第 1 条,共 104 条
标题: Method for Mueller matrix acquisition based on a division-of-aperture simultaneous polarimetric imaging technique
作者: Ju, HJ (Ju, Haijuan); Ren, LY (Ren, Liyong); Liang, J (Liang, Jian); Qu, ES (Qu, Enshi); Bai, ZF (Bai, Zhaofeng)
来源出版物: JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER 卷: 225 页: 39-44 DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.12.020 出版年: MAR 2019
摘要: The Mueller matrix is an important parameter in the field of polarization optics, and how to measure it efficiently and accurately becomes considerably significant for its practical applications. In this paper, for the first time to our knowledge, we propose a new method for Mueller matrix acquisition based on a division-of-aperture simultaneous polarimetric imaging technique. Different from the traditional method where, for obtaining the 16 elements of the Mueller matrix, a 16-times-measurement must be conducted by jointly changing the states of polarization (SOPS) of the input and output lights, while in our method it is enough by just changing the SOPs of the input light 4 times. This time-saving and easy-calculating feature is owing to our specific polarimetric camera, where a full-Stokes vector is obtained easily since 3 linear SOPs (0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees) and 1 circular SOP can be recorded simultaneously by spatially sharing the same detector. To simply verify the effectiveness of our method, a specific polarization device patched by 8 sub-polarizers is chosen as the sample to be measured. Experimental results show that they are consistent with the theoretical results, both in the Mueller matrix and the corresponding images. We predict that this method for Mueller matrix acquisition can get wide potential applications for rapid identifications in biomedicine and material science. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
入藏号: WOS:000460495100005
会议名称: 1st International Workshop on Advancement of Polarimetric Observations - Calibration and Improved Aerosol Retrievals (APOLO)
会议日期: OCT 24-27, 2017
会议地点: Hefei, PEOPLES R CHINA
作者 Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID 号
ren, li yong F-5518-2014 0000-0002-7547-7511
ISSN: 0022-4073
eISSN: 1879-1352
第 2 条,共 104 条
标题: Bidirectional adaptive feature fusion for remote sensing scene classification
作者: Lu, XQ (Lu, Xiaoqiang); Ji, WJ (Ji, Weijun); Li, XL (Li, Xuelong); Zheng, XT (Zheng, Xiangtao)
来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 328 特刊: SI 页: 135-146 DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.03.076 出版年: FEB 7 2019
摘要: Scene classification has become an effective way to interpret the High Spatial Resolution (HSR) remote sensing images. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been found to be excellent for scene classification. However, only using the deep models as feature extractor on the aerial image directly is not proper, because the extracted deep features can not capture spatial scale variability and rotation variability in HSR remote sensing images. To relieve this limitation, a bidirectional adaptive feature fusion strategy is investigated to deal with the remote sensing scene classification. The deep learning feature and the SIFT feature are fused together to get a discriminative image presentation. The fused feature can not only describe the scenes effectively by employing deep learning feature but also overcome the scale and rotation variability with the usage of the SIFT feature. By fusing both SIFT feature and global CNN feature, our method achieves state-of-the-art scene classification performances on the UCMerced, the Sydney and the AID datasets. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
入藏号: WOS:000458065600015
会议名称: 2nd CCF Chinese Conference on Computer Vision (CCCV)
会议日期: OCT 11-14, 2017
会议地点: China Comp Federat, Tianjin, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: China Comp Federat, Profess Comm Comp Vis, Civil Aviat Univ, Tianjin Univ, Nankai Univ, CCF Tech Comm Comp Vis, Megvii Face++, Sensetime, Isecure Technol, Ali A I Labs, Hiscene, Riseye, Tupu, Nvidia, Pingan Technol, Pinnacle, Vrview, Xilinx, Athena Eyes, Watrix Technol, Extreme Vis, Shanghai Acad Artificial Intelligence, Segway Robot, Percipio XYZ, AN
会议主办方: China Comp Federat
作者 Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID 号
Li, Xuelong Z-3785-2019
Lu, Xiaoqiang 0000-0002-7037-5188
ISSN: 0925-2312
eISSN: 1872-8286
第 3 条,共 104 条
标题: Study on the tail in TDOE of the coated MCP-PMT and its suppression
作者: Chen, L (Chen, Lin); Wang, XC (Wang, Xingchao); Tian, JS (Tian, Jinshou); Fan, LX (Fan, Lixing); Tian, LP (Tian, Liping); Shen, LB (Shen, Lingbin)
编者: Zhang X; Li B; Yu C; Zhang X; Dai D
来源出版物: OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES AND INTEGRATION VIII 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11184 文献号: UNSP 111840W DOI: 10.1117/12.2537851 出版年: 2019
