, Fu (1); Biao, Li (1); Benkang, Chang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu, 210094, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Shanxi, 710119, China

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Optoelectronic Devices and Integration IV

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:85551C






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Optoelectronic Devices and Integration IV

Conference date:November 5, 2012 - November 7, 2012

Conference location:Beijing, China

Conference code:97675

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE); Chinese Optical Society (COS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:The stability for reflection-mode GaN photocathode has been investigated by monitoring the photocurrent and the spectral response at room temperature. We watch that the photocurrent of the cathode decays with time in the vacuum system, and compare the spectral response curves after activation and after degradation. The photocurrent decay mechanism for reflection-mode NEA GaN photocathode was studied by the surface model GaN (Mg) :Cs:O-Cs. The reduction of the effective dipole quantity, which is caused by harmful gases, is the key factor of the photocurrent reduction. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Photocathodes

Controlled terms:Cesium - Chemical activation - Gallium nitride - Optoelectronic devices - Photocurrents

Uncontrolled terms:Key factors - Negative electron affinity - Photocurrent decay - Photoemission stability - Room temperature - Spectral response - Surface models - Vacuum system

Classification code:549.1 Alkali Metals - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds



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<RECORD 345>


Accession number:20124315589399

Title:Registration algorithm of panchromatic and multi-spectral images based on SIFT and RANSAC

Authors:Li, Ailing (1); Zhang, Boheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Li, A.(lal@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Abbreviated source title:Symp. Photonics Optoelectron., SOPO

Monograph title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6271096



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Conference date:May 21, 2012 - May 23, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:93170

Sponsor:IEEE Photonics Society; IEEE Wuhan Section; Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore; Wuhan University; Beijing Jiaotong University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Image registration is widely used in remote sensing, medical imaging, computer vision etc. In this paper , in the area of panchromatic and multi-spectral fusion, we propose a fast automatic image registration based on SIFT and RANSAC.And the experiment results using this automatic remote sensing registration method based on SIFT and RANSAC indicate that the method is more distinctive and robust, which results in a higher matching performance and a better matching efficiency. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:4

Main heading:Optoelectronic devices

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Computer vision - Image registration - Medical imaging - Photonics - Remote sensing - Spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Automatic image registration - Matching performance - Multi-spectral - Multispectral images - Registration algorithms - Registration methods - SIFT registration RANSAC

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 801 Chemistry - 744 Lasers - 731.6 Robot Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment - 717 Optical Communication - 712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials



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<RECORD 346>


Accession number:20124415617002

Title:All-fiber 40GHz femtosecond pulse train source

Authors:Tang, Dingkang (1); Zhang, Jianguo (1); Liu, Yuanshan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710068, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; (3) Department of Electrical, Computer and Communications Engineering, London South Bank University, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

Corresponding author:Tang, D.(tangdingkang@163.com)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Optical, Electronic Materials and Applications II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Optical, Electronic Materials and Applications 2012, OEMA 2012

Conference date:May 25, 2012 - May 26, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:92639

Sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:We experimentally demonstrate an all-fiber method to generate a high-quality femtosecond pulse train with a repetition rate of 40GHz. A continuous wavelength laser together with an intensity modulator is used to generate an initial pulse train with a repetition rate of 40GHz. Highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) together with single mode fiber is utilized to compress the initial pulse from 7.8ps to 985fs. The autocorrelation trace has a good sech 2 profile with no pedestal. This pulse source has a potential to be multiplexed to a higher repetition rate for its narrow pulse width. This method is high-quality, cost-effective and can be easily integrated with the fiber system. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Ultrashort pulses

Controlled terms:Electromagnetic pulse - Fibers - Nonlinear optics - Optical communication - Q switched lasers - Single mode fibers - Ultrafast lasers

Uncontrolled terms:All fiber - Fiber systems - High quality - Highly nonlinear fibers - Intensity modulators - Narrow pulse widths - Pulse sources - Pulse train - Repetition rate - Wavelength lasers

Classification code:817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 717.1 Optical Communication Systems - 701 Electricity and Magnetism



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<RECORD 347>


Accession number:20132216372323

Title:Design of precision strut assembly made from carbon fiber composite

Authors:Li, Chuang (1); Ren, Guo-Rui (1); Wang, Wei (1); Fan, Xue-Wu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Li, C.(lichuang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng



Issue date:December 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140 Renmin Street, Changchun, 130022, China

Abstract:To satisfy the requirements of the installation truss of a space optical telescope for the weight, strength, stiffness and the thermal stability, a hexapod mainly composed of 6 Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) struts and 6 titanium alloy interface brackets was designed to mount the optical telescope onto a satellite payload module. Each interface bracket of the hexapod with a weight of 6.3 kg has a pair of heads and each head has two orthogonal flexures as virtual pivots without clearance to provide the flexure mount. By using finite element method, the modal frequency and the buckling factors of the assembly for the telescope and the hexapod were analyzed, and the stresses and strains of the hexapod under 1 g gravity load were studied. The low-stress assembly of hexapod components was performed with the aid of a strain measuring system. The results of vibration tests show that the first resonance frequency of the optical telescope with the hexapod is about 70 Hz, the maximum stress of the bottom flexure of the upper bracket is 160.6 MPa during the qualified level vibration test under a acceleration input of 7g, and vibration response in high frequency decays significantly. These results prove that the carbon fiber hexapod has good accuracy and can meet the requirements.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Struts

Controlled terms:Carbon fiber reinforced plastics - Carbon fibers - Elasticity - Finite element method - Mountings - Optical telescopes - Space telescopes - Structural design - Vibration analysis

Uncontrolled terms:Carbon fiber composite - Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) - Hexapod - Modal frequency - Resonance frequencies - Satellite payloads - Strain measuring - Vibration response

Classification code:943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 817.1 Polymer Products - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 657 Space Physics - 601.2 Machine Components - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes - 408.1 Structural Design, General



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<RECORD 348>


Accession number:20114814571584

Title:Experimental study on vibration absorption characteristic of non-obstructive particle damping beam

Authors:Wang, Wei (1); Li, Yuyan (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710032, China

Corresponding author:Wang, W.(wangwei@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, ICAMME 2011

Conference date:October 8, 2011  -  October 9, 2011

Conference location:Sanya, China

Conference code:87502

Sponsor:Asia Pacific Environmental Science Research Center; Huazhong Normal University; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Kreuzstrasse 10, Zurich-Durnten, CH-8635, Switzerland

Abstract:Non-obstructive particle damping(NOPD) is developing in combination with particle damping technique, impact damping technique and material science. NOPD technology has good damping characteristic and nicer effect on vibration absorption. In the paper experiments of vibration absorption characteristic for beam applying NOPD are done and some conclusions are obtained, which affords important reference for engineering application of NOPD technique.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Damping

Controlled terms:Mechanical engineering - Vibrations (mechanical)

Uncontrolled terms:Damping characteristics - Engineering applications - Experimental studies - Impact damping - Material science - Non-obstructive particle damping - Particle damping - Vibration absorption

Classification code:608 Mechanical Engineering, General - 931.1 Mechanics



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<RECORD 349>


Accession number:20121714957859

Title:Theoretical Analysis on scanning spectral filter based on the bi-refraction electro-optical interferometer for pulse contrast improvement in femtosecond laser

Authors:Ma, Zairu (1); Sui, Zhan (3); Feng, Guoying (2); Sun, Nianchun (2); Wang, Yishan (4); Zhang, Bin (2); Chen, Jianguo (2)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Physics and Chemistry, Xihua University, Chengdu 610064, Sichuan, China; (2) College of Electronics Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, Sichuan, China; (3) Research Center of Laser Fusion CAEP, Mianyang 621900, Sichuan, China; (4) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, China

Corresponding author:Sui, Z.(suizhan2011@yahoo.com.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:June 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:A spectral scanning filter method to improve the pulse contrast in the femtosecond chains is proposed, which is made using of the character that the instantaneous frequency varies with the time approximately linearly for the chirped pulse in the time-frequency domain. A spectral scanning filter based on the bi-refraction electro-optical interferometer is proposed and analyzed. The spectral scanning filter for reducing the ASE intensity is analyzed in the time-frequency domain by using the Short-Time Fourier Transformation method. The results show that the pulse contrast can be improved by two orders, and the transmission efficiency of the chirped pulse can exceed 85% when the synchronizing time jitter ranges from - 50 ps to 50 ps adopting the cascaded filter method. The great advantage of this novel nonlinear spectral filter technology fits the high energy and high peak intensity femtosecond chains for it filters the ASE in the near field in temporal domain. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Scanning

Controlled terms:Fourier analysis - Fourier transforms - Frequency domain analysis - Interferometers

Uncontrolled terms:Bi-refraction - Cascaded filters - Chirped pulse - Electro-optical - Femtoseconds - Filter method - Filter-based - Fourier - High energy - Instantaneous frequency  - Near fields - Peak intensity - Spectral filters - Spectral scanning - Temporal domain - Time frequency domain - Time jitters - Transformation methods - Transmission efficiency - Ultrafast optics  - Wavelength filtering

Classification code:741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound - 752 Sound Devices, Equipment and Systems - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 941.3 Optical Instruments



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<RECORD 350>


Accession number:20114514500176

Title:Threshold characteristics analysis of one-end-pumped Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped gain-guided and index-antiguided fiber laser

Authors:Qu, Yibin (1); Zhu, Yonggang (2); Zhou, Enyu (2); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Peng, B.(bpeng@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:April 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:An exact analytical expression of the threshold pump power for the one-end-pumped Yb<sup>3</sup>-doped gain-guided and index-antiguided (GGIAG) fiber laser has been obtained by solving the improved rate equations (REs) with the additional leakage losses. The effects of Yb<sup>3</sup> concentration, fiber length, core radius and mirror reflectivity on the threshold pump power are discussed. After optimizing, the results show that the laser threshold of GGIAG fiber laser can be greatly reduced while maintaining single mode oscillation. Compared to the numerical methods, the analytical expression has easy calculation and distinct results. &copy; 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Pumping (laser)

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Fibers - Mirrors - Numerical methods - Pumps - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Analytical expressions - Analytical solutions - Core radius - Fiber length - Gain guided - Index anti-guided - Laser threshold - Leakage loss - Mirror reflectivity - Rate equations  - Single-mode oscillation - Threshold characteristics - Threshold pump power