摘要: Depositing a high secondary electron yield (SEY) film on the microchannel plate (MCP) input electrode is supposed to be an effective approach to improve the photoelectron collection efficiency (CE) of photomultiplier tubes based on MCPs (MCP-PMTs). Nevertheless, secondaries promoted by the photoelectrons striking the MCP input face may cause a long tail in the time distribution of the output electrons (TDOE). In our work, laying a conductive grid upon the MCPs is proposed as an effective approach to suppress the tail. A three-dimensional MCP-PMT model is developed in CST STUDIO SUITE to systematically investigate the dependence of the TDOE on the applied voltage (U) of the grid at the coated material SEY=6. Simulation results show that high voltage applied on the grid could suppress the delay pulse effectively. The optimal U is above 500 V.
入藏号: WOS:000511391200016
会议名称: Conference on Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VIII
会议日期: OCT 22-23, 2019
会议地点: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3086-4
第 4 条,共 104 条
标题: A High-Speed Multi-Scale Kernel Correlation Filter Tracking Algorithm
作者: Fu, B (Fu, Bin); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Wang, F (Wang, Feng); Gao, W (Gao, Wei); Zhang, S (Zhang, Shuang); Liu, JW (Liu, Jiwei)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 111793Z DOI: 10.1117/12.2539759 出版年: 2019
摘要: Recently, Kernel Correlation Filter (KCF) is recognized as one of the best visual tracking algorithms which provide excellent tracking performance and high possessing speed. However, how to adapt to the scale change of target in real time and accurately is still an open problem. In this paper, a multi-scale improved method based on one-dimensional scale correlation filtering is proposed. We use the kernel function to solve the regularized least squares classifier, and the translation filter template is obtained to estimate the target position. Then, we collect a series of samples of different scales at the target position to construct a one-dimensional scale filter template for estimating the most suitable scale. The filter is learned and updated online in the tracking process. In scale estimation, we employed the dimension reduction method to reduce the computational complexity, and the interpolation method is used to increase the number of multi-scale to obtain more accurate scale location. A number of experimental results and data show that the target region overlap rate and tracking rate of the improved algorithm are improved by 9% and 60% on average compared with the best of other scale adaptive tracking algorithms. Compared with the KCF algorithm, the average position tracking error is reduced by 23.9% and the overlap rate is increased by 46%.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700142
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 5 条,共 104 条
标题: An inquiry on image enhancement methods of remote sensing images
作者: Liu, JW (Liu, Jiwei); Pu, XQ (Pu, Xiaoqiu); Wen, DS (Wen, Desheng); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi); Chen, JY (Chen, Junyu)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 1117914 DOI: 10.1117/12.2540274 出版年: 2019
摘要: Remote sensing image enhancement algorithm, which can enhance the contrast of image without changing its information, is crucial for the acquisition and analysis of remote sensing information. In this paper, we compare the performance of several state-of-the-art enhancement algorithms in processing remote sensing images. We classify and refine the main idea of each algorithm, and evaluate the enhancement effect with subjective evaluation and objective metrics such as entropy, brightness, contrast and mean gradient. In order to avoid color-enhanced interference, this paper took experiments both on RGB pictures and grayscale pictures. The significance and compared results were shown in the following paper.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700039
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 6 条,共 104 条
标题: Sparse Representation Based Medical Ultrasound Images Denoising with Reshaped-RED
作者: Pu, XQ (Pu, Xiaoqiu); Li, ZX (Li, Zhixin); Li, BP (Li, Baopeng); Lei, H (Lei, Hao); Gao, W (Gao, Wei); Liu, JW (Liu, Jiwei)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 111790K DOI: 10.1117/12.2540245 出版年: 2019
摘要: Medical ultrasound images are usually corrupted by the noise during their acquisition known as speckle. Speckle noise removal is a key stage in medical ultrasound image processing. Due to the ill-posed feature of image denoising, many regularization methods have been proved effective. This paper introduces an approach which collaborate both sparse dictionary learning and regularization method to remove the speckle noise. The method trains a redundant dictionary by an efficient dictionary learning algorithm, and then uses it in an image prior regularization model to obtain the recovered image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model has enhanced performance both in despeckling and texture-preserving of medical ultrasound images compared to some popular methods.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700019