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 744.4 Solid State Lasers - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 618.2 Pumps - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals



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<RECORD 351>


Accession number:20125215834624

Title:Calculations on optical path difference of a reflecting scanning fourier transform spectrometry based on cube reflector

Authors:Zhang, Xin Jie (1); Yang, Xiao Xu (1); Wang, Wen Fang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, X. J.(zhangxinjie@opt.cn)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement II

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement, ICVSEM 2012

Conference date:October 19, 2012 - October 21, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:94580

Sponsor:Guangzhou University; Cleveland State University; Xi'an Jiaotong University; Tongji University; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; et al

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Compared with normal reflecting scanning transform Spectrometry, cube-based Spectrometr is a key component in the time-based modulation interference spectrometer, it have more compact structure,using less accessory, easy to fix up, more steadily and more practicality. Calculations on optical path difference (OPD) of spectrometry play an important role in analyzing and improving of the structure. Following the law of Malus and the geometrical relationship of model, get the formula of OPD and the affective factors.The calculation results demonstrate that OPD is closely related to the tilted angel of rotating reflector, the size of cube reflector and the refractive index of reflector. And this kind of spectrometry has the character of high resolution, especial in some spectrum. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Spectrometry

Controlled terms:Geometry - Reflection - Refractive index - Structural design

Uncontrolled terms:Compact structures - Cube reflector - Fourier transform spectrometry - Geometrical relationship - High resolution - Interference spectrometer - Optical path difference - Rotating mirrors

Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General - 741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 352>


Accession number:20120314685151

Title:Efficient image matching using weighted voting

Authors:Yuan, Yuan (1); Pang, Yanwei (2); Wang, Kongqiao (3); Shang, Mianyou (2)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (2) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (3) Nokia Research Center, Beijing 100176, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Pattern Recognition Letters

Abbreviated source title:Pattern Recogn. Lett.



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Spectral decomposition subject to pairwise geometric constraints is one of the most successful image matching (correspondence establishment) methods which is widely used in image retrieval, recognition, registration, and stitching. When the number of candidate correspondences is large, the eigen-decomposition of the affinity matrix is time consuming and therefore is not suitable for real-time computer vision. To overcome the drawback, in this letter we propose to treat each candidate correspondence not only as a candidate but also as a voter. As a voter, it gives voting scores to other candidate correspondences. Based on the voting scores, the optimal correspondences are computed by simple addition and ranking operations. Experimental results on real-data demonstrate that the proposed method is more than one hundred times faster than the classical spectral method while does not decrease the matching accuracy. &copy; 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:19

Main heading:Image retrieval

Controlled terms:Computer vision - Image matching - Spectroscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Affinity matrix - Correspondence establishment - Eigen decomposition - Geometric constraint - Real-time computer vision - Spectral decomposition - Spectral methods - Spectral techniques - Weighted voting

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.2 Vision - 801 Chemistry



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<RECORD 353>


Accession number:20114514488531

Title:The stress relief mechanism in laser irradiating on porous films

Authors:Xia, Zhilin (1); Wang, Hu (1); Xu, Qi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'An 710119, China

Corresponding author:Xia, Z.(lionel626@163.com)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:January 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Stress relief effect is believed to be the main reason why the porous structure films have high laser induced damage threshold. But there is little systematic theoretical investigation of this view. This essay adopts spherical coordinate model to calculate the temperature and stress distribution in the film and analyzes the local stress redistribution after phase transformation or crush happens. The influences of porosity and pore radius on stress redistribution have been studied. The results show that: for the case of only local crush occurrence, the changes of porosity and pore radius have little influence on the stress relief effect. For the films with low porosity, the formed thermal stress cannot be alleviated effectively. When local phase transformation happens, the permeation action of high pressure fluid can reduce the local high pressure in the phase transformation zone; on the other hand, it can make the high pressure fluid permeate to film's surface and cause surface tensile stress increase. The final effect is the competitive result of these two mechanisms. Overall, when the permeation action of phase transformation materials happens, the higher porosity or larger pore radius, the higher capability of films to resist laser damage. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Stress relief

Controlled terms:Arch bridges - Films - Laser damage - Phase transitions - Porosity - Porous materials - Stress concentration

Uncontrolled terms:High pressure - High-pressure fluids - Laser induced damage thresholds - Laser irradiating - Local phase - Local stress - Low porosity - Phase transformation - Pore radius - Porous film  - Porous structures - Spherical coordinates - Stress redistribution - Surface tensile stress - Theoretical investigations

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 801.4 Physical Chemistry - 951 Materials Science - 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 401.1 Bridges - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods



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<RECORD 354>


Accession number:20124015531489

Title:A new identification method of linear system based on the feature of step response curve

Authors:Wu, Xiangfu (1); Qiao, Yongming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Wu, X.(wuxiangfu1203@126.com)

Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Model., Identif. Control, ICMIC

Monograph title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6260194



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2012

Conference date:June 24, 2012 - June 26, 2012

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:92903

Sponsor:IEEE Shanghai Section; International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control; International Journal of Computer Applications and Technology; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to obtain the transfer function of the linear time-invariant system from the feature of step response curve. According to the theory that the typical first-order and second-order component can comprise high order linear system in parallel form, we should firstly sum up laws of various parameters' aspect on the shape of the curve; Secondly, we can use these laws to adjust the value of various parameters in typical component, so as to make the parallel estimation model's step response curve get close to the actual system's step response curve, and we will obtain the mathematical model if the two curves are closed enough. In order to validate the feasibility and correctness of the algorithm, we develop an identification software with the help of MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI). The simulation results show that this method is reliable with high accuracy. &copy; 2012 Huazhong Univ of Sci &amp; Tec.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Identification (control systems)

Controlled terms:Graphical user interfaces - Linear systems - Mathematical models - MATLAB - Step response

Uncontrolled terms:Actual system - First-order - High-order linear system - Identification method - Linear time invariant systems - Parallel estimation - Response curves - Second orders

Classification code:722.2 Computer Peripheral Equipment - 731.1 Control Systems - 921 Mathematics


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<RECORD 355>


Accession number:20115114630163

Title:Content-adaptive reliable robust lossless data embedding

Authors:An, Lingling (1); Gao, Xinbo (1); Yuan, Yuan (3); Tao, Dacheng (4); Deng, Cheng (1); Ji, Feng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) VIPS Lab, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (4) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:01 March 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:It is well known that robust lossless data embedding (RLDE) methods can be used to protect copyright of digital images when the intactness of host images is highly demanded and the unintentional attacks may be encountered in data communication. However, the existing RLDE methods cannot be applied satisfactorily to the practical scenarios due to different drawbacks, e.g., serious "salt-and-pepper" noise, low capacity and unreliable reversibility. In this paper, we propose an effective solution to RLDE by improving the histogram rotation (HR)-based embedding model. The proposed method is a content-adaptive reliable RLDE or CAR for short. It eliminates the "salt-and-pepper" noise in HR by the pixel adjustment mechanism. Therefore, reliable regions for embedding can be well constructed. Furthermore, we basically expect the watermark strengths to be adaptive to different image contents, and thus we have a chance to make an effective tradeoff between invisibility and robustness. The luminance masking together with the threshold strategy is duly adopted in the proposed RLDE method, so the just noticeable distortion thresholds of different local regions can be well utilized to control the watermark strengths. Experimental evidence on 300 test images including natural, medical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed data embedding method. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Digital image storage

Controlled terms:Graphic methods - Medical imaging - Rotation - Synthetic aperture radar

Uncontrolled terms:Adjustment mechanisms - Content-adaptive - Data embedding methods - Data-communication - Digital image - Effective solution - Experimental evidence - Host images - Image content - Just noticeable distortion  - Local region - Lossless data embedding - Luminance masking - Synthetic aperture radar images - Test images - Threshold strategy

Classification code:601.1 Mechanical Devices - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques - 902.1 Engineering Graphics



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<RECORD 356>


Accession number:20131416173312

Title:The computer-aided alignment study of three-mirror off-axis field bias optical system

Authors:Pang, Zhi-Hai (1); Fan, Xue-Wu (1); Ma, Zhen (1); Chen, Qin-Fang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Shanxi Xian 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 10039, China

Corresponding author:Pang, Z.-H.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84170L





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96275

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Determine the misalignment of optical element quickly and exactly is the key to the technology of computer-aided alignment (CAA). For alignment a three-mirror off-axis field bias system, the sensitivity matrix method was used to simulate the alignment process. The results of simulation show that the sensitivity matrix method was not convergence. A new CAA method to get misalignment was put forward; the misalignment was obtained by programming the function of optical design software CODE V's auto-optimization option. The system's alignment characteristic was analysis and made use of this new method put up a computer simulation. The results of simulation show that the misalignment determined by only once auto-optimization and guidable to alignment of this system. After alignment, the optical system produced a measured wave front error across the all image plane less than 0.08 waves RMS at &lambda;=0.6328&mu;m. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Alignment

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Manufacture - Mirrors - Optical design - Optical systems - Optical testing - Optimization

Uncontrolled terms:Auto-Optimization - Computer-aided alignment - Misalignment - Off-axis - Sensitivity matrix

Classification code:537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 921.5 Optimization Techniques



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<RECORD 357>


Accession number:20123015268990

Title:Image encryption algorithm based on the random local phase encoding in gyrator transform domains

Authors:Liu, Zhengjun (1); Yang, Meng (1); Liu, Wei (4); Li, She (3); Gong, Min (1); Liu, Wanyu (1); Liu, Shutian (4)

Author affiliation:(1) HIT-INSA Sino French Research Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Automatic Measurement and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, West Da-Zhi Street, Harbin 150001, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) School of Science, Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Harbin 150027, China; (4) Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China

Corresponding author:Liu, Z.(zjliu@hit.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:September 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:A random local phase encoding method is presented for encrypting a secret image. Some random polygons are introduced to control the local regions of random phase encoding. The data located in the random polygon is encoded by random phase encoding. The random phase data is the main key in this encryption method. The different random phases calculated by using a monotonous function are employed. The random data defining random polygon serves as an additional key for enhancing the security of the image encryption scheme. Numerical simulations are given for demonstrating the performance of the proposed encryption approach. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Encoding (symbols)

Controlled terms:Cryptography - Geometry - Gyrators - Image processing

Uncontrolled terms:Encryption methods - Gyrator transform - Image encryption algorithm - Image encryption scheme - Local phase - Local region - Monotonous functions - Random data - Random polygon - Random-phase  - Random-phase encoding - Secret images

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 708.4 Magnetic Materials



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<RECORD 358>


Accession number:20124815716299

Title:A new automatic exposure algorithm for astronomical image and Its FPGA implementation

Authors:Wang, Hao (1); Cao, Jianzhong (1); Zhou, Zuofeng (1); Yan, Su (1); yan, Aqi (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Wang, H.(wanghao@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Advanced Materials Research

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Mater. Res.


Monograph title:Electrical Insulating Materials and Electrical Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Electrical Insulating Materials and Electrical Engineering, EIMEE 2012

Conference date:May 25, 2012 - May 27, 2012

Conference location:Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Conference code:92650

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:Automatic exposure control is the process of controlling the exposure time of the digital imaging system to obtain the desired image which can fit the human vision during the imaging process. A new automatic exposure algorithm for astronomical image is proposed. The pixel value weight is determined by exploring the maximum range of the image histogram. Additionally, the structure of the implementation based on FPGA and experiment results for real data are given. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively achieve the real-time automatic exposure control. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Experiments

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Electrical engineering - Exposure controls - Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) - Graphic methods - Insulating materials

Uncontrolled terms:Astronomical images - Digital imaging system - Exposure-time - FPGA implementations - Human vision - Image histograms - Imaging process - Pixel values

Classification code:901.3 Engineering Research - 742.1 Photography - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921 Mathematics - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 709 Electrical Engineering, General - 413 Insulating Materials - 721.3 Computer Circuits



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<RECORD 359>


Accession number:20124015480998

Title:Research of experimentation data kinematics positioning of GPS

Authors:Duan, Yingni (1); Zhang, Haifeng (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an University of Arts and Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, CAS, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Duan, Y.(dyn2008@yeah.net)

Source title:2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2012 - Proceedings

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Rem. Sens., Environ. Transp. Eng., RSETE - Proc.

Monograph title:2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2012 - Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6260686



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2012

Conference date:June 1, 2012 - June 3, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:92862

Sponsor:Computer Society of Jiangsu Province; IEEE; City University of Hong Kong; Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Peking University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Aiming at solving the probloms such as the quantity of experimentation data, the rapid rate of data, artificial and inefficiency judge data in the process of gps equipment of Weapons Positioning error computation, this paper designs a set of positioning data acquisition and processing system. Based on medium-long baseline GPS kinematic positioning model and the theory of classic fading Kalman filter, a modified fading factor vector is proposed. Different widths of sliding windows are used toobtain a series of parallel filters. The weight factor of covariance is decided by the residuals of every filter. The modified fading Kalman filter is more effective and sensitive than classic Kalman filter. Various experiments are made to test the performance of this method. The results show the precision of long-baseline GPS kinematic positioning is improved. This system implements Positioning data acquisition, displaying, Positioning accuracy calculating and the original data storage, which improves experimenting process. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Global positioning system

Controlled terms:Civil engineering - Experiments - Kalman filters - Kinematics - Remote sensing

Uncontrolled terms:Accuracy - Classic Kalman filter - Coordinates conversion - Data storage - Fading factors - Kinematic positioning - Positioning accuracy - Positioning data - Positioning error - Rapid rate  - Sliding Window - Weight factor

Classification code:409 Civil Engineering, General - 716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment - 731.1 Control Systems - 901.3 Engineering Research - 931.1 Mechanics



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<RECORD 360>


Accession number:20123515380095

Title:Vehicle detection and tracking in airborne videos by multi-motion layer analysis

Authors:Cao, Xianbin (1); Lan, Jinhe (1); Yan, Pingkun (3); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; (2) BeiHang University, Beijing 100083, China; (3) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, P.(pingkun@ieee.org)

Source title:Machine Vision and Applications

Abbreviated source title:Mach Vision Appl



Issue date:September 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Airborne vehicle detection and tracking systems equipped on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are receiving more and more attention due to their advantages of high mobility, fast deployment and large surveillance scope. However, such systems are difficult to develop because of factors like UAV motion, scene complexity, and especially the partial occlusion of targets. To address these problems, a new framework of multi-motion layer analysis is proposed to detect and track moving vehicles in airborne platform. After motion layers are constructed, they are maintained over time for tracking vehicles. Most importantly, since the vehicle motion layers can be maintained even when the vehicles are only partially observed, the proposed method is robust to partial occlusion. Our experimental results showed that (1) compared with other previous algorithms, our method can achieve better performance in terms of higher detection rate and lower false positive rate; (2) it is more efficient and more robust to partial occlusion; (3) it is able to meet the demand of real time application due to its computational simplicity. &copy; 2011 Springer-Verlag.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Tracking (position)

Controlled terms:Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) - Vehicles

Uncontrolled terms:Feature-tracking - Frame registration - Motion layers - Partial occlusions - Vehicle detection

Classification code:432 Highway Transportation - 652.1 Aircraft, General - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment



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<RECORD 361>


Accession number:20121114867234

Title:Fully affine invariant SURF for image matching

Authors:Pang, Yanwei (1); Li, Wei (1); Yuan, Yuan (2); Pan, Jing (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; (3) School of Electronic Engineering, Tianjin University of Education and Technology, Tianjin 300222, China

Corresponding author:Yuan, Y.(yuany@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Neurocomputing

Abbreviated source title:Neurocomputing


Issue date:May 15, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Fast and robust feature extraction is crucial for many computer vision applications such as image matching. The representative and the state-of-the-art image features include Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), and Affine SIFT (ASIFT). However, neither of them is fully affine invariant and computation efficient at the same time. To overcome this problem, we propose in this paper a fully affine invariant SURF algorithm. The proposed algorithm makes full use of the affine invariant advantage of ASIFT and the efficient merit of SURF while avoids their drawbacks. Experimental results on applications of image matching demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Affine transforms

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Computer vision - Feature extraction - Image matching

Uncontrolled terms:Affine invariant - Computer vision applications - FAIR-SURF - Image features - Scale invariant feature transforms - Speeded up robust features - SURF

Classification code:921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 921 Mathematics - 741.2 Vision - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 723.5 Computer Applications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 362>


Accession number:20123515380383

Title:An improved Nyquist-Shannon irregular sampling theorem from local averages

Authors:Song, Zhanjie (1); Liu, Bei (2); Pang, Yanwei (3); Hou, Chunping (3); Li, Xuelong (4)

Author affiliation:(1) Liuhui Center for Applied Mathematics, School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (2) Department of Mathematics, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China; (3) School of Electronic Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; (4) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Song, Z.(zhanjiesong@tju.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6202339




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem is on the reconstruction of a band-limited signal from its uniformly sampled samples. The higher the signal bandwidth gets, the more challenging the uniform sampling may become. To deal with this problem, signal reconstruction from local averages has been studied in the literature. In this paper, we obtain an improved Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem from general local averages. In practice, the measurement apparatus gives a weighted average over an asymmetrical interval. As a special case, for local averages from symmetrical interval, we show that the sampling rate is much lower than that of a result by Grchenig. Moreover, we obtain two exact dual frames from local averages, one of which improves a result by Sun and Zhou. At the end of this paper, as an example application of local average sampling, we consider a reconstruction algorithm: the piecewise linear approximations. &copy; 1963-2012 IEEE.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Signal sampling

Controlled terms:Approximation algorithms - Piecewise linear techniques - Signal analysis - Signal reconstruction

Uncontrolled terms:Band-limited signal - Dual frames - Irregular sampling - Local average - Measurement apparatus - Piecewise linear approximations - Reconstruction algorithms - Sampling rates - Sampling theorems - Signal bandwidth  - Uniform sampling - Weighted averages

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 921 Mathematics - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory - 922 Statistical Methods



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<RECORD 363>


Accession number:20124315591115

Title:Evolution of dual-wavelength fiber laser from continuous wave to soliton pulses

Authors:Yun, Ling (1); Han, Dongdong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yun, L.(Yunling627@yahoo.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:November 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Evolution of dual-wavelength fiber laser from continuous wave to soliton pulses is investigated experimentally by using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. With the increase of pump power, the proposed laser successively delivers the dual-wavelength continuous wave, the single-wavelength soliton pulses, and the dual-wavelength soliton pulses. The dual-wavelength laser operates at the central wavelengths of about 1533 and 1546 nm with the separation of &sim;13 nm. The number of soliton pulses operating in the dual-wavelength state is much larger than that of the single-wavelength state, while the pulse intensity always keeps constant. Experimental results reveal that the dual-wavelength mode locking is determined by the combination of pump strength and the cavity filtering effect. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:46

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Optical pumping

Uncontrolled terms:Central wavelength - Continuous Wave - Dual wavelength fiber lasers - Dual wavelength laser - Dual-wavelength - Dual-wavelength mode locking - Filtering effects - Modelocking - Nonlinear polarization rotation - Pulse intensity  - Pump power - Single wavelength

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics



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<RECORD 364>


Accession number:20120714763420

Title:Terahertz absorption spectra of benzene-1,2-diol, benzene-1,3-diol and benzene-1,4-diol

Authors:Zheng, Zhuan-Ping (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1); Yan, Hui (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Fan, W.-H.(fanwh@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Chemical Physics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chem. Phys. Lett.