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 7 条,共 104 条
标题: Remote Sensing Image Fusion Algorithm Based on a trous Wavelet Transform and HIS Transform
作者: Xin, HQ (Xin Hongqiang); Feng, LJ (Feng Liangjie)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 1117908 DOI: 10.1117/12.2539667 出版年: 2019
摘要: The image fusion of optical images and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are of great significance. By using the complementary advantages of both, the target detection and recognition can be relatively simple and the accuracy will be relatively improved. The image information reflected by the optical image and the SAR image is very different, and the image fusion can combine the two information to give greater advantages. Aiming at the limitations of single sensor in terms of spectrum and spatial resolution, the multi-source sensor fusion technology can maximize the information description of the target scene. The fusion experiment and evaluation of optical images and SAR images are carried out by combining atrous wavelet transform and IHS transform, and compared with the traditional HIS transform and wavelet transform fusion methods. The results show that the fusion of atrous wavelet and HIS transform is the best, and the advantages of two single fusion methods are absorbed. It not only improves the spatial detail expression of the original image, but also preserves the spectral information of the original image, providing more accurate data for remote sensing applications.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700007
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 8 条,共 104 条
标题: High Resolution Imaging of Space Targets Based on Compressed Sensing
作者: Yu, CC (Yu Congcong); Hui, Z (Hui, Zhao); Ling, Z (Ling, Zhang); Jing, W (Jing, Wang); Rui, G (Rui, Ge); Fan, XW (Fan Xuewu)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 111793U DOI: 10.1117/12.2539647 出版年: 2019
摘要: Different degradation factors such as Poisson noise, blurring effect, different contrast and different reflectivity and so on will impose severe influences on the imaging process of the non-cooperative space targets with low light intensity and the corresponding image quality is usually poor. In this paper, a two-step reconstruction framework based on compressed sensing (CS) theory is proposed to deal with these degradation factors to improve the quality of the space target images. The proposed algorithm is divided into two steps, the first step is standard compressed sensing based reconstruction, and the second step is super-resolution based on the theory of compressed sensing. Specifically speaking, when the sparsely sampling are obtained, the total variation augmented Lagrangian alternating direction algorithm (TVAL3) is first used to recover the 2D image, which only obtain 25% of the number of pixels in the original image instead of all the pixels in the traditional sampling. Subsequently, the single-frame image super-resolution reconstruction is performed on the captured 2D image, and the super-resolution algorithm based on the dictionary learning is used to realize super-resolution reconstruction, which makes the image resolution doubled.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700137
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 9 条,共 104 条
标题: An Ethnic Costumes Classification Model with Optimized Learning Rate
作者: Zhang, S (Zhang, Shuang); Song, ZX (Song, Zongxi)
编者: Hwang JN; Jiang X
来源出版物: ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2019) 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11179 文献号: UNSP 111791K DOI: 10.1117/12.2539608 出版年: 2019
摘要: In the convolutional neural network model, the learning rate represents the magnitude of the neural network parameters that change at each iteration. When the learning rate is too high, the loss function will oscillate without converging. When the learning rate is too low, the loss function converges slowly. How to set the appropriate value of the learning rate becomes an important issue. Based on the learning rate annealing algorithm, this paper sets the segmentation attenuation and adds periodic pulse perturbation. The learning rate gradually declines and rises at the end of the cycle, and then continues to fall. This prevents the network from oscillating at a local minimum or saddle point in the late training period due to the low learning rate [1]. Finally, this paper verifies the method in the application of ethnic clothing classification using the transfer learning VGG-16 model.