Issue date:February 16, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The terahertz spectra (8-128 cm<sup>-1</sup>) of three structural isomers have been measured using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy at room temperature. Substantial differences among these THz spectra have been found and implied that THz-TDS is an excellent tool to identify isomers. Numerical calculation based on solid-state density functional theory has been carried out and assigned the observed THz features theoretically. Good agreement between the calculated and experimentally measured spectra for benzene-1,2-diol and benzene-1,3-diol has been achieved. According to the calculated results, it is found that the measured THz spectra of these two isomers mainly originate from intermolecular vibrations. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Benzene

Controlled terms:Isomers

Uncontrolled terms:Intermolecular vibrations - Numerical calculation - Room temperature - Solid-state density - Structural isomers - Terahertz absorption spectrum - Terahertz spectra - Terahertz time domain spectroscopy - THz-TDS

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 804.1 Organic Compounds



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<RECORD 365>


Accession number:20121014830319

Title:3000W CW diode laser cladding system

Authors:Xiong, Lingling (1); Wang, Min (2); Wang, Xiaobiao (2); Zheng, Yanfang (2); Wu, Di (2); Zhang, Pu (1); Li, Xiaoning (1); Wang, Zhenfu (1); Liu, Xingsheng (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 17 Xinxi Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China; (2) Xi'an Focuslight Technologies Co., Ltd., New Industrial Park, Xi'an Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, No. 60 Xibu Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China; (3) Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Key Lab. of Information Photonic Technique, Xi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, China

Corresponding author:Xiong, L.(xionglingling@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:824106





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X

Conference date:January 22, 2012 - January 24, 2012

Conference location:San Francisco, CA, United states

Conference code:88782

Sponsor:The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Laser cladding has become a useful tool in materials processing for improving the surface properties of the substrate materials, and has been widely used in industry in recent years. In this paper, we study the 3000W CW laser cladding system based on the high power diode lasers. The beam control method is proposed to reduce the collimated beam pointing errors caused during the packaging of the laser stack. At the input current of 84A, the output power and the optical coupling efficiency of this laser cladding system are 3738W and 93.7%, respectively, and at work face the beam spot size is 2.5mm*7.9mm with symmetry intensity distribution. The laser cladding system is also used in cladding the nickel powder onto the iron substrate and the nickel powder can be clothed onto steel plate uniformly. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:11

Main heading:Laser cladding

Controlled terms:Continuous wave lasers - Semiconductor lasers - Surface properties

Uncontrolled terms:Beam control - Beam spot size - Cladding systems - Collimated beams - CW-laser - High power diode laser - High-power - Input current - Intensity distribution - Iron substrates  - Laser cladding system - Materials processing - Nickel powders - Optical coupling efficiency - Output power - Steel plates - Substrate material

Classification code:744 Lasers - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 366>


Accession number:20120114656784

Title:Solitons in thermal media with periodic modulation of linear refractive index

Authors:Ma, Xuekai (1); Yang, Zhenjun (1); Lu, Daquan (1); Hu, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Hu, W.(huwei@scnu.edu.cn)

Source title:Optics Communications

Abbreviated source title:Opt Commun



Issue date:March 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:We address the existence and properties of solitons in thermal media with periodic modulation of linear refractive index. Many kinds of solitons in such optical lattices, including symmetric and antisymmetric lattices, are found under different conditions. We study the influence of the refractive index difference between two different layers on solitons. It is also found that there do not exist cutoff value of propagation constant and soliton power for shifted lattice solitons. In addition, the solitons launched away from their stationary position may propagate without oscillation when the confinement from lattices is strong. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Solitons

Controlled terms:Crystal lattices - Optical materials - Refractive index - Thermal printing

Uncontrolled terms:Beam propagation - Nonlocal - Optical lattices - Stationary position - Thermal media

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 745.1 Printing - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 933.1.1 Crystal Lattice



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<RECORD 367>


Accession number:20121714960595

Title:A biological inspired features based saliency map

Authors:Han, Bing (1); Li, Xuelong (2); Gao, Xinbo (1); Tao, Dacheng (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, China; (2) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning, Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China; (3) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Singapore, Singapore; (4) Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Australia

Corresponding author:Han, B.(bhan@xidian.edu.cn)

Source title:2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC'12

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Comput., Networking Commun., ICNC

Monograph title:2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC'12

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6167446



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC'12

Conference date:January 30, 2012 - February 2, 2012

Conference location:Maui, HI, United states

Conference code:89341

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:A visual attention mechanism is believed to be responsible for the most informative spots in complex scenes. We proposed a novel biologically inspired attention model based on Cortex-like mechanisms and sparse representation. Biological Inspired model, HMAX model, is a feature extraction method and this method is motivated by a quantitative model of visual cortex. This biological inspired feature will be used to build the Saliency Criteria to measure the perspective fields. Saliency Criteria is obtained from Shannon's information entropy and sparse representation. We demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior accuracy with the comparison to classical approach in static saliency map generation on real data of natural scenes and psychology stimuli patterns. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:27

Main heading:Feature extraction

Uncontrolled terms:Attention - Attention model - Biologically inspired - Classical approach - Complex scenes - Feature extraction methods - Feature representation - Information entropy - Natural scenes - Quantitative models  - Saliency map - Sparse representation - Static saliency map - Visual Attention - Visual cortexes

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television



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<RECORD 368>


Accession number:20122915258790

Title:Ultrabroadband flat dispersion tailoring of dualslot silicon waveguides

Authors:Zhu, Ming (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Li, Xuefeng (2); Huang, Nan (1); Sun, Qibing (1); Wen, Jin (1); Wang, Zhaolu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) School of Science, Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, M.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:July 2, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:We propose a new strip/slot hybrid waveguide with double slots, which exhibits a flat and low dispersion over a 1098-nm bandwidth with four zero-dispersion wavelengths. Dispersion of dual-slot silicon waveguide is mainly determined by mode transition from a strip mode to a slot mode rather than by material dispersion. Dispersion tailoring is investigated by tuning different structural parameters of waveguides. Moreover, nonlinear coefficient of dual-slot silicon waveguide and phase-matching condition in FWM are both explored in detail. The dual-slot waveguide can be used to generate supercontinuum with bandwidth extending up to 1630 nm pumped by femtosecond pulses. This waveguide will have a great potential for ultrabroadband signal processing applications from near-infrared region to mid-infrared region. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Waveguides

Controlled terms:Bandwidth - Dispersions - Electromagnetic pulse - Infrared devices - Optical parametric oscillators - Optical pumping - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Flat dispersion - Hybrid waveguides - Material dispersions - Mid-infrared regions - Mode transitions - Near infrared region - Nonlinear coefficient - Phase-matching condition - Signal processing applications - Silicon waveguide  - Structural parameter - Supercontinuum - Ultra-broadband - Zero-dispersion wavelength

Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism - 714.3 Waveguides - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 951 Materials Science



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<RECORD 369>


Accession number:20131216133961

Title:Research on motion blurred image restoration

Authors:Li, Bing (1); Zhan, Zhenhuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Li, B.(libing_668@163.com)

Source title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Abbreviated source title:Int. Congr. Image Signal Process., CISP

Monograph title:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6469900



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2012

Conference date:October 16, 2012 - October 18, 2012

Conference location:Chongqing, China

Conference code:96020

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Motion Blurred Image Restoration is an important part of the image processing. We begin with an analysis of the degradation model of motion-blurred images. In this paper, we introduce and compare several recovery algorithms. We select one of them for in-depth specific experiments. We have analyzed correctly the reason for motion blur simulation images, the relationship between the ringing effect and the selection of algorithm parameters for restoring images. Finally, we briefly analyze the reasons for poor quality in image restoration. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Image reconstruction

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Signal processing

Uncontrolled terms:Algorithm parameters - Blind restoration - Degradation model - Motion blurred image restoration - Motion-blurred images - Recovery algorithms - Simulation images - WIENER filters

Classification code:716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 370>


Accession number:20123715436571

Title:Influence of Ag nanoparticles on luminescent performance of SiO <inf>2</inf>:Tb<sup>3 +</sup> nanomaterials

Authors:Zhang, Dekai (1); Hu, Xiaoyun (1); Ji, Ruonan (1); Zhan, Suchang (1); Gao, Jianhua (1); Yan, Zhiyun (1); Liu, Enzhou (3); Fan, Jun (3); Hou, Xun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, Northwest University, Xi'an, 710069, China; (2) Natl. Photoelectric Technol. and Funct. Mat. and Applic. of Sci. and Technol. Intl. Cooperation Base, Northwest University, Xi'an, 710069, China; (3) School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China; (4) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Technology, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China

Corresponding author:Hu, X.(hxy3275@nwu.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Abbreviated source title:J Non Cryst Solids



Issue date:October 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Tb<sup>3 +</sup> single-doped SiO<inf>2</inf> (SiO<inf>2</inf>:Tb <sup>3 +</sup>) and Tb<sup>3 +</sup>, Ag co-doped SiO<inf>2</inf> (SiO <inf>2</inf>:Tb<sup>3 +</sup>-Ag) nanostructured luminescent materials were prepared by a modified Sto&die;ber method. Their microstructure and optical property were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, ultraviolet visible absorption and photoluminescence spectrophotometry. Results show that the samples are composed of well-dispersed near-spherical particles with a diameter about 50 nm, the highest fluorescence intensity is obtained when the doping concentration of Tb<sup>3 +</sup> is 4.86 mol%, the corresponding internal quantum efficiency is 13.6% and the external quantum efficiency is 8.2%. The experimental results indicate that Ag nanoparticles can greatly enhance the light absorption at 226 nm and the light emission at 543 nm of SiO<inf>2</inf>:Tb<sup>3 +</sup>-Ag, and the fluorescence lifetime reduces with increasing Ag concentration in SiO<inf>2</inf>:Tb<sup>3 +</sup>-Ag. Additionally, the present results indicate that fluorescence enhancement is attributed to the local field enhancement and the increased radiative decay rates induced by Ag nanoparticles. &copy; 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:14

Main heading:Silver

Controlled terms:Fluorescence - Luminescence - Nanoparticles - Optical properties - Quantum efficiency - Scanning electron microscopy - Surface plasmon resonance - Terbium

Uncontrolled terms:Ag nanoparticle - Co-doped - Doping concentration - External quantum efficiency - Fluorescence enhancement - Fluorescence intensities - Fluorescence lifetimes - Internal quantum efficiency - Local field enhancement - Localized surface plasmon resonance  - Luminescent material - Nano-structured - Radiative decay rates - Rare earth doping - Ultraviolet visible absorption - Well-dispersed

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 931.4 Quantum Theory; Quantum Mechanics - 761 Nanotechnology - 741.1 Light/Optics - 708 Electric and Magnetic Materials - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 547.1 Precious Metals



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<RECORD 371>


Accession number:20131416173482

Title:Characteristics of the annular beam using a single axicon and a pair of lens

Authors:Ji, Ke (1); Lei, Ming (2); Yao, Baoli (2); Yan, Shaohui (2); Yang, Yanlong (2); Li, Ze (2); Dan, Dan (2); Menke, Neimule (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, 010021, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710068, China