入藏号: WOS:000511106700055
会议名称: 11th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)
会议日期: MAY 10-13, 2019
会议地点: Sun Yat Sen Univ, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: E China Normal Univ, Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol
会议主办方: Sun Yat Sen Univ
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3076-5
第 10 条,共 104 条
标题: Research on precision space linear rolling guide dynamics
作者: Cheng, PH (Cheng, Penghui); Wu, MY (Wu, Mengyuan); Li, C (Li, Chuang); Ma, XZ (Ma, Xiaozhe)
编者: Shao J; Jitsuno T; Rudolph W
来源出版物: PACIFIC-RIM LASER DAMAGE 2019: OPTICAL MATERIALS FOR HIGH-POWER LASERS 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11063 文献号: UNSP 110630G DOI: 10.1117/12.2539145 出版年: 2019
摘要: Linear rolling guide have widely used in precision machinery today, with significant advantages such as high precision, low traction and low wear. Research on the dynamic characteristics of precision linear rolling guide became very important for space applications due to the continuous improvement of the manufacturing level of high-precision equipment. The THK's RSR small precision guide is studied in this research. The model of guide joint is established by optimized tandem damping element with the finite element method to simulate the dynamic stiffness and ball mass of the guide joint. The analytical formula based on Hertzian contact theory is adopted in this research to obtain the dynamic parameters of the guide joint. Accomplishing the the dynamic simulation analysis of the precision guide based on the finite element method by MSC.Patran & Nastran software.
入藏号: WOS:000511186900015
会议名称: Conference on Pacific-Rim Laser Damage - Optical Materials for High-Power Lasers
会议日期: MAY 19-22, 2019
会议地点: Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: SPIE, Shanghai Inst Opt & Fine Mech, Chinese Laser Press, Qingdao Univ, Shandong Soc Opt Engn
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-2817-5
第 11 条,共 104 条
标题: A Focusing Mechanism Based on Flexible Hinges for Space Telescope
作者: Ma, XZ (Ma, Xiaozhe); Li, C (Li, Chuang); Cheng, PH (Cheng, Penghui); Hu, B (Hu, Bin)
编者: Shao J; Jitsuno T; Rudolph W
来源出版物: PACIFIC-RIM LASER DAMAGE 2019: OPTICAL MATERIALS FOR HIGH-POWER LASERS 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11063 文献号: UNSP 110630H DOI: 10.1117/12.2539681 出版年: 2019
摘要: In this paper, a new type of focusing mechanism for space telescope is designed to compensate defocusing caused by alteration of space condition in orbit. The focusing mechanism is driven by a stepping motor and a worm gear reducer, transmitted by a ball screw and output by a flexible hinge lever. It has advantages of low mass, small overall size and high accuracy that is better than 1 mu m. As one of main parts of focusing mechanism, the flexible hinge lever is mounted on a fixed bracket and connected to the nuts of ball screw kinematic pair which has mechanical end stops. The focusing shaft attached to the flexible hinge lever is guided by two thin film boards to ensure the precise displacement along optical axis direction. The secondary mirror frame is connected to the shaft to complete focusing. Firstly, the focusing mechanism is designed. Then a modal analysis with finite element method for the mechanism is completed. The results show that the dynamic stiffness is high enough and meets the requirement.
入藏号: WOS:000511186900016
会议名称: Conference on Pacific-Rim Laser Damage - Optical Materials for High-Power Lasers
会议日期: MAY 19-22, 2019
会议地点: Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: SPIE, Shanghai Inst Opt & Fine Mech, Chinese Laser Press, Qingdao Univ, Shandong Soc Opt Engn
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-2817-5
第 12 条,共 104 条
标题: High power low smile vertically stacked laser diode based on microchannel cooling
作者: Zhang, HY (Zhang, Hongyou); Cai, L (Cai, Lei); Zah, CE (Zah, Chung-En); Liu, XS (Liu, Xingsheng)
编者: Zhu NH; Hofmann WH; He JJ
来源出版物: SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS AND APPLICATIONS IX 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11182 文献号: UNSP 111820F DOI: 10.1117/12.2536518 出版年: 2019
摘要: Large smile, the emitters in a laser diode are vertically displaced, is always a big obstacle to affect the directly application of high power laser diode. In this report, a symmetrical structure, that bonding two submounts on the top and bottom of heat sink to control the smile effect by balancing the packaging induced stress, is designed. A cm bar with less than 1 um smile value delivering more than 200W continuous wave (CW) mode output power with power conversion efficiency (PCE) 65% is reported. The lifetime can reach more than 20000 hours. We also report the applications of high power and low smile vertically stacked laser bars, like forming a wider line for glass surface treatment and a rectangular beam for cladding. A 2x14mm(2) rectangular beam was built with 32 bars vertical stack to produce 6kW CW mode output power with a beam uniformity of more than 80%.
入藏号: WOS:000511156100009
会议名称: Conference on Semiconductor Lasers and Applications IX
会议日期: OCT 21-23, 2019
会议地点: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3082-6
第 13 条,共 104 条
标题: Performance of high-power diode lasers operated at cryogenic temperature
作者: Zhang, P (Zhang, Pu); Wang, MP (Wang, Mingpei); Nie, ZQ (Nie, Zhiqiang); Yang, WH (Yang, Wuhao)
编者: Zhu NH; Hofmann WH; He JJ
来源出版物: SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS AND APPLICATIONS IX 丛书: Proceedings of SPIE 卷: 11182 文献号: UNSP 111820L DOI: 10.1117/12.2536712 出版年: 2019
摘要: High power diode lasers (HPDLs) have been applied in more and more fields, such as material processing, pumping of solid-state lasers and fiber lasers, medical therapy. With the improvement of output power, efficiency and reliability, thermal management has been one of most critical issue for HPDLs. The junction temperature of a diode laser package has critical effects on laser characteristics, affecting wavelength, output power, threshold current, slope efficiency, and operating lifetime. Lower junction temperature is an effective means to achieve high output power and high electro-optical conversion efficiency of diode lasers. In recent years, high-power diode lasers operated at cryogenic temperature have attracted academic interests. Herein, high power diode lasers suitable at cryogenic temperature and a measurement setup at cryogenic temperature have been developed. The optical-electrical performance of microchannel cooled high power diode lasers from 0 degrees C similar to -60 degrees C have been studied theoretically and experimentally. The output power increases 18% and the conversion efficiency increases 6.3% from 0 degrees C to -60 degrees C. The high diode laser bars operated at cryogenic will be applied in pumping high energy lasers in the future.
入藏号: WOS:000511156100013
会议名称: Conference on Semiconductor Lasers and Applications IX
会议日期: OCT 21-23, 2019
会议地点: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: SPIE, Chinese Opt Soc
ISSN: 0277-786X
eISSN: 1996-756X
ISBN: 978-1-5106-3082-6
第 14 条,共 104 条
标题: Research on the Fast Image Motion Compensation Technology of Aerial Digital Camera
作者: Chen, WN (Chen WeiNing); Lei, YJ (Lei YangJie); Yang, HT (Yang Hong Tao)
书籍团体作者: Assoc Comp Machinery
摘要: When the aerial camera is photographed, during the forward flight, there is a relative motion between the image formed by the photographic object on the focal plane and the photosensitive medium, which brings about image blur and seriously affects the imaging quality of the camera. This paper analyzes the cause of heading image shift and its influence on image, and expounds the necessity of image shift compensation. On the basis of the analysis and study of various existing methods of image shift compensation, a heading image shift compensation mechanism was designed, and the image shift compensation was carried out using a moving target structure. The imaging effect was good through flight tests. Can satisfy the multitype aerial imaging image migration compensation requirements.