Corresponding author:Menke, N.(py_menkenei@imu.edu.cn)

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Smart Structures, Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices, and Systems

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84181A





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Smart Structures, Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices, and Systems

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96276

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:In optical trapping, annular beam as a kind of hollow beam is used to increase the axial trapping efficiency as well as the trapping stability. In this paper, a method for producing an annular beam by a system consisting of a single axicon and a pair of lens is proposed. The generated beam was also used as the optical tweezers. We use the geometrical optics to describe the propagation of light in the system. The calculated intensity distribution in three-dimensional space after the system shows a good agreement with the experimental results. The advantages of this method are simplicity of operation, good stability, and high transmittance, having possible applications in fields like optical microscopic, optical manipulation and electronic acceleration, etc. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Geometrical optics

Controlled terms:Design - Manufacture - Optical tweezers - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Annular beams - axicon - Intensity distribution - Optical manipulation - Opticaltrapping - Propagation of lights - Three dimensional space - Trapping efficiencies

Classification code:408 Structural Design - 423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 741.1 Light/Optics - 744.9 Laser Applications



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<RECORD 372>


Accession number:20124815723853

Title:Application of focusing capillary in extreme ultraviolet collimator

Authors:Zhou, Yuanyuan (1); Zhou, Sizhong (1); Deng, Ying (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; (3) Huayin Ordnance Test Center, Huayin, Shaanxi 714200, China

Corresponding author:Zhou, Y.(zyymoon1@yahoo.cn)

Source title:Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica

Abbreviated source title:Guangxue Xuebao



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:1023001




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Optical Society, P.O. Box 80, Xi'an, 710068, China

Abstract:Through using focusing capillary, the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light source of collimator is channelled out of flange, and the light beam's divergence angle is controlled to match the collimator's aperture angle. This article analyzes and calculates the case of directly using a light source to illuminate target disk and the light beam cannot cover the diameter of the effective primary mirror. Focusing capillary can make the light beam cover the aperture angle of collimator and the two states of the EUV collimator with and without capillary are tested.The results show that using focusing capillary can expand light beam's divergence angle. Besides, the maximum number of photons without capillary is close to 1&times;10<sup>5</sup> and the maximum number of photons with capillary can reach 1&times;10<sup>4</sup>. The testing data show that the EUV focusing capillary's transmission efficiency can achieve 10% to meet technical index of EUV collimator.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Focusing

Controlled terms:Light sources - Optical devices - Photons

Uncontrolled terms:Aperture angle - Divergence angle - Extreme Ultraviolet - Extreme ultraviolet light sources - Light beam - Primary mirrors - Technical index - Testing data - Transmission efficiency - Two-state

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 373>


Accession number:20121414923160

Title:All-optical logic gates based on photoinduced anisotropy of bacteriorhodopsin film

Authors:Han, Junhe (1); Yao, Baoli (2); Gao, Peng (2); Chen, Liju (2); Huang, Mingju (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Han, J.(junhh@henu.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Modern Optics

Abbreviated source title:J. Mod. Opt.



Issue date:April 10, 2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Taylor and Francis Ltd., 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom

Abstract:All-optical logic gates based on photoinduced anisotropy of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) film are proposed. The photoinduced anisotropy in BR film, which arises from the selective absorption of BR molecules to polarized light, can be controlled by changing the amplitudes and polarizations of exiting beams. As a consequence, the polarization of the probe light passing through the BR film can be controlled by the polarization of the exiting beam. Based on this property, a novel scheme of all-optical logic gates, such as AND, OR, XOR and NOT, has been implemented via the pump-probe technique. A theoretical model for the all-optical logic gates is proposed, and the theoretical predictions are demonstrated with the experimental results. &copy; 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Number of references:32

Main heading:Logic gates

Controlled terms:Polarization

Uncontrolled terms:All-optical logic gates - Bacteriorhodopsin films - bR film - Photo-induced anisotropy - Probe light - Pump-probe technique - Selective absorption - Theoretical models - Theoretical prediction

Classification code:711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 721.3 Computer Circuits



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<RECORD 374>


Accession number:20122115044774

Title:Design and characterization of a novel sensor combined imaging and zinc ion sensing

Authors:Wang, Jian (1); Wang, Lili (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics and Chemistry, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shannxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, J.(jianwang@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optical Fiber Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Fiber Technol.



Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Academic Press Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887-4900, United States

Abstract:A novel fluorescent sensor for Zn(II) detection and imaging is developed by incorporating 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) and Rhodamine B (RB) in a sol-gel film on an end face of a gradient index (GRIN) lens rod which is tightly connected with an imaging fiber. This technique has high-quality imaging capabilities for observing remote sample while measuring Zn(II). The RB and PAN employed in combination as the indicator for zinc-sensing is much cheaper than that of the other zinc-sensitive fluorescent dyes. The sol is prepared by base catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) with the addition of 3-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), which is more suitable for Zn(II) detection. The sensor has the linear range of Zn(II) from 0.1 to 1 mmol/L. Simultaneously, it has the capabilities of real-time imaging with the whole system's resolution of 18.73 line pairs/mm. This bi-functional sensor has potential applications in in situ biosensing and other remote measurements. &copy; 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Number of references:22

Main heading:Zinc

Controlled terms:Fluorescence - Imaging techniques - Phenols - Sensors - Sols - Zinc compounds

Uncontrolled terms:1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol - 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane - Base-catalyzed hydrolysis - Biosensing - Combined imaging - Fiber Sensor - Fluorescence sensors - Fluorescent dyes - Fluorescent sensors - Gradient index lens  - High-quality imaging - Imaging fibers - In-situ - Linear range - Potential applications - Realtime imaging - Remote measurement - Rhodamine B - Solgel films - Tetraethyl orthosilicates  - Zinc ions

Classification code:804.1 Organic Compounds - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 801 Chemistry - 746 Imaging Techniques - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 546.3 Zinc and Alloys



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<RECORD 375>


Accession number:20123715431305

Title:Dual-mode, eye-safe MOPA all-fiber laser

Authors:Yun, Jian (1); Sun, Chuan-Dong (1); Gao, Cun-Xiao (1); Zhu, Shao-Lan (1); He, Hao-Dong (1); Feng, Li (1); Niu, Lin-Quan (1); Dong, Li-Jun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Corresponding author:Sun, C.-D.(scd@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Office of Journal of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, 518060, China

Abstract:An all-fiber laser which could work with either pulse or continuous wave (CW) mode is reported. The configuration of laser is master-oscillator power-amplifier (MOPA), the seeder of which is a single mode directly modulated laser diode operating in wavelength of 1550 nm, and the amplifier consists of two preamplifiers and one main amplifier. In pulse mode, the peak power of 5.1 kW and a pulse width of 1.7 ns are obtained when the repetition rate is 50 kHz and the pump power is 4 W. In CW mode, the average power of 0.5 W is obtained. By using this laser, the pulse and the phase laser ranging can be realized simultaneously.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Fiber amplifiers

Controlled terms:Fiber lasers - Optical pumping

Uncontrolled terms:1550 nm - All-fiber lasers - Average power - Continuous wave modes - Directly modulated laser diodes - Dual modes - Eye-safe - Laser ranging - Main amplifiers - Optoelectronics and laser  - Peak power - Pulse modes - Pulsewidths - Pump power - Repetition rate - Single mode

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics



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<RECORD 376>


Accession number:20120814786188

Title:Signal-to-noise ratio of ultrashort pulses enhanced by a fiber Sagnac loop

Authors:Sun, Qibing (1); Liu, Hongjun (1); Huang, Nan (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Xian 710119, China

Corresponding author:Liu, H.(liuhongjun@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Optics and Laser Technology

Abbreviated source title:Opt Laser Technol



Issue date:July 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom

Abstract:A method to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of ultrashort pulses is presented with picosecond pulses as an example. Numerical simulation and analysis show that the signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by four orders of magnitude using a fiber Sagnac loop with two different fibers. It is also found that there is an optimal length of the fiber for improving the signal-to-noise ratio. This is a useful method for improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the seed light in the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) or optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) systems. &copy; 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Signal to noise ratio

Controlled terms:Chirp modulation - Fibers - Laser optics - Pulse amplifiers - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Chirped pulse amplifications - Four-order - OPCPA - Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification - Pico-second pulse - Sagnac loop - Signal to noise

Classification code:713.1 Amplifiers - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 744.1 Lasers, General - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications



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<RECORD 377>


Accession number:20125015795962

Title:Multiple operating modes in Ti:sapphire laser

Authors:Zhu, Changjun (1); He, Junfang (2); Zhai, Xuejun (1); Xue, Bing (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, School of Science, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710048, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Zhu, C.(cjzhu@xpu.edu.cn)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:October 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Tunable continuous output mode, independent self mode-locking mode, cross mode-locking mode and multi-pulse operating mode were achieved in a two-beam pumped Ti:sapphire laser. Gain competition between the two laser cavities for the tunable continuous output was analyzed. Group velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation, cross-phase modulation and self-amplitude modulation in the two laser cavities were studied. The results show that, in the tunable continuous output mode, the outputs from the two laser cavities are mainly determined by the pump laser power; in the independent self mode-locking mode, the stability of self mode-locking is governed largely by the group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation; in the cross mode-locking mode, cross-phase modulation is the key factor influencing the synchronization between fs and ps pulses; in the multi-pulse operating mode, the fs pulse remains a single pulse, while the ps pulse splits into three sub-pulses.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Optical pumping

Controlled terms:Group velocity dispersion - Laser resonators - Lasers - Modulation - Self phase modulation - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Cross-phase modulations - Fs pulse - Gain competition - Key factors - Modelocking - Multimode operations - Multipulses - Operating modes - Pump laser - Self mode locking  - Single pulse - Ti: Sapphire laser - Two beams

Classification code:744.7 Laser Components - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 717 Optical Communication


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<RECORD 378>


Accession number:20122415104337

Title:Simulation research of short range non-line-of-sight ultraviolet communication performance

Authors:Tang, Yinan (1); Xie, Xiaoping (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Tang, Y.

Source title:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Consum. Electron., Commun. Networks, CECNet - Proc.