入藏号: WOS:000506804400021
会议名称: 2nd International Conference on Control and Computer Vision (ICCCV)
会议日期: JUN 15-18, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-4503-6322-8
第 15 条,共 104 条
标题: Study on high precision and smooth tracking technology of pod based on mirror control
作者: Xie, ML (Xie, Meilin); Cao, Y (Cao, Yu); Huang, W (Huang, Wei); Lian, XZ (Lian, Xuezheng); Liu, P (Liu, Peng); Jing, F (Jing, Feng)
编者: Xu B
摘要: High precision stabilization aiming and tracking technology is the core performance of photoelectric pod. Its accuracy determines the quality of image acquisition and affect the final technical and tactical indicators. In order to achieve full spectrum detection, the large pod adopts the open form, and realizes the stabilization and tracking function by controlling the two-dimensional motion of the mirror. In this paper, we focus on the research of airborne pod environment and high-precision stable tracking technology based on mirror control. Firstly, the composition of the pod system is introduced and the coupling relationship between the three-axis perturbation of the aircraft and the mirror is analyzed. Secondly, a high precision sensor information fusion and matching strategy is designed, and the synthetic angle delay compensation algorithm is briefly introduced. Then, the multi-sensor feedback control algorithm is proposed, and the acceleration loop is introduced to improve the ability of the control system to suppress disturbance torque. Finally, the proposed method is introduced into Simulink simulation. The results show that the tracking accuracy can be improved to within 0.2 mrad, which proves the effectiveness of the control strategy and can be applied to other optoelectronic platforms.
入藏号: WOS:000502359500095
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7
第 16 条,共 104 条
标题: Design of a High Precision Optical Galvanometer Driver
作者: Lian, XZ (Lian, Xuezheng); Ma, ZH (Ma, Zihan); Wei, Y (Wei, Yu); Huang, W (Huang, Wei); Xie, ML (Xie, Meilin); Feng, XB (Feng, Xubin); Jing, F (Jing, Feng)
编者: Xu B
摘要: In Infrared Search and Track System (IRTS), the single frame imaging field of view of the plane array infrared detector is very small, which can not meet the increasing demand for wide field of view applications. The optical galvanometer has a very high cost performance in the application of lowcost and small volume. At the same time, the application is very necessary in terms of improving performance. In this paper, In order to expand its functionality and applicability, a pure analog and high-precision optical galvanometer drive controller is designed, and the current loop, speed loop and position loop are specially processed, which has high reliability and wide application range. The driver has been successfully applied in a round scanning optoelectronic system, achieving covers 360 horizontal field of view and has a clear image.
入藏号: WOS:000502359500122
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7
第 17 条,共 104 条
标题: Study on Aerodynamic Optimization Design Method Analysis and Control Algorithm of the Pod
作者: Huang, W (Huang, Wei); Xie, ML (Xie, Meilin); Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxu); Lian, XZ (Lian, Xuezheng); Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yihang)
编者: Xu B
摘要: Based on the use and function of the airborne pod, the stability and tracking accuracy indexs are the guarantee of obtaining high-quality images under the flight environment, and also a premise of successfully completing various tasks. Aiming at the aircraft subsonic pod in high-speed flight environment, in order to achieve full spectrum segment detection, the pod adopts the open form to complete pointing and tracking functions through the two-dimensional command motion of the pendulum mirror in the head of the pod. In this paper, the coupling relation, which is aircraft disturbance conversion to the pendulum mirror, is analyzed firstly. Then according to the difficulties about the control of the pendulum mirror in high-speed flight caused by the wind resistance, Reynolds average method and large eddy simulation method are used to calculate the fluid simulation, and the traditional response surface method and the concomitant method based on the control theory are adopted to optimize the shape design of the aerodynamic cover and the open cabin. On the basis of optimization, an acceleration ring is introduced into the control loop to improve the response speed and cope with the adverse torque disturbance environment caused by the window opening. Finally, the control loop is simulated in the Simulink environment. The results show that the stability accuracy of system is 0.1366mrad (RMS), which can be applied to existing mounted pods.
入藏号: WOS:000502359500123
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7
第 18 条,共 104 条
标题: Air Quality Prediction based on LSTM-Kalman Model
作者: Song, XJ (Song, Xijuan); Huang, JJ (Huang, Jijiang); Song, DW (Song, Dawei)
编者: Xu B
摘要: In this paper, a time prediction model based on LSTM and Kalman filtering, LSTM-Kalman model, is proposed for the prediction of time series data with long-term and short-term characteristics. The LSTM-Kalman model uses the unique memory feature of LSTM to "store" the information contained in the pre-order data. Then it is used to obtain the underlying time series of the predicted problem in subsequent processing. Next Kalman filtering model dynamically adjusts the basic time data sequence obtained by LSTM processing. In the end, we will get the adjusted predicted value. Here we select the observation indicators in the air quality data set and builds training and test set samples to train the LSTM-Kalman model and test the performance of the sample model. As a comparison we also trained the performance of the LSTM model.In this work, we compare the RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) and R-Squared (determination coefficient) of the LSTM model with the LSTM-Kalman model predictions. The results show that the LSTM-Kalman model is better than the LSTM model, and the LSTM-Kalman model has a better fit to the predicted values of the model data.
入藏号: WOS:000502359500135
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7
第 19 条,共 104 条
标题: Research on Two-Dimensional Turntable Tracking and Aiming System Based on BLDC Speed Regulation System
作者: Cao, Y (Cao, Yu); Wang, HT (Wang, Haitao); Jing, F (Jing, Feng); Han, JF (Han, Junfeng); Xie, ML (Xie, Meilin)
编者: Xu B
摘要: This paper analyzes the commutation process of brushless dc motor, the control structure, control chip, control technology and control strategy of the system are also determined. In order to improve the system speed performance, the three closed-loop structure of position, speed and current is adopted in the control structure. Most functions of the system are realized by more reasonable software, therefore system reliability will be improved. In view of the problems of classical PID algorithm in brushless dc motor speed, the integral separation PID control algorithm is adopted, and successfully applied to this design. Aiming at BLDC turntable PWM mode is used, the hardware and software design with DSP+FPGA as the control core is completed. The performance of the whole design is validated by relying on the indoor experimental platform. The sketchy tracking accuracy of the system reaches 41 mu rad, which meets the system requirements. The debugging results show that the system has good dynamic and static function[1].
入藏号: WOS:000502359500287
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7
第 20 条,共 104 条
标题: Design and implementation of real-time intersection simulation for optoelectronic equipment
作者: Chen, Y (Chen, Yan); Zhang, ZX (Zhang, Zhixiang); Zhou, X (Zhou, Xin); Jin, HM (Jin, Humin); Zhang, MM (Zhang, Mingmei)
编者: Xu B
摘要: As an important application of TT&C equipment, it's difficult to design and realize the real-time intersection of angular data from photoelectric theodolites for acquiring target's position. It's necessary to build a simulation environment while developing intersection software for future practicability, and the simulation procedure should be based on the real treatment scheme of TT&C data. A photoelectric theodolite real-time intersection simulation system is developed in this paper, with details about designing and building. This system can simulate ballistic trajectory data, photoelectric theodolite measuring data and run real-time intersection functions for calculating target positions, which depicts the whole procedure of photoelectric theodolite intersection in. Especially, a new treatment scheme of intersection data was provided, so the real-time intersection software could adaptively match angular data with intersection number for using the data at best. The system was proved to be efficient and approximated to the real condition, and the intersection software satisfied the need of real-time intersection.
入藏号: WOS:000502359500290
会议名称: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC)
会议日期: MAY 24-26, 2019
会议地点: Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA
会议赞助商: IEEE, IEEE Beijing Sect, Chongqing Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Univ Technol, Chengdu Global Union Acad Sci & Technol, Chongqing Geeks Educ Technol Co Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-5386-8178-7