Monograph title:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6201797



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012

Conference date:April 21, 2012 - April 23, 2012

Conference location:Three Gorges, China

Conference code:90025


Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:The non-line-of-sight single scattering channel model is significantly simplified by means of a closed-form expression. Based on such an approximation, the relationship between visibility and path loss of the ultraviolet communication system is analyzed, and the result is accordance with that obtained from original model. Moreover, the simulations of bit-error-rate indicate that path loss of communication channel has a lowest value and data rates have a highest value under fixed BER requirements when visibility is a critical point. The data rates which meet the different BER requirements are in the same order of magnitude at a given visibility and distance. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Visibility

Controlled terms:Communication systems - Consumer electronics

Uncontrolled terms:Channel model - Data rates - Non-line-of-sight - Path loss - UVcommunication

Classification code:715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 741.2 Vision - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing



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<RECORD 379>


Accession number:20121014832677

Title:Experiments on a compact and robust polarization-entangled photon source

Authors:Zhang, Shi-Wei (1); Zhang, Tong-Yi (1); Yao, Yin-Ping (1); Wan, Ren-Gang (1); Zou, Sheng-Wu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China; (2) Department of Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China; (3) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, S.-W.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:833314





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:88800

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:We construct a compact polarization-entangled photon source using type-II degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in beta-barium borate (BBO) crystal pumped by a 405 nm violet laser diode. In order to compensate the spatial displacement and the temporal delay due to the birefringence and dispersion effect of signal and idler photons, we make the down-converted photon pairs pass through a half wave plate and an additional BBO crystal with the half thickness of the original one. This improves the visibility of two-photon interference by eliminating the distinguishability of the paired photons. We measure the polarization correlations by two adjustable polarization analyzers in two conjugate bases, H/V and +45&deg;/-45&deg;, respectively. The polarization analyzer consists of a polarization beam splitter cube preceded by a rotatable half wave plate. When rotating one of the half wave plates and keeping the other one at fixed angle, we obtain the expected sin2 dependence of the coincidence counts. The highly visible sinusoidal coincidence indicates the violation of the Bell inequality and demonstrates the high quality of the polarization-entangled photon source. This compact polarization-entangled photon source is easily configurable and robust to demonstrate optical quantum information processing. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:9

Main heading:Polarization

Controlled terms:Barium - Birefringence - Elementary particle sources - Optical frequency conversion - Optoelectronic devices - Phase matching - Photons

Uncontrolled terms:BBO - BBO crystals - Bell inequalities - Configurable - Conjugate basis - Dispersion effect - Distinguishability - Fixed angles - Half waveplate - High quality  - Idler photons - Optical quantum-information processing - Photon pairs - polarization analysis - Polarization analyzers - Polarization beam splitters - Polarization correlation - polarization-entangled - Polarization-entangled photons - Spatial displacement  - SPDC - Spontaneous parametric down-conversion - Two-photon interference - Violet laser diodes

Classification code:549.2 Alkaline Earth Metals - 713 Electronic Circuits - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 932.1.1 Particle Accelerators



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<RECORD 380>


Accession number:20140317194402

Title:Route of delivering 40-fs ultra-short laser pulses for gating photoconductive antenna in fiber-coupled terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

Authors:Liu, Jia (1); Fan, Wen-Hui (1); Chen, Long-Chao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Source title:Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Opt Eng



Issue date:August 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:085001





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:A route of delivering ultra-short laser pulses through a polarization- maintaining single-mode fiber has been investigated experimentally. The group velocity dispersion was well compensated, and the self-phase modulation was depressed in fiber. Finally, a 40-fs laser pulse with the energy of 70 pJ was obtained at the output of the transmitted fiber with the length up to 4 m in our fiber-delivery system. The route exhibits distinguishing features of compactness and flexibility, and this 40-fs laser pulse can be used not only to generate broadband terahertz (THz) radiation but also to detect broadband THz radiation, which is much better than the 150-fs laser pulse used previously. &copy; 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:27

Main heading:Fibers

Controlled terms:Group velocity dispersion - Microwave antennas - Modulation - Plasmons - Self phase modulation - Single mode fibers - Spectrophotometers - Terahertz spectroscopy - Terahertz waves - Ultrashort pulses

Uncontrolled terms:Broadband terahertz - Broadband THz radiation - In-fiber - Photoconductive antennas - Terahertz time domain spectroscopy - Third order dispersion

Classification code:931.1 Mechanics - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 801 Chemistry - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1.1 Nonlinear Optics - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics



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<RECORD 381>


Accession number:20121614955307

Title:Investigation on modeling methods of axial magnetic field error characteristics in small fiber optic gyroscope

Authors:Wang, Li-Hui (1); Xu, Xiao-Su (1); Liu, Xi-Xiang (1); Cai, Yu-Feng (3)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210096, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Technology, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (3) Tianjin Navigation Instruments Research Institute, Tianjin 300131, China

Corresponding author:Wang, L.-H.(wlhseu@163.com)

Source title:Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology

Abbreviated source title:Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Editorial Department of Journal of Chinese Inertial Technolo, Post Box 63, Tianjin, 300131, China

Abstract:A significant feature of small interferometric fiber optic gyroscope is that the fiber ring radial size is becoming smaller, and the axial dimension is becoming larger. As a consequence, the axial magnetic field error becomes one of the important factors that affects the gyroscope precision. By studing the Faraday phase error of axial direction magnetic field in small interferometric fiber optic gyroscope, the coil helical angle expansion method is proposed based on fiber loop's quadrupolar winding distribution structure. Then, the transmission matrix and magnetic phase error models of interferometric depolarized fiber optic gyroscope and interferometric polarization maintaining fiber optic gyroscope in axial direction are respectively established by using Jones matrix. Based on these models, the relations between Faraday magnetic field non-reciprocal phase error and residual circular birefringence coming from twist of fiber in fiber loop, axial dimension are studied. Then the axial phase drift in interferometric depolarized fiber optic gyroscope and polarized interferometric polarization maintaining fiber optic gyroscope are deduced and described mathematically. Based on the theoretical models, the factors of axial magnetic field error in small fiber optic gyroscope are discussed, and the measures to deal with them are proposed.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Gyroscopes

Controlled terms:Fibers - Interferometry - Magnetic fields - Polarization-maintaining fiber - Scanning

Uncontrolled terms:Axial direction - Axial magnetic field - Circular birefringence - Drift - Expansion methods - Fiber loops - Fiber optic gyroscopes - Fiber rings - Helical angle - In-fiber  - Interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes - Jones matrix - Magnetic field errors - Magnetic phase - Phase drift - Phase error - Theoretical models - Transmission matrix

Classification code:943.1 Mechanical Instruments - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1.2 Fiber Optics - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena


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<RECORD 382>


Accession number:20121014832669

Title:Catadioptric dual-zone Fresnel condenser with super relative aperture

Authors:Wang, Jing (1); Qu, En-Shi (1); Yang, Hong-Tao (1); Cao, Jian-Zhong (1); Fan, Zhe-Yuan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Wang, J.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:83330W





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:Photonics and Optolectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration

Conference date:November 2, 2011 - November 5, 2011

Conference location:Wuhan, China

Conference code:88800

Sponsor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology; China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department; Wuhan East Lake Natl. Innov. Model Zone, Opt. Val. China (OVC); The Optical Society; Hubei Provincial Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:The paper introduces a kind of super relative aperture condenser which has the strcuture of spherical Fresnel surface with catadioptric projection optical system, it would improve the condensing capacity and light efficiency substantially. The condenser is composed of two sections with a center and an outer ring, the center region adopted the basic structure of the Fresnel lens with the Fresnel of laplace domain continuous curve transmission type, and the outer structure which achieve light collimating or focusing by total reflection is stepped. The paperstudies the parameter and alforithm of this catadioptric dual-zone Fresnel condenser and gives the surface data of total reflection region. Based on the method of establishing the entity model, we design a set of lens with the relative aperture F=0.3, simulate the condensing ability of the lens by the simulation software, and verify that the lens have a very good effect on focusing. &copy; 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Number of references:9

Main heading:Electromagnetic wave reflection

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Computer software - Optical design - Optical systems - Optoelectronic devices

Uncontrolled terms:A-center - Basic structure - Condensing capacity - Fresnel - Fresnel lens - Fresnel surface - Laplace domains - Light efficiency - Projection optical system - relative aperture  - Simulation software - Surface data - Total reflection - Two section

Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 383>


Accession number:20123715424649

Title:New design of an off-axis reflective zoom optical system

Authors:Yan, Peipei (1); Fan, Xuewu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Space Optics Laboratory, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Yan, P.(yppoptics@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:June 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:A method based on Seidel aberration theory and vector aberration theory was introduced for the design of mechanically compensated off-axis reflective zoom system with three mirrors. The method to achieve the initial construction parameters of zoom system was given. By constraining optimization of a set of Seidel aberration coefficient functions, the initial co-axial construction parameters were achieved. The necessity of the design of off-axis reflective zoom system based on vector aberration theory was advanced. The design method of off-axial reflective zoom system was introduced to make up for the disadvantages of co-axial reflective zoom system. The design theory about obscuration elimination and aberration correction was also analyzed. Based on the detailed indexes, an optical system was designed with the optical design software CODEV, and its image quality was evaluated. The result shows that the image of the zoom optical system meets the design demand.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Optical design

Controlled terms:Aberrations - Optical systems

Uncontrolled terms:Aberration correction - Co-axial - Construction parameter - Decentered and tilted - Design demands - Design method - Design theory - New design - Off-axis - Optical-design software  - Seidel aberrations - Vector aberration - Zoom optical system - Zoom systems

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices


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<RECORD 384>


Accession number:20131116105484

Title:Research on signal processing of a precise photoelectric angle measuring system

Authors:Ma, Qiang (1); Wu, Yiming (1); Xiao, Maosen (1); Wang, Haixia (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NO. 17 Xinxi Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Ma, Q.(maqiangI984916@163.com)

Source title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI

Monograph title:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6463368



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012

Conference date:October 18, 2012 - October 20, 2012

Conference location:Nanjing, China

Conference code:95872

Sponsor:IEEE Nanjing Section

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:This paper introduces a research on signal processing of a precision photoelectric angle measuring system, and some key issues of the problem are also discussed and analyzed in detail. The basic principle of this measuring method is introduced in this paper. In order to avoid low frequency noise (such as generation recombination noise and 1/f noise), we choose to modulate the light source so that we can analyze the useful information in a high frequency domain. By using the data acquisition system (based on DSP and FPGA) to gather multiplex data, we can realize data-transmitting with network in a high speed. Writing algorithm by Lab VIEW software in the data processing, we can eventually gain the angle. Prototype test shows that this method can completely meet the system requirements for the measuring system. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Measurements

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Data processing - Digital signal processing - Light sources - Photoelectricity

Uncontrolled terms:1/F noise - Angle measuring - Basic principles - Data acquisition system - Generation-recombination noise - High frequency domain - High Speed - Key Issues - Lab-view softwares - Low-Frequency Noise  - Measuring method - Measuring systems - Prototype tests - System requirements

Classification code:943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments - 744 Lasers - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 385>


Accession number:20114514505753

Title:One-dimensional optical materials of microfibers by electrospinning

Authors:Li, Le (1); Yang, Xinghua (1); Yuan, Libo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Science, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Information Road 17, Xi'an, Shannxi 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yang, X.(Yangxh@hrbeu.edu.cn)

Source title:Materials Letters

Abbreviated source title:Mater Lett



Issue date:January 1, 2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Optical microfibers of PMMA were fabricated by electrospinning. The fibers with the diameter ranging from 300 nm to 1000 nm were obtained by electrospinning the solutions such as PMMA/DMF, PMMA/DMF/formic acid and PMMA/formic acid. The morphology and the diameter of the fibers were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that the sidewalls of the fibers were smooth and the diameters were uniform. The light with the wavelength of 488 nm, 532 nm and 650 nm could be launched into the fibers and guide along them. The simulation and experimental results showed that the fibers exhibited excellent optical properties. This method provided an effective and convenient way to fabricate highly uniform micro/nano scale optical waveguide neither using expensive equipments nor involving complex procedures. &copy; 2011 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:18

Main heading:Electrospinning

Controlled terms:Fibers - Materials properties - Optical fibers - Optical materials - Optical properties - Scanning electron microscopy

Uncontrolled terms:Complex procedure - Fiber technology - Micro or nanofiber - Microfibers - Optical materials and properties

Classification code:421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications - 819.3 Fiber Chemistry and Processing



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<RECORD 386>


Accession number:20121814986461

Title:The study on image compression methods

Authors:Chen, Zhi (1); Qiu, Yuehong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Corresponding author:Chen, Z.

Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

Abbreviated source title:Adv. Intell. Soft Comput.

Volume:137 AISC

Monograph title:Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ICACII 2012

Conference date:February 27, 2012 - February 28, 2012

Conference location:Taipei, Taiwan

Conference code:89458

Publisher:Springer Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany

Abstract:Because of the higher resolution, the data volume of remote sensing image is very large. To communicate and use them on network, efficient compression is very important. In this study, we present the main subjects in the theory of data compression and some image compression methods. &copy; 2012 Springer-Verlag GmbH.

Number of references:6

Main heading:Digital image storage

Controlled terms:Image compression - Image reconstruction

Uncontrolled terms:CCSDS - Data volume - Higher resolution - Image compression methods - JPEG 2000 - Remote sensing images

Classification code:741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems



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<RECORD 387>


Accession number:20122215073571

Title:Monomode optical waveguides in Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped silicate glasses produced by low-dose carbon ion implantation

Authors:Liu, Chun-Xiao (1); Cheng, Shu (2); Li, Wei-Nan (1); Wei, Wei (1); Peng, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China; (3) Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays (KLOEID), Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China; (4) Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Liu, C.-X.

Source title:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

Abbreviated source title:Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.


Issue:5 PART 1

Issue date:May 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:052601




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Japan Society of Applied Physics, 1-12-3 Kudan-Kita,k Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102, Japan

Abstract:The planar waveguide has been fabricated in the Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped silicate glass by 4.0 MeV C<sup>2+</sup> ion implantation at a dose of 2 &times; 10<sup>14</sup> ions/cm<sup>2</sup>. The guided modes are measured using a model 2010 prism coupler at 633 nm. The near-field profiles of the planar waveguide are obtained with an end-face coupling system. The refractive index profile of the waveguide is reconstructed by the intensity calculation method, which shows a typical "enhanced well + barrier" distribution. The SRIM'2006 code is carried out to simulate the energy loss during the implantation in order to obtain a better understanding of the waveguide formation. After post-implantation treatment at 260 &deg;C for 1 h, the waveguide possesses a propagation loss of &sim;1:42 dB/cm. The acceptable guiding properties suggest that further waveguide lasers may be realized on the C-implanted Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped silicate glass waveguides. &copy; 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Ion implantation

Controlled terms:Energy dissipation - Glass - Planar waveguides - Silicates - Ytterbium

Uncontrolled terms:Calculation methods - Carbon ion implantation - Coupling systems - Guided modes - Guiding properties - Low dose - Near-field - Post-implantation - Prism coupler - Propagation loss  - Refractive index profiles - Silicate glass - Waveguide formation - Waveguide lasers

Classification code:932.1 High Energy Physics - 812.3 Glass - 812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 547.2 Rare Earth Metals - 525.4 Energy Losses (industrial and residential) - 414 Masonry Materials



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<RECORD 388>


Accession number:20124315589325

Title:Research on laser-induced damage of optical glass by metal ion

Authors:Li, Ning (1); Hou, Chaoqi (1); Li, Weinan (1); Hu, Bin (2); Min, Lu (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical and Biomaterials Center, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Li, N.

Source title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Abbreviated source title:Symp. Photonics Optoelectron., SOPO

Monograph title:2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:6271022



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012

Conference date:May 21, 2012 - May 23, 2012

Conference location:Shanghai, China

Conference code:93170

Sponsor:IEEE Photonics Society; IEEE Wuhan Section; Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore; Wuhan University; Beijing Jiaotong University

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The laser-induced damage experiments are finished under the conditions that Q-switched Nd glass laser (the output pulse amplitude is 8.7ns, wavelength are times of 1053nm, 527nm, 351nm) effects on the undoped glass-metal ions M0 and the incorporation of metal ions glass M1, M2. The test results show that: with the irradiation of the fundamental laser, the laser-induced damage threshold of M1 is reduced by 23% than M0; with the irradiation of second harmonic light, the laser-induced damage threshold of M2 is reduced by 23% than M0; with the irradiation f third harmonic radiation, the damage threshold of all glass is basically the same. Observed laser-induced damage of glass under optical microscope with fluorescence, we find that only M1 at the fundamental frequency of the laser light irradiation and M2 in the second harmonic of the laser light irradiation have visible damage central damage and crack. Through the analysis we know that the metal ion absorb laser radiation is the direct reason of surface damage reduce of laser damage threshold of glass. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:11

Main heading:Laser damage

Controlled terms:Absorption - Glass - Irradiation - Metal ions - Optical glass - Optoelectronic devices - Photonics - Radiation

Uncontrolled terms:Damage threshold - Fundamental frequencies - Glass-metal - Laser damage threshold - Laser induced damage thresholds - Laser lights - Laser-induced damage - Optical microscopes - Output pulse - Q-switched  - Second harmonics - Surface damages - Third harmonic

Classification code:812.3 Glass - 744.8 Laser Beam Interactions - 744 Lasers - 717.2 Optical Communication Equipment - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 717 Optical Communication - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 533 Ore Treatment and Metal Refining - 712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials



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<RECORD 389>


Accession number:20130716027557

Title:Multi-atlas based image selection with label image constraint

Authors:Cao, Yihui (1); Li, Xuelong (1); Yan, Pingkun (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China

Corresponding author:Cao, Y.(yihui.cao@opt.ac.cn)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6406681



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:11th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012

Conference date:December 12, 2012 - December 15, 2012

Conference location:Boca Raton, FL, United states

Conference code:95469

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:Atlas selection plays an important role in multiatlas based image segmentation. In atlas selection methods, manifold learning based techniques have recently emerged as very promisingly. However, due to the complexity of anatomical structures in raw images, it is difficult to get accurate atlas selection results by measuring only the distance between raw images on the manifolds. In this paper, we tackle this problem by proposing a label image constrained atlas selection (LICAS) method to exploit the shape and size information of the regions to be segmented from the label images. Constrained by the label images, a new manifold projection method is developed to help uncover the intrinsic similarity between the regions of interest across images. Compared with other existing methods, the experimental results of segmentation on 60 Magnetic Resonance (MR) images showed that the selected atlases are closer to the target structure and more accurate segmentation can be obtained by using the proposed method. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Image segmentation

Controlled terms:Learning systems - Magnetic resonance

Uncontrolled terms:Anatomical structures - Atlas selection - Image selection - Label images - Manifold learning - Projection method - Raw images - Regions of interest - Selection methods - Shape and size  - Target structure

Classification code:701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 731.5 Robotics - 741.1 Light/Optics



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<RECORD 390>


Accession number:20114714536566

Title:Satellite fault detection and isolation through decoupling parity space

Authors:Wang, Zheng (1); Li, Yan-Jun (1); Sun, Xiao-Wei (2)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Astronautics, Xi'an Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710068, China; (2) Xi'An Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, China

Corresponding author:Wang, Z.(Satellite_orbit210@163.com)

Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Mech. Mater.


Monograph title:Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012






Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ICMAE 2011

Conference date:July 29, 2011 - July 31, 2011

Conference location:Bangkok, Thailand

Conference code:87387

Sponsor:Int. Assoc. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. (IACSIT)

Publisher:Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Abstract:In order to detect and isolate orbiting satellite actuator faults, a decoupling parity space method was extended. The decoupling parity vector was obtained using this method by singular value decomposition. Sometimes this vector may not exist, then by singular value substitution or generalized Eigen value method was used for solving the optimal approximation. The vector can easily make satellite actuator fault detected and isolated. The simulation results showed the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. &copy; (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Fault detection

Controlled terms:Actuators - Aerospace engineering - Blind source separation - Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions - Satellites - Singular value decomposition - Vector spaces

Uncontrolled terms:Eigen-value - Fault detection and isolation - Generalized eigenvalues - Optimal approximation - Orbiting satellites - Parity space - Parity spaces - Parity vector - Satellite actuators - Singular values

Classification code:921.1 Algebra - 921 Mathematics - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 658 Aerospace Engineering, General - 655.2 Satellites - 632 Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Related Equipment, and Fluidics - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods



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<RECORD 391>


Accession number:20121514940922

Title:Ultra-wideband high-power pulse source based on pulse coupling

Authors:Gou, Yongsheng (1); Liu, Baiyu (1); Ruan, Chi (1); Bai, Yonglin (1); Zhang, Wei (1); Bai, Xiaohong (1); Qin, Junjun (1); Yang, Wenzheng (1); Wang, Bo (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Gou, Y.(yshgou@163.com)

Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng Infrared Laser Eng.



Issue date:February 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Astronautics, P.O. Box 225-32, Tianjin, 300192, China

Abstract:Based on solid state semiconductor devices and transistor avalanche theories of ultra-fast electronics, with pulse coupled method, multi-channel high-voltage picoseconds pulses were coupled in the time domain, and the ultra-wideband, high-pulse was obtained. The feasibility of the design was confirmed by four-channel pulse coupling experiment with the result of the output pulse power was increased. The experiment with amplitude of 1.33 kV, pulse width of 770 ps and jitter of less than 1% are generated by MARX circuits firstly. After the four pulses coupled, the output pulse will be with 2.66 kV, 875 ps and less than 1% in amplitude, width and jitter, respectively. This method can be extended to multi-channel pulse coupling to obtain higher power.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Time domain analysis

Controlled terms:Atmospherics - Experiments - Jitter - Ultra-wideband (UWB)

Uncontrolled terms:Four-channel - High-power pulse - High-voltages - Multi-channel - Output pulse - Output pulse power - Picoseconds - Pulse coupling - Pulse-coupled method - Pulsewidths  - Solid state semiconductors - Synchronization control - Time domain - Ultra-fast - Ultra-wideband pulse

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 901.3 Engineering Research - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena


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<RECORD 392>


Accession number:20123315335488

Title:Face sketch-photo synthesis and retrieval using sparse representation

Authors:Gao, Xinbo (1); Wang, Nannan (1); Tao, Dacheng (2); Li, Xuelong (3)

Author affiliation:(1) VIPS Laboratory, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China; (2) Center for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; (3) Center for Optical Imagery Analysis and Learning, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'An Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Gao, X.(xbgao@mail.xidian.edu.cn)

Source title:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Abbreviated source title:IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol



Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6196209




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States

Abstract:Sketch-photo synthesis plays an important role in sketch-based face photo retrieval and photo-based face sketch retrieval systems. In this paper, we propose an automatic sketch-photo synthesis and retrieval algorithm based on sparse representation. The proposed sketch-photo synthesis method works at patch level and is composed of two steps: sparse neighbor selection (SNS) for an initial estimate of the pseudoimage (pseudosketch or pseudophoto) and sparse-representation-based enhancement (SRE) for further improving the quality of the synthesized image. SNS can find closely related neighbors adaptively and then generate an initial estimate for the pseudoimage. In SRE, a coupled sparse representation model is first constructed to learn the mapping between sketch patches and photo patches, and a patch-derivative-based sparse representation method is subsequently applied to enhance the quality of the synthesized photos and sketches. Finally, four retrieval modes, namely, sketch-based, photo-based, pseudosketch-based, and pseudophoto-based retrieval are proposed, and a retrieval algorithm is developed by using sparse representation. Extensive experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed face sketch-photo synthesis and retrieval algorithms. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:52

Main heading:Algorithms

Controlled terms:Media streaming - Networks (circuits)

Uncontrolled terms:Initial estimate - Neighbor selection - Photo retrieval - Retrieval algorithms - Retrieval modes - Sketch retrieval - sketch-photo-based retrieval - Sparse representation - Synthesis method - Synthesized images

Classification code:703.1 Electric Networks - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 393>


Accession number:20130716008300

Title:A novel design of fiber-optic sagnac current sensor

Authors:Cao, Hui (1); Shi, Nianbao (1); Xu, Jintao (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics, Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, China

Corresponding author:Cao, H.(caohui@opt.cn)

Source title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. - Int. Symp. Comput. Intell. Des., ISCID


Monograph title:Proceedings - 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6405573



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, ISCID 2012

Conference date:October 28, 2012 - October 29, 2012

Conference location:Hangzhou, China

Conference code:95304

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:The principle of in-line Sagnac interferometer current sensor is presented. To simplify the modulation and eliminate the error caused by cross coupling, a new structure of current sensor is proposed here. Two end mirrored sensing fibers are winded around the conductor reversely. The modulating is much simpler and a simple analysis using Jones matrix has shown that this current sensor is feasible. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:12

Main heading:Sensors

Controlled terms:Artificial intelligence - Design - Fiber optic sensors - Modulation

Uncontrolled terms:Cross-couplings - Current sensors - Jones matrix - Novel design - Sagnac interferometer - Sensing fibers

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 732.2 Control Instrumentation - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 408 Structural Design



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<RECORD 394>


Accession number:20130716023328

Title:Research on the first class m subsequence

Authors:Duan, Yingni (1); Zhang, Haifeng (2); Lv, Hong (3); Fang, Junchu (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of MEE, Xi'an University of Arts and Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; (2) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; (3) School of Electrical Engineering, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu, Anhui, China

Corresponding author:Duan, Y.(Dyn2008@yeah.net)

Source title:Proceedings of the 2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Abbreviated source title:Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Intell. Secur., CIS

Monograph title:Proceedings of the 2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012


Article number:6406070



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2012 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2012

Conference date:November 17, 2012 - November 18, 2012

Conference location:Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Conference code:95432

Sponsor:Xidian University; Beijing Normal University; EEE CPS

Publisher:IEEE Computer Society, 2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928, United States

Abstract:For the difficulty of pseudo-random sequence generation, on the basis of construction research of the first class m subsequence, this paper realizes m subsequence based on shift register theory and deduces feedback function expression of m subsequence and analyses linear complexity of sequence by applying B-M algorithm. The analysis shows that linear complexity of m subsequence is larger than linear complexity of m sequence, close to a half of m sequence period. &copy; 2012 IEEE.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Artificial intelligence

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Shift registers

Uncontrolled terms:Construction research - Feedback functions - Linear complexity - M sequence - m subsequence - Pseudorandom sequences

Classification code:721.3 Computer Circuits - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 921 Mathematics



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<RECORD 395>


Accession number:20131416168463

Title:Research on reflective optical telescope system's wavefront aberration compensation method

Authors:Duan, Xue Ting (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, 710119, China

Corresponding author:Duan, X.T.

Source title:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng


Monograph title:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Issue date:2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:84151D





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirrors and Telescopes

Conference date:April 26, 2012 - April 29, 2012

Conference location:Xiamen, China

Conference code:96278

Sponsor:The Chinese Optical Society (COS); Inst. Opt. Electron. (IOE), Chinese Acad. Sci. (CAS)

Publisher:SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, United States

Abstract:Wavefront aberration measurement of the image quality of reflective telescope system which has a large aperture and long focal length is one of the frequently-used methods of high-precision test and alignment. It was widely used during the large aperture telescope manufacturing process. The influences of surface shape error of the reflective optical telescope system components were simulated and analyst by input the actual measuring data into the optical design software CODE V in this article. According to the test results compared to the alignment process, the accuracy of the simulation method was indicated. At the same time, the wavefront aberration optical compensation principle of the reflective optical telescope system was proved by the simulation of alignment. And in this article, the feasibility of the application of optical phase compensation alignment method was investigated. &copy; 2012 SPIE.

Number of references:2

Main heading:Aberrations

Controlled terms:Alignment - Manufacture - Mirrors - Optical design - Optical telescopes - Testing

Uncontrolled terms:Large aperture telescopes - Manufacturing process - Optical compensation - Optical phase - Optical-design software - Surface shape - Telescope system - Wavefront aberrations

Classification code:423.2 Non Mechanical Properties of Building Materials: Test Methods - 537.1 Heat Treatment Processes - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices



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<RECORD 396>


Accession number:20121514938098

Title:Quantitative monitoring of relative clock wander between signal and sampling sources in asynchronous optical under-sampling system

Authors:Zhang, Huixing (1); Zhao, Wei (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China; (2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, H.(huixingde@hotmail.com)

Source title:Chinese Optics Letters

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Opt. Lett.



Issue date:March 2012

Publication year:2012

Article number:030601



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China

Abstract:Optical performance monitoring using asynchronous optical or electrical sampling has gained considerable attention. Relative clock wander between data signal and sampling source is a typical occurrence in such systems. A method for the quantitative monitoring of the relative clock wander in asynchronous optical under-sampling system is presented. With a series of simulations, the clock wanders recovered using this method are in good agreement with the preset clock wanders of different amounts and frequencies for both RZ and NRZ signals. Hence, the reliability and robustness of the method are proven. &copy; 2012 Chinese Optics Letters.

Number of references:13

Main heading:Signal sampling

Controlled terms:Clocks

Uncontrolled terms:Data signals - NRZ signals - Optical performance monitoring - Reliability and robustness - Under-sampling

Classification code:922 Statistical Methods - 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments



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<RECORD 397>


Accession number:20123215326098

Title:Free-space propagation of guided optical vortices excited in an annular core fiber

Authors:Yan, Hongwei (1); Zhang, Entao (1); Zhao, Baoyin (1); Duan, Kailiang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China

Corresponding author:Yan, H.

Source title:Optics Express

Abbreviated source title:Opt. Express



Issue date:July 30, 2012

Publication year:2012




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, DC 20036-1023, United States

Abstract:The analytical expression for the propagation of guided optical vortices through free space is derived and used to study the dynamic evolution of guided optical vortices after passing through the free space, and the dependence of guided optical vortices on the control parameters where the effect of propagation distance is stressed. It is shown that the motion, pair creation and annihilation of guided optical vortices may take place. In particular, the creation and annihilation of a pair of guided optical vortices do not take place by varying fiber length. &copy; 2012 Optical Society of America.

Number of references:32

Main heading:Optics

Controlled terms:Optical constants

Uncontrolled terms:Analytical expressions - Control parameters - Dynamic evolution - Fiber length - Free space propagation - Free spaces - Optical vortices - Pair creation - Propagation distances

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics



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